Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 13, 1953, Page 11, Image 11

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    Undefeated Salem
Church Leaguers
Play Seattle Teams
Two teams which art and
feated la church league play
la Seattle will be matched
aralnat twe teams aadefeated
la Salem church lea toe play
la a pair of (amet at the Salem
IMCA Saturday.
One game will be la the B
division and ene la the A dlvl
don. The First Christian team of
Salem will meet Seattle Wal
lingford BUB at SeatUe la the
claaa A (ante at o'clock.
Playing on the Salem team
wUl bo Glean Luklnbeal, Bay
Coader, Tom Board man,
George Carlisle, George Watts,
BUI Hill, Gordon Woods, Bob
Tanner, Martin Young aad
Kenneth Bongh.
Ia clam B, Salem Englewood
IUB will meet SeatUe Wal
Hngford EUB at 5 o'clock. Oa
the Salem roster are Dennis
West, Jimmy Young, Joha
Mlatfle, Bill' Boring, Dick
Oglesbee, Dick Powers, Tom
Kent, Eddy Page, Everett
Stewart and Larry Fowler.
Seven Church
Games Played,
Two Forfeited
Nazarene defeated Leslie
Methodist 60-24 and Mennon
itetoppled Chemawa S6-40 In
chXrch A league play last
Another scheduled class A
contest, between First EUB
and Kingwood Bible, wu for
feited by the Klnjrwoodert.
In class B, Chemawa Nav-
ajos downed Court Street
Christians 49-51, First Bap
tilt defeated Knight Memorial
82-35 and First Congregational
upended Chemawa Regulars
Class C action saw Nazarene
down First Methodist 20-15
and Englewood EUB defeated
Calvary Baptist 16-12. Fire t
Christian forfeited to Deaf
School ia another scheduled
Top scorer for the entire
night of play was Wright of
Court Street Christian in the
B league. He had 27 points.
No church league games are
scheduled for tonight
No More Spring
Drills in PCC
Los Angeles WV The Pacific
Coast Conference has ruled out
spring basketball practice. Com'
mirtioner Victor O. Scnmidt an
nounced Friday.
Ho said the PCC felt that out
of-season practice constitute an
excessive demand upon the stu
dent's time which he needs for
his studies and other school ac
tivities. .
The conference action revokes
an Interim decision to allow 30
days of practice, as is permitted
by NCAA rules. There will be
no basketball practice from the
close of the season next month
until next Oct IS.
31 High Aoo
bed llm Ai7a "Artft
Viks at Springfield;
Four Leagues Active
Thirty-one high school basket
ball teams of this area will be
eagagod la play tonight nearly
all of them In leaf at action.
Salem high school's Vikings
go to Springfield for a despera
tion chance at the Big Six cham
pionship. If they lose this one
they're out.
Meanwhile, the Willamette
Valley. Marion county B, Cap!
tol and Yawama leagues all
have a full slat ef games. In
addition to all that Cascade and
Central play a non-leaguer at
Sugar Ray Not
Impressed With
Gavilan Punch
Chicago () This will come
as a surprise to Chuck Davey,
but Sugar Ray Robinson
doesn't think welterweight
champion Kid Gavilan packs
much of a punch.
Davey was knocked down
four times in Chicago Stadium
Wednesday . night as Gavaan
won on a 10th round TKO.
. "Gavilan isn't a good punch
er, said Robinson as he ar
rived in Chicago to fill a the
ater date. "By that I mean
he isn't a destructive hitter. I
fought him twice and I know
he is very clever."
Kobinson, who retired as
middleweight king to take up
a dancing profession, said he
thought Gavilan would be wise
to leave the welterweight
ranks and go for th 160-
pound title.
Spokane Club
Plans to Train
On Home Field
Spokane () The Spokane In
dians will open spring practice
for the Western International
league baseball season at Spo
kane March 24, Manager Don Os-
born said Thursday.
Only pitchers and catchers will
work out th first week, Osborn
said. Th rest of th squad will
report April l.
Owner Roy Hotchkiss said the
Indians, who have trained In
California In past years, are
staying horn for two reasons:
1. To save money, and 2 To
give homo talent a chance to
try out arlth the team. . .
