FAN FARE idlinnnuiiruds Heaves Salem Seimatioirs lvWflDiM p wgnou-NDjasiu. KW1 WtNNA IgJ. OKIHTAWkU Stayton Straight SUjton clinched it third straight Capitol basketball learae title when It defeated Salem Academy 57-19 last night at Stayton. The Eagles finished with a league record of wren wins and one loea. Sacred Heart'! hope for mov ing into a aecond place tie with Caicade were given a kick in the teeth when the Cards were up set by Philomath, 83-52, at Phil omath. STAYTON 67 8AIEM ACADEMY St Wayne Minten grabbed the opening tip-off and took it down for a lay-in to put Stayton out in front and the Eagles never gave up the front position. By the end of the first canto, stay ton had a 19-10 lead. At half- time, the Eaglea were way ahead, 40-16. It was 64-25 for Stayton at the end of the third stanza, Eagle coach Joe Boyle played his subs during the final quar ter and the second-stringers were able to score but three points as Salem Academy was adding 14 markers. Dave Neltllng was high for the Eagles and the game with 18. Jim Pfay and Virgil Fadenrecht each scored 14 to lead the Salem Academy scor ing. Salem Academy won a thrilling B game by a score of 20-29. Dave Phillips hooped ll and Bruce Dalke hit nine to lead the Academy while Bob Weddle counted for nine and Roger Hurst hit seven to be high for the Eaglets. Bunny Mason To Talk to Breakfast Club Bunny Mason, professional at Salem Golf club, will be the speaker at Monday morning's meeting of the Salem Breakfast club at the Senator hotel at 7:30, All male sports fans' are In vited to attend the affair, wheth er or not they are members of the Breakfast club. fights last High! New Tee Roland LA SUnA, IM. Hew Tort, outpointed Ku Lais. So, Lewle toa. Utah, la Dayton Retains Yavama Lead; Willies Still Close Dayton retained Its one-game lead la the Tawama high school basketball leagne with a 51-34 victory over Sherwood last night It was the 11th win In 12 leagne games for the Pirates. Second-place Willamina atay- ed on the heels of Dayton with a 62-80 victory over Banks at Willamina. In other Yawama games, Sheridan sunk Yamhill 63-41 at Sheridan and North Marion downed Amity 82-48 at Amity. DAYTON 52, SHERWOOD 34 Dayton led 23-15 after a slow ly-played first half, and grad ually stretched its advantage through the third and fourth quarters. Harold Hedgecock scored 14 points to lead Dayton's point column. Teammate John Dodge was close behind with 13.lwt shots when the opportunity Ron Van Dolah of Sherwood led presented itself, and not making his team with nine. Dayton won the preliminary game, 48-38. SHERIDAN 63, YAMHILL 41 Larry Hermans, Yamhill's con sistent high scorer, was in top form last night, pouring In 22 points, mostly on long one handers, but his efforts went to do avail as the Sheridan team got off to an early lead and greadually stretched their mar- SPORTS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Cellere beefeetbant Willamette At Whitman, washlnston at OBC, Oreson at WBC. OCT at OTI. Risk eebeel aaabelball! Sacred Heart It Central. Cfaorrh leecwo baehetballt Class B rnlshl Memorial vs. at. Paul's Episcopal own Street ChrlsUan ee. Celery Baptist! Claea C nrel Baputl t. Plrst Methodist. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Isfe Mkeet baaaetban: sacred Heart at Br Francis. ! MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16 i relleea baskets lit WIllemettA At Collect of Idaho. Cherrh lease basketball: Claeo A Plret Christian vs. Capitol Baplttt, Plrst Vaptm vs. PJntvood Bible. Plrst Methodist cnooi; ciass B jaaon ui ve. uoerty Celvary Baptist. Plrst Christian Blacks vs. Bt. Paul's Xplscopsl: Out C St. Msrk's Ponies vs. Knlsht Asemorlal, Klnserood Bible va, Plrst Baptist, Pint EVB vs. Plrst vnruuan, nasareno vs. pea! school. (Bee TUESDAY, Kith school Weketkoll: Albany at Salem. Balem Academy at Oervals. Stayton at venirai: wuiemeue valley Mecue est. Molalla At