Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 12, 1953, Page 23, Image 23

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    Salem Authentic QnJl (juide tc Setter pity
Utted by Maria. Uwry Fischer
ublbkeej Tfcartdey Each Waak
li' !
i ! "
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, February 12, 1953
1 1 -aa b
rjA Cake for All February's Holidays
i s. -
- l -
, Valentine Cake- "Because You're Mine" ii reason enough
for baking and decorating a special Valentine Cake, This
' special recipe will Join your hit parade of all time favorites,
once you try it.
Watch for
Foods Now
"Knowledge concerning availa
bility of fresh fruits and vegeta
bles, dairy products, poultry,
meat, fish and shell fish is vi
tal to the homemaker trying to
operate on a budget Our week
ly report is given after careful
checking of information from a
wide variety of sources, togeth
er with personal shopping expe
ditions. It will pay you well to
follow it closely and also to
watch local grocery advertise
ments for special buys.
Best Vegetable Buys
Carrots, celery, cabbage and
, broccoli continue to head the list
-of best buys, with white pota
toes, onions, winter aquash and
parsnip running them a close
."..second. Lettuce, the most popu
I lar of all salad greens, is availa'
C ble in unusually large quantities
vfor February. It is interesting
-, to note that, according to fig
,' ures from the Bureau of Agricul
tural Economics, the average
person In the U. S. consumed
Only 7 pounds of lettuce in 1918
as against 21 pounds per person
:, In 1948. Tomatoes ami Bell pep-
tiers are In good supply and rea-
' sonable In price for this time of
year. Cucumbers and eggplant
' are in light supply.
Best Fruit Buys
Apples, particularly large size
. Delicious are good buys. Avo-
eados are plentiful so why not
' enjoy them on the "half-shell"
stuffed with your favorite filling,
- Srapefrult are of exceptionally
: good quality thanks to the mild
, weather. Rhubarb is available at
fair to moderate prices, as are
pears, oranges and bananas. .
Meat Department
Beef is being headlined this
week because it is lower than
we have seen it in a long time,
Particularly good buys are to be
found in ground beef, shoulder
roasts, rump roasts, shortribs.
necks and llank steaks, fork
continues abundant and at cor
respondingly low prices. Choice
grade veal and light lambs are
In light supply.
Gtwery Department
'dried beans, peas and lentil
offer wonderful appetite satis
fying nutrition for a very few
cents a pound. There are few
things tastier than a bowl of
9 A
Make It today...
"Certs te a ees eeetrn
aee lere-ieeV lea's eleg
Ad No. 9
''J'"JT - rt TTflrt1Tfl'Vi''ii'iifl?wyrfti inaiiVifci ia
thick split pea soup on a cool
day. Raisins, dried apricots and
prunes continue to be good buys.
Dried skim milk ii inexpensive
and can help you stretch your
grocery dollar. Watch the ads
for canned food specials and if
your storage space permits stock
up on such basics as apple sauce,
tomato Juice, peaches, tomatoes
etcetra. Happy marketing!
All Year
Plenty of onions the year
around. Onions of' almost any
variety are good "boilers" when
they range from 1 to ltt Inches
in- diameter. Smaller ones l
termed "plcklers," and of course,
bigger ones are "slicers." . .
When selecting , dry onions.
look- for those that are well
shaped and - dry enough to
crackle. Thin-necks and bright,
hard bulbs are other indications
of quality.' For this recipe use
the larger onions. - '
Scalloped Onions Good
6 large onions
3 tablespoons butter
Salt and pepper
6 tablespoons flour '' .
1 cups milk
For special occasions, we add
a package of Philadelphia cream
cheese to this, and some
chopped-up pimlento. .
Peel onions and slice thinly.
Place Vt of them In bottom of a
buttered baking dish. Dot with
1 tablespoon of butter,, sprinkle
with salt and pepper and with
3 tablespoons of flour. Repeat
this process.
Top with remaining Vt of the
onions and dot with remaining
1 tablespoon of butter. Pour the
milk over top, cover and bake
in a hot oven,-400 degrees for
about 30 minutes. Uncover and
bake for 20 to 30 minutes longer
or until . onions are tender.
