Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 14, 1953, Page 5, Image 5

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    Two Galloner Fred Hobert, Woodburn, is shown being
examined by Mist Berneice Schneider, R.N., Portland, at
the Red Croia blood bank in Woodburn Friday. Hobert hat
given 17 pintt of blood. Mrt. Emilie Wilmes and Mrt. T.
Green, Aurora, joined the "Galloner" club Friday. The
Friday blood bank, ipontored by the Woodburn Jayceet
yielded 94 plntt of blood.
Local Paragraphs
Invitation Received Invita
tion! have been received in Sa
lem from the Portland Ameri
canization Council to the 32nd
annual reception, welcoming the
1952-1953 class of naturalized
citizens. It will be Sunday eve
ning, Feb. 22, at the Municipal
' More Time Asked Oregon
Pulp St Paper company hat made
application to the Department of
the Army for renewal and exten
sion of time to December 31,
1953, on its permit to dredge in
Willamette river at Durant bar
More Lighta Broken The
fifth similar cue of vandelism
in several days was reported to
city police by Ana Meek, 336
Oak street, in the smashing of
a headlight, tail light and door
window in her car. The malic
ious destruction occurred Fri
day night as the car was park
ed in front of her home.
Jess Gard
Ousted by Firm
Portland (A The Interstate
Tractor, and Equipment Co. was
! reorganized here Friday and
three directors, Including Repub
lican National Committeeman
Jess Gard, were removed.
Gard. the firm's treasurer, and
Vice Presidents George Altstadt
and Byrle H. Hunter, were let
out after they threatened to quit
in a dispute over management
They demanded that Collla
Johnson, the firm's president, re
sign. But Johnson, the major
stockholder, called a stockhold
ers meeting and the three were
not re-elected at that made them
ineligible to hold- other offices.
The three million dollar or
ganization bought up the trio's
stock at a price which gave them
a "large profit,' Secretary c. E.
Davidson reported.
The firm's main offices are In
Portland. It has stores at Long
view, Wash., Astoria, The Dalles,
Salem, Eugene, Roseburg and
Bulldoser Bids Received The
county court hat taken under
advisement two bidt submitted
for providing the county with a
new bulldozer. The Wood Trac-
031.50 which is reduced to $10,-
the Marion street bridge in Sa
lem. The site for the proposed
dredging is in the shallow chan
nel in front of the Holman log
dump, and on the south or main
channel side of the adjacent bar.
The material will be deposited
on the bar.
281.50 by an offer of $5750 for
a machine owned by the county
Interstate Tractor Co. of Salem
bid $16,324.70 and offered the
county $4800 for the trade-In
Loses Part of Finger Richard
Miller, working at the Honey
wood distillery, 501 South 14ih,
Friday lost the end of the mid
dle finger of his right hand when
he caught the hand in a pump
pulley. He was given first aid
and sent to the hospital.
Parent Teacher Fellowihip
The Parent-Tea.hsr Fellowship
of Salem Academy will meet in
the chapel at 7:45 Monday night.
Rev. and Mrs. Paul Turnidge will
present the program.
Club t Meeting Central
Townsend club No. 6 will meet
at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon at
259 Court street.
f it t v '
-. loHr---
Sworn in By Uncle Paul Edwina Pearson (left) daughter
of Mr. and Mrt. Edwin Pearson, 840 S. Winter street, Salem,
is sworn into the U. S. Navy by her Uncle, Lt. Cmdr. F. I
Pearson, U. S. Navy, (right) at the V. S. Naval Recruiting
station Seattle. A graduate of tha Sacred Heart Academy
with the class of 1952, Mist Pearson, enlisted in the Navy for
four years. She hat expressed a desire to serve in the hos
pital corps and it now taking her recruit training at the U. S.
Naval Training Center, Bainbridge, Md. (U.S. Navy photo)
Ends Vet's Post
William F. Gaarenstroom end
ed five and one-half years as di
rector of the state department
of veteran affairs at a meeting
of the department'! advisory
committee held Saturday in the
state library building, where be
submitted hit final report on reau Federation and Oregon
Ben Robinson Elected
Farm Bureau President
Ben Robinson, first vice presi-
dent oi tne Oregon arm Bureau
Federation and union county
farmer, was elevated to the pre
sidency of the Oregon Farm Bu
YMCA Receives Gift The
Salem YMCA has received a
check for $2500 from the estate
of Frederick W. Steusloff.