Canby, Woodbavn At Dan as; '.ibllmlty. Bt. Paul AS Chemawa, JeUereon jeeaue omity as Tamauj, liorta Manas At Bania, snorrdaa At Slierwood, Dayton St Willamina. City leans basketball at Leaflet t, Salem Jayveoa an. D Battery; S, Warner Motors Vs. Msrlon Motors: I, Wolsamott's ve. aslcm Auto Parts. Cbarek leasee basketball: Class A Plrst EVB va. Plrst Presbyterian: Class JI Ctourt street Chrletlen ve. Plrst Chrlstlsn Whites, Enflewood EUB va, Halbert Memorlel. VTBSTM NCMOTHBt TMArtShSerr-'WetUM- . Clinches Third Capitol Title CARTOL LtAOCX W Ji Pet. W I. Pet Startra f 1 -til Philomath t .IM Caecede t .T14 MU Ac S T Mi Sec Heart I i m Ft Wit results: Burton IT, Salsa Acad I Ml Philomath II, liiral Heart 11. PHILOMATH 53 SACRED HEART 53 Philomath forward Bob Schaf er tipped In a field goal with a minute to play for Philomath's winning basket. Sacred Heart was leading 52-51 when Schafer tapped in the two-pointer. The score had been tied twice in the fourth period, at 44-44 and 49 49. Philomath led 44-39 when the fourth quarter opened. The Phillies had led through all the game up until then. It was 19 9 at the end of the first quarter and 31-21 at the haiftime. Frank Howard led Philomath in scor ing with 16 points, but high1 Salem Wrestlers End Dual Meet Season With Victory The Salem high school wrest ling sqnad ended its dnal meet season Thursday night by top ping Molalla 29-18 at Molalla. Salem's next wrestling comes in the Big Six meet here Febru ary 19 and 20. After that Hank Juran's wrestlers travel to Al bany for the district meet the 25th and 2Stta of this month. The state meet will be at Corvallls March 6th and 7th. The seven Salem winners in the varsity matches were Rog er Morse, Jerry Boose, Fay Ladd, Bob Engle, Harry Juul, Fred Stepper, and George Meyers, Those winning by pinning their opponents were Morse, Engle, and Meyers. Frank Williams of Salem fought to a draw with Norm Kemper of Molalla. Salem took eleven of the 14 exhibition matches Wednesday. Dave Morgan, Jack Johnson, Bob Cameron, John Cummings, Ronnie Coon, Wright Noel, Vera coates, Ed Keltz, Torval Klein, Larry Newsom, and Jerry Sales bury were the winners. Molalla won only one match and two ended In draws. TAWAMA LEAGUE W L Pet. Dartoa 11 1 ,17 Sherwood Wulamln 10 S .131 Barks Sheridan S I .TM Amity s 10 .11 , N. Marlon a .M7 Tamhlll 1 ll Ml Prtdar results: Dayton 13, Sherwood 14; willamina . Banks W: Bhertden A3, TamhlU 41: North Marlon 11. Amity 4a. gin throughout the ball game. Quarter scores were 18-11, 28-19 and 47-28. Both teams employed a aone defense, and it was a neat ball game through out. Dale Stuck, with 15, and Gary Burdg, with 14, topped Sheridan scor ing. Sheridan won the B game 38-31. Larry Green led the Sheridan Jayvees with 14, while Morelli and Sayer were high for the Yamhill Bees with 10. WILLAMINA 62, BANKS 50 In the first half. Banks played a dpi i hern t tvn nf hnll rnlrlno' much attempt to work the ball in under the basket The Bankers didn't do too badly at this, and at haiftime Wilamlna led only 32-28. But in the second half, Banks decided to loosen up and work the ball in more. The change in attack failed to pro duce, and Willamina stretched its advantage to 47-35 by the end of the third quarter, and coasted on to win in the fourth period, us- SLATE vs. Calvary Baptist, chemawa ve. Deaf cnorcn or Christ. St. Mtrk's Lutheran vs. story day of lamas lor times and pieces.) FEBRUARY 17 Ansel at Bandy, auverton at Estarada. Martoat Montr B leaaue Mill CHy at At Deaf School, Oatee at Detroit: Tawama II ss&r I point man for the game . was Bill Thompson of Sacred Heart, who had 23. In the Junior var sity preliminary, Sacred Heart won 80-35. The two Barr boys led the SHA Jayvee win. R. Barr had 15 and B. Barr 12. Dave Kemp led Philomath's jun iors with eight. ilw Academy W Meu 14 P.., rhlelen S P.., Blttlne C, It. Pedonreeht O.. (IT) Started ,,. 1 MUM .... 