Nichols Talks On Healing Henry AUen Nichols, CS. oi Lot Angeles, member of the hoard of lectureship of the mother church. First Church of Chriit, Scientist, told an audi ence t Parrish junior ht(h school Thursday night that "the food reports commonly heard about Christian Science are that it teaches that God is love, that! it appeals .to reason and that it is practical." j "The simplest explanation of how Christian Science heals is that it heals by love coupled with a demonstrable under standing of the divine principle and rules of health. This prin ciple is God," Nichols continued. Christ Jesus said, , "He that believeth on me, the works that I do (hall he do also" (John 14: 12). This statement clearly im plies that if you understood how he healed, then you could heal also. If you could stop pain, if you could heal yourself by pray er Just once, would not you think you had glimpsed how Jesus loved and how , he healed by love by knowing and ex pressing God's love? Jesus healed with love and with logic Logic, coupled with love always with love heals. It heals by explaining the truth to us. It heals by cor recting those false conclusions that get us Into trouble. By cor recting . our thoughts it heals ourf bodies. ' Those who come for healing want not only to be healed but also to have a simple explana tion of how they are healed. And what about our young peo ple? In school and college they are given highly technical knowledge supported by ma terial theories and material rea soning. Are material sciences more logical than Christianity? Is the explanation of matter more logical than the 'explana tion of divine Mind? "Has God no . Science to declare Mind, while matter is governed by un erring intelligence?" asks Mrs. Eddy on page 548 of Science and Health. How important Is it not only to heal the sick, but . to know how it it done? The method of Christian healing is as much a part of it as are hi results. Mary Baker Eddy's understanding of the modus operandi of divine healing, the method, the rule, how it works, enabled her to demonstrate it repeatedly with scientific certainty. , For lack of loffic. merer alone was unable to save early Christian healing from the subtleties of paganism. Like faith that must be raised to spiritual understanding, so hu man reasoning must be raised to its origin divine logis. Sound human reasoning which coin cides with the divine is human' ly indispensable. Prophetic Rally Af First Baptist Rev. Fred Brown, evangelist from Chattanooga, Tenn., will be speaking at a prophetic rally at the First Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Treating the subject of "The Return of Christ," Rev. Brown will bring a detailed study of the various aspects. Bill MacDougall, soloist with the evangelistic party, and former tenor with the Old Fash ioned Revival Hour Quartet, Will sing. At the morning worship serv ice of th echurch. Rev. Brown will occupy the pulpit. He will also be speaking to the Junior " High and High School young people at 6:13 and at the regu- lar evening service at the 7:30 hour. The special aeries of meetings will continue throughout the coming week with meetings each evening at 7:30 o'clock. Central Lutheran Dedicates Organ Central Lutheran church will dedicate the new organ which the church received from the E. Halvorson family in memory of