Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 14, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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    Coffee Party
To Be Sunday at
Elf strom Home
Among social affair) for the week-end
is the "sweetheart coffee party" for
which State Representative and Mrs.
Robert L. Elfstrom and Dean and Mrs.
Melvin H. Gelst are to entertain at the
Fairmount Hill home of the Elfstroms,
Sunday. Guests are invited to call be
tween 3 and 7 o'clock.
Greeting guests at the door will be
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, Jr,
nd Mr. and Mrs. Donald Campbell.
Assisting in the living room will be
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr,
nd Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Baldock.
Pouring will be Mrs. Charles S. Mc
Zlhlnny, Mrs. A. A. Schramm, Mrs.
Donald A. Young and Miss Mabel P.
Assisting in the dining room will be
Mrs. Robert Sprague, Mrs. Gardner
Knapp, Mrs. Mary Thomas, Mrs. Mabel
Clock, Mrs. William F. Johnson.
.LANS for her wedding on March
1 are being told by Miss Janet
Tugman of Eugene who is to be
married that date to Jerry B. Stone
ef Salem.
The ceremony will be at 8 o'clock in
the evening in the First Congregational
church in Eugene. Dr. Leavitt O.
Wright, of University of Oregon faculty
and a long-time friend of the Tugman '
family, will officiate at the service.
Mrs. William M. Tugman, Jr. is to
be matron of honor for her sister-in-law.
Bridesmaids will be Mrs. Jack Steele
of Portland, Mrs. Douglas Spencer of
Eugene, Miss Mlneko ImaL student at
the University of Oregon, and Miss
Betty Bushman of Santa Cruz, Calif.,
formerly of Eugene.
. The reception following also will be
t the church.
The bride-elect Is the only daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. William M. Tugman of
Eugene and Mr. Stone is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Stone of Sa
lem. The couple plan to live in Salem.
An event for Monday evening will
be the reception for which the Marlon
Polk Young Republicans club will en
tertain to honor legislators from the
two counties.
The party will be between 6 and 8
o'clock in the Capitol room at the Sena
tor hotel.
Honor guests will be Senators Fred
crick S. Lamport and Douglas Yeater
of Salem; Senator Dean H. Walker of
Independence; Representatives Lea
Ohmart, W. W. Chadwick, Robert L.
Elfstrom and Mark O. Hatfield of Sa
lem, and Representative Frank Farmer
Cf Rickreall.
Delta Gamma alumnae are gathering
t the borne of Mrs. John William
Stortz, 1S67 Strong road, for their
meeting on Tuesday evening at 8
o'clock. Mrs. Douglas Baker is co-hostess.
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THE MARRIAGE f Mr. and Mr. John Mw.rrt Erlrkwn (taMorne Mr
atxrre. solemnised lart Honda; afternoon at the home of the brtdrtToom'a parrntii,
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AMONG INTERESTING newcomers being welcomed to Salem an Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Robert B. Ebertole, who have Mr. and Mra. Donald McCarrar are
the Subscription club dance. The McCargars
home Sunday, February 22.
Dancing Parties on
Next Friday, Saturday Evenings
Dancing parties again are spotlighted
In social activities next week-end.
Bonheur Event
Members of Bonheur club are meet
ing for their February dance on Fri
day evening at Veterans of Foreign
Wars hall, dancing starting at 9 o'clock.
On the committee are Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd A. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Ber
nards, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cardy, Mr.
and Mrs. H. A. Harris, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Welling,
Mr. and Mrs. John Larwood.
Town Club Party
Town club's February dance is to be
next Saturday evening, February 21, at
moved here from Portland. Honoring the
entertaining- a (roup this evenlnf preeedlnc
also are feting the Ebersoles at an open
Calendar for
the Marlon hotel. The social hour will
be at 8 o'clock, the dinner at 9 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Collins, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Price and Mr. and Mrs. Ro
bert Cannon are on the decorations com
mittee. v
Carousel Club Dance
February dance for Carousel club Is
calendared for next Saturday evening,
February 21. The party will be at the
Izaak Walton league club house, danc
ing to be between 9 and 12 o'clock with
Urs Wolfer'a orchestra playing.
