DENNIS the MENACE By fCetcow!AUTOMOiiits AUTOMOIILES AUTOMOIILES Capital Journal, gaba, OrtfOB, Sat. Fab. 14, IMS 18 CARS - CARS - CARS 1 t ' fc r f.' T ' '41,. ",, ..... r CARS - CARS - CARS DONT MISS CHECKING THESE TOP USED CAR VALUES LISTED .BELOW.. SEE THESE AND MANY OTHERS OFFERED AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS. LOOK THIS WEEKEND LEISURELY WITH THE FAMILY THEN SEE THE DEALER MONDAY AND GET THE USED CAR BUY OF THE YEAR. 1 "Til 1 lIXlffMJT MT I d o AfeTAYlOff. R3 WE MEED MISCELLANEOUS OIL FLOOR turnice with (an. IM. 3199 Vaughn. Ph. 3434T. mil' fxCELUNT LA WW ud garden fertiliser. BUILDING MATERIALS IDWII ITEMS Mill prices. KtOII SSII!. ee JHIKI Ot. W Ml Miem. m3 Tail-Enders Onlr lew ol these Items lelt At hen th.Vre tone that wlU Is the lut. ror that reuoD, to dear tbem out In A hurrr. prices have been draatlcallr reduced tome actuallr below cost. OBNUINB TYLEBORD Eated On enemale flnlih lor bathroom at kitch en wall. 4x6 A 4x1 aheeta. several colon tb patterns. Rei. .36 sq. ft. Now .30 iq. It. LINOLEUM Discontinued patterns as roll ends, (not scraps) told reiular lr at 3.35 to 3.U tq rd. Now at M. rd. CONOOWALL The ilia eltect bath at kitchen wall covering-. 14" wide, eev aral colors. Reg. .6b lut. ft. Now .99 Un. ft. Our sale on two Unci of paint toes en. PABCO WALLCOATER the flat U base wall paint In aevera! colors: Oellena, Re. 4.33 to 4.4S isl. Now 3.50 sal Ret. Now Oellona 4.33 to 6.46 tal. 3.50 tal. Quarts 1 35 to 1 11 at. .H Qt. TEXOLm SEVEN STAR IMPERIAL A flat, washaole oU base wall paint that "palntr" odor. Gallons Ret. 1.69, Now 3.00 tal. Quarts Ret. 1.3. Now .75 qt. KEITH BROWN LBR. YARD ntONT at COURT PHO. 1-0111 We OIto BAB Oreen Btarapt) ma Real Buys DOORS I.Oxt.t la fir mahof. fliiih Seconds 4 to 6.(5 ea. JOHS IS fir 1 panel doora ...1.94 ea. 1.9x4.4 1H A trade I panel fir.. 6.10 ea. 1.0x6.1 1 A trade I panel fir ..6.15 ea. 1.4x6.6 IS A trade 1 panel fir. .4.19 ea. 1.6x6.6 IS A trade I panel fir. .4.94 ea. WINDOWS & SASH 16x34 14 glass measure double bung ' windows ( top or bot. sash) 3.00 13x35 6 lite sash 3.35 ea. 10x41 me aash 3.75 ea. KEITH BROWN LBR. YARD front At Court Pho 1-6111 We Olve BACH Oreen Stamps) mi' Plywood Plywood Plywood Iff GOODNESS, whst an assortment! 4x8 Rejects, new csr blows aod mill ends runntnt out of our ears! I All priced right. Plrwood cut to tour slse. KNOTTY PINE Psnellng 1139.50 1x13 ShelTlni Its nlcel IDINOS, an trades from 61100 to 1346.00 RiOORINO, 1x4 "D" 69110, also Oak Indudlni No. 1 RL Red. WALLBOARDS, all klnda low aa 11.46 4x6 INSULATION, 1.31 bst. All colors and " kinds of rooflnl. Large vsrlftr of grooved, stalled sand-blasted, and deco rative plrwoods, 4x8 sheets, squares or In pes., beautiful for Interior walls. From c to 36tic SEE IT: II TOY OUR CHEERFUL SERVICE The tun ahlnaa here au tbo time! Call or ace mow). TOUR BUILDINO SUPPLY FRIENDS" Portland Road Lumber Yard (OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY) JS45 Portland Rd. Ph. 44433 ma' BED ClbAR SHINOLES 4 trades, dellv. red or picked up. Ted aluller. Ph. ores. 31196. ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED Westlnchouse automatic laundromat. onlr (139.91. Yeater Appliance Co, 731 Chemeketa. n BLONDE SPINNIT piano, almost new sacrifice for quick aale. 4-1656. n41 S-P1ATS llvlnt room aet, emerald and told. 171. 1-4136. nil 31" TELEVISION act In good ahapa, 1136. Phone 4-1351. nil WESTINOHOt'SE automatic drier. 1953 model. 330 volt. One onlr. 6169 91. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 731 Chemeketa. WALNIT POSTER twin beds, complete with new Beautr Rest mattresses. Also other Items. Evening or week ends. 4.3494. Oil MeCULLOCB CHAIN SAWS. 60t Edtewatel West Salem. Salem Lottlnt Supplr Ph. 4-1541 Ol freezer, a real bur. 4334. usro MDSE. MART, 370 So. Ubertr. Phone 46371. n39 If TRIPLE GLASS Blrkenwald meat case. about (1500 new. Make offer. Bog 467, Capital Journal. U43 OTPOINT CLOTHES dryer. 6119. USED afrE. af ART, 170 So. Ubertr. Phone 44371. nS( FREE Westlnghouse sewing machines on All fjoore. Samples. Save up to 40. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. Til Chemeketa. n WASHINO MACHINES In food thape from 19.95. USED MDSE. MART. 370 So. Llbertr. Phone 46311. ill' USED) SI740E1 DROPHEAD treadle tew Int machine. Ouaranteed. 616.65. Slnser Sewlnt Center. 