-CapiU Journal, Saltm, Oregon, Thurs., Feb. 1219531 rOK SALE HOUSES 14,250-South High St Hit Buruelow strip tiu Ylew Vat, M br 114 ft. Pull taionl, Itnl ktteh- aa. ttnw mat, I Mim, hath. OU bMl D-i rawer to prerelef bad pare! U lenocajjea. um dowa mwu welt. SIB OK CALL FRANK TLAEM 1-8620 OR 4-2870 T McKillop REAL ESTATE i htm. taalde utU. Mr, feaeod-la par aad f eraee. (MM- PR. eaaj.. Go Suburban $6000 aw. sere. tMMA etuakea aooe. Terme. $7350 Mwi proper tr. M.a Utartr Bd. Clow la. H I $2200 Appro. UT ft. trentete 1 Llbertr JUL, iom to. Good tern, fenced. Tirm. B. Isherwood, Keaitor Wit Wallace Rd. I. - 7M DOWN Mew 1 bedroom home r awner. Space for a mora toon upauln. Lento kitchen wltb plant, bulltlne. oU beet, Una lot. attach, plaetered luan, cltr weter nd aewer. Coee to bua and eehoole. Located - i w,. Brnitx a! Mtlv.r- loo lad. Full price twit. Drtee bp end look, door if open, rwm .-. .J"; BUI oTonlnfe. " COItrUTlLI eUfferoat. I kadrooo. dea, tliinnr- double fireplace, pbjatblnf. lota an bua. MM iDobtao. elf nun BID ROOMS 1M WilM. Auto. OU Heat. HU tlT. Sua. till Dls. Rib. Ineulated. We. tana Oarafe, llt.eoo. P. H. A. or Ok I. X. A. MoOLAOFLTN BROKMl Ml X. Blf b t-tttl. BW. J-1 TP tula I bedroom, ar 1 bedroom and Una dan. central ban. double atunib tnf. doubla attach, eereae. eitre Una tooma and oloeete, blood hardwood IrUa. BJ pea want a bouoo In the 111,000 aUaa roa doflnltelr ehould aaa thla. lift Cjreeawor4 Drree. BaSdan Pbona -"'; room BOOM houee, am all lot, 174d. I pre. aid. Ph. tnu. N obtain At. Br 1 ACBB LOW DOWN PATMBNT S badroom boma, aloalr laadaeaped. ourlr but aarnea, on paremont. Call an, araalau 4JII4. Art Madeea Baajtr, MM atau; Ph. Mfttt - IMI1, all T OWNE1 Slleerton I-bedreoat boma, 1711. MM Road. 1-4004. f OB IALB-1-bedroom bouea la OorTtlf. partlr on(lnUtM. MIM lull print. Phwi. 34415 aalam after 4 p.m. alt ALMOST NEW. 1 badroom puttered boma. Bnflewood dlatrlct. Hdwd. floora, auto, waahar, forcad air boat. Att. farm. F. H. A. eommlttmanl. Ph. UMt. 17 I BEDROOM bouia wltb tall beeemeat, IU.500. 1MI Mtdatoa. Ph. 1-4IH. a7 MEW t BEDROOM boma. chaMa location. Birch kitchen, vardroba eolaata. oak floora throwhoat. Iruulatod, wasthar atlrppad. Cholea of auuida aolor. Ph. 1M14. PRICE REDUCED On ibla loralr loflowood boma. Ballt la '4S. I badrooma. kaottr plaa daa, tua bath, larta Urlni and dlntna room. Drapaa and tlraplaea, mirror laoladad. Full baaamaat with tlraplaea, OU boat, nlcalr Undieapad lot. Ill.tM. Oall Fat Bampar, 1-M7. 4. b. mmmai itaaitor. FOR SALE FARMS 1M A. MOSTLY UUabla. N.W. of Oamla. aia.ooo. o. K. liommoa. aoapaBaoaca. on FOR SALE ACREAGE BELL MT a acraa with I room bouaa, ta rt re. chleea bouaa, watar antam, loeatad 1040 Eajtur Bd. Frloa MTM for no down, or will lake food ear la trade. Phone 44414, areata iMM. rat FtVB AORBS At Cltr Umita, bad room boma. Vara, blekea bouaa, tUW. laM down, M a moatb. E. A. HcQLAtTFLIN BROKXR Ml N. Htfb 1-M11, Bta. 1-M14 bolT View property future home site M Acraa 1st mlVat from Waal aalam. Out Orehard Halt hta road. No bulldlaea. Tarma. O. M. wlUlama. Be. a. Bel Wt, phone 4-40J1. bk41 REAL ESTATE REASONABLE PRICE OtfHforttvblo 4-room bono (t bod Moa(. try nieo ktuhon diclnf oom- biBoiles. Oonpltto both with atoll bowor. ebtelootd otilltT room. Oood ooa Utlon Iniido, noodt point ontildo. Oo toco, workohop. M i 110 loi. Mu bui ad otoroo. Prlco H.SH. BUSINESS LOT Ba. t aaao. Fared, a" em eat. ttiN. Oa aser at at oaioB at. 10 ACRES Winomotto loom, o-yoor-old 4-room tbomo with botb. XtouUtod woothor trtppod. Oood tVoUaMhlom bus wltb trlnkini oupo. It 0-hoe pooltrr bouM. Broodtr bouoo. om I -room bovoo for urroao. otiutloo. 1H ooroo orchord. llb-fU oojod wU. FrlM IU.IO0. 85 ACRES H mllto from tolom. Toor-round twoom, fair t-room bouoo, food born, family orcbord. t larta ohodo trooo ta front rord. Wo btlttvo iho iroimd with mil ttroom lo wortb ooklni yrtoo ll.M. E. J. Zwashka I-40JI Rtalior 114 Oraat at. IT'S NICE Wall vlonnod conrtottntlr toeoted vtrrthini yoa oiport In a bomt. Two hodroomt. full boiraimt, outo oU boot, firtpioct. dinlni room, tntlblr priced BIG FAMILY Wtod tiro bodroomaf Oleoo In tttl w new you tnu nome lta onlr ptooo. LOCATION One of tho boot for tchoole Knelt- wood. Pmrrtih junior hlih. aonlor hub 11 within walklv dtotonco. Throe bo. rooTia, hoMmrat, new fumoco, (tiwplMo. TRADES 14 ocret wltb rood two bediwoi homo toio nomo in town oo port. Loreir throo bedroom; couth fkeltm, vmiuo lij.foo Toko two bedroom up AO00. In esehonoe. DENTON & DENTON 144 Uto St., Rooltort. rhono m Xro. ph. UT1 14007 1M05 cST .MED ADVEBTISINO Per Ward fa Per Ward, I Ilea If, Per Word, t tlmaa tea Per Word. I a. to lb ft, N. Rafaade Mlabaeai It Weraa. SEADCRS-ta Leanl New, CM. Oalr Pat Serl te MlataiaBi II R erda Ts Place Ad la Sari. Dart Paper, Phon. I ttOS aVfart 1 B.tn. REAL ESTATE QUALITY PLUS tttt like aew. FtUl