4 HUrtch , II O. trail' ,. C. Small HefUlnf V. Padenrecht 14 O... Sum: aaiem Academy wyatt 4. ctun thr 1. OUin. Hsufsld. Allliter, senrederi Bteytonr-Hatch 1. Hellion S, UHn, Miocker. Weddlo. UdiT. Officials: Beard ud Helton. una Heart (tai il) Rodtnid t r Muikev Morlsrltr I P S Behnler Thompson S3 c IB Rue Uiu It O II Howard Coonev 3 O S Hut Bubi: Sacred Heart Pleeber 1 PUd. wood S. Bteab. Lolay. BoriMrm Philonv th Bcerth a, Vincent I. VARSITY HATCHES M poundi Rocer Durand (MoleUA) de- etiloned Bill Edwards (Balrtn)i 104 pound! Roter Mono (Salem ) pinned Larry Bchoenborn (Molalla); 111 poundi Jerry Boose. (Balem) decision Rarth (Molalla) t 13 pounds Pay Ladd (Salem) deeleloned Bruce Helell (Molalla)! IM poande Bob Enslo (Salem) pinned Don Cuehlns (lis. lolla); 111 pounds Prank Williams (Ba lem) and Norm Kemper (MolallAI fouabt to a drawi 141 pounds Harry Janl (Balem) declslonod Charles Downorty (Molalla) j 141 pounds Prod Stepper (Balem) decl sloned Lyndon Robertson (Molalla) I 1IT pounds Phil Bar (Molallal AecUloned Joe Jarno (Solera) I IN pounds Ooorto Krn- plcka (MoleLa) pinned Jan Crenshaw (Ba lem )l 171 pounds Roter Phelps (Molalla) pinned Arnold Temple (Balem) t beevy- weltht Oeorao Meyers (Salem) pinned lurk Maben (Molalla). EXHIBITION MATCHES a pound Dave Morgan (Balem) ded sloned John Roberts (Molalla) t 104 pounda Jack Johnson (Balem) doetaloned Abra- hamion (Molalle)l 123 pounds Don Phil lips (Salem) and Larry Eyuo (Molalla) fought to A draw: 134 pounds Bob Cam eron (Balem) declslonod Don Pelack (Mo lalla): 131 pounds Ronnlo Coon (Balem) declsloned Linn (Molalla) i 151 pounds John Cummlntt (Salem) declsloned Larry BItbee (Molalla): 131 pounds Detrlek (Molalla) pinned Dan prodrleksoa (Balem) ; 145 pounds-Wrliht Noel (Balem) ded- ioned Disk Nelson (Molalla): 187 pounds Vera Coates (Balem) declsloned o. Bar bee (Molalla): 117 pound Ed Relta (Ba lem): declsloned Monan (Molalla): 117 pounds Toreal Klein (Balem) declsloned Mabln (Molalla): lei pounds Larry New eom (Balem) declsloned Kemp (Molalla): 171 pounds Terry Salisbury (Balem) declsloned Pellx. (Molallal. ing substitutes for several min er L Prt. utes. Roy Zimbrtck led Wills J ! -ij! mina in scoring with 21 points, most of them from in close. Wray Chain topped Banks' point-mak ing column with 14. Willamina's B team easily won the prelimin ary game 36-18. Douglas Leary led the Willamina Juniors with 15 points. Murphy topped the losing Jayvees with five. NORTH MARION 62, AMITY 46 Amity led 21-9 at the end of the first period, and appeared to have the game all sewed up. But North Marlon got hot early in the second quarter, and stayed hot the rest of the game. Amity's lead was sliced down to 31-25 by haiftime, and to 41-40 when the third period ended. North Marion took the lead just after the fourth quarter started. It was pretty close from then up until the last couple of minutes. Ron, with 13 points, and Keith Driver, with 12, led the North Marion victory. Ray Tozer and Don Lynch topped Amity with 13 and 12, respectively. North Marion eked out a 43-42 win in the B game. Ensign led North Marion's Jayvees with 19, while Melvln Leppln topped the Amity B team with 13. Darlea () (Ml ... 1 Shoppard ,. S Van Dolah S Joyce 7 rjlrloh Hedeecock 14 . Dauenhauer I Dodee 11 .(... Herrelson I .... ..P.. ..P.., ..C. .a.. Reeder 11 ..a. S Bubs: Darton Plnnlcura t, Bell I: Sherwood DeMoulln 4. omclala: Wlcksrt and Mandril. Temalll (41) (Ml Skerldan Thlrs 1 P I Hulstt Hermrns 11 P 1! Stuck Bprlnser I C S Sanders Bellwood 1 o 1 Smith Swain I O II Burda Subs: Tamhtll Wilde I: Sheridan Pepen S, Oreen S, Williams 11, RoeenbelBL Woods. Olfklala: Ireland and MeNett. Baaka (M ( ) Wlllemraa tl Zlmbrlek Dennis I ..... ..P..., ..r... ..c... .a... Sellers 11 .. Chstn 11 .... .. IS Toast .... I Watt 11 MrUoutal Kreps I Jackion I ... . o. I uttlojohn Vandehev I. Petere: Wll. Sups: Benks lamina Leathers 1. Porbera a. Stout. Heneon. Salmon. Baker. Officials: PUtcroft and Rlen. I Nertk Merle (M) 1 Moekard I p . I McLaren T p' 1 Rsrendse I) c . I Driver 11 . . . o cole I .. o" Bube: North Msnon (Ml ASBttv 11 Compton .. II Teeer I Siephene S Hubbard . 