V Ail - J ri - , ' !' ' I Valentine Kay Shldler, the "Sweetheart of Keizer," steps from the heart of a large valentine on the stage at Keizer school during annual fun party of the P.T.A. Thursday night. The program featured a takeoff on a radio program featuring Hugh . Adams, George McManus, Tom Pomeroy, Wally IQrause, Kay Shidler, Clifford Walling, the Faith Lutheran quartet and many others. Hike Asked for Parcel Post Washington VPl Postmaster General Summerfield Friday formally adopted the proceeding started by his predecessor for a new 35 percent increase in par cel post rates. Former Postmaster General Donaldson petitioned the Inter state Commerce commission for such an increase a few days be fore leaving office. He asserted that the hike was necessary to cover a current deficit in parcel post operation. - Post Office Solicitor Roy C Frank notified the ICC Friday thai Sununerfield's name should now be substituted as the peti tioner in the case. Keizer to Present Community Hour Sat. Keizer The Keizer Comma nity Hour radio program pre sented by tbe merchants of the Keizer district will be heard again over radio station KSLM Saturday night from 8 to 9 p.m. Scoutmasters from the three Keizer scout troops and two scouts from each troop will be interviewed. There will be a representative of the Lions club with a mes sage to the public. Mrs. Otto Yunkers will sing a solo. Mrs. Kenneth Neilson will give an accordion solo. Karen Pederson will play a piano solo. The Jun ior Episcopal choir will sing. There will be a violin quartette from the Keizer school. The Pro and Con club will be heard and the "Cook of the Week" will be Mrs. John Johnson. Why Suffer Any Longer When ethers fail, bm out cnines rem dl. Amaslnt raccet tor 6000 yr ts China. No matter wttb what all mat yon arc afflicted, disorder sinusltl. heart, lunta, are, kid neve, rat, constipation, ulcere. dlbeta rheumatism, (all and bladder, fever, kin, fe-iale complaint. CHARLIE CHAN CHlNbMt. HERB CO. Off! Bearo ta e. Twee- and let ealy CM N. eVommereial nB tiRM AI.EM. ORB. SCHAEFER'S RECTAL OINTMENT 75C TUBE (With Applicator) Why suffer the discomfort of irritating ond itching of piles? Sold Only ot SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Dill?, 7:30 a.m. I p.m. Bunda.ri, ( m. - 4 p.m. 135 N. Commercial never used such 1 fine-fuel..." PrCO'tO'lOgO.Vof countl CAPITOL LUMBER CO. PHONE 3-8862 STOCKS (By Tbe Associated Press. Admiral Corporation Allied Chemical AUis Chalmers American Alrlloes American Power A Lltbt, , American Tel. k Tel American Tobacco Anacoooa Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. Bore Warner Burrows AdcUni Uachlna California Peeking Canadian pacific Caterpillar Trsctor Celaneie Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service .. Consolidated Edlton Consolidated Vultes ..... Crown Zeilerbacb Cur Use Wrlibt - Douglas Aircraft Du Pont de Irrurour .... Eastman Fodak Emerson nadio .- Oeneral Electric General Pood - General Motor Georgia Pac. Plywood Ooodyear Tire Ho roes takes Mining Co. . International Harvester International Paper Johns Manvllle Kennecott Copper - Llbby McNeil Lock need Aircraft Loewei Incorporated Long Bell Montgomery Ward ...... Neab Kelvlnator New York Central Northern Pacific - Pacfflo American Fish Pacific Gas A Electric - Paclfio Tel. at Tel Packard Motor Car ..... Penney, J. C .. Pennsylvania it. R Pepsi Cola Co Phtlco Radio Radio Corporation Rayonler lncoip - Rayonier Incorp. Pfd Republic ftteel Reynolds Metala - Richfield Oil - Safeway Stores Inc. ..... Scott Paper Co - Sears. Roebuck Co. Socony-Vacuum Oil Southern Paclllc Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil N. J Studebaker Corp Sunshine Mining Swift & Company Transsmerlca Oorp Twentieth Century Pox Union Oil Company Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United Btates Plywood United Stales Steel Warner Pictures - Western Union Tel. Weetlnghouse Air Brake WestinghouM Electric Wool worm . 7i v . M . 14H . as .IMS . w . 1 . 54 . 46 . 7 . 16 . 13 V, , 14 . tt . JS4 . 31S . , t . 64S . US , 444 . 12 . OB . 5Jl . es . 17'4 . 81 . 39 . SOS . 54S . 77 . . W, . 13'. . SOS . 60S . 34S . 234 . T5S . US .117 23 11 33 , SIS 34 , 9 , 39 26 S .111' . 29 . 37 . SS . 90S . 40 S . 13S . 39 . 27 S . 44S . 46S Cblcsi. Oal.ni Chtcaio u SuppllM nodrrttc. At mand fair, market allthtly alronaer for Spaolsh. about iteady for Tallow Olobea. Track aalM (M) lb,.): Mlnnaaota Y.llo Olobea U. ft. 1, 65 to 70 per cent I-lnoh and larger, I cara l as, ear amall alae ithowfn, allfht decay 3.90; Idaho Spanlah 90 per cent or mora U. 8. 1, 3-lneb. and laraer. approalmate 1 cara 4.4O-4.50. Street aalea 150 lb,.): Idaho BpaoMh I Inch and larter 4.3&-4.7S: Idaho -hltea 3-lnch and larger TJ. 8. commercial few 139. I to 3-lnch fair quality few 3 7a; Nevada whltea 3 to 3-fnch 4.50; mldweat medium Yellow Olsbaa 3.50-3.15. lent fair condition 9 75-3.35; whlta bollera 3.35: Mk-mian carton, twelt, t-pound celloa 3.79. In his youth, George Wash ington surveyed the streets of his home town, Alexandria, Va. Or t r. Lam N D Or O. Cbas. DRS CHAN . . . LAM CH1NKSE NATUROPATHS Upstairs. 