baaMnanl. U"l fir treva aeuiaf. ttt" " tlraolacaa. Offered for aale te aloaa aatau. I eedroome one near. Tlila i, latalr. Frlae tn.too. Ideal lee ahud aa alaet It'e ao dead-end at. A NEAT HOME n. d kpruiio. Fireplace. aaie lot. Unfit rard and fhruba. l Z bur OU bt. Jl IttJ F. B. A. tfrata. Jfru reduaed la 111. Tea- Near State Hospital And a auto borne. Terr flaaa. fire plat. badrooma. apaaloue lot. Bitra CSr for work abop. Chlakaa beuae. oualda flreplaae. I bike, w faoeet. Itma. Full price M.tw. $750 DOWN Walxlnv dlataaaa from down town. Full bwameat. Could oefllr ka aoarara ed to duple. Forced air ell furnace. Oeraee. Older true but we counter tola a terr food bur lor enlr " 8-Bedroom, Basement Wall to wall ear-pat. Furnace. I ear arate. lit balha. 1 bit U aehool. Uwn and ahruaa. Pared et. Corn or lot. Full price aaU aaoOO. Terau. $1000 DOWN Older trpo borne m at. Tlnoenl Diet. 1 ellra larta corner lota. loned for apta. could eaaUr oe chanced to oual natf. Inn. pore. Bouaa rarr Ureebla. Baa flreplaae. Full price IMM. SACRIFICE apetlaoetr eleaa. Imt like aew. Isatde alrr. Owner delperaM to fall able real onto and eitra wall built boma. Offered for leee tbaa F. B. A. or o. L appralaaL OC beat, atone throw from febeol. Lett e pallttaa. Tea ecu I mlaa. TRAILER PARK Ta a fine weatloa. 1 trallor apacea. Almoet aew duplea. Oltr aewer. Borne furniture. Verr low arerhaad. Owaar will aaoept boma p to riooo. aa part parmant. Full price onlr 114. 000. EVEN A PESSIMIST Could aaa the poerwlllMee en Una aaa. 1 triplet, 1 duplea, 1-bedroom beuae. 1 double, I elnele aarace with ulllltr room. Oaraae bldr. ranted for MS. per mo. New potential Income tsao. par mo. Owner laaTuw tuta. FuU Priea fair (W.ooo. CAUi FOR Daw ISAAK, BVB. FH. a-M3, Or MR. KlOOINd. BVE. FH. a-atft or MR. CRAWFORD, EVE. FH. 4-WU. If ao anawar tall 4-1341. 6 AND 3,4 ACRES trr iom ta. Modern, oldtr rv t bedroom houM. S Urt tsUeken houM. Barn. Extra 1 bvdroom tlmoit ntw beuM. Broodtr houM. 4k aeret stTsw btrrlM. LeU or fruit trow. ThU li oc4 Uftlnc PuU prictj lU.OM. 85 ACRES M trader ni1ttTUon. Modern I bod room fcomt. MtchlBO ihtd. Bora. 29 Mm undtr trig ft U on. Acbool bm. TnU lrleo lli.SC. 1 ACRE Tarp aloaa m aorta. Modern t bed room bouae. Tarp food eoadltloa. AU. tareae. Chicken bouaa. Deep well. Lota of ehruba. Fed. rd. Oood aolL Full price M.ISO. CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS. BVB. PH. l-47. If no anawar call 4-1341. MORTOAOI LOANS It Tear Maturltr Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phonea 4-3311 or J-Hlt 3036 PORTLAND ROAD Bra. Phonea 1-473S. 4-54S4, 4-5OT0 or J-3l X ao anawar. phone 4-1341 ell HOMESEEKERS AGENCY . SPECIALS Sllverton. Oregon Kent Better, 4 rma. ond both, itrtco. ttr wotor. lujt outaldo cltr limltt. isoo aowa ftico ibh 4 R. tfc both, two bloeka from buatneu ooetlon of BUrorton. Houoo In food rt- .Lr. Idool for olderlr couple.... 4w Almott fun ocrt on oorntr. Both itroeto pored, a rmo. both. Wired for riHi. 44 boaoinent. furnoco. Plot- tortd .fireplace, double farue. Lota of troot tna amniDt. Met location. Near Cotholit churca t9M0, terma U ooro. ntw t-rm. eb both. Hordwood flooiw. outomotlo furnoco. cemtnt fouiMUtion. Wlrod for rante, etc. rmm- Ur fruit, nice locoUoo. A real buy. 17150 About I terea. noitlr oulttroted. bodroom modern home. New drilled well .Other buUdlnta. Borne furntih- tnn. Cloto ta on povtuent. A nkre ountrr home II ooroo. over btlf cultivated, oood o-rm. modem homo. Double fovooe, orn, onicRaa nouoe, etc. cioio in. oo voiuo U,7oo 40-ocro Toiler form. All cultivate! Oood 1-rm. modern homo. BiummL lurntco, compieto netcnery ond equip- mtnt. o lono botchery bulMinti food Condition. Also barn and othr, bulldlngt. ThU ! one of tho beat Wa.ooqjj iwai iini una. nrsr .rm. m nawr omi .S tro'f o oofidyt Vowell Prolvlf form. I t oeroa. nearly oil cultl-ottd. Highly atveiopod to Ineomo ototjo. Irritation, tt. orotk. Bxcelient coll, food 1-rm. two oowia, ruu otoement, outomotle fur noco. etc. ' i 60 born, chicken bouae, new looftnr thod. ooblnf. If you wont Iho boit, ooo UUo 140.000 Write tt ooll tor our Uetinf tnUotla. Boforo you buy or foil, CONTACT THE HOMESEEKERS AGENCY BILVERTON, OREGON 3-Bedroom HOME ISOt dowa ond balance like rent Kitro food tocotloa cloat to 17th D a.re.i. aut - 4oor. All loorto room. neat bw otoroco fpoco, $2450 Pul prtoo for bondr man tpedol. A Itttlo work oob greatly locretao vtlnt of thla property ineldt dty lrmiu ona oao flock to but lint. 2-BDRM. & 3o ACRE Juat outalde lty ond cloie to new oehool. A roomy ond comfortable homo ow b corner with both etrtte pared. b wnuiaaainf our ot onlr 14300. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE P01 South Rich Bt Phone l-tfol Phoae erenlnaa: 4-im, l-tru, 4431,. 