On the committee are Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Carey, chairmen; Dr. and Mrs.
Paul Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reu
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Dorman Stites, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Montgomery, Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Reno, Mr. and Mrs. Lin
Miles, Mr. and Mrs. James Wolfe.
Hostess to her bridge club next
Thursday for luncheon and cards will
be Mrs. William Hammond.
Eta chapter of Beta Sigma Phi is to
meet on Wednesday evening at the
home of Mrs. Frederic Rugh.
Kappa Kappa Gamma alumnae plan
their February meeting for Monday eve
ning at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
Roscoe Wilson, 1605 South Church.
Co-hostesses are Mrs. Newbury Close,
Mrs. Ross Hogue and Mrs. John D. Mar
tin. Invitation is extended to all visit
ing Kappas to attend.
Program meeting for Salem Alumnae
club of Theta Sigma Phi, national jour
nalism honorary, will be Monday eve
ning at 8 o'clock at the home of Miss
Genevieve Morgan.
Miss Laura Olson, assistant dean of
women at University of Oregon, is to
be guest speaker to discuss her for
mer work with the New York Herald
Tribune syndicate office.
Kappa Delta alumnae plan their
meeting for Wednesday evening at 8
o'clock at the home of Mrs. Peter Stol
tenberg, 4150 Center street.
Sigma Kappa alumnae will be guenui
of Mrs. Joseph Franko for their meet
ing next Thursday evening at 8 o'clock.
Alpha Chi Omega alumnae are meet
ing Monday evening at the home of
Mrs. Mary Thomas at 8 o'clock, des
sert to be served.
Mrs. William L. Phillips. Sr., an alum
na of the group, will give n talk on the
inauguration which she attended In
Washington, D C.
Co-hostesses will" be Mrs. Richard
D. Hartley of Silverton. Mrs. Frank
Gucrin and Miss Doris Kimble.
Among those to be in Eugene next Fri
day evening for the banquet in con
junction with the Oregon Newspaper
conference will be Governor and Mrs.
Paul L. Patterson.
Mrs. Douglas Chambers is to enter
tain for her bridge club on Thursday
The board for Rotana club is to meet
next Wednesday evening at the home
at Mia Vada L. Hill.
Sovage-Mullen Ceremony Is Today
In St. Joseph s;
St. Joseph's Catholic church was the
scene for wedding this morning when
Miss Alice Mullen, daughter of James
I. Mullen, was married to Herbert
Francis Savage, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert W. Savage. The service was at
o'clock, the Rev. Joseph Vanderbeck
officiating. Red and white camellias
decorated the church for the ceremony,
and at the pews 'were white ribbons.
Wayne Meusey and Corinne Alexander
sang and Mr. Meusey played the organ.
The bridal dress was of white Chan
tilly lace over satin, ballerina length,
and made with portrait neckline. Tii
veil, belonging to the bride's sister, was
of silk illusion arranged from a Juliet
cap of satin and lace edged with seed
pearls. ; With the dress was worn a
strand of pearls, gift of the bride
groom. The bride carried a white and
gold Prayer book topped with a white
orchid and stephanotii. Mr. Mullen
gave his daughter in marriage.
Mrs. John Godlove was matron of
honor for her sister. She wore a bal
lerina length white taffeta frock and
a lace half-hat with ruffles; and car
ried a nosegay of red camellias and
white stephanotis.
Miss Teresa Mullen, Seattle, also a
sister of the bride, was bridesmaid.
She wore a ballerina length taffeta
frock and a half-hat identical to those
of the honor attendant, and also car
ried a nosegay of the red camellias
and white stephanotis.
' EMBERS of Marion-Polk Medi
cal Society auxiliary are meet
ing for their no-host dinner
vents next Tuesday evening, the din
ners being arranged at 6:45 o'clock in
three different homes. Those attending
are asked to take white elephants for
sale planned at each meeting.
