A Birthday Cake That Tells No Secrets on Age r- pr "r 1 o J s " - i This Pie Is One to Remember This to ,pie to remtmfcer! It A Bif Piece of Birthdiy ck end cun of itetmta coffe there's so nicer way to celebrate the most personal of holiday!. Take deep breath and . . , blow out the candles! Partiet come and parties go, but birth day parties are still the happi est of all. Coffee and cake hold the cen ter of the atage and here's a birthday cake that's touched ' with inspiration. On . fluffy white icing, sparkling gum drops circle each candle like Jewels. And under that icing is a light-as-air cake, made even more luscious by a layer of lemon filling. The traditional candles are here, but with a difference. Not one for each year, but one for each guest is the answer to the question of how many candles to use. To emphasize this theory, go to the millinery counter of your favorite store and gather artificial cherries and grapes, feathery baby's breath, some green leaves and a roll of mil linery wire. The veriest but terfingers can put them together so that there is a tiny bouton niere for each guest, offered at the end of shining ribbons at tached to the candles. What nicer way to say, "Thank you for coming?" All that's left to do is ring the beribboned cake with steam ing coffee, served in your pret tiest cups, and strike up with "Happy Birthday To You. Birthday Cake Vt cup butter or margarine 2 cups very fine sugar 4 eggs, separated 2H cups sifted, enriched flour ZVt teaspoons double-acting baking powder Few grains salt 1 cup milk teaspoon lemon extract Cream butter or margarine to consistency of mayonnaise. Add sugar gradually, creaming until light and fluffy. Add egg yolks one at time, beating well after each addition. Mix and sift flour, baking powder and salt. Add alternately with milk to first mixture. Add lempn ex tract. Beat egg whites but not dry and fold in. Bake in 2 greased 8-inch layer cake pans in moderate oven, 375 F., 25 to 30 minutes. Cool. Prepare lemon Jilting, using 1 package lemon pudding or pie filling and following directions on package. Spread between layers. Frost with your favorite fluffy white frosting. Decorate with tiny, jewel-coiored gum drops, with one candle for each guest. Attach boutonnieres of tiny artificial fruit to candles with narrow, pastel-colored rib bons. imvsMitijeummm iswssaiWwiMsMii Buffet Salad Tray Tat an interesting and flavor ful addition to buffet salad tray spread generous layer, of soft ened cream chees on slice of golden pineapple. Then place! the slices one on top of tit other! is so good you won't be able to nd with a sharp knife cut the: forget it Th tics and cherry stack into 8 wedge shaped pieces. filling is tinted luscious red. Arrange in petal design in tha Tna sweet and chewy coconut center of the caiad tray, placing crust turns a golden brown as it 'the rounded side up. Spoon oases in the oven. As a fitting .mayonnaise in toe center. nato lor this rice dessert, which is positively out of this world,! clouds of fluffy whipped cream! swirl over the luscious rice and cherry filling. The family can enjoy this sumptuous pie all the time be cause th rice and cherry filling cooks in a hurry and the coconut crust takss i,aXf seconds of at tention before the even takes over. - The three magnificently good parts of this pis the coconut crust the rice and cherry filling the whipped cream topping combine to make one of the year's most talked about pies. Ingredients 2 tablespoons soft butter or margarine t 6-ounce package or can of moist coconut (i cups) 2 cups cooked rice 2 eggs 4 cup beet or cane sugar IH cups canned tart, red cherries, drained Bed food coloring, if ' -desired I cup whipping cream, chilled . teaspoon vanilla Vt cup beet or cane sugar To make 3 liberal cupt of fluf fy rice, put 1 cup of uncooked rice, 2 cups of cold water and 1 teaspoon of salt into a 2-quart saucepan and bring to a vigorous boll. Turn the heat as low as pos sible. Cover saucepan with lid and leave over this low heat for! 14 minutes. Turn off the heat. Do not remove lid nor stir rice! while it is cooking. After tic has! cooked, remove saucepan from heat but keep the lid on until you are ready to use the nee, Method To make the