Stuesloff, prominent in retail
meat operations, provided for
the gift prior to his death in 1928.
The gift was secured through the
efforts of the late Paul M. Wal
lace, president of the Y board of
directors for a number of years.
The Steusloff estate hat been in
trust since the death of Steusloff.
Rain Forecast After a week's
absence, rain again was in the
weather picture for Salem and
vicinity, Saturday, light showers
falling at mid-morning. The
forecast calls for cloudiness and
occasional showers tonight and
Sunday with temperatures
warmer than they have been.
Yc-atht Charged Five
youthi were arrested by city
police Friday evening on
charges of illegal possession of
liquor. The arresting officer
taid he spotted one of the
youths drinking from a bottle
when lie met the car on North
Capitol. He turned around and
stopped the car and found sev
eral bottles of beer it in. The
arrested youths are James J.
Knlellng, 19, Marion, driver of
the car; Paul L. Thomas, 18,
Turner; Merle T. Shepherd, 18,
624 N. Front street; Arnold K.
Schelske, 18, Marion, and a 17-year-old
Marion youth.
Shooting Checked City
police were called about mid
night Friday night to investi
gate gunfire in the 500 block
of Cascade drive. Residents in
the area taid they believed it
was someone shooting at quail
roosting in trees.
Supervisors Elect The Indus
trial Supervisors club elected
Virgil Gearhart of Valley Motor
as president of the group at a
recent meeting. Lawrence Bar
nard of Moore Business Forms
was named vice president and
Bill Petit of Blue Lake, secre
tary-treasurer. The club it
mad up of heads of departments
of a number of industrial con
cerns. The meeting the second
Monday night of each month.
Manufacturers Life
Makes Annual Report
Veterinary Change Asked
flarv Tlntv 9P.,7 Tlnllvuinnrl Tlf
' asked and received permission
to substitute Dr. F. R. Rankin
for the regular veterinarian in
". connection with the testing of
liis herd of four cows. The per-
. mission was given by the county
- court.
Saturday and Suday, February u-is tn Ea!it
Naval Air Reserve aquacron aau
892. at Naval Air Facility.
The Manufacturers Life re
ports business in force of $1,-
591 million.
The new business in 1952 was
$15 million greater than that
written in the previous year and
amounted to $213 million.
Payments made to policyhold
ers under their contracts totalled
$27 million and were distributed
to beneficiaries and policyhold
ers in death claims, matured en
dowments, annuity payments
and other policy benefits, includ
ing $3 million in dividends to
The assets of the company
grew by $42 million to $491 mil
lion. Government and govern
ment guaranteed bonds constitu
ted 19 per cent of assets and cor
poration and municipal bonds 41
per cent; mortgages constituted
18 per cent of assets, preferred
and common stocks 11 per cent,
cash and other assets 11 per cent
The rate of Interest earned on
the assets was 4.46 per cent, an
Increase over the previous year's
rate of 4.29 per cent
The mortality experience was
favorable and contingency re
serve and surplus now amount
to $30 million.
Santa Monica, Calif., W)
Actress Irene Dunne is in St.
John's Hospital with the flu.
'.Her secretary reported she be
came ill after returning from
the agency's activities during hit
Monday Gaarenstroom goes to
the ttate department of finance
and administration to become ad
ministrator of service?. At the
same time H. C. (Hub) Saalfeld,
supervisor of the Oregon veter
ans bonus division, takes over
as director of veteran affairs.
Both of these appointments were
made recently by Governor Paul
L. Patterson,
In hit report to the advisory
committee, Gaarenstroom taid
the department had loaned $39,
245.290 to 9.018 World War II
veterans for the acquisition of
homes and farms from June,
1947 when he became director
through January 81 of this year.
