Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 13, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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    Capital Journal, Salem,
Silverton Lutherans Slate
Pre-Lenten Church Plans
Silverton Rev. Joieph A.
Luthro of Trinity Lutheran Pi
torate, Is announcing a special
feature of worship on Qulnqua
esima Sunday, Feb. 15. open'
lnf a three week fund appeal to
make possible Sunday school
A fellowship dinner will fol
low the worship hour and will
be served by Mr. and Mrs. Alvln
Legard, Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Hat
teberg, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hat
teberg, W. T. Hatteberg, Miss
Nettie Hatteberg, . Miss Anna
Hatteberg, Alfred Jensen, Miss
Alice Jensen, Miss Altr.ea Key
er, Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Lar
The topic for the Luther
League evening meeting will be
"Youth Education In Steward
Events during the coming
week for the Trinity group in
dude the Sunday school staff
meetinff. Tuesday evening. Feb.
17, at the 321 Mill St. home of
the L. A. Myers, on Tnursaay
will be the first of the five Len
ten services. Friday evening the
Brotherhood cabinet meets.
Silverton Rev. Arvid L. Ho
konson of the pastorate of Cal
vary Lutheran church, is an
nouncing his first Leten service
of the pre-Easter period, to be
Expert Watch Repairing
SIS It CmuuiUI St. (DnUln)
For Your COUGH
Creomukioa relieves promptly became
it goes into the bronchial system to
help loosen and expel germ laden
phlegm and aid nature to soothe and
heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial
membrane. Guaranteed to pleas too
or moacy refunded. Creomulsiao has
stood the tect of millions of users.
Mftm Con". Ctost Col. Antt SraactMl
tiin " ll '
rw ar tai wav
Oregon, Friday, Feb. 13, 1953
Ash Wednesday at 7:45 pjn., at
the church in Jersey St.
"The Baptism of Jesus" is the
urrvin tnnfr for SlUnOBV mOIH'
ln .til A'rlnrk worshiD hour.
Feb. 15. The evening Luther
nMllnl at 7:30 o'clock is
to be held at the home of Lowell
Thurutflv Feb. 19. at 8 P.m.,
the West Coast district meeting
will be held at the Central Lu
theran church In Salem. The
ranker Is the be Rev. Ernst
Raaum of Kirkland, Wash.
The Silverton Calvary cnoir
.Hi .inn twn numbers. On Fri
day, Saturday and Sunday there
will be a continuance 01 me dis
trict meeting at Salem.
Sllvprlnn Rev. A. W. Nelson
of Immanuel Lutheran pastorate
will officiate in tne Moiy com
munion observance at 11 a.m.
worship hour, Sunday, Feb. 15.
This marks the beginning of
the Week of Prayer.
Religious films will feature tne
Sunday evening Family Night
7:30 o'clock service, "The Prod
igal Son" and "45 Tioga Street."
Circle 2 of the WMF will fur
nish refreshments. A 7 o'clock
business session will be held by
the Luther League, Sunday eve
Services will be held Tnursaay
at 8 p.m. during the Lenten sea
son, beginning Feb. 19,
Kllvertnn "Christ Redeemed
Offenders for Salvation and
Sanctiflcation" Is the general
theme for the five meditation
I MnrWf nn Thiirftriflv eveninsrs
I beginning Feb. 19, and continu
ing through Lent.
One of the five principal words
In this theme will form tne Da
lit for meditation topic each eve
The three Lutheran churches
in Silverton are sponsoring a
uhl mnfmnnt March 22-28.
at Trinity church. Rev. Robert
RlsmlUer of Seattle will oe tne
guest leader.
Kllrorfon The Men's club of
Immanuel Lutheran church will
meet at the church, Tuesday eve
ning at 8 pjn., Feb. 17.
BKt.IXW ' ,
my tftyont QhtfiwH
The topic to be discussed by
Al Tlppner is 'Church Member
ship." A social hour with refresh
ments served will be featured.
Rev. A. W. Nelson, pastor of
the congregation, is to be spe
cial guest.
Year of Snake
Comes to End
Honk Kong ) Exploding
firecrackers echoed through
the streets Friday as gay
crowds awaited a midnight
celebration ushering in the
year of the snake and ending
the year of the dragon.