130 31. Com'l. Open Pr dar evenlnts. n39 BEPBIOERATOR s, new tnd u.vl TEATER APPLIANCE CO. 171 Chemrk eta. n St chests, au brand new. A reel bur, 619.99. USED MDfiE. MART, 310 So. Llbertr. Phone 46)11. n36' BntBT TACIXM Cleaner. Ph. 31956. Per. feet eoodltlen, floor polisher at attach aentt. nt4" Davenports and Chairs. 6.11 set. USED MDSE. MART. 176 Bo. Ubertr. Phone 46111. ASI ANY fMN-UCKEfiS? FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED ILECTRIC PORTABLS sswlna mi- cnm. nguno DODOin, airplane 7P ter Tying case. Good sewing condition. 959.99. Sinter Sewlnt Center. lit H. Com'l Open Prldar evenlnes. nJ8" NEW 197 FT. of picket fence In ascuonj" unpainteo, two gates. It 4X4 posts. Call a-ssoi. nil GOOD DAVENOS. 134.50. USED lfDBE. jsaki, sio bo. uoertr. Phone 46371. ass USED washing machines. 69.91 and up. ArfLlAiVCBJ CO. 739 Chemeketa. OIL HEATERS. 110.00 up. USED KOBE. Ul DT T.I. a. tlhul. .ABB. mw, v. uMiif, none mil. nll FOR SALE-Uedlunt site offlet safe. tie. t-none l-ea&s. nit ME ARE overstocked with eieellcnt ehepe wasnmg macninas. USED MDSE. MART. 370 So. Llbertr. Phone 46171. nit' PLASTI-ec . requires no waxing. For rout floors or linoleum. TEATEB AP PLIANCE CO.. 173 Chemeketa n PART OF SET of ftanta Anita potterr. rnnii alter 9. seojs. net" ALUMINUM STROLLER Almost new. Two chests of drawers, new. Ph. 46636. nl9' ORGANIC fertilizer. Free of weed eeeds, and odorless. Seek or bulk orders delivered. Phone 3-6137. n44 55' FORD MOTOR and transmission. Readr to so. 640. 3330 Abrama. 46613. n40 $5.00 Per Day REDUCTION On one 8-cu. ft. Zenith Re frlgerator, with frozen food compartment. Starting Price Feb. 7, $229.95 FEBRUARY 16, $194.95 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard FRONT COURT UTS. PHONE Will IWe Olve SAtH Creea Stamps) PIANO CRATES, T&c. Btont Fltno Co. 1310 stale. nil NOW IS th time to buy jour 105 Wut- ininouit su torn tic dryer t only isos.ti. YIATER APPUANCB CO. 738 Chemeketa. D 1IW WABD-S AGITATOR type wuhir, 140. Phone 4-2732. Inquire llret tfrivtwey beyond Pnd toe liands, Turner road. n3' SMALL PIANO, In excellent condition Verr reeionable. 1690 fio. Cot tat e. n3f O-E PLATPLATR ironer. like new. Pearl. 1648 M0 FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted manure, compoiU, the aam quality u last year, for home and ear den. Plaistonea, red lava atone and other types for walla or garden. Riutlc cedar fenelnt and trellta work. Phllllpa Eroa.. Rt. , Box 493, Salem. Ph. 4-1081 CHICKEN FERTILIZER 1 00 per ack; 10 sackj or more at .90. Turn oouth at Pruitland church, first place on left. Call eve. or any time fiat. Sun. R. L. Thomas. Rt. 6, Box 686. nH Gravel and Sand Anyttitni In travel wholesale and retail. VALLEY SAND GRAVEL CO.. Ph 34003 a COMPLETE household nearly new furni ture to icttle estate. Will be aold Sun day onlr between 2 and I p.m. at 380 Columbia St. n3l SELF-SERVICE GARAGE You do work and save. Phone 4-5503. n3t" DEEPFREEZE home :reeiera. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO.. 375 Chemeketa. n HOSPITAL BED fOT sale or rent. H. L- Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 1911ft. o ALLOWED for your old water heater on this new 43-taiion automatic eiec- trie water heater. Yeater Appliance 375 Chemeketa. Ph. 34311 & CEDAR TELEPHONE and electrle polea. fence post, bean post and ataaea. Phllllpa Bro., Rt. i. Boi 491, S miles eat of 4 Comers. Ph. 43081. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS vVOODRI HANTS Pianos. Phone 1-1110. WAVTED TO BUT used strawoerrr cer rleri. Phone 4-3511 alter 6. nail LOGS WANTED Stud Mill. Lenatha I' 4" or II' I". Di ameter to 16" Sawmill, Lentths 12' and lonier. Diameter I to M Top prices paid. t Burkland Lumber Co. Turner. Ore. Phone 1131 oa WANTED Walnut meals and walnuts In ahell. Hlehest cash price on deliver?. MORRIS KLORFEIN PACKING CO. 460 N. front St.. Salem Ph. 17633 na WANTED Purnlture. tools and muc. Kelter Auction now open for conilsn- menu, rule every Wed.. 1:30 p.m. 1030 Chemswa Road. To eel!, to bur Kelter Auction. Ph. 37119. naso ELECTRIC RANGES. WOOdrr'e. Ph. 1-1110 a KcRSONAL ALronoLirs anonvmoi's. aroup No. i. 1016 N. commercial. Ph. 3-64lt or 3-451? P39 AN HOWARIl enalrser of personal prob. leml. All obstacles overcome throuah mr analrels. Phone 3-6796, 45? Bo. Com merclai. P16 IRbvERYlHINO book matches, phone 3-9911 P3 HOUSE TRAILERS Bur . . Bs res tni . . . Sell LAN A LANS TRAILER PLAZA Trade . 