1-3164 cJT It ACRE. TRADE OH SELL xeellent eon HE with 1-bdrra. wid lta plea, boma Separate dm. room, bwd. floora. Att. laraae. staked aldtnc. tlt.ooo. .r ttada tor home or income propertr. H acre, liaet down Reduced tiooo tor eulck aele. x-bdrai. borne B. aar Shopptof Center, anheolt nd bua. Varl.tr of fruit. Haa beuae. lane tarace. Onlr ttoot. 4 BORUH. ON MAIN fOOOtt-tMOt Drlre br 3734 Mahrt Art. but da not bother rent.re. Thte tt a verr tood bur. Not the beat of oonatructloa but ftn- lahed aad rlten Inalde end aut Loeatad B. near Shopplne Center, bua. achoola. Reduced from ttoot. About Hoot down. Allen C. Jones, Realtor Ml ft. Blfk St. Ph. I-UX, ETta. l-lta et7 tot NORTH FRONT Bono 4 bueineee eorntr. Let ttxlSt. taut. Walter Socolol.tr Real aetata REAL ESTATE Roy Todd Real Estate COUNTRY HOME Lerelr abate hat. 14al4 Uriap. dlaetta or kit. aamblaa. Ue. adrau.. dn. utllltr. f area a. I aa. of verr ferule trauad. aereral pauat fruit trace. Onlr Ittot. Call Mr. atmpaea. talaamaa. LESLIE DISTRICT Jual four klka from Junior Bl. la aaaelleat leoallaa. t adrau. 4 pre. eld. Lta. Iltla at dlataf eomklat Ooarealentlr arraaead kit.. tlUltr. flaaaad la breeaetftr at att. earafe. Lta. feaced-la back rard. Bauat tt made out of eemeat kleake. retee. oaU Mr. Taaderrart, talaamaa ENGLISH STYLE 4 klka. ta atcKlaler fab. Biff Urtad with flreplaae. Dlalaf. kit., warMf of buut-taa. Dea. lta maater kdraa. Ue. alaaela. BaU with tua Or. ana kdrma. bait bath up. FuU keamt. OO fura. Buakaa fardea. Akua daaaa af akrubt. Ilt.aof. Call Mr. aimnaoa, aalaemaa. CHOICE ENQLEWOOD l-bdrm. bauft with flaared attic. Matter adrm. ltilt. Ue. Brlat at eUnia aamaiao. Fuaplece. AU. aarace, uBUar. caa ka a ar t-Mrm. ' kome. Oau aaeee. call Mr. Todd. GRADE A DAIRY 44 Af. excellent fan. an feaaed Ar aaltrratad, food Irrlf alias wall. 1-kdrm. modera borne, atla, PMchtae ahad, abop. food fltaaahloa bara. It aewe mar ba ukea aa aharee. Oood deal tar earn teat al lla.1te. Can Mr. Ruea, efltamaa ROY TODD, REALTOR ttt atau Street Offlet aboaf 1-tltl a. pheati atmpeaa Hat: Booh l-Wltl Taaderrart t-OUi Todd i-mi 1 BEDROOM COULD BE THREE May bo the onawer to your mroblom of obtflntac f ttoree-bedroom homo ot o reoMtuohlo prteo. Homo boo bordwood nooro. Injide utility, fully pita torod with portly flnUhod t bodrwaau up. Tot. "mad oa oxtro tot foto wllb thlf for ITtM. Coll Tlbbotto. LOOKING FOR VALUE? HERE IT IS! poolouf I -bedroom owburbaa homo oa ataf Uroo lot, bordwood lloerf, outomotle oil boot, oil pUftorod. tntflotod, weothorttiipped. Bit dowblo doori, oztrt Urge oomb. mtiatr ond pUyroom, S yooro cid. Prteo If omlr ctu Jim. COZY 2-BEDR00M, CLEAN & ORDERLY Beit of IffrfUooplnf on Mf double lot root with thto ohormlnf t-bodroom oily homo. There ro o number of Toluoblo beorlnc fruit trooo, lot l Ton roes thru ho and flower a. Homo If hi tho boot of ooadlttoB with ooto. oil boot bordwood nooro, tntulotltm, oto. lrteo iMlodlAf doublo lot, MoOO. Homo in 4 yotn 441 Coll Jim. 30 ACRES 18 14 Aoroo on BiiTor orotk, located bttwotn beont, fair building a, oa tzctpUonoUr poo of toTmf. Hurry ond foil Chot. FOUNTAIN Ono of tho flnoet moner-moktrf ta door to m theater, wull prlco 15600. Coll RAWLIN'S (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT, REALTOR) Mtt IT. Capitol Offlet faunae-: l-ett or 4-1 Btenlaf jtm Tlbbetta p-VUt Grabenhorst Specials P1UC1 RBOCCBD. 40 It Alas a. Bntranoe hall, Ut. nalltB with fire, lace, kdrma. 14 s It and 11 a 14, eommodlotif cloeeta, into rated fad weatb. aralrlpped, lj acta plbf., lot It a Ut, alaelr landaoapad, met loeaUoa. Immediate poaaaaaloa. Prloa now lll.tot. CALL PI I'd OXiaZR, BALB. MAN. . FATRMOONT DISTOICT Ue. corner lot, beaatlfullr landacaped. Older dtrle 4-bdrm. borne la food aoadltlon throut boat. Mew oil furnace Juat re aeatlr mataDed Plaaaant owtaldt ftraplaee. A eoatfortakla faallp boma. Frloa 111,100. Ta ace thla CALL S. K, LATMOM. BALEBMAN BEATJT1FUL SETTOia with back, round of ttately black walnut treat: excellent l-bdrm. wltb partlallr floored attic that aaa be llnlahed with two bdrme. at bath. Loralr Ur. rm. with flreplaae. kltohea, wltb dta. area, toilet, bath and ahowar. Aato. foreed-alr oil furnace. ThU eoold ba Juat what rou are looklnt for. CALL 1. B. LAW, SALEBMAlf COORT INCOMS-Twt reart aid. Beat and flaaa. unlta. I faralahad, I far area. Frloa tll.MO. OALL PETE OHSBR, SAUSMAN GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS Brenlnco th Ul a Ubertp St. Fete Oeiter l-nw t. B. Law l REAL ESTATE Center St. Realty OLD HOUSE TWO OOOD LOTA In No. I bualneia goat. A dandy location for o rental court or other bualnuo. Bo euro to tea thlf. Only 14.004. HOME AND INCOME TWO HOUSES on ono lot, toch wltb two btdroomo ond ottoched t trace. Two ond tlx ytara old. Ono la furnlahed. Live In one ond rent the other, or rent both for 12 per month. Nice loca tion ntor Hoaywood. Price 913,000. Borne Urmi. NEW HOME - NORTH SIX ROOMS Two lorto bedroom ond den. oeporoto dining room. Mwd. floora