One group will assemble-at the home
of Mrs. Vern W. Miller with Mrs. Lewis
D. Clark, Mrs. E. V. Fortmiller and
Mrs. Ralph E. Purvlne as co-hostesses.
The second group will be at the
home of Mrs. Charles Mills, Mrs. Lynn
M. Hammerstad and Mrs. Woodson
Bennett as the co-hostesses.
The third group will be at the horn
of Mrs. Carl Holm, Mrs. Richard Em
bick and Mra. Ernest Greenwood as the
Honoring Mrs. Robert Y. Thornton,
who is being welcomed as a newcomer
in the city, Mrs. Ervin L. Peterson is to
entertain at a luncheon on Tuesday at
her home.
A group of 16 is bidden. Bridge , games
will follow th,e luncheon. The Thorn
tons recently moved here from Tilla
mook, Mr. Thornton being the state at
torney general.
Honoring Miss Betty Cooley, who is
to be married on March 22 to William
E. Kaer, Jr., a dessert party and mis
cellaneous shower are planned for next
Saturday evening, February 21.
Mrs. William F. Johnson and Mrs.
James Zwaschka are to be hostesses for
the party, entertaining at the home of
Mrs. Johnson's parents, State Represen
tative and Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom. A
group of 26 is invited to hrnor tha
"Reflections of 1953" Is the theme for
the style show for which members of
Salem Women's Army and Navy league
are to entertain on March 8, the affair
to be a major event on the spring cal
endar. The party is to be at the Marion
hotel, the style show to be presented at
1:30 o'clock by Johnson's store, tea fol
lowing the revue.
Mrs. George Spaur and Mrs. Robert
M. Brownell are co-chairmen for the
show. Mrs. Richard A. Rawlinson is
chairman for tickets and Mrs. William
C. Dyer, Jr., ia in charge of selection of
models. Mrs. Harry S. Dorman is pub
licity chairman, Mrs. Wallace S. Whar
ton is arranging decorations, Mrs. James
C. Stone is chairman for the music com
mittee, and Mrs. Seth P. Smith is to
have charge of the tea table. Mrs. James
T. Brand is to be commentator for the
Salem General Hospital Auxiliary Members Planning
Annual Rummage Sale Through Next, Friday, Saturday
A project enlisting the participation
of a large group of Salem women is the
annual rummago sale sponsored by Sa
lem General Hospital auxiliary, the
event to he next Friday and Saturday,
February 20 and 21, over Greenbaum'a
store. The tale will open st 9 a.m. each
An antique table will be featured at
the sale, too.
Marking Is bring done al the home of
Mrs. Wllmer C. Page, 1589 Chemeketa.
Mrs. William R. Shinn, Mrs. Ralph E.
Purvine and Mrs. Thomas Roberts, Jr.,
are co-chairmen for the event.
The rummage sale Is one of the major
money-making activities of the auxiliary
during the year, money being used to
augment the funds of the auxiliary in
purchasing equipment for the hospital.
Committees Listed
Mrs . James R. Phillips and Mrs.
Harold R. Schick are chairmen for the
telephone and pick-up committee. As
sisting are Mrs. Glenn Wilbur, Mrs.
William Crothers, Mrs. Woodson Ben
nett, Mrs. Brace Knapp, Mrj. Vern W.
Miller, Mrs. Maynard Sniffer. Mrs.
Charles D. Wood. Mrs. Rex Adolph, Mrs.
Wallace Bonesteele, Mrs. Peery T.
Burcn, Mrs. John H. Carson, Mrs. Walter
Cline, Jr., Mrs. Peter H. Geiser, Mrs.
Daniel J. Fry, Mrs. Daniel Fry. Jr., Mrs.
Douglas Baker, Mrs. Ronald Jones, Jr.,
Mrs. A. A. Keene. Mrs. John Kolb, Mrs,
J. E. Law, Mrs. E. A. Linden, Mrs. Ed
ward Majek, Mrs. C. B. MeCuUough,
Reception Follows
Richard Gorman of Stayton was best
man, John Godlove the groomsman.