1940 Lancaster Ave. . Rental taai1 tl FT. WELL Insulated. Aluminum bodr. A-l condition. Blum, Rt, 3, Box 301, Near Marv's Tavern. ta3t 14 -FT. CUT WOOD coronado, all alum. (num. A-l condition. Rt. 4. Boa 300. Liberty Rd. Or Ph. 3-7347. U WILL SELL Wiaa equitr In mi Libert? ; house trailer for WOO. Ph. 4flli. M Tarbir Rd. . ta3' IMU Hl'BI'RBAN ROME, take late model House Trailer as down payment. Lena Lena Trailer Heae, lis Laaa Aet. SEX THESE 16TH ANNIVERSARY- SPECIALS 'SO BUICK $1805 Super 4-doer Riviere sedan. UAH 4 CHEVROLET 1399 Cub ecu re, veir glean, BaVJL '49 DODGE $1499 Coronet l-door tedan. Terr elean. ORVAL'S THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE CENTER AT CHURCH 50 CHRYSLER $1985 Windsor Newport, local owner, luar. low. mileafe. Immaculate In and tut, new Ursa, very sharp. '48 CHEVROLET $895 Stylemaster 4-door sedan, orltlnal llcht green finish, low actual miieaae, new tallor-mada seat eovtra, new Uras, vary clean. 51 FORD PKUP $1375 f-cylinder j-ton, fraah air heaWr and defrosur, ll.Mt mllea, saw car guaran tee. WESTERN MOTORS 1313 Broadwar SO DODGE $1395 ateadowbrook 4-door tedaa. A real "looker"! 50 BUICK $1695 special aedanattt with loads af as ceasorlea. '49 KAISER $795 Deluge 4-door sedan. Smooth, sharp, and A low price. 3 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU EASILYI , HI North High til Chemlktta 1110 Portland Bd. STAN BAKER MOTORS AUTOMOBILES 1949 BCICK 4 . door. Ii9t3. Inquire 3379 Alvarado Terrace. 040 Please Note To My Many Friends and Customers I AM NOW ASSOCIATED WITH Salem Automobile Co. Home of QUALITY USED CARS Chrysler PLYMOUTH JOE SPURLOCK '50 Nash Ambassador l-door aedan RAH. seat covere, Hr dramatic, low mtleate. bed. $1593 MARION MOTORS 333 Center Phone 39288 0.39' 1911 CHF.VBOLET Suburban Carnrall. low mlleate, eacellent running condition, and appeerance. Phone Dellea 1137. 300 Miller avenue. 444 WILL TKADR eaultr In late model ear for lot. prooerlr or sell for cash. Call dars. or see at 5t9 8. 13th. q44- j 67009 tt K4ISEB, excellent condition. Eaultr 6139 Phone 39917. 19 TOTAL PRICE 4379. Terms, ltll Enlllsh Pord 1 door. Phone dare 34041. 441 SALE OR TRADE, 1917 Chevrolet Aero seden. Radio, heater, other estrea. 1011 South Water St.. Sltverton, Ore. q44 1947 CHEV. strlemester 4-door aedan. Ex cellent condition. Quick aale, 4779 1-9391. 439 WANTED: '41 Chev. Club Coupe. Have a tood clean 3t Olds to trade In. Call 4-9414 after 4 p m. or week-ends. q44 MODEL A PORD New rebuilt motor end trensmlsiion. Heater, bodr verr tood. 998 cth. Phone 30167. q39' r9e CADILLAC 67 Sedan. Low mlleate. like new. Take older car trade-in. ion N. Llbertr at 439 Dewey's - See These First and Get Yourself a Good Deal 49 Chev. Dlx. Sedan Like New and Loaded 48 Chev. Dlx. Sedan Two Tone It'e Dandr 48 Olds 66 Club Bast Bur In Salem 41 Olds 60 Club R-H A BUck One 47 Pontiac Dlx. Sedsn One Local Owner tt'a Nlet 42 Ford Sedan Too Name the Deel 41 Buick Sdnt. A good one. COMMERCIALS 51 Chev. H Ton Dlx. Cab 4-Speed, t-PIvs Like New 41 Chev. n Ton 4-etpeed. 6-flrs - A Dead Dewey's 380 Market St. Ph. 34061 rVgtm cas saesss 81 NASH $1488 Rambler convertible. A boner! 49 FORD .....$1099 Y-t aonvetllble. abhaippptl '48 WILLYS $785 eWtpetar eoavertlal. SPRING IS GOING TO , SPRUNG - GET READY! B. Mather SHROCK'S When Chemeketa Ooaa it Church FARMERS! LOOK1 PICKUPS 4 CHEVROLET $1095 Clean and s good bur. 47 CHEVROLET ...8B5 4-speed with lots el power and lots ol work. '47 FORD 795 Sharp, rugged, A bargain. BUZZ CHEFFING MOTOR CO. Avroat ar'd B. of Leiton Olub 3115 B. Commercial Ph. 41 SPECIALS! 47 FORD $775 Super deluia fordor tedan. Save MM here. ' 48 FORD $825 Super deluie fordor sedan. A real bar. tain. 49 CHEVROLET . .$1075 a-pasienaer coupe, teat oovert. Plnet THESE PRICES OOOD ONX.T THROUOH MONDAY NIOHT, FEBRUARY It, HURRY I DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. Ml X. COMMERCIAL ST. PHONE 1-11H BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM A REPUTABLE ASSOCIATION DEALER Remember! NO SUNDAY SALES! ,. The Weekend Speciols ond Messoge Above Are Brought to You $o You Con Look Leisurely Then Buy Loter AUTOMOBILES 51 JEEP 4 WHEEL DRIVE STATION Waton, low mlleese. Take lata three quarter or ton pickup, ro. jeots. qj' 4t CRIV. coupe. Between and t at 1611 '3d POBD SEDAN Oood condition, new tires, '41 online. CaU 1-3994. 