IS Capital Journal, Salem, REAL ISTATE LESLIE Neat l-Rdrm, adwd. fire, bald itllltr. Stairway la aaflalshed ifleeree)) Bsatale. HIM yard. On bus Hal. $11, TOO. Turn. NEAR SHOPPING. CENTER Oldn t-bdnn. heme. Basement. Plreplee. Meal far roomert or boarders. Lana noma. Baseman!. Welkins dlalenet alalebouM. W ooa. Terma. SOUTH VILLAGE City water. Paeemenl. i-bdrm. modem home. Dmlai room. Lerelr pitta. B oa ait looklnt loc a katur bur. aM una ant at ni.Ma.iTrrou. ' . ENGLEWOOD Bum far better bring. 4 yre. aid. Hdwd Ihrooul. eerpetlnl. I Mm and den, ar 1 bdrmt. Lovelr dlnlnt araa. Beeullfullr lendeteped. n IUI II m III Interested la Bntlewood dlatntL 1 14. WO Terma. LOTS Some ahole building enateu priced. lata, eoutfa. la LISTINGS WE ARE IN NEED OF LISTINGS ON ALL TYPES OF PROPERTY A. A. Larsen, Realtor 1S1 S. HIGH A. 1. Beckett Pn. 4M Brae. WALNOT PARK OKI af Hie aleaat t-eedrooel hornet fan will erer tee. Hilf Urine toon IU fireplace. IM14 dlalna room with built la bullet, PhlUpplne mahotanr woodwork thrueul eieepl for lha all-btreh kttehea, aiailrr bedroom MH4, tha homo with Uia perleet floar plaa. 111.004. Tarma tf desired. Ira. call ALBkHT uman 4-1111 DONT BUT CIITTL TOO BBS Tula OKI! t alaa bedrooms, laraa llelng room, aomblnatlon kllchtn nook, allacbtd larasa with atlUlr, allr water, laria aornor lot, la at' dutrlet eouth. 1 blocks ta allr bua. A raal bert.ln at H.TU. Bra. call WAIUUH IsACRKR 1-1311 140 DOWN. U MONTH win bur a food alaaa l-badraoa ham, clott 4 aohool. aaa rente htaur or rttrutralor teeluded al aba tow pnca af Woo. In. aaU pick l-Mil LAROI chickbr al straw, boosb n.o bur thla fina plica af property wlUi ateellenl busiaeaa bulldlnte and eeutpment, teerrthlng ta pop ehepe. S apartment, doublo aerate, aaa acra af around on all juit oat at Salem. WU1 lake am all farm la trad. SYS. call RAT DA VIA 4-411T OFFICE PHONE 2-6680 ED LUKINBEAL Realtor 433 N. HIGH STREET It's Your Town OWN A PART! e.maa.LJ A mrau. spot to ow And a sood 4-roora homa ta lira la. Pan beeement, nrw furnace, antlra houaa la aactllant rapalr. BUT IT MOW POR JUST HSO. aaa Lou la Lorens. TUB BCT OF THB WKSC A brand aaw S-bodroom with part baaamant. auto, oil htat, flreplaca. Htr a waU-taUl homa and a good bur at onlr tll.lto. CTtARVmiO HBW BNOLANO COLONIAL A roomy, oomfotable l.badroom homo loealod cloaa la. Tou'd ba proud to own thla homo. Aak for Tad Morrison to abow rou throut a. ASK IXXJm LORENZ about a dandy llltl restaurant. AMU M people, excellent Mulpmant, "A" Uoanaa. TART T ,rR IMCOafB MOW saa thla f-snlt apartmant bouao. prlead at lll.JOO. WU1 taka la trad a houaa up to 110,000. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 4TI Court St. Bra.: Loula Loraaa MaM Hearr Torrend 11431 Ralph Uaddr 43441 Grabenhorst Specials WHAT A YIXWI 3-bdrm. fc daa lth flreptact, llv. rm., din. rm., kitchen, eroaa tha front ororlookint altr and mountalna. Beautifully landacaped lot, A lMina rim will ba proud to own. For quick aalo owner haa put price down to ll.nO. CAUi J, B. ZsAW. BAIaESMAN CLOBB Hf BUBUKBAJfFlTo yaara old. S bdrmi., irnftnlihad vpatalra. Bdwd. flrA, flroplaoa, vanatlaa blltxU. Attached doublo caraee. Lee. fenced Yard with patle. OAXsL B. X. LATUOtf. BALBSJalAM DB UJXM OAHDALARXA TOMS Two bdrma. and den aU oe one floor. Bio both plus bathroom with eUll ahowor off maator bdm. Bpacloua Dr. rm.. din. rau kta. ntnitr room, fullr piaaUrad dbla. aaraa. oil forced -air Firapitroa. woodemu new. 4tT BOOTH WTH BTnBXT-bdriB. bono tn buolnaaa twaa. Lot it 1 in, mioa Yard, Yiroplaoa. auto. boat. Baceilant for boih homa aod baelnaaa. Prlco MOB. CALL RICHARD B. OffiAfiENHOlUIT GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS eTraataas Saadar. aan Palo Oetaer 1-444 H I a, tfbartr St. J. B. Law 4-4111 REAL ESTATE SULLIVAN 114441 441114 1MIIII4 44IIMI4444 4I4I4IU4I 4444144444 4141111111 FARMS ,, HOMES IHIIIItUIMIIIItllt 444I4IU44 44 IIIIIIIMI IIIIIUI It llltltlt 444144 t 444411 41 44 TWO ACRES an Leneeater. Thla it ountry Urine at lit beet. Chleken boate, aeparata doublo tarata and a lood 1- bedroom houaa. Thla houaa baa a atete Taterant loan, which can be eeevroed ar a aaw loan aeeured. 4,404. 1110 DOWN Pita raan aid. Wall-to- wall carpet. Plreptace. Cloee to rrada and hlah echool. Exceptional value here. 14740. 