Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 13, 1953, Page 3, Image 3

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    Legislature Blamed for
Walla Walla Condition
". Wall U7.1I. , .
for "IntoJeAw. 7n7.r' SK' f lor "d "id
onjiii .. a iraae scnooi mould be con
Condi tion at t ,.-
tiary here must be placed Kjuare-
nasmngton State Le-
Structed in sHHiilnn 4i 4Via -
cational facilities sow available
tlslitur. J. h..u? J" w Pners. He added the state
of towil r R'ondimust find money lor additional
Court b.h L,Tl'u.?ef,orilna"tr, ,or e Prtn
iretc xnursasy.
Paying a surprise visit to the
prison. Judge Richmond, a se
vere critic of the state's penal
ytem, praised the work of
Warden John Cranor and told
the warden what "this place
, ,ood lobbyit in
Richmond, who last month re
fused to commit a man to the
institution because of what Rich
mond described as deplorable
conditions regarding food and
ex perversion, said it was im
possible to operate a modern
prison on the amount of money
appropriated by the state legis
lators. He said conditions at the pris
on here "were nothing that mon
y won't correct."
He leveled his criticism at
what he termed obsolete build
ings and the lack of segregation
facilities, a condition which he
aid fostered sex perversion.
' Judge Richmond also hit at a
Business Good
In Human
Skull Market
Cleveland VP) Dental Sup
ply Salesman Henry H. HLrseh
estimated Friday that he sella
aboat l0humn skulls year
along with his regular tales of
dental Instrument,
In addition, he told a re
porter, he Mils about 2SI foil
lower jaw sections. Dentists
use them for demonstration
purposes for their patients.
The skulls come from
China," he said, "but I don't
ask any questions about how
they get them."
"We can get skulls from
wherever there has been a
war," he added. "In 1950 and
1951 they came from tier-
For the young ... and the young in heart
if gorgeous red Heart filled with Russell Stover -j:
jZ Assorted Chocolates.
I X priced from 3
!$ ' .75 -1.75- 2.75 -5.25- 7.50 4
i''fVf - . . il
I VJLa1JL2A jt -t el ilL)
Job of School
And Home Told
"The Job of the home and
school should be to use their
liberty, utilize their unity and
determine and realise the kind
of democracy in which we
should live," Dr. James Millar,
Portland educator, declared tn
an address before the Salem
senior high school PTA Wed
nesday night. The meeting at
tracted approximately 150 per
Speaking on the topic "Our
Times and Our Task " Dr. Mil
lar, developed three objectives
liberty, unity and democ
racy. To enjoy liberty, he said.
we must live and help other
to live. "We need to be uni
fied and should realize our or
ganic unity, have more public
relations in our schools and be
aware of those who threaten
community with class,
creed and color. There will al
ways be classes as no two chil
dren are alike so we should
overcome "class" . tn society
and rise above a class consci
Others on the program were
Mrs. L. S. Shuford, Marion
county PTA president, who
briefed the history of the or
ganization; Dr. Walter E. Sny
der, superintendent of Salem
schools: C A. Carleton, prin
cipal of Salem high and Mrs.
James Bunnell, state legisla
tive chairman of PTA. Mrs.
Bunnell said the legislative
program was to see that ade
quate laws were enacted tor
the protection of youth.
Private Hospitals Hurt ISnikpoh Play
By Federal Pay Schedules Slated Tonfeht
rt(vtir i
The perfect expression
of love ... a Gold Gift
Box of Chocolates and
Pound $1.65
2 lb. $325
Or... win her heart with Assorted
Chocolate In a very special
Valentine wrap.
Pound $1.25
av '''' '.-. rf" J
.ia-l-iuMi i mi
Toledo, O. ) Salijles paid
tn government hospitals threat
en the solvency of private hos
pitals, th aext president of the
American Medical Association
Dr. E. J. McCormick of Tole
do, sneakinc at the St Vincent's
Hospital annual medical statt
meeting, said the government
building "many unnecessary
Tax-supported "raids" on pri
vate and community hospitals
Chief Loses
$11,500 Verdict
Portland W) Charles Early,
30, Portland, won $11,500
damage award from a Cricuit
Jury here late Wednesday
night In a suit against Joe
Finley, 40, former Gresham
police chief. ,
Early, in his complaint, ac
cused Finley of causing him to
lose the sight of his left eye
by discharging tear gas in Lis
face. He asked $125,000 gen
eral damage and $75,000 puni
tive damages.
