' ' f. III Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tburs., Feb. It, 1(51 labiii&a At Tasty a Dish Ai Ever You Ate . , Lamb Kabobs Good For Family Dinner To vary uses of lamb, try these Kabobs: ' Lamb Kabobs 1 pounds lamb shoulder, cut in 1M Inch cubes V4 cup salad oil 3 tablespoons vinegar 3 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon dry mustard teaspoon thyme teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper Mi cup chopped onions 4 tomatoes 3 medium green peppers 1 can small whole onions 1 skewers Blend salad oil, vinegar, lemon juice, seasonings and chopped oinon in Juice, seasonings and chopped onion in bowel. Add lamb cubes, let stand several hours, or over night, in the re frigerator. Drain. Thread cubes of lamb on 8 skewers. Quarter tomatoes, cut green peppers in 1-inch squares. Thread tamato wedges, green pepper squares and whole onions on 8 remaining skewers. Brush with marinating mixture. Place lamb kanobs on rack in broiler pan. Broil 3 inches from heat for 12 minutes. Turn. Place vegetable kanobs on broil er pan. Broil aomiionai iu to 12 minutes or until meat is done.; 6 servings. LOCKER BEEF Eastern Oregon whit foe Hereford beef bought direct from th ranch. nd hauled in our own trucks. Buy and save at Packing House Wholesale Prices. Cut ting and wrapping, smoking, curing. Free deep freeze Service. Custom killing. NOTHING DOWN 6 MONTHS TO PAY , LOCKER BEEF 29' Front Quarter LB. mw STEER BEEF 4g' U. S. Graded Good LB. LOCKER BEEF 32' lf of Whol LB. vui U.S. FEDERALLY GRADED SALEM MEAT CO. . 325 S. 25th Phono 3-4838 A Sure Winner For Family Serve these Beef Birds once. and we predict your family will clamor for them again and again. It's that sort of dish, hearty meat, pungent stuffing, rich brown gravy, good eating from the first nibble to the last eager bite. It's a dish your family will want oft en, but it's also new and differ ent enough to be worthy of serv ing to guests. 1 Notice the unusual stuffing made with canned apple slices. It's a simple dish to make, too. When you buy the top round, ask the butcher to give it to you in thin slices. Lay the stuffing on the meat slices, roll up and tie. Save out some of the canned apple slices to put in the pot tow ard the end of the cooking. Let them heat through in the apple and meat juices. Then serve the apples hot and delicious with the Beef Birds. Beef Birds With Pungent Apple Stuffing m lbs. beef, top round, cut in slices 5 cups (2 cans) sliced apples Few grains salt Few grains pepper 8 tablespoons chopped onion 8 tablespoons prepared horseradish 3 tablespoons fat 1 cup apple Juice Have beef sliced thin and cut in 8 pieces. Lay several apples slices on each piece; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place 1 tablespoon each of onion and horseradish on each slice. Roll up and tie with string. Brown meat rolls in fat; add apple juice. Cover; simmer lVi hours. Ten minutes before end of cooking time, add remaining apples. Thicken stock with a little flour mixed to a smooth paste in cold water. Yields 6-8 servings. Scotch Pressed Cookie V4 cup margarine or butter Vi cup granulated sugar Vi cup brown sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 Vi cups sifted flour 2 teaspoons baking powder Vi teaspoon salt Cream shortening and sugars together. Add eggs and vanilla and beat well. Sift dry ingredi ents together. Add to creamed mixture, mixing thoroughly. Force through a cookie press onto greased baking sheet. Dec orate as desired. Bake in a mod erately hot oven (379 degrees F.) 10 to 12 minutes. Yield: S dozen cookies. Variaf ion in Toppings Make . .. Grapefruit a Hit at Any Meal 7 ,J ,r" ii iu i i j. i Coconut Pie Liked By Family Coconut pie is always a favor ite with the family. Here's an other recipe for it: COCONUT FIE SUPREME 3 tablespoons sugar, 6 tablespoons flour Vi teaspoon salt -. , 2 cups milk I . 3 egg yolks, slightly beaten 1V cups shredded coconut IVi teaspoons vanilla 1 tablespoon butter 2 egg whites 4 tablespoons sugar 1 baked 9-inch pie shell ' Combine sugar, flour, and salt in double boiler. Add milk. and egg yolks, stirring until smooth. Then add 1 cup of the coconut. Cook over boiling wa ter 5 minutes, or until thickened, stirring constantly. Cover and cook 10 minutes longer. Remove from heat and add vanilla and! butter. - Beat egg whites until foamy, add 4 tablespoons sugar grad ually, and beat until stiff. Fold in hot mixture. Cool. Turn Into cold pie shell and sprinkle with remtinlng Vi cup coconut, plain or toasted. Tasty with meat are canned apple slices, dotted with butter, sprinkled lightly with curry powder and. broiled. Especially good with veal and lamb. Tarraaon Adds