thruout. fireplace, forced-air beot, ot toched gortta. eVo thla now ond telect your own Interior ond exterior colore. A rool buy ot lll.ooo. r.HA. term. CENTER STREET REALTY 1141 Conic? Bt. Bra. ph.: Ola t-TtlS Phone 4-4411 Brtfht l-im alt Englewood Ntw 3 -bedroom houit will bo con pletod la 30 dtra. Purehoaer moy hove choke la dfcoratinf ond otitaMe point. Hoe lorct kitchen with nook, dining room, aptrloua living room with fire place, double gorttt ond full bojtement with out om a tic oil furnace. Buernent hat fir-place In porlr room orea ond alio hot, plmnbinc routhed-lu for od dittonat both. Located In oil new real-1 Identlol ore near oehool. Bug ear rice to oicellent. $14000. Maximum finont- STOCK FARM t0 ocret In permanent poaturo ond 10 ocret la her. 4-bedroom houst with full buement, good well, large hay born, fenced and eroao-fenced. Lorated on Highway 44 only II mutt oouth of Salem. ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER 411 MASOMO BUTLDINd Real Bilato inauranee Mortaaae Lnana Phone Mill Braalnaa l-tlot EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE Moving to Portland? Wa will accept your Salem horns In trade on one of Oregon City's lineit homei. Hss everything wished for. 3 large bedrooms, double farage, picture win. dows, large living room, fine dining room, breakfast room, superb kitchen, patio, outside fireplace, rock eries, beautiful shrubbery, automatic sprinkling sys tem. If you want gracious living, this is it WM. BLIVEN & CO. 647 N. High St. phont 23017 Evenings: X477I - Mr. Holmes FOB SALS OB TBADS-TW. kedraomt. Una Urlat room, tttchea. bathroom, utllltr. ertprei. V, acr,. 4 ml. out Wal ler, road, tetot on trade oa t-hedroom home eaat ar aorUteeat, ph. 1-4111 ea REAL ESTATE IRRIGATED Solom fad BllTtrton, 11 ocret d buy tor fiT.000. Tho boot LUNCH tho city of Soltm. Locotod Btxt Cbtt for oppolntment to tec. REALTY ' 4-lTM paonea 1-atlt Buadon foil Phono 1-3471 - llll B. K. Lamoa I-I4M REAL ESTATE SULLIVAN IMItl Itlllt ItlltlU tlllltlt llllllllttl Ultfltltl lltltlllll llllllllll FARMS "SSSlSSr HOMES UtlllUlttMlttlltlt Ituttmi it ttuiutit IIMSIS! II ItlltlU 4IIII4 1$ lllltl II II TWO ACRES oa Lane a iter. Thla la country living ot lta baat. chicken home, oeporoto doublo gtroge ond good a- bedroom hoist. Thla houoo hat a atate veterana loan, which oan bo ffiumed or ft new loon tocured. 91100. 91000 DOWN n-t yaari old. Wall-to-wall oorptt. rirtploct. Cloao to grade and hLgh.ochooL Kxceptkmol Toluo hero. 11710. 40ft UDBUX Tho elder-typo homo rou have been looking for. Near Buth tchooL Owntr will trodo for duplex or will foil for 94,400. DUPLEX A very found lovtttmtnt Koch apartment boo 9 bedrooma. Build' lnr Interior ond exterior la excellent condition. Adjoining lot, olio toned for a duplex, included la tola. 111.404, toko homo la trolo. THRBB BBDROOITS-outh near Ue Xlaler ochool. Lorto kitchen ond 1150 oo. ft. Heat to oil forced -air. Owner win toko bouoo up to li.too om trodt. 911.000. BUSH SCHOOL Thla S-bedroom home will pleoto. Fenced yard, unftnlobed up atalrf, WMtbtraUtpped ond tnouloted. Will trodo for larger home, gf.ioo. fha termf. will tokt coro on dowa payment. 41 AORBS Turkey, poultry or dairy form. Farm hat Amity ond Willamette toll. Clott la, north of Salem, bedroom homo with full boaement excellent condition. Oood barn ond 4000 oq. ft. in brooder houie. $39,004. Terma. 900 ACRES-Polk county. All fenced. Oood 7-room home. Outbulldlnta In fair condition. 100 head oheep ond aomo farm Implement Included. $33,000. 911.000 down. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN, REALTOR 911ft Portland Rood Ph : 4-9633 Ph. tvea.; I-1JJ7, J-4071, 4-JJ, 4-1154 c TERT DESIRABLE Thla t bad room horn, haa both a Urine room and a dlnlnt room. Alao an attic, and two lota, ret can be bouiht tor moo p. h. a A U CO LAD PL IN REALTOR N7 H. Rlah 1-IIU. Bra. I-Mlt rJ7 Journal Wont Ads Pay EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE all roa trade OR LEAIE One aalt at wheal lead hi Columbia Satin prelect earn te taws, trrlf aUo. wait, la ditch REAL ESTATI NELSON U1000 DOWN I B ZDHOOUA K Kit Kit Thto omoil foar homo it otiuotod a a roiilnf bnoU oTerlooflBf oountrreido. Add to oed grow with tommuaity. FuU prtoo ttftP. Ooll biro. Woottta. 