t Sea. in Crpl'xl Jou-nal, Salem, Ore., Thun., Feb. It, ItSt The Sauce the , Difference for These Croquettes . Iff the sauce that makes the difference tome timei. Try these croquettes . Salmon Croquette! , With Olive Sauce - . cup white sauce mix i : 1 cup water- - 3 cups (1 lb. can) minced - . ' salmon ,. 1 tablespoon minced onion ' I tablespoon chopped part ley teaspoon salt Pinch ot cayenne pepper 2 eggs 1 tablespoon heavy cream 1 teaspoon lemon Juice 1 tablespoon water Dry bread crumbs Combine white sauce mix and water In a saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until smooth and thick. Add salmon and season ings. Beat 1 egg with cream lightly. Add to fish, mixture. Cook, stirring, 2 minutes. Re move from heat and add lemon luice. Rub a shallow dish with Nucoa and spread mixture to cool. Shape croquettes. Roll in fine bread crumbs, In 1 egg lightly beaten with water and again in crumbs., Fry in hot deep fat (370 degrees F.) until golden brown. Drain on absor bent paper. Serve croquettes with Olive Sauce. Yield: 9 me dium-sized croquettes. Olive Sauce i cup white stiicfc mix 1H cups water H cup chopped stufed , olives Combine white ssuce mix and water In a saucepan and stir over medium heat until smooth and thickened. Add olives and serve. Yield: 1 cups. Alchemy, the attempt to make gold out of baser metals, is be lieved to have been 'founded' by the Greeks soon after the birth of Christ. Announcing &) A New XC Department )f HOFFMAN'S dtitm We art now equipped to rak car of your locker needs quickly, efficiently and at the lowest prices possible. Wo will tell you U. S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS only, properly aged to perfection and cut under your supervision, just the way you wont it. You can com in and select the meat you want and wt will cut it at the proper time and cut right by our expert meat cutters. All mtatt purchased hero will be at whole tale prices, guaranteed to tore you precious dollars and cents. For example, we havo d good selection of U. S. CHOICE steer beef at the amaxingly low price of 55c lb. for the hindquarters, and 49c lb. fdr the front quarters. This includes cutting and wrapping. For the Best Buys of U.S. Govt. Inspected MATS It's Hoffman's Markets ; HERE IS THE BUY OF THE WEEK ARMOUR'S STAR BONELESS VEAL ROAST 5' it. "U.S. Select" Swift Premium LAMB ROAST Any tixe you with ' 100 Pure Beef GROUND BEEF 39V (No Cereol) Are You Looking for Better Wienies? Then Try Our Old Fashioned WIENERS THEY'RE BETTER, THAT'S ALL! 521' lb. Sugar Cured, Mild, Boneless CORNED BEEF OUR SPECIAL HAM LOAF Try It Todoy It's Delicious I Wot.r-reo.ll.nl- J I gleams thru 29 damp mappings! Free! 4 pkgs. Flower Seeds with . each quart can wax ' 75c volue IVORY SOAP , 14 EL-'LOO 2opt"rri,1,e$i.oo PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, SATURDAY AKD SUNDAY 2 snnr OlCol Hershey's Cocoa 1 47c 24c TEA GARDEN Grape Juice 4n 49c bottle XTC CENTENNIAL BEANS Large Lima Beans .( 39c Baby Lima Beans '. 27c Pinto Beans 31c Idaho Red Beans 33c Great North. Beans m 29c Kidney Beans mt..i..,43c Small Navy Beans 27c TEA GARDEN PRESERVES Apricot Preserves"1 4 1.1 Peach Preserves i2 i 4 Strawberry 3 io B M Si 00 rineappie hv Chun King Chinese Food Meatless Chow Mein it-OS. CM 73c Beef Chow Mein i6-es. can 93c Chicken Chow Mein 4l-oi. can 93c Hormel Canned Meats HORMEL : Chili with Beans is olh. 33c HORMEL Potted Meat 3 23c HORMEL Deviled Ham 2-35c HORMEL Pigs Feetur..tJw . ... .. 59c HORMEL Deviled Tongue 2 31c HORMEL DINTY MOORE Beef Stevur,.24.... 