From the beginning of the pro
gram in July, 1945, a' total of
$40,245,290 hat been loaned to
9,442 veterans. The ttate loan
it now available to veterans
sine the start of the K o r e a n
In World War II and Korean
veterans' ttate educational aid
program, the department hat
paid out $1,340,073 to 6,031 vet
erans. In the eight and one-half
months since bonus payments be
gan, the department, under Saa
feids' direction, has paid out
$45,536,310 to 114,013 veterans.
Englewood PTA to
Have Carnival Feb. 20
Plans are being formulated for
the annual carnival sponsored by
the Englewood PTA to be held
at Englewood school on Febru
ary 20.
Virgil Pade has been chosen
as general chairman of the af
fair and is now selecting his vice
chairmen. Receipts from the car
nival support student activities
in the school and receives the
tupport of the entire Englewood
1$ War Casualties
Washington, W) The Defense
Department identified 36 Ko
rean War casualties in a new
list that included tlx killed and
30 wounded.
pany by action of the ttate board
of directors at a special board
meeting held Friday in Salem.
Robinson, who hat served at
vice-president for the past three
years, will serve out the term of
Marshall Swearingen, who has
announced earlier this week his
intention to resign from these
two posts in the near future.
"There will be no maini
changes in the administrative
policy followed the past tlx
yean durlnng which time the
membersip In the Farm Bureau
hat increased by nearly 9,000
farm families," Robinson de
clared. Swearingen had served the
Farm Bureau in various posts
for the past six years. He had
been executive secretary, execu
tive vice-president and presi
dent of the bureau. He will de
vote full time to a 540 acre
ranch near Bend as well as de
voting considerable time to
other Willamette Valley farm
The new Farm Bureau bead
owns and operates a 850 acre
farm near Imbler in Union
county. In addition to his Farm
Bureau activities, he has served
for the past eight years on the
Imbler school board and at a
director of the Union county
chamber of commerce,
The board was also presented
the resignation of Alma Schro
der, past treasurer of the federa
tion. The board will act on this
aDDolntment at a later date.
Field crop chairman, Floyd
Root, outlined to the board
program for expanding
smut research,
Firemen's Ball
Saturday Night
Nothing planned for Satur
day evening? Then get your
Valentin and parade her to
Salem's annual Firemen's
ball,'' city firemen advise.
Two orchestras will play for
tha ball on two floors of the
Crystal Garden dance hall,
providing . both modern and
old time music to suit each
dancer'a pleasure.
Music wiU be by tha Rhy
thm Makers, featuring modern
melodies, and Pop Edward
and His Old-Timers, featuring
old-time and western style rhy
A television act will be pre
sented to torn lucky preaon
and a number of other gifts
will also be distributed, fire
men taid.
Over 1600 tickets to the ball
have already been sold. Sev
eral hundred mora are avail
able for sale at the door. Tick
ets sell at one dollar each.
Proceeds from the dance go
into a special firemen's project
fund for financing firemen'
activities during the year, for
donations to the Red Cross and
other aid agencies and to
youth groups and miscellane
ous project.
Dancing will be from 9 to
(Continued tram Pag 1)
Capital JonrnaL Salem, Oregon, SaL, Feb. 14, 10888
Derby Plans Move Along
For Big Event Next July
lien Kobinson, who was
elected president of Oregon
Farm Bureau federation.
Portland G. I.
(Continued from Page 1)
Circuit Court
Clarence H. Jonas n BUM IndOilrlel
Aeeldeat Oommuuon: Compliant eeeklnt
additional comptnMUon or temporary
total disability end permanent total or
permanent partial disability la eeeoTdane.
with flndlnse of a lury.
ve Leonard a Monto Leonard: Motion
by plaintiff eciklnc an ordar noulrlnc
defendant to par I7t monthly toward tha
support ot a minor child.
Navy Man Home
Home on recruit leave is Rob
ert T. Brotherton. SA. USN. on ol
Mm. Lena M. Brothcrton. 193S Cen
ter atreet. who enlisted In the Navy
through the loral recriiltlrt? office
November 2. 1952. Brolherton re
port to San Diego February 25 for
transportation to the optical n
clam A school. Washington. DC
He will be in school there for 34
Martheue Homes
Pfc. Franc 1 Eugene Meahelle has
been home on leave with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Marshelle
of RFD. Turner. Meahelle and a
buddy, who accompanied him home,
Pvt. Hank Kern, recently re -enlisted
in the service and both ex
pect to return overaeat shortly.