3 BEDROOMS 1JBHLI1 DuTTRICT fuel think. I bedreoma. fall dlalnt M UuMtaat. all furnace, bard, flre- Jtd klka te eehooL root, tltft dwa. Caa Mre. weettea. KEIZER OHOICB OF BITYB Waat room to breothtf Thoro ta plenty of room la thtto S btdroomo a 11) ' oa4 kltohea HI s It). AttrooUvo root ftil Uvm room wtth fploco. Ttt, ot octrlo diabwoaher forboeo dMpoaol oeo olao. Largo lot tj m n. au iot 110.400. COll AL WtlU, -T34. DRIVE BY 10H ORBBNWOOO tumbling red thako homo with 1 lorto bodroemo large dea. t full tiled botho. You will thoroughly enjor tho orrongtmtntg of tho oeporoto llrlng ounrttro with oomplttoly titro kKehta ond both. Two hornet In ono. Thto homo to different. Itoduced tlfOb to 11.000. CiU for fppt. NELSON & NELSON anrnALTZoro bualtorb M B. Blfb at. Fb. t-IMt alja lt.Wt TO IM.OM BOMBS '"VV USTBO FOB BALI ,;t CALL SEVERIN REALTY Little Farm Home m ACRZ8 of farden. fruit, frtpeo, duck pood. Well built homo of 1 rocoaa. It 1 located elote la and caa bo yourg for only 1 11.100. Ttimt. AU-Purpose Farm flt ACRXS of beovordom aad WlTlam 'Otto out. AU irrot etftd with full wotor rlghU from aover-folllnf creek, Moko excellent truck farm or dairy. Lovely well-built modera "oom homo with t bodroomf and hot water heat. Crodo A dairy bom, milk bouae, chicken houoo, oad tenant houao. Rood gtoad for ooUlas Off, Totetobleg oad auto. Small or chard. All irrigation wlpmont, pumra. troctort, borrow, fproodor, diak, mllk tef oqulpmont, la fact everything to run tho form. Thto txctptlonti farm to located within mile of Kelxor oa pared rood. Eut etrTtet and elty wotor, plus creek. Duo to Injury, owner mutt oeU. It to a too! bargain at 431,100. There to 140.000 la the form clone. Country Home ONI of tho better homos, aMom om market. Loeatad among lovely trooo. Xtorto living room, dlalaf room aad tho nlcett kitchen oad nook. Hot point diabwoaher ainkt. 3 bodroomf ond room for S more If wonted, Tne entire boto ment finished. Summer kitchen, laundry, bath, and a lormt knotty pine recrea tion room with flmloco. Beat of heat. dtooblo inrulotod and woothtntrlppod. 3 -car garage oad tool obtd. When yon eo It you know that It to worth tho money. A food buy ot $33,800. Beans Fishing Ducks 49 ACRBB of tho moot unuaual montr moker o round Saltm. 10-ocro loko full ot trout ond boat. 3-acro Picnic crave tbi boat rantol. 1ft acroa of beeno to gether with oil Irrigation equipment, t octal of atrawborrltt. timber, tlx-room homo .machine ahedt b outbldga., 3 troctort, usual form equipment. Income about 110.000 not annually. All for only 934,000. Income Properties Apartment Oourta 1 Ten Unit. 1 Twelve, near high ochool i Three TJnlt ond lovely 3-bed-room home. I Ten Valt tnd I-room quality homo. II Unit apartment near Jhopplng center. 90 x 334 plus alley bualneia lot, 3300 block. State St. Ideal Cllnlo Site. West Salem Homes QUALITY BUILT S-room homo with 3 bedrooma ond ottoched garage 95 x 115 -ft. lot. Thla home it an ex ceptional buy at $8,750 on terma. Another 5-Room Home t BEDROOMS, party room In bue ment with fireplace, lorgt living room, dining room and pleasant ftep-aaving kitchen. Patio with fireplace, apr Inkier tretem.' Owner will trodt for 3 or 4 bedroom home Knilewood dlat. ond pay amerence. Ready for a dcol ot 1 14.0O0. Suburban LOVELY B-room homo near ochool but. The Interior decoratlont In thto attractive borne will gladden your heart. ! Livin groom with fireplace, dining orea, S bedrooma. Work-aavlng kitchen. The neweat. cteaneat ond moot economical heat, RADIANT. Ho cold floora hero. Utility and garage. Veteran telle for lew than ho paid. $900. Term. View Home Sites Do rou wont to build your homo high on a hilltop within 4 milea etc t of Salem, with view over city, volley and tnoun talnaf Water guaranteed. Paved rd. Acreage oil la permanent pasture, year old. A place to build for contentment, keep a few White Pace ond horaoa. There are 3 plota of ft acraa each ot 43.600. or will tell entire 1ft ocret to ooo buyer tor 97.000. Take late model car oa port payment, Severin Realty Co. 31ft N. Rlfh 4-4043, Evct. 3-ftHft Ur. Klang 1-3313 Mr. ifooa 1-7493 C39 WANTED REAL ESTATE f . IV F ARE tn need ol good house to sell. in or near saiem. If rou wtB lo list rour property for sole, sec ORABKNHORRT BROS., REALTORS 134 8 Llbertr - Ph. 3-3471 ci BAVE Bl' YE It ft for 1-bedroom homes. What have you? Al Isaak, Rlt,- phone e-jsu. it no onawer. 4-3341. Also have o caah buyer for a form, 40-40 ecreo east. NOTICE: If your property la for sale, rent or tic h ante. Mat It with us. We have on Kindt or ruh buyers STATE PINANCE CO.. REALTORS 151 S. High St. ca BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Make Offer earner buelneaa lot, north. 44 it! ft., alder houaa. Reaaonabl. offer eonald ered. I10O0 dn. B. Isherwood, Realtor lilt Wallace Rd. Ph. 4-tint . adjee JOE PAL00KA "T"i 1 I I I YA KHOH... NUTHIN' WSO VAs VI I rjee...llKE I SAIP... A SWILL wUV. 4d ITCV AU- Curt la rrc AIWJT . NUTS ) I NEXT TrYXI-.WHV.VYJU WAJ V SAY YA'LL I TWO NUNNIRT Hf fprVfi A. IVC $0 hjCrJ wmLm ) 1 ABOUT I Trf StVfUfST HfMVIPJAL-ja HAFTA OO PUT It ALL C4J O40LLY MCADAM JIAJJJJJ THMMWWNW y . . ? C levWA4ET...VAt)A , BACK a M TK-FOURTH JoLf-g fl V ran to)fC mad a swri. sotj-pv-iAwYf rwit-KES- Ai wit ah. itfjfprTM MjUa C y USINESS OffORTUNITIH f CHIT apartmeat haaae. ruralanad. Tarma. CtMO m aa vwautr. arwaer. Ceater. odtt IVBL'BBAJI GaoCXAT alUt ttvtat tuar- tero. Hare m tna etora toot roa act beta we'tru for. Otd