499 1946 BLDSOV, Commodore all Sedan. Oood condition, 9900. 661 Blvervlew Dr. Phone 46304. ql9 '41 DODOE '83 motor, after 1. 39604, call q99 19 CUSTOM CLUB Ooupo POTd with over drive, excellent condition, 61196. 440 ralrvlew Ave. 439 t-DOOB Pontlae Sedan. 1943 model. S396. 1410 Bell Road. 440" W AVISO 1941 Chev. Club Cpe. Must be cleen. good .motor and tlrea. Na repaint lob please, will pap cash and no trade In. Phone 49999 . 419 CLEAN 41 CHEVBOLET Convertible. Call 36198. 440 BT OWNF.B, tood dean 1911 Chev. Seden Deliver- 1970 Madison, Phone 39947. Call after t la. qlf 1991 CHF.vmoi.eT 4 door Sedan Deluie. Power alloc fuUr equipped. Ph. 41136. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR A VINO BADIATOB TROUBLE? Vallar Motor Co. etperta win tolve tour prob lems and aava sou motier. Pree eetl mataa, speedr aervtcc center at Llbertr. qe' HEAVY EOUIPMENT "JA w '.L- FOR SALE. 30 Caterpillar and hrdraullc blade. Oood condition. 43 Chev. O.I. truck, lot bunka, tood. End hooks and cable. Joe C. Sanders, Rt. 1, Box 119 Turner Oreson. Turner 96 qe4 FINANCIAL CASH FOR TAXES LOANS UP TO $1500 on Sttniturt. Furniture. Cir AT PCRAONAL It' "yen" promptly to tn plorvxl .tn or womn. 1-vUlt iota . . . phot), flnt. You -fleet beit payment dita. Pet ween ptyday loan.. Phcm. wrlta or com la TODAY I Personal Finance Co. 105 B. HIGH T . BALM Stkt LireoRt Not. B-131. M-1U Loam over 9300 up to 11100 Bd up to 20 montha to repay nadt by Penonal P.nance Co. of Marlon County under tho industrial Loao Companies Act of Orei on. r39 AUTO LOANS WILLAMKTn CRKDIT CO. ma South Church Parking -Plenty 1-3411 UC No. M-1M. S-IM 5 Interest If you have tdlt funds aeekint lnveat mem, then you are the trpt of perion to whom wt can bt of tervlct. For over Twentr-flet Tesra we hart find profitable work for their money. Durint this period wt havt promptly paid M aeml-ansaal later ett noyaaeau totallinc many Thouiands of Doiiari. Wo arc currently MTln 1 INTEAKtT on funds from ISO0 to IM00. General Finance, Corporation 111 . COMMERCIAL ST. Salts. Orosoa Fbona S-lill 81 FORD $1895 Cuitett 1-dow, BJtH, teal totira, sear. 48 NASH $995 Ambassador aedan. P-ArH. OO, 1-lenl finish. A-l tbroutbouk 48 PONTIAC $1095 Bedaneiu, ILaaH, eeal covers, tood tires and verr glean. MARION MOTORS Corner Commerclsl and Center SO MERCURY $1693 Club coupe. A pre-aprlnt bargain. 49 CADILLAC $1995 "01" 4-door tedan with lota of axtraa. 48 FORD .$895 4-door sedan, tcod general condition ss4 s good bur. ARROW USED CARS '50 CHRYSLSR .$1995 Mew Yorker club coupe. RAH. almost new premium Urea and tubea. Just like s sew earl '48 PLYMOUTH ..$895 Special deluie S-door atdas, RAiH. trlt lnal finish, tood tires. '46 FORD ,.$775 Custom 4-dr. aedan. RAH. glean, beau tiful finish, good motor, flna tlrea. Salem Automobile Co. 4M M. Com'l. Phone 1-4111 FINANCIAL PRIVATS UON9TT Special Ratea and Tergat On Larger Loans Lent and Short Time Parments ROT B. SUfltOKS 8. Commercial St Ph 1-6191 STATE FINANCE CO. NEED CASH? If to, tee ue tedey. Consolidate your debts Into ONS payment monthly with entailer parments. Oct In touch wltb ua todsy. S-919 PHONS I41 M-UI 167 So. High St., Salem, Ore. 149 Lie. s-llt and II-9M and ROT H. SIMMONS IHSURANCS AND LOAMS Hser "Top rrades" 11:06 Dally KSLM 1996 K. OINXRAL PINANCB OO. LOANS 114 S Commercial SL Tel. 9-tlll SIB OS POM FARM. Cm or ACRIAOB LOANS BEST OP TXKUM WI BUT Baal eetate taorttatee 44 eontraeta. State Finance Co. 161 B. HUb SL Ph. Still CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ADDINO MACHINES All makes used meehlnea sold, rented, repaired. Boon. 494 Court. Ph. I-4TTI. e' BULLDOZING Bulldoslne road, clearlnc teeth. Vlrtl! Huiker. 