2 Capital Journal, Salem, In the Valley Edited by MIKE rORBES Independence Independence The Central hih school P.T.A. wUl meet in the cafeteria Monday, Feb. 16th, at 8 p.m. The program. In charge of Al Leach and atudenU, will be an interpretation of the vocational agriculture work at Central, and will have a display of exhibiti. Mr. Frank Hedges, proprietor of the A. L. Thomas Hardware company, has been named to the board of dlrectori of the North Coait Retail Hardware conven tion. He ii replacing R. Allen of the Allen Hardware in Salem. Mr. and Mri. Ernest Stone are the parents of a daughter, born Feb. 9,' at the Salem General hospital. William Wlest, Justice of the peace, attended a traffic and law enforcement conference at Eugene on Tuesday. There will be a meeting of the ore-school study group Monday, Feb. 16, at 8 p.m., In the faculty lounge in the Oregon College of Education Library building. This meeting is to be devoted to a "Run Night" for the parents of this group. The Independence Woman's elub will meet Tuesday, Feb. 17 at the clu bhouse. Mr. Curtis Avery will be the speaker at this meeting. Hostesses will do Mrs. George Knott. Mrs. Henry Tetz, and Mrs. Roy Kullander. The Highland club will meet Wednesday, Feb. 18 at the club house, for a covered dish din ner. . The Legion and Auxiliary will hold their regular meeting Wed nesday, Feb. 18, at the Legion hall at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Roland Dustan, past pre sident of the Polk County PTA, and Mrs. Wlllard Pruiett, vice president, attended En all-day meeting at Forest Grove. This was in honor of the past pre sidents of the PTA. Mrs. C. A. Fratzke attended a meeting of the rural health committee of the Woman's aux iliary to the Oregon State Med ical society, Wednesday evening. The regular meeting of the Sebekah lodge will be held at the lodge hall on Tuesday, Feb, 17, at 8 o'clock. Each member is urged to bring a picture or tnem elves, taken at any time for the picture gallery. Miss Eleanor Ray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ray, and Reuben Fast, were united in marriage Feb. 10, at the Grace Menonite church at 8 o'clock. Miss Leah Fast, sister of the room, was bridesmaid, and Ivan King, best man. The bride wore a white dress and veil, and carried a white Bible with white streamers. Her corsage was of rosebuds. A reception was held In the church parlors following the ceremony. The Northwest Christian col lege male quartet from Eugene will present a program at the Christian church In Monmouth Wednesday, Feb. 18, at 8:15 p.m. The group of students, with Ed Eldrldge, the field repre sentative of the college, will attend the February church fam ily night dinner at 7 o'clock In the church basement. The program will then be pre sented at 8:19 in the church au ditorium. A Stork Shower, honoring Mrs. Paul Wor thine ton, was MARIAN ANDERSON COMING FEB 24 Salem Hi Auditorium 8:15 P.M. Reserved Seats, 1.40, 8.00 Unreserved Student, l.St TTrtih il SttvtM Jtwtlen Il 1, 1 It H N. Commercial r Tea walking op V ,Jet natal store Oregon, Sat Feb. 14, 1953 given Thursday evening by Mrs. Wayne Wade, and Mrs. Cos- teilo at the Wade home. The annual meeting of the members of the Monmouth Co operative warehouse, will be held at 10 a.m. at the Odd Fel lows hall, Monmouth. Luncheon will be served at noon to members, their wives, and special invited guests. Mr. and Mr. Charles Kurre celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary, as guests of honor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin pippin. This was also the 68tn birthday ox Mr. Kurre. A sugar bowl, a wedding gift ofthe Kurre s, held a lovely bouquet in the center of the ta ble, and has been used each year to hold their anniversary bouquet. Mrs. Kurre s sister, Mrs. G. R. Newton, baked a beautifully decorated cake and presented it to the couple. Guests at the dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Newton and sons, Mrs, G. R. Newton, Mrs. Dolly Pippin, Mrs. Pat Chetlet, Mrs. Margaret Bevier, all of Portland; Mrs. Galena Winn and son of Jefferson; Mr. and Mrs. Glen' Grauer of Sheridan: Ger ald Reynolds, Barbara, Carol, Shirley and Jimmy Pippin. Mt