241 North Liberty office open Saturday only. 10 t.m to 1 p.m 6 to 7 p.m Con sultation, blood preuur and urine tests are free ot charge Practiced since 1917 Write (or Htrartlve sift. No obligation MAR K E 7 QUOTATIONS PORTLAND PROD IICB LtlT aHtUrlai Tanutlre, aubiact to immedi ate change: Premium auallty. maximum l to one per cent acidity dtUtered tn Portland ag.Tle 1 : Rrst aaailty l-1ac. second ejualtty, M-w7a. Valley loutea and country point. dU lass. Satur Whoieaala La b. balk anbea to wholesalers trad AA al score. ?; A trade. 13 score. Mc; . M score. 4c; C, U acors ge. Abova prlcea autetly aeaauiai. oeaws at Ulna- pries to Portland whole salers, Oregon singles. 4Jt-4ae- Oeegoa t lb. loaf. US-1W; UlpieU. ISO Use than singles. Ecgs to WfceJeaaieret Candles! ages an- talnlng sa lose, cassa Included P. O- B. Peruana; A crads Isrge U'-4JWei A arada medium. 4S-41: B arada saraa, 4J- 4VC. Perllasd Dairy Market Better Price to retailors: Orada AA print. Tic; A cartoa, tie; A prlata. Tic; carton, 73c; B prlnu. Me. saw to reuiierg, orsds AA. urea, asc: A large, M-tlc. AA medium. Mc: A medi um. 4t-4c a small, nominal. Cartons. 3 additional. Cba ptm to reuners. Portland. Orecoc staisf. US-SOct a-U. loaves. al-lisa lb.; uipUts, m laaa than ala- gits. Premium brands sins lea, USc; lost, lVie. pTOeessed Amerlesn cheese,' t-D. loaves to retail, 4S-44S B. Paallry Live Chlebena (No. 1 eusllty. p. O. B. Plants.) Pryers, 3S-I lbs.. M-llc: 1-4 lbs.. M-31e; roasters, lbs., and over, lO-Hc; heavy hens, all weights, 31-c; light hens, all weights. 1 aid roosters, 14-ltc uressea Cbleaeas Fryers, is -3 Ins.. - 5c; rc asters. 43-44c; light hens. 31-llc: heavy hens. S-37c; cut p fryers, all weights. 4J-44C. Babbita Averaco to growers: Uva whites. 4-1 lbs.. 33-3c; l-t lbs., S0-34e lb I old does. 1.13. lw h If her. Presh dressed fryers to retailers, It-aJci ant up, es-sic. Caantry Killed Meals vest Top auality, 444&c IV; rough heavies, 3-4oc. Megs Lean blockers M-Mc; aowa, Ught 33-3&C. Lambs Top trada springer, 4ctle: other grades, according to auallty. Mallear Best aweg and Wether ll-llc lb. Beef Utility cow, -S3c B.; canngr cutter. 35-28C. Preah Dressed Meals (Wholesalers to retailer. Dollars par ewl.) Beef Steer choice. 100 -TOO lb., $31-43; good, 37.40; commercial, $34-37; utility. Wl. Caw Commercial, 3 34; utlUty, 17-33: eanner, S3&-3A. ' Beef Cats (choice steers) Hind smar ter, 147-11: round. 145-M: full loin trimmed. 5-W: triangles, 33-; foro auarurs, S3C-3t; chucks, !-; nb. SiB-M. Veal Good. IU-II; commarclal. f40-M. Calvss Choice 1 41-64; sommerclals, 40-aO. Lambs Prim tprlngers, 40-M lbs. 143-41: good. 142-41. Nation Good choice. $19-33. Park Cat Loins, No. 1, 1-11 lb., $41 49: shoulder, 1$ lb., 130-31: spsrerlbs, 143-41; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs.. $53-57. meked Hams Skinned. 151-196: slab bacon, $43-51. Refined lard In drums, $17 111.50; alab bacon. 131-141. Perilled Mlsccllaneaae Celery Cat. flat crate. 3-3 S dog., tl.31 $4.35. Pew to 14.50. Ore.. 13.26-S3.S0. Onions 60 lb aacks West Oreeon yel low, medium. 13.50-3.7S: 3-in.. 14-4.60; No. 3s. $3.00-35c; boilers. 10 lb, eacks, 45-4Tc: Idaho yellows, medium commercial. 13.21 .60; No. 1 large. IS.S0-.75: white med. larce. $4.25-4.60; few to $4.10. Potstees Ore.-Wasn. tauets. No. t. 14.40-4.75; few name brands hliher: bak ers. 15 25-1.50; No. 1A. 35 lb., 11.35-35; 10 I3.00-.35: 100 -lb. sack, $5.00-5.25 ; 2$ lb. No. Is, 11.40-1.50. Hay U. 8. No. 3 green alfalfa, deliver ed car lot P.O.B. Portland, nominally 141-42 ton; Seattle. 142-43. Weel Willamette valley mostly nomin al at 46c lb. grease basis. Hides Calves, 16-lle lb. according to weights: green kips. 10-lJc: beef. 10-12c lb.: bulls. S-44e; green butcher oow hide. rilaerts Wholesale celling price No. 1 largo Barcelona, 24-26e lb.; grower prices, orchard run, 14-15c lb. Walnuts Wholesale selling price, first quality large Pranquettea, 33-13 lb.; grower price, orchard run, 1S-16 lb., tew best to 19c. SALEM MARKETS Compiled from report ef Salem dealer for tbe coldance af Capital Jeiraal readers. CHevlacd daily.) HMall Pcrd Prices Babbit Pellet. 13.18 (M-lb. bl), M M 15 (100-lb. baft. Etc Maah 15 35-16.41. , Dalrr Feed 63.31 70-lb. be el. 13-61-3.ll (M-lb. baft. I4-66-5.W (100 wl.). Peeltrr Barlna Price Colored fryer. tie: old rooster. 14c; colored (owl, lit; ifinorn iowi, ic; rouicra, inc. Ekis Barlav Price Ecs. A A, lie: larit A, 3T-43c; medium AA. 16c: medium A. 34- c: amall. 10c. Wholesale Prices tg wholesale price tenerallr l-7e higher than the prices above. Large grade A generally quoted at 49c: medium, 43c. Baiter fat Buying price: Premium, Tl ?3c; No. 1, 68-70c; No. 3. 67c Baiter Wholesale irad A parchment. 