1016 ralrvlew. Ph. 9-1146, 043 CASH SIGISTIISS Insunt delivery el new RCA cash ret latere. All makes, sold, rented, repaired. Roen. 456 Court Ph, I-677I, o DRF.BMAKINO Alterations, hemstitching, buckles covered, buttonhole: Allender, J-9911. buttons, . Mrs. H. OS4 UKIVINO INSTBtlCTION Learn to drive the "Easy Drive" way Call or aea Mr. Rlckard. Taller Motor Co.. Salem. Phone 111" or 49174. o EXCAVATING Ben Otlen Al Son. Excavatlnt, trading land clearlne. Phone I-9OI0. oto' INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS Fork-lift trucks. Insldt and outside work. Hraler. Clerk. Mobile lift. 1000 and 4000 lb. msehlnei. Br dey, week or month. Ph. 13411. Cepltal City Trans fer. INSULATION Insulation, weatherstrips, acreene. Fret tetlmatta. T. Pullman. Phont 3-MM o40 MATTRESSES Capitol Beddlni, renorates new nattreases. Ph. 34069. OFFICE FURNITURE fll PPLlES Desk chairs, flits, flllnt suppllea. safea. dupullcatora, tuppllea, dexk lamps, type writer a'ands Roen. 454 Court. o r.PT7cTA!llA Mlkt's Septic Service. Tanka cleaned. Drooler cleans sewer, drains. Phone I-I4U. oal Hamel's aeptic tanka cleaned, lint serv let. Ouaranteed work. Phont 37404. o4T Sewer, aeptie unks. drains cleaned. Ro t.Rooter Sewer Serf let. Phont 11127 : XEYEvlBrON TV Sales, Service. Antenna. Art. Phont 4-43) 1170 Una It WINDOW CLEANINO . "B 4k ZtndcVcitantri. paint scrap tnt. floor wailnt and aeneral service. Ridentlaia our specialty Oo anrwhere Ph. 3-7ftdM. OU Acmt Window Cleaners tnduitria) floor! waxlna. houiacitUBlns. Pnoaa 1-1211. 147 i n leaaa (ten cas mtmit) Cwaii, a Dikes Stand up In High Tides London WV The hsstlly pat ched dikes of Brit sin, The Netherlands and Belgium Satur day withstood pounding mid day high tides. Officials in the three coun tries now believe they will beat the threat of new flooding If no gales develop in the North Sea between now and Monday night the critical period of the swelling tides. Once those particularly ftign tides begin to recede, service men and volunteers will have ample time and supplies to plug solidly the holes torn in the sea walls by storms and tidal waves two weeks ago. More than 2,000 people lost their lives then and property damage impossible to estimste was csused. Heavy snowfalls Isolated vll- lsres and blocked roads and rail lines In Northern England and Scotland Saturday. Winter loosened its grip on the conti nent after a week of blizzards. French Kill 10 Saigon. Indochina,- Un French forces killed AO com munist-led Vietmlnh soldiers in a two-day operation on the An nam coast, a French High Com' mand spokesman announced Saturday. eeeeeereeesesesesteNwfeefmv DIRECTORY TTPEWBtTEBS Smith, Corona, Remington, Royal, On Amrmtjt novtahias. All makaa used ma hiM W.nalra Ji rant. Roan. 494 Ceuri LE6ALS NOTICE OF BOND SALS OftEOON FOREST REHABILITATION AND MFO EE STATION BONDS, IttlU 1UI Sealed blda will be roetlvod or tht OB DOOM STAT-5 BOARD OP FORESTRY tt ths. Mtata Foraatrr Bulldlns t MOO sttU Street in the cur or Mitm, weson. up to and iDcltKiins iv.vq ociock ., Atatvlard Oraaon Time, oa Marcn IS. 19. emari btIII b BubllelT opaod t 10:30 o'clock A. M . Staodard ore on nme, 01 aid data la tho office of tho tovornor of tht tta of Oreaon In tho Capitol Bulldtne at Salem. Oracon, for seven HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS 1 1 700,- 000) par valua of OREGON FOREST RE HABILITATION AND REFORESTATION BONDS, SERIES ml. Th. Mid boitda will be tht direct BMOtUbla feneral-obliiaikm bonds of tha atata of Oreton, and will bt Mid at not lata than t for aaco aiuo par vaiua thereof and tht aecrutd InUreet thereon, to tho bidder offtrlm tht lot affect te rata of InUraat upon tht bonda, baaed upon atiratatt la .treat eoaf. upon tho tMut Mm puled to tbt final maturltr data Of tht laaut. Tho bonda will baar utarttt payawa leml-annuaily on April t and October 1 of each year, at such rata or rate. In multiples of Vt of 1 but not txctedlnt two and one-half par cent (ltt) par annum on par valut, an shall bt dealina tad In tht accepted hid for tiio bonds. Both tht principal of and lntereit on tht bonds will bt paid at tht olflco of tht atatt trraaurtr of tht statt of Oreton at Salem, Oreton. Tht bonda will bt datod April l, law. wm ot in coupon lorra, and wtli bt la dtnonlnatlons of 11,000 aach. All of tht bonds will maturt on October ISM. but will bt aubJect to optional redemption br tht a lata of Oreton. in numerical order or In thalr ant Ire ty, an April l. iti and upon any In te rait data thereafter, upon thirty days prior pub lished notlct of propoaed redemption. Au brdt muit bt unconditional and bt acoom panted by a certified chock drawn upon a solvent bank, havlna a capital and surplua of SS.0M.0O0 or mora. In faTor of iht atatt forester or tht atatt of Oreaon, for 120.000. Tht proceeds of said check will not draw Interest but will be