He charged Finley with as
sault and battery after Early
was stopped on a traffic viola
tion Nov. 3, 1951. He said that
Finley fired the tear gas In hi
face and threw him violently
to the ground.
Finley admitted he fired the
tear gas gun. but said he be
lieved Early, was reaching for
a gun.
Originally Gresham city of
ficials also were named as de
fendants, but Allan Davis,
Early's attorney, said they set
uea out of court.
Has $14,691
In His Bag
Pasadena, Calif. A
stare guard. Tom Fields, told
po Uea m saw a man hid a
71-ent tube of toothpaste la
a Racing Form Thursday
sight and walk out without
paying for It,
John Bowler, SO, Miami,
Fla., was Jailed on suspicion
f robbery.
In a white cloth bag carried
in his clothing police found
cash which Bowler said his
betting system had netted him
at Santa Anita race track since
February 3.
It totaled $14,1.
Auto Tire Price Not
Expected to Jump
Akron, O., W) Auto tires and
tubes won't go up In price even
though their price controls have
been removed, rubber industry
spokesmen said Friday. For some
time, dealers have been selling
them at discounts or with liberal
allowances or trade-ins. they
for nurses, technicians, doctors!
and patients, ha continued, cre
ate a serious personnel problem.
"It is evident," ha added.
that a non-profit hospital will"
have great difficulty in meeting
government salary standards
presently enforced In govern
ment institutions."
Dr. McCormick, particularly
critical of the Veterans Admini
stration, held that veterans and
dependent servicemen can foe
cared for "on a local level and
the care rendered can be of
higher quality, and with much
greater economy,
He declared that federal hos
pital service is totally unneces
Fine, fully equipped hospi
tals are now available to people
in every part of this great na
tion, he asserted.
Name Two Assistants
For Freshman Glee
Two assistants have been
named by Vaughn Blankenship,
Riverside, Cat., manager of this
years Willamette university
Freshman Glee, scheduled for
the of March 21. They are
Amy Girod, in charge of usher
ing, and Marjorie Little, chair-
man of the committee on dec
orations. Both are from Salem.
The glee, which annually
packs the university gymnasium.
is a class song contest in which
a number of factors are consid-
eied by the Judges in determin
ing the winner,
Bill Freetnan of Oregon City
and JoAnn BenartL Toorence,
Cal., are acting as assistant man
ager and secretary of the glee,
respectively. Other chairmen
are Duane Alvord, Paul Acker
man, Dave Finlay, Jill Geller
man. Bob Kaufman, Bob McDon
ald and Dale Patton
Capita! Journal, galeta, Oregon, Friday-, Fab, 13, 1151
Woman Who
Final preps rations have been
made for the play, "The Late
Christopher Bean," which will
be given by Snikpoh tonight at
in the high school auditorium.
The play is under the direction
of Mis Margaret Burroughs. '
Louise Owens is in the leading
role as "Abby". Other character
an Dr. Milton Haggett, who is
played by John Bvi, Haggett's
wife is played by Marilyn Issak,
Delores Miller plays the part of
their selfish daughter, their
youngest daughter is played by
Judith Carlson, Tow Sauerwein
play the part of Warren Cream
er, Gerald Rempte, Mae Baker,
and Jim Boudrean are the three
New Yorkers.'
Tickets may be purchased to
night at the door. Miss Leila
Johnson is in charge of ticket
sales and ber assistants are Rich
ard Haury and Jerry Hunsaker.