A holiday air prevailed in
anticipation of the Chinese vu
ear year 4850. Costumed mer
ry makers exchanged gifts both
here and at Taipeh, Formosa.
Baskets of red paper flow
ers and fruits, bright lanterns
and gaily decorated bamboo
stalls lined Hong Kong streets
for the three - day festival
which begins Saturday.
Despite the gaity survey
indicated 'this year's celebra
tion would be far less extrava
gant than usual.
Merchants complained of too
many window shoppers and
too few customers.
Red Cross Home
Service Outlined
Woodburn A meeting of the
Red Cross home service pro
gram was held at the Coney
Island restaurant at woodburn
Monday noon.
Carl Grleder of Salem, chair
man of the county home service
committee, was the principal
speaker. Mrs. Blaine McCord of
Woodburn, committee chairman,
was in charge of arrangements.
Attending from Salem were
Frank Parcher, county Red
Cross manager; Mrs. Helen
Bailey, director of the county
home service program, and
Rldgway Miller of the veterans'
administration. From Woodburn
were Mrs. McCord, J. F. Lacey,
Mrs. John Hooper, Mr. Edward
Coman, Mrs. Gerald B. Smith,
Mrs. William Merriott, Mrs. Glen
Ahre, Mrs. M. M. Hicks, Mrs.
Harold Livesay and Mrs. A. G.
Cowan. Also attending were
Mrs. Carl Smith of St. Paul and
Mrs. Clem Butsch of ML Angel.
Douglas Fir Demand
Falls Off Sharply
Seattle UP) H. V. Simpson,
executive vice president of the
West Coast Lumbermen's Asso
ciation, said here Thursday that
the demand for Douglas Fir
lumber fell off sharply last
month as compared to January
of 1952. ' "
Simpson said sawmills in the
Pacific Northwest took orders
for 877,855,000 board feet the
first four weeks of last month,
compared with 904,285,000 the
same month year ago.
Heavy rains which forced
closure of some mills were part
ly at fault, Simpson said.
Pleasantly light, yet with most
satisfying body and Savor, Bellows
Partners Choice is the thoughtful
choice of discriminating drinkers
everywhere. This finely balanced
blend is finding increasing favor
as the perfect all-purpose whiskey
and it represents the best on the
market today at no extra cost
Two Dallas Men
Given Awards
Dallas At the annual meet
ing of the Camp Fire Girls held
recently in Corvallis, two Dallas
men received the highest honor
that can be awarded in the Wil
lamette Area Council of Camp
Fire Girls.
The Luther Halsey Gulick
award was presented to Jsmes
Lundy who has served for the
past several years as president
of the Willamette Area Council,
and to Arthur Woods, who has
served as vice president
The Luther Hatsey Gulick
award is presented for active
and outstanding service as a
member of the Willamette Area
Council of Camp Fire Girls, Inc.,
and in recognition of continuous
service to Camp Fire Girls over
a number of years.
F. E. Price, former president
from Corvallis, made the pre
sentation whereupon the wives
of the recipients, Mrs. J. C. Lun
dy and Mrs. Arthur Woods,
fastened the pins on the coat la
pels of their husbands.
An election of officers was
held at this time with Arthur
Woods being elected to fill the
presidency. The revised by-laws
were also adopted at this meet-
Mrs. Hollis Smith, president
of the Polk County council, in
troduced the other members of
394 North Church
Phone 3-9600
Only FORD Trucks
offer to save you
up to 14 on gas!
Three completely new Low-Friction Ford Truck engine,
are ultra-modern, short-stroke design for lee
piston travel per road-mile less power sacrificed
to friction. Save up to one gallon in seven!
Now FrvB great Ford Truck engines!
Payload up to 800 lbs. more than other 2-tonners
because there's less dead weight in the Ford F-& Only choice
of V-8 or Six in the 2-ton neld! Up to 112 horsepowerl
Only FORD Trucks
offer choice of
V-8$ or Sixes!
Camp Fire Girls from Dallas,
who attended the Corvallis
meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Neale Po
vey, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bra
Jen, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lundy,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Woods,
Mrs. Frank Guy, Mrs. Joe Kel
ly, Mrs. Ralph Johnson, Mrs.