04 LBSLTB The etdor-trpo homa rou tiara bean looklnt for. Near Buab tebool. Owner will trade for duplex or wul tell for I9.JO0. DUPLEX A vary tound laraatmant. Bach apartment baa 1 bodrooma. Bu'Jd tnr lnurlor and exterior la excellent aondltloa. Adlolnlnt lot, alaa toned for a duplex. Included la tale. 114,400, or lake home In trade. THREE BEDROOMS Sou th Bear Mc Klnler achooU Larva kitchen and 1140 ao. ft. Heat la oil forrrd-alr. Owner will take home ap la 14400 oo trade 13.400. BUSH SCHOOL Thla I -bedroom home will pltaae. Peneed rerd, anrinUhed up etalra, waathereUlpped and Inaulal. Will trade for tarter homa 44.104. pha terma. win take car oa dowa parment. 44 ACRBS Turker. poultry or dalrr farm. Perm haa Amur and Wlllataetu toll. Close In, north of Selm. 1 bedroom home with full beeomeat In airrllent oondltlon. Oood barn and anoo at. ft. la brooder hoaio. 414.004. Terma. ACRES Polk aountr. All fenced Oood T-room homa. Outballdlnaa In fair aondltlon. lea head aheep and arena farm Implement ineladed. 414.ft04. 14.00S dowa. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN, REALTOR 341 Portland Road Ph i 4-4411 Ph. tree.: 1.1337, 1-4074, 4-4411, 4-17M cro. LAnalrilD ADVEBTIimo Per Word aa Per Ward, I timet 14. Per Wwd, Uean la. Per Ward, I meatk 44a Be Befande HtoUaam M Weiaa. StDEia-a u New Cot, Oalr. Par Wer4 a, Mlntmaai 11 Wars Ts riaes Ad la San Daw's Papsr, Phono t :4M Before 10 t-m. Oregon, Friday, Feb. 13. 1953 REAL ESTATE DISTRICT and out at all J limits. City wtur. PH. 28829 Buaday Andy Balronea Ph. till Rudy Calaba Phona 14114 14111 Tod MorrKOB 14044 919,000. CAU PXTB OYlflDl, Phone l-HU Larmoa 3-44t REAL ESTATE WEST SALEM BmaJl i bdrm. furnlahad houaa oa lot. just the thiDB for a rouni ooapia. Only A37M, with 0750 down, $40 month. COZY COTTAOB With Mx300 lot cm quiet atroot. Two bdrma, ltrnc rm., kltcbaa and bath, part baoameat. bit saraaa. Lew tax and aloao to boa. A real bwr at oacy UM. top cxitfLiirioN Cloaa to echool and boa tm Waot tim Thla 3 -bdrm. homo ta boot of mns-tm with flrepiAoo, fail baL. aavtfaea tMi Ico pard. A vrr awod aar aa oma HOCaLYWOOO UIBaBJCT LawolY 3-odrm. hoaao svaar mamtm and aaemant, oa haM, Jt-n ram A MB OaamaaB AC 13. MB. BAST BAZJOC 1 bdrm, bain, u-na num. Ham rm . kit haw. 101117 with id it tran emrawo, m wfl with pump tumm, oacjo lot with flowora and ahrnria. rino to acbooi. A barwatn at tn"lie, aemo tawma. TOtW BCtylB Off WeJlatao Road. Lovoip botbo with darltaht baviwmnit, enmulwto w?th aoorv mmu Main floor haa I bdrma., dn. Uvtnf and dlnina ma, aAaaaatl-tn patto, Urte lot. Juat th hut fur aoraa family or two fauwlloB. W.a toco amaller homo a tcHm. awvorai email bwineaaoa and farm for a., par m fermatioa. oaul Don Raton enw Musjifrave Reiiltors 1311 Brtflowatar. Weot BaUeoi Phono 9-iiat or 3-4443 owtuoa. 3-Bedroom HOME lioo down and Balanc Uk rent. Ritra good location eloa lo 17th D etrts. Bus by door. All loan rooms. Pirnt ow atorao soace. $2450 Pun prlc for haadr man aptalal. A Ultla work aaa treallr laereaa raluo t thlt prosertp Inalde eltr limit, and ana block 4 bat line. 2-BDRM. & V2 ACRE Just ouutd eltr aod close to new sehooL A roomy and twm fort able home on a rror with both streets pared Aa eutstatvdlBt buy at only $4300. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE MI South HUH St. Phono 1-130! Phona arenlnat: 4-1171, 3-mi, 4.4114 V1JCI4 ell O NORTH FRONT Eon 4 butlnMt corner. It 10x194. Pared tiler, rear. Phone 1-4I11 for de tail!. Walter Socoloukr Real Batata. m FOR SALE ACREAGE IIU MX t acraa with I room aauaa. rata, rhlrkrn houaa, water eratera, loealod lott Butar Rd. Price 47 for fTaa dawa. or will take food tar la trade, raoao auaa. evcnlnt um. bblt VIEW PROPERTY FUTURE HOME SITE ac Acraa I'k mtlea from Waat aalam. Out orohard Uelahla road. Mo bulldlnia. Ton. O. U Wllllami. Rt. 1, Boa too, phona 4-4033 bt41 FOR SALE FARMS OPEN FOR BID NON-REBrDaCNT OWN EH wtvatt kn MMUftU Ut Of Itlt lfi'r. tCrtl, 111 BOTU. of T CAft off DAlllIlld- ftxlvnc. Jusctkio. ml. of Balem. JLJ (UUblo avoll. Die -rr.