forfeited to tht atatt of Oreton as liquidated dam aaes in cut the bidder to whom tiit bonda art awarded ahould withdraw his bid or fall to com pie t his purcbaio tn accord ance with the terma thereof. Tht bonds will be delivered complete, on or about May 18, 19M, without cost to tht succMa f ul bidder, at Salem, Oregon, or at auoh banktna Institution In the City of Port land. Oreton, as tht bidder shall name. Each bidder la requeated to Include In hla bid a statement of tbt total In tar eat coit and effective interest rata, baaed upfn atcrecate inttrast coat, that tht atatt wtll pay upon the laiut, provided hla bio is acceptM and nont of the bonda of the laaue art called for payment prior 10 nnai maturity oait. Tht bonda will be Isiued under authorltv of Artlelt Xl-K of tht Contlttutlon of the; state of Oregon, and Of Chapter 102.1 Or r i on Laws 1; and iha auecassful bidder will bt furnlahed. without et. h tht unqualified leaal opinion of of iht bonda Tht Oreton Statt Board of Pore try reserves the risht to reject any or all bida. Offera for tht bonds should bt addrexiod to Oeorit Spaur, Stat Poreater, Salem, Orton, and bt dealt n a ted "Bid for Ortcon Pore it Rrhabllltatlon tnd Reforeatatlon Eondii. Series IBil." Dated at Salem, Ore ion, tht 3nd day of February, 19..3. Oeortt Spaur, Atatt Poreater of tht State of Ortion. Peb. H. Hit. AUMIMHTBATOR't NOTICE Notice la hereby tleen that tht under alined has been appointed admlnlnrator of tht tatatt of Charlas William Volkmao, deceased, by an order made by tht Hon orable Ren Klmmel. Judtt of tht Circuit Court of Marlon County, Oreton, on the 4th day of February 1051. All praont herlnt claim. aialnM aald tatatt art re Quired to present them to the under timed, duly verified, at Room 401, PK neer Trust Bids,. Salem. Oreton, on or befort an months from the data of the first publication of thla notlct, OSCAR OORCKS. Administrator of tht titatt of Charles Wl.ilam Volkman, deceased. ! WILLIAM H. TRINDLK. lAttorner for adminuirator. Date of first publication. Pb 14. Dais ol last publication March 14. J Feb. 14. 31, ta, Marsh 14 V, - a-i - mm-fr -rm Preparing for Next One Members ol the Royal Air Force work tirelessly to replace sandbags and otherwise repair the flood damaged sea wall at Tillingham, England. Crews made up of volunteers and military personnel are performing similar operations throughout England and Holland, where storm-driven gales of last week took devastlng toll of life and property. (UP Telephoto) West Salem Extension Unit Meets Tuesday The West Salem Home Ex tension club will hold the regu lar monthly meeting Feb. 17 at the J. H. Boening home on Elm St The meeting will start at 10:30 a.m. with a no-host din ner at noon. Proiect leaders Mrs. Ed Un derwood and Mrs. Harry Tho mas will demonstrate "Touch up In Wood Furniture." MA RK E T QUOTATIONS rOBTLAND PIODUCI LIST MttArrsl Tentative, aunject to Immedi ate chantet Premium euallty, maximum M to one per cent acidity delivered In SMtimii aa.eaii lb first ouallty 61-T0e: second etiallty, 44-47C. Valley routee ant country points, I cenia less. Baiter Wholesale f ob. bulk nbea 4a wholesalers trade AA S3 acore. 67c: A trade, 9 score, we: B, 10 acore, etc: C, 61 acore 64c Above pricee-atricur nominal. Cheese Bellini price to Portland who!:, aalert. Oreton alntles. 43v-46c. Oregon I lb. loaf, 491-91 tic! triplets, lo less wan tlntleat ' ' tin ta Whalaealerei Candled etga con t.inina -nn loss, eases Included F. O. B. Portland, A grade large 4S-49vee: A trade medium, 44?-4le: B traoa targe, 4s- 4414c PaHlaad Hals Market Belter Price to retanne: Orada AA print. Tic; A carton. T3ci A prlslg. Tie; earton. 7lct B prints, nle. Keaa To retailers, uraae aa. large, ejoi A lerea. tt-tlc: AA medium. 60c: A medi um. 49-49CI A email, nominal. t,-artona, so additional. . Cheese pnee to retanera. rortiann. Oreton turtles, 46Vs-90ct 9-lb. loaves, at-attta lb.i trlolete. .lVao less than aln tles. Premium brands aintiea, asc; loat. HWe. Proceased American eneaae. s-.o loaves ta retsll. 4s-44rte in. Paaltr Uva CMelene (No. t quality. P. O. B. plants.) Frrere, IVi-l lb,.. 3o-31c: 9-4 lbs., 30-tle; rvastera, 4Va lbs.,. and over, 3S-lle; heavy hens, all welthts, n-33c: Hint nsnt, all wetthtt. 16-ltc; old roosters, 14-16o. Dreessd Cklckene Frrera. 3(4-3 lbs., 41 asa: roaitara. 