Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 14, 1953, Page 4, Image 4

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    Capital Adjournal
An Independent Newspaper Established 1888
BERNARD MAINWARING, Editor and Publisher
GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor Emeritus
Published every afternoon except Sundoy at 444 Che
meketo St., Salem. Phones: Business, Newsroom, Want
Ads, 2-2406; Society Editor, 2-2409.
rn ImmS Win Sank f Ik ttHU mm aaS Taa Call Tnm.
Tu AiMcistM Pnu u ehwitl hiiuk t aw far auuienno
u am Uptcb cndlt4 la U w (UoalM cradius la lata khi aaS
alio al publind uurtla.
r Crrlr: WonthlT. It.Mi Sti Mantht. IT.WI Oat tor. Ill M. B MiU la llarlaa,
roll. una. Enttm. Clttktmii Cauaittj: Maathlr, Stoi u Mantra, Out
Ttu. HA Br Mill Bmluri la Orwea: HoaUUr, IM; ait MoaUu, M M: On
Tnr, ill co. Br HU OuUUt OrMoa; Moauur, I14H Ms Hoatiu. Oaa
Ttu, i.oo.
4 Salem, Oregon, Saturday, February 14, 1953
The Dalles Chronicle
Nothing Mr. Eisenhower or Secretary of State Dulles
or anybody else has said indicates this country has any
Intention of supporting a big attack on Red China. We
are already equipping Chiang's armies, and at the most
we might step up this material aid in hope of making
Nationalist raids more effective. But, again, that doesn't
commit us to rescue the users of the equipment if they
get in trouble.
The kind of raids the President's recent order allows
could be valuable. They might be severing of rail links
over which pass Chinese supplies to the Korean front
They might compel the Reds to divert considerable
strength from Korea, thus easing pressure on UN forces.
Even if the diversion is minor, it is probably worth
the ramble. Under the old plan, the Reds found the
U. S. Seventh fleet in effect guaranteeing their mainland
All's Fair
Leln5n ii liSZ-n MlMLE tUkSMMA M Tr
glow cm -
France May Reject Army Pact
Despite Effort of Sec. Dulles
developments there and report
a the progress Ming suae m
unifying ear allies.)
(Editor's NoU: Drew Fear
on t bow oa a trip to Berlin
and Pari to cheek ea eraeUI
Paris Following his conver- minion of the Joint European
satlon with French Foreign Mln- hifh command,
ister Georges Bldsult, John Fof But more important than any
ter Dulles sent an optlmlitie thing else they dltru.t Germsny.
cable beck to the state depart- They fear Germany is Itching to
men!. He reported that he and come back as a great military
the French, who hitherto hsve power, that the German in uni
been the chief stumbling block form never can bo trusted, and
to ratification of the United En- that naxltm is only lurking
ropean army pact, had found around the corner to take over
general grounds for agreement once again.
That may have been what the .,. .
French foreign minliter told the LlfeMagaslns Stirs Ire
new secretary of state, but it Unfortunately none of this Is
was not what he told other mem. helped by the wave of antl
bers of his own staff at Qua! American feeling now sweeping
D'Orsay. To them he stated that France. The moit serious blow to
it will be very difficult indeed Franco-American friendship was
n mn ratification of thii kev a Life Magazine article which
More Laymen Interesting
Themselves in Religion
Met upon which, in the opinon
of many diplomats, depends the
peace of Europe.
As s newspaperman surveying
sentiment in Europe, I would go
further than M. Bldault. On the
basis of my own personal obser
vations, I regretfully predict that
the United European army pact
will not be ratified at aU with
out changes so drastic as to prac
tically nullify it
compared Marianne, the symbol
of France, to a slattern.
Immediately the French press
blazed. Even pro-American pap
ers blasted the United States.
The outburst wss far greater
than that following Eisenhower's
statement during the Chicago
convention that the French were
30 percent atheist
Unfortunately the Life Maga
zine statement was openly linked
""tr"-.TP.-mt .! Ca
si,... .hi. . 1 1. v 1 with the Elsenhower adminlstra-
agenda of American foreign pol- Life writer Emmett Hughes,
icy and since this was the prime Pf out, is a member
m. r.,ii.. .i . of the White House staff. For-
Chauncey Depew once said Realizing how prone people Europe, such a defeat would be lun aarj uireciur v,. u.
