Best Beef Buys Less , Sought Cuts All of the news tbout beef these days it good supplies re plentiful end pricei on many cuU hive dropped to the loweit poini in yean. Thii li an excellent opportun-! ity for homemakers to serve! their famlliei economical beef dinnera of all klnda, from sim ple itewt and pot roasts for everyday occaiioni to more tea- i tive dinnera of rolled rump roasts and rib roaita for tpecial eventa. The beat buya in beef usually j are the leas demanded cuta auch ' as pot roasta and atew meat. New cooks should remember that these less tender cuts al-, ways should be cooked by moist heat in a covered utensil with, added liquid. On the other hand, rib roast of beef, one of the tender beef cuts, always should be oven-roasted in an open pan. It'a important to cook this de luxe meat an excellent choice for special family celebrations or guest dinners at a low temper ature (in a 325 degrees F oven). Beef stews are especially pop ular with the family when served in the form of meat pies. Here's a novel meat pie made of beef stew meat combined with Jtidney beans and zesty season ings: it's topped with a corn meal crust. Fiesta Beef Pie 14 pounds beef stew meat Flour, salt, pepper, fat Vi cup chopped onions j 1 clove garlic j 2 teaspoons chili powder 1 8-oz. can tomato sauce 2 cups water 1 No. 2 can kidney beans (24 cups) 14 cups corn meal Cut meat into half-inch cubes, sprinkle with salt and pepper and roll in Tour. Brown well in a few tablespoons of hot fat. Add onions, minced garlic chili pow der, tomato sauce and water. Cover and cook slowly until meat is tender, about two hours. Stir occasionally to . prevent aticking. Cook corn meal in 6 cups boiling salted water (14 teaspoons salt) to make a mush; line bottom and . sides of a greased 14 or 2 quart casserole. When meat is tender, add un drained kidney beans. Pour into corn meal mush shell and bake at 375 degrees F. for 25 min utes.' 5 to 6 servings. Meat balls, made light ant) puffy with the addition of eggs, are always a popular dinner dish. There's good mushroom gravy with these balls to serve over mashed or baked potatoes. Mushroom Meat Puffs 1 14. pounds ground beet 14 cups soft bread crumbs 4 cup chopped onion 2 eggs, beaten Hi teaspoons salt Va teaspoon pepper 14 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce 1 can mushroom soup Mix all the ingredients ex cept the soup and form lightly into balls. Roll in flour and brown well in a little hot fat. Over the balls pour the mush room soup which has been di luted with 4 cup of water. Cov er and simmer for 20 minutes. 6 servings. Another beef favorite with many families is "boiled" beef brisket served with horseradish sauce. Actually, the brisket is not boiled, but is simmered to tenderness over low heat. Here's how to make this tasty dish: Beef Brlskit with Horseradish Sauce 4 pounds fresh beef brisket 1 bay leaf 4 whole cloves 1 clove of garlic 1 onion, sliced 2 tablespoons vinegar 2 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons salt Wash brisket and place in Dutch oven or other large, deep utensil. Cover with hot water and add remaining ingredients. Cover, cook for 10 minutes and .skim. Cover again and simmer 3 fo 4 hours or until tender, add ing more hot water as needed. Slice and serve with horseradish sauce made by adding 4 cup bottled horseradish and 4 tea spoon dry mustard to 1 cup medium white sauce. Brownies Made by Easy Method; They Are Always Favorite When you com right down to it. people enjoy the simple, ev eryday dishes best the kind they have at home. We heard recently that the favorite dish of a hotel manager with 20 cooks t his command was ham and Ut! The rnorrl f tha story U: don't wear yourself to fraxxle makinga 10-layer tort for your friends when they would Just as soon attack plateful of Brown ies! . Good newt in the Brownie de partment it that there is now a streamlined method for nuk ing this excellent cake or It it eookieT W never ean decide which. The new method ends the tire some beating needed to cream shortening and sugar conse quently cuts town on time too. Brownie ean stand alone for a aimple dessert and they are wonderful, to our way of think ing, at a Knack with cold milk. But for dinner dessert or com pany refreshment, yen might feel that they should be treated handsomely to a topping of ice cream and we're inclined to agree. BROWNIES ALA MODI 4 cup talad oil 5 square unsweetened choco late, melted 1 cup sugar 2 eggs, well-beaten cup flour H teaspoon baking powder 4 teaspoon salt V cup chopped pecant 1 teaspoon vanilla Vanilla ice cream Combine the oil and melted chocolate. Add the sugar grad ually to the eggs, then add the chocolate mixture. Add the flour baking powder and aalt which lee. HI Capital Jeoraal, Salaam, Ore., Thar. Pah. It, IMS have been sifted together. Add tha nuts and vanilla. Bake in a greased 8-lnch by 8-inch pan in a moderate oven. 330 degree, for 23 to 30 minutes. Cut into squares when cold and place a scoop of Ice cream on . each brownie. I H II II If M Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich I" NO "Sorry for tha delay In an swering. I wot out reading the most wonderful news I" . . .You won't mis important calls if you always answer your telephone as promptly as you can . . . Pacific Telephone. Sperry Q 4-lb. Bag i Ta$V COMMUNITY BUILDER STORES V II'. LA r.,- s Vkl J A fi'C Nolley's Lumberjack Hot Bean Salad Slice salt pork thin and try until crisp. When done, remove, and break into bits. Chop md-. lum sized onion and brown in pork fat. adding 2 tap. prepared' mustard. ' Mix onion, and salt, pork with one can Mexican style spiced chili beans. ' !. 24-oz. Bottle Community Builder Stores reserve the right to limit quantities CASCADE WIENERS STEER BEEF SHORT RIBS Special Price If recti Fat. 13-14 Kitchen Queen o) m (Q)gc ni b, (DO Spreckels Granulated ran iwi, mm Haley Chicken Sandwich Spread 1 Nolley's fLJi: With .15-oz. Ullll Beans & Tins - Dinty Moore Beef Slew Puss 'n Boots Cat Food lb. Tin Golden West Drip or Regular 10 All Pure Evaporated MILK Tall Cans 2f tlfflMtMIl I Niblets Corn WHOLE KERNEL Fred ear ft tat est at Me swsst aai I w 12-oz. Tin Nestles Chocolate (HIPS It (WHITE IKING SOAP IUU M UTTO I White King SOAP POWDER Hershey Baking Chocolate? m C Giant Enter the $72,000.00 Bendix Contest Get your entry blanks at r KQi your C.B. Store . KURLY KATE Scouring Pad each Will Not Rust Soft an Hands Borden's Powdered HEMO ft SUNSHINE NBC HI-HO RITZ CRACKERS CRACKERS Pkg. CSS Pkg. Utah Type CDiry Solid Crisp Pound U.S. No. 1 POTATOES 10 -lb. Bag w PINK, JUICY GRAPEFRUIT GREEN TOPPED CARROTS 11 (0k HI bunches Ml M.D. TOILET m TISSUE rolls purer "The Gentle Bleach" Vi-gal. jug Highland Market IERT CARR, Owner Delivery Twite Daily 800 Highland Ave. Coll 3-9403 Lemmon's Market ORAL LIMMON, Owner S7I North Commercial Woody Jones Carter's Grocery Market WOODROW JONES, Owner 701 Uglw Avenue, Oollot REED CARTER, Owner Delivery Daily 17thtMorkt Coll 3-4171 Vourm's Market GILBERT WOURMS, Owner Stayton