Angel ML Angel Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rothenfluch were hosts at their country home to honor their mother Mrs. Anton Rothenfluch on the occasion of her 81st birthday anniversary, Those present included the guest of honor Mrs. Rothenfluch, and George Rothenfluch, Ralph Rothenfluch and son jerry all of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rothenfluch, Herman Rothen fluch and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rothenfluch. Members of the Mount Angel Academy orchestra and their leaders motored to Portland re cently were they were guests of the University of Porland school of music for a recital. Presented in recital was the University of Portland ocestra. under the director of Rex Under wood, conductor and soloists Wayne Angel, junior at the Klamath Union High school, Klamath Falls; Dolly Elcher, senior at Jefforson High school, Portland and Tonl Vaupell, freshman at Grant High school Portland. Unionvale Unlonvale Mr. and Mrs. Er sel Gubser of Unlonvale accom panied by their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lorenzen, of the Neck district, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogue at Taft. Mrs. Gubser Is niece of Mr. and Mrs. Hogue. A letter to Mr. and Mrs. George Strawn from their son- in-law and daughter. Pvt. and Mrs. Bernard Trunk, of Ft. Ben- nlng, Ga., was received Monday. He expects to receive his dis charge this month and be home soon. Mr. and Mrs. George Strawn and son, George Jr., spent Sun day at Beverly Beach gathering agates. Mrs. Mildred Paetel of Port land was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andrews Thursday and Friday. She Is a former re sident of Unlonvale. She reports that her eldest daughter, Mar garet, is practice teaching. She is a student at Cascade college, Portland. Her youngest daugh ter. Dorothy; is a student in language In a Chicago college Both girls are former Unlonvale students. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hoard re ceived a letter Tuesday from their son. Pvt. Edgar Verl Hoard, Co. A, 129th inf. regt., 49th di vision. Fort Lewis, Wash., where he is receiving his boot training. AUMSVILLE PAVILION DANCE Ever Saturday Nliht 18 Ml. Southeast of Salem Mosle by LYLE AND HIS WESTERNAIRES Broadrast KSLM 7:3C-8:00 P M. ana lmiiuiw mi aa aaa mt alata aaa ill tha laa I aaa mtU In mt A l Oraaa Slrrt, raalaaraat. ONI LAWKrara artar CMaaaa laaa" nail k aaak tar tkat aarlltalar ar4ar fraah, Na bait im at vara aa. TWO LAW aiiakaa aaS al atkar aaalaaual aail aa alwara taaa aaar alaaa. LltUa aaat raa artaa aa. Waali laklaa alaaa with aaaa a4 walar at,ry far, aal ailaB alalia aaa. THKKK LAW Traai aaalaM aarr al. U aa ra aall aia, I aa, aialataalla f.. law aaa aaa aialala aar kara la a aaat la aaarraaa aas aaarraaa aia,t aaaraalala. I aai wkai raa aall aaa akk mmm.- LAW rota Wa aiait alarara aana Cklaaaa laaa la I'allaS tlalaa aat ------ "-a aaai aiaar ataaka Ika "aar aaa aaaa. if YEISING (that s my name sure) a Picture not of me. this my cousin Frank Woodburn Woodburn The impressive installation ceremony oi ut Molay was held at a public meet lng Thursday night at the Mason' lc Temple. Each retiring officer of wood burn chapter entered, attended by a Rainbow girl, making a colorful picture. John Ticknor, the retiring master councilor, was the installing officer and gave a short address on the aims and purposes of DeMolay. Assist ing in the ceremony were Sher wood Thompson as installing marshal and Mrs. Harold Ticknor as installing musician, Honored guests seated In the east were Miss Joanne William son, worthy advisor of Evergreen Assembly, Order of the Rainbow for Girls; Mrs. Tom DeArmond, mother advisor of Evergreen Assembly; P. L. LaBarr, ex cellent high priest of Woodburn chapter No. 29, Royal Arch Masons and Gail Wengenroth, worthy patron of Evergreen chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. . Officers Installed were: Philip LaBarr, master councilor,; Sam VanAradale, senior councilor; Willard Thompson, junior coun cilor; John Ticknor, Paul Ed wards, senior deacon; Norman Tyler, junior deacon; Dale Callo way, senior steward; Robert Baumann, junior steward; Rich ard