Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 12, 1953, Page 26, Image 24

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    4 See. UI Capital Journal, Sal
Hearts and Cake on St. Valentine's Day
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Valentin Angel Cake .
Serve Pork
Often for
Winter Days
Flan to include nutritious, de
licious, economical pork in your
menus at least once Mils weeK
for wonderful winter eating.
Here are two tested recipes cer
tain to win family applause.
Baked Stuffed Spareribs
These come out brown and
tender. Count on 6 servings out
of 4 pounds. Choose either 4
mall or 2 large sides of spare
ribs. All the stuffing goes un
der the ribs..
. 4 pounds sparerlbf
Vt pound diced salt pork
1 cup chopped celery
Vt cup choppe onion
1 cup diced tart applet
8 eups bread cubes
2 tablespoons sugar :
; t tablespoons parsley
" 1 teaspoon caraway seeds
Fry salt pork until crisp. Add
celery, onion, apples to fat. Cook
lowly 'until tender. Add bread
You can feel a surge of joy
knowledge that you are both
and trim ... and
ohto-different flavor o
Roman Meal Bread. Each
slice bringa you a taste
experience you'll want to
know again and again '
' . .found only in
Roman Meal Bread.
bck low calarto ilk 4di attiag ptaart H
4vN WoVCf Rf dpftS
era. Ore Thuri Feb. 12, US!
. . With pink fruiting.
cubes and seasonings. Rub the
spareribs with salt and pepper.
Bake in 350 degree oven for 49
minutes, drain fat and place
stufifng under spareribs. Con
tinue roasting for one hour or
until brown and tender. .
Creole Pork Chops
Just about the easiest and
most tasty pork dish imaginable,
For 6 servings, buy 6 loin or rib
chops cut 1 inch thick. In hot
frying pan, brown chops slowly
and thoroughly on both sides.
Season with salt and pepper.
Add Creole sauce (recipe be
low). Cover and cook slowly
for 1 hour or until very tender.
Serve on platter with fluffy
Creole Sauce. Heat together
2 cups tomato juice, lVt table
spoons Worcestershire ss'tce, 1
teaspoon lemon juice and Vt cup
chopped green pepper. Simple
. but so good!
Fork Hocks and Kraut '
Simply simmer 4 pork hocks
(about 2Vi pounds) in 2 quarts
salted water for 1 hour and 15
minutes. Drain and add pound
sauerkraut and cook 15 minutes
longer. Four servings.
yet enjoy the
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SHKE Hit j "
This Recipe
Provides a
Colorful Coke
UUP Mawilntvwl
Do you want to Impress you
beaux (and other friends) on
St. Valentlne'a Day? Then
have a dessert-and-coffee tar
ty and serve this maraschino
angel food cake with its Huffy
pink frosting. If you want to
impress the mala sex still more
serve plenty of coffee with tnc
cake and have the coffee
strong, clear and hot!
Valentine Angel Food Cake
Ingredient: 2 tablespoons
maraschino cherry juice, cold
water, one 14-ounce package
angel food mix, cup well-
drained finely chopped mara
schino cherries.
Method: Pour cherry Juice
into measuring cup; add water
to 1-cup jeveL Use as liquid In
preparing angel food mix as
directed on package. Fold in
chopped cherries. Bake and
cool as directed on package.
Spread with Valentine Pink
Frosting. '
Valentine Pink Frosting
Ingredients: 2 egg whites,
teaspoon cream of tartar, 4
cups (1 pound) sifted coniec-
tioners' sugar, 2 tablespoons
light corn syrup, red food col
Method: Beat egg whites un
ill frothy. Add cream of tartar;
beat until stiff. Add sugar and
corn sirup alternately, while
continuing to beat. Add enough
food coloring to tint delicate
pink. (If too thick to spread,
add cold water a few drops at
a time.) Spread on top and
sides of cooled Valentine An
gel Food Cake.
Here are other suggestions
for making a lunch or supper
look appropriate for Cupid.
At a buffet lunch or aupper,
serve Cheese Fondue with
Jl A
crisp canned potato stick and
a tomato aapic In heart-shaped
molds. For dessert, you can
have layer rake frosted In
white with heart outlined
with small red cinnamon can
dles on the frosting.
Another idea for dessert is
this: Bake sheet of plain
whit or sponge cake and cut
out small heart-shaped por
tions, using a carboard heart
pattern or a heart-shaped cook
ie cutter. Put the small hearts
together in pairs, sandwiching
them with cherry preserves,
then frost all over and garnish
with maraschino cherries.
Heart-shaped sandwiches are
nice for a Valentine, bridge or
canasta party. An attractive
filling for these is cream cheese
mixed with deviled ham and
seasoned with onion juice or
prepared horseradish.