11 Lynch cauowev I. Iron-Armed Pitcher Goes To Little Rock, Arkansas By CHRIS KOWrrZ, JR. Ted Edmunds, chunky right hander who set a Western In ternational league record by pitching In 17 games during the 1952 season, won't be back with the Salem Senators in 1953. The iron-armed relief pitcher, who once last year appeared in five games in a single week, be longs to the Detroit Tigers. He is being recalled and re-assigned to Little Rock of the class AA Southern Association league, Sa WU Bounced Out Of Tie for 1st In MW Conference (By The Associated Press) Willamette's Bearcats wt: bounced out ef a tie for first place In the Northwest Confer ence Basketball standings Fri day night as they dropped the first of a two-game series with Walla Walla, 74-61.' Lewis and Clark, which had shared the top rung with the Bearcats, was idle but plays host to Pacific's Badgers Saturday night. Willamette overcame 41-32 haiftime deficit to go In front. 65-64, midway In the fourth quarter. But the battling Mis sionaries came back strong in the final minutes to win with ease. Dick Hoy of Willamette took scoring honors with 21 points. Don Robinson led Whit man with 17. At Caldwell, the College of Idaho Coyotes moved into a tie for second with Pacific and Willamette by trouncing last place Linfield, 75-53. The Coy otes ere in front all the way. R. C. Owens topped the winners with 21. Ted McKee was high for Linfield with 15. Another game Is on tap Saturday night. Mo (At) (74) Whitman ft It pt to ft ft pf to Hoy.t 10 el 4 11 Paln.f I 1 1 11 Mase.f S S S It Robnsn.r I 7 I 17 Reed e Sill Owlkn.e 4 S 1 14 Shields S S S S Parker.- (Mil Brfrens-S 4 I 4 Roboetl- S S 1 U Col?erd,f S S A Kllse.f S C Hentlr, Walnbc. S S 1 McCletrj 1SSS Klleler.t 1 s 1 Oray.s I 1 S 1 Click.! 0 S s 0 Eredjw.t 40 Totals 17 11 11 H Totrls 11 10 14 74 Half tune score Whitman 41. W Hi em eus n. Missed tree throws Willamette 11: Hoy. Maw 4. Reed. SerlTens. Orar 4: Whitman 10: Pain, Robinson, Owlna 1, Parker 4, Roblnott. orneiaat: TearfinAnd wynkoon. Albany Edges Out Lebanon in 62-61 Thriller Albany Lebanon high school threw a terrific scare into the Albany Bulldogs before Albany racked up its 13th straight vic tory here last night, 62-61. Albany trailed 61-57 with 15 seconds to go. Neil Causbie was fouled three times In the next 15 seconds, and sunk three of his six gift tosses. After miss ing on his last attempt, he tip ped in the rebound for the win ning basket. The game was a thrilleroo all the way, and kept the fans breathless with excitement The score was tied 15 times. Lebanon (! (At) Albany Chamberlain IS ...P I Poppert Carroll 1 P IS Shelby Hesenreer 11 ...X II Cauible McBrlde 14 0 11 Pontius Dixon 10 Q S Sorenion Bubs: Lebanon Richards a, rirkelle ; Albany Webb S. Washington Downs 0SC; Ducks Defeat (By The Aaeocletod Press) Washington's Huskies, the na tion's No. 3 basketball team. were within one game today of clinching a tie for their third straight Northern division cham- plot-shlp In the Pacific Coast conference. The Huskies, led as usual by unstopable Bob Houbregs who scored 28 points, defeated the Oregon State Beavers at Corval lls last night. 