Dixon, chaplain; Dick Ahrens, sentinel; Billie Kersten, standard bearer; BUI McNary, marshal; ' Bob Withers orator; Sherwood Thompson, almoner; Elwood Ostrom, Dean Bishop- rick, John Abbot, Nell Belling, Joel Crouch, Jerry Plank and BUI Stamoley. preceptors. Following the installation uie new master councUor Introduced his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. LaBarr. his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Emu Born and his sister. Miss Marcia LaBarr. Mrs. Harold Ticknor was introduced by her son. Entertainment was tnree selec tions by the high school Chora Iters, directed by Miss Harriet Nlzic with Miss Dollie Cummtngs at the piano. The nine o'clock prayer and the flower ceremony, directed by Lester E. Keller, De Molay "Dad" closed the formal ceremony. A gift was presented to Jonn Ticknor by his mother and a gift to Mr. KeUer was presented by Ticknor in behalf of tthe DeMolay boys. Each DeMolay boy was presented with a candy valentine by the Rainbow girls. This was the 12th installation for the Woodburn chapter which was instituted January 22, 1949, with Roy Lester Henn as the first master councilor. Other past masters councUor are Jim Gay, Charles Rund, Tom Stampley, Charles Murphy, Don Horn, Elton Ahrens and Sherwood Thompson. Members of the advisory board include Arthur M. Burt, chair man; Lester E. KeUer, chapter advisor; Mark H. Thompson, secretary-treasurer; Harlow C, Dixon, Lynn Woods, Clarence Aherens, Earl Houseweart, David Cavett, Lester Henn, Her bert Koenig, Clyde A. PhiUlps, Norman A. ReUlng and Norman L. Yergen. The new officers will present the DeMolay degree for Wood burn lodge No. 106, A.F. & A.M. Monday evening, February 16. This wUl take place of the regu lar meeting on Feb. 18. Candi dates will be Truman Balrd, Eugene Lenton and Earl Veedor who received the inflatory de gree at the last regular meeting. Jefferson Jefferson Mrs. Roy Hender son and children Carol Lee and Vernle of Greensbrldge road have moved to Albany. Mrs. Henderson is trading her acreage for a house in Albany Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Burley and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Olsen of Portland, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Burley, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Olsen and Mrs. H. E. Jones spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weddle. Mrs. Burley, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Olsen are sisters and Ralph Weddle Is their brother. Little John DeWall, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, is 111 with spinal meningitis. Mrs. Dixon Vose, Mrs. Robert Harris were hostesses for the Wedding Ring" club at the Harris home Wednesday after noon. Arrangements of spring flowers were placed about the room. During the special time, an arithmetic game was enjoyed! with Mrs. Bill Hart receiving! first prize. Next month the mem- bers of the club will motor to Salem where they will have din ner and later attend a show. Present were Mrs. O. D. Stephenson, Mrs. W. A. Steph enson, Mrs. F. M. Stephenson, Mrs. Leland Wells, Mrs. Francis Phelps, Mrs. Leonard Marcum, AMERICAN LEGION POST NO. 9 DINE and DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT Music by Stubby Mill and Hit Band SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER MUM D WM TfflDmOIH WTm COOKTsT MiYY 1(5 S. COMMERCIAL PHONE 4-1J19 Legionnaires, AnzUlary and Their Gaests Invited Mrs. Charles Hart, Mrs. Bill Hart, Mrs. Harold Morrlssette, Mrs. Bob Harris and Mrs. Dix son Vose. Salt Creek Mrs. Paul VUlawock of Mc Minnville was honored guest at a pink and blue shower at the home of Mrs. A. C. Voth with Mrs. Ernest Loewen assisting. Present were: Mrs. Paul Voth, Mrs. Wm. VUlawock, Miss Dar lene ViUwock, Mrs. Ernest VU1 wock, Mrs. Cecil ViUwock, Mrs. Harry Markwart, Mr. Irvin Voth, Mrs. George Voth, Mrs. Jake Voth, Mrs. Ernest McCul ley, Mrs. Loewen and Mrs. Voth. Eldon Schneider and Jean Fisher were married at the Salt Creek Baptist church ' Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McCuUey of Lebanon called at the Ernest McCulley home Saturday. The Ladles Missionary society enjoyed a luncheon at the church. Officers were elected. They are: Mrs. Jake Voth, president; Mrs. E. Wolf, vice-president; secretary, Mrs. Carl May; trea surer, Mrs. Richard Nallinger. Rev. E. Wolff has entered tfce Emanuel hospital at Portland. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Springer caUed at the Ernest McCulley home Monday. Grand Island Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. Cecil WUl, Larry and Kenneth, of Grand Island, left early Tues day morning for a two-weeks automobile trip to visit her Mr. brother and sister-in-law. and Mrs. Ardell Buck, Gabbs, Nev., and her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Buck, at Hollywood, Calif. They also will visit two of her brothers-in-law and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor.N at Hollywood, Mr. and Mrs. WUl lam Townsend, Whlttier, Calif. During their absence, Curtis Douglas will have charge of their farm. Mrs. Ronald Finnicum, talked to her mother, Mrs. Calvin Buck, HoUywood, Calif., by telephone Monday.Mrs. Finnicum and Mrs. Cecil Will are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Pomeroy were Saturday dinner guests of Mrs. Susie Douglas and Curtis. They are close neighbors but had to make the trip by boat Mr. and Mrs. Cecil and sons were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Susie Douglas and Curtis. Mrs. Carl Lindell and two chUdren were Monday afternoon guests of Mrs. Douglas and Curtis. Monmouth Monmouth The Baptist mis sionary ladies met at the Q. L. Jacobsen home with Mrs. Ralph Winegar assisting as hostess. Dr. John B. Houser, Lebanon, was speaker and showed a film on his recent trip to the mlsion field in India. Devotions were led by Mrs. Lester Green and a trumpet solo was played by Mrs. Jacob- sen. ' Louis Horn, of the office staff of the Monmouth Cooperative warehouse, told the Monmouth Luncheon club of problems in the Near East at their meeting held in the Monmouth hotel. He was in Palestine during World War II with the British army. The Junior Aid of the EUB church met at the church par lors and plans were made to sponsor a banquet for the young people of the church and choir members Feb. 1. The aid and the Martha Sunday school class vot ed to give 8100 toward the lm- provemnet fund for the church Mrs. C. Dickson and Mrs. G. Foltz were hostesses. Aurora Aurora The Past Chiefs club of Una Temple No. 26, Pythian Sisters, met at the home of Mrs. Walter Fry Friday eve ning, Feb. 6. Games and entertainment were furnlsned by Mrs. C. G. Pursley and Mrs. William Wett- stein. Mrs. TUlle Webert and Lena Mae Lambert were taken In as new members and initiated. Those present were Mrs. William Dentel, Mrs. William Wettstein, Mrs. Fred Schneider, Mrs. Nathan Manock, Mrs. Jo nas Will, Miss Leona Will, Miss Emma J. Snyder, Inna Mae Lambert, Mrs. Harry Schultz, Mrs. Percy Ottaway, Mrs. C. G. Pursley, Mrs. Willis Yoder, Mrs. Frank Thlel, Mrs. E. J. Snyder, Mrs. Anna Wurster, Mrs. Emma Smith. Mrs. George Wurster, Mrs. Tillie Webert and the hostess, Mrs. Walter Fry. OLD TIME DANCE OVER WESTERN AUTO Adm. 60c Tax Inc. Dick Johnson's Orch. ?S9 Court St. $400 CHILDREN 65c I Turner Turner The Turner PTA met at the grade school Monday, Feb. 0. A Founders Day program was presented by the 5th grade room under the direction of Mrs. Nel lie Thomas. They also presented a skit and songs on other birth days and anniversaries in Feb ruary. A business meeting followed with Mrs. Mabel Jensen substi tuting for Mrs. Ruth Stewart as secretary, and Mrs. John Micky for Mrs. Urhammer for room count It was decided to have the Sa lem Civic play "The Young Scamp" and a committee was appointed to set the date. The Marcn meeting will oe a program by the health depart ment on care of teeth with movies and a dentist to explain the movies and answer questions on 'how eating and care effect teeth, also a talk on lunch room program. Lunch was served by the Bth grade mothers. Aumsville Aumsville home xtension unit met Wednesday, Feb. 11, at the grade school for an aU-day meet ing. The project this month was 'TextUe Painting." Mrs. Don Gentzler and Mrs. Eldon Tletze were project lead ers. Another meeting covering this same project wUl be held Feb. 20. The