Ushers were Blaine Hanks of Portland
and William Godlove.
Mrs. H. A. Lammers, aunt of the
bride, attended the wedding in a black
faille dress with pink accessories and
corsage of white camellias.
For ber son's wedding, Mrs. Savage
wore a navy blue print silk suit, navy
straw hat and corsage of white ca
mellias. A breakfast for the family and wed
ding party immediately followed tha
service and was at the Marlon hotel.
The reception was at 220 North .
Cottage. Miss Marie Mullen of Portland,
aunt of the bride, cut the cake. Pour
ing was Miss Charlotte Baker of Port
land, aunt of the bridegroom. Assist
ing were Mrs. Terese Hanks, Mrs.
Blaine Hanks, Mrs. Ted Morrison, Mrs.
Richard Gorman, Marllee and Jimmy
Morrison. The red and white theme
also featured the reception. Over the
fireplace was a red heart of camellias,
and the bridal table also was in red
and white.
For going away the bride wore a
winter white knit dress, shot with gold
and trimmed with gold filigree belt;
lizard brown shoes and bag, a brown
straw hat trimmed with blue satin and
opalescent sequins, a winter white coat
and corsage of white orchids.
The couple will be at home in Seat
tle at 815 Edgar street. Mr. Savage is
attending Seattle university.
Alphi Phi Tea
On Wednesday
To Honor Two
An event for next Wednesday after
noon will be the Informal tea for which
Salem alumnae of Alpha Phi sorority
are to be hostesses at the home of Mrs.
Harry S. Dorman.
The tea honors Mrs. Robert Y.
Thornton, an alumna of the sorority
moving here recently from Tillamook,
her husband being attorney general for
the state; and Mrs. Irving Bennett of
Seattle, district governor. Mrs. Bennett
is visiting chapters of the sorority at
Oregon State college and University
of Oregon this next week-end.
Guests are invited to call between .
4 and 5:30 o'clock.
Special guests will Include wives of
the board of control members, Mrs.
Paul L. Patterson, Mrs. Earl T. New
bry, Mrs. Sigfrid B. Unander; Mrs. Eu
gene Marsh of McMlnnville, wife of
the senate president; presidents of oth
er sorority alumnae groups here
and their representatives to Alumnae
Panhellenic; legislative wives who are
Alpha Phis; and mothers of Alpha Phis
In the collegr chapters.
Greeting at the door will be Mrs.
John A. Heltzel and Mrs. Chester Loe.
In the receiving line will be Mrs.
Dorman, Mrs. Thornton, Mrs. Bennett
and Miss Antoinette Kuzmanlch, tha
latter president of the local Alpha Phi .
alumnae club.
Assisting about the rooms will be
Mrs. Homer L. Goulet, Mrs. Lloyd Ma
son, Mrs. Sydney Kromer, Mrs. Bruce
F. Pickett, Miss Ruth Ellen Sullivan of
Corvallis, Miss Marilyn Paul of Cor
vallis. Pouring will be Mrs. John Misko,
an Alpha Phi from Oregon City, her
husband being a state representative
in the legislature; and Mrs. Rudie Wil
helm, Jr., an alumna from Portland
who is here during the legislature, her
husband being speaker of the house.
Mrs. Harry Swing and Mrs. Gen
Hoxie entertained at the home of the
former Friday evening at a party and
surprise shower honoring Mrs. Al
Attending were Mrs. Lightner, Mrs.
William Bevens, Mrs. Will Breedlove,
Mrs. Vincent Healy, Mrs. Roger K. Put
nam, Mrs. Lester Lance, Mrs. Frances
Lightner, Mrs. Hal White, Mrs. Hugh
Luby, Mrs. W. C. Williams, Mrs. Bill
Johnson, Mrs. Ted Linn, Mrs. Wallace
Cowen, Mrs. Bill Myers and the two
Mrs. Frank Meeker, Mrs. Jesse Bush
Mickelson, Mrs. P. W. Morse, Mrs. James
H. Nicholson, Jr., Mrs. Verne Olson,
Mrs. Leon Perry, Mrs. Warren Pohle,
Mrs. Blanche Proctor, Mrs. Robert Da
Armond, Mrs. Claybourne Dyer, Mrs.
