Circus Music At Funeral Chicago W Circui muale played at funeral services Wednesday for Arthur Rankin (Hop) Hopper, widely known In the circua world for more than half century. Ha wanted It that way. Hopper hid been a clown, bill potter, marietta, ' advertis ing car manager, general agent and traffic manager for dr- cum all ever the country, and circua owner himself. He : died on Feb. 2 In New York City at the age of 5. Hopper bad requeited that he be buried in "Showmen's Rett," In Woodlawn Cemetery . In auburban Forest Park, He ' also had asked that circui mu sic be played at services. A special tape recording had been made by the Ringlinaj Brothers & Barnum and Bail ey circus band. Hopper had been retired as head of out ; door advertising and traffic for ' the circus, having been para- ' lyzed for three years. Friends, circus performers and showmen at the chapel heard the sprightly music of ; "The March of the Gladiators," "Barnum and Bailey's Favor- ' ite," "Circus Echoes," and "The Big Cage." "The music for this service 'Implies no disrespect for church music," F. Beverly Kel ly, a theatrical agent, said in a brief eulogy. Wool Buying Shy at Portland Portland U.R) Wool buying here fell off sharply yesterday when only 8,000 pounds of a ' 8,000,000 pound offering was old. Manager James Coon of the Western Wool Storage company MARKET QUOTATIONS roaTLAMB raoDvca list Batteries fnutlie, suoject te laissodl l chance: Premium oueuiv. maximum 41 to mm Hr eerr. eeuUtv Oaveree m Fortius at-Tle Ik.: tint quelllv ST.TOe: second aualMT. t4-4Te. valley roatM end ocnnlry ootnte. I wall test. aCtee WHOlseele 10. 0 tele IIM U wholesalere trade A A St score. 7c; credo. I score, etc: B. K score, leei O. M wort tec Above pnece emeu booiul ce.sss HiUlns price to Portland wnole. eelerc Oreeoe sine lee. 4ltt-44e. orecea I la. loaf, t-tlVeei trtaittc, I Via torn than tins Ms. Irn to Wliwimii cenaiee esse con. talnlnc Ma laat. cua Included r. O. B Portland, A erode larce wiltac: A treae medium, et-4TCi s ereae wreo, 44 Vie. Wertlaad B-etrv Market Belle. Pfloa to retenera: araae aa print, Tie: A carton, net A Prints, Tic; eartaa. Tie: prints, esc. Besa Ta retallere. orede AA. larce. aae; A lane, w-llei AA medium, we; A raedl- iul. u-4tel a small, nominal, cartoon, JC additional. Ceoaoe Price ta retanert. Portland. Oracon stasias. CIVi-Mc; 4-lb. loam. 13-LlWe ib.: trioiata. ism leu man ein- else Premium brand! slntlss. imci loal, 4HVC Proeoaiad American cheese, S-lb. loaves to null, -atM Panltrr Uvo CaJceeaa (No. 1 aualllr, P. O. B. planU.) Prion, SVi-J lbs, 0-llo: 1-4 lbt, M-lle; roastsrc iv, los. and wir, lo-llc: hoair bona, all welehtc, n-Uc; Ileal hent, all weltbts, ll-ltc: old roosters. It-lac Dressed Calekeae Prrera. 114-S 16a.. 41- 49c; roaiura. o-44c: lleot hem, ll-Ue: hoary bom. 16-3701 cut up irrerc ail welcots. 4S-44C Babbits Avsraeo to frowns: Lira whites, e-l lbs- M-Me: 4-4 Ibi.. J.0-J4C Ib.l old does, 10-lJc, lav hither. Praih dressed try an to retailers, 18-4301 cut an, eo-eic Centre KlHaS Meats veal Top eoalltr. 44-4&S m.l romr. heavies, M-40c. Baia Lean blacken It-wc; sows, runt Lamps Too erada iprtnsers. 40-tac; other trades, aceordlnt to quality. Maltea) Bast twos ana tremors is-isc lb. Boot Otlltty cowl. JJ-jJc aannat- euturs, M-36c froth Dreaiea Heau (Wkalaaalera U retailers. Dellsn par rt.) Baal steen eholea. (00-100 lbs. I3S-1J; food. IJ7-40; aommerelal, S34-I7S atuity, til. cewa commercial, w-jt; puuty, wi-ia tanner, SMaf baia lenoioo eiecrst sun auar. Urs, 141-tll rounds, S5-M; full loins trimmed. afS-75; trlanslea, S33.S6i fore. Quarun, uf-ss; cnucsa, sra-aoi rioe. we-u. Veal Good. 145-lfi eommerelals, fto-H. Calves Choice, Itft-os: commercials. 