committee In charge re ported that signs which are to be used to close a block near the school to traffic during school hours, are ready and will be placed by Boy Scouts of troop 48 as a community service. An exhibit committee was ap pointed to attend a training meeting in Salem. Those ap pointed were Mrs. Cleo Lee, Mrs. Eldon Tletze and Mrs. Elmer Guenther. Each month two women of the group volunteer as baby sitters for those who could not other wise attend. This month Mrs. Marvin Bradley and Mrs. BIU Simpson served as baby sitters. Those present were Mesdames Dean Roberts, Irene Schaefer, Eldon Tietze, Doel Garver, Giles Fowler, Don Gentzler, Laura SmaU, Don Gildow, George Toll, Elmer Guenther, Ethel Holm quist. Jack LaRont, Cleo Lee, Robert Mickey, Minnie Peter son, Kenneth Purdy, Harry Way, Fred Ling and two visitors, Mrs. Ada Weekley from Four Corners and Miss Lora Llndemann from Stayton. The next meeting will be held March 11 at the home of Mrs. Robert Mickey. The project wiU be "Herbs for Variety and Ac cent." The leaders will be Mrs. Mickey and Mrs. Giles Fowler. Detroit Detroit Mr. and Mrs. O. J. White spent the past week-end in Eugene where Mr. White attended the school principals' conference. They also visited their daugh ter, Marleno, at Northwest Christian college, and their son, James, who attends the Univer sity of Oregon. Richard Hake, ministerial student of Northwest Christian coUege, is now conducting serv ices each Sunday at tthe Detroit Church of Christ. Evening serv ices have been resumed under Mr. Hake's direction. Mr. Frank Moore was honored Thursday evening at a pink and blue shower at the home of Mrs. , S. T. Moore, with Mrs. Starr Reed as co-hostess. ; A valentine theme predomi nated in decorations. Invited guests lncludeed Mrs. Howard Dean, Mrs. Francis KetUeson. Mrs. Otis White, Mrs. Mabel Parker, Mrs. Ray John son, Mrs. Raymond Sophy, Mrs. B. E. Waters, Mrs. Cal Schlador, Mrs. Gordon Skidmore, Mrs. Irving Steers, Mrs. .Robert Young, Mrs. Scott Young, Mrs.: Vern Morgan, Mrs. L. C. Davis Mrs. Virgina White and Mrs. Nettie McMillin. The Detroit Women's Civic club will sponsor a cooked food sale Saturady, Feb. 14, at the Detroit Market beginning at 10 a.m. ENDS TONIGHT Open S:0 "SPRINGFIELD RIFLE" and "ARCTIC FLIGHT Starts Sunday Conk l:tl MsrlTMiWCOICaff. YtataaDaCaTavMnlrttSat ItavnCnaj-FarrtstTacSat llkhtttaT-IUuntAriM Hi aft rsW 1 Valley Farmers' Co-op Meeting Silverton Tuesday, March 10, has been set for the annual mem bership meeting of the Valley Farmers Co-op Oil association, the session to begin at 10:30 a.m. with Jay Saunv manager, di recting plans. The Sllverton grange home economic club will furnish the noon luncheon, the , place of meeting will be the American Legion haU. The plant will be closed for several hours. Business features wUl Include the election of two directors. regulating the change in by-laws to the consutution, the past year's reports and plans for the coming year. The personnel of the nominat ing committee for the association meeting in suggesting the official group, are Orrln Rice, Alfred Jensen, John Zlems, Alvin Krug and Tom Martin. Walter Von Flue is president of the associa tion. The regular third Monday of the month meeting of the em ployees association board of the cooperative, is to be in the office rooms at the plant, Feb. 16, in the evening, Roland Lackmann, elected president at the previous meeting, wUl preside. Lackmann's assisting officers for a half-year period, are Shel don Johnson, vice president; and John Olson, secretary. Co-op manager Jay Saum told of a 35 per cent volume increase in sales during 1952 over those of the preceding year. Idanha Idanha Ronnie McKinney, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Mc Kinney, suffered a fractured leg when he fell from his bicycle Thursday evening. He was rushed to the Salem General hospital by ambulance and first reports indicate that he wiU be kept In traction four Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Stoll and children this week Is Mr. Stoll's mother, Mrs. Martha Stoll of Omaha, Neb. Joining the StoUs last week end for a family reunion were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Udey