22 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon lliura Feb. 12, 1953 Four More Red POW Die From Riot Injuries Puun. Korea 6n VAiir North Korean prisoners of war, Injured Monday when U. N. guardf broke up a rock-throwing POW demonitration on Koje Island, died Wednesday. That brought the death toll to flv. The U. N. command said 44 other prison art were Injured, eight seriously. There were no U.N. casualties. OPEN FRIDAY MITE TILL 9 O'CLOCK J. J. Clothes Shop SALEM'S QUALITY CLOTHIERS FOR MEN 1 CLOSING OUT All ef Oar Fall and Whiter Stock At Radical Price Reductions MUST HAVE BOOM FOB NEW SPRING STOCK NOW IN TRANSIT. MOST OF THESE Super Fine Qualify CIIITC Are Suitable for JUIiJ Year Around Wear Toa can select a beautiful spring wardrobe from the large stock we hare to ehoae from ia regulars, shorts, longs and stoats. AT TERRIFIC GREAT MONEY-SAYING PRICES A r Alii" I 100 Wool Sharkskin SUNS Were $47.50 NOW $3250 REGULAR $55.00 100 WOOL HARD FINISHED PURE WORSTED suns NOW MB Were $48 and $50 NOW $3S00 REG. $65 to $75 FINEST QUALITY 2-PANTS MIS NOW ONLY k)U and $55.00 Sport Coats, Slacks and Pants At 25 to 33 Off YOU'LL FIND IT PAYS ALL WAYS TO SHOP JJs Better known, none better, for quality, style and greater aloe OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. J. J. Clothes Shop 367 blAlfc bl. I doors west of Liberty St, next to Hartman's Jewelry Store 5 Scholarship Offers Made Five national 4-H programs important in training rural boys and girls In farm end home proj ects are being continued in 1833, the state club office has an nounced. The programs and donors are: Canning, Kerr; clothing, Spool Cotton; food preparation, Kelvi nator; garden, Allis-Chalmers; and home Improvement, Sears Roebuck Foundation. Based on latest enrollment figures, it is estimated thst more than 1 4 million club members both boys and girls throughout the nation will participate this year in the five programs. In which they will make or remod el 2Va million garments, plan and serve IS million meals, csn and freeze 8 tt million quarts and 2 million pounds of foods, and make 430,000 articles to Improve ; 119,000 rooms In their homes. Incentives for top records of achievement in each of these programs are honor medals, trips to the annual 4-H club congress in Chicago, and $300 college scholarships to county, state and national winners, respectively. I County extension agents will furnish complete information on i any of these programs, all of which are supervised by the Co operative Extension Service. Labor Supply Above Normal Lebanon Employers of east Linn county report the supply of available labor much greater this year during January and early February than in several years past, reports Charles B. Wilson, manager of the Lebanon branch of the state employment office. I Logging and lumbering, the area's main Industrie, report an ' unusually large number of. workers seeking work daily at their operations. There has been j little to offer them as turnover! is at its lowest point for the year i and employers are still calling back former employees pre viously laid off. ! Estimated unemployment on Jan. 31 was about 300 less than for the month before, favorable weather having given rise to continuous operations and more full employment. Even though unemployment compensation claims were less than a year ago, total unemploy ment was considered more be cause of the available labor sup ply in the area, part of which has migrated to this section in the past several months from adjoining areas of Oregon, and from Washington. , Discover Bones of Prehistoric Man Tokyo ).B Chinese commu nist erehaeloglsts have discov ered three skulls and numer ous bone fragments of the pre historic Peking man, Radio Pelplng said today. The broadcast' said erehaelo glsts also found a "compara tively well-preserved" skull of a young woman of the new stone age SMALL CHANGE WON'T BUY A CAR BUT IT SURE WILL SELL ONE With a Low-Cost Quick-Action Ad! Anytime you have something to sell .... Auto . . . Homes Furniture . . Advertise it in our Low-cost ad section. Sell it The Easy Way! Phone 2-2406 Today! Advertise Where People look! let SfiSIUKKS JACK'S 6 Piclison's Market SOLVE YOUR FOOD BUDGET PROBLEM BUY YOUR FOOD BY THE FREEZERFUL! 6 Months W 24 Months -.S HERE'S HOW YOU on the Food! on (he Freezer! Vfl'fnV fnlfrnMhO m ujiyiuiyv PAY: - "" ; - p ("i 111 , lERs i 1 Here's Vhaf You Gel- g?5 Meat at Today's Low Prices! Your Choice of Meat Cut and Wrapped to Your Specifications! Your Choice of Frozen Fruit and Vegetables ! The Best Freezer Buy On the Market WITH OPTION TO RENEW YOUR FOOD SUPPLY AFTER MONTHS AT COMPARABLE PRICES. j -auiwJiJ.'"T"l 2? FAMILY SIZE -15 CUBIC FOOT WITH THE FOLLOWING FOOD Beef mbVy"nor17 12 Pkgs. Cul Corn 2 Pork Shoulders 2 Pork Loins 1 Premium Ham 4 Fryers 3 lbs. Bacon 10 Asst. Pkgs. Seafood 24 Pkgs. Peas 12 Pkgs. String Beans 12 Pkgs. Lima Beans 6 Pkgs. Succotash 6 Pkgs. Spinach 6 Pkgs. Broccoli 6 Pkgs. Brussel Sprouts A e fjv m at flLea tTLijal TehM l HKgs. peas & carrots ? w "" 12 Pkgs. Mixed Vegs. 6 Pkgs. French Fries $1 (. nftVnFIRST 6 PAYMENTS M9 IU UUWllFINAL 18 Payments 1773 AND IF YOU HAVE A VERY LARGE FAMILY-TRY A 22 CUBIC FOOT FREEZER WITH THE FOLLOWING FOOD Beef ;y(rb.d;-i.out lOAsst. Pkgs. Seafood 6 Pkgs. Succotash utility) 24 Pkgs. Peas 6 Pkgs. Spinach 12 Pkgs. Peas 6 Pkgs. Brussel 12 Pkgs. Mix. Vegs. Sprouts 12 Pkgs. Cut Corn 6 Pkgs. Chicken 2 Pork Shoulders 2 Pork Loins 1 Premium Ham Vi Veal 8 Fryers 6 Pkgs. Broccoli 2 Stewing Chickens 12 Pkgs. String Beans Tamales All This Plus a Beautiful New 22 Cubic Foot B. F. Goodrich Home Freezer for Only $10 DOWN First 6 Payments . . $69.70 3 lbs. Bacon 12 Pkgs. Lima Beans 6 Pkgs. French Fries Final 18 PaymentJ 524.13 If you don't like these sample assortments of food give us a list of what you want we'll secure it for you and price it to you on this same basis. See These Freezers on Display at Smiling Jack's And at Dickson's Market S. Pacific Highway at the 12th Street Jupction OPEN YOUR CONVENIENT ACCOUNT TAKES BUT A MINUTE! SMILING JACK'S I -.woK( CORNIER CENTER ft CHURCH H Open Evenings 'Til 9 p.m. 4 CapitaljaJournal ( PHONE 3.9600 is j