Moomaw May
Play With Rams
Los Angeles () Dona Moo
maw, All-America linebacker at
UCLA, will play football with
the Los Angeles Rams next sea
son, if he can arrange his studies
to conform to the requirements
of practice. But he said Thursday
be will quit the sport at th close
of the season to enter th Pres
byterian ministry.
Washington Plays at OSC
Tonight and Saturday
(Br The Auocikted Prett)
The Washington Huskies, vir
tual shoo-ins for the Northern
Division Coast Conference cage
erowa, bump into the explosive
Oregon Beavers at Corvallis Frl
, day knd Saturday nights, the top
Item on the loop bill of fare.
In the other series on the slate
for the same nights, Oregon in
vades th Palouse country to tus
sle with the Washington State
Cougars, hopelessly entangled in
the bottom rungs of the loop
ladder with nine defeats against
on win. Idaho is idle.
Th Huskies, with Bob Hon
bregs, the conference's top
point-getter, showing the way,
hav stacked np 10 straight
lop wins and only a miracle
could get Washington's hands
off the title.
Oregon State, drifting along in
fourth place with a 4-6 record,
has the potential to stop Wsth
ington, the potential being in the
form of Tony Vlastelica, the
Aberdeen wizard, top scorer for
the Beavers.
Oregon will be gunning for
two straight over the Cougars,
not only to keep a firm hold on
second place but to make a clean
sweep of their annual four-game
series with WSC, a trick the
Ducks haven't turned since the
present schedule system was
adopted in 1930.
Collete eeikatoall: Willamette at Whitman, wsenlnttsa at OSO, Orates at WSC,
lk etkeel aaaaetsalli Salem at Sorlnsflel. Cascade at Central: Wlleraott Til
ltr leasue EatecsoA it WoodOurs, SUrerton at Molella, Bandr at Ullu, Cutr
t in. Aniels Marlon Countr B loesu Doof School at Curasao, Mill City at
Oetot. OerraU at St. Paul, Jtffereon at wubllmltr; Caprtol latent Salem Acadomr
"-'"? " ' . "" . rauumtw i Mni Hut worm Mtrioa at Amur,
Yamhill at Sberlden. Bonks at WUlamme, Sherwood at Carton.
' Coflaaa WaaattaSi WUlsmatte at Whitman. Wesklnttoa at 00. Ore) at Wo,
ocb et on.
"Iik seaaal kukrtksfl! Sacred Baart at central.
Ckarek leetse aaesettent Claaa rauht Memorial . St. Paul's SMaeopal.
Oiart Street CkrUUaa ts. Calarr BeplUt; Cleat C Plrat So tin a. first Methedlot!
Bisk aekeel kaaketka: acrM Baart at St. rranela. 1
la Willamette VaUey league
games, leagae-lesdlag Dallas
plays at heme against Saady,
while second-place Molalla
also Is at home, playing 811
verton. Other WVL game
send Estacada to Woodbnra
and Canby to Mt Angel.
Mill City, with 13 wins and
no losses in th Marion county
B league, travels to Gates (4-8)
tonight Sublimity, in second
place a game behind Mill City,
draws a much tougher assign
ment in Jefferson (8-4). The
Saint-Jeff game will be played
at Sublimity. Elsewhere in the
Marion B circuit Deaf School
plays at Chemawa and Gervali at
St Paul.
Stayton, leader of the Capi
tol league with a (-1 mark,
hope to extend Its margin
vr teeend-plscs Cascade la
a game with Salem Academy
at Stayton. Salem Academy
has failed to win a game la
six conference tries. Sacred
Heart plays at Philomath In
the only other Capitol leaguer
In the Yawama league, leader
Dayton (10-1) hosts Sherwood
(4-7). while second-place Wllla
mina (9-2) hosts Banks (3-8). In
other Yawama tilts, North Ma
rion goes to Amity and Yamhill
to Sheridan.
" - - - ." .
Salem Assured of. Catcher
Pag 11 Salem, Oregon, Friday, February IS, 1953
South niton cjiirMtf
!? up gaytjg'
wrujLMrm vatur uaoci
Dolus 1 .000 Ejtsceda I I M
Holalla 1 I .1M SllrortoB I .too
Woodbura S 4 .too Conor I t .IN
Sondr 4 .404 lit. Ansel t t .10
prMer Samoa: Eelacaaa at wooowirn.