Roy Ferris, Mrs. Stuart Compton, Mrs.
Coburn Grabenhorst, Mrs. Lester D.
Green. Mrs. Peter M. Gunner, Mrs. Wal
lace Guild, Mrs. Robert J. Herrall, Mrs.
George Terry Hill, Mrs. John Hughes,
Mrs. Lester F. Barr, Mrs. Harold Bu
sick, Mrs. Tom H. Dunham, Mrs. David
Eason, Mrs. Laura B. Eaton, Mrs. N. E.
Edwards, Mrs. Howard Eismann, Mrs.
Robert L. Elfstrom, Mrs. H. W. Elgin,
Mrs. George Emigh, Mrs. John Emlen,
Mrs. Wheeler English, Mrs. Asel Eoff,
Mrs. Arthur Erickson, Mrs. Hillary
Etzel. Mrs. Harry Eyerly, Mrs. Wlllard
Marshall, Mrs. Glen Rice. Mrs. Carlton
Roth, Mrs. George Scales, Mrs. Loring
Schmidt. Mrs. Leland Shinn, Mrs. Gar
len Simpson, Mrs. William Smith, Mrs.
Edward O. Stadter, Jr., Mrs. Ivan
Stewart, Miss Lena Belle Tartar, Mrs.
E. R. Viesko, Mrs. Wendell Webb. Mrs.
Otto J. Wilson, Mrs. John R. Wood.
On Sales Group
Mrs. Raymond Busick chairmans the
sales' committee. Assisting are Mrs.
Chester A. Downs, Mrs. Louis Gerlinger,
Mrs. Carl Steelhammer, Mrs. John J.
Griffith. Mrs. William L. Lldbeck, Mrs.
Reynolds Allen, Mrs. Charles H. Heltzel,
Mrs. Coburn Grabenhorst, Mrs. Richard
L. Cooley, Mrs. Otto Skopll, Jr, Mrs.
ET for Thursday, February 26, is
the all-state day at the legislature
for the Oregon Federation of Re
publican Women.
Members of the federation will be
coming from all parts of the state to take
in the day, a regular custom for tha
group during legislative sessions. Mrs.
Roy T. Bishop, Portland, state president,
and other state officials will be among
the group.
The women are to be at the legisla
ture at 10 a.m. that day.
At noon there will be a luncheon in
the Capitol room of the Senator hotel
with State Senator Eugene Marsh, presi
dent of the senate, as speaker.
" Immediately following the luncheon,
Mrs. Louis Lachmund is to be hostess to
the group at an informal tea at her
In the line for the tea will be Mra.
Bishop, state president; Mrs. Clark C.
McCall, president of the Salem unit of
the federation; and Mrs. Paul L. Pat
terson, wife of the Oregon governor.
Mrs. A. A. Schramm is arranging
music for the state day event Mrs. O.
K. Beals is In charge r-f arranging the
table. Mrs. W. F. Leary is chairman for
luncheon reservations and tickets. Mrs.
Lachmund and Mrs. William L. Phillips,
Sr., are arranging the tea.
Major General and Mrs. Thomas E.
Rilea are to be hosts for a dinner next
Wednesday in the Officers club at the
armory to honor Major General Harry
L. Bolen, commanding general of the
44th infantry division. Fort Lewis.
Among the guests will be Major Gen
eral and Mrs. H. G. Maison of Salem,
General Maison being commanding gen
eral of the 41st division, National
Hostess to her study club on Tuesday
for luncheon and program will be Mrs.
WiUiam L. Phillips, Sr. -
Theatre Arts group is meeting on
Tuesday afternoon, dessert to be at 12:45
o'clock at the home of Mrs. J. E. West.