Elling M. Halvorson at 3:30 Sunday afternoon. William Fawk will be playing several selections on the new organ and Rev. E. V. Stime, dean of the Lutheran Bible Institute in Seattle, will bring the dedica tory message. All sre welcome. Rev. Aarhus at Wesleyan Church Rev. Henry B. Aarhus, presi dent of the Oregon Wesleyan Methodist conference will be here for services Friday eve ning through Sunday morning Both evening services will be at 7:30. At the Saturday eve ning meeting Rev. Aarhus will conduct the quarterly confer ence of the local church. Fol lowing the Sunday morning mes sage there will be communion Salem iClxurclie""'' '""wvriii kuwh iv m m. Worship ttntct 1 m m a . -aw rhis, nua. e, eeneei at i n .. . woutia tm. " 'o rum rtuttm Wit IiUhHhI el ... Career e aUraa ana luMnu aJ Jeaaleteo. Ittateur. Butter f" ' - Wertlll Serrtaa It at '. ieeeee an una Meet' " " " at m. Swell! it DiV 'on er JUT ' Ta Beteatlea a ui a.... . lilt Qt Chtttek . rtioiu MO!. Sunder Khool 1 41 e.ra' Hojlnett Iteell&r "Christ th li t-oauotler,- 11 Tteviti llen. u4 Junior Leila S ... aalta- l; nmm t:js a uiwu-iuc! nui ttreet at "' weraata MtTMt, in us ii t.m. Beereae&l of Baatlaaa. la - a--.. etbeel Bible Claeeee. 1:W a at MMika at toe vamita. t v-. ' f -H:: Ve.; Bev. Walter S. Kendall, af filiated with the general con ference of the Free Methodist denomination, who will con duct a series of services at the Salem Free Methodist church. Market and Winter streets, February 17 through March 1. Services will be held each night at 7:45 with the excep tion of Saturday. The church will observe world day of prayer Feb. 30. arret Caere! at Tie Meaeteae Cintg at uu. I ll u. cbarck aeaeee. it a n. The Urlat wlaaae- S:M Yaatl DtreUenal Haw. lis a at. "Leal A sot." St. Mark' Latkerea-MJ Ctnmk St. IU-. Jatta U CaabK. Faitor. SilDdas thasi s m ... Ditiat Woiuiia li a &-. Bataiaa tj Um raitar. laUrataalata Ulthar Ltaxua S B.m. Touaa raala. ljuw :M a m. Atit wadaaatuii Set-lea T:M a-m. KtantaaS SUkla t.m. auaSu aclisol lor Ml Ana. It 41 a-ta. aloratu wonaip bwic. ratior rrtaealai aoajaet: "Ctukocm of Baiai Bora Atala." 1:11 b ib. Youth aletUat ror AU t.4l P-n. Brtolm nan atrrKt. Htu auiaa Hoots, Mitum ar to Africa. Baartaalaat Ckarak at Jasaa Carta! at Uttar Oar Salau tb ana la. ooortt w. sportl, Paator. Cnarok achool 41 a.m. allulonarr Barrlea It a at Bldar, Don Laadon. Sotaktr. "Th rarpoaa ol tho How Wltnaar" HlailoaarT aorrlot T:at p m. norr. Don LOAalon, spaasar. 'A atona est Out without Baasa." Saras iA Dal ASroatUt aummw at Bood Sabbath Khool I U u. Toste: "Th TMtlmonr of Jaaul-Tha Spirt at ProphocT' Sarmon U la a Paator. St. O. Schaffhar. Laalla Mataaattat Coatmtraial at SOatl. Rat. collla c. Blair, atlnUtai. I U Church achool. it a ts Dlrlna worahla. Dr. Danlal H. achalaa. Preach Lag. t M a .at. Htt&oouat TOBta palloaaMs. axm. Branlns worahla. Ham Proachlns. Calrarr BaHUt South Liberty at Millar at Ohiaar M. Barth. Paator. t:U ajn. stale achool. it a.nt. "Tou can Bare Two RaaurroeUona" Zranraltit. Paul W. Xopp. Broadoaat Cotr KOAS ItM Ka. t:t a.m. Youth Oram. t:M "Who la Jetua Chrtttt" BantUm. Paul W. Brops. St. Jaha'a Latharaa (Ha Sraod) lath and A tta. H. W. Oroat, Paator. aarrteea at and It a.m. Bible ctaai and otandar Khool at IS .m. St. Jaaaah'a Catheite CheneleU and Cottaaa au Rev. Joaeph X. Vandarbeck, Paator. Mai tea , 1. a . 