69-53. for their 11th win in the division without a setback. They have a 21-1 rec ord for the overall season. With only five games left a the division slate, the Oregon Dncks kept their chances alive, but only bare ly, aa they came from behind In the final quarter to down the Waahlngton State Con gars at Pullman, 64-56. The Dncks trail the Huskies by four gsmes. The same teams play again to' night. Houbregs, who atready this season has hung up new division records in almost all depart ments, boosted his season's con' ference scoring total to 304 and his field goal figure to 113. The Huskies went into the lead to stay midway in the first quarter and were ahead at the half, 44-28. The Beavers closed the gap in the fourth period to nine points, but could get no closer. Tony Vlaatelica, OSC's ace center, was held to nine points. High for the Beavers with 16 was bill Toole, speedy guard. At Pullman, the WSC Cougars ran out of gas In the finsl quai ter, scoring only nine points while Oregon spurted for 18, The Ducks led only once briefly at the start of the second quar Sem General Manager Hugh Luby was Informed today. Little Rock is a farm club of the Tigers, and Detroit is In terested In seeing how Edmunds will fare In a class AA circuit. The Western International league is class A. Edmunds was originally signed to a Detroit contract for a bo; nus. After a couple oi sessons on Tiger farm clubs, he suf fered a sore arm, and sat out the 1951 season completely. Detroit sent him to Salem, at the sug gestion of Tiger scout Bernie deViveiros, during spring train ing for the 1952 season. When Edmunds reported to the Senators at Calistoga, Calif., he was sporting about 20 superflu ous pounds around the midsec tion. But he got into shape In a hurry, and his sore arm was i'rtainly cured that 57. ap pearances will attest to that . Edmunds' home Is in Santa Barbara, Calif. Salem Loses All Hopes for Big Six Championship Spring! le Id Salem high school's Vikings, Buffering one of their poorest seasons In SHS history, went down to defeat for the seventh time In their last eight games here last night as Springfield won over the Viks 77-61. The loss ruined any chances Salem might have had of win ning the Big Six championship Guard Floyd But-right led the Miller victory with 27 points. Burright scored a large major ity of his points on fast breaks. Jack Cobb, making his first appearance in the starting line up, turned in a pleasant sur prise by leading the Salem team in scoring with 19 points. - Springfield's junior varsity team defeated the Salem Sopho mores 46-37 in the preliminary game. (1) (771 senasneie t n or tn it n pt m Blshop.f ( I 111 Pskul'k.f 4 4 4 11 WelkerJ 4 cai:ex.i v s i x 1 I Heic'ck-c I I S 11 1 1 Burtht,! 11 S 0 17 1 1 WUlobr.i 1 S I 4 1 4 Leavltt.f 1 t 1 5 I Brown.t t I 111 1 1 1 MtUer.o 1 Knapp.t S Cobb.e I Plckens.f 1 Johnson.f 1 Dmsala.1 t flprlnsr,! 1 Totals 14 11 a 11 Totals II 1 11 Tl Salem 11 11 ' Bprtntflold II M Tl Proa tnrowi misled: Salem S, Bprtaf'tlold Mill City Lead as Jeff Tops Subs Mill City is practically "In" as Marion county B leagne bas ketball champions today. The worst the Timberwolves can da now Is tie for the title. MiU City won its 14th straight Marion B victory with an 87-53 win at Gates last night. Mean while, second-place Sublimity was suffering a 63-50 loss to Jef ferson at Sublimity. In other Marlon B contests, Gervals downed St. Paul 48-37 at St. Paul and Chemawa defeated Oregon School for the Deaf 54 43 at Chemawa. Cougars ter, but never got out in front again until eight minutes before the gun. Then Chet Noe's tip-in put them on the long end at 51-49. At the 55-52 mark, Oregon went into a stall and collected Its last nine points from the free throw line as the Cougars fouled tn a desperate attempt to control the ball. Noe was the game's high scor er with 21 points. Bob Klock topped WSC with 15, followed by Ron Bennlnk with 13. Ben nlnk had been listed a day earlier as a flu victim and out for the series. Washington State had a 33-29 haiftime bulge and were ahead 47-4 at the start of the fourth quarter. Weehhwtea () (II) Oreson Stete fa ft nf tp McClry.f S 1 I Kdwrds.t McCthn.1 111 Whltmnf Hbreei.e I S 1 11 TUtllca.0 Kooo.o 114 1 Toole.a Crprno.1 4 4 S 11 Jarboe.f Partonat S 4 S II PatieLf Elllott.l S I Hsllsanl Ward.f I svutrue.f Roblnt.r Romnof.f Johniln.s ft n pf tp 1 II Totals 1 11 11 m Totals l 11 11 11 Washlmton 11 IS I 11 Oreson Stete II 1 11 14-11 Pree throws missed: aWthtnstoa Ma Cutehen I. Houbrera S. CI prune S. Par sons 1. Oreson State Edwards S, Toole I, Halllnsaa 1, Susruo I. Orete (Ml It ft pf IP 111) Waah. lute It ft pi tp 4 1 4 10 Halbert.f III Mulllna.f Pern are. f 1 Noe.c I wetner.l I Hollsnd.1 S Stout! 