attabllabed kua tneea. Verr clean etoek. Owaar muat aelL Weald eoaaldar U.tat down. BaL 1131 par moatb. Tola at well loceted ea buer eireet, and ehowa woaderful ratara aa pour laveatmcat. Call o. v. Bume. Co-op. Broker, or Stealer Browa. wllb STATE FINANCE CO. RBALTOfta 1-4U1 in a. Bifb at. Bvea. 1-CIM ar 3-4641 adlT BUSINESS BUILDING It ft. bp Tt tt. Bit kullduf . ateel aoa et rue led eomeot floor, plumbed and wued for 1-anaaa elactrlcttr. tVtaak drilled well .acre af trouad near selem aa ailvertoa-aalem niahwer. flt,oa. C. W. BEBVB. REALTOB tat s. Commercial Dar phone l-ttao, eve. 4-Mtt ar Dar phone 3-4M4. art. 4-33U tt l-lllf edrra OOOD ooim OSOCEBI Lrrtnt Mar ten. Muit ka aeld tmmedlalalr. TJInaaa forcaa eale. Make aller. Box 4M, Cap Kel Journal. ad41 MOTEL . . MOTEL ThU lo ft fmallor motol, but one of tho boat poring bmlnmaog ta Bolom. WtU loootod oa 99Z. Hag oemfortoblo Irrlng ouorterg for twner, aluo ottroctlvt ran tola. Lorgt lot with room to expend. Owatr muat ooll. widow will toko fJ.OOO for her equity. Total prlco out to $14,000. Will conaider a I-B.R. home, or a food firt mortoofo for equity. Thla If idtol for tho right oouplo that woatf to get aheod. Coil O. T. Hume. Cc-op. Brekor, or taalor Brows, with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTOR 1-4111 ItT a. HUb St Brae. 1-tpM ar 1-Mtl adlT FURNITURE FOR SALE DUNCAN FBTFE carom, dinaettt eat, like nww. rnoae f-ftu. d7 BLUB DAVENPOBT at ah air, bedroom aulte, refrlcerator .krtakfaal tel. 440 Pelrrlow'ATO. dst 7XADBR LOCI. OFBN FRIDAT BVBNQPa 4M OOHFLBTS mi BOOMS houeeholA fur- aihiro, fooo ooooitiea, tncincung new automatic wathor roaie. mtIm, Rt. 1, Boa 99, Sllverton. d37 WANTED FURNITURE m dB.BaaarYakt. i aAlfTBr, Oood UMd fumltur, i Phon. MOM. appliance, da AUCTIONS AUCTION! TONITE 7:30 O'CLOCK LOTS OP OOOD OSBD FURNTTURB amd inscnxANiocs East Salem Auction 1111 Lancaatar Dr. ddtT PTRNlTt'RB ACCTIOM TOMTI at 1 P.m. at LANS SUIOTLL'B AUCTION SALES TAKD, loeatad 1 mile eaat of aalem on Sllverton road. Ph. 3-408J. ddJT LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEF White face Hereford, 13c. Locker pork, Joe. Nothlnf down, fl mot. to pap. Ouatom klUlnf. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co. HJt S. Itth. Ph. 14858. RABBITS CALIFORNIA BUCKS and 43011. 4419 Claiter Rd. Phone BABBITS WANTED any alae end quan. tltr. Ph. 37107. Alao purebred breedlnt atocK for aale. ebei1 PETS GIVB AWAT 4 puppln, part Cocker Spaniel and Fox Terrier. Phone 30147. ec3ta CBAkfPlOV SIRED DALMATIAN SUPPlea. iCoach doc). Ph. Monmouth 4273. oe39 MOORE TROPICAL FISH, equipment, BUppllef. 3 mtlee from Lencefter on Mecleer road. Phono t7331. Cloaed Wedneedara. ec43 CHOICE CANARIES. l!4t CbamekeU St. Phone 14314. ecu1 HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1999 McCoy, one block cant of N. Capitol, 14 blocka north of Uadlion. Ph. aSflftT. ec40 FUEL Oregon Fuel Co. SLAB AND SAWDUST S. & H. Green Stamps Fhon. ISS31 3087 Broadwar Hiway Fuel Co. Sawduat tube eerrlce. all kind, at wood. Phone J-1444. ee; Capitol Lumber and Fuel rioner trimmings, pnone aim. Capitol Lumber & Fuel Park up Praato-Loaa. BrlQuete and Wood. It! So. Com'l. phone 3-7711. ea FOR 8AI.E Prune wood for furnace or (lrppl.ee. tit. Phone 3-1121. ' WALNL'T SHELLS, 30 aacka 'or tl, or 13 ton. 13 ton dellrered In town. Morrla Klorfala Packlnt Co. 440 North Front. oe West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, If CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood 142ft Edtiwater Phone Salem 1-4011 FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE CHICKS Dar eld and alerted. Weeklr hetcnea. Lee'a cnicca erow fait. Phone 33111. Lee'e Hatcharr. P 4-STAB dar-old New lamp, ablcfca, araU- able Bow. WARD'S FARM frroRB Trade At Hllh. aalem. Ore. f41 WANTED Colored bona, hltbeit Lte't Hatcharr. Ph. 12881. price. P SOt WTilTB LEGHORN bent, alea Cock, take aar amount. S-f2ft. OT I j';irrTrirwrtoT) FOR SALE POULTtY FOB SALS Mew Bampablra lariat aaaa. Oan 4-1 act. m OOLOkM BSOAB aad run Bampablrt ablaaf, aatabed ovarr at inap aaa Tourp. dar. Our ehleif trow fatter. FUafa Rateherr. Mtt Stele St. Fa. MMt. r PRODUCE BALED vrrca tad ate. Raw la lot. 4-100. nit LARGE 111 Waahlaftoa Wlaeeap applaa. tl a. pox. Smell Joaamana, tl.tf aaa. Fur. ekyrer boner. Tee tuart, Orcea Apple Market, toot pwrtlaad Rd. tm OOOO OAT-TETCB bar. tat. Other hap tit. Straw 111. Phone 4-1171. tf47 WALNVTS-ta la., II Da. 1171. poutoea, aaloaa, applet and aatf. FhOllp Broa. Farat Market, Mtt Portland Bd. I alkf. norm af Lancaeur Drlro. Ph. tllee. ff HELP WANTED KXrrjtUNCXD BaraeabarrT trataetf. It aut aorta Kauar achool ea Clear Lea. road. Browalar'a Berrp FaraL tIT FOB SATTBDATt Peed Poa- ibimy for rUht ataa. Robert writht. It It state. tat IF TOO LIKE to draw, akoleh ar paint. aae Taieat Ttet aa ta uatrueuea cel. nma. tree BALEBMAN FuU or part Fnont