DENNIS the MENACE 'Would vouees w& mm wmi w bike, awoy? MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS 0-DR.VB MOVE YOURSELF AVI H HCr.tJP0 . STAKES - VAKt TEXACO STATION fit COURT ST. PHONB 1-1011 PAOE STEVENSON ana AX MEPPORD BJICELLENT LAW and sarden firtlllier. ..OA. .- ...Ml ... SALEM SAND A) ORAVEL COMPANY Contract Work oad CIarlnt - Dltehlnt Sawar and Baaemtnt Boulpmant Banta Dttchlm by tba root Phon Dan 1-0400 Cram. 1-441T or 1-7411 Salem, Oraton m BUILDING MATERIALS Tail-Enders Only a law of these Hams laft whan therre tone that wtU bt the lut. Tor that reason. to clear thsm out in hurry, price have been drastically reduced some actually below coat. OKNUINK TTLXBORD Baked o anemale finish for bathroom A kl -ch in wall. 4tfl s sl sheet, several colors fc pattern. Rot. .36 so. ft. Now .20 so., ft. LINOLZUU DU continued pattern roll ends, (not scrape) sold retular ly at 1.34 to 1.91 aq. yd. Mow at 1.89 M. Td. CONOOWALL The tilt effect bath Ji kitchen wall eorerlm. 64" wide, aT a al colore. Roc. M lln. ft. Mow .M lln. ft. Oar sale on two lines of paint toes n. PABCO WALLCOATEA the flat oil baaa wall paint In ssYsral colors: Oallons, Rat. 4.23 to W tal. Now 1.M aal Rac. Now , Gallon 4.33 to 1.48 sal- 3.30 tal. Quarts 1.25 to 1 11 Qt. .M Qt. TKXOUTE SEVEN STAR IMPERIAL A flat, waahable oil base wall paint that "painty" odor. Gallon Ret. 1.8B. how 2.00 sal. Quarts Res. 1.28, Now .15 qt. KEITH BROWN LBR. YARD front court pho. -tni (We Olva AScB Oreen Stamps) ma Plywood Plywood Plywood ITT OOODNBBS, what an ataortmentl 4x8 Reject, new car blowi and mill andj runnlnf out of our earall All priced rllht. Plrwood cut to pour Hit. KNOTTY PTNa-Panelln I1M.M nil Shelrint - H i nicei amnios, all iradaa from 111.00 to tlti.OO rLOORINO, U4 "O" fl0, aUo Oak lndiKUni No. 1 P.L Red. WALLBOAROS, aU kind! low I 11.40 4x1 Insulation, l is bai. All colon and klnda ol roollnf. Larte varletr of Eroored, atalted. landlaeted, and deco ratl.e pl;wood. 4x6 eheeta, Muarea or In pea., beautiful for Interior walla. From Be to xeftc. sea ii ! ii TRY OUR CHEERFUL SERVICE Tb. tun ahlnaa hre an tho timet Call or eea mow). "TOUR BUILD1NQ SUPPLY FRIENDS" Portland Road Lumber Yard (OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY) 3549 Portland Rd. Ph. 44433 ma BED CEDAR ERINGLIS 4 iradea, dellT. ared or picked up. Tod Muller. Ph. area. J1I66. ma" Real Buys DOORS t.Oxt a 1 fir At mahoc. fluih seconde 4.W As 6 M aa. 10. IS fir I panel door ...161 ea. tOxt.t It A trade 1 panel dr.. 6 10 M. X.oxe.a 1 A sreoe panel iir ....ra ... 1.4x6.6 IS A irade 1 panel fir.. 695 ea. 1.6x6 A IS A trade I panel fir.. 6.00 ea. WINDOWS St SASH 16x34 IS tlaae mearare double bunt lndowe ( top At bot. aaeni .ui 19x16 0 lite aaah 1 3 ea. 10x41 6 me iaih 1.16 ea. KEITH BROWN LBR. YARD front At Court Pho 1-0111 (Wa Olee MtH Oreen Stamp.) ni' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FERTILIZER Scml-rottcd manure. 