0 t Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Feb. 13, 1953 In the Valley Edited by MIKE POEBE8 Wood burn Woodburn An oyiter itew upper to be held Saturday, Feb. 14, ha been announced by men of the Union school district, east of Woodburn. Serving will begin about T pjn. In the aoeial rooms at the school and the public is invited. Each person is asked to bring his own table service which should include a bowl and a sal ad plate. A social evening is planned with a short program. The committee in charge is O. A. Partem and Ivan Brundidge. Mr. and Mrs. Marlnus Opltx of Portland are parents of their first child, a boy, Gregory Jay, born Feb. 9, at the Salem Mem orial hospital, This is the first grandchild for Mrs. Haiel Rue of Salem and the 11th for Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Opltx of Woodburn. He is auto the first great-grand' child of Mrs. Andrew Anderson of Salem. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ander son of Woodburn are parents of their first child, a boy. born Feb, 10, at the Silverton hospital. He has been named Gary Samuel. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Harry Becker and Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Anderson of Woodburn. Twenty-eight children were examined at the local well child health clinic Tuesdsy at the Woodburn library. Dr. W. J. Stone, county health officer, was in charge of the con ference, assisted by Mrs. Mary Teterman, county health nurse. Volunteer assistants were Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. Fred Even den, Mrs. Lloyd Froom and Mrs. Edward Coman. The new play table, made by the woodburn FFA members un ci er the supervision of Albert Schalock, was used for the first time. Funds for the table were donated by the local American Lesion auxiliary. The next clinic will be held March 10. Amity Myrtle circle, No. 08, Neigh bors of Woodcraft, elected new officers at the Monday evening meeting. . Russell Lawson will be the new guardian neighbor; past guardian neighbor, Carrie Kldd; Elma Nason, advisor; magician, Alta . Snodgrass; clerk, Gertie Rlchter; banker, John Mahood; attendant, Ethel Lawson;' cap tain of the guards, Ralph Woods; flag bearer. Opal Lahley; inner sentinel, Rose Hinman; outer sentinel, Delia Vinlng; senior guardian, Laverna Mekkers; msnagers, Gene Hinman, J. R. Panek, John Lahley; press cor respondent, Irene Panek. The new officers will be in stalled In April with Pearl Man ning installing officer. - John Lahley was Initiated Into the order. Amlth Youth for Christ rally Is scheduled for Feb. 33. Red Harper, principal char acter In the film, "Mr. Texas," will be the featured speaker. Dallas Dallas The Missionary so ciety of the First Presbyterian church of Dallas met for the regular weekly meeting Tuesday at tne nome of Mrs. J. E. John- ton, with Mrs. Roy Donahue as Hostess. . Spesker for the day was Mrs. Paul Poling of Salem who pre sented a review of the book ACORNS FROM THE WITH I overheard this on the ntslrwav leading down to the Oak Room an a. tax 1 -J !'.Hhi!?y,u,eit "JS1 romi5' ""IiNorlene Schmidt, Robert Rappe ing like it in the world, what is it why man that's real oak charcoal and it means the best cooked steaks a man ever sank his teeth in. It's first charcoal aroma to permlate these eager nostrils since 1 len l. a. and brother you are soon to be serv ed a steak that will taste differ ent from anything you have ever tasted in you life' That my dear friends was SDoken by one of our Marion Hotel guests that "gets around ana apparently knows his food. If I were a scholar in advertisement writing I doubt if I could do a better Job than repeating what I hear about our Oak Room. In fact If I re- tteated every enthusiastic state ment I'd have to run this column every day and twice as long and we do not make that much profit h falem H'l At Natal Maris, Ml J4123 ClvRfDRAMA FESTIVAL PRESENTS Naw York "THE FLEDERMAUS" Musk by Johann Strauss Monday, Feb. If. at the Salem High Auditorium, t P.M. Tickets en sale at Stevens Son, Jewelers now and at the door for 11.15 reserved and 1125 unreserved. "These Rights We Hold." Mrs. Poling emphasized the book's point of view concerning the rights of man, and traced this