stt meet aetweea 4 and f. HELP WANTED MALE WaJ4TEl---Wool prtaaor (molt), cleaner, or opoittr. avMoor wars, euauca our Cleonerf. Dolloa, Ore. ftJT HELP WANTED FEMALE RE LIABLE MtDDLS AGED ladr lo care for ooo child la air boma. Call 471 N. Winter. fbIT ACCOUNTANT OaQ.ral ladfer aad par- rou exper. reaulred. state praveMil tmplop, ate, marital atatuf, wa band wrltlnf. Boa 4ft, Oalptal Journal fblT WANTBll Llf ht boueekeeper aad aare of two ehlldrca. Ph. 4111a. tbJt WALNX'T SBEI.IiEEt -A whole wlatera work. Mortu Klorleln Ptcklat Co. 444 N. Front, pb WANTED SALESMAN VIED cuts Salaaman. Bxcelleat per for rlf ht ataa. Prefer local maa aeoualated with Teller, write Box 471, Capital Journal. fast WANTED POSITIONS BOTOTILLEB WOBK Now taalaf order. lor earir aprlnc rototuuat at Bolter dlitrlet. Ph. 443M. bit' WOULD LIKE to tare for children bt mr home weokl?. Fa. 41483. 1130 Baat Rural. M7 LOGS OB Luinbor haullnf bp ta 24. Stftl. a3io ittojuing. hil LANDSCAPE molnttnace, pruning, trim ming, planting, fartlilalng. Service Cen ter. Phono 43473. hft3 BABY alTTDfO by day la my homo. 3379 iTMt. rn. ootdio. nil UOBT CRAWLER, doting, dirt leveling. gracing, rnont i-3o. ni PATCH PLASTXRTNG, battmentg water- proofod. Prank't Service, ph. MM. CLKANINO Br hour. Available Moadara, -inurooarBj Amaay. mono 4-1734 even infg. h37 CARPKNTKB WORK, cabinet aikir. free nuidimi. .au a-eii or c-iOaU. jut CHILD CtiRK, my homo. Ono year or younger, f none 33504. INFANT CARB by month; atoo home; rea- oxmanio rotct. rn. cijor. nj7" BZC1PTIONALLT BANDT middle- Of ed married man, farming backg round, borne maintenance. Write O. R. PhllUpo, 9303 Lake Rd, Mllwfukio. Or. Ph. bt. 1-1473. h CHILD CAR iJy homo. Very tood ref erence, rn. 48869. hST WANT Janitor or maintenance work. 9 houra ooch evening. A-l roforoncea. Box 433, Capital JournaL h34 TAX RETURNS prepared in your homo. naaonaDie rates, rn. udh, nes" 'SLAVE LOVES TO WORK, Lodd Mar ket. Lltten to KOCOI" hair EDUCATION IP YOU LIKE to draw, sketch or paint wnie lor -raient xeat (no ree), oivo are ond oocupotlon. Bos 449, Copltol Jour nal. hhSft WANTED TO RENT BUSINRS MAN and family dea Ire clean. mootrn j-ooaroom nouoe in gooa oia- trlct. Oood references, will pay up to gioo lor right Home. Ph. 35564. Ja39( SOUTH SALEM TEACflER deaireo to rent nouat, lorgo yard, willing build fence onu re-otcorote for allowance on rent. Two children. Boa 444, Capital Journal. J037 SMALL HOUSE, N.K, outskirts of town with garden space, 41549 tvcnlngs. JaJ8 ROOM & BOARD BOMB COOKING. Clean, packed lunchea, vera onlr. lost It. Ith. jj.o BOARD AND BOOM for tlderlr men. 190 E Street. 1137' FOR RENT ROOMS GIRLS or couple to ehare borne. Bad. room, plan, and telephone. AU utllltlee. I2S each per mo. Chance to hare borne prlrlleea, lire eeonomloaUr. Bua br door. Walklnt dletanoa te Hate bulld lnaa and blfb acbooi. Oood dlatrlct. Ph. 16421. !? ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED fltOPlBf room wiui dealt, oiso typewriters if needod. 439 N. Winter. JkSS1 nice front lht hoaeokeoplnf room. Ladr. Itt N. Church. Jk4T LOVELY SLEEPING room wltb cooklnf prlrllefo. Cloie la. privet, fntranee. OenUemen. 131 N. Winter. JUT FOR RENT APARTMENTS FABTLT FTJRNISHES three rooma, tn. Ctllltlat. Chamawa Rd. Phone 4-Iltt. Iptl Lee Apts. Balem'a Mott Dlatlntulahad Addraaa. The followtnf rentala are read, for ta apectlon now: 1-BDRM. AVAILABLE PER. II .... 11.00 1-BDHU. AVA1LAELE FEB. 10 .... 7100 For luiurr llvlna et moderetc rate, call at 9U N. Winter St. In PBIVATE TBBEE-BOOM furnUhed court apartment, clean. Adulta, to. not Port land Rf. )pU I BOOM partlr furnlahed. Ml 13th St, 13ft. Phon, 4-2J81 after t p.m. Ip3t t BEDBOOM apartment, tarate, near aehool. bua, ftoraa. Owner pera atniuea 10W Mrrtla Are. Bollrwood. Ph. 43ttl. JP37 S BOOM nice apartment. Oround floor. 411 N. Church. Phoae 1474 Jp37 NICELT FUBNIfHED apertmeau. Am- baaaador Apartmeota, ISO H. Bummer. Phoae l-ltot. p4I CLOSE IN 123, til. utlL fura. latulre Jp- 127 N. Llbertr. Apt. 7. LOVELY LABOB one-bedreoai anturnlahed eacept rante. Bciect area. ra. XU17. JP37 114 I rooma, furnlahed. llto N. Com'l. Phono 1-4070 JpJ7 CLOSE IN, ISO, ttt, and IM. Prltata bath, auilttat. Furnlahed. l-Otat, S-II3I. ip- FOR RENT APARTMENTS rCBNItBEB) trauad floor apartaMat, prt vata tela, ruraianea a awdraaat apart, ptoat. Ale. aataU raraawlad Stat a. Baa. tpw ATTBACTITB. flaaa. aaaapletalp laralahaf! warua apart etena. taoao at. prrrat. path, aaceUaal deueie Pad. PU Dales. Faaua 414ft. Ala, oeeanoal ejartateat, raJI" KELT FCBNItaSl t apart. aaar M1U creek. Oaran Beaaaaaala. US B. Stta. BUUUaa. fplt TIBX tncs apartauata. U4 Barta eapil i aaa aaa o. Jptt OB BENT I teoae ftaaa aniurauhad apt. Adnlta. aa peu. 1404 a. 4th. JaJI I AND I BOOM apartataala. tt 117 U. wwwaa amaiuaett. rueae ,-Tiia. tpte ( BOOttS alaelr faralaaaC CUilUea.pru aw eaart aaa aaaraaaa, aaama f-ffra. 4t South ttta. Taie- LARGE, mctXT fUTMehad, , otuiuet ram la had. la. late BOOwl furnuuud apt, wrmtt aatk and aattaaoe. 