Meahelle who has been In tne serv
ice three yearn, spent moat of the
time on Okinawa and Kern spent
. eight and a nau monuis in Korea
The two were honored recently at
a farewell dinner given at the home
of Mr, and Mrs, ppt- M-snene
Let a fashion counselor of
fashion frocks show you the
spring and summer styles. Call
2-3189. 39
Moving and storage acros the
street, across the nation. Call
Rust Pratt, Cspital City Trans
fer Co. 39'
Safe deposit boxes are now
available, $3 and up per year.
Pioneer Trust Company, 109
North Commercial street, Salem,
Oregon. 39
Open Sundays, 10 'til 3. Jary't
Florist, Capitol Shopping Cen
tre. ' 39
Reward . anaor vs Helen L. Enaor: Dt
voree wrraplalnt aUeilnt aruel aad in
human treatment. Married at Turner.
July II. 114ft. AJkj that custody of t
minor children oe awarded defendant,
also aeo monthly support for each. AUo
seeks posseeilon of automobile and the
awardlna to defendant of housshold fur
Charles and AIM hi. Bovche Ollea
and Blanche Waaner: Court decree de
elarvnt plaintiffs to be owners of real
estate Involved la auit. naintuta to
cover costs from defendsnts-
The program calls for a joint
working program between the
United States Department of
Agriculture and Pacific North
west states. Root is scheduled
to appear before a committee
hearing in Washington, D. C, the
first part of March.
Gray Lady Class to
Start Work Monday
Members of the new Gray
Lady training class that is to be
gin Monday at Oregon state
hospital will have a series of
six classes given by the ttate
hospital staff members, accord
ing to Mrs. Harold M. Olinger,
Gray Lady chairman for the
Marion county chapter of the
Red Cross.
Five volunteers after finish
ing the training course will be
assigned with other Gray Ladies
at the hospital in recreational
Salem women in the class in
clude Mrs. Clifford Robinson,
Mrs. C. B. Spencer, Mrs. St. El
mo Massengale, Jr., Mrs. John
Holmstedt and Mrs. James Phil
lips. Mrs. Phillips has already
been doing recreational work at
the Wednesday ward parties.
One of the .22 caliber bul
let entered Mrs. Combs head and
the second lodged in her hip.
The Air Force's Office of Spe
cial Investigation immediately
entered the case and said lt found
no evidence of criminal intent
and ruled the death was the re
sult of an aclcdental shooting.
Shot a Silhouette
The OSI report said Combs
saw only his wife's silhouette
through the doorway. He could
not turn on the lights, the report
said, because the power had been
turned off. The report also said
Combs called out a challenge
when he saw the silhouette and
when he received no reply, he
wneat Hired twice.
Combs took the body of his
This house bill, under consid
eration by the house commit
tee, call for SO delegate
lected on the basis of the pro
posed legislative reapportion
ment plan.
Chairman Hatfield said that
another suggestion had been of
fered to select one delegate from
each county and another for ev
ery 30,000 population in a coun
ty, which would result in 86
Since the Oregon constitution
wat adopted then have been 96
amendment voted by the peo
Member of the committee feel
that many of these amendments
should never have been placed
in the constitution but instead
should have been statutory law.
At the original hearing on
the bill there was evidence of
sharp conflict among the mem
ber at to the advisability of call
ing a constitutional convention,!
and lt may be that the bill, when
reported out, will be on a di
vided report. Another hearing
on the bill is slated next Wednesday.
Plaque Given
To Bob Jones
A plaqu commending him for
hi spirit and efforts in bring
ing the Soap Box Derby to Sa
lem was presented to Robert
Lena Jonet this week at a meet
ing of the Salem Soap Box Der
by association at the Douglas
McKay Chevrolet company
Tha presentation ot the plaque
was made by Mayor Al Loucks
In behalf of the association and
the citliens of Salem. Loucks
doubly commended Jones for
his work on the Derby and his
job as a newspaperman. Thex'e
he occasionally prodded the city
council' conscience when be
felt it needed the council and
helped it when he felt it needed
or deserved it, Loucks said.