440-so. Lambs prime aprinsera, au-ov ina. 143-4(1 food, (43-4S. Mattes aood eboica. fif-si. Pork Cote Loins, No. I. -13 Ins., 4. 49; ahoulders, 10 lbs., $30-35; sparerlbo, 43-41; trash hams. 10-14 lbs. tsa-17. SssakeS Hapis- Hrinnea. soi-soo; aiao or more below the government price support loan levels. He said most of the unsold wool would go to the government. The only lot sold at the sale sponsored by Portland members of the Western Wool Handlers association was 8000 pounds of yearling fine wool from the HUV ton and Ward clip, Shaniko. It went to 60 cents a pound to Pen' dleton Woolen mills. baroa. 143-II. Refined lard la 4rUJeA, Sit- lll.H; eleb bacon, us-eae. Pertlaad Mleeollaaeeae relerr Cal. LAI arala, j-IVk aa n Jf- 14.34. Pew to t4J. ore., tl ta-U.ia. Oaleae tt lb. aacka Waal Orasoai rav low,, medium, tl to-L7tl -4 ta-ajai Ma. Is. S3 00-Uc: boilers. 1 Ba. paoka, S-41al Idaho yellows, medium aommerelal. al Sa ri a i tana, nss-.m wait laree. St 3S-4S: law to SaAS. Petateea Ora.-Waah. meeta. ma. l. Mta-4.n1 few aaatt area da klsber. baa are. a tt-4 Ml Ma. 1A. St D, Sl.tS.jti u t3.00-Jt: loo-lb. aacka. pi la. Mo. la. tl.aft-l.u. star u. a. Mo. s frees all ana, aaovwr. I car lau r.OJ. IVanlajai. peaalaanv t41-J eon; Seattle, aes-ej. vteet WUlametla valley Paeeuy al at tea lb. ftaaat kaala. Idea calvea. lt-iae lb. weUUUi traen klpa, IS-ltol beat, la-IPs Ib.l bulla, t-4ttei snan ewtaaar aew np PUeerta Wholesale salllnf price Ma. Una Bercelonea, !4-3tt lb.; stow or pneee. orehard run. 14-lta la. Walnate Wholesale aelllnl prtea. flret uaUlr Una Pranwettee, u-ua .t trowor price, archara ru. lS-lSe Ikv, few best to IPS. Ohlcase liraslaek Cnlcaaa lV- Hoc wrltat aantlawad their preclpitooj rue Taureday, addbaf another 40 to 71 oeola a hundred paaupda to reeoh the hlchesl lertla alnoa Oet. 1. Curtailed receipts were a dominant factor In the trade. Cattle were unevenly weak u as eowlc hither bat mostly steady pod teffleatlont on sheep ware for t least steady trade. with to new rue In pnae, noea wars benemtnc from a tela cf aroemd 01 St a hundredwalsht wltnln fh laat two lloat barrows and elite sold sat at tiss to 1 20.7a. oowa took tll.Tl to tlfl-Tl. Choice heavier wilt hi pteera showed soma weakness and prima klnda vera aa aect entlrelr. Bui the M-aant boost vast to steers cradlaf belov food. Most fvocl and choice steers and yearUnea aold from Ill.tO to tas.oo and oomp arable batfara from S31 00 to fjt.oo. Oowt lopped at 1U, stat saBt M aie.w. SALEM MARKETS tar aba swJooavo wf CeayHal Isarasl sea lees, tllillll aaAr J laded abavl 4 par Peal Pi Mas praal ttttoirk a yaar aatiiar. wmw Is Oreaaa the aambqr sf sraBsf and frrar shtcka plaaed darlaf the weak end IBS' Pebruary 1, was reported at as.eoa. This Is Sow around 4.400 awenaarad to a week earner. How ever, tt aapuaaap re latively klaa umpired Is IS seek aaa MS (lea. lb. bat). few btoab II SMSaS. Dairy Peas-0J.ll (Vt-fc. pat), 3 40-3 M CSP-ia. baci, a4.4t-t lt UM vt.1. PwaMry Baytna Prtaaa Oolored fryara. rial eld taosura, last aatarad tewl, Stat lechers loot, ipal raastara, aaa. rf-4lci appaluat AA, Sea; atedlum A. 4- aralw a-ae klahar tnaa thl above. Lana trade A tvaaraUf aawtod at : WMdtam. laa. animfsi aainaf price: Premium. Tt- TSai Ma, L eo-Toe; Ms. s, fTc Batter Whole, tie arast A sarCPPiast. 