Serves six.
Toasted Bean Rolls
Mash contents one can spiced
chili beans. Spread on thin slices
of white bread from which crust
has been removed. Roll and
fasten with toothpick. Wrap roll
in half strip of breakfast bacon.
Broil, turning until bacon . is
Grape Jelly
an sect W r erefer a aewaer,
roctpo la secBego.
Joe - No. C-4SO0
Jan.Feb., 195J
Fuel Proof, November IS, 19S1
Ways to
By Zola Vincent
I rood, Wrltu)
February has many special
occasions to justify baking
cake and decorating it appro
priately. W give you a mar
vellous cake recipe and suggest
several easy but glamorous ways
of dressing It up fo rthia various
special occasions.
For Valentine's Day, decorate
as pictured with those heart
shaped cinnamon candies; or
maybe you've got a better idea
for arranging them.
For Washington's Birthday,
make a hatchet pattern using
red maraschino cherries or
seeded canned . and carefully
drained red cherries.
For Anybody's Birthday, cut
up (with scissors) small gum-
drops in assirted colors and
sprinkle over and around cake
or arrange in any desired let
tering; then arrange birthday
candles. If you're handy with
a pastry tube, you can always
write names andor "HaDDy
Birthday" and no tome plain or
fancy fluting. .
Decorative Cake
For this cake, have shorten
ing at room temperature. Line
bottoms of pans with paper. Use
two deep, lightly greased 9-lnch
layer pans. Start oven, for mo
derate heat, 375 degrees. Be
sure to sift flour one before
measuring which as you know,
la standard procedure for cake
2 ft cups sifted cake flour
ZVi teaspoons double-acting -baking
1 teaspoon salt
Vi teaspoon cinnamon
Vt teaspoon nutmeg
Vt teaspoon allspice
cu? shortening '
Milk (see below for amount)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cups brown sugar, firmly
- S eggs, unbeaten
- witn nutter, margarine, or
lard, use cup milk. With
vegetable or any other shortening!-vee
1 cup milk. ...
Into sifter, measure cake
flour, baking powder, salt, cin
namon, nutmeg and allspice. In
mixing bowl, stir shortening just
to soften. Sift in dry ingredi
ents. Add brown sugar, sieved
if necessary to remove lumps.
Add milk and mix until flour
is dampened. Then beat 2 min
utes by hand or at a low speed
on electric mixer. Add eggs
and beat 1 minute longer. Count
only actual beating time or
count beating strokes allowing
150 full strokes per minute.
Scrape sides of bowl and spoon
Turn batter into greased pans.
bottoms of which have been
paper lined. Bake In moderate
oven, 375 degrees, 25 minutes
or until done.
Spread Seven-Minute frosting
between layers and swirl gen
erously on top and sides of cake.
Decorate however planned.
Decorator's Frosting, if you
prefer. Is made by creaming Vt
cup margarine and 2 cups con
fectioners' sugar together. Blend
in 2 tablespoons milk and beat
unjil creamy. Add food color
ing in any desired shade.
Valentine Tapioca
Children's parties should get
priority on St. Valentine's Day
which is next Saturday. You
can make sure of a happy party
ending by making a delicious.
mi i -
i m r sew wm
( Q (Schilling)
assSgi SINCE 1881
Molasses Cookies
cup margarine or butter
Vt cup sugar -1
Vt cup light molasses
2Vt cups sifted flour ,
1 teaspoon soda
Vt teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon ginger
Cream shortening annd sugar.
Add egg and beat well. Stir in
molasses. Sift remaining ingre
dients together into creamed
mixture. Stir until thoroughly
blended. (Use your fingers if
stirring seems hard.) Divide
dough in half. Shape into rolls
IK to 2 inches In diameter. Wrap
in waxed paper. Chill In refrig
erator four hours or over night.
Slice Vt inch thick with a sharp
knife, place on greased baking
sheet and bake In a not oven
(400 degrees F.) 10 minutes.
Yield: 5 to 8 dozen cookie. '
Quick Chill Deep Dish
For unexpected guests, pour
canned chill into a baking dish.
