Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 13, 1953, Page 10, Image 10

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10 Capital Journal, galem, Oregon, Friday, Feb. 13, 1953
Censor Accuses MacArthur
Of 'Serious1 Security Break
Fort Meade, Md. (V-A cen
r'( uncensored book on Korea
. accused Gen. MacArthur of "a
moit costly security break,
which proved costly in casual
ties," an army court martial was
told Thursday.
The book, "Korean Tales" by
1A CoL Melvin B. Voorhees,
former chief censor for the
Eighth army in Korea, also said
1. MacArthur, In a report to
congress, "offered contradictory
testimony either because he was
badly misinformed or toyed with
the truth."
- 2. A number of accredited cor
respondents were charged by
name with seriou offenses rang-
WU Classes
Have Election
Willamette university students
Thursday named class officers
for the spring semester follow'
lng an active primary and rua
nff eAinoaiffn.
The successful candidates
Senior class: president, Robert
Miller, Vancouver, Wash.; vice
president, George Buland, Palo
Alto, Ctl.; secretary, Joyce in
ter, San Mateo, Calif; treasurer,
Marilvn Man. Ada. Idaho; ser-
geants-at-arms, John Ambler and
" Barbara Baker, both of Portland.
Junior class: president, Gaylor
Weeks, Salem; vice president,
Kenneth Cooper, Seattle; secre
tary, Carol Emerson, Corbett;
treasurer, Robert Batchelder,
Lake Grove. Ore.: serceants-at-
arms, Duane Shield, Seattle, and
Robert Hanauska, wooaourn.
Sophomore class: president,
-Robert Alfred. Portland! vice
president, Douglas Graham,
Portland: secretary, Patricia
Gentle, San Leandro, Calif;
treasurer. Patricia Harris. Port
land; sergeant- t-armi, Richard
Lewis, Lebanon and Richard Ro
. hrer, Portland.
Freshman class: president, Da
vid Weeks, Salem; vice presi
dent, David Finley, SUverton;
secretary, Maijorie Little, Sa
lam; treasurer, Page Bailey,
Portland; sergeant-at-arms, Ben
: Benson, Bend and Ernest Bnarr,
San Bruno, Cam.
Jason Lee Youth
Plan Dinner Party
log from cowardice to treason
able acts.
These objections to the book
were outlined oy tsng. uen.
Frank Dorn, army deputy chief
of information, in a letter read
at Voorhees' trial on charges
of evading censorship and dls-
oherina a command.
Dora's letter said tnat tne
hook contained numerous pas
sages which violated propriety
and were in conflict with army
He menuonea we auesuun
that MacArthur personally "was
guilty of a most serious security
break which proved coauy in
casualties sustained by United
Nations forces, in an effort to
obtain newspaper publicity."
Dora's letter was addressed
to Lt Gen. Joseph M. Swing,
commanding general of the
Sixth army at San Francisco.
It was Swing wno oraerea
Voorhees, then stationed at Se
attle, to withdraw his manu
script from the publisher until
lt had been given required army
Dorn, called to the witness
stand, said he read only two
chapters of the book manu
script, those called Tne uen-
erals," and "The Press."
Dorn said he told voornees
that parts of these chapters vio
lated army policy and could not
be cleared unless changed.
In the chapter on "The Gen
erals", Voorhees said MacAr
thur, then United Nations su
preme commander, was the
source of "one of the most ser
ious breaches of security to oc
cur during the war."
Voorhees said oincers were
amazed when MacArthur flew in
from Tokyo in February, 1951,
and said, without restriction on
release,- that preparations were
being made for an stuck oy tne
Eighth army.
Voorhees said that, therefore,
stories which the censors felt
should be withheld, were passed.
Voorhees said that on Feb.
22, Korean time, a MacArthur
communique "broke a 223 Vi
hour security blackout" by an
nouncing that the Eighth army
was about to strike.
Albany Death
Cause Fixed
Albany Lot Hughes Gilmore,
36. died in a local hobo camp
some time Monday night or
Tuesday morning as the result
of head Injuries inflicted by a
blunt weapon, it was determin
ed by Dr. Homer Harris of the
state crime laboratory at Port
land, who completed an auto
psy on GUmore's body at a local
Dr. Harris' report described
death as due to brain damage,
hemorrhage and a skull frac
ture, all . Inflicted by heavy
blows. His report was filed with
the county clerk.
Meanwhile John Bob Sturglll,
37, is being held In custody at
Oakland, CaL, on a Linn county
warrant charging first degree
murder, and accusing him of re
sponsibility for Gilmore's death.
Sheriff ueorge aimer saia
Thursday application for Stur-
glll's extradition will be made
Held here as material witness-
are seven other transients,
Patterson Hew
Club President
Salem Height George (Pat)
Patterson was elected president
of the Salem Heights Commun
ity club Wednesday evening at
the halL Elected vice president
was Orville Raymond, and sec
Courtney Johns hopes to tlx
blame for Gilmore's death. All
seven were occupants of the
same "jungle.'
retary-treasurer, Mrs. Elywn
Elected to serve aa a director
was Dean Davenport
It was reported that Mrs.
Francis Gaskins, would serve on
the board of directors as a repre
sentative for the Salem Heights
Mothers club. It was decided to
install gas water heater, and
Archie McKlllop reported that
the insurance coverage on the
building had been increased.
Captain Walter Lansing of the
Oregon State Police spoke on
safety, and showed two saiety
films. Marlon Miller, principal of
Salem Heights school, showed
an educational film.
Lebanon Sells
Bumper Tape
Lebanon More than ISO
cars have been saieiy toko
with red Scotch lite bumper tape
in the Lebanon area. The junior
chamber cf commerce sponsors
the campaign and another crew
of their workers will . be on
downtown streets Friday night to
sell the tape to motorists.