117. Ph. Mtlt. tpte? ONE BEDBOOM upatalra faralahad aptl Oood location. Ph. itM. rpW KEW s BOON aafuralakad apart. In. lock peaellat thruout. BeaaUral bath. After 1:30, lit) Cbeateketa. Jptie BPJCK COURT, ilHt, fpaeleaa, rtralahecl wr .mumi.nwa. trw aataaaa. srrar. Its Sc. 17th. jaap. rtBXUHXD 9 aad 4 rooma. Bathe, star fFaaaw lta.i I aewpdi. ASaPar aawattwa;. 4 00114 welcome. Phone IT441. vW BOOM batement, alaaa ta. BmptOTed asupuH auitlat turaUhed. Phaae 1-7400. JP4 CLEAN, FVBNUBXO I men dowaatura apartmaat. Prtrale hath, farwa. null. tloa paid. . Fhaa. BOH. ntj H.l . . 1P4J- BOOM lurnauiad apartmeat. Oitmiea paid, til Ferrr. lpa CLOSE I.V, t room apartmaat, prrrat. eatraaea, tlrlt prafamd. Ut N. WutUr. lpe LABOB room stoders apartmaat aa South cmn'L to rent, Ht per month. F. H. WEIR. REALTOR, Phon. Sttll JUT MODERN FODB-aOOM apt. lit. BaaaaJ --w. uvm nraacat etTP nice. Ph. 41443 after 4 pa. jpie. NICELT FUBNitifED t room apartment: uuiitiae, cloaa m. 3U Marlon. 1bM NRAB STATE honee, sroomf turalahed. SETEBAL turalahed apartmentt, tood lo- c.tiun. inuuo au i auil Furaltore. Phone MltA ,Zi ww p.....pp,a... FOR RENT HOUSES BED ROOK month. 33101 anfurnlahad. or MTM. Jm a BCD BOOM Route, come furnltare, 469 per monin. jatto roruanq Rood. JmiO CLEAN, trNrt'lCNISHKDs 1 bedroom hOiio e-apw twv. tPHtlUBfBj P ataa, aaABtm, atmJt MALL BOU4E, redoeOtratod, twrveTfaTr Bitaea. raono f-fJii. 1214 Rorth Oom lerdol. lm36 TWO BEDBOOM modera houaa. laaulrt 173. Halter rota Fit. ITllt. Ka drlnk lat. j-pa. UNrUa-VIUUT) 1 badroom eetlate. warp nice, dot. ta. latalr. 1KB S. Llbertr. Unit THREE PEC ROOM bouaa, wlonuttlt rout, ,ao. aw wauias atataaca. 170 Onion. tmn CLEAN s BOOM furnlahed. tome utllltlee. wwi eaw. a-ortiaaa PM. Jmtpe NICE l BEDBOOM unfumlahed. elect rl. beat, Bandu waahar. Cloaa la. Ph. H71T. Jmli" CABINS Neat, ejultt, alaaa, tpaaloua para, wees ar month. Baaeeaablf priced. 4474 Fortlaad Bd. arearllle. ImJt SMALL FUBNISHXD t room houa. wltb bath. North Salem. Phone 11170. it aa aniwer call 4H04. Irnlt S-REDBOOM FUBNTSHBD boma to re liable eouplf for I or I at on the. Oood deal, lilt a. Llbertr. tm3o CABINS Neat, eulet, alaaa, tpaalow rard. w,a or montn. iieaeonabcr prleed. 4471 Portland Bd., Bareattllo, bnaj MODERN 1-BEDBOOM houte, a tore and rcinaamtor xurnianaa. rn. X7t0. Jm 1-BEDBOOM BOCIE, aortb. Inoulr. 11370. jms," S-BEDBOOM modern unfumlahed, auto. m.vw lla tun oaaenprnt, nrepiaff, fa rata, muulra ttt So. Com'l ft. jm3t TWO-BEDROOM BOCSB oa 1 acraa. Call tflw tor appointment, Loeatad aa o St. Inalde cltr Umlte. ttt per month. Jm3t CLEAN FURNISHED eabla. One adult. Tea dollara. 441 s. Cottata, Alao twa bedroom duplex. Ph. I44P1 or sttoi. lm41 S BOOMS with hath near blfb aehool at anoppma canter, ejo per moatb. Ph. 14343. ,3,. CARPETED, ONE bedroom, Urlnt room. kitchen, dinette, electric beet, pertlp furnlthed. Attached farata, 440. 1132,. Jmlte ONE BEDROOM houaa, aloe, br Orant aenooi. pn. ailta. Jml7 small house Partlr turniahea. lilt pwtn urcet. weal aalem. l.8t,l. jmlT WHY RENT? , When tou real, a receipt ta an paa have left each moatb. Wbr not bur a home oa a email dowa parmant. Balance Ilka rent. Wa bar. on." a-B.R. bona, ISftt down. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor Oat Fortlaad JUL Phone 1-7441 Jml7 FOB BENT serorel Souaea. IM per montn. aim 1 etorp aoaeret. ware houte with electric elevator, etora room oa Ferrr street. STATU FINANCE CO.. Phone 34131. jr.. ILL ELECTBIO l-bedraom un furnlahed duplet. Hardwood floora, fireplace. Na pete. Ho drinker a Adult.. Bua tl block. Tel. I-Wlt or l-nw. nit Trade. Jmlto SMALL HOUSE with raate. laoulra IMS iroura at. Imil FOCB-BOOM BOCSB Ond location. "" uHuwun. a, atarae. pn, ast30. Jmlie ALMOST NEW 1 bedroom houaa Auto metlo heat, llectrlo ranee, hardwood floora. taaulatad. Hit Maple. ! COTTAGE 3 noma and bath, pat tip fura. Apt. rante. elect, beat, part uuiltlaa and laundrr trere furn. Ph. 3017. JmlT eaw...... OFFICE FOR RENT OB t-BOOM SUITE, t elnele. Oreetat Bulldtne. Phone 14114. j,. first-class OFFICE en bltbwaj. sea a. leoj it. capitoi. 1037. OFFICE BOOMS Apple Ttnkbam OUoert, pnone avail. q OBOUND FLOOB affiae or alora apaaa tor rwui. t.-aji at mia Market, 10 LOST ft FOUND LOST 1 pair nan a tlaeaea. But, ttreet. aaturoar. rnone I-U34, E3t MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR, SERVICE IN MC4TT CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolpb Eld,.. Stat, At Commercial att. salem Ph. Hill ar IONORB TUB WBATHER Come ta the Launderette lor waahtnf and drrlnr. Toa tet pour tlotbea back aeatlr folded and la a llffr. Th. aoat ' u turpruimir low. Phone 1-4441. Open Moadar and Prtdera tin t p.m. LAUNDERjrj'l'B 1314 Ferrp Bt, mil By Ham Fisher