coconut crust,! spread butter or margarine even ly over an 8 or S-incfi pie pan. Sprinkle the coconut into the pan; and press into the butter. It helps! to use a moist teaspoon to press Soup Favorite During Winter For Luncheon or Dinner Menu i ii mi -l r rum i 1 JJiaaii i 11 nr Arrange bowls of hot vegetable soup around a lazy susan of crackers with cheese. Sets you off to a pleasant lunch or supper. Puffy popcorn is tasty on the suop. densed soups. Shall it be Announce "Soup for Supper"! on a cold night, and you're sure of an eager response. There's something warmly friendly about the sight of a table set with steaming bowls of good hot soup. Also, you can be ready with this meal in mere minutes. Just rely on your handy shelf of con- hearty vegetable beef soup or creamy chicken soup? Beach to the shelf; take your pick. If it's for Lent, serve one of the meatless soups tomato, vege tarian vegetable, cream of cel ery, clam chowder, cream of as paragus, green pea and black Rice and Pork Patty Savory These budget saving rice and pork patties are stupendously savory because of a perfectly! heavenly combination of several ingredients which really "pack seasoning punch." Just the right touch of these flavor lifters! means that these rice and pork patties are a gourmet's dream. When the connoisseur the fam ily tastes these easily made rice and pork patties hot from the frying pan and swimming in a luscious red tomato sauce you will know immediately that laese patties have made hit be cause not a crumb will remain on the platter. Ingredients 254 cups ground cooked, lean pork 2 cups cooked rice 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon finely chopped celery leaves 2 tablespoons finely chopped onion I teaspoon salt H teaspoon pepper teaspoon thyme Flour Cooking Fat , 1, 1054 ounce can cream of! tomato soup Use exact measurements of un cooked rice and water. Time the! cooking accurately. Metiod v Mix together the pork, rice, milk, celery leaves, onions, salt, pepper and thyme. Cover and chill the mixture in the refrig erator. Form into patties, using about cup of the mixture for! each pattie. Dip the patties in the! the coconut against the pen. pour and brown on both sides Bake in a 350 degree F, oven in hot fat. Beat the tomato soup. 1) J See. m Cssittl Uuntl, Itlan, Ore Tssrs., Ft, ii, m It Corn Meal Pancakes Economical corn meal provides iastc-tempiing answer that will! msit some s good pis to the iyeuagsiert whenever Corn Heal Pancake are served. They arc sy to mukt, and the beys and f iris wui eat .:. t Corn is one of the best tooi energy source knows to ssas. land its value is enhanced by the! sweet mux, eggs ass butter that! are includes in this recipe Corn Meal Fanes ; cup sifted Sour teaspoon salt teaspoons baking powder 1H sp corn meet : J , wS feestsa 4 tolcoea asslJsd buiUf or sssrgsrin . t cup tweet milk Crocra taraperaiurs) ' ! (Self-riiing com steal assies deikiSK pencakesv 12 used, omit btk&g powder a4 salt frsa Shi recipe.) - - i Sift Soar, sett end bskiag powder together, Add tons meal sod mix well Corohis bers eggs, batter and sailk and tid gradually to mixture- Beat until smeeis. Four cup t s time onto preheated grids!. Mod em griddles da sot seed to s graei,fcatitliiiabietomb then clean after each baking with salt bar Tara parte only osce while stkisf. Yield; 14 sstdiam caxea. until crisp and golden brown. To make the rice and cherry filling, mix together the rice, eggs, sugar and cherries and! cook over a low heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens. The egg whites make the mixture foamy, but soon cook into the rice. If desired, add red food coloring: This makes a more delicious looking filling; Pour the filling into the coco nut crust. Cover with wax paper or aluminum foil and ehlU in the refriserator. To serve, whip the cream ana fold in the vaniiia ana sugar, Spread over the rice and cherry filling. bean. With the soup goes a basket of crisp toasted crackers, of course. Folks like the crunch! ness of crsckers a contrast to hot soup. The crackers also csil for wedges of cheese or cheese spread. And then for a fuller meal, perhaps grilled franks and citrus fruit salad. For some sous menu sugges tions, try these. Fine