Sltrarton at Molalla. Sandr at Dallas.
Conor at Mt. Ansel.
w X. Pet. w L Pet
Mill ottr M Low OaUs 4 t 411
Suoimitr u 1 jm chemawa S s .350
Jelleraoa 4 .MT St. Paul 1 1 .147
OerraU 1 .444 Detroit 1 11 .144
O. S. D. t 1 .417
PrMar sames: Dear School at Chemawa,
Mill Cltj at Oataa. OerraU at St. Paul.
joiiortoa at BuDiimitr.
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Burton t Ml Philomath 1 .117
Cue Ida I .714 Salem Ac. 4 4 .000
Sac Heart 4 .447
rrtdar samea: Balem Aeademr at Star-
ton, Sacred Heart at Philomath.
W Z. Pet.
Dartoa 11 I m Sherwood
WUamlna 1 Jit Banks
Sheridan S S .717 Amltr
X. Marion T 4 .434 TamhUl
W Tj Pet.
4 T Mt
1 S .17k
X t .Ml
1 It Ml
Prldar Samoa: North Morten at Amltr.
TamhUl at Sheridan, Bants at WlUamlna.
Sherwood at Darton.
Salem Mat Team Scores
Easy Win Over Corvallis
Hank Juran'a Salem high
school wrestlers scored a one
sided victory over the Corvallis
Spartans her Wednesday night
The score was 28-4 In th var
sity competition.
Fred Stepper, team captain of
the Vikings, continued his string
of wins Wednesday by winning
by forfeit as the Spartans had
no wrestlers to pit against him.
He has pinned his opponents five
of his six wins. No wrestler has
gone the distance with Stepper.
Three other Salem boys kept
their streak in varsity competi
tion of being undefeated and
having no draws. Bob Engle
and heavyweight George Meyers
each captured their sixth wins
while Bill Edwards won his fifth
In a row.
Other Salem winners were
Roger Morse, Jerry Booze, Fay
- - ; f ,V .. .ly
Courage Was Not Enough gfls EJSE2
Chuck Davey sinks to the canvas daring the ninth round ef
welterweight title match la Chicago Stadium, Gavilaa re
tained his crown with a T.K.O. Davey was down three times
la the ninth and couldn't come out for th tenth. (CP Tele-photo)
Corrected for Taft
tOaaspiled ar V. S. Coast s OsoSetls
, rertleea. Ore.)
Is Waters
Time HHiht
11:14 a.m. I t
11:17 a.m. 7.7
1160 a.m. 41
11:11 p.m. 7.4
1:14 a m. 4 4
1:11 a.m. 71
1:01 a.m. II
1:01 p.m. t.t
tow Wblere
Time KoUM
1 11 a.'si. 1J
4 :17 x m. -0 4
4:11 a.m. I.I
7:47 p.m. -4.7
ll a.m. 1.1
1:44 p m. -0.1
4:11 a.m. 4.1
4:14 p.m. 0.1
If 1:1 am. 71 4 07 a.av 44
1:04 P.m. 10 4:01 p.m. 1.1
It 1:10 am. 71 10:04 u. 01
4:0 p.m. 44 Hi P.m. I.I
M 4:01 a.m. 71 11:14 a.m. t.4
1:11 P.m. 4.4 10:10 p.m. I I
H 414 a.m. t.i 11:10 p.m. 4.4
4:44 p.m. 4.1 11:17 p.m. 10
tl 1:41 a.m. 47
1:17 p.m. 4 4 1:14 P.m. 44
11 4:14 ajn. 41 11:40 a.m. I t
t 11 p.m. 41 1:44 p.m. 41
St I II a.m. 4 4 i n 1
10:31 p.m. 4.1 1:41 p.m. 41
14 1:04 a.m. I 1 14 a.m. 1.1
11:11 p.m. 1.1 4:11 p.m. 4.1
Ladd, Frank Williams, Harry
Juul, and Terry Salisbury. Ed
wards and Williams both won
by pinning their opponent Jarry
Booz won by a forfeit
Salem also did very well In
the exhibition matches as they
won six of the eight mstches.
Salem winners were Dave Mor
gan, Jerry Booze, Dan Freder-
ickson, Wright Noel, Vera
Coates, and Jerry Walling.