U Paal'a Buebpal Church
. . , , , , . , , , vnauncey irepew once eaiu nwuuii uuw ihvuv jjvupiv Xfuropc, iucu a
coast against attack. Ifg hard to ae why they, as an oteny standing in are to procrastinate, to put off a serious blow,
active enemy in Korea, are entitled to such immunity. :"""",, until tomorrow important mat- it will be a
serious blow not new commission on psychological ,nother influenza
Salem 31 Years Ago
Salem II Tears Ago With 810 students enrolled
Februsry 14, 19zz this morning Salem High school
kaa 4U. at 4 .1 . . - l 1
h I I oo inn gicaicBb bjiiueince in
its history.
Prominent local
ssy Salem Is in the
epidemic Vachel Lindsay, distingushed
The British argue the move carries risk or enlarging "-"' 7 " ters which should receive atten- only to General Elsenhower, There are between 900 and 1000 contemporay poet, will be in
the Korean war in the Asiatic mainland. But as we have "ous up u tlon todsy, the Christian calen- since he spent more than a year P" ?"t',7""r" cases of the disease in the city Salem on February 28.
seen, nothing so far contemplated by the President calls m church without feeling the dar has provided definite times in Psrls working toward this wWto wlie to bras. ,nd .pproxlmately 15 per cent , , . .
oiuppiovai w uid TOiiuuuiuij. 11 ana seaiona xor siarung inuniive soai dux. even more important. or tnose attending aalem scnoois omoaing oai noi yei oecome
. la milt believable tnat Under rfnrt warr!a WArthV snail. It nrlll ha rl41v a.i-lmi. hlnn lUliy. ... k.n. AM .
riBK, Since tO the extent tlin,. rlreumitancei. manr men Tn la nns n thvie aeaanna. Th in ha n th wnrlj anrl ihm On top of thll
diversion, he Will be wnt to church luit "to be seen flrat dav of Lent U next Wednei- aafvtv f th nt nratlnn. ter Dulles'
tn thn AUipa In Korea. KUt OI of men!" rf.v anH th Tnten wiirni run. musi rainy we
for our deep involvement with Chiang.
Admittedly there is some
Chiang aids by creating effective
Unking his fortunes closer
all the measures which might be undertaken to advance
that war, this one seems to entail the smallest risk.
behavior suggests that they see safety only in tne Status "nr'; ."I reiiaWe re- leaders are desperately striving the world: They regarded it as an ultl- Dallas commercial club is Get-Rich-Quick -Walllngford,
quo, only in perpetuating a stalemate, aince tnere is u indicate that more and for a solution to these problems, Amerlcsn-French relations matum to an 01a ana necessary mening a proposal w uie win- -a rattling good picture," li
risk in any move to improve the situation, they would i, iaymen are intereitlng we can give them the benefit have sunk to their lowest ebb in friend. They pointed out t h a t amettee Valley Flax and Hemp being shown at Liberty theater,
v. j: 41.1 1. -ii 7" "I,", "IV - .1. ..... . a2 veara. Never have we been liked there can be no Euronean unit Growers association in an en-
nave uo uu iiuuuuK a u. uiemseives in reiigjon maami- "S"' . I... k . T. ,uk iZZT ,u, ...... ,.. Jh... rf.., Inrtr. h.m ..,.h. "Aneela communicate with
am in m BiriniT nanninns laana ia aT aa. ucuaaa niiu nuuui wax niuiuui ciaiivs, aiiiaai imi vt w v -
hflhit nr even a ennrinnivl fari
I Came John FOI- amonffi women itudenU atlenri
rmrk that France Oreson fcrowen Cooperative ins Western univenitlei 1 th
European army association has nurchased the
There doesn't seem to be that tinues on untU Easter Sunday. rrenca Don't Like IJ J. pact by Apm 13. wniie wis was lot and buildings in Newberg presler, president of associated
of public opinion to- we are all deeply concerned '" raw i . s. ownea oy me wniie box urcnara women students st the Unlver
sity 01 California.
th. BritisJ do not SMtatttait their dly of which auncey"SeVw about national and 'world .H.lrT for this trsglc setback in buUd- tion. it mad. the hair brisUe on company,
the urmsn ao not appreciate 11, out tneir without that lo- While our political and military Ing up the peace machinery of every back in France,
ggests that they gee safety only in the status Bu wit hontttai to e the world: They regarded it as an ultl- Dallas
have been linked since the dsys even be North Atlantic defense lish their first plant at Dallas.
of Lafayette. without France. The communica-
Tk la rnr.ic And rnvpiiHnff that the British raised tendinv church, not because they them
h. .n.f .Katnn. arhon th. Savanth ITUot feel a community Drcssure. but Ins to righteous peace.