fixings for many a lunch and supper. For Luneneon Vegetable Soup Toasted Crackers Grilled Franks Sliced Orange and Cottage Cheese Salad Blueberry Pie Milk Coffee Supper Mens Tomato Soup Crackers n Smoked Cheese Scrambled Eggs Lettuce-Cucumber Salad Apricots Cookies , Mtik Coffee Serve the patties with the tomato: soup poured over them. Garnish! with celery leaves if desired. This recipe makes 8 patties. King-Size Salad Salad made with the king-size dried lima beans is a top favor ite in western households. Cook the lima beans in salted water until tender, but not mushy, Chill and combine with strips of green pepper and thin slice of onions. Toss gently with sharp French dressing and serve on salad greens. Fruiis and Vegetables Only the best ssaliiy we east get. Fresh vegetable right trots the Fertis&d esriy mar ket, delivered to ss every merging, , Green Broccoli 15c Buses Red Radishes ' . 5c Bunch 6c Good Grocery Buys 3 lbs. Crises J.Zi....:.B9e 6 lbs. Crises . .... ... 1,75 mm l8. Thick, Fins, Bubbard Crisp White Cauliflower Yeu&g Sb&cb Carrot Bosch Turnips and Beets Head Lettuce - Esdive Bomajse - Qreea Onions Tomatoes Peppers Buiabagss New Calif, Cabbage ge. Artichokes Br, Sprouts Celery Celery Hearts Parsnips - Rhubarb New Potatoes Hosd River Newtown APPLES , 2ibs,25c I Takima - Wioseao - Jeiicisu Medferd Fears Florida Pink Grapefruit Arizona Grapefruit Calavos Orange - Lemon Limes - Grapes Cline's Eggs GRADE A Guaranteed Absolutely Fresh targe 59c Medlam57c Belrich Nargarint ..,.., iiiisrfeeiAai Us si kwiMtsvit risai Okj! Majer Hi (rasters --- a- a- - 4 e Holiday Margarine Jellies and Preserves Ti Gildea Boned Chicken SfVMBIi ttttft&l Swift Swift's Peanut Bolter Perfert FriWtfs t ti. Welch Grape Jake .;; lbs. Swift.,,,,,, Weitder Marshmaltews , tWbite or Asserted Colors) 28c m 2fe 45c 2h S-lo, Fail ,,,., $1f i m 25c ---a-Sr . -.; .. Dial leap ssis large pitted Olives Lid? Medta Olives LiadMT ,;. Valentine Candy a, (Assorted Hearts, etc, Yalenfine thseelates Hershef Baking, Oiscslafs Hersfcey Cfiee, Syrup 2 for 37c 3f for 35c QM. LIGHT BULBS Have a Few Exira on Han4 AH Boasefeoiii Sixes 15-23. 40-5S-65-75. 138-208-388 Tfiree-Way $0-100-150 108-200-300 Cake Special OCBBELICIOCS Pryne Cake Jm Lays? 79c Hot Cress Era STEER BEEF ROAST Well Trimmsa He Ixtta Wsf Csvmtry Syte, Meety SPARE RIBS ftacy lit Greae Sliced Bacon fresh Slkee DRIED BEEF m s U, S. lnptf4 PORK STEAK MODEL FOOD MARKET 27S N, Hl3h Mxt t Cry KeilJ Km Mill 20-Dy Accousts The Store of Frieadlr Serrlc jSe Cisr for DeiiTery ON LOCKER BEEF Front Quarter 2BW. Hind Quarter WW lb. Half or Whole lb. nw ok SHORT RIBS . am lux Ground Beef u. 29' 59' BEEF HEART 08 TONGUE lb, 39c LEAN BEEF CUBES . 59c Eairern Oregon Hereford BEEF mm ROAST tw .39' Eastern Oreaon Hereford BEEF S STEAK I.r .59' HAMBURGER 39 SAUSAGE a) RANDALL'S FINE MEATS Phone 3-6489 1288 State St. 1128 Center St. Across from Owl Drug midget markets Downtown 3S1 State St OUR NEW MARKET combined with the CAPITOL FISH CENTER is the TALK OF THE TOWN. Yes ew if te ysyrseif to stop in and see the NICEST ASSORTMENT OF MEATS AND FISH IN OREGON or asywher else. We feature YOUNS STEER BEEF, GRAIN FED PIG PORK mi a variety of SEA FOODS fresh and cared. W repeat, COME AND SEE PUR MARKET. It will be time welt spent. LOIN CHOPS -CENTER STEAKS - PORK ROASTS PORK CUTLETS PURE LARD w SMOKED PICNICS SLICED HAM - HEAVY HAMS SIDE BACON n SIDE BACON CORNED BEEF ii. 65c 49e u 33c u 65c Wit 39c 79c a 55c i.49c 45c . 45c CAPITOL FISH CENTER In Our Center Street Location Salmon - Halibut Sturgeon - Crabs Lobsters - Shrimp OJympia Oysters Abafone - Scallops Sole - Catfish Smoked and Kippered Delicacies Note: Fish at Opr Capitol Street Mkt, Only MORE GOOD NEWS' We have hod ss many ceils for esr old fash ioned weiners we have resumed making them, They ore the kind that tasted so good when we were 'kids'. REMEMBER? They are tender and Juicy with that reel smoke flavor, Delicious, roosted, broiled or steamed. WIENERS it 55c SKINLESS WIENERS -45c Midget Ground Meats All put. He eiuitsrstio!. Ysu tn buy f&sm with fiiK. wtvm t fAt mori r ' r tissi GROUND BEEF PURE SAUSAGI LITTLE LINKS u-45c a. 45c 55c it, WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, IT'S SO!