fa This Chicken Dish Favorite chicken dish of many ! is the specialty of the Valois ' Restaurant in New Yovk. Chef! Allen uses freah tarraaon iImiv. ' ed in vinegar which he prepares ' nowever, ootued tarragon in vinegar may be used. During this season of abundance of broiler fryer chickens, we suggest a bird for each two persons. Koaat Chicken, Tarragon Rub cavity of 3 to 24 pound bird with Vi teaspoon salt Brush or rub skin with melted fat and truss if desired. Place breast down on rack and roast at 330 degrees, basting occasionally with melted hntter RirH win k. done in about 1 Vi hours. Sprin- Kie witn 2 tablespoons finely chonned tarraaon in vinoo, ft., I minutes before taking from oven. Tangy grapefruit halves are a boon to hurried meal-planners, for with variations in toppings they'll please every member of the family. Those who like things tart and on the sharp side may add salt or nutmeg, or eat the fruit plain, the sweet tooths have a wide choice honey, brown sugar, maple syr up, or molasses. And for a spe cial flavor treat, put a spoonful of warm mincemeat in the cen ter of each half. Sharp French dressing ladled over the, sections is mighty good eating, too, as a dinner appetizer. The fruit now is of excellent quality. There is both the pretty pink-fleshed fruit and the white- meat ed; seeded or seed leu varie ties. When you purchase grape fruit, pick'out the plump, heavy ones, and be sure to get the thin skinned ones to get the most for jrour money. To prepare for serving, cut fruit in half; with a sharp knife, cut around each aeetlnn Innwii. ing fruit from dividing mem branes; do not cut around entire outer edge of fruit. Serve with any of the toppings, mentioned, or dot ith butter and nut un. der your broiler until slightly orownea on top. Broiled grape fruit is a good winter dessert, and one that's as good for you as 11 good to eat. Between-Meal : fog Dishes Easy And Nourishing Ones' Here are two ways to vary egg servings. In a between-meal egg nog, unsulphured molasses replaces sugar to lend its own sweetening and distinctive fla vor. For a salad, a good one is the molded kind that combines sliced hard ' cooked eggs with crisp, chopped vegetables. Use unflavored gelatine and season the salad yourself with salt and lemon Juice. MOLASSES EGG NOG 1 egg separated 1 tablespoon unsulphured molasses 1 cup hot or cold milk Nutmeg Beat egg yolk and unsulphur ed molasses, stir in milk. Beat! egg white stiff but not dry; stir in molasses-milk mixture. Sprin kle with nutmeg. Yield: 1 serv ing. EGG SALAD LOAF 1 envelope unflavored gelatine Vi cup cold water Vi teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons lemon Juice Vi teaspoon Tabasco n cup mayonnaise or salad dressing IVi teaspoons grated onion ' Vi cup finely diced celery Vt cup finely diced green pep per Vi cup chopped plmiento . 4 hard cooked eggs, chopped Soften gelatine in cold water. Place over boiling water and stir until gelatine is dissolved. Add salt, lemon juice and Tabasco. Cool. Add mayonnaise or salad dressing, mix in remaining in gredients. Turn into large or individual molds and chill until firm. Unmold on crisp greens. Yield: 6 servings. ',T7 FRESH FISH FROM FIHS ARE THE BEST FRESH Columbia River Smell Fresh Fillet m mm d . Fresh Fillet mm M Red Snapper Lb. 45 I SOLE u. 65' CRABS I Fresh OYSTERS Oven-Ready m (Set, I Oven-Ready w mm HENS Lb W FRYERS Lb. O V to-- FITTS FISH AND POULTRY MARKET 216 North Commercial FREE DELIVERY PHONE 34424 lflaaaaHaHssaaHasaasssagX yi l v as Tomatoes ffiv3B 7 ' V A bom the vine! M gj J& Ever go into the garden with salt in one hand, pluck iuky, red tomato with the other and . . . wall, that's what you call tomoto eatin' deluxe! You get that natural sun-rip flavor. Tok loaf of MASTER BREAD, open th air tight wrapper at one end, pull out a couple of the fragrant, fresh, soft slices . . . Toast or spread "as is" with fresh butter and sandwich filling . . . and that's what you call real bread eatin'. FRESH at your food Store 'Poptdfot BECAUSE ITS mm We Reserve th Right to Limit Quantities l DOLE tf . I fINEAPPLE 11 JU,CE o ? All Pure MILK 6 cans 66 Kingans Luncheon Meat Ian01 Calirose Freestone lVt Sin (in Peaches 29" Kitchen Queen FLOUR $1199 u 25 lbs. LIBBY'S ROAST BEEF 55' 12-oz. can SURF Large site. . 19c Giant sise . 39c 1 me DIAMOND J! PAPER I: 125-ft. roll BEEF ROAST lb. 39' BOILING . .. aa BEEF 29' T-BONE aa. STEAK Lb 69' SIRLOIN aeaasaa. STEAK. Lb. 59' RIB aw STEAK Lb, 49' DERBY CORNED tfu BEEF 49' . V SWIFT'S PEANUT BUTTER " 59' SWIFTNING DURKEE'S MARGARINE '29 summ jumio A - 5s- fS iSAVIMCpOTER Tomatoec 601 Erfaewafer St.. West Salem WEST SALEM 2 Tomatoes 601 Edgewafer St., West Salem