-oid avottern rm. how, etlaor bldfo., food orclurd. AIX IN COUP. THUt 1 A BUY. CvUBMIT TOUR BID NOW. NEAR TURNER . S Aetm .11 la cult. !fc A. rr trou, llvo crttK, dr modern botno. Oil aUBaliCT toOtlaV. llfll bftn Aj 17! a - chlno ilitd. efts irrtcfttt. FOB IvrncK, Prlro 1 4.000 with Vta down. ftK T. T. ANDBKflON FOB A FARM rVE. PH. 43714 IM A. MOkTLT tillable. M.W. of Oerram. aiz.ouo. o. a. ijemmoo. Independence. Mr EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOB SALE OB TRADE Two todrwmj. lavrt livlnc room, kitchen, bathroom, utiiitr. opproi. t ocro. 4 nl. out WaJ loeo road. 6oo on trad on I -bedroom bcrmt out or oortHeMk. Pa. J -42 12 v. ttlM Eqt'fTT m Bt, modern houaa, valu sooo. Trad a tor down parment on anaii nrm. box 472, capiua journal. C040 POR TRADE OB LEAUt One anil of wheat land la tTolumbla Baala project eloaa to town. Irritation water In ditch. Call 44444. eh43 Los Angeles Duplex To trade for one Income near ehopplnt aone. Each apt, baa 1 badrooma, one rental lor 4125 per mo. Price 433.400. Duplex located near Inilewood airplane m inauatnal tenter. KOBKKT B. SULLIVAN. RXALTOR 3344 Portland Road Ph. 4-413 Phone Bra. 4-1P7T ct3 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Make Offer Corntr builntas lot, north. Mxtt ft, older Houm. Reaaonablo ffcr oootld orad. 11000 tin. B. Isherwood, Realtor llt Wallaea Rd. Ph. 4-U6J cd3 CNIT apartmant houaa, fumUhed Ttrms. Ctoat In on Cantor. Owner, 192S Center. d39 WILL SACRIFICE THIS GROCERY MEAT MARJTET FOR QUICK BAIaK. Have to ltavt Salem Immediately. Bell for 13000 ditcount. Waa aaklQt 113.500. Will jeU for S9&00.. 3S00 will handle. GOOD INCOME KXCaOaLENT LOCATION. Be Barry Tan Horn. By, ph. 41765. WAREHSE. or GARAGE Oaa pump And complete aetup. Ideal for uiod car builnaaa, warahouaa or a rasa repair and aorrico atatloo. Will Mil outrutit or laaao with opuoa to bur. Oood buiy B. Com'l 6t, looa tlon. Sea Ben Colbath on thlt. FOB SALS or leaac: Eau!ps:i"iaraW and body abop at 3350 Portland Road. Maori 4-1483. Krea. 3-S148. cd40 BY OWNER i t place court. 471, Capital Journal. Writ Box ed40 OOOD GOING GROCERY Urine Quar ten. Uuit bo aold Immediately. TJlneaa forces aale. Make oiler. Box 4M, Cap ita! Journal. ed43 FURNITURE FOR SALE BLUB DAVENPORT eh air. bedroom auite, refrlaerator .broaklaat act. 440 Palrtlew Ave. NEARLY NEW din In. table, 0 ahalra. 134 It. ahrmmer Bt 30 TRADER LOC Dt OPEN PR1TAT EVBNTNO AUCTIONS Scotty's Auction House 4540 CENTER ST. Sat. Feb. 14, 10 a.m. & 7 p.m. TWO BALEM1 ROyXfl BOtaD. OWNERS LKATTNO flTATE. AU, JVR N IBHLSt rri TO OO AT PUYUC AWTTIOW AT mxJvi't b, a-Pfj. Wainut Bd tooth 8t. Ainunr Drrxkhnad Hrwint trtachSne. Oclnoal Cliatr Sins. a-n. Coidaont Refrisvrator. Keltlnator E.ectr'4 Ranoe. S-sm. Bnaafaet Sft, 4 Poidlnc CSialra O-Pa. U'.nett Set. Bjfft T'Pe, DtDln Srt (vtlottW Bdinlii Mala, galore f 1 Oniu trravere Crafumaa Band Baw, like new efeidrinubarr TaA.nop Water Heater oeneral Bectrie Waahar, lata model 4 Vacuum Cleanera -Tar Tooth Bd I Rookera 3 Davoport Chair Beta Miscellaneous Tonls App;, onions and potaM. Livestock Sale at 2 p.m. Chicken, rabbit. ows. not, veal, Vf and stork eattl. or an ?t hint you Bmww. DTint 11 aiont; we set you top marketable prices. Your Bid Is our Bid. Make this Bat trday your ealllng day. Col. Ernest E. Scott AUCTIONEER PH. 48433 RABBITS BtniilT tiNTrD-anr alia and auan lltr. Ph. 17107. Alio purebred brterlln. etork for aale .Ml WANTED FURNITURE WANTED Oood wed furnltur and applUnc. Phon 30008. oa ifaPmtl . MO 'tilaa aa' WANTEOURNITURE LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BCCP While face lie. Locker pork. loe. Mothloa down. moa. ta par. Oualom kiuioi. Trailer loaned iree. aaiea Meat Oo, IIU . lllh. Ph atcae. eeiooeaea'oeooa'eeoaoe'eea'e PETS PtTRRBBXD two-montna-ld white tor oe0 poodlea. Phoao a-liu. CBAMPIOy IIBZD DALMATIAN pupplea. tooca aoii. ra. Monmoutn am. ecsa" TO OIVB AWAT, t Sprinter Spaniel pup- piaa. aiut. at-401 CEBlfAN AUBPABD Police dot. 1' rr. u.w. e-n. aavua. ocaa MOOBB TROPICAL PUH. Mulpmant. auppiiea. a auea from Laneeeter Maclear road. Phone J-7JJL doaed weaneaoare. acOl' CHOICB CANABin. 1J40 chamekaU Phone . ecu BOLLYWOOD AQL' ABJtli 10&I UCo no block tut of N. Capitol. 