12.50 yd. delivered. Parmera only. 2-017. n36 SMALL PIANO. In aictllent eondltlon. Very reasonable. m So. cottaae. rav FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted manure, compoiU. the same aualitv kt iKit year, for home and gar den. Plasstonea, rrd lava stone and other types lor wel.s or tardena. Rustic edar fenclns and trellis work. Phlllipe Era., Rt. , Boi 481. Salem. Ph. 4-3081. DUNCAN PHYFE drop leaf din Ins act. New, lOTelr, but ever ao allabUy dam J aced. Ret. $133.80, Terr spec $93 50. Olenn Woodrr. n37 . aV PIECE 11 tins room set. emerald and fold, r $17$. 2-5l. n39 Sf APLC ARM daveno bod. $24.80, Olenn ; Woodrr. 1605 N. Summer. nir 4$ BASS arcordlon, reuonable. Phone t 2-12 IX &38 TABLE RADIOS, 119. Olenn Woodrr. 101 : n. eumjieT. nir CHICKEN FERTILIZER $1.08 per aek: 10 , sacks or more at M. Turn oouth I Fruitland ahureh, first plaoe on left. i Call eve. or any time sat Ji Sun. R. L. ' Thomas, Rt. $. Boi $$$. n39 m TREADLE eewtna machine, $1$ to $30. Olenn Woodry s Banata Store. l$os N. Summer. nJ7 MettLLOt n CBAIN SAWS, tot Edtewaur. - West Nkicra. Salem Lotltnt Snpply Ph. 4-1541 n" Brw 1 DRAWER Kneehole doska, 03471. ( Woodrr, 1405 N. Summer. nl7" LV TRIPLE GLASS BlrkenwaM neat caa. bout 61500 new, kiakt alter. Box tl, Capital Journal, SOI By Kttcham FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GOOD "8. TUB Martat washtr, US. Olenn woodrr. 160 N. Summer, nil PIANO BOXES 11 each while thai lait. salem Mimic Co.. 151 s. Huh. nil' 0OLP SET, fa. ctann Woodrr. 1609 N. nl7' summer. COED SINGER D SOPH BAD treadle sew tnt machine. Guaranteed. 610.06. Sinter aowint center, 110 R. CoaVl. Open Prl' car eventnit. nit I WHEEL Trailer, IU. Olenn Woodrr'i bar'sln. 1606 K. Summer. nil irtlollltOI a, new and need. TIATES APPLIANCE OO. 170 Cbomak POWER LAWV HOWES, Ilka now, 046.60. Woodrr, 1606 N. Summer. nlT USED ELECTRIC PORTABLE aewlnc ma chine. Round bobbin, airplane type car ry In case. Oood stwtni condition. $.. Sinter Sewtnc Center, 130 N. Coral Open Friday cTenlnu. . nit" S PCS. ohrotna dinette act ttt.M. Oltnn woodry. i90 n. summer. niV Heating Headache? ReUeTt br IRON PTREUaN. C. J. aanaon Co, 17 Portland R4. S-8882. n38' APT. WALL BEP. ooU aprlnia, 888. Wood it, ivwe n. ounmcr. U9T NEW 144 FT. of picket fence m acUocu, unpninwa, two f atas, li xi posta. cau USED SWING rocker. T-$13-f 18. Olenn wooary, iem if. Bummer. nrr LVD WIG UPRIGHT Piano, cood eondltlon. blW. call SU.VKRTON, PtL 2173, 318 lacwis sireti. nje" NEW 8WINO Rockera, $28.81. Oltnn Wood rrs, loos n. summer. nlT FOR SALE Medium also offlct safe. $60. rnone 3-voas. nst KITCHEN TRASH burner, $3$- Olenn wooary e. loos . summer. nsT" PLASTI-K . roqulraa no waxlnt. For your noars or linoleum teater AP PLIANCE CO.. 378 Chemeketa. n PIANO, plain walnut case. Spo. 6100. Woodry, 1608 N. Summer. nil ALUMINUM STROLLER Almott new. Two eneita of oxaweri. new. Ph. 46616. nit $5.00 Per Day REDUCTION On one 8-cu. ft. Zenith Re frigerator, with frozen food compartment. Starting Price Feb. 7, $229.95 FEBRUARY 13, $204.95 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard FRONT ft COURT STS. PHONE Mill (We Olve SftK Preen stampi) loot WARD'S AGITATOR typo waah.r, 140. Phone 4-3732. Inquire Ural driveway beyond Paradlae lianda, Turner road. nil Gravel and Sand Anythlnt In travel, wholesale and retail VALLEY SAND At O RAVEL no.. Ph Mooi. a REFRIGERATOR Ph. 41416. 