1 BonemB.1 1 Peae.t He wes t s 1 I Swnsoa.f 1 11 Rehder.o 1 IT Benlnk.f 4 1 Kkoek.1 I 1 Cndrwd.t 1 Myron.f S Oarton.e I S Mors so .t 1 10 I 11 I 11 Totals tl II 11 44 Totals 11 11 It 44 Orrton 11 I IT 11-44 Wtshlnttno Ststs ..II 11 II I 51 Pree throws missed: Oreson Hslbert I. Stout I. Parnara t. Wetner 1. Pate, Holland. Washlnston state Header A BoBBtkk t. Mors an a. cglmBiiai LOCAL UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS jr Dallas Practically Of WVL Dallas Is assured ef at least a tie for first place In the Wlllara ette Valley league after the see end place Molalla Indiana lost another game last night this time to Sllverton, 54-49. Mean while Dallas beat Sandy, 77-54, at Dallas. Unless the Dragons lose their next three games and the Indians win their next three, Dallas wit be sole owner of the leagne championship. Woodburn, Sandy, Estacada, and Sllverton are now tied for third place by virtue of wins by Estacada and Sllverton and loss es by Wodburn and Sandy. San dy lost to Dallas, Sllverton beat Molalla, and Estacada beat Woodburn 48-46 In an overtime thriller at Woodburn. DALLAS 77, SANDY 54 Domination of the boards and accurate shooting told the tale. Dallas had control of the back boards, grabbing 84 rebounds to 15 for Sandy. Meanwhile, the Dragon shooting eye was excep tionally accurate, hitting an av erage of .507 from the field. Dallas led at the end of the first quarter by a score of 17 to 13. At the half, the Dragons led 83-28. Shrine Game Earned 186 G's For Hospital San Francisco Jf) The 28th annual East-West charity foot ball game here last December earned a record net profit of $186,741 for the local Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children. William M. Coffman, manag ing director of the game, made the announcement. The former high was $177,000, set the year before. The 28 contests have given ap proximately $1,400,000 to the hospital. Ups Marion B MABION COUNTY B LEAGUE W L Pet, W L Pet. Mill City 14 a 1.000 Oatea 4 S JM Bubllmty 11 1 .1ST Chemawa 4 S 401 Jelfereoa S 4 .Ml St. Paul a 11 .IM Oervals S S .111 Detroit 1 11 .114 O. S. D. S S JIS Prtday results: Mul City it, oates u: Jefferson II. Sublimity SO: Oervals 41, St. Paul it: Chemawa 04. Deal school 41. MILL CITY 87, OATES 53 Roy Chase poured in 27 points to pace the Mill City victory. Bill Hoffman was next in line for the Timberwolves with 20. Herb Romey led Gates scorers with 23. Mill City was never pressed for victory. Scores at the ends of the quarters were 22-8, 45-19 and 69-35. Mill City had an even easier time winning the junior varsity game. The score was 78-18. JEFFERSON 63, SUBLIMITY 50 Sublimity simply wasn't up to form for the game, and Jeffer son took over in the third quar ter, after Sublimity had led 28 24 at haiftime. Jeff outscored the Saints 20-9 in the third stanza. The game developed in to a scoring duel between Dale Wattenbarger of Jefferson and Ron Ruef of Sublimity, and It ended in a dead heat each scored 21 points. But the points were fashioned in a different manner. Wattenbarger made most of his on lay-ins, while Ruef made most of his on Jong shots. Sublimity's junior varsity team won the preliminary game, 40-36. Jim Lewis scored nine and Sullivan eight for the junior Saints. J. Neal led Jefferson's B team with 10. GERVAIS 48, ST. PAUL 37 Gervals led all the way as St Paul missed quite a few shots. Quarter scores favored the Cou gars 12-7, 30-18 and 38-28. Ger vals controlled the bsckboards. Reillng was a standout in the backboard department He also led the winners in scoring with 13 points, same number as scored by St. Paul's top man, Norman Berhorst. Gervals' Jay vee team won the preliminary SIDING Baked Enamel Finish Aluminum Permanence, Beauty, Inralatlea Willamette Aluminum Co. S035 flii. 11 i. 21051 Pas; 10 Salem, Oregon, Saturday, February 14, 1953 Championship WIUAMBTTE VAIUT LUOCE W L Pet. W L Pet Dallas IS I JOS BstAcdA S . 