Old-fashioned small heart-
shaped candles, with mottoes
on them, are fun at any Cupid's
day festivity. So is Ice ream
in nearc-snapea mourn; serve
the ice cream with a sauce
made from canned blng cher
ries. Or mold Bavarian cream
in heart molds and serve it
with the cherry sauce.
Shrimps Easy to Do
Batter-fried shrimp a seafood
delicacy that's top-favorite in
restaurants, is a wonderful
choice for informal party menus
at home. The shrimp are prac
tically a meal in themselves and
are surprisingly easy to fix. '
The preliminary preparation
involves only three quick steps
the removal of the shells,
washing away the sand veins
and coating the shrimp with
seasoned batter. The cooking
time takes but three to five
To make sure that the crust
will be crisp and unbroken,
chill the batter-coated shrimp at
least one hour before they're
cooked. The thorough ehllllng
sets the coating. . ....
Batter-Fried Shrimp
. (Makes 4 servings)
1 pound shrimp, fresh or
Vt teaspoon salt
1 egg
1 tablespoon water
cup fine dry bread crumbs
cup Hour
2 tablespoons paprika
Remove shells front shrimp,
being careful not to break off
tail meat. With a sharp knife,
slit backs of shrimp, cutting al
most through. ' Wash away sand
veins. Salt shrimp. In small!
bowl, beat egg with water. On
a piece of wax paper, combine'
remaining Ingredients. Dip the ':
shrimp in egg, then roll In bat
ter mixture. Chill coated shrimp
one hour or longer. When ready
to cook, fry 8 to 5 minutes, or
until golden brown, in deep fat
heated to 350 degrees. Drain
on absorbent paper toweling.
Serve immediately.
Cream of Corn and
Peanut Soup Good
A soup that is different and
certain to meet with the family's
approval. Canned corn is a spe
cial buy thanks to last year's
bumper crop.
Corn-Peanut Soup . .
2 tablespoons butter
1H tablespoons flour
3 cups milk
Hi teaspoons salt
Dash pepper
Dash onion salt
Vt cup chopped roasted
1 No. 2 can cream-style corn
Melt butter in double boiler;
add flour and mix well. Add
milk gradually and cook, stir
ring constantly until thickened.
Add salt, pepper, onion salt,
peanuts and corn. Heat thor
oughtly. Niblet style corn is
equally good in this soup. Makes
six servings.
Pimiento Adds Red
Note for Valentine
Here's midnight snack all
decked out for Valentine's. Fix
it for the children and their
gang when they com horn
from the movies or the Valen
tine's dance at school. Hubby
himself would b pleasantly sur
prised If you fixed him a treat
on Valentine's. Gay, red hearts
cut out of whole, canned pi
mientos add to the gayety of the
season. Place two larger hearts
for someone special in the very
center. When you serve the
dish, you will find Valentin pi
mientos chopped all through H.
Heart's Delight
4 cups broken soda cracker
5 hard-cooked eggs
V cup canend pimiento
3 cups hot milk
8 to 8 tablespoon butter or
1 teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
3 canned pimiento for gar
nish -
Break crackers in hands.
Place a layer of crackers In bot
tom of tureen or other covered
dish. Now cut hard-cooked eggs
in thin slices. Add layer of
sliced eggs and sprinkle with
pimiento. Continue this until all
is used. Finish with cracker
crumbs, and leave about 8 slices
of egg for garnish. Cut small
heart from whole, canned pi
miento, and place hearts on egg
slices in ring around edge of
bowl. Heat milk, margarine,
salt and pepper to boiling point.
Do not boil. Pour over the con
tents of dish. Garnish with egg
slices and pimiento hearts. Cov
er and let stand for 8 minutes.
An Old Favorite
Here's a bit different recipe
for ' favorite snarerihi!
Bohemian Spareribs
2 pounds spareribs
1 teaspoon salt
V teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon caraway seeds
1 No. 2 can sauerkraut
1 medium onion, sliced
1 No. 2 can tomatoes
Cut spareribs into Individual
servings, reason. Mix caraway
seeds with sauerkraut and place
in 8 X 12-inch baklns rfl-h
Arrange onion slices on sauer-
craut and pour tomatoes over
mixture. Place spareribs on top
Bake in a moderate oven fasnr I
for 2 hours. 4 to 6 serving.
Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half
Now we have lots of Free Parking Space. We have acquired the large parking lot across
rVarket Street. Drive out, drive in, save dough.
Just Pure Beef i . ....