.!:-n.. j j 1 w rather thev feel a world-wide If you are not already com.
ongHmuy uruercu w jin. rurmusBii naic , uwi, uicjr "yv " ---,Hnn . Ood ,nn mitted to the resular nractice of Both the United States and tion lines between the United v'rr"
now raise to modification of the order. They said the dealtS S "or righteous religion , it Is frs falvotV the French governments failed States and its forces In Germany. Cooperative association
patrol might provoke Mao to action that would enlarge Uylng 8nd unive,i peace. This ant to do it now. And as an im- to prepare the public opinion they pointed out, pass through "fns"
in France. And Ger
each other by telepathy and con
verse with men oy the same
This week Oregon Growers means" declares Dr. Horace C.
1 will ship stratton. secretary of the Presby-
grade 30-40 terian association and a student
the war. 1. a healthy condlUon' It Is to be portent part of the practice of foundation for French-German France. The main NATO air VSiiS.-7r cl psycmc Pnenomln-
Vnif. -onnnf oif in Anrl a folomof wifhmif. annffrintr mtlllnna mnr will rel.trlnn. arlH tha fnrra nf vour Unity. We did not make the bases are in France. And Ger- o
a false mood of comfort. The President, thoroughly come to that realization right presence In church at least every French people understand the many s problem can t be solved
aware of the peril in any war move, has boldly struck now. . ounaay unui taster.
out to lift us from a morass. In his first step, he merits
the support of all Americans and their friends abroad.
No paper in Oregon has as little use for Senator
Wayne Morse as the Capital Journal which has always
opposed his nominations and elections. Many times since
he became an apostate to the party, and deserted th
GOP that elected him, in spite of the fact that he had
advocated General Elsenhower for the presidency and
as delegate to the GOP national convention helped nomi
nate him, only to betray and denounce Iks in the cam
paign we have expressed contempt for his course. We
have frequently suggested Morse's resignation from the
senate for the benefit of both party and of Oregon.
However the bill introduced by 8 senators and 25
representatives, all republican die-hards, which would
prevent Morse from running for reelection as an, inde
pendent in 1956 should be defeated. It Is purely a spite
bill and will have a boomerang effect by enabling him
Organ Music Mystery Solved
Laguns Beach, Calif., W The organ music that was rent
the night near the First Church of Christ Scientist Is no
longer a mystery.
James Robert Kearney, SI, and George Plcclotto, it, told
Judge 0. C. Cravath they had been breaking Into the church ,
from time to time and playing the organ because they like
organ music.
It'll be Z0 days in jail for the pair for vagrancy and
malicious mischief, Judge Cravath decreed yesterday.
Never Give an Older Woman
A Gift on Valentine's Day
advantages of a United European and the U. S. occupation ended
army; of burying the hatchet until France agrees to a peace
with Germany after 80 years of treaty,
war. Instead we tried to build
a roof with no walls to support it. French Msy Pull Ont
3. France Is going through a Therefore, argue our French
period of isolationist debate and friends, the United States needs
introspection similar to our own France just as much as France
debate over the League of Na- needs the United States,
tions in 1820. To many French- So the French have concluded
men joining the United European that they will not be bulldozed,
army means the surrender of her that they will not be subjected
sovereignty, just as American to ultimatums, and have even
entry into the league in the opin- hinted that they might pull out
ion of the little band of senate of the North Atlantic pact, de
lsolatlonfsts meant the end of claring France a neutral in the
our existence ss sn independent prospective struggle between
nation in 1920. the U. S. and the U.S.S.R.