Booze and Noel both won by pin
ning their opponent
44 pounds Bill Bdwards issiem) sin
ned Melrlo WlUlama icorrallla); 104
opundt Rotor Mores (Balem) decletoned
Vanes Brown (OorvaUU); 111 pounds
Jerry Boose (Sslem) won br forfait: la
TMunda Pap Ladd (Salem) doclsloned
Dick Bsrrp loomuu); lto pounoa Boa
Bails (Balam) doelalonod Iter Mtntken
(CsrralUa) l 114 pounds Frank WlUlama
(Balem) pinned oarr ttorton (corroiiu):
141 pounds Oordon Orelta (CorrolllA)
deetslonod Jos Jaraa (flalem)l 141 pounds
Hans Juul (Balsm) docUlonod O.
nraad (corrauuil iit pounds nod
stoppsr (Salem) won or forfeit: l
pounds Lee HUdebrsnd (Cot-rallla)
pinned Lorrr Kewaom (Salem) I 171 pounda
Tarry BoUaburrr (Balem) deelalonod Bd
TUchart (CorvaUla)l hearrweUht Ooorse
Morors (Salem) deeUlonsd Vera BUUon
at yonnds Dars ISorsau (Seism) 4a
outoned Kan HUdebrand '.ConrslUs)i lit
pounds Jerry Eooss (Balem) pinned
Bd Derrick ton (CorrallU): 111 pounda
Bob Oheso (OorraUlo) deeUlonsd Joha
Cummlnas iSalem); lit pounda Dan
Ptedrlckoon (Salami docUlonod Norm
Hushes (Comma): 141 pounda Wrlsht
Noel (Salem) plnnsd PhU OMIon (Cor
TsUU): 140 pound. Vera Coaua (Sa
lem) dooUlooad Oarr Wlrth (CoirsllU)i
John Derrlcksoo (Corrallla) deeUlonsd
Berser (Seism); hee ht Jtrrr Wsl
1ms (Salem) dacialoned Rotor Wood (Cor-
Fire Players
Gunning for
Scoring Honors
New York WV-Five players
are gunning for the IMS in
dividual scoring crown among
the small colleges as the bas
ketball season heads Into Its
final month.
Statistics released Friday by
the NCAA Service Bureau
show that Walt Walowac of
Marshall, W. Va., is leading
the chase. Walowac has hit for
a 29.S points per game aver
Actually, Clarence Bevo
Francis of Rio Grand, Is the
nominal leader with a S0.5
points per game mark but the
Ohio college has played most
of its games against Junior col
lege foes.
The player challenging
Walowac Include Bob Kowa,
Mlllikin, I1L, with 27.8 points
per game; Bud Mclndoe, Alle
gheny, Pa- 26.2 and Pet Kin
kead, Geneva, Pa., and Manny
Glasser, Kalamazoo, each with
(Br Tna AaasdataS Prase)
otah state 74. Colorado AAui n.
Loo Ansaloa State 46, u Ass aloe
ILoToie) a.
Control Wash. M, St. Mart ma (Wash.)
at. Johns (Baa.) Si, writer. meter Cra.)
Pitt 47. Weft Vlrslaia 44.
Manhattan 44. mro M.
Oanlelua 4. Boffal Unit. 14.
Com at la Tech 47, Thiol 41.
CCHY 74. Xthoo T4.
Rhode island 44. Mooaaehuaotta 44.
Wichita Tl. Oklahoma AMI fS.
Indiana atste 44. Batler II.
Baldwin WoUoee as, Tounsttowa 44.
DonUoa 44. DoTanw T7.
Duke III. Wake Porest St (orarUms).
MloaUalppt II, BlrtrjnahamouthsrB 74.
Kicnmona tt, v.rtinia i aen 71.
Miami (Pla) 41. noUma 41.
Maryland (7. Vlrstnla MUltarr 41.
Moreheod IKy.t ST. Onion (KyJ 44.
Arlrona 44. Ar lions State (Teanns)
Bordlalmmona 41. Bow Maxloo AAsU
Bml Jtou tl, Tolas Lothoron SI.
Austin Pear 44. Arksnesa StaU M.