1st Bm re aaa. na. Partlaal Uvattaak Portland UscattH! IM: aetrnt aood 1000 lb. ted steers n.Tt; food 113 Iba. 33.U: utuily-lov pood heifers lc-; aaa- ner-cuiisr oowa atmty aovc HtO-U. Calves: XI: aotlva. atrosf to 1M hlchar: comratrelal-cood aalvso Se-pOi anotca ta Koca: 100: active, a trans: choice lea nt lbs. 13.M-n.P0i ehoKe 1 butchers tt; choice 3 butchers 33 lbs. S1.H; cnofec 3M-380 lbs. Il.o0-H.7t; eholeo 171 Ka. 10: choice 100-330 las. 30.40; choice XtO-eeO to. cows 10 aft-is; cop lbs, 17.50. Srtssp: Noon nominal! pa. fad woolel Umhs Wednesdar lljt; ahMee prlme 0 noted to 11.71; medium -rood lead ers vrponeaaer; rood -choice eves quotaota ju-s.oo. a Stalactites hang down from the roof of a cave and stalag- mues grow rrom the floor. oreaaa state colics Brt markets Inlj paat vaek van mora steady with vast ooeat prtoea lore line aft and aastsra atarkatt strwas thee Ins. Lira poaltrr pricea cat laa .vast aoaat 'Vara awrnsnsec saostly lower. Bsv pnoas at the tarsi level thretarhoul puhms enrtafl tha spcctia sraat mid Pssssibsr to mldJnaary ever as ed fairly Praeca alaa avarataa m odors te:v above a rear aso. aiaoc that uma bov- cvwr. cap ps less have worked charply lower as suet ataracat tu ttus wees. Dunns tha pact T dare, aeatera cas pjarkcta Bare shewn sttphUy hlrhar prtea treads. On tha vapt aoaat aeaap fradaa of cava ara a little lover than a week at a bat most ; markets ara firmer. I Matleaally, lira poultry prices furint' tha atoaiti tram mid-December to pud-; Jaaaary streacthesied allthtly far all. class sa Perm ahlskewc ahovad tpnat of the cats Ourtnc this period silk atotlcn i vaakenrof aeana. The ererese price fcr all auccca af peal try as the farm Ural carina Jaaaary vara aUahtlr below a year afo. Tha recent trend at live poultry prtcce ca the west coast has been vaooUy upward. Soma weakness however, has occurred durlna the past f dan at most coast merkttc Turkey prices nauonally. at tha farm level, durlttf the month cndlnf at mid jaaaary, worked allshU clever cad prices vera also moderately lower thaa a year aac Most fans marketings of turkeys dartae tha past month or ao hayp let ap. nationally, tnc arsraca farm price ol etas dunnc Jaaaary vac auibtly above parity values betas a about l per cent. The eve race price of all chlctene however, continues below parity values. The over see price received by the aatlen'a pro ducers durlnc January lacked about 11 per cent et eouellrur parity. The porehaalns power af an hnoroved anbatantlally eompared to IS mentbe ear lier. s7strtaf Jaaaary, the enhance value af cess was nearly 14 hlchar thaa durlnc the caste period Last year. The purchaa htc power of tana ehlekcnc however, was lower thaa a year af a and dunnc January oreaaa state Colitis Potato and calen ahlpstanla packed up talc peat week and prices wen lower. The aarlot shipments af potatoes aortas the seek eadlat Pwbraary 1, vera aemc vkal kaavter thaa ehlpvjuats at the prcvlcwA week. Total anlpmanta Is the actios thle pest week totaled arawnd M care Ocecaa'c shipments totaled around its can and erdpeaoBte trass Ida ae amounted to ever 1300 care. Oa the Pertlaad wholesale market talc paat week, aso re thes 4100 acta of pota toes sen received by truck. Talc Is almost twice as many sacks as vara lotilvod by the track the Previous week. Potato prtoea at Portland tail paat weak ware frost 1 to IS eenla lover thes wholesale prtoea of a week aae. Or aeon rtusete. O. cV Me. 1'a. wen vTiceeislfnf from (4.4S ta 4. a nundredweUbt. and the bakers were bclaalnc ftjt ta pt.0 a bundndwclchL Beporu treat the U. a Crap Bee-line fndlcstc thai m total err sees et ssarelal Irish n tatoea