Sec. m CiplUl Journal, laleen. Or.. Thnr. Feb. If, Hit- ... I "M-n Q35GB GEL!Ba?min?tri Large, Colored Port Ready . . . A Real Treat for Mom USE! 2 2i2 lbs. Each VZ7DP vy l5 15 LrAc Wife Week Proclamation Whtrtas, the Institution known variously at tho UttU Woman, Tho Bottor Half, and Cuddles, having becom to integrated into tht American Way of Ufa, that, without her, the In stitution of Matrimony and the American Home would coma utterly apart at the teams, and 1 Whereas, fifty-two weeks may be an unreasonable portion 'of any one year for husbands and offspring to bosk unremittingly in the infniite and indespensible services rendered by the Institution (the wife) first-named above, and . Whereas, one week in the fifty-two may be a reasonable period for said husbands and offspring to make at least audible acknowledgment of said services and avan to take over the performance of such services as may be physically and temperamentally feasible, and Whereas, the Mutual Broadcasting System in general. Radio Station KSLM and IGA, Your Friend ly Food Stores, in particular, hava labored long to enable the aforementioned Institution (the Wife) to labor lets, the while providing matchless balm to heart and mind, through a well-earned vacation from housa work Therefore, Be It Resolved That this Network, this Station, and the Personages Undersigned do hereby designate the days of February 9 through 14, 1953, as the notion's first annual "WIFE WEEK" and That all actions proper to the celebration of this unique event, in private and in public, be hereby invoked. - ' Given this 3rd day of February, 1953. Signed: DAVE HOSS, Mgr., KSLM . . . . YOUR FRIENDLY fGA STORES Approved for City of Salem AL LOUCKS, Mayor Special Prices Effective Feb. It, 14, 15 IGA Stores Reserve the Bight to Limit Quantities Spreckles YOUNG, TENDER SHOULDER IS) IniRk A ?V irons o Serve Hot for Dinner. ice Cold for Lunches Tender, Juicy, Skinless . . Serve With Kraut HUM Armour's Star VEAL U.S. Good Grade Steer IB BOAST. Cascade or Swift's Premium Boned and Rolled Easy to Slice " ' ib. ( hoot Fine for Braising Lean, Meaty TEAK' Easy for Pop to Fry Pillsbury Chocolate, Yellow, White 9 IGA Solid Pack TUNA IGA Sno Kreem horiening 10-lb. c Bag $1100 Pkgs. Reg. K Size Can tr a iom jeeaiess baisins ALL SWEET MARGARINE 2-lb. Pkg. C c Deschutes Netted Gem rUfUtUM.i No. 2 ruiaiuci 50-16. bag Fresh Spinach 2 $2? California bun. 111 Die f-tll waiirorma y Fresh Broccoli bund. II Large Size Sno-Boy Calavos California Sunkist Navel Oranges 8 2 for lbs. in Toller Bag Kb COMI CEREAL 7-oz. Pkg. 17 Etellogg SUGAR CORK POPS 8 oz. Pkg. IGA SUNNY MORN Lb. Pkg. QUAKER REG. or QUICK -l. With loo Coupon for Spry Airs i SPRY Shortening 3?.89c 29 Rifz Crackers 25' Hi-HoCrackers ',25' St W DRIP or REG. COFFEE Ib. 87 BEGMORE DOG FOOD Ib. cans .No. its can IGA Cot Green BEANS IGA Rlp A Ratted APRICOTS No. m ean IGA Cane A Maple SYRUP tf-os. bottle 20' 37' 45' TOILET TISSUE TOILET TISSUE .4L35' 22 lt-os.tln- Jolly Time White or Yellow POPCORN Dromedary aFaYi GINGER BREAD MIX14 M ck 2 FELS NAPTHA SOAP 3 b.r,25 Dial COMPLEXION SOAP 3b. DIAL BATH SOAP . 2 . 37 37 CRANBERRY HEARTS TURKEY - CHICKEN (keanjplay CRANBERRY SAUCE No. 300 con 23 C STAR XIST DINNER 15-oz. can Noodle-Tuna 29' Peter Pan PEANUT BUTTER IB M.J.B. RICE 2 pkgs. 25c IGA PINEAPPLE M.J.B. COFFEE M.I.B. T - 4 .Lb. ban 87' 49' JUK large 46-oz, Can Oh Henry e fAMtW D ADC W utnvi vniu for Box of 24 95 c Recipo given on Keiier Community Hour on Saturday Jan. 31, over KSLM by Mrs. Jamoi McCormack BUFFET GELATINE LOAF 1 envelope Knox (elatlne Vi cop cold water 1 can tomato sauce, l-os. 1 can corn beef 1 medium rreen pepper 1 medium onion 1 cup chopped celery Vi cup mayonnaise Dissolve toe (elatlne In M cup cold water. Beat the tomato sauce and mis with the felatine mixture. Grind the corn beer, green pepper and onion. Mix all InfredlenU tcfether and place In loaf pan. Let itand In refrlrerator about S hours. Garnish with hard boiled etc and parsley If desired. May substitute cooked pork or beet In place of corn beef. Tune in to KSLM lor "Take Your Stand" al 3:00 P.M. Daily, Monday thru Saturday VISTA State Street MARKET Your Friendly IGA Start at 1230 STATE STREET ORCUTT'S MARKET Your Friendly IGA Storo t 4200 N. RIVER ROAD MARKET YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT 3045 V COMMERCIAL i