Jones, who ha served a as
sistant publisher of the Capital
Journal for tha past five yean
until it recent sale to Bernard
Main waring, 1 fevering hi con
nection with the Capital Jour
nal and with Salem Saturday.
The Wednesday meeting was hi
farewell to the Derby.- However,
he promised if at all possible to
be back on Derby Day in July.
The plaque read, Bob, Jones
for service in the promotion of
Salem's first annual Soap Box
Derby 1952.
Pope in Hew
(Continued from Pag 1)
The statement he issued on
the Rosenberg apeak for it
Hsgerty said the whereabouts
of an earlier Vatican message,
which the apostolic delegate said
wa transmitted to the Justice
Department through him last De
cember, is still a mystery.
In Palm Spring, Fla., forme
Atty. Gen. James P. McGranery
taid the apostolic delegation
came to him last December to
discus communication receiv
ed by the Pope in behalf of the
He said there wa no appeal
from the Vatican In behalf ot
Heads Named
For Committees
Plan for Salem' second an
nual Soap Box Derby moved -'
along thl week with the nam
ing of a number of committee
heads but the overall operation
is still being held up by the
failure of the new rule book to
arrive, Director Bill Byers announced.
A top notch track wa guaran
teed again this year, Byers, said,
with the naming of Hedda Swart,
Marion county engineer, as track
coordinator, and the announce
ment by William Head of War-ren-Norhtwest
company that hi
firm would again handle con
struction work on the track fret
of charge.
Thi wa revealed at a meet
ing of the Soap Box Derby as
sociation at the Douglas McKay
Chevrolet company garage.
Four lieutenant were approv
ed by the association to work
under Director Beyer. W. L.
(Barney) Barnett wa named as
sistant director; Lester Green,
treasurer, William Baldwin, sec
retary and Hugh Adam, dintctor
for outside areas.
Chairman for the various com
mittees will be announced at a
latev date, Beyer taid.
Derby operation will more
in to full swing upon arrival of
the rule book for derbyista and
sponsor, Beyer taid. Delay in
the east have made the book a
month overdue now but they
should arrive soon.
Announcement of their avail
ability will be mad a soon a
they arrive so that the young
ster? can get started on making
or remodeling their racers, Bey
ers atd.
the condemned pair, but only
a statement by the apostolic del
egatlon that the Pope had re
ceived such communications,
"I stated I would consider only
the tacts relating to the merit
of the case In connection with
recommendation tor executive)
clemency," said the former Jus
tice Department head, who i
vacationing In the soutn.
wife and their three children to
the home of his wife's parents
in Portland.
The OSI said Combs had a
good record in the Air Force,
was known as a sober family
man and a good athlete.
The Air Force also explained
the death of another Portlander,
Major Francis Palmer Schlegel,
in Morroco recently. The Air
Force said he died of self-in
flicted wounds.
Top Advisers
(Continued from Page 1)
Spare Taken A spare tire,
tube and wheel were taken
from his car sometime In the
past several days, crty police
were told by Glen Utterback,
1135 Mill street He placed the
value of the missing articles
at $46.60. -
The new committee's objec
tive is to improve efficiency and
eliminate waste from govern
ment a program Eisenhower
has promised to carry out zeal
ously as one means of reducing
taxes and achieving a balanced
Only last Wednesday Elsen
hower signed a bill, the first
important legislation to reach
his desk from congress, giving
him the same power to reshuffle
departments and agencies that
former President Truman had.
Chairman ot the committee
reporting today 1 Nelson A.
The other member are Milton
Eisenhower, the president's
brother, and manpower special
ist Arthur S. Fleming.