49c -iii .rr-- Gender Uju mm HAMS Smoked Skinned Whole or Shank Half i,55" Short Shank Smoked PICNICS 4 to 8-lb. overage ib. 35" JOWL BACON Trimmed Squares ib. 25' $1109 Swift Premium, Tender Grown rkiU&EIXI Wk GkiiJ 8 oz. Ave. U Each U.S. 666d t, u.s. ChOIcE Steer Bttf Prime Round Swiss and Sirloin CUADT DIDC RIB ROAST STEAKS 5H0RT ib. 65' ib, 75' ib. 2 Pork Shoulder Picnic Style Blade Cut Chuck ROAST , 391 ROAST , 49c Pork Shoulder Arm Cut STEAKS , 49c ROAST 5f 1 Fresh Ground pork Loin Semi-Boneless BEEF 2 ,bl. 9C ROAST 53( F,.,h Killed cut up Lots of Meat 5tewmg Yankee HENS Jffi I Spare Ribs ,,49c BIG SAVINGS-STOCK UP NOW! Cottage Cream Stylo CORN No. 303 cm . . cans H Cottage Diced or Slked v BEETS No. 303 m . . ll mT Santiam Stringiest Cut Green Beans (S T Cottogo TOMATOES h, 3,3 - 1 c.BT No.H C lAA .cans cans s.ww Hunt's Solid Pok 5-1 $100 TOMATOES No 2 can Dennison's Pork tS Beans n.2SuT Oregon Trail iwir r DAsnf No. aav $TI00 cans Margarine 3azr.5fcl Strained Meals aB5 J Toilet Tissue M H3ibl Tomato Soup Hem. MJl Peanuts House Vol cans 2 cans 55 VdVeeta ChelVe Food 2-lb. loaf 89 SVlflning Shortening 31b. can Ketchup Heinz Tomato - 14-oz. bol. gS RICE vcrv 2 pkgs. 25c 10c M-i-l CoOm SUNSHINE KRISPY Crackers ' 47c Cheezit 17c Midget Jellies Candy o. 21c Dennison's Meat Balls WITH GRAVY 45c 16 m. Cm COFFEE M'.J.B., with coupon from M.J.B. Initant Rica lb. Columbia Dill Pickles Quart Jar. . 37c Columbia Kosher Dill Pickles Quart Jar. . 37c Columbia Whole Sweet P.VMo. . .. Ir Columbia Sweet Pickles 24 01. Jar. . 49c Give Your CMd Hfif 41c OVALTINE atBreakfest! 79e 25-lb. bag '1.821 m 1 v - . 2. . 1 SUM fK 1 A" Tik W- r n u r r I - 1 lou-Z-Ana Small Whole 5-ol cans RHUiAttB SAUCE ho. X 22 Jars 1 SWEET PEAS Hcwfcns I Mns 1.00 Pineapple Juice A & 10 Tomato Juice JZL & '100 WAX PAPER ,S 6 1 TOILET TISSUE Scot 1000-Sheet Roll 1 ! r PILL&BCEI M Cake Mixes 11 KNiUe-Devil's Food or Golden 3$E 1 1.1 1 vaiue , Snow's Clams Snow's Clam Chowder ,s4$Il Franco American Spaghetti 8 Smith's with Cheese and Tomato Sauce Spaghetti i'H0,JH Chef-Boy-Ardee Spaghettis?:: 4 Jl Crown Brand Sausage r BJl Roth's Sausage.. 8JH Roth's Dried Beet k 3 Jl Southern Beauty f acK ic Cut Oysters ZJl Bumble Bee Grated Tuna QJl Roland Light Meat Solid Pok Tunafc,w AJl Aooeteeier Mealr?... 4-25' Blue Pacific Shrimp or Crab for Cocktails Appetizers it 5 Cottage Sections Grapefruit 303 , 6 Hunt's Fancy Bartlett Peers IT-. 3-$r Banquet Bartlett Pears Urgt Vh MM . . 4$1 00 Tree Rip Yellow Cling Peaches s 4 l00 Hillsdale RsflSiicM He. Vh tm. Pineapple Hunt's Whole UnpoeUd Apricots 4$1 o V X BEG-MORE) DOG & CAT FOOD! 2 II 29c 6 SL 85c Yes Sir Dog Food 3 -25c Please Dog Food 3 "29c PENCI RULERS itulerBlfht t Qr On the Pencil W for I v i Se l1 c4 . . ... n tt dost rooas running Bread and yA Butter Pickles A 15-ox. Jar lj M ! for l ORANGES 5UKKI5T Cffl. Best for Juice wW Oranaes CAULIFLOWER Snow White . . . . lb. CELERY HEARTS Cello Pkg. Green, Solid, Crisp PEAS New Full Pod Q 9(IjV Florida .... & lbs. NEW POTATOES Florida A Size . . 2 at THESE SPECIALS ALSO EFFECTIVE HI -WAY MKT-WOODBURN 2825 South Commercial 3080 Portland Road 3820 East State Street Bee, in Capital Journal, Balem, Ore., Than., Feb. IS, HIS Use Thrifty Pork Cuts yj i In Varied Ways; Supply : Plentiful, Specials On . j Pork Chop Medley A flavor team that's hard to boot ia pork chops, apples end sweet potatoes. Hero the trio la baked la a casserole for a complete meal-io-a-dish. Currant Jelly, mustard and nutmeg give It the final perfect flavor touch. These day one of your "buy-! words" at the meat counter will be pork, for pork continues In good supply. Attractive prices and frequent "specials" make It a smart choice for either guest or family meals. Use economical end-cut pork chops in flavor-rich combination dishes, such as this pork, apple and sweet potato casserole. Pop it into the oven, prepare a salad and your dinner worries are overiv