10 1 and lilt a.m. Satordar Confeaetont :30-:JO ana 1.M S m m. Christ Lutheran Yespers Services Mid-week Lenton Vesper serv ices on Wednesdays at 7 .4 J will mark the observance of the Len ton season at Christ Lutheran church. The aeries of services will open Ash Wednesday, Feb ruary 18, with a service of Holy Communion conduted by Rev. T. M. Gebhard, pastor of the church The study series of medi ations for this year observance will be developed under the theme, "The Contacts and Tri umps of Jesus." That rlaaa for adult inslructinn In the Christian Faith will also be part of the Lenten program of the church and will meet on Monday evenings during the Lenten season. These .speadal Bible studies will be available for those who wish to prepare for Holy Baptism, Confirmation, and church membership. Liberty School Plans Viewed Uberty The new Liberty school plans were viewed by residents of the Liberty area on Monday evening at the achool board meeting, and It was re ported to the Liberty Mothers! club on Wednesday afternoon at their meeting. A sketch of the building plana was shown to those present Viewinc the Diana were Mrs. Ernest Royse, Walter Schendel, and Mrs. Lewis Clark. Mrs. Ed Holden conducted the business meeting, and Mrs. Sid Van Dyke reported on the par ents council. Mrs. Harry Sunderland has just finished and hung curtains for the combination, first and second grade room. The group discussed the development of Joryville Park, and decided to affiliate the club with the South Salem Suburban Chamber of Commerce, which Is sponsoring a carnival to raise money for the development program. Mrs. William Hall was named chairman of the carnival conces sion committee and will meet with the carnival committee later. Valentine parties are planned for each room at Liberty achool. The room mothers will be in charge. The group will make spe cial Valentines with Mrs. Lloyd Harmon in charge assisted by Mrs. Ed Holden. Mrs. Arlie Lar- gent will be chairman of the club's rummage sale scheduled for March 20 and 21 at Beaver hall. Rummage may be brought to Liberty store. The attendance award was won by Mrs. Mary Lovett's 4th grade, with Mrs. Ernest Royse, room mother. On the program Mrs. Glen Swearlngen of the Marlon county health department showed a film. Vfoodburn Churches t Lake a CalheUe- V. U aierfeabeter, Paatar. atarrlaa aetwaea art aas aah. Phaaa twit Sundev Serelee T a.a.. S a. Be-. It. ad a,ak Weekday ataaa t il u. CarleUea Uacata sat CauS Ota. Ooarsa Aar later. Paator. t t rO a at eWre- lea u tvaa. c. B. t a ee. Bvenaas Serena rawraaaarw liar a. Uaaatt at. Anker Oaue, Paator. Pkeaa tail a, a. I ll a.Bt. waraaitt 11 a aa aaA l it sea, t il a-aa. aakarS Oeeaet Saaaar achool la a at. waratua 11 a at Teeuaa ttaaala 1 p at. Beeatas Sorekes at T.Jt aav Trtattr talhelaa f e aaltaa eetttA at Haalaar tuiaaoarl ana) Jaha . wan. Paalar. Suadaa acheol S:3S la. Wetehl! IS M l a. latataeaal Lataeraw Coud a Oewatd ate. t. W. Carlaoa. Paator. Ill UK at. Phaaa 1-Jltt. A A l a ea. Seraua 11 eat. Pre Meaaeeuel sauna aaat OaUA Su Oearaa Narawerthy. Patter. PhM Sttt B. S. I ll aus. Praaoklns tt tvaa. aatd I II air at Oaet-Serond aad Utwaln au Xrnaat Ilium Paator. Phono 1131 a. S. t:ll a.m. PreachlM 11 a.m. and 1:1 p-ae,. TP S IS p.m. aa Baatlet Oat Waahtnataat aeaaal Oattft at. Between Unrala and