thought back to the Bible. Devotions were led by Mrs. L. W. Plummer, and a remem brance and prayer for Christian mission wis presented by Mrs. Roy Woodman. A guest at the meeting was Mrs. Mildred Wright A guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merrltt de Graff has been Mrs. Mildred Wright, the sister of Mrs. de Graff. Mrs. Wright makes her home at Ta coma. Wash., and will return there after several weeks. Hubbard Hubbard The annual bene fit tea for the Children's Farm Home of Corvallls will be held Fridsy, Feb. 13, at 2 p.m. in the Pythian hall, Hubbard, spon sored by the Hubbard Woman's club, Mrs. Maurice Heater, member of the county federation's farm home board, will be the speaker for the afternoon. Music will be presented by North Marion high school students, a humorous reading and music by Mrs. E. H. Hastings. Committees for the tea in clude: reception, Mrs. Hugh Wells and Mrs. Harry Schel; de. coration, tea and table, Mrs. A. L. Murphy and Mrs. Ore Mor ris; service and preparation, Mrs. Lester Will, Mrs. Claude Moomaw, Mrs. Elsie Epperly, Mrs. A. J. Smith and Mrs. Earl Grim; program, Mrs. Elvan Pit ney, Mrs. Lester Keller and Mrs. Hastings. , Little Artie Zehner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Zehner, is now at his home after spending a wrrlr In the Woodburn hosrjl tal due to rheumatic fever. His condition Is Improving. The seventh graders put out another issue of their newspa per, the Hubbard School News, this week. Work is done under supervision of Mrs. C. K. Mc Nary, their teacher. Bill McNary of the North Mar- '? rtdTstric'Huber'. cTarTotU France. pll,!W it ,h'S iCL rJiGarsjo, Trudt Hanlon, Gypsie public speaking contest in Es- w ' Bodek ' Jn tacsda Friday, His subject "Fire or Future"! brought him the second place and makes him eligible for the sectional contest, place and date to be announced. BlU is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. McNary of Hubbard. , ' . Hubbard The Hubbard Par ent - Teachers association will meet Monday evening. Feb. 10, at 8 n.m. in the gym. A cake walk for the polio fund will be held by the Five Stitches 4-H club. , Mr. and Mrs. Frank strufortt of Mullno have purchased the Buck and Hi" drive-in from Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Ellis of Fort- land. They hope to have the drlve-ln open by Feb. 14. The Elllset have purchased and will be In charge of a service station in Portland. Charles Courter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Courter hss ar rived home from Korea, where he has been stationed most of the cast year with the U. b, Army. He will report to Ft Lewis, Feb. 10, for his discharge and will return to work on the Capital Journal in Salem, March 1. Mrs. George Waddington oi Hubbard is now teaching the sec ond grade for the remainder of the term following the resigns tion of Mrs. Dora Firth of Sa lem. The local spelling elimination will be held at the Hubbard grade school Wednesday, Feb. 11. The winner will compete in the semi-finals at the Washington school in Woodburn on Thurs day, March 12, at 7:43 p.m. Band letters have been award ed Arill Shrock, Jimmy Cannell, Russell Colgan, Douglas Colgan, and Jimmy Morrison of the grade school band. The Hubbard Extension unit will meet Wednesday, Feb. 18, at 10:30 a.m. in the Rebekah hall. Textile painting will be presented by Mrs. A. L. Murphy and Mrs. Zane Yoder, project leaders. Those attending are asked to bring a cutting knife or single edged razor blade, a piece of glass to cut on, and cloth to paint on (sizing must be washed out), paint if they have it, but do not buy paint, and a sandwich The Pythian Sisters of Arion temple will meet Tuesday even ing, Feb. 17, at 8 p.m. in the Pythian hall. The National Guard has 23 Infantry divisions and two Arm ored divisions. Cost in Lyons Lyons At the meeting of the MYF at the parsonage Sunday evening interesting reports were given by MarJorle Prichard, Dor is Neal and Ervin Thompson, who attended the Salem district meeting held in Albany over the weekend. Miss Norma Miller was honored on her birthday an niversary was presented with a birthday cake, Ivan Smith show ed a travelogue of pictures for entertainment Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lyon and son Larry, have moved to The Dalles where he will be employ ed. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bridges made the trip with them helping in the moving of their trailer house. Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Feenstra drove to Salem Monday to attend the fellowship meeting of the Methodist ministers and wives of the North Salem district The meeting was held at the parson age of the Jason Lee Memorial church. Last week being Scout week, the Cub Scouts with their master, Harry Larimer, attended in a body the morning services at the community Methodist church. Billie Kinzer, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Kinzer, was called into the service Feo. 9, and is stationed at present at Fort Iwls. Wash. Billie Ayers is confined to the Memorial hospital suffering with a broken leg he received while at work for the Rudy Lumber company at Idanha Friday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. George Huffman and daughter, Jeanette, visited Sunday in Corvallls at the Ray and Rex Smith homes. Kenneth Lewis spent the week end with his wife and baby at the home of bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis. Kenneth re cently returned from Korea and Is waiting his discharge at Fort Lewis. Mrs. Elva Kulken, Helen Mc- Clurg, Charlotte Theil, Helen Stavang and Alta Bodeker were hostesses for a shower honoring Mrs. Alvln Palmer held at the Kulken home Thursday evening. Miss Vivian Boyce and Miss Norma Miller were in charge of the games that furnished the entertainment. After opening of the gifts ice cream and cake were served to the honored guest, Mrs. Palmer, Vivian Boycem, Norma Miller, Garnett Bassett, Ruth Lyons, Bertha Allen, Eva Bressler, Bet ty Hunt, Clare Feenstra, Myrtle 1 T- I . All. McClurg, Elva Kulken, Carol Grimes, all from Lyons; Lorraine Mills, Nit a Gower and Helen Shirley of Aumsvllle. The afternoon card club held their party at the Rebekah hall Wednesday afternoon with Ber tha Allen as hostess. A 1:30 des sert luncheon was served follow ed by several tables of 800. Inez Ring held the high score, Wilma Free second high, and Dorothy Helemn low. Dayton The Dayton Gar den club met with Mrs. Vedah Wlllard Monday afternoon with Mrs. Lena Wlllard as co-hostess There were 19 members and two guests, Mrs. Anna Wood ward and Mrs. Louise Harmon present. Following a business meeting in charge of Mrs. Roy Edwards, president, Mrs. Vedah Wlllard presented a lesson on "Things to Plant now for fall blooming, Mr. and Mrs. Nell Trammell and son of Hlllsboro spent the weekend here with her mother, Mrs. Anna Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. Erie Parker have as house guests, her father, Frank Zimmerman of Payette, Idaho; and her sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Adams and baby daughter of Van Nuys, Calif, Leslie McDougal is confined to his home due to a sprained ankle, Mr. and Mrs. BUI Myers have moved near her sister, Miss An nabell Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Louis entertained Friday evening friends who enjoyed pinochle during the evening. There were four tables at play. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jaqulsh of Toppenlsh, Wash., and two children, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Timm over the weekend. - Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Pearse and son Robert of Hopewell and Mrs. Ida Humble of Pomona, Calif., called at the Timm home. Sunday dinner guests also In cluded the Lloyd Zentner, Jr. family. Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Mode Griffith of Lafayette and their son snd wife called at the Timm home to see Mrs. No- Igossek. The ladies had been BP Dayton AMERICAN LEGION POST NO. 9 DINE and DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT Music by Stubby Mill and His Band SPECIAL SUNDAY $400 CHILDREN DINNER I' 65c mum o pcm nwatatom wrm towm mavt tti 8. COMMERCIAL PHONE 4-SS1I Legionnaires, Auxiliary and Their Guests Invited close friend many years ago in Wisconsin, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Timm and Mrs. Martha Nogossek were guests at a wedding reception for Mr. and Mrs. WUjiam Pearse, in the