The parallels are almost lden- This hasn't been said offlcial
tlcaL Robert Schumann, the ly, but of course, hints hsve been
French foreign minister who dropped to U. S. officials,
proposed the United European What the French fall to re
army, is now out of office and alize of course is that Isolation la
has lost part of his popularity; contagious; that when they pull
just as Woodrow Wilson who back into their shell, when they
proposed the League of Nations, spurn the United European army
was defeated politically and their action ricochets across-the
broken physically. Atlantic where it causes even
Frenchmen who oppose the Eu- more isolationism in the U. S. It
For the first time in history
the foot of man has trod the
snow capped peak of Mt Ranier
in mid-winter. Four Alpine
climbers accomplished the feat
on Monday after 10 hours of
torturing toll.
Rare That 1 Dtacennt
PHONE Z-7411
New York W) This is a day So a dozen times each after-
to pose as a martyr to the cause of independence, of for the birds. , noon I would I run by the clean-
which the maverick perennial publicity seeker will take For pigeons are in their coo- 18 P"t ,n.d Pring, 5
full advantage. It should be and erobablv will be defeated, ing prime at valentine time. But Jled deer Jor a peek ,t my
-n, i. . ..m.t. i armMi. i;f. people often don't fare so well, "veo one. ""'": ropean pact include, of course, feeds the Lansers and the Mc.
.,,7; X,,, Mny romance will reach a one wouia guess my guu communIsts who are insln- Carrans and the Malones in the
wcording to our view po.nt, than Oregon s junior senator dlsaitrou, Cumax. For it is on I would Jump up in front the Gaum,u who oppose wnate. to say nothing of the Chl
With his martyr complex, who has a genius for keeping thll day hM. would-be lov- th e."b!' ,hop' cooperation either with the Tago Tribunes? and the resultant
himself in the limelight On nearly every topic he con- era summon the coursge to bare nd drygoods store, too. united States or Germany; plus risk is that the whole structure
aiders that everyone is OUt-of-step for righteousness, ex- their secret heart to the one they tuner your son nas worms many lmcere members of other of European cooperation may
cept himself. ym for and receive an im- led Mex ican .1 imp- pollticja partlei wno ugU that come tumbnng lo the tune of
ine Din provides mat n political pany or ussemoiy ui mother once,
electors may not nominate as candidate for public office .;"y5',pfia "V"?1""1 act that way before,
a person who, .at the last preceding election lor that Jh.T.11 . v.i - ... ,, a
...t;...i.. ... ... v. ...,iu.t. ? .i:t!.l Cupid before nightfall of St. Val- On St Valentine s Day I de-
particular office, was the candidate of any other political tnVmt; y, 0n million? Two clded I had to show my heart to
party for such office and who, as such candidate, was mnii0n? Three million? my own true love. 1 swaRgered
elected to such office. . ,nt0 the drug ttore) y,,
Its aim is to force a GOP primary contest for My advice is: "Never give an biggest box of face powder in
Morse who has announced his intention of seeking re- older woman a present on Val- the place, and a two-bit lacy val
election as an independent. Its sponsors evidently fear entlnesDay.
that he might win reelection as an independent in a I tried it at the sge of 12.
three cornered contest. That will be up to the voters of Nver really been the same
Drotrnn in a tar free for all. If the Deonle want to since.
Al me lime jv waa uu ine
threshold cf a promising career.
I was one of the leading literary
flffura nf tha T.lnwond mm.
..1 , j papers.
rrr;rXZn Latethat afternoon a. I went
5?.nu,!ln?,. . ?r . I the cleaning plant the .ten
corner street 0rapher becknd t0 me ,nd
corn r. mnrirl m. an nv,lnn, I aal-
I delivered the paper, to .ome ioped home, went to my room,
closed snd locked the door. With
. iVv TnH im political parties wno argue tnat come tumbling to the tune of
1 . under toe pact France could not gleeful haw haws from the
I never saw a kid j ...u . ,,
even send an army to North Af- Kremlin.
rica or Indo-China without per-
(Copjrliht, 1IU)
Eastern Oregon white face Hereford beef bought direct
from the ranch and hauled in our own trucks.
Buy and save at Packing House Wholesale Prices. Cut
ring and wrapping, smoking, curing. Free deep freszs
service. Custom killing.
Front Quarter LB. BtaaalaW
U.S. Graded Good . ., LB. skaiW
Half or Whole LB.
1325 S. 25th Phone 3-4858
I walked past the cleaning
plant a dozen times before I
could bring myself to enter. It
was a relief to find my lady fair
absent on an errand. I left the
package with her stenographer,
and ran back to sell my news-
penalize themselves, it will be their privilege. It should
at any rate force both the republicans and democrats to
name their ablest men in opposition.