Yawns Rar. Stalahald Bresdiar. Paalar. S. Ill la Worahla ttenloa U a m. att 7 4t a ea. T P. U l-aa. Churchmen Gather At Knight Memorial The Institute of Churchman ship wilt hold the first of a series of three programs at Knight Memorial Congregation al church February 1 3 under the sponsorship ef the Laymen's Fellowship of Oregon. Similar sseetiags will be held at Parkrose February 23 and at Forest Grove, March 1. Speakers who will address the Salem conference during the af ternoon and night sessions will include: R. Norris Wilson, as sociate minister of the missions council. New York City; Deimer M. Good, director of publica tions at Oregon State; Franklin W. Kelsey, minister of educa tion at the Federated Church of Corvallis; Duane M. Nicol, min ister of the Parkrose church. and Senator Philip Hitchcock of Klamath Falls. A dinner for delegates and their wives will be served at 8:30 Sunday, Senator Hitchcock will speak Immediately thereaf ter on the subject "Come and See. Bitot Boat eat ttntem achool road. Bart K. Paneoav Peeler. 7 hone s-MM. Werakla IS a at. IA. It tt Oereale Piootieaaten SJneat Tiwaaala, Paator. Phaaa Oar-ale SwTt. 1-S. 1 a.aa. Worahla II mm, C.S. Till let. wee Her Ceeaeteanr Pail Oeeaet Mewl. tor. Her. S.A. ttnrt, Paator. I A. tt e et. afontns worahla tt la. Toaas ? M. B-aueUataa S l it. Plllriaa Betlaeae Aurora Ker. Bruce Chambarlall. Aurora. Paator. Bandar achool it e at. Moratns Serrlea II l Braiatns aerratea 1 ;J pat. Charek at J aaat Citrtet X U.S. StUt Petal achool Houae Sunday acheel a at Sacrament Meetlm T:3 The Beartaataeel Charek: at Jaeea ckrlat at Latter Iar aatatasecaavd and Oartlald Oeorte S- Oeaaat, Paator, Phoma WU Church achool II e 0.1. PteAhbu It a at. and S p m. Zion Leattt ? pa. MAarea talkerea Monitor, Sunder achool a a. Worthlo aerriee U a.m. the Lrat Bunder at Bach Month. rtrat SatrttaaUet IN M. Cot tare, serriet 7:30 p.m. Her. alailne Hooertt. npeaatr. Jaeea lAa Meaaortal MeUadtat Corner of Jatfareon and Winter au. Brnan Praatoa Oouldtr. IflaUter. Uorntnl Wor hip Serrlca It Am. kr the Oxford Pellow- eh la of wtilematte Onlrartltr. Chares achool l:U a.m. 1 Laktak , Ceeamaaltr la LaMah Vlllete Bandar achool II a.m. Ooapel ateauao 11 a.m. Junlort p.a. Youns ProplCi Oather With Maurice Bender Leadlns 1:41 p.m. BranielUtlc Meaaaaa at I M p.m. B. It. Booka, B. D. Paator. Calrarr Chapel lit) M, Ubartr. Sun dar achool II a is. itornlm worthlp tl a.m. Youni people 1:11 la. Tuoadar and rrldap t p.m. Her. and aire. a. Murdoch, pattort. The Central Lalkoraw Xertb Capitol and Oaln&s etreet. a. B. ftunditrom. paa tor. Central Lutheran Hour broadeeat orar KOCO 1:31. Pamllr Sunder achool l:9. Mornlnt worahla II. Dedication ot the new Ortea 1:31 with Rtr. a. V. atlmo, dean at the Lutheran Blbla laatltuta In ScetUe, eneaklnt. Beenlni eerrlce with tor. X. V. Slime i:w. rtrat Ckerek at Ckriai. SelaaUit L- artp and Cbtatkata ttrette. aunoar achnnl et It e.m. MonitH Mrrtct at II. Leeeoa-atrmoa aubloct: "Seal." Xrenins teretca at S. Laaaos-tarmoa auajaet: Soul." 1 ele Trath Cealet MI Chemektta St. Sunder achool II. aerriee 11. Topic: "Our Source of Supnli." R. Ollra Slerana. rtrej. Latbarea (SLCV Bunnrrtew and Lartalnl avenuae. Sundat achool l:tl a.m. Dlrlna worthlp 11 a.m. PUm eerrlce 1:31 p.m. Alb wtdnatdar-cownunlon terrtca at S p.m. L. w. noite. paator. Plrat