home of the parents, Mr. ann Mrs. N. O. Pearse recently. Mrs. Eerie Coburn attended a luncheon at the Aero club in Portland Saturday, with a group oi tne ivss past matrons, OES. Electa chapter No. 2D and New berg chapter No. 59. Order of the Eastern Star, held their district meeting In Newberg on inunaay evening. Feb. 8, With Edna Clow, and Edward Clow. worthy matron and patron of electa, and Margaret Pearson and Norval Haverman worthy matron and patron of Newberg, presiding. The degrees were given by the Dayton chapter for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dresselhaus. Many cnapters were represented. i Due to the absence of the wor thy gsand matron, Leila Wlm- berly, who was called back to Roseburg suddenly, Catherine Felger, past grand matron, was present for this official visit Unionvale Unionvale Stockholders of this district have been notified that the annual meeting of the Dayton Telephone company will be held at the Dayton high school agricultural shop Satur day, Feb. 14, at 1 p.m. The regular weekly all day quilting of the Ladies Aid of the local E.U.B. church was held Tuesday. Rev. Clyde Dollar, lo cal pastor, showed the Oregon scenic pictures in the forenoon which were loaned to him by Rev. Jerry Dillon of Jennings lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Holt took their sister, Mrs. Bert McFsr- lane to her home at Powell Butte near Prineville after one week's visit here. They will be guests of McFarlanes for several days. The Unionvale Farm Bureau met Monday evening at the Pleasantdale Social Center. Officers elected were,, presi dent, Worthy Wiley; vice presi dent, Louis W. Magee; secretary-treasurer, R. R. Rockhill. The regular meeting will be held the second Monday evening of each month instead of the first Monday evening as form erly. Falls City Falls City Mr. and Mrs. John Page and family of Prineville were week-end guests of his mother, Mrs. Catherine Page, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. William Poland and Mrs. George Kitchin were in Dallas Friday. Claude Graham of Salem was a Sunday visitor of his mother, Mrs. Katherine Graham, and his brother, Warren. Mrs. Otto Teal went to Gas ton to bring home her son, Eu gene, who is attending school at Laurelwood academy, for a week-end visit j Mr. and Mrs. David Boozer and son, Larry, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Frink. i Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Reeves and! family have moved Into the, Henry Reeves house. i Mr. and Mrs. John Teal vis ited at Cottage Grove with their daughter's family, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Fink. Mrs. Nellie Mack went to Portland Thursday to be with her sister, Mrs. Maude Conklin. Mrs. Margaret Loftus has re turned home from Klamath Falls, where she spent a month visiting her daughter's family, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Leldtke. Leslie Grlppln and his mother, Mrs. Louie Grlppln, were In Dal las Friday. J. W. Casteel has returned home from Korea and has bought the Cliff Reeves property. He and Mrs. Casteel have! moved into their new home and he Is working for the Mobile' Service station on Main St. Mrs. Anna Sorenson spent the, week-end In Salem. i Gervais Gervais Sacred Heart Moth ers club held its regular Feb ruary meeting last week with 18 members present. Rev. G. Snlderhon called a meeting of the St. Rita altar so cltty last week at his home, for the purpose of a fund raising campaign. The ladies voted a donation campaign rather than a more extensive bazaar or din ner. Congratulations are being re ceived by coach and Mrs. BUI Patterson on the blr'.h of a daughter at a Salem hospital Saturday, Feb, 7. She has been named Kathleen Ann. Aurora Church News Reports Aurora The ladles of the Aurora Women's Association of the Presbyterian church have planned a ham dinner to be held in the church basement on Sat urday, February 21, from 5 to 8 p.m. One of the features of the dinner will be singing waiter. Considerable interest has been expressed in the formation of a men's fellowship group in the Aurora church. The members of the Aurora Women's association have been busy during the past month, and have adopted a full program for the