1040 Locust St. nil' SELF-SERVICE OARAGE YOU do work and save. Phone 4-6563. B30 GARAGE EQUIPMENT Indudlni air com pressor, hoist, bend seat trlnder and valve refacer. 8. w. Soreson, Rt. a. Box 368, UcUlnnvllle, Ore. n!6 DEEPFREEZE home freezers YEATEK AP PLIANCE CO.. 115 Chemeketa. n HOSPITAL BED for sale or rent. B. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 16165. n ITRIGHT PIANO Phone 1060 between 6 and 6 p.m. Reasonable. n36 130 ALLOWED for your old water neater on this new 43-tailon automatic elec trto water heater. Vaster Appliance 315 Chemeketa Ph. 14111 n' THOMPSON UPRIGHT PIANO, oak fin ish, 0135. 11. w. Supreme waaher with pump, timer ft metal laundry tiers, its. Phone 4-3723 after 0 p.m. n6 FOR SALE Electric refrleerator, tood con dltlon, CM. Phone 3-5M5. nil NEW AND CSED sewlnt machine. TEA TER APPLIANCE CO.. lit Chemeketa WASH1NO MACHIVtS, new and otrd TEATER APPLIANCE CO. 171 Chemra tta. n CEDAR TELEPHONE and electric pole. fence po.t. bran post and atakea. Phillips Bros.. Rt. 0. Box 4S1, I miles east of 4 Corners. Ph. 41061. na WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WOODRT WANTS PisnM Phnne 1-5110 oa LOGS WANTED Stud Mill. Lentth 0 4" or 14' I". Di ameter 0" to 16". Sawmill. Lentth 13' and Vomer. Dlametaf I" to 60". Top price paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Or,. Phone 1131 na WANTED Walnut meet, and walnut In ahell. Hlehext ea.h price on delivery. MORRIS K LOR FEIN PAOK1NO CO tto N. Pront St, salem Ph. 17UI na WANTED Purnlture, tool and mUc. Reiser Auction now open for eonstcn menu. Sal every Wed., T:I0 pan. 1030 Chemawa Road. To taU, to bap Reiser Auction, Ph. 37111. neto ELECTRIC RANGES. Woodry-. Pn. 1-1110. OS' PERSONAL ALCOHOLIC! ANONTXOtl, Orjup No. L SOU R. commrclal. Ph. 1-0411 or 1-40)7 POO- ANN HOWARD analyser of personal prob lems. All obetaclo ovoroome throutb my analrtl. Phone 167D4, 401 So, Com- mrell. BOO POR ADVEETIKINO book mttchea, phone 1-1911. P41 ADVERTItINO BOOK MATCHES pay oulck dividend. Complete tnfonnfttlon. Phone D!I pir To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 FINANCIAL AUTO LOANS WJLLAIiETTI CREDIT CO. Ml Sooth Chnrok Parkin s-Plewt? , P. 1441 Ua. rie. 11-UA, S-lt4 PRIVATE HONST Spill, I Ratea and Taras On Larter Loan. Lena aad Short Tub ParmenU Ot B. S1KUORS BO a Oommeralal St Ph 6-6111 LOANS UP TO $1500 on Sltaatur. Purnltur. Cir AT PERSONAL 111 ft- promptly tl ployed men or womin. 1-rtslt lou . . . phon (Int. Too Mltct bert payment l. BtWn yard., loans. roant, imi r MM lb tvuati Personal Finance Co. 1H . HIOM ST.. 8AUQI IUU Umdh Xom. -111. M-ltt loan oyer 0300 p to lltoO and up to an moauu 10 rapar made by paraonai finance Co. 61 Marlon Count? nndtr tho XnovatrUl Loan Companlas Act of Orwon. rll STATE FINANCE CO. NEED CASH? If ee, oee ua today, conjoiidata your abta Into ONB parmanl monthly with entailer parmenta. Oet Is touch with ua toaay, S-116 PHONE 14111 H-1U 167 So. High St., Salem, Ore. too" Ua. S-lll and M-Ilt and ROT H SIMUONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Beer "too Trade," 11 Dellr KSLU 1160 EC OENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS Ut S. Commercial St. ToL 1-0161 5 Interest If you have Idle fund, teeklnt Invcet ment, then ycu are the trpe of perton to whom we ean bo of aarrlee. For over Twenty-flea Yeara wt have been helplnt people In tbu oommanlty find profitable work for their money. Durlnt thla period w. have promptly paid 00 eeavl-annnal taterwt paraeate totalllnt many Thousand, of Dollar,. Wa are currently partni INTERE0T on nnoj from AUO to ttOOO. General Finance Corporation lit S. TOlaUERCIAL ST. alas. Oraton Phone 1-0161 BBS DB POR PARK. CITT or ACRXAOB LOANS BEST OP TERMS WE BUT Real eatatt moruata, at tonlractt. State Finance Co. in , ruth st. pn. itui HOUSE TRAILERS WANTED Lata model It to H it traUer Bouaa. will pay caah. Olva full detain boo location, atuton zahr, Rt. L Albany. tall Buy . . . Banaln, . . , Bell LANA LANS TRAILER PLAZA Trade , 1140 Lanceoter Ave. . Rental tall" WILL SELL 64100 equity In 1601 Liberty house trailer for 01000. Ph. 46116. 650 Tayoir tta. taio1 ML. SUBURBAN HOME, take lata model uouse Trailer as down payment. Lana Lane Trailer Plata, 1940 Lana Ave. ta w....ei,e,e MACHINERY NEW MISCELLANEOUS TTt-16 parta nwuvr iraine. mainapnnt, ix irons Idler. Discount. O. wlrth, tool CaacMe Dr. Ph. 43181. v CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ADD1NO MACHINE All makes used machines told, rented, repaired. Roen, 066 Court. Ph. 1.(771. o" BULLDOZING BulMoalnt road, clearlnt teeth. Vlrtlf Muskey. loio palrvlew, Ph. 1-1140. CASH REOI8TES8 Instant delivery ot new RCA cash rag Isters. All makes, sold, rented, repaired. Roen, 458 Court- Ph. 3-6771. o DRESMARINO Alterations, bemstltchlni. but tone, buckles covered, buttonhole!. Mrs. H. M. AUander. 2-M11. 064 DRIVINO INSTRUCTION Learn to drive the HEaay Drive" way CaD or at Mr. Rlekard. Valley Motor Co.. Salem. Phono $2147 or 45174. EXCAVATING Ben OtJen Son. Excavatlnt, fradtni, land clearinc. Phona 3-SO80. ooo INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS Fork-lift trucka. Inside and out We work. Hyiter, Clark, Mobile lift. 2000 and 4000 lb. machines. Br dar. week or month, ph. 3243$. Capital City Trans fer. INSULATION Insulation, weatheratrlpa, storm aaah. screens. Free estimates. T. Pullman. Phone S-5M9. otjo MATTRESSES Capitol Beddlnc. renovates. Fun Une new mattresses. Ph. 24060. o OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chain, files, mini supplies, safes, duplicators, supplies, duk lampa, type, writer stands. Roen, 484 Court, o SEPTIC TANKS U Ike's Septic Service. Tanks cleaned. D' rooter cleans ttwera, drains. Phone I-H68. oab. Bamel's septic tanks cleaned, line eerv lea. Guaranteed work. Phone 27404. o47 Sawsr. septio tank drains cleaned. Ro- "" ori new. faunm a-Mf TELEVISION TV Sales. Service. Antenna. 1870 Lana Ave. Phone 4-5932. o36 IT IN DOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. Industrial floor waxing, nou see leaning Phone $-2227 247 Court r TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Remington, horaL Un derwood portables. AU makes used ma ahloea. Repairs 4k rent Roen. 4M Court FARM EQUIPMENT ONE HEAVY DUTY MW tractor, ploa and cultivator, 1250. 