Basketball Scores
Sacs Would Option
Out Replacement
For Bob Nelson ,
If Mtehwt Bob Nsbwa aukea
good with th fasTrament S-
looa, that Coast leaga team wlU
option sMtt ana f its ather
catcher to th Salem Senators
replae Nelson aoa. tb Balem
roortar. -
That was part of th dal In
whicn th Salem Senators sold
28-year-old Nelson to Sacramen
to yesterday, Salem general
manager Hugh Luby said today.
Nelson via evlu io th Sac
a a 88-day look-see baals. The
88-day lek for Sacramesite)
begius with th opening of th
Coast league season March 21.
If Sacramento decides It wants
to keep Nelson, the Sacs will
send another catcher to Salem
a option. If Sacramento de
cide It doesn't want to keep
Nelson, then blonde Bob-will
be returned to the Western In
ternational leaga Senators.
So, whatever happens to Nel
son, Salem will be assured of a
catching staff for the 1953 sea
son which opens April 24. .
Art Thrasher, Salem,' No. 8
receiver last season, wUl prob
ably step Into the No. 1 catch
er' pot In 1858, Lnby Indi
cated today. That's assuming,
ef coarse, that Nelson make
rood with Sacramento.
Thrasher is th property of Ba
lem. He was signed by Salem as
a free agent last year, after be
ing released by Sacramento.
Nelson was on of the most
popular player on the Senator
team last season. He lea tne cum
in hitting most of th year, but
slumped nar the and of th sea
son and finished with a .286
mark. He had 96 run batted In,
and no horn runs. -
Rc:r.:r G!rb ,
Negro tea Php
At Ccsccda Tcnlht
Tat Biriimer Obit,
werld baatkstBail
(la th femal dlvtsUav, that
is) appear at Caaeai Ugh
school taalght agalaast tot
ABrssrllls towa teasa.
Th Boaaer Girls kav
aonnpiled aa iiuaajuntilT r
ord against mea teains arrsa
th Halted Stole. Ia addrtswa
to playing good, soaad, saa
ketball, th girls keep mp aa
amnrarng Una of chatter said g
throafh some aaties Mt to
far rmv4 from th f th
famed Harlem Glob '
Tonight's gam at
is sponsored by th Aainailll
Fire Department
The gam tart at f
aelock. Ther will so a aar
llmlnary gams, hat th o1t
ed girls will preaeat seta -tertatnment
at haHtlm.
Casead high school Is lt
eated sa the pavod rad which
runs Booth off th Tarner
Aamcvill highway, aar
Angels Get
Joe Ostroski
From Yankees
Los Angeles (ffV-J The Loi An
geles Angels hav acquired
pitcher Jo Ostrowski from the
New York Yankees.
Ostrowski went to the majors
In 1948 with th St Louis
Browns and was obtained by the
Yankees in a trade. He is 32 and
has been a relief pitcher most of
his major league career. A right
hander, ho had a 2-2 record last
fights last Wight
iw oh, eMiiiiaearl Press)
,w. n.- Koinna. 114 So. Detroit,
outpoUitod Jesst tTndarwood, iswvj, oa-
Wuhlnt ton,' atoppod aobby BnaUth, m.
PaU Rlrer, t. .
afUh. Tomer Lakatoa. 15.
Tounsatown, outpointed Matt Hussar, 144,
rut. ki o
Now I era tsuanyatos uawwowor in
Murrey, 147H, now Tors, ouopoinoev
at-n taste, noa ouao. caui
wis, aw, torn. H. J. Dss Shanler,
llivk. Joraor City, outpointed Braxton
Hold, 114, Hew Tors. a.
Eddie Adams
Named Coach
At P-State
Portland, CV-Eddie Adams,
who played behind th plat
for seven years with th Port
land Beavers of th Pacific
Coast baseball league, and also
caught for the Salem Senator
on season, has been signed aa
baseball coach at Portland Stat
College, the school announced
Thursday. ,
Edmonton Buys
Negro Slugger
Edmonton, Alt. ! A Negro
outfielder who hit 320 in 77
games with Charleston in th
Class AAA American Associa
tion last year was purchased by
Edmonton Thursday for th Es
kimos' first season In th Clan
A Western International league.
He I Lomax Davis of Belmont,
N. C Davis bats left handed
and throws with his right
Pilots Play Nevada
Portland, (ft Th Portland
University Pilots and th Ne
vada Wolfpack, both lndepend-
ents, tangle In a two-gam bas-
ketball aeries her Friday and
Saturday nights.