and children of Stayton. CONTINUOUS Alan Ladd Virginia Mayo - In Technicolor "IRON MISTRESS" Tony Curtis Piper Laurie In Technicolor SON OF AL1 BABA' TOMORROW! Ht M ffie last Great AUDIE MURPHY YVETTE DUGAY CO-FEATURE! &0t AM i i SPRING ' I rl RE-OPENING 1 ' II FRIDAY I II February 20 I II We will Open for f I I the 1953 Season I n I Everyone, from fj , III Baby to Grandma if : ill haawalted for If III FRIDAY February 20 CONT. FROM 1 P.M. i ENDS TODAY! ' "THAI CARNIVAL" & I "WILD NORTH" 53 i 66tf hmil 1 kfiSf L Li CARTOON NEWS Donald Donald Roy Drlever, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Drlever, is still confined to Hutchinson hos pital in Oregon City, and will probably be there for some time yet He had an operation per formed on his knee. Barney Fel ler of Donald is helping on the Driever farm. Harry Bair, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bair, left for the east coast Monday, Feb. 9, where he wiU embark for Japan. A new bridge is being installed on the Aurora-Donald road. The foreman. Joe Robl of Salelm, ad vises that the bridge should be useable in about 15 days. It wUl be 80 feet long and 24 feet wide, and Is constructed of cedar pil ing. At present there is a crew tot six men working on the bridge. This is the second bridge to be installed recently in this area. The other one was on road 427, and was completed just be fore Christmas. Mrs. William Quigley, worthy matron, and Ed Miller, worthy patron of Venus chapter of the Eastern Star, with club rooms in Donald, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Bud Yergen, Mrs. Karl Eng leman and Mrs. Richadr Pence, attended the meeting of the New berg chapter of the Eastern Star, Wednesday evening, Feb. 4. Mrs. Virgil Soherette and Mrs. Barney Feller were co-hostesses tor a birthday dinner honoring their mother, Mrs. W. J. Aurand, at Mrs. Feller's home Sunday, Feb. 1. Those enjoying the din ner were Mr. and Mrs. Scherette and family and Mr. and Mrs. FeUer and famUy, and Mrs. Ger- HELD OVER! TVve 4i.a V WJT win - ...MM i Ot-atermf "EDDIMAYEHOFF aausk mi (wSmLawiata .asmiiia" m an m ratt f. naauaom m ao MATINEE DAILY FROM STARTS TOMORROW! GOTH DM LIKE A GUN IN YOUR FACE! L i . e, f r , 1 I ttouble-trossl f ."- I Ltouble-t-roul Km 1 ; v UlUSflS CITV CODflDEfJTIA tfatrrififlj JOHN PAYNE COLEEN GRAY PRESTON FOSTER Co-Feature! SUSAN HAYWARD JOHN CARROLL "CHANGE OF HEART" Color Cartoon Newt itrude Harlan. Airs. e. w. itrucxman is now I 'employed in Portland and rides! back and lortn to work with Mrs. I Fred La Borne oi uonaia. Ml. and Mrs. B. W. Jeskey were surprised last Sunday when they received a telephone call from Silverton telling them that Mrs. Basil Costerisan, the former Betty Beeler of Beaver City, wen., was in auverion. Mrs. Costerisan and her huj. band are on tour in connection with the Christ of Indies! FeUowihlp, Inc., sponsored by the Baptist Conference. They conducted the service lh Silverton Sunday and Mr. and i Mrs. Jeskey attended the service ana orougni uie costerisan. home with them. The couple is scheduled to go to Indonesia on April 23. They will be gone for five years and will be stationed on the island of Java. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie CbrlstoDh-. erson of Wasco are visiting In the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. z,. vv. viiriswpncrion oi Donald. Mrs. Lyell Yergen is getting along nicely now in Good Sam aritan hospital in Portland. She was able to be up in a wheelchair for a short time Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Yergen naa a small dinner party at their home Saturday evening, Feb. 7. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Warren FeUer, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Yergen and Mr. and Mrs, oua iergen. Homeward bound Military Air Transport Service aircraft flying the Pacific during 1952 brought 54,000 wounded and sick home for care and treatment. m1mmmmmtmmm'MMii-mmVimUKmm CONTINOUS SHOWS SAT. & SUN. LAUGH- LOVE-HAPPY & HAPjW MUSICAL! .1EPRV 'lotustNi-miYBea awn m n ENDS TODAY! (M.) "TREASURE OF THE WIDEN CONDOR" t "MY PAl 60S" 1 P.M. i no injiao jrory or uangiana s ,dV Most Daring Crime...ond .a r