1 Mocka cortn oi jaaaiaon. rn. 3t7. k40 FUEL Oregon Fuel Co. SLAB AND SAWDUST S. & H. Green Stamps Pbonb loUl 1017 Broadway Hiway Fuel Co. Sawduat tube eerrlce. all alnda of wood. fnona a-a444. Capitol Lumber and Fuel naner tnmmlnae, pbono iTiai. Capitol Lumber & Fuel Pack up Praeto-Lofj, Brlqueta and wood, im Bo. Com'l, phona J-7721. o FOB BALK Prune wood for furnace or il replace, air). Fnono 3-1139. e39' WALNUT SHELLS. 30 aacka for II. $3 ton. 93 ton delivered In town. Iforrla Klorletn packlns Co 400 North Front. oo West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 16 CLEAN lalUEDIATB DKLTVKRY Pickup Wood 1S3S Edt-ewater Phono Salem $-4031 . FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAHPSUIRB CHICK Dar old and atoned, woeklr hatchet. Lae'a chlcka row faat Phona 93441. Lae'a Hatcherr. -STAB dar-eM Mew Bamp. ehkka, arall able bow. WARD'S PARK STORB Trade A, Hlth. Salem, Ore. ftl" WANTED Colored bent, hit heat price. Loo t Hatcherr. Ph. U441. POR SALE New Bampahlra lannt hent. mu a-ivta. 139 OOLDEN BBOAO and Mow Hampahlre cnlcka, batched arary bfoadap and Thurt dar. Our chlcka srow fetter. Poi'a Hatcherr. 3130 State St. Ph. 14044. f PRODUCE BALED VETCH and oats. Route t, Box SOI. 4-1060. ff3a HAY, OATS k Vetch. No. l. Ho rain. Howard R. varah, Rt. 1, Box 330, Otr rali. Or. Phono 3333. ff43 LARGE BID Wajhlntton Wlneiap apple. oai.oo dox. smau donatnana. 01.40 box. Pur clover honey, 75c quart Oroen Apple Uarket, 0005 Portland Rd. ffjs APPLE8 Oood aelectton In Rome, Spits. rood DeLtcloua and Newtona. Price rante 95e up. Brln your own ' containers. Saturday mod Sunday only. 783 Edje vater Street. West Balem. Puritan Cider Works Buildini. fl3- OOOD OAT-VETCH hay. . Other hay lis. Straw 110. Phona 4-1071. ff47 WALNUTS 30c lb.. 10 lbs. $175. Potatoes, oolon, apples and nuts. Phillip Bros. Parm Uarket. 5500 Portland Rd. 3 blk. north of Lancaster Drlvtv Ph. tf HELP WANTED BARBER FOB SATURDAYS Oood Pol- lbtlltr for rllht man. Robert Wrlrtu, 1111 Stan. ,to IP TOU LIKE to draw, aketch or paint, tee Talent Tett ad la Initructloa Col umn. ,31 SALESMAN PuU or part 1341 between 4 and 4. time. Phona HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Lliht housekeeper and car of two children. Ph. 43818. ibSB BorSEKEEPEB to IIt In! Por widower! Homo and wages. Woman with 1 or 3 email children invited. Writ Box 444. Capital Journal. gb40 BART BITTEB wanted. Lira In ar out. Call after 4 p.m. Phona 4-4S41. .040 WALNUT SHELL1BS A whole wlater'a work, aforrla Klorfeln Packlnff Co, 440 N. Front. to WANTED SALESMAN BAWLEIOU dealer wanted at once. Oood opportunity. Writ at one. Rawlrlchs. Dept. ORB-ISO-105. Oakland. Calif. l38 LITE TIME sales opportunity with a na tional ousinees machine manufacturer. Tralnlns aalary, an excellent opportuni ty for promotion. Car necessary. Send auamicatkMU to Box 474 Capital Jour, nal. gtss YOUNG MEN 18-24 Must bo Mtresstr. to travel New York eastern autei. New ear furnlihtbd. ATrac $so weekly. Liberal drawing aect. Seo Mr. Bryant. Prtday, Peb. 13. T-l pm. Salem Hotel. 38 USED CAR Aalraman. Etccllent pay for rKht man. Prefer local man acquainted with valley, writ Box 470, Capital J-xirna! i3- WANTED POSITIONS BOTOT1LLER WOBK Now taklnt order, for earlr tprlnc rototlUlnc In Kelier Ph. 44331. hj LOtil OB Lumbar htullnt bp to 14'. 14Sr 3310 Leruunt. hll WILL CARE for pre-echool att slrla In mr home. Phone 1-0111. hti' INCOME TAX BLANKS prepared reaJton .Mr. Ph. 34441. htl TTrlNO AND dictation, experienced. Pick up and d. liter. Phona l-W.Q, i-tm. w h41 LANDacAPE malntenace. prunlnt. trim mint, plantlnc. fertlllllm. Serrlc. Cen ter. Phone 43173. hll BART sittino br dar la mi home. 1311 Trade. Ph. aiim h31- UOHT CbXwleb. dotint. dirt teeellnT tradlne. Phont 1-3330, hll PATCH PLATEBINO, basemmU water proofed. Prank's Servica, ph. 33343. h48 CARPINTEB WOBK. cabinet maker, free Mltmats. CaU 3-3411 or 4-1023. h54 CHILD CARE, mr Home. On year or youncar. Phon 33300. h40 EXCEPTIONALLY HANDY m iodic - need married man, farming backs round, borne maintenance. Write O. R. Pbllllpa, 3303 Lake Rd., Mllwaukle.aOr. Ph. Xv. 1-3 4 13 " h40 I WANT Janitor or matntenane work. 1 hours each evening. A-l referencaa. Box 433, Capital Journal. hit TAX Bb TURNS prepared In your home. reaaonablo rate. Ph. 4J011. h!3' "SLAVE LOVES TO WOBK, Ldd Mar ket. Listen to