PORK CHOP MEDLEY 3 or 4 end-cut pork chops or pork steaks 1 No. 2 can apple slices 4 small, cooked sweept pota toes eup seedless raisins H cup brown sugar Nutmeg, salt, pepper t tablespoons currant Jelly . tablespons prepared mustard . Place an equal quantity ot ap ple slices at either end ot a 12 by 8 inch baking dish. Thickly slice sweet potatoes and place between apples. Scatter raisins over all and sprinkle with brown sugar and nutmeg. Beat Jelly and mustard until smooth. Trim excess fat pork chops and coat both sides with Jelly mixture, Place on potatoes and apples and sprinkle with salt and pepper Baker, uncovered, in a 350 de gree F. oven for Vi hours. mi- a i O M m BCrVUlKB, Side by side with end-out pork chops in the line-up ot economy pork cuts are pork shoulder steaks. They're a favorite, of thrift-minded cooks. Here's a tasty way of prepar ing pork shoulder steaks. Braise them to fork tenderness in light ly spiced apple Juice, along with a few raisins. - PORK STEAKS 4 Pork steaks 1 cup sliced onions' 1 Vt cups apple Juice cup seedless raisins 1 teaspoon salt Pepper, nutmeg 2 tablespoons cornstarch 2 tablespoons cold water Trim fat from edges of pork steaks and fry out in a heavy skillet; remove pieces. In the hot fat, brown pork steaks; remove and brown onions. Drain or spoon off fat. Return steaks to skillet, add apple Juice and rais ins. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Cover and simmer over low heat 1 hour, or until minutes. Nucoa Is the one to buy- II' ...the first yellow margarine wfth food value in every single Ingredient! Everything in today's Nucoa Is good for yout No benzoate preservative, no synthetic flavor! Even Nucoa's tunny color comes from Nature, from golden carotene, rich In vitamin A. Delicious, fresh-tasting Nucoa margarine is made by the makers of Best Foods Asa! Maxonnaiie. Next tune you buy, buy NUCOAI FIRST IN QUALITY ALLNutiHionl Natural flavor! gy Thrifty! meat is tender. Remove moat. Mix cornstarch to a smooth past with cold water. Add to liquid and cook, stirring, until thick ened. Serve chops with fluffy rice topped with soma of the sauce. 4 servings. Tuna Chowder' Good for Lent Bring on the soup! What could be more appropriate than a Tuna Chowder bubbling with health ful chunks of tuna blended with tasty vegetables? As first course or as a meal In Itself, supplemented with crackers and perhaps a tossed aalad, this hearty protein-packed chowder wiu appeal to every membar cc the family. - TUNA CHOWDER (Makes 6 Servings) ' 2 7 -ounce cans solid-pack tuna I cup diced potatoes 1 cup stewed tomatoes 1 medium-sized onion, sliced Vi teaspoon celery seed 2 cups boiling water Vt cup butter or margarine V cup all-purpose flour , S cups milk 2tt teaspoons salt y teaspoon freshly ground pepper ' Finely chopped parsley Drain tuna and separate into large pieces with fork. In a large saucepan, combine potatoes, to matoes, onions, celery seed and boiling water. Bring to a bou over high heat; reduce heat and continue cooking about 20 min utes, or until potatoes are ten der. Add tuna. Meanwhile, in another sauce pan, melt butter or margarine over low heat; add flour and blend. Gradually add milk and continue cooking until thickened and smooth, stirring constantly. Add salt and pepper. Combine white sauce and tuna mixture; mix well. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve piping hot. Jiffy Dessert u you're looking lor a aessert that's ready in a Jiffy, serve hot pineapple ambrosia. In a 1 -quart baking dish, combine aNo. 2 can (2Vi cups) of pineapple chunks. Juice and all, with 1 cup shred ded coconut. Then add lz marsn- mallows cut in quarters. Bake in a moderate oven (390 F.) until coconut toasts, about 20 1.. ;5 I V j : it