Canireietleetat 1I Iter Ion ttlttt. Beth It. Huntlntten, minuter, vourcn achool 1:31. Mornlnt worthlp eerrlce 11. Pllarlm Pauowahlp e:jq. Selnt Peal'e Ealeceaat Church and Cha mekcu alreelt Bar. oeorte H. Swift, B. X., rector. Holr Commuulon 1:31 a.m. Pemllr eerrlce and cleaaea 1:30 a.m. Mur eerr achool In Parian hell 11 a. Pram eerrlce and aermon II a.m. Chares at leeae Ckrlat at Latter Dar Salate 9dereeeii llh and Madteott ate. John S. Ballaburr. ktahop. Prloathsod meet Ina I a.m. Bundar achool 11:30 l-at. Sac rament eerrlce 1:30 p.m. at wimaeat da Peal Catkallc Columbia and Mrrtle au. Meaaee at I. t:30. S:t. 10 and U:lt a.m. Confeaalont Setardar. 4:30 - - and T to 1 10 pa, ana on ore Calvary Meetings Through Next Week The "Good News" meetings, at the Calvary Baptist church. South Liberty and Miller streets. led by, Evangelist Paul W. Kopp will continue throughout next week. Although no public serv ices will be held on Monday and Tuesday many teams of callers will make evangelistic visits on those evenings. Then Wednesday and Friday Mr. Kopp will be speaking at the church. His sub ject on Wednesday the 18th, will be "You and the Old Rugged Cross." The following night he speaks on Refugee or Realist and on Friday "How to Be Se cure Although Insecure." This Sunday Mr. Kopp speaks at 11 o clock on "You Can Have Two Resurrections." Rev. Ward A. Rice Silverton Speaker Silverton Rev. Ward A. Rice is to be guest speaker at the First Christian church Sunday, Feb. 15, at It o'clock morning worship hour. Rev. Rice Is professor ot Bi ble, at the Northwest Christian college of Eugene. Assistant pastor, Gerald Saw yer, is to speak at the evening service, 7:30 hour, his sermon theme is "The Impossible SI lence." atarrB Kataeeeat 1. CuptcTa Court. Her. T. M. Baiter, Wear. aunlauacealma. Pebruarr llth: Hair munlen 7:30 a.m. cnuren acnoot a.ea e m. Momlns Proper and Adreee tt e tn. Metkodlet Yount and B. SU. 1073. Ormal B. Trick. Patter, achool 10 aa. worship u aa. Chorea at God Third and Orant SU rtmrrh achool ic a.m. worehtn tl and S pa. Y;P. T pat. KtT. zowera aa. Baldwin. Dr. Russell Will Address Unitarians Dr. Robert T. Russell will give "The Lonesome Train a Lin coln Portrait" as the feature of the Salem Unitarn Fellowship services Sunday at 10:45 a.m. in the Woman's clubhouse. ..e Ckrletlen eat Mlalaaarp Attleaee North h and oalnee. Her. reui w. Gunther, paator. Sunder achool, : a.m. umii ii, ttrman "iBDt atnait rtev u K. tha eeatnr 11 a m. AUtanoe Touth Pel- lowahlp 1:30 pa Seerod aoncert or the Choralalra ehotr of Salem Academi, T:30 p.m. rirel Methedlet Wonhlp at tha B!il- nora theatre II I m. Oueat prearher. Dr. aeoree A. Roeeberrr. Sermon: "The Lttht af the World." Mill City Churches St. Atnee CetheMe IBttbhard) Attended fcr Woodbum ParUh meau. aunsar kUtaet IU a.m. a-lraa Preekrterlea OarfltM and Third SU. Bart K. Penton Paator. Phono 3-1451. a. t:tl lent smne woranfl it aa. and S pa. Y. P. ' n-m. aleeAerA CewaroeattoBa! flat. T t d RaattniB and Rer. Kilo Beeeker AlUmet- fna tha Serrtcee. Bunder acnoot aw Church Berrtcet 11:11 e.m. Capita Journal, Safest. Oregoo. rriday, Fak. IS, Wi Prayer Service to feature Dr. Moon Dr. E. R. Moon will be the guest speaker for the World Day of Prayer, Friday, Feb. 20, at the First Presbyterian church. Dr. Moon it on of the last pioneer missionaries of