4 .Ml MolallA I I 111 BIlTCrton t S A4I Woodbra I I wm. Anal s I .in Sandy S I .44 Canby 1 10 Ml Prtday yeenlta: Dallas Tl. Bandy Mi Sllverton 14, MolAUa 41; Eataeada 44, woodbura as; ml abaoi ee, canby 41. Dallas scored 22 points in each of the second half quarters. The score was 53-40 at the start of the final stanza. George Curtlss and Robert Olson each scored 16 for the Dragons. Olson was white-hot and hit six or seven in a row from the field. Herb Brandll netted 14 and Rex Dom- aschofsky hooped 13 to help the Dragons along. The leading scor Oregon College Of Education Loses to OTI " OOO STAND DIGS W L Pet. PP PA DOCE 4 S .171 44T 141 Ores on Tech 4 I ATI 4T 411 One on Col. Ed. ......I A .MS 447 m Portland Btat 1 iW I1T III Prldar reeeJtt: Oreson Tech . OCX M. Klamath Falls ( Tom Schu bert scored 18 points to lead Ore gon Tech to a 68-66 victory over Oregon College of Education in Friday night's Oregon Collegiate Conference basketball game here. OCE'S Bobby Frantz was high for the game with 20 points. OTI was ahead 38-35 at the half and had to fight all the way to maintain the narrow lead. OTI (II) m oce ft rt pi tp n rt pf tp Wyatt.f 4 I 11 Ororo.f 4 1 I 10 Hmphry.f I 4 S S flullvan.f s t I 13 Shubert-C 7 4 4 11 PrsnU-C 1 S I 10 Oenetn.a S 4 S 14 Phnolst,! 1113 Butler.i 1117 Plnlon.f 4 1 S I Thmpen.1 4 S S IS M'Knal,f Sill Jepson.1 e B t b lawis.i i t a Rinilluo Set! BuahneU I S S Totals 11 11 14 M Totals 11 11 11 M on It M N II OCE 11 II U II Preo throve missed:, on 11, OCX I. Officials: joks and Hsu. game 37-15. Ries scored seven to lead the Gervals juniors. Mike Kirk was high for the St. Paul B team with five. CHEMAWA 54 DEAF SCHOOL 43 David Maynard, Deaf School center, was in top form with his favorite hook shot from the key hole lane, but his 24 points went to no avail as Chemawa took a 13-4 lead in the first quarter and maintained the lead the rest of the way. It was 32-13 at the half and 44-28 when the third period ended. Umtich led Che mawa's scoring with 17 points. Chemawa easily won th e Jay vee game, 73-19. Bennett and Telller had 11 points apiece to lead Chemawa' juniors, while' Larry Applebee scored 10 to top the Deaf School Jayvees. MIU CHy (17) Ward 1 Chase 17 .... Oresory I ,. Kanoff 1 Hoffman 10 ., (IS) Gstee . 13 ftomer 1 Haun I Beamish 4 Larson I Vail p..., p... c... o... Suba: MIU city Brewer I. Carey 4. Mlener I. Verbeck 4, Meltlrw I: Galea Bernhardt T. Officials: Dyer and Bates. Jefferson (HI Blackwell 14 .... Wrlaht 1 1 Wattenharter 11 (J4) Sabllmlly -P 1 Bents .P... II D. Heuberaer C 11 Btelnkemp O ll Ruet .O 1 Bradlev Cameron I Cauthell 4 Bubs: Jefferson Meesers 1. Wells 1. Cot. man. Marlott, Brostraek: Sublimity Klnta. Prank S. Parrtsh. L. Heuberaer 1. Rleaterer. winci ale: cnantberlen and Orova, Oervals (41) Renins 1 ... Oreer II .... Schmidt 4 ., Lucaa 1 (IT) St. Psal 13 Berhorst I Wolf Van Damme ..IB. Bmlth ,...P... ,."..P... ...c... ...o... ...o... Thompson 13 10 O. Smith Bubs: Osrvala R. Kepplnrer. Belleoue, Bchlechter. X. Kepplnser. Adams. Lelth 1: Bt. Psul Klrsh 4. Morton. Olflclala: Anderson and Markoekls. Deal Sekeol (U) Martin I , Mccann 1 Meynard 14 Heath 1 (M) Cheaaavra 4 Blaekwator .... I Bwluler ... IT TJmtuch S Tellowshlrt ..P... ..C... Lewln O . I Oallrneau Subs: Deaf School Nelson 1: rh.m.. ssorin 3. sennaly l. WANTED 100WOMEN AGE 16 TO 65 OBJECT Recreation Reducing Exercise Romance Bowl In mixed leagne ef Men and Womea Wonderful Exercise Pleasant Recreation Meet New Congenial Feepia Classes for b sinners Com at r phone for farther information. B&B BOWLING COURT 308S Perriand Road . fhon 2-4438 NEWS AND FEATURES Sure ers for Sandy were Ed Hopp with 