The tape glows a bright red
whenever other light strikes It
and may be seen for a quarter
of a mile, even on a rainy night,
giving parking and nunc pro
tection. The money gained from the
sale of the tape will be used to
nonior un Easter eitg bunt far
Lebanon area children. The Jay-
cees are now looking for some
one to help color several thou-
Control SUverton Fire
Sllverton Volunteer firemen
were called to the James Ave.
home of the Ed Lamberts, Thurs
day morning, to control a flue
fire. "No damage" was 'reported.
Prominent' Realtor
Jumps to His Death
Oakland UB Bruce Mc-
Collum. 49, ore of the San Fran-
, , , . . it. UKU tmj "Vfc
me senior mgn icuooi J ment eiUte operators,
of Jason Lee Methodist church
will hold a progressive dinner
party Sunday at 5 p-m. The
first course will be served at
the home of Cynthia Bourne,
890 Thompson St., the main
course at Janice Buttons home,
8385 Duncan St., with Mrs.
Charles Scott assisting Mrs.
Button, and dessert at the home
of Lorraine Ellis, 1805 North
J8th St
Larry Kelly is in charge of
transportation. A business meet
ing will follow the dinner with
Dorothy Kinney presiding. Of
ficers and chairmen of commis
sion will make reports on ac
tivities and projects. Mrs.
Harry Irvine, teacher, and Mrs.
Ernest Goulder, counselor, will
hare the occasion with the
young people.
Guest Soloist at
Good Shepherd
Guest sollst at Good Shepherd
Lutheran church on Sunday,
February 15, at the 11 a.m. morn,
lng worship service will be Slg
Sinclair. A resident of South Sa-
lem, he was graduated from the
, University of Oregon where he
majored in music. He has sung
with the Portland Civic Opera
company, the Eugene Gleemen
and has participated in the Hood
a River Music Festival.
Assisting as his accompanist
J will be Miss Barbara Anderson,
a senior and a musle major at
J Salem high scholo.
Lebanon Wednesday's visit
tot the bloodmoblle netted 277
; pints of blood and was rated as
the most successful In Lebanon
history, according to Peg Hat-
field, Linn county chairman of
7 blood procurement Lebanon s
quota for this visit was 250 pints.
jumped to his death Thursday
from the Golden uaie oriage.
Last month McCollum was in
stalled as president of the Oak
land Real Estate board, and was
due to preside and talk at i
meeting of the board Thursday.
His talk was to have been
"The Biggest Deal I Ever Made."
It referred to the sal of thej
swank Nob Hill Fairmont hotel
to Ben Swig, the present owner. '
We Give and Redeem
SiVC Green Stamps
Special Purchase! medium-firm
court street store
REG. 59.50 . . . we've worked, planned,
ordered these world-famous mattresses by
the carload many months ago in order to
be able to offer them at this low price!
Medium firm . . . the kind of mattress
used and found satisfactory by the ma
jority of people . . . constructed to give
you the utmost in sleep comfort!
it 305 resilient, interlocked
tempered coil springs
k Layers and layers of fluffy
felted cotton
k Inner-roll border with
stitched edges
Sisal padding for added
16 ventilators cord handles
Heavy woven striped ticking
in grey and rose
Twin and full sizes'
Li JLJkMJ--h Mm
- . my
I Open Friday I f
I u!us. y
No Down Payment . . .
as little as $5 a month on
Our Approved Credit
Furniture Second Floor
With Super DX-33 Long Distance Chassis I
y fero
lor only
Aam-Urit Mn, UK Prk
P. O.I. TM OMcplM hdtnl
Iiwl SMte mid local Tbxm. If oy.
Casrfa, OvMomI SqvtpMwC, EAka.
Eisner Motor Co.
15 No. High St
Salem, Oregon
Discontinued Jarman Style
Values to 16.95
SJ 61ejVs7i7Vi8!8Vi99Vi lOjlOVi 11 11 Vk 12
1 IA I H I
3 B II 111 It 1 t I
8C HI 3 3 1 I I I
13D 3 4 3 M j I 3
245 to. in. 1
With Channel 27
4 i
Enjoy the extra wide angle, glare-free
viewing of a big 245 so,, in. picture in
Admiral's beautiful walnut, mahogany or
blonde 21 TV console. And enjoy a
laving of sa much as $100 over other
Mine brand TV! It's powered by
Admiral's sensational new Super
-DX-53" Long Distance Chassis, wftfc
Caecode Turret Tuner that guurnaajss
UHF ... plus new "DX" Range Finder
. . . Tone Control . . . comenieot casters
. . . and many other advanced 1963
features. Come in compare! YonH
agree there's no finer picture at any priest
trade-in eHer of $30 for
As e special introductory offer, Roberts Bros, and Easy will give you
your eld machine when treded in en the New EASY.
This special purchase Includes sixes
to cover your whole room, smaller
ones to scatter in each room. Deep
loop twist cotton with rubberized
backing to make it hug your floor
with safety. 13 colon: Dark Green,
Burgundy, White, Grey, Old Rose,
Cocoa Brown, Light Blue, Red, Char
treuse, Yellow, Green, Tan, Peach
all guaranteed wathfast!
Model No. 511 features automatic rinsing that double rinses in three minutes and ases only S gallons
of water. Tha Splralator washing action Is more thorough, more gentle, and washes faster. Ne-worE
damp drying . . . whirls clothes 25 drier than a wringer.
No Down Payment, 24 Months to Pay, on Approved Credit
I '1 -
18x30 in:
& 24x48
1 97v54"
4x6 feet
6x9 fee t 16.95
J 9x12 feet 34.95
1.79 1
2.69 j
3.99 5
4.69 -m
7.69 l-.xI
SB , i '