Jockey Ira (Babe) Hanford Is
one of racing's top golfers.
He won Hialeah's Flamingo
Tournament last year and Is fav
ored to repeat this year.
Sports Mirror
Toner a Tear Asa Boost Maratana
stopped Los aurold whoa) SaTOM was wa
onio to hoi exit for ths ssrenth round
of a 14-roonder at rnuaooipnia.
Ploo Tee re asa uki sutton onsjo
wood. H. J., won ths Men's worn ruurs
Statins title. .
tm Taoro am Frsna uuton.
o-knn AafMtod Bart Mitchell, otm
Burnhem and OU Dodde m a 4:11.4 aula
the Boston A. A. oaaws.
University Alleys
Baaaal OU Co. (4) Wiroers MT, Mull
II. Scott 100. Miller 441, Irelsnd 141.
V. r. W. (4) valleau 441. wodsewoaa
ahnoas Sit, rsurtner on. swnauvor
Solom Iron Works (I) Cordlor 441.
Rortman 411. Price 414. Oboraan 111. Kol
sky 474. Psmilll (1) Pmeh 404. Oyboll
401. K. Coeo 400, C. Oaas 104, Rollins 444.
Baaaases (1) Miller Ul. Moore 441, C
Morris 417, Xlfln 411, D. ISC ma 411. Sa
lem Moreaaat retrel m Biaos of, uu
more 144. Donaewtrth lot. Kitchen 47,
Templer 471.
walseaaotts til rosea sot, orora
411, Roberta 411. Knedlor 447, Hounds
4. Sorl BUha Cbarron (I) MoCallls
tar 471. Malm 44, Dtnrbel 414, Wonsat
A. Stemke 444.
Woetora Paper KueMer lot, An-
droaen 144. J. ruobler 414, Morris tot.
Pearl 441. Willamette Tenor K nt
Besstroa 101. Bovp 171. MorrsU Ota,
shire 417, WIDIsma 444.
Moral Atr Toeluty (1) Bonn on 434.
Tsder 144. Rsitlnss 441. Baal 441, sTjied-
ler 414. Ear Weaken Mine (I) rotor
eon 114. Star SM. Per 441. Johnsoa 4M,
auiitrsn 464.
man tad. eerlee l. aaabiar. 44. Baui
nvd. soma D. Miner. 111. Horn team
as and assist names ea, s aad
Stats VMS Oo. (1) Warier Stl. tranter
Ml, Lrtle 423, uttk pat, Brers aa.
Boras Market (I) Allendor 471, Peter
son 411. Stinker 114, Bines 444. urate es.
PlBaks Caaatraotlon (0) Prensh 471,
Klrchor 171. Samuel 414, Pllnk III, ch
mn oil. Nloks Ian (4) W Hoars 440.
MuU All, Scott 417, Miller Its, Ireland
Laekr -I" (1) tnocklsber tot, wi-
strt No, nollfaon 444. Horn IM. parham
414. Hellrweea Clesaers (S) noose oo i,
Anderson 411, Perrls tel. Cass 117, Oould
BeHk Brawn (U) Milts 4M, Whltaker
404, otlnoe 441, Classen Ml. aillerleh
441. TVila Matkot (lit) wnaoa Ml,
Homatrtet 111, Hamer 4M, Waller 404,
Stanton 414.
Loee Appllanes (l) Mcrananc ass,
WUalns 414. Church 404, Puffy 411, Tal
bot 144. Walla Pleas (I) Z Tick or Ml,
Falsi MT, Lor la lit, Daley 404, Daniels
Aees Barton (1) Sharker 4n, Parker
447, Alahlr 444, Bullock 444, Hetiter M4.
"44 Cora ore () Cass 411. Miller 414.
D. Behm lit, B. Behm 417, Moons 471.
Hist) tad. series Roy Swleker, tTl.
RUh lad. stmt wsrrea Minor. H4.
Hlsh to am tune aad ear its Hicks Inn,
tit and Mil.
So smooth
h leaves you
S.rr.i.riFlvlrHirrJoo4.Co. 1
I if l8j i'
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Treat Your Bicycle to a Complete Grease Job
All aart washed la solvent aad packed la proper great
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