the Af rican Congo. He charted the! Jusppa river for more than 500 miles and grateful pilots still use his charts. For hut explorations and bis map snaking, be was made a 'Teilow of the Royal Geograph ical Society of London." At present. Dr. Moon is a retv ident of Eugene, teaching in the Northwest Christian col lege. He la considered one of the most popular lecturers and evan gelists in the northwest. Englewood Youth Direct Services The young people of the Engle wood Evangelical United Breth ren ehurea will conduct the Sun- day evening program in keeping with denominational youth em- phstis month. Highlighted among the events ol the evening will be a short play entitled "Talents Squired." Taking character parts are Lois DeGuire, Everett 5iwrt and Donaiya Pattoa. Leading fa " congregational singing will be John Minifae. In the special music department, a trombone tolo will be sounded by Norman Walter, and vocal aolo sang by Hennalen Herring. Chairman for the evening la Bev erly Hamman, who heads the Englewood Youth Stewardship commission. luther Leaguers Convene Saturday A Luther League Counselor Workshop, for the Southern Con ference of the Pacific Synod Luther League, of the United Lutheran church, will be con ducted Saturday afternoon and evening in St, Mark Lutheran church, the Sev. JohnL. Cauble, pastor. Tola workihop for youth workers has been act up by Gscar Liudahl of Salem, won is chair man ef the Parish Education committee of the Picilic Synod. The Saturday program wil be gin at 1 p.m. and, the opening assembly will be directed by young people from St, James Lutheran church, Portland. Out side speakers forihe afternoon evasions will be the Rev, Paul Baughman, Kelso Wash., Mrs. Theodore Hartwig, Vancouver, Wash., Miss Jan Lindfort, Port land, Mrs. Paul Hoch, Miss Helen Stien, The Dalles, and Rev. A. Wulf, Portland. Local speakers! and directors will be Pastor Har old Hamilton, Good Shepard Lutheran, and A. H. Randall, oi St. Mark's Lutheran, The sions will close with a dinner meeting at S pjn. Chorclsfre Chslr Alliana fturch : , The Choralalra choir of Salem Academy will appear Sunday night at ?:!0 sjtw at the Chris-; tlaa Missionary Ailianca , church, North Flth and C sines. The choir is composed entirely t ot nigh school students whe are : a! trading the academy. For fan ral members of the choir thii . appearance will be is tha ca- tura at a homecoming, bwcauaa ' they will be singing with tha' choir in their own church, Dick Lou then, instructor is music at ' the academy, will lead tha choir. ' Henry Turnidxe, presiceent of ' the academy, wil lalso be pre- ent. Fellowship Club Session Slated The Fellowship club of Christ Lutheran church will meet Sun day evening for its third meeting ef the season at 1:30 o'clock. Hosts for the fellowship are Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Chrisienson, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Sinner, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Coiiens. The evening will be opened with devotions and address by the paator. Rev. T. M. Gebhard, on "Symbols ofthe Faith." Somt Fads Regarding Christian Science ChrlAtlAa Seteaoa is Caria&ui It is based en the teachings of Jesus as recorded in the Bible, C&rlatiaa Science is seientlJlt: . Spiritually logical and unfail ingly consistent, its prayer affirm and