For the program, Miss Kate Dickson is
to read Jan de Hartog's "The Four
Slgmas, organization for wives of Sig
ma Chi members, is meeting on Monday
evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
Robert Sprague. Co-hostesses are Mrs.
Philip Ringle and Mrs. L. C. Fairham.
Kappa Alpha Theta alumnae are meet
ing next Thursday evening, Mrs. Oliver
T. Mansfield and Mrs. Sam C. Campbell
to entertain the group, at the home of
Mrs. Mansfield.
Chapter G of P.E.O Sisterhood has a
special program arranged for the meet
ing next Thursday.
Members will assemble in the fire
place room of the First Presbyterian
church for dessert at 1:15 o'clock, Mrs.
Ralph Dobbs and Mrs. Charles Paeth as
hostesses. Later, the group will go to
the sanctuary and Mrs. Dobbs will pre
sent the program on "Appreciation of '
the Organ." . . .
Committee chairmen are busy with
plans for the annual children's style
show to be presented by Chi Omega
alumnae of Salem on March 10 at 2:30
p.m. in the American Legion club.
Mrs. Dale Pence and Mrs. Reinold An
derson are co-chairmen for the event.
Mrs. Fred Graham is chairman for tick
ets, Mrs. Dean Thomas, chairman for
models, Mrs. Bill Martin, publicity chair
man; Mrs. Charles Darou and Mrs. Frank
A. Brown are in charge of decorations.
Tickets may be obtained at Margwen's
or at the door at the time of the show.
Members of the active chapter of Chi
Omega at Willamette university will
conduct a baby-sitting service the after
noon of the show for young mothers
wishing to attend.
Mrs. H. D. Hamm left last evening by
train for Shreveport, Louisiana, for an
extended visit at the home of her son-in-law
and daughter, Lt. and Mrs. Harold
Cox. Lt. Cox is stationed with the air
force there. En route, Mrs. Hamm is
visiting a few days with relatives in Los
Mrs. H. R. Robinson, 1570 North 17th,
Is to be hostess to the United Com
mercial Travelers auxiliary on Wed
nesday, salad luncheon to be served at
1 o'clock.
Carl Collins, Mrs. Charles Gray, Mrs,
LaVerne Young, Mrs. Glenn S. Paxson,
Mrs. Erwin E. Batterman, Mrs. John A.
Heltzel, Mrs. Homer L. Goulet, Mrs. Ivan
Merchant, Mrs. Claybourne Dyer, Mrs.
P. D. Quisenberry, Mrs. Charles Mills,
Mr. Rex Adolph, Mrs. Howard Eismann,
Mrs. George S. Hoffman, Mrs. Harold
M. Ollnger, Mrs. Charles Musser, Mrs.
SUn Baker, Mrs. Val Sloper, Mrs. J. N.
Bishop, Mrs. Hal Patton, Mrs. Howard
Walker, Mrs. William Schlitt, Mrs. Har
mon Harvey. - .
Marking chairman is Mrs. Edgar T.
Pierce. On her committee are Mrs. John
H. Carson, Mrs. Aurella Grim, Mrs.
Clarence M. Byrd, Mrs. Walter Kirk,
Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, Mrs. Lewis D. Grif
fith, Mrs. Ercel W. Kay, Mrs. Linn C.
Smith, Mrs. Rex Kimmell, Mrs. Brey
man Boise, Mrs. George S. Hoffman,
Mrs. James B. Young. Mrs. Glenn S.
Paxson, Mrs. George Weller, Mrs. Wal
lace Carson, Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee,
Mrs, Vern W. Miller, Mrs. Taylor Haw
kins, Mrs. Wilmer C. Page, Mrs. J. E.
Mrs. Arthur Fisher is chairman for
publicity. Mrs. Ed Lewis is chairman
for soliciting. Mrs. Wayne Hadley heads
the transportation committee. Cashiers
for the event include Mrs. George S.
Hoffman, chairman, Mrs. Rex Kimmell,
Mrs. Harold Busick, Mrs. Lawrence
Brown, Mrs. Wllmer C. Page, Mrs. Lewis
D. Griffith.