2122$. qb38' Mccormick it-to tractor and imple ment, toocj condition, box 44, capital Journal. ...i TRUCKS 1640 roRD pickup. Oood runnlni eondl- uoo. ror aeie or trio lor tood work oar. 6160 Call 41151 aftar 7:1 p.m. Odl7 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BAVIN Q RADIATOR TROUBLEf Valley Moiw vo. experts wm solve rour prob lems and save rou mone;. Free etii- macaa, speeor erwoe. center st Liberty, SPECIAL AUTO USED PARTS Motors, radiatoro, fenderi, axles, bodies, fears, batteriei, etc. Acme Auto & Truck Wreckers 3555 Portland Road REAR BAB SHOP DRTVI-IK AUTOMOBILES 140 MERCL'BT 4-4oor. Verr clen. H to be n to appreciate. 81100. Phone 41181 before ooo, 41411 after 100 em. 017 IMI CHEV. Mont, d lux modal. Power tilde, back-up Mthtt .and direction 1 Mtbttt Pnoo S-IU4. sir j AUTOMOIILK HI, NEIGHBOR!! Come on out. and 48 Ford Tudor. RVH...M5 '46 Plymouth ...$495 48 Pontisc. RcVH $095 '46 Dodge. RcVH $791 WOLVERTON'S USED CARS 2500 NOT QUITE A DIME A DOZEN But these A-l used cars are pretty darn cheap 1948 Ford Custom Sdn. A-l $995 1948 Oldi. Club Cpe. R&H, Hydra, dr.. 845 1949 Pontiac Con". R&H 1395 1948 Stude Commander Tudor. O.D. 945 1950 Ford De Luxe Tu dor. O.D 1840 1950 Ford 6 Cuttom Sdn. R&H 1285 1946 Hudson Super-8 Sdn. O.D., R-H . . 475 1946 Oldt. 76 Sdn. R-H, Hydra, dr. . . 665 1949 Buick Super Sdnt R-H 1X45 1949 Chev. Dt Lux Tudor. R-H .... 1095 A-l Used Cars are guaranteed for 6 mo. or 6000 miles in writing. Valley Motor Used Cars with PHONE 33147 CENTER $for$ You Can't Beat Our Car Deals for Value! '49 PONTIAC Club Coupe. Radio & DOWN A MONTH heater, clean throughout $402 $44.74 '47 FORD Sedan and Club Cpe. DOWN Radio & heater, seat covert $235 '47 PLYMOUTH Sedan. Radio & heater DOWN See this buy today. $235 '49 OLDSMOBILE Hydra., radio & heater DOWN A MONTH One owner, low mileage $525 $58.48 '46 CHEVROLET $595 Radio &h:ater ..DOWN A MONTH Priced to sell $208 $33.13 ALWAYS THE BEST FOR LESS AT Kelly Owens Pontiac TRADES 660 N. LIBERTY Easy Terms To Suit Everyone! Fine Selection! 1952 Nash Rambler Station Wagon $1993 1951 Cadillac Cpe. de Villa 3977 Low mileage, real iharp. 1950 Buick' Sdn. Spec 1795 R&H, Jet black, white wall tirei. 1949 Cadillac 62 Sedanette 2395 R&H, white wall tirei. 1951 Ply. Club Cpe. Cranbrook 1595 Two of these. Sharp. R&H 1949 Chev. Spec. Club pe. Original black 1195 1948 Dodge Fordor. 23,000 actual miles 1095 1949 Ply. lub Cpe. R&H 1195 1948 Chev. Fordor Sdn. Heater 895 1947 Dodge Fordor. R&H 895 1946 Mercury Club Cpe. Real nice 795 1946 Chev. Fordor. R&H, black 793 1948 Kaiser Fordor Sedan 795 1947 Ford Cpe 595 1949 Chev. Pickup. Clean 1095 1947 Chev. Pickup. 4-apeed 895 1947 Ford Pickup. Sharp .' 795 Buzz Cheffing Motor Co. ' Across and South of Legion Club 2645 SO. COMMERCIAL PH. 41621 1040 HUDiO for tola or wis trad, eavity for older oar ts tood ooadltton. Low mtleate. new ore and very titan. Baey term aad task Oststot, PR- MA sir AUTOMOIILtS get acquainted. 4$ Ford $ $95 '(1 Ford Tudor $1495 '50 Ford. R4H V$1S95 '49 GMC 1-T. Panel.. $1095 SO. COMMERCIAL 1949 Ford Sdn. O.D, not too (harp . .$ 865 1950 Chev. Conv. A dandy ........ 