7zc jo.; retail, nc. Chlcaee Uvesteck Chicaio uPH Soma reaction to the week's steep price rise came Into hog trad ing Friday. Heavier weight and aowa proved around 3ft cents lower elthoush meaty offering maintained steady levels. Cattle wer ateady to 31 cents nig her. Sheep failed to sell early. Choice butcher weiiht hogs generally sold from 119.35 to 130.71 with th top aaaln at 120. M to mateb Thursday' high est return since Oct. 1. sow usually took lis 50 to 111.60. Oood and choice steers and yearling brought 123.00 to 135 SO and commercial to low-choica he ire re 111.00 to 133.50. cow topped at 114 50. Perils n Uesteek Portland J-Cattl; For week 1104); active. Calves: For week 344: active Mtlr l.M hliher. Ho: For week 1131: active; around we higher. Sheep: For week ltd: aetlva; lughtr lamb Me higher. Portland Grain Portland P) Ho coara train. Wlieat (btdt to arrive market, basis Ho. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft White 3 41: Soft Whit KCludlng Rx 3.41; White Club 1.41. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 1 tl: 10 per eent 3.41; 11 per cent 3.41; 13 per cent 3. 41. Car receipts: Wheat Tl. barley 3; flour It; corn 4; oats 3; mill feed T. Cbleag Grain Chicaio i Wheat maintained a ateady trend on the board of trade Friday In re sponse to eiport business and continued dry weather In tba main winter wheat area. Peed trains cold at lower quotation most ef the day. although eomlna -ahead sllshtly toward she close. Cash corn re ceipt were heavy, soybean alio wer un der mild pressure. Wheat closed - lower. Msrch 13 33 . com Ve lower to higher, Msrch II M1.-! 54U. oat anniented to H hith er, March lle-Vs, rye lower to Vk higher, March 11.49, soy be ana k lower to hliher, March 13 13 -,. and lard 7 to It cents hundred pound hither, March W W. leek Market Hew York A aulet unit rally Fri day took th stock market moderately hither. Severs leading issue advanced a point or a bit mora while th bulk af the list held ancbanced M higher with scattered loose Business came 1 an estimated mnilon and a half aherea. That wee hither than Wednesday pre-holiday total af 1.344.aoe hares but tt still was beiow recent avcr at dy. (SUED , Hg'fetaiSn,, Livestock in U. S. Increased Washington ( The Agrl- cultur Department reported Friday that livestock and poul try on (anna and ranches in creased one per cent last year. This was the fourth successive annual increase. The increase was substantial In cattle a fact that has played a role in recent decreases in prices. Hoe numbers recorded s sharp decrease after having in creased each year since 1048 Low prices for this type of meat animal last year nave been re fleeted in reduced production. The department said that even with slightly larger aggregate number of livestock and poultry, the total farm value declined 24 per cent during the year. The value was put at $14,900,000,000 compared with a record of $10, 600.000,000 on Jan. 1 a year ago. On Jan. 1, the values of all species were lower than a year ago. The most marked ot all were the declines of 44 per cent from a year ago in the average value per head of stock sheep and 28 per cent for cattle and calves. DEATHS Babv bar At act on. reo. 1. eiurvivea mw parent. Mr. and U'n scow era a. dwdipd, and brother, Jerry -Kenton, all ot Balem; e rand parent. Mrt and Mrs. C. A. Beach, nation, and it. and Mr. C B. 6t anion. Oorrallte. Private graveside' service will be held Saturday. Pea. i. at ex. samaras cemtery with Rev. John Ready offlelattn under direction of the Oloost.-Barr.ck Company. Mm Batcker . John Botcher, at a loeaj nospuai. raw. t. Late resident of 140 W. Owen St. Survived by wife. Mr. Bla Botcher, Sa lem; four dauahtar. Mr, laea vaatherby, Mr. Bill Yocota and Mrs. Myrtle David- aon, all of Salem, and Mr. Lillian Duna hoo. Boon, la.; a son, Ouy McHone, Leb anon: alaht randehlrdron and nine treat- grandchildren. Private eervlca will be held in the Virgil T. OoMen Chape. Satur day, reo. is, at a p.m. Ralph W. Baathwlei Ralph w. SouthwicK, late raswent i 11M N. 11th street at a local hospital Pen. nth. Survived by wife, Mr. Beth or Bailer Bouthwlca. Salam: daughter. Mr. Jean Bevelblmer of Myrtle. Point: son. Prank B. Southwtek of Salem: aister, Mr. Mare a ret Coz. Redwood City. California. Announcement of errke later by Clouxh Barrlck Company. Maariea Mitten Raasaw. Maurice Mtlton Ransom. lonnar resident of 140 Falrbaven ava., past away In local hospital Peb. 13th at the axe of 14 year. Funeral announcement wit be mad later by th How eu-Ed war da Company. Arthar N. Celling Arthur N. Colling, late resident or 4110 Bailey Rd.. at a local hospital Peb. 13. eturvlved by wife. Mildred Colling of Sa lem: daughter. Mr. Ulna Pr title. Myrtle Creek: Mrs. Farenlel Ketun, Mr, viola La Due, Miss Mrrna Colling and Ml Mary Orace Colling, all of Salem: Bona, Alfred Colling and Forrest Colling, both of saiem, and, Norman coning oi u. B. Navy; sister. Mrs. O. F. Burke. Salem, Mr, cmmetl Mccooi. stiverton, Mr. Bu san Humes, Denver, Cole., and Mr. John Ballou, Wllsonvllla, Neb.i