The student directors of the play
are Karen Johnson and Pat
1ft charge of getting the props
is Richard AuFrane, His assist
ants are Jim Heath, and Sylvia
The scene of the play take
place In a combination dining
room and doctor's office at the
Haggett home near Boston. The
Haggetts had taken in a sick
boy before his death and now
they are suddenly interrupted as
the boy, Christopher Bean, be
comes famous as a painter. Now
everyone is coming to find out
details of his life.
The family attains wealth and
becomes very greedy and then
gets a great shock. Their maid,
Abby, refuses to sell the beat
painting and the family wants
to sell it Then comes the out
come. The Initial cost of equipment
for an Army infantry rifle com
pany is $165,190.67.
Efsvb Lro 5s
Used to Be Man Lfsfsd for Tc? Grri:s
Comes Home
New York V- Christine
Jergensea, Wk e nnderweai
medical treatment which
chanted her (rem man f
woman, retained home. Thurs
day from Denmark.
The M-year-old Christine,
who once served in the U. 8.
Army as George Jergeasea
Jr., stepped from an airliner
at Idtewild Airport while an
excited crowd stared curious
ly She returned after tw years
of medical treatment tn Den
mark te visit her parent, Mr,
and Mrs. George Jergensea,
In the Bronx.
Eleven men have been ;
to the Willamette Jaw schooTs
dean's list for achievtes; toy
grades during the tall semester.
Only students placing in the top
10 percent at their class achclas
tically qualify for e dean's Bat,
The group announced by Dean
Steward P. Reese, include: third
year men Anthony D. Brnstso
hous, Richard J. Bownstehs a&d.
James C. Maletis, all of Portland,
and Sylvan J. Fritta, Ontario;
second year men, Marques C.
McClanahan and Jos B. Rich
ards, Salem, and Carl P. Gels, In
dependence; first year men, Da-
oiii r rorA William 9 Mas.
riam, Cecil H. Johnson and Z3
don F. Caley, all of Salem,
We ore looking for reiioble perries, sum or women, who
want to operate a chain f new coin merchendilinf
and set you up in business. This can be handled in yovr
spore time if you art not employed on Saturday- it can
be handled in 3 or 4 hours work and bo built up to
business that should pa; $S,000 and up oar year when
fuiiy established. Physical condition or education is of
no great importance. NO SELLING OR SOLICITING no
waiting for 1 or 6 months to build up business. It oays -you
a profit tha first day.
THIS IS NOT A 6ET-R1CH-QU1CX business but it shonM
give you STEADY, PROFITABLE income for the rest
of your life. A CASH INVESTMENT of $394.00 it H
that is required, which is secured by equipment,
if you can qualify and have tha necessary capital end
sincere desire for financial security, then write at swt
for persona! interview, giving ege, past experiencs,
add ret and phone number to Box 473, Capital Journal
Students Will
Hear Giersbach
Forest Grove JPi Walter
Giersbach, whose dismissal as
president of Pacific University
has been asked in a faculty peti
tion, will have a chance to be
heard by the student body here
Student leaders called the as
sembly, inviting Giersbach and
a speaker for the faculty group
to appear to present both sides.
Giersbach, a state senator is
now attending the Legislature at
Salem. He was asked to either
send a statement or name a
speaker in his place if he is un
able to attend.
The president, whose dismis
sal was asked in a petition sign
ed by 42 of the 45 faculty mem
bers, was accused of causing dis
sension on the faculty, dissension
with alumni and of not working
for the best interests of the
The faculty stand was support
ed in petitions being circulated
Thursday by some students.
'ffyou want
ma! whiskey value,
a dnnkwrthsfnooth,
costly taste
at a reasonable price
J2 f
- ita&wutA. f irifff yl g
BECAUSE of thctrrmcTKknrsckinatrd fOTthertcw
PHILIP MORRIS King Size . . . factory-fresh stock
is being rushed to your dealer every boor, every day.
.If your dealer has been temporarily out of stock
please ask again. For never before has there been a
king-size cigarette that tastes so good smokes so
smooth jeeis so comfortable as the sew
Yes, call again-zad CALL FOR PHILIP MORRlSt
Take it from the millions of smokers who
have already tried them . . . it's