demonstrate man's ' true nature to be in accord ance with God's periectiotv Christian Science la densoa strabla: Xt supplies the needed answers and the needed evi- denc to the tincere seeker. A thoughtful study of tha Chria tiaa Science textbook. tathiCS. and HEALTH Wlvk Is tt nt aartaearaa f by Mary Baker Eddy gives convirsctog aaateranea i that this great Science of Chriit is indeed the Comforter promised by Jesus. . -------- Science and Health may be read, borrowed or bought t . Christian Science Reading Room 14 $. Hijlt St. , V'.. Seriam, Orajo J-1 Hours: ta. S 0lV. JSoMoSsot aot tree sMa taotMS :alaa araiieoie. ' . ' a Cuban Missionary At Bethel Baptist Mrs. . Edith Siems, who has been a missionary in Cuba for eight years, is to speak and show colored slides at the 7:30 o'clock service Sunday evening at the Bethel Baptist church, North Cottage' and D streets. Mrs, Siems is a sister of Emit Hob bensiefken, a member of the Bethel Baptist church. The pub lic is invited to the service. Amity Churches Kamuiat WtUtUtt i. Br.T, pi. ftsa- day tKhool 1Q k.m., Mot&iqx woob.p 11 i.. Dr. Adm, turn rnucr, mtwta Pastor. Bible school 14 m. Mornlnt War- shin, tl m- HerftldA ot rait. (XMCMf 9 p m. Yount Ptople't MeeUns :J4 P-tn, ZvealBf 0ervtc t P.m. UfttewtataliiWOkrltf raiadnieT. WifitxttT. 8und7 Khool IS a. Msrnin Worthlp Sei-Tie I p.m. Missionary Nurse At Kinqwood Church Miss Susan Hooge, a trained nurse doing mieUionary work at Kogore, Africa, under the Sudan Interior Mission. wiU be speak ing and showing pictures of her work and experiences at the King wood Bible church, 1125 Oik Or Cttd DntC lotod:tf, Minisltr. Mornmc Worth : m. Sundea tchoot 10:4 a.m. iuisilti mt Oaat rr-nk K, MplM. raster. Sundc school Ai a.m. Uerntos Worthlp it cm. Krenlm Strrit " JO P- riMt I" rryierlaB RtT. Nobla Strtetrr. tvi i i utnuttr. Bundtr achool 9 Youth fiira ouaay evening miowahtp 4 p.m. Church Snvictt 11 ft.m, ad T: p.m. Uri. Cbrltttftfi -fttr, Huch Jul.. tftftar. Sunde. Khool 9 Ah nm. C. I. 4:30 p.m. Church Service 11 a.m. and $ pm. St. Ctthtrla Cthll R, Maurte Orammond, Pastor. Mornlnt Mui t k a. Coofaulona Hard Btfors Mw. Chureh at 7:45 o!clock. Rev. Alex, H. Sauerwem, paator, will be preaching at the 10:43 a.m. service on the subject: 'Evidences o t Being Born Again." FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Cheaufceta at Winter Sliem, Orefoa Sermon by Dr. Polinf "SvD'SirtDiSPEWliUMirl, rSi&H: t Identical Services 9:45-11 a.m. KOCO (1490) 10 to H:I Paul Newton Poling, DJ., pastor B. 1. Holland, Aaaiateat Paitor iai 8 Tt Mlh4Ut-Rc C. H. Paitor. aunda? achool 4t a m. tartlet II a.m. and f:30 p.m. Caatmanltr Rv. Let Jolntr, Paator. Sunday achool It) a.m. Churth Serrieu 11 i n. and p ro. . Aaaaatalv of God Rw. W. O. Tuntbtill. Paator. Sunday aehool SO a.m. Church 8trk 11 am. aod f:3S p.m. Taunt Pwpl 30 p.m. 11 a m. 4th CariatUa Rrlrnea Sunday Wadnaadar p.m. In tht Act. Touth hour M p.m. artntnc worthlp o'clock. Sermon bj Mr, Kurd. "Tha Man Who Said Ho." "SATAN'S DUPES" SUNDAY, it A.M. A Timelr, Prophetic Mesaavfi af Oar Pay Dew Sataa Vat) Christians t Wrack Faith? "APOSTOLIC DAYS ARB HERE! Gifts of Heating Prophecy Signs aad Wonders SUNDAY NIGHT S P.M. SATURDAY I: aw P.M. aULL SPECIAL SPEAK IM taut Week Wis One rf the Gnateit Scrwleei af is 7abrnar) A SandiT School for AU A(ts S44S an. FAITH TABERNACLE