1495 1950 Olds. Clb, Cpe. 88. R-H, Hydra, dr. . . 1745 1951 Mercury Sdn. R-H, Merc-O-Matk ... 1995 1950 Ford Tudor R-H , 1345 1952 ford vslvt-ln-hesd 8. r,h,o.d., loaded. 1095 1952 Ford Mainline For- dor. R-H 1995 1949 Mercury Clb. Cpe. R-H, O.D. 1195 1948 Ford 8 Super Dlx. Sdn. R-H 795 1950 Ford Custom S Sdn. R-H, O.D. . . 1399 Used Car Mart a Personality AT HIGH SALEM $1195 $695 A MONTH $39.73 INTH .73 $695 NTH .73 A MONTH $39.73 $1595 TERMS PHONE 24113 t 100S CRET. TWO-BOOB sedsa. ReiH. at 1081 rKdieT Chsmylon paa Cpo. Law taUaats. ButtM Kitt, JIIlra, AUT0M0IILES Never! NEVER! Never! SO MANY GOOD USED CAR BUYS! UM BTJDBOef BORN1T SEDAN. ' RADIO. BXATaTR, OVSaDBIVB, LOW IULSAOI. SBXDR1VS-SCTI . SMI HUDSON FXJPTTUSIX CCTTVIRTULB COOP. RADIO. HBATSL , OVERDRIVE. SHARP! TOO CAM TALK TO TBI MAN WHO 1MB- CHASXQ THIS CAR NEW. Mil HUDSON PACEMATBR SEDAN. RADIO. HEATER, OVERDRIVE AND AWPRRbtATTO SHUT. EEAUTIPUL TORRO BSD PINKU1. UM HtTDSON OOMUODORB I SBDAW. RADIO, HRATBR, OVamnUV 8UPBRA1ATT0 ORTVB HBW MOTOR. THIS CAB IS BPOTLBBSLY WIIB1BW. ALSO IMI MBRCDRY SDN. 1000 STUDS. V-l OLUB CPE. IKO OLDS. W SDN. MANY OTHER MAKES AND MODELS SHROCK MOTOR CO. "Where Chemeketa Goes to Church In Salem" Garage Phone 3-9101 Sales Yard 1-7923 ORVAL'S 16 ANNIVERSARY We Sincerely Appreciate Your Patronage over the Years THANK YOU! WE INVITE YOU TO COME IN AND SEE THE FINE SELECTION OF USED CARS WE HAVE TO OFFER. OVER 100 TO CHOOSE FROM ALL MAKES AND MODELS. ORVAL'S . . (The Lot with the Turntable) CENTER AT CHURCH STS. PH. 3-4702 DeSoto - Plymouth QUALITY USED CARS This Week-End's Specials 1941 DeSoto Sedan 295 4-door. Auto, trans., fluid drtra, heater. 1946 DeSoto De Luxe Sedan .... 875 4-door. Auto, trans., heater. 1939 Chrysler Sedan 195 t-door, htatar. 1948 Plymouth Special De Luxe Sedan.. 995 4-door, beetar. 1950 Chevrolet Dlx. Club Coupe 1445 Strl either. ROtH. MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM W. L. Anderson, Inc. 554 N. LIBERTY AUTOMOBILES IHl PONTIAC Catallna. Hrdramatle, low 017" mlleace. Phone 41810. NO DOWN PAYMENT ON APPROVAL OF CREDIT '47 Ford 8 Cpe 595 '41 Pontiac Sedanette ...$195 40 Chrysler 4-dr 195 '40 Chev. 2-dr 195 '37 Cadillac 4-dr. 195 37 Ford Club Cpe 125 36 Chev. 2-dr 95 ACROSS BT. A, SO OP LaTMON CLUB BUZZ CHEFFING MOTOR CO. 2645 So. Com'I. Ph. 4-1621 oil WILL PAT CASH for tood tl or '11 Buick Special, reetonablr. Call 8-4724 alter 1 p.m. li WANTKII Will lr up to ISO0 for 1638 Chrrtler. 1-6884, 1-8101. 018 II CHEV. OTTLEHAIITEa Club Cpe. Ex ceptionally clean. Phone 4-H61. tl6 41 DOIIGE SI motor. Ph. 18804, call Iter 6. 03 'It CllHTOM C'Ll'B Coupe Pord with over, drive, (xcellrat condition. 0 1 1 50. t0 rlrvlw Av. .8ta MODEL A. Oood work car. Call alt.r oil- 6:10 p.m. Ph. IMlt. 18M Ht'DKON 6, tood runnlni order. 048. Call 8864. 3T '41 BrlCR Speclsl. In food eondltlon. 