a brother, Leo Colling, Pocatello, Ida., and grandchild ren. Announcement of oervlees will w mada later by th Howell-Bdwad Con pany. OBITUARY Ifaae O. wall DaUaa Iiaae O. Wall. (1, died at 111 How, 81., Dallaa, Fek. 1, of heart all. ment. Ur. Wall waa bora Julr u. 1U1 at Charlaton, Ne. Oct. II, nil h, married Elliaoeth Frieaen at Hendereon. Neb. After her deatb ha married Clara Rupp of Seattle, Waih. H, cam, to Oreaoa Ikpt. 27. ISftZ. after llvln, la MODUna. Hlniia. aota and Nebraska. Funeral aervkaa will be held at the I. If. B. church Saturday. Feb. 14. at pm. with Rev. 1. N. Wall officiating Burial will ba la tha Delia, cemetery under th, direction ,f the Boll- man Funeral Home, flurvlvlo, besldea hie widow, Clara, are three aone. Harry Wall and Aaron wall both of Hendereon, Neb., and Arnold Wall, JS06 Myrtle Are.. Salem. Ore., and three dauahtera, Luella Orr of Hendereon, Neb., alyrtl, Brlmlow of York, Neb., and Aim, wall, 711 Howe atreat, Dallaa, Ore. FIiuArf tribute of respect riUffCr) for the departed, an expression of comfort to the bereaved DIAL 41692 GREEN THUMB FLORIST 321 Court LEGALS NOTICE TO CREDITOR" Notice 1 hereby liven that th under- sltned hT been appointed axecutrli and executor of the Estate of Charlea M. Fry, deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oreton for Marlon County, aittint in Probst and that they are duly auallfled ae urh executrix and executor: all per son havlnt claims atatnat th Estate of said decedent are hereby notified to pre eent the same, duly verified, as required bv lew to the nndersitnca at m oreton Bulldlnt. Balem, Oreton. within months from the date of tha first publication of thta notice. Dated at Balem, Oreton, and flrat published Chla 30th day af January. 115 J. JANET BCNNE1DER R. W. SCHNEIDER Executrix and Executor af tha Estate of Charlea M. Fry, Deceased. Flrat publlahed lOfl-ll; laat publication 3-37-63. O0TERMAN WTU.1AMI 33T Oreton Bulldlnt Salem, Oreton Attorney for Estate Jan ; Feb I it 3d 37 IN THE CIRCUIT COf'RT OP THE TATE OF OREOON FOB THE COt'NTY OP MARION DRPT. NO. t IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE of ALBERT H TWOMPftON. Deceased NOTICE OP appointment or EXECUTRIX Nntkra U hereto? Uvea that th vnder- sslned. by an Order of the Circuit Court of tha State or oreion ror ine twountr oi Marlon, duly mad and entered on the 3rd dar of February. 1M3, was ppotntd executrix af the Estat af Albert H. Thompson, doceaied, and hss duly auall fled a such. All persons havlnt claim atalnst aetd Estat are hereby notified ta present the sama duly verified as required by law, and with th proper voucher, to the ttaoeralined xecutrls at th office of Lawrence N. Brown, her attorney, at 113 Maaonl Bulldlni. Balem. Marlon County, Oreton. within six month from th dt of th first publication of this notice. DATED and first published tnt KB day af Fwruty. 1PM. ora I. Tnompacei Executrix of the EaUt af Albert H. Thompson, Deceased Lawrence N. Brown Attorney for Executrix 313 Masonic Bulldlnt Salem, Ore-: on Date of first publication: February f. ItSI. Data af last publication: February 37, 1M Feb. . 13, 30. 37, 1HI NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT LENA LARSON. xecutrU of the last ill and stt af OSCAR T. LARSON, deceased, ba filed her final account as luch In th Circuit Court of Marlon Cena- Oretaa. and aaid Court ha fixed February 17. int. at Ml o'clock A.M.. in tha courtroom af aald Court, aa the time and placa fat heartnt abjection thereto. LENA URSON, txecutrll PAUL R. HENDRICKS, Attarnsp Jan. M, is, M, Fob, , M, INI. FOR SALE HOUSES FOR HER VALENTINE Show HER any of the following and let HER select HER own Valentine! RANCH TTPS HOME THAT IS IMIfMHT-Tw bedrooms, wardraba aloeet all lined with Teeu.ee cedar. M-ft. ilvla reoaa with ff-atreet fall Tlew picture windows, lovely fireplace, blreh panel la In dining area. Also birch paneled sutraae with planter. Modern kitchen with breakfast nook. This horn ha double plumbing, powder room and full hath. Large utility room and automatic forced-air dU heat. Attached tarat- On block to school ond bus by door. Ha beea OL eyppreised al llS.Ma. Ask tat pel All.tOS. maU down wlU handle. TWO-BBDROOU ROUS-Lane Urine roosn with fireplace and picture window. Separate dlalnc room and modens kiuhen. Hardwood floor Ihrouthout. Thl hota la ta tow ahape and 1 Haveevllle d 1st r let. Only five year old. Nice tarden spot and asm fruit. Outside flreplaoe la lovely yard. Larc tot TO I ltd and priced at anuy e.V.S. U ACHBS OF wniJturrri SOIL Bea.tlful raach-typa four -bedroom home. Larte living roam, separata dJnln room, mod era kitchen with bar. Ha aver 1400 ft. af floor space. Fireplace tn 11 Tin room, hardwood tuvors, attached terete with half bath. Full baeemant, sawdust furnace. Beautiful view of lit. rant and all land la cultivation. Little Fuddint rtver at north boundary, irrtiatlon wowtbilitiee. Have bha BIST af land, a(t a beaatful hem aU Is an. Priced at 04.00. SALEM'S FIRST DRIVE-IN Smith Real Estate 1425 Portland Road Office and home ph. ssm 1-7007 FOR SALE HOUSES BT OWNSB 1-badraom borne. ITIM. MOe alleerton Road. 1-0O04. aJ' SOB BAIA S.badroom bona, na Oarvala, arur utUllbad. SUM tun nM. 