KOTO!' hSt EDUCATION IP YOU LIKE to draw, aketch or paint writ for Talent Tit (No Pt. oiv as and occupation. Box 441, capital Jour n1 hh ROOM & BOARD BOARD AND ROOM for elderlT men. 1S4 Street. (jiv HOME CflORlNn. cieia, packed iunchea. Maa anir. 101 M. its. tu EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE Moving to Portland? We will sccept your Salem boms in trade on one of Oregon Clty'i finest homes. Has everything wiihed for. S large bedrooms, double garage, picture win dows, large living room, fine dining room, breakfast room, luperb kitchen, patio, outside fireplace, rock, eries, beautiful shrubbery, automatic iprinkllng lyi- -tern. If you want gracious living, this la it WM. BLIVEN & CO. 647 N. High St. Phont 23(17 Eveningi: Z4.77I - Mr. Holmes WANTED TO RENT BU SINES MAN and 'family dealr clean. modun 3-bedroom houaa in com ois- trlct. Oood reference. Will pay MR to $100 for rtsht home. Ph. 33M4. jaw SMALL BOUIE. H.B. outaklrts of town with garden epac. 41S eveninte. jass FORENTROOMS ATTRACTIVE FVBNlltHED lltrptns room with desk, alao typewriter, U pedd. S39 If. Winter. JUfr NICE FRONT Debt hotuekeeplni Church. Ladr. OSS N. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Lee Apts. Baltm't afoat DUMaiuUbed Addreat. Tha followint rental, are raadr for ta ap,ctlon now: 1-BDRM. AVAIL SLM PEB. 14 .... 11 00 1-BORlC. AVAILABLE FEB. 10 .... 7100 Por luxurr llrlnt at moderate ratea call at Ml W. Winter 81. Jp PRIVATE THREE-BOOM furnlthed court apartment, clean. Adulta, lio. 3440 Port land Rd. JPH1 BOOM partly furaliHed. ews 13th St S39. Phona 3-TTS3 after p.m. jp30 NICELY FIRNISHED apartmenU. i baasador Apartment, 0&0 N. Bummer, FllODe 3-HW. JP48 CLOSE IN S33, 135, uUL furn. Inquire 137 N. Uberty. Apt. 7. Jv CLOSE IM. 130, 145. and 05t. PrlTaU bath, u till tie. Purnlihed. 1.040a, I-M3S. rCBNfSHED rround floor apartment, prl- vat batA. rurnuhed 7 bedroom apart ment. Also small furnished bout. Rea sonable rent. 3-5081. jp30 ATTRACTIVE, clean, completely furnished warm apartment. Closa In, prlrat bath, xcellent loubla bed. 34S Union, phone 41408. Also basement apartment. Jp38 TNPORNIBHED APARTMENT LOW RENT Nlc l rooms and bath. 839.90 lncludlnc auto. heat, water and sarbacw service. CaU 1-7773. jp40 taABGE soom modern apartmant on Booth Coml. to rant, 830 per month. ?. H. WEIR, REALTOR Phone 3-1411. p37 -ROOM apartment, bath and entrance. Cloaa In. Ill s Cotuta. Ipeo PVBNI8HED apartmenL 1031(1 1th SL. weat Salem. BOOM apartment, prlrate entrance. adulta. 144 N. church. Phont 43497. JP41" rOB BENT, Wall Salem, I rm. tumUhtd apt., 44.00; . rm. unlurnlahad apt., up, 0; T room old unfurnlahad houae. 4900. CaU Joe Butohlnaoa Realtor, in Edtawater. Pho. 46743. Jp3 LOVELT furnlahad bachelor apartment. lncludtnt dlahea. Oentleman onlr. Prlr ate entrance. 131 N. Winter. Jp40 BOOMS furnished, second floor. Electric rant, refrigerator, bath, carat. Near Shopping Center. 30833 mornlnis. Jp40 NICELY FUBN1SHED basement apart, near Mill Creek. arate and mtlUUea. Rcasonablo. 106 S. 24th. jp38 VEBY NICE apartmenU. $34 North Capi tol and 348 D. Jp39' POR BINT 3 -room clean unfurnished apt. Adult, no pet. 1005 N. 4th. Jp30 1 AND I BOOM apartmenU, t to $37.80. UtlUtles Included. Phon 3-7310. Jp3B S ROOMS nicely furnished. Utilities, pri vate dui and entrance. Phon 3-0878. 430 South 30th. jpio LARGB, NICELY furaiahad, cln apart ment. Utilities furnished. Reasonable. 366 South 18th. ' JpJO" S BOOM furnished apt., prlrat bath and entrance. 337. ph. 33330. Jp38" ONE BED BOOM upstairs rurnUhed ant. Oood location. Ph. 38501. jpjo BBICK COI'BT, clean, apacloua, furnished or unfurnished. TV antenna, dryer. 393 So. 17th. Jp43 FUBNISIIED t and 4 rooms. Baths, near state bulldlnta. 1330 Center. 1 child welcome. Phon $7841. Jp38 3 ROOM basement, eloa In. Employed couple, t til ties furnished. Phon 3-7409. Jp43 CLEAN. FURNISHED 3 room downatalrs apartment. Prlrat bath, gar as, utili ties paid. 94a. phon 30004. 3301 Hasel A. jpU. 3 BOOM furnished apartment. Utilities paid. 033 Perry. Jp30" CLOSE IV, 3 room apartment, prlrate entrance, girl preferred. 