Top with a package of cornbread
mix made up according to direc
tions on the package. Bake at
400 degrees F. for about 30 min
utes. Add green salad and des
sert and dinner Is ready.
A Sauce for
The Gingerbread
Here's a tasty sauce for ginger
bread, if gingerbread need a bit
of dressing up:
Banana Whipped Cream Saaea
Vt cup white sauce mix
Vi cup sugar
Vt teaspoon salt
1 cup water
1 egg yolk
Vt cup sieved ripe bananas
Vt teaspoon vanilla
Vt cup heavy cream, whipped
1 tablespoon confectioners:
Combine - white sauce mix,
sugar, salt' and water In a sauce
pan. Cook, stirring constantly.
until sauce la smooth and thick.
Remove from heat and mix a
small amount of sauce with egg
yolk. Return to saucepan and
cook over low heat 3 or 4 min
utes. Cool, stirring occasionally.
Add banana and vanilla to sauce
and chill, FolcYln whipped cream
and eotdeettonetv' eager lust be
fore serving. Serve with hot
gingerbread. Yield: 2 cups.
wholesome, pretty tapioca pud
Serve it chilled with a glam
our garnish and win applause
from the juvenile contingent.
Arrange halved segments of a
small orange or tangerine, half
a dozen of them on each dish
or pudding to suggest a half-
open flower. A wreath of hearts
cut from slices of apples that
have been simmered for a min
ute in a little melted jelly . .
or a single apple heart . . .
makes an eye appealing decora
tion. Bits of jelly provide the
necessary color.
2 egg yolks
4 cups milk '
Vi cup quick-cooking tapioca
Vt cup honey
Vi teaspoon salt
2 egg whites
Mix egg yolks with H cup
milk in saucepan. Add quick
cooking tapioca, honey, salt and
remaining milk. Bring Mixture
quickly to a full boll over di
rect heat, stirring constantly.
Remove from fire. Mixture will
be thin. Do not overcook. Beat
egg whites until just stiff enough
to hold shape. Fold hot tapi
oca mixture gradually into egg
white. Cool. Mixture thickens
as it cools. Chill. Seven or
eight servings.
7fo Best and Most Raw
for Your Monty
Yea, Schilling Products are richer more
flavor without extra cost, more goodneaa
for your desserts, meata, other die he.
Greater variety, too 36 spices, 17 flavor
ing extracts, dehydrated flakes, seasoning
aalte, prepared mustard, food color. Next
time get Schilling Products, kitchen-tee ted
by good housewives for 72 years
Cobbler; '
Always Hit
To ''cobble up" means to nut
together In a hurry and to "gob
ble up" means to eat up in a
hurry. And that is what your
family will do when this peach
cobbler appears. This bakes In
a hurry also and can be baking
while the rest of the dinner
cooks, because it is served warm,
reach Cobbler . .
1 large can peach halves
1 cup sirup drained from '
. ' peaches
2 tablespoon brown sugar
1 tablespoon constarch'
3 tablespoons orange juice
Vt recipe rich biscuit duogh
Drain peach halves and ar
range in a shallow baking dish.
Combine sirup and brown su
gar; heat to boiling. Dissolve
cornstarch In orange Juice and
add to sirup, stirring constantly.
Cook until thick. Pour over
peaches. Drop. biscuit dough by
tablespoons over peaches. Bake
in hot oven, 425 degrees, for 25
minutes. Serve warm with
cream. Makes 6 servings.
"The only home-perfected recipes
for Oregon homemakers!"
Absolutely sensational in looks, texture, flavor! Success guar
anteed! Follow Martha Meade's recipe carefully, use Drifted
Snow Flour, and expect complimenta galore. You'll get them!
All measurementa are level.