'nana SW1S Salem alter 4 m. , GI $350 Dn. 35 new I -bedroom bouses, with full basement. Out Stat Street, V mile past 4 Corners. $8,995 - $52 MONTH Office at Project Phon 4-1575 CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ADDING. MACHINSS AU makee naad machine, aokd, ranted, repaired. Boen. court. Ph. S-trra. o BOLLDOZINO Bulldoain, road, dearlna teeth. VlraU Huiker. Wit falmew. Ph. i-Ilta. u CASH BSQI8TSBS Iiutant dellrer, ot new RCA uah rat latere. All make, aold. rented, repaired Roen. 4M court. h. 1-rm. DBKSMAKINO Alteratlona, hematltchlni, kltteai. bucklee covered, button hoi u. Ura. H. al. AUander, J-Wlll. oM" DBIVINO INSTRUCTION Learn ta drlra the "laai Drlrr' waa. call or aw Mr. Rlekard, Taller Motor Co.. Salem, mono ie7 or aana. (XCAVATINQ Ben OUen eb Bon. Bxeavatlu, sradlnl. land dearlns. mono a-wao. oao' INDTJSTBIAL TRUCKS rork-Uft. truoka. Inalda and emtalde work. Rrater, Clark. Mobile lilt. 1000 and 4000 lb. machlnea. By dar, week or month, rn. UU. Caallal citr Traaa- fer. Zneulatlon, weatharatrtpa, atorm eaeh, aereene. wrea eatlraataa. T. Pullman. Phone I-59M. o0 MATTRE8SES Capitol Beddlnc, renovate,. luD line new mettreeeea. rn. seoev. OFFICI njBNITURI at St'rPLISS Deak chalra. fllea. tlllni auppliee, aafee, dupulleatora, auppllea, deak lampa. t,pa- writer atanda. Roen, 434 court. SEPTIC TANKS Mlka'a Beptle service. Tanka cleaned. D'rooter dean, aeweto, dralna. Phone l-el. Hamel'a aeptle tanka cleaned, Una aarv Ice. Guaranteed work. Phona 17404. o4T Sewer, aeptle tanka. dralna cleaned. Ro-to-Rooter Sewer Service Phon, I-II2T. TELEVISION TV salea. Service. Antenna. Ave. Phone 4-6,31. 1110 Lane o WINDOW CLEANING "B At Z" Window Claanere, paint eerap Inc. tloor waxln,, oeneral reeldentlela our apeclaltr. Oo onywhera. Ph. 3-7931. oU Acme Window Cleaner,. Xnduetrlal tloor waxlnc, houeeeleanln,. Phona S-IUT. 147 CourL o TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Remington, Royal, Un derwood portablee. All make used ma chines. Repair ox rant. Roen. 451 Court LEGALS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OBFGON FOB THE COUNTY OP MARION. No. 14t. In the Matter ef the Estate of ADA WILHELM1NA LUNDBERO, deceased. CITATION TO: ALICE HOLLQUI8T; ANNA ALVTN; OSTEN PrTTERSSON: MARY HAUN NAT; AND ANY OTHER HEIRS OF THE ESTATE OF ADA WTXaHELMINA LUNDBERO deceased. TN THE NAME OP THE STATE OP OREOON: Yoa and each ef yon are hereby commanded to appeer In ths court room of th Circuit Court of th Stat of Oreton for tha County af Marlon, tn the City of Sslem, Oretnn, within ten dsn from th dst of service of this citation. If served withtn the County of Marlon. Stat of Oreion, nd within twenty dare, from th data of th service of thl citation. If served tn any other county of th Stet af Oreton, If personal ly served: or If served by publication, then within 31 day from th date of first publication of thl citation, to chow cause, if any exists, why an arder af ale at private eale af each of th follow Int described tract af real property of the decedent Ada Wllhelmlna Lundbert and her eetate, aituat la Marlon County. Oreton, ta wit: Farcal Na. 1: All of Lot 13 tn Block I In Cook's Ad dition to th town of Morion, In Marlon County, Oreton, a aald lot I shown and desitnated on ft) amended plat ef aid Cook' Addition an fil In th offlc af th recorder of Marlon County, Oreton. Farce) No. I: Alaa a strip af land trim between Block S af Flckard Addition end Block 1 tn Cook' Addition to th town of Marlon. Marlon County. Oreton. mora particularly described a follow: Bettnoini at th SB comer af Block t af Ptekard'a Addition ta tha town af Marlon. Marlon County, Oreton, and run- nrot thence B at) feet mora or les to th BW corner af Block 3 In Cook's Ad dition; thence N 300 feet ta tbe NW cor ner af aald Block 1: thane W M feet mora ar leas ta th NB corner of -""l i 300 feet ta th place af bctlnnint- and th whole of each auch parcel, should not ba mad aa prayed for In th petition 2 :V..c.?,iimU'Mn''' Thia citation I Uued and rsused to l published in th CAPITAL JOURNAL pursuant ta arder af th abov entitled Court, mod, entered and filed in the above rati tied proreedloi an tn letn day of January. Its). WITNESS MY HAND and the SEAL OP SAID COURT affixed thl llth dP f January. 