coming year. As part of Its program, the association will follow a definite course of Bi ble study during the regular meetings. The group is sponsoring a handcraft class in serving-tray making. Mrs. Robert Colvln is instructor. Materials are furn. ished by the Women's associa tion. The regular meeting of the Women's association will be held Feb. 27. Miss Orletta Kraus will lead the devotions and host ess will be Mrs. Harry Van Ars dale Mrs. Ralph Pickering, and Mrs. John Kraus. Again last month, a number of the mn of the church worked to complete the interior of the basement. Among those who worked were Wilbur Bevans. James Mason, Henry Colvln, Lorin Gresy, Percy Ottaway. William Jensen, BUI Lowrie, Al Zimmerman, J. L. Graff, John Emrich, Ward Colvln, Willis Matthieu, Floyd Smith, How ard McLaren, George Kraus, Ward Russell, Merle Ferguson and John Kraus. A new junior high boys class was begun in the Aurora church last month. Teacher is Ward Col vln. Archie McLeod is president of the senior high Y. F. group. Howard and Lloyd Alice Lowrie were hosts in their home Sunday evening at pot-luck sup per, to members of the Young Adult Fellowship. Mill City Mrs. Anna Crook was hostess In her home for the regular meeting of the Mill City 3-Links club. f Assistant hostess was Mrs. Mabel Veteto. During the busi ness session, with Blanche Sy verson presiding, members vot ed to contribute clothing .to the state blind school as a project mis year. Marie Stewart and Lillian Smith were appointed to be in charge of collecting and deliv ering the clothing to the blind school. Members voted to sponsor a cooked food and fancy work sale the Saturday before Moth er's day, a project which is done annually by the club. NOW SHOWING Open :45 Gary Cooper "SPRINGFIELD RIFLE" And "ARCTIC FLIGHT HOLLYWOOD KIDS MATINEE Saturday 1:00 to 4:00 PJK. 5 CARTOONS SERIAL Special Matinee Feature ROLL ON TEXAS MOON" Roy Rogers A Trigger Also BENSON'S BIRTHDAY CAKE for Grerr Waffle, Fete Wodsewoda, Jimmie Schuls, BUI FenPas, Ron nie Jackson, Nancy Fuller, Erie Brown, Larry Lee, Robert Cum mins, Steven Baker, Stephanie Karl, Robert Dcqulre, Steven Bonawiti, Larry Woodward, Ma rie Uamford, Marry Coleman, Roger Sharer, Ted AUinlle, I)ar lene Unrein, Jeanette Miller, Elizabeth Badgett, Ann Mutser, Lynn Ertsraard. NEW TE?H TOMS FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE Beginning Friday, February 13 Monday and Friday: 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Other Days: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sam' MBS J50H. UpiLl Macleay Mrs. Cornelius Bateson and Mrs. Earl Odom were hostesses to members of the Grange Home Economic club at the Grange hall Tuesday afternoon. During the business session at which, Mrs. Bateson presided, plans were made for a white elephant sale and fun night, and a food sale in the near future. Plans were also made for ac tivities later in the year. Home baking was the study subject Mrs. Sherman Barry and Mrs. Leon and Lee will be hostesses in March. The study subject will be "Spring Cleaning" with Mrs. Lloyd Keene as leader. Present were Mrs. W. Welch, Mrs. A. J. Amort Mrs. I. H. White, Mrs. Lloyd Keene, Mrs. Albert Mader, Mrs. Harry Mar tin, Sr., Mr. M. M. Magee, Mrs. Bateson, Mrs. Odom. Plan Visitation At Silverton Silverton Immanuel Luth eran congregation, under - the leadership of its board of dea cons, has launched upon an in tensive program of prayer and worship to continue throughout the Lenten season. A "Pre-Lenten Visitation," which began this week, has as its object a personal visit to. ev ery home connected with the congregation, with a personal in vitation to participate in the va rious Lenten projects. Prayer, worship, Bible reading, and at tendance at Communion are em phasized. Feb. 15-21 will be a "Week of Prayer" for the congregation, with each family asked to take part dally in a united prayer effort. Mid-week Lenten serv ices, to be held each Thursday evening during Lent, beginning Feb. 18, will follow the general theme, "Come Into My Heart, Lord Jesus!" A pre-Lenten Holy Communion will be celebrated at the morning services, Sunday, Feb. 19. The "pre-Lenten visitation" is being carried out by . the group leaders" and