Engine, Motor Mining A
small, rented gasoline engine
and a small electric motor
were taken from the woodshed
at her home, Friday evening,
Mrs. Roy McPherson, 1380
Baker street, reported to city
Learn to Ploy a Band Instrument
New (lass Now Organizing
Salem Music Go.
i;4 5
1 ' K M
c i
if (WMf if Trenbet if Mt
ir SneplwM k Tntmpel
IwHtM if Onimi if Dtm
tb if IvfrMNl fir 7 wiifcs
iRsJrectiM NrM ! store
MCI Mck Wllk
-V Trial Ft imIIm n NrtksM krk
if AcMmsMAt kwmi U to $15.00 M
SAT., FEB. 21st
M70t BAUM,wtWM INBpii
RittechlMtr: Divorc eompltiot. tl.fii)f
era. in4 Inhuman trtatmant MtrriM
Qimii. Ora.. An. I), lfttf. Plaintiff
atkj custody af tvo minor thtMrtn. 93b j
monthl? support for tath tn4 potatMlon !
ol ptTtontl preptrtr.
Conductor Sample's
Resignation Accepted
Is lasting peace a myth or a possibility? Will great armies soon invade this country? The Bible '
tells! Subject Sunday Night, February 15 . . .
7:20 P.M. In the
BIrdte MeBlroy vs Lowell tven Mc&ror:
Drrorre complaint, alleclni 4eerttoa. Atks
custody of nlnor child and $30 menthlr
support Married at Coos Bar. Mere 34,
Stale wa Vancouver Plrwood Company
at al: Suit for Indsment of IW HI, al
lesedly due aa eipenies Involved la the
Sardine Creek forest tire la lisl.
Fresh killed Grade A Belts
ville turkeys, 12 to IS lb. aver
age. 48c lb. Orwig's Market,
3978 Sllverton Rd.t Ph. 45742.
The Capital Journal Welcomes
the Following New Citlien:
For Card of Thanks Notices
to sssist you in writing a
CARD OF THANKS, we have a
list available, containing many
suitable phrases, b you would
like a copy, call the Capital
Journal, Classified Department,
Ph. 22406, and one will be
Starr Jane While ts aurold While: tx.
voree ornplatttl, ehantnc cruel and In
human treatment- Seeks cut tody of two
nlnoy children and llso monthly support.
Married at aalem Jennary II, Ittt.
Portland, VP) The resignation
of James Sample as conductor
of the Portland Symphony or
chestra was accepted Friday.
Sample said earlier that he
would resign at the end of the
current season.
Directors of the Symphony So
ciety said guest conductors will
be employed next yesr.
Marriage License
Jemee T. HoUtn. 10. farmer. Ronte 1.
Boi lot, Sroota. and Belly I. Todd. SI.
clerk typist. Ke North tstb at.. Mlra.
Joseph IS Pantaer. IL auditor. Detroit.
and Klna LtMser. II, alerk. IMI South
Bummer street, Salem.
Kenneth w. emeu I). mill worker,
ease anew Crtve, and Cera) Ann Lokin
beal. it, deraeatM, Dnloa street, koth
tu COKSTt To Mr. and Mra. Charles Co
m fcer. 13S1 B. 11th St.. a boy. Wen. 13.
tai HUM MTta-nKIAt. BOSfTTAL Ph. 22406. and On Will be I Alkaay Raymond UBoy Ifeely. II. Al-
HALL To Mr. and Mrs. Oerald T. nan.' . , ,. ,K.,, any. end retrttla Louies Knowlea. 33.
use jars ai a iot. re. ii. ; mailed to you promptly, without roniand.
MitrrjToH ftnsrmt. cost. They also may be obtained! .
f DAVIS To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davis, . , -.., Dslaoo LeRor Deletky, IS. Albany, aad
Br, a nor, ran. ta, "w wapiues svmiiei "-"-') Marine Laretta Kelley, la, aaiase. j
Eddy Arnold
8 P.M.
Saturday Night
Join the thousands who have heard "The Man With a Message" up and down the Pacific
Coast, as he interprets current events in the Light of Bible. Prophecy 66 weeks in Seattle
39 weeks in Spokane.
This Begins the 15th Big
Week in Salem!
A -' .!
Beautiful Solos, Quartets, Duets, and
Instrumental Numbers
Old Fashioned Song Service
Don Splllman "The Man
with a Message"
Meetings Every Night
Except Wed. & Sat.
Lewis Lymse Year '
Friendly Singing Evangelist