103. H. C. MATT BON, Clerk ef the Circuit Court. By Helen L. Mulker. Depy. REAL OP THE CIRCUIT COURT Dai ef first publication; Jan. if. m. data ef last publication. Feb. 11. lell FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES $4,250 South High St NEW BuniaMw atria home. Tlew lot, H tr III tt. Pull kaaamant, lorn kitch en, llvtn, room. 1 bodreooa. hath. OU heat. Driveway la sraveled ond yard la lendecaped. Low down payment. Don't wait. " SB OR CALL PRANK TLASIO 3-8620 OR 4-2870 McKillop REAL ESTATE on Center ex. Salem on OM, DOWN S-oadroota homo, ttuMo ntU- lty, fenead-IB yard ond sorwo. aaaoe Ph. Dill. oU Go Suburban $6000 South, t, ohtekw haea. ire, 3-B.lt. keen, Term. $7350 Buatneaa propartr. loo ft. an liberty Rd. cioa la, rB.R. modern ne. Tern. B. Isherwood, Realtor 111 Wallace Rd. Fn. -MU ajae OOMPLITCLT different. bedroon. dea. baaaraent, double nrepiac. aianoint lot, on but. 3434 Duncan. a0 DELUXE t bedroom, or S bedroom and. lane den. central ball, double plumV lnt doubt attach, tarata, tra lartt room and cloaet. blond hardwood trim. U ton want a howte tn th $11,000 elau you definitely ehould lea thia. 11M Oreanwood Orlv. Builder Phon 533. Ml POVB BOOM houa. smaQ lot. 17M tt. om. Ph. MT33. woo Bhelie At. By owner. net ft-BEDBOOM houH, 3-aedrooa hoaae. Norm winter. t BEDROOM housa for aala ot Uada for acre. 1M0, on term. 31 1M. BY OWNER, KANERIN OARDDtB Let oa ihow you thl I year old bedroom plastered home, hardwood floor, 4 piece til bath, fl replete, L ahepo ltvini-dlnint room, newly re decorated thruout. Plnlehed room In full dry baeement. Attach, tarat. petto. C73 Wayn Dr. 4M14. Mew low prlca 13.300 xor auici ai. $750 DOWN NEW 3 -bed room bom by owner. Spec for 3 more roome nnataira. Larta kitch en with plenty buUt-lne. all heat, lane lot, attach, plaitered tarat. city water and eewer. Cloa to bu and school. Located 303$ Erertreen. 1 block south of flU?trton Rd. ruM prle M8M. Drive by and look, door la open. Phon tl3 day. 4-1633 evenlnt. eO AN EXCELLENT FAMILY HOME CLOttl to arhool, churches, state bids.. and bhopplnt ntr. Lara L. rm.. fireplae. D. rm., den, muter bdr., bath and kitchen down; 1 bdrma. up. 3 ta plumblnt- Carpeted bp and down . Full dry basement with deo. parly rm. Forced air furnace. Lartt ereek lot with fireplae. Patio, lawn, shrub and fruit tree. Thl place must ba seen ta ba appreciated. Let n show pen this fine home for only n.0. JOHN ?. DANN, Realtor 411 N. PJlth Phona 4-12. Bra. fM01 el ITS NEW! ITS DIFFERENT! Open House 2629 LANSING AVE. Rltht else llvlDt rm. fireplace, pic ture windows, both bedrooms have coder-lined closets, colored bath fix ture. Bunny kitohen A dinette, tile features, hdwd. floor, loads ef built ins, uitl. rm.. forced-air all furnace, insulated weatheratrlppad. Price only 1 10. 400. Terms. DONT LET HER SEE IT because he'll never fortet It or fortlv you unlet you buy It. Th owner tolnt to Alaska, will sacrifice thl wll-bullt horn an clrcl drlv corner, paved treet b sidewalk, lart tree, til around flrepUe A bath, HW floor, oil furnace, beautiful lawn, planter boi. 10, 10. Term. ONE FOR THE MONEY NICE TO SHOW Hollywood district, near Bt, Vincent' A Hlshland school. I bdrms., best ment. furnsce, flreplece, Lr. A p. din int rm. Extra tood vlu at oq. Term. ONE TO C Ton will enJoy a visit throuth this newly decorsted home, clow ta etete office bulldlnt. Beam ceillni. flre plece. seperate dinirt rm., a woman' kitchen, plenty of bullt-lna, dandy bedrooms, double plumblnt, cot? den. Insld utll. rm. lti.6M. Tsrms. $330 to $550 Down BALANCE LIKE RENT Move rtxht In a newly-psinted A det er ted 4-yr.-old two-bedroom horn. Hdwd. floors, furnac. utll. rm. as ta re, paved t. la city, north. L. E. KLUMPP, Realtor SOW P.rUao4 Boas Pa. 1-1141 alt I ACRE LOW DOWN PATallMT t tearoom home, nleel, laodae.oeS. Hourlr bue oer.tee, oa pavement, cat. Seal, enoln,, IIII4. Art alaoaaa Beellr. lias Stete: Ph nae - latll. aaa FOR SALE LOTS w "u io.e eneop u tn m one. . 'A VJf0.7- WANTED REAL ESTATE Wt ABE la aeed ot ,oo houee, to MIX la or aeor Soleaa. It roo Ufe t. Ual roar oropert? for aala. ho OBASENHORST BHOS. REALTORS lie S Llaertf Ph 1-1411 a AVE BtTEBS lor l-oooroom home,. What haea root Al laaak, Rll,.. phone 4-Mll. if oa oaewar, 4-M4. Alao wa ha,o a aoab boror for a farm, aa-ee acres eaat. ea NOTICE: If tour propart, U for aala, root or ,iehaofe. Mat II with aa. w, haea .11 kind, or eaeh Snrara STATS, PIHAMCE CO.. REALTOR iu a. Buk a. Capital Journal Sakmt Orefon, Friday. Feb. IS, 195315 : REAL ESTATE Ill PM TO SM.SH USTSO VOSt tail CALL Wl SEVERIN REALTY Little Farm Home It ACRES mt tarden, fruit, trape. duek pood. WeU built home af T rooms. It ta located clot tn and oa V peart for only in. boa. Term. All-Purpose Farm j tl ACRES ef aaaverdaa and Willam ette allt. AU trrocated with full water rttht frcen naver-falllnc craefc. Make axeeUeat truck fans or dUUry. Ltvly wU-buUI moosrn room borne with t edrooan and hot water heat. Orada A dairy bam, milk bouse, cblckem house, and tenant houee. Road stand for sallint eas, vecetable and nut. BoaaU ar hard. AU irrtetlon eeulpaaent. yumva, tractor, barrow, ap reader, disk, mlik tnt equlpmwtt, tn fact averythint to run tha farm. This exceptional farm 1 located within H mile of KeUer an paved read. Bu rvice and etty water, piu araak. Due ta injury, owner must eell. It U i real ben a in at .W. There U 4,00 tn th farm alone. Country Home 1 NB al tba