433 N. Winter. , Jp3P MODEBN POIB.ROOM apt. 800. Range, refrigerator, heat, water furnished. Very nice. Ph. 41463 after 4 p.m. JpSO- NICELY FURNISHED 1 room apartment, bUtle. close In. 340 Marlon. Jp30 NT.AB STATE house, 3-rooms furnUhfd, laundry. 33083. jP3g. SCVEBAL furnished apartmenU, good lo cation. Inqulr B. Is, Stiff Purnltur. Phone 3S18S. Jp. FOR RENTJHjOySES S BEXlBOOOf unfumlihed house, 105 month. 33101 or 38758. jm I BEDBOOM Houre. tome furniture. KS pr month. 3380 Portland Road. Jm40 CLEAN, 1'NFl'RNISHED, 1 bedroom houae, taraxe, 140. Adulta. no pete. 4-1145. Im3! IPMTAIRS I bedroom, llvlnt, kitchen, bath. PurntMhed 135.00. LVrwnstalr, 1 bedroom,, llvlnt, dlnlnt, kitchen. Both unfurnuhed, 115.00. 1031 Satlnaw. 43913. )mto 1 BOOM MODERN furnlahad eotttae. Tard lenced Phone 1B4U. JmSl 1 BEDROOM home, partlr furnlahad. I5l! Phone 35077. lm40 1 BEDROOM houie, lane rard. Ill month" Inquire 450 Union. Jm40 ALMOST NKW, 1 bedroom houae, electric rente, hardwood floorl, tutomttlc heat, Inmlated. 1330 Maple Ave. Jm43 S-ROOM furnlthed bouM 3W)4 Erer- treen Art. Im31. ONE BEDROOM, electric heat, tarata. In email court. 341 S. 13nd. Ph. 14411. Into 1-ROOM houee. atorea, farbaee, water furnlthed. 1331 N. winter. Jmto TWO bftiroom modern houae. Xnoulre 1791 KMter road. Ph. ITHI. No drink JOE PAL00KA t l I MOMl IVNATm. V eOO, SONNy. eyf THOT I I frl PLANNED T ANN CALLcYiF OH, BOVf 1 y7 ttcuse Ae, honey. wlA J-Jf J vt'D sufPRise you. it...soyou rve cveh a hi mow i eoeov THERE'S TH BELL. . J" PANif OWV WHERE'S MY - rVOULOrfT A tYEEK AGO. J VOtTlL 66 I 1 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE ' IFOR RENT HOUSES CN FURNISHED 1 bedroom eottate, warp alee, eloaa la. Inquire 1141 s. Llbertr. I lm CLEAN BOOM furnlahad. tome atllltlea. Adulta. Inaulra Ital Portland ltd. ml' NICE I BZDBOOK nnlurnlahed. electric heat, BendK waahar. Cloee la. Ph. 13111. imll CABINS Neat, aulet. clean. . apacloua rard. Week r month. Reatonaall priced. 4471 Portland Bd. Barttruli. IraJI SMALL PX'BNIsifED 1 room houaa with bath. North Salem, Phona 17171, tf ao enawor call 42404. jmlt a-BEUBOOM niBJaiBED home to re- aable eiupla lor 1 or 1 m on the. Oood deal. 1S34 S. Llbertr. 3m31 CABINS Neat, aulet, clean, tpaclout rard. Week or month. Baaaonahlf priced. 4471 Portland Rd., HaratrlUe. rmtl MODEBN 1-BEDBOOM houaa, ator and relrlterator furnlahad. Ph. 17430. 1m" I-BEOBOOM HOUSE, aorta. Inoulra 11174 3ma TWO- BED BOOM HOUSE on 1 acres. Call 33730 for appointment. Located oa X St. lnilde city limits. ISO per month. Jm30" CLEAN Pt'BNIAHED aabln. On, adult. Ten dollar,. 441 S. Collate. Alto two bedroom duplex. Ph. 14411 ar 15501. Imll S BOOMS with bath Bear hub echool A chopping center. 110 per month. Ph. ltsu. )m31 CARPETED, ONE bedroom. Unas room, kitchen, dinette, eltctrle heat, partlr furnlahad. Attached tarata, tit, 11111. Imll FOB BENT Streral Home,. Ill per month. Alto 1 aton conarat wsre houae with electric alerator. ator room on Ptrrr street. STATE FINANCE CO.. Phone 14131. Im ILL ELECTRIC 1-bedroom anfurnlahtd duplex. Hardwood floort, flreplaot. No peu. No drlnkera. Adulta. Bua Ik block. Tel. 1-1431 ar 1-1430. 1444 Trade, jmll SMALL HOUSE with rante. Inquire 1411 Jmll Court St. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE (Mod location. utota to lntuiuuonA at atorea. pa. xsijo. Jmll' ALMOST NEW l bedroom honte. Auto matic heat. Bleetrtc rente, hardwood floort, tnaulated. 1130 Maple. Imll. OFFICE FOR RENT OB (-BOOM SUITE, I alula. Orel on Bulldlni. Phone 14114. jo OFFICE BOOHS Appij TlnUura Ollbert, pnone 10311. Jo OBOUNO ploob office or ator tpace for rent, call at pitta Market. jo LOST & FOUND LOST: Billfold with Identification Marr Hemm. Pleaae eaU 3-41JI. Reward. k40 LOST 1 pair man'a tlattat, Stat street. saturdtr. pnone 1-4324. k3B MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SE31LIR. DENTIST Adolph EMi., Bute Si Commercial sta. BALEM Ph. 1-1311 m IONORE THB WEATH7CR Coma to the Launderett for waahlna and drrlnt. You set rour elothea back neatlr folded and in a Jiffy. The coat la aurprtalntlr low. Phona 1-414I. Optn Monday and Prldart till p.m. LAUNDERETTE 1351 Parry St. mil B HE-HIVE - TRUCKS O-DRIVB MOVE YOURSELF SAVE PICr.UPS - STAKES - VANS TEXACO STATION II CO CRT ST. PHONB 1-1111 PAOE STEVENSON and AL MEPFORD EXCELLENT LAWV and cardan