the board of deacons. The Rev. A. W. Nelson, pastor of the congregation, states that he expects many positive results from this Lenten en deavor. Many scientists believe that the songs of most birds are the assertion of claims to certain territory for nesting. T0NITE! FEB. 13! AT MIDNIGHT First Public Showing of the "WHATSIT"! , (ANIMAL?) (VEGETABLE?) (MINERAL?) FRESH FROM THE WILDS OF YOU BET! Presbyterian Aid Meeting Woodburn The February .1.. i ih, Protbvterian Aid society was held Wednesday af ternoon in tn cnurcn room, beginning with a no host luncheon atl p.m. with Mrs. Frank Wright and Mrs. E. C. Peyton In charge of arrange ments. A business meeting followed with Mrs. Alfred Moon presid ing. Mrs. Sidney Harris gave the opening prayer and roll call was answered with scripture verses. Miss Martha Black led the devo tional service. Reports were given by Mrs. E. J. Allen, secretary, and Mrs. H. F. Butterfield, treasurer, and by Mrs. Frank Wright, courtesy chairman on cards and flowers sent to members. An Invitation ..... fmm the Woman's dub to attend the Martha Wash ington tea on February at the library. New year books were distributed. Mrs. Alfred Moon volunteer ed to decorate the church for the month. Plans were discussed for several events during the coming year. Mrs. H. F. uuuer field, Mrs. Harris Nelson and Mn Moon were appointed to as sist In the arrangements for the golden wedding anniversary oi Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rogers in March. For the March meeting, host euea will he Mrs. Clarence wmnnls nnrt Mrs. Margaret Johnston with Mrs. Butterfield leading the devotional service anri Mn Harris Nelson in charge of the program. For this meeting the 83rd anniversary oi the society will be celebrated. The nroaram for the afternoon was led by Mrs. A. G. Douglas, featuring Washington and Lin coln. Mrs. Butterfield read a poem on Lincoln and Mrs. Doug las gave an Interesting history of Washington as a husband and father. Parole Revoked Albany Judge Victor Olliver has revoked the suspension of a five-year penitentiary sentence imposed on Clyde Nichols June 30, 1932, when he was convicted of burglary not in a dwelling. Nichols was arrested Jan. 21, 19S3 in Albany on charges of being drunk on a public high way and furnishing liquor to minors. He has been in the county jail since early - this month and will now be taken to the state penitentiary. ON THE SCREEN "The Black Cat" Basil Rathbone Hugh Herbert REGULAR PRICES Grand Island Rrand Island The n.. Island Mothers Circle sched. . . . . , l. uled to nave own oeia at th home of Mrs. Clarence Rockhiii w4nedav. February 11 v... , - - i been postponed one week. 4 Mrs. Clarence itocxmil spent week in Salem visitlno stives and friends and guests el her daughter. Miss Iva Rockhi) at Estacada Tuesday and We nesaay. 1 Belief Sermons at i Silverton ME Church! Silverton "We Believe i Salvation from Sin" Is the topK in the series of "Belief' sermont, to be given by Rev. Dougli) Harrell of the Methodist churdl Sunday, 11 o'clock hour. a Holy Communion is observes at the 8:30 o'clock morning hour preceding the church school, bet ginning at 9:43 o'clock. The iii termediate aged youth T-.cet r 9:30 in theevening, the senior! at 7 o'clock in the evening. s Dedication Day for I ..... a4oknlic L.VWII3 ITItllUUI91 , f Lyons 'A Cup of Cold Water will be the theme of Kev. R. K, Feenstra's Dedication Day mew age Sunday at 11 a.m. at tht Lyons Catholic Community halt Next Sunday at 7:30 p.m. toe M. Y. F. will hold Its devotional meeting at the parsonage and elect officers. In combat the monthly" am munition bill for an infantry rifle company Is approximately $20,635. Open 8:11 pa. Dean Martin Jerry Lewia "THE STOOGE" Co-Attraction "LAND BEHIND THE DIKES" CONTINUOUS Cornel Wilde Constance Smith In Technicolor "TREASURE OF GOLDEN CONDOR" Richard Wtdmark "MY PAL GUS" ; Open 6:45 p.m. Bather Williams - Howard Keel In Technicolor TEXAS CARNIVAL' Stewart Granger CfA .Charlsae In Technicolor "WILD NORTH CONTINUOUS Alan Ladd Virginia Mayo In Technicolor "IRON MISTRESS" Tony Curtis Piper Laurie In Technicolor 'SON OF ALI BABA' HEY KIDS! Sea Chapter No. 14 of "Captain Video" Tomorrow At Noon! Cartoons! Priies! 1 H