beUer bMnMa, seVdem an market. Loeated am one lovely tree. Larta Uvtnt raeaa, dlntnt room and the nicest kitchen and nook. Hot point dlshwashr lnk. I bedrooms and room for I mora If wanted. Th entire be.ee ment fintsbeL Bummer kitchen, laundry, bath, and a larta knotty pine recrea tion room with fireplace. Beat ef heat, i double Inst) 1 ted and weetbcrstrlpped. S-ear larate and tool ebad. When you see It yon know that It Is worth the money. A food boy al 123,100. Beans Fishing Ducks at, ACRBB ef the most unusual money maker around Salam, 10-acre lake full ef trout and bass. S-acre plenle trove A boat rental. II acres of bean to tetber with all Irritation equipment, 1 a ere af atrawberriae, timber, six -room home .machine abed A outbid!.. I tractor, usual farm oauloment. Income about lie.oon net annually. Ail for only UtOOe. Income Properties Apartment Court S Ten TJnH. 1 Twelve, near kith achoot I Thro TJnlt and, lovely 1 -bedroom horn. S Tan Unit and l-room aualtty home, la Unit apartment near ahopplnt oeatcr. M x 4 plua alley business lot, ISO Moot, Stat Bi, Ideal Cllnlo Bit. West Salem Homes OUALTTT BUILT l-room borne with 3 aadrooma and attached tarata oi I x lis-rt. lot. Tht bom I aa ax aaptlenal buy at tt.7M aa term. Another 5-Room Home S BBDROOMB. party room tn baae- aient witn iirepiac, Una uvlnt room, dlatna room and pleasant tep-uvrn kitchen. Patio with flreplaoe, prlnklr r tern, owner wtu trad ror a or a bedroom home Enslewood diet, and nay iiirnca. Reaay tor a deal al 114,000, Suburban LOVELY l-room homo near mehaeii At bu. Th Interior decoration In this attractive heme will ttaddan your heart. Uvtn f room with flreplaoe, dlntnt area, 1 bedrooms. Work-aavlm kltchan. The newest, cleanest and meat economical heat, RADIANT. No cold floor bar. Utility and tarat. Veteran sella for ws than be paid, ejooa. Terms, View Home Sites Do pen want to build pout bom bltb en a hilltop within I miles eaat of Balem. witn view over city, vaney and moun tains Water 1 us ran teed. Paved rd. Ac react all In permanent pasture, year old. A place to build for contentment. seep a tew wnite Face and horses. There are I plots of I aeres ach at 12,500. or will sell antlr lft acre to one buyer for 17,000. Take late model ear aa part payment. Severin Realty Co. 9J! N. Hlth 4-W4I. Eves. 1-BWI Mr. Klani I-H9I Mr. Moon I-7W1 c BED BIT HOUC S4K. Oa hue. onl, 1130 dowa. ltt AC. 1 BED RM. FURNISHED Houa.. Price lino no. Do. WELL BUILT 1 BED RU. HOMB Baeement, Furnace. Price ,7100 M AC. , MILES OUT. OOOD BuUdlnea. Nice View. Onle.10.H. For more Information Call or Sea OSCAR flKDERATROM Willi JOHN J. DANN. REALTOR til X. Huh . Pa. 4I4IL Era, Mil, ell' Englewood New S-bedroom boui will be com pleted ta M dya. Furchaavr may hav choice In decor a tint and eutaida paint. Has lart kitchen with nook, dlntnt room, pelou llvlm room with fire place, doubl tiraca end full basement with automatic ell furnac. Basement ha fireplace in party room area and also ha plumblnt routhed-ln for ad ditions! bath. Located in all new real ldntll area near school. Bu service 1 excellent. 111,000. Maximum flnaoe lnt. STOCK FARM M her In permanent pasture and 10 acre in hay. 4-bed room bouse with fall basement, tood well, lart hay barn, fenced and aroaa-ftned. Located en Rltbway M only II mil south ef Balem. ABRAMS, B0URLAND & SKINNER 411 MABOWIO BUILDINff Rail Yitt Insurance Mertcaie Loans Phone I-II17 Bvtnint 1-470 0 VERY CLEAN Just listed. Li, llvlnt rm. with bey window, spacious bdrs. Attached tares. Let built. Pretty yard with nut apple tree and strawberry bed. On bu Una. Fric 110.100. LEAVING CITY Owner hav apant a lot ef time and money la the last I year to maka their yard one ef the nlre-t tn the city. Lata built I br. home with terete, car port and amall ahop. Pin nelthbor hood. Priced lithU Call Boa Cleary. Walter Muserave Realtors 1111 Sdiewater Mioe Eva. S-Hia C37 NELSON Near Hoover School 11100 DOWN Aa opportunity to own a cheerful, oy hem. I bedrooms, one la larter than averace. Well llth ted larte llvlnt room, tood laurdry facllltiea. aulet netttiborhood. Ideal for children. Only 17360. Call Mrs. Woo t ten. Unfinished Room UPtSTAIRB Neree an opportunity to let that Ird bedroom finish It yourself. 4 yrs. eld. Oood l-bdrm. home. aula. heat. Leslie dist. All for 19. 50. 3 Bedrooms - North Exceptionally well bultt l-room horn. FHA appraisal 111. MM). Forced-air Mon- la furnace, attractive fire ul a tint fire place, let 10 t 171. Price 1 11. W0. call Al. Watt. -7t. 8 Acres E. on Hwy. 222 I A tood modern country home, conven ient for employment in town. Family or chard. 