fartUlser. Ph. 43007 OT 3S400. m43 SAUDI SAND At O RAVEL CO UP ANT Contract Work Road Clearing - Dlteblas Sewer and Batemtnt Equipment Rental Dltchlns by the Foot Phone Dtyt 1-1401 Va. 1-4411 ar 1-1411 Salem, Oreaon at BUILDING MATERIALS Tail-Enders Only a few at that llama left At when ther"re tone that will be the teal. For that reaeon, da to elear them out In a hurry, price hare been draitleally reduced tome actually below coat. GENUINE TYLEBORD Baked on enemale ftntah for bathroom At kitch en wall. 4x1 At 4x1 aheeta. sereral colon da pattern,. Rat. J8 aq. fL Mow M oq. ft. LINOLEUIS DUoontlnued paturna At roll enda. (not eerapt' told resuler lr at 1 35 to s.t aq. rd. Now at 1.41 tq. rd. CONOOWALL The tilt effect bath Sj kitchen wall eorerlnf. 44" wide, aer eral colore. Ret. .44 11a. ft. Now M 11a. ft. Our aale on two llnet of paint soe on. PABCO WALLCOATER the flet oil bate wall paint In aereral colon: Oallona. Ret. 4.33 to 4.41 tel. Now 1.90 tal Ret. Now Oallona 4 33 to All tel. I 50 tel. Quart 1.35 to 1 II t. .49 Qt. TEXOLfTE SEVEN STAR IMPERIAL A flat, waahable oil ban wall paint tnat "painty" odor. Oallona Ret. I. St. Now 1.00 sal. Quarts Ret. 1.39, Now .75 qt. KEITH BROWN LBR. YARD FRONT At COURT PHO. 1-1111 (Wo air, SAiH Oreen stamp,) me Real Buys DOORS 1.0x14 1 fit j, mahot. fluah Second, 4.14 A CM aa. 10x4.4 Uk fir 1 panel door, ...111 oa. 3 0x14 IS A tradt I panel fir.. 4.10 ea. 10x4.1 IS A trade I penel fir ..4 94 aa. 1.4x4 4 IS A trade 1 penel frr,.41l aa. 1.1x4 4 IS A trade 1 panel fir. .. aa. WINDOWS & SASH 11x34 IS slat meaaure doublo hunt window top At boL taah) 1.00 13X35 lite leeh .. 11! ea. 10x41 lite eaah 1.75 ea. KEITH BROWN LBR. YARD Front At Court Pho 14111 IWt Olr, 6AH Oreen tempt) at DENNIS the MENACE WALKING! CWnrlF&iw BUILDING MATERIALS Plywood Plywood Plywood kfY OOODNESS. what aa auortmentti 4x1 Rejects, new cer blowa and mill ends running out of our earall All priced right, Plywood cut ta your alxe. KNOTTY PINK Paneling 1131.50 lxll shirring - It a nlcel mTNOS, all gradsa from til 00 ta 1344 00 PLOORINQ, 1x4 "D" HI. 40, alto Oak including No. I RL Red. WALLBOARDS, all kinds low aa 11.40 All INSULATION. 1.11 bag. AU colon and Alnda of roofing. Large variety of rooTod, atalted, aand-blaated, and deco ratlr plywoods, 4x1 aheeta, equaree or in pet., neiutiiu) ror interior walla. Prom 5c to 34 szz mil TRY OUR CHEERPTJL SERVICE Th gun aninta aer all the timet Call or aee (now). TOUR BUTLDINO SUPPLY PRDEND6' Portland Road Lumber Yard (OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY) J545 Portland Rd. Ph. 44433 ma BSD CEDAR SHINGLES 4 grade, dellT- ered or picked up. Tod MuUtr. Ph. rca. 11114. ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED Weitlnt houso automatic Uundromat. vuir eijv.vti. z rater aiippiianc (JO 1S9 Chemeketa. b -PIECE llvlns room act, emerald and told. 17S. 3-4350. n39 WESTINOHOUBE automatic drier, 1S53 model, 330 volt. On onlr, tiss.9l. YRATER iVPPLIANCE CO. 739 Chemeketa. n MeCUIXOCB CHAIN SAWS. SO Edgewater, West SaJem, Balem Loccln eupplr Ph. 4-1541. n It TRIPLE GLASS Blrkenwald meat ease, about $1500 new. Make offer. Box 447, Capital Journal. d43 HOTPOINT Clothes Drler7"S119.00. Terms. USED MD6E. MART. 70 S. Llbertr. Phon 4-6371. n38 FREE Westlnthous sewloc machlnei on ail Boon. Sample. Save up to 40. TEATER APPLIANCE CO. 135 Chemeketa. n USED SINGER DROP HEAD treadle sew- lOf machine. Guaranteed. (19.96. filnier 6ewtnc Center. 130 N. Com'L Open Fri day evenings. n39 liriioiiATOk s, saw and used. TEATEH APPLIANCE CO, 373 Chemek ta. n O-E FREEZER, real bur. 1325.00. Terma. USED MD6E. MART, 370 B. Llbertr. Phone 4-6371. n38 USED ELECTRIC PORTABLE aewln ma chine. Round bobbin, airplane type ar rrlns ease, oood new in condition. (59.50. Slnaer 6ewln Center, UO N. Com'l. Open Friday evenlnts. n39 NEW 107 FT. ot picket fenc In sections, un painted, two fates, IS 4x4 posts. Call 3-9961. &39 USED washint machines, 9.95 and up. X&A . aUl AtrrLXANCK CO. 13S Chemeketa. FOR SALE Medium slse office safe, (50. Phon 3-653. n39 PLASTI-K require no waxint. For four floor or linoleum. T EATER AP PLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa o FOR TOUR convenient. Trader Louie on Lana Ave . open tlU p.m. Friday eve nines. n3 ALUMINUM STROUaKR Almost new. Two chest of drawers, new. Ph. 46636. n39 t9' FORD MOTOR and transmission. Ready to to. (40. 