Preheat oven to baking temperature, 325, a alow-moderate
oven. Have all ingredients at room temperature (about 70).
meeaurv ail ingnuieme peiorv iwnmi mi mv cane, neve reaay
an ungreaeed tube pan, 10 inches diameter, 4 inches deep. Sift
npum into mixing dowi
' S cups tifted 8 perry Drifted Snow
"Home-Perfected" Enriched Flour
cups granulated eugar
S teaspoone double-action baking powder -1
teaspoon salt
Make a well in center of dry Insredienta and add in the order
cup cooking oil, such as Wesson
3 egg yolks, unbeaten v
t eup liquid (put 2 tablespoons
maraschino Juice in cup and fill to
t level with cold water)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon ttrained lemon juice
H eup finely chopped maraschino cherries
Beat with a spoon until it forms a tmooth batter. In a very large
mixing bowl place
1 eup egg whites, unbeaten (7 or 8)
V4 teaspoon cream of tartar
Whip (using hand whip, rotary beater, or electric mixer) until
w hi tee form very stiff peaks. Do not underbeat. (Whites should
be much etiffer than for angel cake or meringue.) Then pour
batter slowly and gradually over stiffly beaten egg whites,
while gently folding in with a rubber scraper or large spoon.
ruaui just unui Dienaea: ao not tur. four Immediately into
the ungreased tube pan. Bake in preheated oven, for 1 hour
16 minutee. When done, top surface of cake will spring back
when lightly touched with the fingers, end the "cracks" will
look dry.
ake from oven
down, placing the tube part
free of table, until
sides and tube with spatula. Turn pan over and hit edge sharply
on table to loosen. Spreed top and sides of cooled cake with
Fluffy Pink Icing. 16 to 20 servings.
mmm Airrruof asjuiimsmts
Fw tM neeHe M law. tomcttt iacradfcet unmet, far th alUtwU la which
eiee aoooe.
I'm brew .
t cup. pta.
2 eup. plu.
M cup.
. cup. piu.
MBit of bavmln.
it of MMvcelna at
Fluffy Pink Icing
Measure into the top part of a double boiler
1 large egg white, unbeaten
1 eup granulated sugar
it teaspoon cream of tartar
Vi teaspoon salt
S tablespoons maraschino Juice)
3 tablespoons cold water
Beat steadily over boiling water with a rotary beater 7 minutes,
until mixture holds shape. Cool slightly.
Shsssr drifted snow flqur
Anoiher fine product of Sperry...for 101 yean a ieoicr in the West
This Is Hearty Cheese
Dish for Lenten Dinner
There's more than just tasty
eating in this cheese main dish.
Hidden In all its goodness is a
plentiful supply of protein
which needs to be Included In
your meatless Lenten meals.
Cereal and cheese, both good
protein providers, are Ingredi
ents of these suggestions for
Lenten meal planners. Either
uncooked farina plain or malt
flavored may be usei instead
of the whole wheat cereal in the
recipe for the Creole Slices with
the baked-in cheese sauce.
The cereal slices are flavored
with the vegetables and cheese,
then cooked together before they
are poured into the loaf pan,
After thorough chilling, the
loaf Is sliced and placed in a
baking dish, then covered with
the tangy cheese sauce given
Creole Slices With Cheese Sauce
3 tablespoons butter or mar
garine .
1 cup diced celery
cup diced green pepper
Vt cup chopped onion -1
8-ounce can tomato sauce
ltt cups water
Vt teaspoon salt '
Sift flour before measuring
and immediately turn pan upside
over neck of funnel or bottle. Let
nnei or Dotue. iet
Loosen cake from
thoroughly cold.
t ihtp.
j thp.
IK - sup.
2-iH Up.
m-m up.
IK- lup.
a 'A
. uwp.
l up.
it lnwr .(titod. eiUua each flvea raaf. aed
hiftwr .ItUuriM.
cup whole wheat cereal,
. uncooked
S eggs, unbeaten
V4 cup grated American cheese
Melt butter, add celery, green
pepper, and onion; cook slowly
until tender. Add tomato sauce,
water, and salt Bring to a boil.
Add cereal gradually; cook over
low heat 3 minutes, stirring con
stantly. Remove from heat
Gradually stir hot mixture Into
beaten eggs; blend well. Stir in
grated cheese. Turn into loaf
pan. 3tt x IVt inches; chill.
Cut Into 13 slices and place In
shallow baking dish. Cover with
Cheese Sauce. Bake in a mod
erate oven (350-375 degrees F.)
for 30 minutes. Yield: 8 servings.