49-44c: . lltht hens. It-Uc: heavy bene. 96.7e; cut OP frrera, all welshta. 4S-4IC. Baawlla Aswase 9e growora: . Llaa whiles. 4-1 lbs, 33-3tc: 9-6 los.. ,30-jtc Ib.t eld dees. 10-Uc few hlaher. Fresh dressed fryers 1st retailers, SI-SKI gut up. g9-4n. Ceentrr Killed Meala - veal Top quality, 44-490 ! ! miab heavlae, 16-400. Bege Legn blockers S4-19C; gowa, light II-99C. Lemba Top grade aprwgera, 40-43ei other grades, according to duality. Mailers Belt ewea and wathera Il-ltc n. , Beef Utility cowa. ll-lle .: eesuttr- cutUrt, St-lte. Fresh Dveeeed Meala IWhalaealera te relallere. Petlara Bar ewt.l Beer ateera eholco. toe-700 ibs g3g-43: good. 437-40: commercial. 934-37: utility, all. cewe commercial, 19-34; utility, n-ja; eanner, 439-39. Beef Cute loholce ateersl Bind euar- terg, 117-41: rounds. 949-90: full loins trimmed. 169.79: trlanslea, 633-36; fore- auartera, 936.39: chucks, 194-44; ribs. 996-61. veas oood. 949-96: eommorclela, aao-te, Calvee choice 949-96: commercials, 140-96. Leoaee Frlme sprlngere, eo-ao yet. 143-44: tood. 441-49. ... tanltee Oood choice, 111-13. Fork Cale Loins. NO. I. 4-11 lbs , 146- I; shouldere, 16 Iba., 130-36; eparerlba, 141-49: freah hams. 10-14 Iba., 493-47. Satekot Heme Skinned. 191-996: alab bacon, 611-91. Refined lerd Is drums, Oil Ill. 50: alab bacon. 131-114. rertlaad Mleeellaneeae Cel.rv Cel. Hat crate. J-1H dot., 1114- 14 39. Few to 94.90. Ore.. 9119-11.90. Oalene so lb. eacke west oreson yel lows, medium. 93 90-1.79: 3-ln.. 44-4.90: No. Is, 91 00-39e: boilers. 10 lbs. sacks. 49-47c: Idaho yellows, medium commercial. 13.39- No. 1 lane. 13 90-19: whIU mad.- Urge. 94 29-4 90: few to 44.90. Petateee Ore.-Wesn. roaseti. Mo. 1, 44 40-4.79: few name brands hither; bak ers. 49 79-9 90; No. 1A, 19 lb.. 91 39-39; 10 97.00 - 39: 100-lb. Backs, 99.00-9.39; 19 lb. No. Is, 91.40.1 90. Hay U S. No. treen alfalfa, deliver ed car lots F.O B. Portland, nominally 911-13 ton: Sesttle. Itl-U, Weal Willamette valley mostly nomin al at 45 lb. areaie basis. rildee Calvee. 19-iae it. according to welghta: green kips. 10-llc; beef, 10-llc lb.: bulle, 9-4tc: green butcher cow hldee. Pllberla Wholesale selling price No. 1 , 1 KfZ A I . SCHOOL UISTRIIT BOND. ILirflON virrtrK nw Mnnt . ....... ice Is hereby tlven that at the school dUtrlct bond -election hereby called to be held st Keuer School Bulldlnt. 3O0S Hirer Road. Mlem. Oregon. In and for school dUtrlct No. M, of Marion County, Oreaon. on tht 34th day of Pebruary, A D. 1F3. between tht hours of 3 o'clock Pm, and I o'clock p m , there will be sub mitted to tht lesal voters thereof tht question of contractlnt a bonded Indebt edness in the sum of 1184,000. oo for tht purpose of provldlnt funu with which to construct, taulp, and furnish a school bulldlnt In and for said school dUtrlct. The vott to be by ballot upon which shall bt the worda "Bonds Yes" and Bond No"; and the voter shall place a trots X between tht word "Bonds" and the word "Tea" or between the wnrd "bonds" and tht word "No" write:, indi cates his choice. The polls for tht reception of the ballots cast for or asalnet the contraction of said Indebtedness will, on said day and date and at the place ,i(oreaid, be opened at the hour of 3 o'clock p.m. and remain open until the hour of o'clock p m. of tht same day, when w. aamt snail be closed. By order of tht district school board of schood dUtrlct No. U of Marlon County, Oreton. made this 23d day of January AD. 1S3. S I ORCtTTT Chairman. Dvtrlct School Bard. Attest: OKNEVIEVR OLDEN BURO District Clark. , Feb. 114 ' large BerceJonai, i4-34e In.; grower prices. erehartl run. ta-lte lb. Welante Wholesale selling price, tlrtt ejnalltp large Prananettee, !3-33e tfe.l grower price, orchard run, U-lle Is ft beat to 19c SALEM MARKETS Cesaplled trees reperta ef Selena dealers lee ike guidance el Cepltel J.araal reedera. (Bertaed Sally.) Bet all Feed Prieea Bekbll FeJIela SIM (te-BJ, has). 44. IS S.St (100-lb. hall. Bag Steak 69.19-94 49. Dairy Peed 43.11 no-lb. bet), 43 4tO SS ISO-lb. has i. (100 wt.). Paeitry Beylne Prleae Colored xrpsTS, ' T7c: old roosters. 