3320 Abrams. 46613. ' B40 $5.00 Per Day REDUCTION On one 8-cu. it. Zenith Re frigerator, with frozen food compartment. , Starting Price Feb. 7, $229.95 FEBRUARY 14, $199.95 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard PROMT Af COORT STS. PHONE 19111 (W Otrt SAtK Oreen sttmpa) FERTILIZER: Semi-rotted manure. 13.10 yarn. ueiiTtrea. r-armen only. 1-0774. n3t NOW IS tha lima to buy your ltd Weat- inguouae automatic dryer at only YEATER APPUANCE CO. 734 Chemekete. ne IM WARD'S AGITATOR trp washer. w. rnon. inquire rirs, anreway beyond Paradlae laands. pumer road. nil' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 By Ketch MOW COULD 2 WATCU WHERE I WAS OOIMO? FOR SALE MISCELLANEOU SMALL PIANO, in excellent oondll Very reasonable. 1410 So. Cottage. O-E FLATPLATB lroner, Ukv new. Pearl. FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted manure, aompott. the a quality aa laat yaar, for home and i den. Plagatonea, red lara otont other trpet for walla or gardtna. fax cedar fencing and trellla work. 1M1J Eros., Rt. I, Box 413, Salem, ph. 4-1 :HICKEN FEBTIM7EB 41.00 per aack aacka or more at .SO. Turn aouth PrulUand church, tint place oa I Ctll tvt. or any time sat Ai Sun. ft Thomas, Rt. 4, Box 444. Gravel and Sand Anything in grartl. wholesale rttalL VALLEY SAND at GRAVEL ' Pb. 14001. DAVENOS, 134 50. USED MD6X. VI 170 B. Llbertr. Phone 4-4311. 1 COMPLETE household nearly &w fiu ure vo seine estate. WUI he aold B day only between S sad p.m. at .-oiumoia ou SELF-SERVICE GARAGE Toe d w and save. Phone 4-6563. a DEEPFREEZE home fr eesars. YEATXR i PLIANCE CO., 37ft Chemeketa. HOSPITAL BED for aai or rent. Stiff Purnltur Co. Phon 39186. CHESTS, all brand new. A real fe S39.96. USED MDfiE. MART, 270 Uberty. Phone 4-4371. B (3f ALLOWED lor your old water bea on this new 43-taUon automat! , trie water beater. Tester AppUa 375 ChemekeU. Ph. 3431 1. CEDAR TELEPHONE and electrle po irnc poaie, oeaa post and atai PolUlps Broi, Rt, (. Box 493. S m ettt of 4 Corners. Pb. 43061. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WOODBX WANTS Ptaao. Phone 1-11 LOGS WANTED Stud Mill. Lenaths r 4" or 16' ". 3 ameter 6" to 16"., Lenci 13 and lomer. Diameter " to Top prices paid. Burkland Lumber Co Turner, Or. Pfcone 1131 WANTED Walnut meats, and walnut eneu. Hirnast caih prioe oa deliver MORRIS KLORFEHf PACXINO CO. 460 N. Front St., Salem Ph. 3763; WANTED Purnltur, tool and mi. Keiier Auction now open for eonsli menu. Sale every Wed., 1:30 p.m. 1 Chemawa Road. To Mil, to buy Ket Auction, Ph. 27319. aai ELECTRIC RANGES. WoodTT. Ph. (-11 PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Oroup No. ksi n. commercial. Ph. 3-9419 or 14! ANN HOWARD analyser of petsonal pr icms. Aii ooft aci ee overcome throti my analysis. Phone S-S796, 451 So. Co merclal. FOR AD-ERTI8ING book : istchas, ph 3-8911. HOUSE TRAILERS Buy . . . Birr etna , . . Sl LANA LANS TRAILER PLAZA Trad . 1940 Laacawter Ave. . Recta 27 FT. WELL Insulated. Aluminum bo A-i condition. Blum. Rt. 2, Box 3 Near Marv's Tavern. ti BEAUTIFUL 1953 TERRY MANOR MOBIL HOMZ 3 Croiley all steel kitchen, sarba i posaL heated floors. You must see to appreciate It. Price ft? A eurprt Lana Lane Trailer Plasa, 1940 Lana A 24-FT. WESTWOOD CoronadO, all Ju mum. a-i condition, ru box . Liberty Rd. Or Ph. 3-7347. U WILL SELL S4100 equity la 1991 Ube nouae trailer lor S3000. Ph. 46116. 1 Taybir Rd. ta. SML. SUBURBAN HOME, Uk late mo House Trailer as dowa payment. a Lane Trailer Plasa. 1940 Lana Ave. 1 MACHINERY NEW MISCELLANEOUS TD-IS part nouer trame, mainaprmg, D-g in Idlers. DUcount. O. Wlrth, 1011 Caaci FINANCIAL LOANS UP TO $1500 on Blrnatur. Furniture, Car AT PERSONAL It S ym ' promptly to 4 ployed men or women. 1 -visit loan . . phon first. You select bent payment date. Between payday loans. Phone, writ or come ta TODAY I Personal Finance Co. IM S. HIOH ST., SALEM Stat License Roe. S-122. M-166 Loan over S30O p to 11600 and ap 20 months to repay mad by Pom Finance Oo. of Marion County un tha Industrial Loan Companies Act Ore on. r By Ham Fisher