IMS N'orta Sth lUdra Broadeact Snndar 2:M P.M. tM Kc XPDi) rtrat Chrtitlan Marlon and Cottaaa. j Church tchooj t.tft a m. Momma worship l9:tl .m. Communion tervlrt. Srrmon b7 Dudiay Strain Evcninc acrvic ?M pm. Sarmon br DudUy Strata. Stnatnt and Communion aervict. Knlaiit Mmarlal faaa riatiaa LouU E. Whtw, mlhUttr. Sunday tcnoot . m unrntfii wiorinio it a.m. . Norrit WiUon, tocrtttrr af ht Mttticaa council ol tht contTMauonai ihwhiw, cuit pTfmehtr. Tht Ioatitttt af Church- manshlp. tonaiKvao or ww lovthip ot Orafon l. 9-m. Ftrat Churrfc af Oad Cottaat and Hood, u i Uftnttra. Bntniittr. "Cbrlsuaa Bro therhood Hour- KOAS Sandal- mornlw . . Sun-la achool 10. Morning wor thlp tl. Touni popti mttttos : P Svenini tatvlca t:M. rtrat BaatUt Marlon and Uhartr. Dr. .UoTd T. Andtrton, paator. Rtr. Thornton Janira, aiaociate paator. Sunday achaol l;4aV a.m. Mornlnt v&rship li a'cloct. Outat aptaker, Rcr, Prd Bfovn et Chat Unoota. Tenn. Youth meeting! S it pm. Ootptl Mrrtct 1:3d p.m. Rer. Brown sptak Int. Sunday aft r noon ttirlca pm. "ChrUt'a Rtturo." raar Canitrt Baptlat Siatt aad Ba ttrtata. Re. Victor U Louckt, paator. Sunday achool Vat am. Uorntng worship 11 o'clock . pattor apaabna. Young Pteplt t Itacut p.m. Branlna toapat aarrtct 1 Jt p.m. HEAR PAUL W. KOPP AT THE CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH SOUTH LIBERT! AND MILLER 11:00 "You Can Heva Twa Reiurrectiotu." (Broadcast over KGAE, 14J9 KC) 7:30 "Wha It Jesus CBrittJ"' (Baptismal Service! Also Wed., Thnrs. and fri., Nest Week at IM EVERYONE INVITED TO COME Ceart Street Carleltea SereBtotBtll aal Court etreete. W. Harold Lrmao ao4 O. FrtlllB Kurd, mlnlatrra. BtMe leheol aaaeia. b! i.X aVaa. MOTBlai Worahll III ocloct. Sermon M Mr. Uaiai, "Cautht Hopewell Churches Beta a ad a D. a new H. B. WW at or. Petter IS am.. Sander arhool.. 11 Yamhill coontr Camp of oidntna m Caaraa af Servvre 1 ta. Touth SeUowahlp a tvaa. aratuas Samoa. Christian & Miuionery Alliance Church North Fifth and Gaines r ACL W. GBNTHER, raster I 46 am. 8undar Bcticel 11 :00 am Ttiou Shalt Not Kill" 4 30 pm A. T. FwHewship 7 30 pm -Sacred Concert by Salem Academy Choir i I 1 1 1 " ' A Personal Invitation to the EVANGELISTIC SERVICES with Rev. V. T. Speece Bible Teacher - Evongeiist Mrs, V. T. Speece Song Leader ond Children' Worker Feb. 1 5 - March 17:45 Except Monday ot labish Center E.U.B. Church RALPH LAWRENCE, Poster OLD FHIOKED-SIH-COHVICTIKO 0 1 Iange!isr Frsd Brown CatrLrajpciiogin) Continues thru February 22 7:30 - EVBONS SERVICES - 7J0 First Baptist Church Maris and Liberty SrraaH, SalaiR Lieyd T, Anderswi, Pastor -A- -jV it Hear Evangelist Fred Brown on Sunday Everybody says, "Everybody loves this Termesseeas! Whether he's visiting in a home, rushing from meeting to meeting, or preaching in revivals from eoast to coast, FRED BROWN IS DYNAMITE! His preaching is pfain, simple, often humorous always fervent!" This Is Your Invitation to Hear Tune in to Church Radio Broadcasts! DAH.Y KSLM 8:1 S a.m. SUNDAY KSLM S a.m. SUNDAY KOCO tt p.m. Come to the Great "Bible Prophecy Roily Sunday Afternoon at 3:0Q P,M. GREAT MUSICAL PROGRAMS Hear Bill McDougal Formerly 14 years as tenor in "Old Fash toned Revival Hour." Quartet former operatic soloist. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH :y w.ri r;;-- ? i p Marion and Liberty Salem, Oregon