16, Jerry Young 13, and Jack Anderson with 12. The league's leading scorer, Don Meyers of Sandy, scored but one point as he seemed to be unable to find the range. Dallas won the B game, 48-35 with Lloyd Rockford scoring 12 for the Baby Dragons and Nilson hit ting 11 for the Sandy juniors. SILVERTON 64, MOLALLA 4 Sllverton won the ball game in the first quarter, outscoring Molalla 18-6. Outside of the first period, the losers outscored the winners 46-43. The two teams played on about even terms in the second, third and fourth quarters. Score at haiftime was 29-21 for Sllverton and at the end of the third quarter it was 39-31 for Sllverton. Molalla used man-to-man defense In the first period, when they lost the ball game. After that, the In dians usedoa zone defense, and succeeded in holding their own. Dave Hagen scored nine point in the second quarter to put Mo lalla back in the game. He fin ished the night with 15, one more than Silverton's top scorer, Leon McComman, with 14. Sll verton made 20 out of 28 free throws, with the starting lineup making 19 out of 22. Molalla hit 17 out of 29 shots. Molalla won the junior varsity game 47-39. Ronnie Lewis scored 17 for the Molalla juniors, while Bob Rob- bins had 15 for Sllverton s Jay vees. " ESTACADA 48, WOODBURN 46 Fans certainly got their mon ey's worth at this game. Both th varsity and junior varsity games went into overtimes. The Jayvee score was 46-45. In the varsity game, the score was tied at 42 42 at the end of the regulation playing time. With about a min ute to go in the overtime session, the count was knotted at 46-46. Bob Marshbank, who had a to tal of 17 points for the game, sunk a free throw to give Esta cada a 47-46 lead ,and a few sec onds later Don Berg of Estacada hit another free throw to make the final count 48-46. Woodburn had a few shots at the basket after that, but failed in its at tempt to tie the score again. Sam Van Arsdale and Bob Withers, with 17 and 16 points, respec tively, led the Woodburn team in scoring. Estacada' starting line up played the entire ball gam without relief. MT. ANGEL 54, CANBY 42 Mt Angel went ahead after few minutes of the first quarter, and stayed out front the rest of the way. Scores at the quarters were 16-10, 25-21 and 43-31. Both teams made most of their' field goals from close in, with ML Angel controlling the back boards. Jim Zauner scored Zl points to lead the Mt Angel vic tory. Teammate Ron Schmidt had 19. Bill Gleason topped Canby scorers with 11. In the B game, ML, Angel won 43-37. Jim Anderson's 14 points was high for the Mt Angel Jayvees. Larry Whitman scored nine to lead the Canby juniors. Sandy (14) Hopp 11 Meyers 1 NUaen 4 Anderson 11 . . fount IS (T!) Dallaa ,...p II Curtla ,...p 4 Harm ....C... 13 Domaschotsky ...0 11 KlUmlller ' ...0 14 Brendll Rohde 4, Peterson 4. Bubs: 6erK.y Cox, weasellnk: Dallae Oleon 11, Hoff men 1, Wede 1. Holdorf. Wlldt. Joy, Uoeer. Officials: Kolb and DeLoretlo. Sllverton (14) McCarnmon 14 ....P.. Copple 12 P.. (tl) Melalla 11 flanderrn ,. II Haeen 4 Alexander ,. T Chlldera I Ebr Kaser I c Wolf I O Umbenhower I ....O Bubs: Sllverton Llbner I Dey S. Molalla Eetaeala Its) D. Kleslns I . Msrshbsnk IT Ames I Bert I () Weodbara I llucul I Dryden IT Van Arsdsla 3 Wolf ..P. ..P.. R. Kleslns I 11 Wither! Bube: Woodburn Norrls 4. Bslrd. Eskehton. Olllclels: Bmlth and Leleht. Canby (It) (44) Mt. Ansel Btchotn I P IT. Treeeer Herman I P 1 Uehtfool Krslt I C 11 Zsuner Hepier S 0 1 Ptmllnser Dswes I O I Obertlnner Bubs: Canby Darllnt I. Oleaeon 11, Chrlelen 1: Mt. Ansel Schmidt 11. Per achweller 1, Ruef 1, 1. Treeeer 1. Officiate: Williams and Keller. mreeoiowsi wrmrasi neiem armory, eard starts at I SO pro. Mem stent. Don Hooley I, Bullar I Raamueten I: Amity aiadred vs. Tea? aVeaa, Other a&Atooea, Al saasa va. Olno Mlcollnl, Bronoo Lubttb vs. Nriaon. Ream. Lawson, Benuart, Shield. Benry Lena. officials! Potato and cavias. f) 7