1 acres caneberrtaa. Full price 7000. Tall Mr. OaUether. NELSON & NELSON SFKCIALIZINO REALTORS tOI R. BUS at. Pa. i-MH OSS REAL ESTATE Center St. 5 Realty OLD HOUSE . TWO OOOO LOTS aa Ho. S auamoa ' aoao. A auixnr loealloa la, a rental .u eourt oo other woamoea. Bo oar. lo ae, tola. OoU 4.0oa. HOME AND INCOME TWO HOOBSB oat an. lot, oaoh with two oodrooma and attached I are, a. Two pad alx faar, oM. Oao la raralahed. Lleo la oao end root tne outer, or ran, koto far 1131 par month. Nlco woo- nl uoa near HoOrwood. Price ,11.10. Art Somo torau. NEW HOME - NORTH i; 4UZ ROOMS Two larte awdraonsa and. den. oeparate dlnlna room. hdwd. Ooora oi thruout. ftreplaca, forced-air beat, at tec bed lerae. Ba thl now and aelaal your wa Interior and exterior totora, , A real boy al lli.000, 7.HX lenna. . CENTER STREET REALTY $ IKS Center St. , pk.1 Olea S-1I1I Phono l-HIl Brlaht I HII . , .ouo .TJ COLBATH'S BUYS 2-BDRM. COTTAGE 4 blka. from Bnriewood school. Thia email home on lot 50x50 can be bousht at REDUCED PRICE Of II3U with &00 down. HOLLYWOOD DIST. Larta l-bdrm. home with LR 4b DB comblnetlon. Lot 50x130. PRICK IB ONLY te&OO and very tood term. . HOME & BASMT. NOTHINO COULD EE FINER FOB) THS PRICE OF ,030. See thia clean and Terr neat home with LR, DR. nlc. bath, oil seat, deep drr baamt, (oraoa, amall Vol. WILL TRADE FOB LAROKB S'bdrm. homo op ao ItLooo. SPECIAL - $9250 BEDROOM HOMB ON , FIONEER DRIVE. Lane LR with fire place, hdwd. firs.. oU beat, attaches f parai. roomy kitchen, dinette, beau tiful lot 100x144. Perfect TV RECEP TION. WILL TAKE OOOD TRA2LBA UOUBB Ot TRADE. UP & DOWN DUPLEX ; NICB OORNZK LOCATION OT XN OLEWOCD DIST, Main fir. haa a bdrnu. LR, Dn, fireplace, bath, up. atalra unit with nice kitchen, bath. LR oa bedroom. Baamt. with oil ptpect furnac otiutr rm. 1-cer aoraae. Prlca tWOO. UVB IN OMB J KENT TUB OTHER, will vaoa for lit, boll! I ot o-bdrm. homo. EZCELUNT TTOata. WILL TRADE FOR FARM thia lorelr l-bdrm. hoax lo cated oaot on Hawthorno At.. Baa hdwd. flra flraplaoo. uaftnlahod np .tolra, OU hoot, tot 17x100. mood a, H0.W0. WALNUT PARK 4VBdrm. borne with lart baamt- all fu piped heat, maple fir., fireplace, all larte room, extra features calora and just rltht for your lane family, bsb THIS BUT FOR 111,150. 3 BDRMS. ON 17TH Llvtn, rm oa Dr oonbtno. 1-car a a Taaa. abort dlatwce to Bnclowootl ochooL Price ,5700. Tenna, 11.00 down or trade for laraer a-bdrm. noma. EVE. CALL HARRY. VAN HORN. PH. , 170 or DAVB LAZENBBY. PH. 41101 or OLQA OOLEBBEX. Ph. 25171 an an m QUALITY PLUS Just like nw. Full basement. Lovely fir trove set tins. OU furnace. IV bath rooms. I fireplace. Offered for salo ta close stat. I bedroom on floor. Thia la lovely. Price 117,500. Idsal Xor child ren sine It' on dead-end at. A NEAT HOME Unusually wen arranied. Flrplaea. acre lot. Lovely yard and abrub. 1 blk. to bu. Oil heat. Just like new. F. H. A. Urms. Frtc reduced le 411, 760. ' Near State Hospital : And a eutt bom. Tory clean. Fire place, 4 bedrooms. Spacious lot. Bxtra b4dt- for work shop. Chicken house. Outatde fireplae. I blka. to hooL Trm. Pull price I.-. $750 DOWN Walklnt dlsunce from down wn. Full baJtment. Could easily ba convert d to duplex. Forced air ell furnac. Oar a- Older type but we onsidar thia a very tood buy for only 17000. 3-Bedroom, Basement Wall to wall carpet. Furnac. 3 ear rat. 14 bath. 1 blk. to aehooL Lawa p t and shrubs. Paved st. Oornar lot Full ? price only teooo. Term. $1000 DOWN Older type bom In Bt. Ttncent Dtai. I extra lart corner lot. Zoned for apt. Could easily be chanted to busi ness. Imm. pose. Houa very liveable. v Has fireplace. Full price IMM. SACRIFICE - Bpotlesily clean, tlual like new. XnsWe ic. city. Owner desperate to U this real cut and extra well built home. Offered for less than F. H. A. or O. i. epprelsaL m Oil heat, atone throw from acbooL Lota 1(, af bulltins. You can't ml. 1m TRAILER PARK In a fin location. T trallor apace. Almoit new duplex. City eewer. Bom furniture. Very low overhead. Owner i will accept homo up to 17000. aa perl psrmvnt. Full price only 114.000. lv EVEN A PESSIMIST Could ae the poulbilitle oa thl one. u 1 triplex, 1 duplex. 3-bedroom houa. 2 double, 1 lnl saraa with utility room. Oara bid, rented for M5. per mo. Hew potential ineom ISM. par mo. , Owner leaving tat. Pull prle orly 135.000. CALL FOR DAK tflAAK, BVB. PH. 4-3533, or MR. KICK. INS. EW. PH 4-144 or MB. CRAWFORD, BVB. PH. 4-5O20. If no answer call 4-331. 6 AND ACRES Very close ta. Modern older type I bedroom nous. 1 lart chicken house. Barn. Extra I bedroom almost near house. Brooder bouse. 4 Mi acre straw -berries. Lots of fruit tree. Thia la a tood lis tins. Full prle 111,000. 85 ACRES 41 under cultivation. Modern 1 bed room home. Mechln shed. Bern. 21 acre under Irltation. School bu. Full price I14.5M 1 ACRE err cloeo In aorth. Modern S bed room bouae. Very rood condition. Att, aeraee. Chicken houee. Deep well. Lot, of ahruha. Pre. :i. C:- 1. Full price el.lMl CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS. EVI. PH. t-7le. If no aruaer call 4-lltt. MOKTOAOE LOAMS U Year Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phono, 4-1311 or J-1IM Mil PORTLAND BOAD Ere. Phone, 1-4715 4-I414, l-som or 1-3HI V no .newer, phon, 4.ntl I ClS4lilTi Journal Want Ads Pay PTT L'l ti 1 V. 1A kt fas. II II 101 Feb. U