14c: colored fowl, SMI leihorn (owl, 16c; roaatera, 10c . Sets Barlag Prices lata, AA. 14c: largg A. 97-Uc: medluca AA, 14c; medium A, 14 SSei email, ay. Pfkaleaale Frteee lag wholeialg prtaes generally l-7o higher than the prices above. Lane grade A senerelly a Doted at 49c: medium, 45e. ' Buturfat Burins price: Premium, vi ne: No. 1, 44-70C: NO. I, 47c Batter Wholesale srede A parthaaent. Tie lb.) reUll, Tie. DEATHS Arthur N. CaUtar Arthur H. Colling, Into resident of ! Bailey Rd at a local boaplUi rtb, 11. by wlft. MUdrtd Collins ef eU- lt-tr; dauehUra, Hrs. Win a Pickle, aUrrtio Crack: lira, rarenlel Belllnt. Mrs. VloJn LaDut, mat Myron Colling and xdlai uary or.vco couuit, an ot aaiem; totkt, Alfred CoUlnv and Forrest CoUini, both ot Halem, and Norman Colllnn of U. 8. Navy; atsttrs, Un. O. O. Burt. Stslwitt, Mrs. Cmmttt McCool. SUrtrton, Mrs. tan Homes. Denver, Colo, and Mrs. John Bftiiou, wiuonviua, ntb.t a brother. Law C oiling. Pooatallo, Id., and 13 grandchild ren. sMrvicas in Howell-Edwards ChatMl . eVurxlsy, Feb. 11 at a p.m. with Intsnntnl m city view cemtttry. in Utu of flowtra, frltoda art aaked to make contiibutlona to tnt ceacar rund. Ritualistic services will be held by Fraternal Order of Caglta SOIL - Z Manrlco MIHon Banataa Maurict Ullton Rsnaom. foratrr rrv:nt of 140 FaJrhavtn Avt In a local hospital, no. ia it int ait oi a years. Survtvad by granddauthttr, Mrs. Darwin La Van, Cooa Bay; grandson. Walter LtVan. Coot nay. JWVKea in Howeu- Ed wards Chapel Monday. Fe. It at 1:90 p.m. with tho Rev. W. Harold Lyman officiating. In tarntnt la City View cemetery. sUlph W. lonthwleb ; Ralph W. sSouthwlck, lata resident "of 1195 tt. 15th it reet nt a local hospital Feb. 13th. survived by wlft, Mrs. btntr Bailey Southwlck. flalem: dauahtor. Urs. Jean Berelhlmer of Myrtlt Point; son. Frank B. South wick of Mlem: sister. Mrs. Margaret Col. Redwood Cltv. cntnmt Service In ClOUSh-waUn-lck tChaiMl Um! day. Fib. i al 1: p.m. with Dr. Faol roiins orriciatinff. Intermenk . m Cltv Vltw ctmtttry. Laon Forta. Bradley Leon Forest Bradley, In a local hosvlta Feb. 13. Latt rtaldent nf Lakvl rM SurvlvM by son, Vinton Bradley, LsUa view. Shlpment has baten iMdo to Lak. view for aervlcat and InUrment madtt? dlrtcUon of V. T. GoUt Oo. . Francos BoH Francsa Hart, mk Uiat d.Jauu 4 N. Cottaco Bt.. Fab. 11. Surrivid fcy husband. Frank Hovt, Salem: dnorhtdtrs. Mrs. Walter Carl tile, Salem. Mrs. Vlrall Woodward. Salem. Mrs. Richard JOauso. Portland, Mrs. Harry Stealer Jr., stent a Roaa, Callf.i aons, BU Hoyt. Salem. Rotrert Hoyt, Portland; altttrs. Mrs. Dolph VIU tons, Salem. Mrs. Mattlt Clark, Salon. Mrs. Sieve Hensen. Rose bury, Mrs. Iaoulit Hitt. Missouri; brother. Bud DeLapp, mn talla; and U aTrBndVhtwfpAn ibl.1 . Tuamday. Feb. IT at 10:30 a.m. tn tfa. MemoMsTptTk. "t,n",nt OBITUARY WIIHsb Hewry stathtrfacd WU Urn In a Funeral services wort held Peb. 13 m McMionvltl for William Henry Rutherford, . of Grand Ronda. Inter ment waa In Evergreen Memorial park. McMlnnvlllt. W. H. Rutherford was bora July 14, ma m Fall city, Nb., and was a World War II veteran, having sorvtdr -us ,-rs.ip maropt. survivors incladn thret l Hers, Mrs. Luclllt WrilteAead. Day ton. Mra. Bldora Castro. Grand Rondo, and Mrs. Ruth TannlhlU. Hew Mexico; aoJ unela, William Henn inter, Or and Rondaj three aunts, Mra. Opal Jackson. Dayton, Mrs. Charlie Coon. Newbtrg and Mrs. Ju lia Bunch. Lake Stevens, Wash. I and atf- ral nieces and nephews. Mra. Lenna K. Cornett LaatU Albany Serv Ices will be held UtmA l 1:30 p m.. at tht Plshtr Funeral homo for Mrs. Lenna E. Cornett Lantto, 17, who lived at Richmond. Calif., and who died at a Berkeley, Calif., hospital Thuradav. " Sht was born at Shtdd. llvlnt there most oi ner me. snt had lived in California tht past Mvt years. Sht la survived by her husband, Adolph Lantto; two children, Helen Cornett Walker. Richmond, and Jack Cornett Jr., Ouami two brothers, Wayne W. Powers, Otdea, Utah, and Mack D. Powers, Eusene: three sisters Mrs. Martaret A. Neary, Rlchmoixh- Mra. Ima K. Brann. Burner. Calif., and Allen A. Bowman. Sparks, Nev. Burial will bt) In the Albany Masonic cemetery. Fin WArt a tribute of respect IIUTffClJ for the departed, an expression ot comfort to the bereaved DIAL 41692 GREEN THUMB FLORIST , 321 Court Jr i I Lam h o Di ti Chan DKS lllN LAM CHINDSE N rtKOPATHS UpsUlrs. 241 North Libert? Jliict open elurday only 10 a m to 1 D.m . t to 7 p m Con suluuon blood preuure and urine tuts art tree of charts Prseucrd sines 1917 Writs foi itrsrtlve gift No obltRntlTn .wt V-b:Mb (T6 TV