00 rubber, fully Mulpped. Ph. tine '40 Bt'lCR Super Sedcnetl Drnrio, It. ooo mi. Price 61460. Call 10-61 -an: lint eve. 018' 50 NASH STATESMAN l-door. Radio, heater, Qrtrdrlva, bad, foam aaahlona $1245 MARION MOTORS 333 Center Phone 39286 017" MODEL A PORD New nbullt motor and transmUslon. Hur. bodr vrr tood. tot esn. Phon, nn. t" '80 CADILLAC 61 Sedn. Low nlleu. Ilk new. Tek older car trade-In. 1011 Liberty St. ,10 tl JEEP 4 WHEEL DRIVE STATION Oraton, low ntuaa. Take lata three tuarler or tot) pickup. Ph. 10041. alt '41 DELUXE Chevrolet coupe, 81160. Radio and heater At xlr. Ph. 462M. all' ttio Ctpltal JourtLiL tfaka, Oretoii, Thinu Feb. 12, IKS 21 0 Mil RASH RtMBl.SR tl rORD UlrVERTBSLB M4T CRTV. OLUB OPR. th PHONE 4-3492 AUTOMOBILES WANTED 1041 Chev. Club CP. Muat b clean, tood motor and tire. Ho repaint Job please. Will par cash and no trade In. Phone 41l. cas ual CHEVROLET t door Sedan Deluxe. Power lime, fully oeiulpped. Ph. 41111. oil BY OWNER, tood clean 1181 Cher. Sedan Delivery, ill, Madlaon. Phono 1647. Call alter 0 p ro. 40 CHEV. coup. Between 0 and 0 at loll . ueertr. ax. M FORD SEDAN Oood condition, new Urea, ' tntlne. Call 1-1084. alt CHOOSE YOUR CAR $50 DOWN SMALL PAYMENTS 140 CHBVBOLET COUPS 1525 1140 rORL TUDOR 1940 DB SOTO TUDOR 1931 FORD STATION WAGON 1939 FORD TUDOR McCALL'S , 1M . 16 , 144 , It 1117 BTATB 1-1160 IMI BUICK BOADMASTEB conv, A-l condition throuihout. Whit sld wall. Low mil., will take older oar In trad. Phono 17846 or 15111 !7 Four Youths Escape From Lebanon Cop Lebanon When night police officer Louis Fenner attempted to pick up four youths Monday night they eluded him and sped to Albany where they were In' tercepted by officers and re turned to Lebanon. Officer Fenner suffered minor bruises when one of the boys opened the door and pushed Fen ner from the running board on which he had been riding while directing the driver to the lo cal police station. They had nearly reached the station when he was thrown to the pavement. Lebanon Police radioed the Albany officers and the car was intercepted as It entered the city limits on U. S. highway No. 20. In custody at Lebanon are John Zimmerman, 18, and Rich ard Arlen Rhodes, 18, of Cor vallis; Floyd Benjamin Law, 19, Philomath, and David Homer Blakley, 19, of Selma in Jose phine county. The initial arrest was attempt ed at 11:4. p.m. on an after - lhours charge, ' 'IT 1 Fire Chief Quits Job Sows, tor 25 years s member of the Woodburn fire depart, ment has resigned effective March 1. He became chief la 1943. Woodburn Fire Chief Resigns Woodburn Ending 28 yean aatpvlMa taHtti Oh. WnfwItYiirn flraa department, Joe P.- Sows !- ignea as cruel at a special meet ing of the city council Tuesday' night The resignation was accepted with regret. Chief Sows announced that he -Is leaving the department to ea ter private employment. The resignation also remove Chief Sowa as chief of the Wood burn rural fire protection tU . trict. The resignation becomes ef fective March 1. Itinerant Held In Albany Death Oakland, Calif. W) A 17- ' year-cld Itinerant was held here Thursday for Albany, Ore., au thorities on a murder warrant la the death of Lot Hughes Gilmqra, -56. John Bob SturglU was arrest ed Wednesday at the home ot his sister, Mrs. Joephlne Tour chetta at RusseU City In south ern Alameda county. He was traced by a letter he wrote to Oregon asking that his unem ployment pay checks be forward ed to his sister's home. Sheriff George Miller of Al