Cheese Saace:
3 tablespoon butter or mar
garine S tablespoons, flour
Vi teaspoon mustard
Vt teaspoon salt
IVi cup milk . -
1 cup grated American cheese
Melt butter; add flour and
seasoning. Stir to a smooth
paste. Add milk gradually; cook
over low heat, stirring con
"YouTl never nave a failure with these napes.
Meade, "because they belong to this community!'
Try them and
Unlm you
caimla ... unit
you agree
Perfe" Enriched
Flour bajne
flour in similar red
ar red Me. ask for
, ask for
Simply eend grocers slip showing purchase of Drifted Snow to
8 perry Flour, San Francbco 6,
niiansis nssing aiirreae , irfiinmnnwt in
DlPMlMr 9t SfMfiy Mmin etociHcs t awi ' -.
A popular Lenten supper dish with a rich, xippy flavor folks
like. Pastry recipe calls for Drifted Snow Flour which guar
antes its success in your oven! a k ,
All measurementa are level. Silt flour before measuring
Measure into a large aaucepan
3 tableapoona batter, oil, or drippings
1 tablespoon finely chopped onion
5 tablespoons finely chopped celery
Cook until vegetables are soft but not browned.
Blend in : - - - -
H eup tifttd Sparry Drifted 8 now .
f 'Home-Perfected" Enriched Flour
4 teaspoon salt ,'"''
Add slowly, stirring constantly 4
3 eupa milk .
Continue cooking, stirring frequently, until mixture ie smooth
and thickened, 6 to 10 minutee. Remove from beat and itir in
H cup grated American eheeee -
1 eup cooked shrimp (fresh, frozen, or S-js. eaa)
Turn into an oblong baking dish, lOxfixS inches. Arrange halves
of Deviled Egga over top of hot filling and place pastry strips,
lattice fashion over all (arrange eo some of egga show between
strips of pastry). Bake in a preheated hot oven, 426, for a boot
25 minutee, or until pastry is criap and golden brown. 6 servings.
Deviled Kggs
Cut in half lengthwise
6 hard cooked eggs, shelled
Remove yolks, sieve, and mix with
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
Vt teaspoon mustard (dry or prepared)
Vt teaspoon salt
Vt teaspoon pepper
Refill whitea
. .... Pastry '
Measure into a mixing bowl
1 eup tifted Sparry Drifted Snow
''Home-Perfected" Enriched Flour ;
Add all at once
Vt eup cooking oil, such as Weaeon
2 tablespoons cold milk
Stir with fork until pastry dings together. Press Into a ball,
flatten slightly, and place between 2 aheeta of waxed paper,
6x10 inches. Roll until pastry reacbee edges of paper. Remove
top paper and cut pastry into about ten 1-inch wide strips.
Silverware Coupon la
every sack. Redeemable for
lovely "Queen Bess" silver
ware made by Oneida Com
munity Silversmiths. Cou
pon values in 25 lb., 10 lb.. '
ard S lb. sacks now dou
bled. Look for them, eatre
them! 8tart your act of
"Queen Besa" today. Eas
ier to get when you buy the
larger sacks!
More recipe in the baa;
...easy, new failure-proof
ways to use Drifted Snow
Flour in Martha Meade'a
famous western recipee.
Look for theml
stantly until thickened. Add
cheese and stir until melted.
Puts Ca Eba Cermet
For Th Ksssy!
. etas, cxtmt voata
You, too, win km Bum Bom
Margarine's delicate, sunny-sweet '
flavor! Bujb Bomnit makes bread,
toast, hot tolls, and rentable taste
tetter than ever)
Youll appreciate Btca Bonnet's
nutrition, unlike most other mar
nrloes. Blob Bonnst contains ootik
vitamins A and D as much year,
round Vitamin A and D as you get
in the high-priced spread for breadl
Yst Blub Bonnbt Margarine
eosta in than half as much as the
high-prioed spread. So put on Bun
Bonnbt and 6 sw of "all "
Flavor, Nutritkn. conom-l
says Martha
turn out a perfect pie, cake or
that Sparry Drifted Snow "H
better than anv other ali-Dartoee
and f dowl
and get oYniMc your money SaeU
California. S perry doss mote tbaa)
I', i -II
v- A' i
1 .
r I