State Representatives Earl Hill and Loren Stewart,
both of Lane county, have introduced a bill, which if
enacted into law. would empower cnuntv hud tret commit, of the neighborhood business-
tees to fix salaries of county officials who draw pay men- uneasy lentcrea a newiy thaklnR nandI i opened the note
from counties in the state.
ooened wholesale cleaning plant from HER.
m.. U..J :. ..J. iu. j. 41.:. "u "w ' """J
ins uuukc. vuiuiiiiiiers, uiiuer ine terms 01 in is diu, drowned in love at first sight,
would be composed of five members to be appointed by she bought a paper, and i
the governor instead of by the county courts as at pres. walked out In a trance, heart
ant. pouncttng.
County salary bills now requiring legislative approval . . .
usually number about 60 each session. Under the legisla- ghe'moTe thln,8rw"ce
tiye procedure followed in recent years, no county salary my ageand roughly twice my
bill is approved unless the salaries of officials in a county height. There wa. the matter
proposed have the approval of both the county court of her husband, too. I felt a
and the budget committee. little sorry for her about him.
Under this system much time is consumed in both Nlce "w. Just bowlegged. He clear. Our brief one-way love
the house and senate by local government committees in i"Id J,TP ove.r S,lr,K,hydrnt t.mJ!t'JF,J!Tv
iiaalea work. No ruta ar. ..... ,1. i a without barking hi. shin.. In the envelope proved that.
..T. I!.i. inr. i: ... r But when ,he ,mUed ,1 me.
salary lists nor are the pay scales for comparative of- this tall blonde lady in a green
fices uniform In the various counties. drew, it was like the wind rip
If legislators desire to cut down the time of the ses- pling a cornfield in July. I tor
sions, here is one way to start. Let the budget commit- got her sge. height, and her bow
tees appointed by the governor be the final arbiter on 1ut1 husband.
Mtnntv aalariea. I could be sure of seeing her
Some members of county courts are grumbling be- nlynce dy-when I brought cared about love. SL Valentine's
.... th. hill aannM atrin them nf Jz Z rum" her the paper. But I had to see Day, or women who broke a
cause the bill would Strip them of two powers, first, the her more often. The trouble was man's heart with a .habby buck.
ppuiiiuuciii. vi im v. win Duagei committee that her desk wa. behind a small
and the final say on salary Increases. partition that hid her from side-
The Hill-Stewart bill has merit and should be approved walk view,
by the assembly. Fixing salaries of county officials has ,
0 n ace in tna legislature, consideration of anrh ..l.rv DUl '"n i I wore ten
...I i . . i i ... . . j
duls is a sneer i
KnnM Viak f ivad
j - - vi iuu con- . ...;.w ,w . i- . . i i .
cUtlona. at tha aTrasa roota. r i me m now couia a man leap
My husband and I think it
wa. very sweet of you to .end
a valentine," she had written.
"And we send you a little token,
"My husband" . . . Why did
he have to bring In old bow
legs? And the token! ... It
wa. a one dollar bill, clipped
to her note.
One thing was blindingly
I would like to say that I tore
the dollar bill into shreds. But
the truth 1. I Just took it o the
drug .tore and despondently
bought ice cream cones with it
until I got so aick I no longer
And never again did I leap
outside her window.
"Well, well, Harold." said the
baker the next week. "You must
have got rid of your worms. I
Iaaaaaaiaaaaaaajaiaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai p,a
f . " , ' -A '
Serving Solem ond Vicinity
as Funeral Directors
for 23 Years
Convenient location, S. Commer
cial street; bus line; direct route
to cemeteries no cross traffic.
New modern building aeating
up to 300. Services within your
a. I
TtrrS T. OeMia
I 1 "sKJ
Oract a CWMea
05 S. Commercial St.
Virgil T. Golden Co.
Phone 4-2257
1 waste of time and county official aalarie "j ,h0"' !nd lMP,a ' hlh ln don't you Jumping so much
A hv eitiuna who ara awar. IV 1J..1 . ,lr 1 could- 1 could clch lately."
? mIZ f 10441 COn" "uifk 'mP t back of How could a man leap with a
' Dar dhuiuui numna nmm n vain .