bany said SturgUl was accused ot clubbing Hughes to death In a fight during a drinking party at a hobo camp east ot Albany. Gllmore'i body was not found until Tuesday. By that time Sturgill had left. , DEATHS Mary Ann Haninrten In tola eitr reo. via, mmrr un ui ring ton, late resident 3440 Cherry Aa. Arrived by dauthten, lln. Foraat Wright, tfra. Imni B. Hale. Mrs. Ru dolph IMlon, all ol Salon; Mra. rvelrm Bradr of Portland: three ions. John A, Leelle of Weavervllle, Calif., Prank Xaa Jle of Portland, and Pat Leg la, Libbr, Mottlana: II trand children and area! crandehtMren. Recitation of Rosary Thursday. Feb. Uth at T:I0 pn. at tho chapel of W. T. R It don Co, .Solonn ro- au em niu will bo held at St. Tuoaai DePaul ehuroh Prvday, Pebruary Uth at li oo a.m. interment in St. naraoaraa oamatery. Qall vineaat M array oaii Vincent Murray, m a poruAnei hospital Peb. a. Lata rasldsnt of tUi W. 10th St.. Peru and. suvired by wire, Fv trlela Sahara Murray, Portland: mother Mrs. Den lie Murray Redden. Monmoathi two brothers, Berwln Murray, Kddrrlli Terry Murray. Loe Anteles, Calif.; trand mother, Mrs. Aanea Larson, Loa Anteles, Calif. aVrvloas in V. T. OoMan Chapol Prlday, Peb. 13 at t p.m. with Interment In Beiorast Memorial Park. Tba Bar. Set Hun tint ton will officiate. OBITUARY ma Baamtarear Woodburn Bill Bumtamar. au months Id son of Mr. and Mra. Barnard Bum tamer of Mill city, died Monday at a Salem hospital. The baby was born tm Portland Aug. 11, MU. Besides his pamts ha la aumved ay a brother, Phiupi trandparenU, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Meyer of Woodburn and L. W. Bumtarner, for- " woodburn. runerai sarricaa vara) hld WMbuodar. Pob. 11 at 11 .. at the Rlnto ohapel, followed by Interment la Bella Pmaal oemetery. I Mr. Oaten MeLeed Sllverton Mrs. neorto McLood, .0. alsur of tht lat W. B. Toner, and woU known hrt front bar froauont via' at at the Tonty home, died In her slr.p Prt day mornlnt, Peb. 0, it her M'.. Shasta rtdenco. Dtlvlna to, to attend th Mender afternoon service, maklnt th trip Sundr. wer Mr. W. B. Tontr. and th fmllr of a daucbter, Mr. and Mra. Alvln Muraws'l, of Vancouver. Waah., siaklnt th rturn trip horn. Tuesday. Mrs. Mcleod ha aa aurvlvori. on brothir, Prad Toner of Baker, Ore., s dRuthter. Mra. narene BrumfleM an4 three traoddaucntar ot Dttnamulr, CaUf. H.tUe B. B'.rkbarl Albany Hettl O. Barkbart, Tl. native of Albarr. died tl he Albitny Oeneral hosplt: Tuaaday. Th funrl will b at th ruber Puneral home at I p.m. Prb. dr. Burial will bo In Rlvrld oemetery. Mlaa Burkhart waa keenly Interested tR the eerly history of Albany and Oretoa. and waa a valued aouree of data int pioneer dor. Sh wta an onlr ohlld. th duthtr of Mr. and Mr. Ocono w. Burkhart. Flnuiarf tribute ot respect llVff 611 for the departed, an expression of comfort to the beresved DIAL 41692 GREEN THUMB FLORIST 321 Court 01 I I Lam. N O Dv o Chan DRS CHAN . LAM CHiNKSE NATUROPATHS UpsUits. 241 North Liberty Jflice open Saturdao oniy tO t in to 1 pjn t to 1 pjn Con lultatUon. bVood preeoure and urine tests are tree of enargt Practiced since 1017 Writ tot tttrsriivo alft Nn obOwstinn ft ins