Cut up If you lika
u.53c PIGS FEET jr tl 54C
Guaranteed - Year Old
pure pork . 29'
Tender SWIFT'S MtEMIUM Lean, Tender
u 49c v PICNICS 25c
Our Famous RhSt " Ready to Cot 4 to 6 lb. Fisher's Cottage
10. 49c "Hri"- eei69c 50,b.$l39
Descuhtet Gem No. 1 Dot. DDC . Tret Ripened U.S. No. 2
w. Nov. ut. . M.J.B. RICE SUGAR R-"b-'
Potted Plants 10 QQ OUR EGGS
For Valentine's Day 10c coupon insld Sprocket GUARANTEED
-M,!& CAP Green Beans Toilet Tissue
OconsOC 2 bottle, 29C Can IOC 3 B 29c
Tall All Popular Brand Capitol 14-ot. Fargo No. 2 can ' , " 'W
i Waldorf
TomatO SOUP SYRUP HOT MASTER Ganuln. Anchor Glan
Campbell' BotHa ZVC Every Do 4 p.m. ForMt Gr"
COFFEE BISQUICK icpt Tu. sat. 6(or25c 12 Ior49c
MARGARINE CRACKERS Broadway and Markel Sl'
2C-, Sunshin Krispy it0' Houn P" 7 Dy
lkfc'C 1,b'Os- No Llmrt Buy All You Want
Sweat Slataen Boa JLDC price Good Frl., Sot., Sun.
Suggestions Outlined for
Packing Daily Lunch Box
Packing a lunch box five days
week can be a real tax on the
imagination. The youngsters de
mand "something different"
And you want to give them some
thing wholesome.
Her art two sandwich ideas
for next week's lunches, and
some hints on "packaging" that
will help to keep foods fresh and
unmarred by the jolting that
children all too often give their
lunch boxes.
Cream Chs Spread
1 1 -ounce package cream
1 tablespoon maynnalse '
2 tablespoons finely chopped
K teaspoon salt
Dash pepper '
1 hard cooked egg, diced
2 tablespoon chopped black
Mix together cheese, mayon
naise, celery, salt and pepper.
Fold in egg and olives. Make 1
For an extra treat, tuck in a
nut bread sandwich, kept fresh
in waxed paper. Best way to hold
in the freshness is to make a neat
packet by double-folding the
waxed paper and turning the
ends under carefully.
Quick Nut Bread
1 cup bran
1 cup milk
1 cup sifted all-purpose flour
I teaspoons double-acting
baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
Vt cup sugar
1 egg
Vt cup chopped nut
Combine bran and milk and let
stand 8 minutes.
Sift fluor, baking powder, salt
and sugar into mixing bowl. Add
bran-milk mixture and egg and
beat 2 minutes. Fold in nuts.
Turn into greased and waxed
paper lined 8x3 i -Inch loaf pan,
Bake in moderate oven (350' F.)
45 to 50 minutes. Remove from
pan. Cool, before cutting. To
store, wrap cooled loaf in waxed
The same double-fold wrap
makes an attractive and air-tight
packet for pickles, olives or car
rots. You can even peel a tom
ato and wrap it whole in this
kind of waxed paper packet: the
juice won t ooze out.
Keep on hand a good supply of
paper napkins, sturdy wooden
forks and spoons, and paper
slate for lunch box use. Dia
mond snaca piaies are nun-
absorbent and can be used for
salad without concern that the
dressing will soak in. Use the
double-fold waxed paper wrap
as a cover, or put another plate
on top. sealing the edges with
cellophane tape.
Hard finish paper plates are
fine for enclosing pie or cake,
too one plate under, one plate
over, sealed with tape to prevent
crushing or joggling.
Pie Idea
Pies are a favorite American
dessert. Flaky pastry seems to
be no trick to prepare. Fillings
are of major importance. For a
chiffon filling par excellence use
apricot whole fruit nectar as the
liquid Ingredient; it's like having
fresh apricots in the dead of win
(srlMy answer
' AlSO TRY-Spogheln, Solodetta. Mocaroni, '!jf
So Shells oiid Ku'Jaj'Q Noodles tF
Apples Blend With
All Meat Dishes
Plentiful, bargain-priced
canned apple sauce is mixed
right in with the meat so that
the apple flavor blend testily
with the good meat flavors.
Mmmm, good! will be the fam
ily's verdict
Apple Sane Meat Loaf
1 cup dry bread crumb
1 cup canned apple sauce
teaspoon sage
1 teaspoon salt
Vt cup ketchup
2 pounds ground beef
Mix together crumbs, apple
sauce, sage, salt and ketchup;
add beef. Mix well. Form into
loaf shape on baking pan or in
loaf pan. Bake in moderately hot
oven, 373 degrees, 1 hour. Make
8 servings. Garnish with whole
broiled or saute ed mushrooms,
If you like.
Africa is largely plateau, but
it has little land that is very
high or very low and hence its
average elevation is lower than
that of Asia.