William Young and Mr. Hollis
Fatal Shooting
Under Inquiry
Portland JP The Air Force
is investigating the fatal shoot
ing near Casablanca, French
Morocco, of Mrs. Barbara Jean
Combs. 24. whose body is being
returned to her Portland home
for burial.
Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rol
and B. McKenzie, said they
understood Mrs. Combs, the wife
of an Air Force sergeant, was
shot Jan. 30 by looters who
broke into the couple's house
about 15 miles from Casablanca.
Her husband, TSgt Roy
Combs, already has returned to
Portland with their three small
children. He was unavailable for
The McKenzies said they were
advised by telegram from the
Air Force that their daughter's
death was under investigation.
Rep. Norblad R., Ore., who
': wish).-'
-.jb for much mor
eUrsri VOU thinKi
Center at Liberty St.
Meat Packers
Hear Woman
San Francisco, () A house
wife took over the stage of the
Western Meat Packers' conven
tion Thursday, upbraided the in
dustry for "self pity," and asked
for "better faith with the con
sumer." Mrs. Mildred E. Brady, con
sultant and writer on consumer's
affair, asserted buying meat is
"the greatest gamble In the food
We're more Interested in the
effort to stay out of debt and in
the quality of meat we buy,
than in meat packers and their
problems. We're tired of phony
statistics and hot air." 1
Mrs. Brady, of Berkeley,
Calif., condemned elements of
the meat industry who seek
"protection" from foreign com
petition through higher tariffs.
Mrs. Brady was one of the
checked on the case, said the
Pentagon confirmed Mrs. Combs'
death but would give out no de
tails until the investigation is
stTttatta, transa
an P. CHtLOMtjJ ASfflli
f ' , .', -;-i j
CCMMTtM tod trttw n
Mntrttotj It 4tptfl4tRt M
Mttftlt SUPOfy COftaWiMfr
N"W-sairiii Iff X t V- se0r The only Plckim with
I i ' II all
Only FORD offers
rr. . MmI rtrMrtoM ittx H
I speakers hi a panel discussion of
the Western States Meat recurs
Association convention, where
n segments of the Industry
were represented.
Henry J. Kruse, of the Seattle
Packing Co., gave an optimistic
Dlcture for the meat consumer
in 1953. He said that : only
will supplies of cattle . -arger,
but prices will be progressively
lower, aualitv should - continue
to rise, and meat will be pack
aged more attractively ana con
veniently. During 1952. Military Air
Transport Service military and
contract aircraft averaged a
crossing of the Pacific ocean ev
ery 45 minutes.
Cherry City
rM Elcdric
1 1 I M Chemeketa
Phone 2-6762
Bean Acreage Wanted
On String less Pole
Better prices warrant planting, for a good
return this year. For complete information
and our help in setting up a yard, contact us,
at once . . . Write or phone.
i '
Hudson House, Inc.
(Dundee, Oregon)
R. A. Howell . Field Dept.
Home Phone Sherwood 4345 Office Newberg 64 :
New Ford F-S BIO JOB I Its new Low-Friction Cargo Kino
155-h.p. V-8 delivers up to 29 more net horsepower per cu. in.
than engines of other three leading makes in weight class!
Only FORD Trucks
offer this proof of
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See your Ford Dealer's Economy Run book of 6,500
actual Ford Truck owners' on-the-job expenses for gas, oil
and maintenance! Look up your kind of job see how
Utile it can cost you to run a Ford Truck!
of longer truck
l,,W0 tmtki, Wi tearaxt at
Salem, Ore.
Approximately 1,700 unit
and some 130,000 officers and
men of the National Guard were
ordered to active duty during
the current emergency. Includ
ing eight Infantry divisions.
For fenctionol distrubances,
nervous headaches, nervous
irritability, excitability,
Open Daily, 7:1a turn. . 8 bub.
Bunds?, ( sua. 4 S-at.
133 ,N. Commercial
Friction engine!
rord F-l offers choice of new
101-h.p. Cost Clipper Six or famous truck
V-8, now npped to 106 h.p.I
preri Fort Track! M tstsfiH