is aha cam- atar arevp or states vnu be aroused II par cent lower thaa eenece la this areas of stales In iocs. The total eereeee u now nwitcaiea to aa ts.pdw acres ror 1PU. xn the wmlor arcap of states which re rludes Plerlda asd Tuaaa. tha tadtcatori catrceae tec imi la .rrc aerea. The amttetVB cmlca aalpsacats aha pact vcek teulrd around PP4 can aa eton- pared to eta eara the previous week, st'p maDW trots Orecos totaled Iff eara asd from Idaho U cere. Oa the Portland wholesale market kals pact wash, nearly 1000 aackt af eevloas wen raeerred freat petatc Is Orcaos. Pi lees ca Ike PorMaad vaoleoale asar kel rcsaalaed moauy uachaued that pact veck tor Orccea vsatcrs yv4sevc. Waole- cala prices lor U. a. Me. 1, aptdttrat ta cite, vcaess stcsb e w oa ccve a wi pimita Chleeso v Suppttec aaodaratc, sa ataad ales, aaarkat auchtly weaker. Track palsa IM Uaha apaaata SS per coat af pcore U. a 1, .inch end Unrcr ear. Oil vriaoonau Teucv Ceeees O. a. a. v to Sf per eer.1 i-tach asd ktrccr, apwroalatatalp halt car I ft. a treat aalea rto Oa.): Idaha asd Ortvas penlak 1-lnck and Urter 4.40-4.74; Idaho voiles I-Inch and laif or U. a. commercial Capital JoutiulI, Salem, Orton, Thm, BtHt. tt, lSZl 11 Hearings on 2 Lines Start Washington (i The Mari tlme Board haglni Thursday tha first of two bearings on applica tions by tvro tairlahip linea to charter vwaaels (or use In the Pa cific Notwesv-sMaaka trade. The applications have been made by Coautreisa Line, which seeks three govtrtimentwned llberty-typa wtssela, and by the few 4JS. I to I - took tow 4PP; Mevvda Whltca S la S-tacb lew est: mltasel medium TcllPS Olotes M4-3JM, few beet wuisssra 4. 04, coma poorer I.Pkleci vatic bollen LSM M. ' B team ship Co. which aTxtjpocra to chanm tw try earpo craft. I ....... KuaiiiMcr etu Xi. Jordan, be fore whom the headings wOl be held, said charters which the companlea bald oa the peasils previously were not renewed after a Septsrnber hvevlTiet o- veloped testiinariy that Uiere was Ha said the SteUea tmi earlier board policy which had raoopilxayd the seasonal aewjetcts of the Alaska trade and had per mitted charters with lay-ff privileges. , ,. Lyeas Shew Vriaay Lyons A talent show wSj be held rriday. rebruary U, at the Mari-Lynn gym at pjn. TOPCOATS Entire Stock 3 Groups: Croup lvalues lo $33.75 Now Group II Values to $52.50 Now Group III Values lo $65.00 Now $H(q.53 $53 4S) 53 CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER OPEN MON. A FRI. TILL t FREE PARKTNO tJO 17! 24-HOUR DRUG SERVICE Opea Daily S A.M.I9 tl PJi nfj Duty Pharmacist on (all . 11 P.M. lo 8 A.M. Just Phono 3-9123 er 4-224S QUISENBERRY'S PmripHM Stora, 130 keti Uberty LEGAL5 INVITATION FOR BIDS aealcd bids. In duptlcste. for the con- I atmwMnn Af an IrlltlOn to Salem BlOm- aid the bids averaged five eentsTwiai Hocmtai. oaiem, orecon. wiu m Eugene TV Station Opening Indefinite ; Lebanon, Ore. VP) A televi sion station on Channel 20 at Eugene probably will not be on the air for a year. W. Gordon Allen, owner, aaxd Wednesday. The Communication! Commis sion granted him the channel Wednesday. There were no other applicants. Allen, who operates radio sta tion KGAL here and KGAE at Salem, said It would take some time to get his equipment to gether. He will confer in Cali fornia next week on- possible network affiliations, he said, The word "witch" is allied to "wit" which formerly meant "to know." rwMiTMl At the AdmlnUtrttion Office ol Stlem Memorial HtMplUl, S5 South Win- ter Sweet, atiem, oreion, umu p.m. Ftyr. Tbureilar, J-trch I, 13. ud will uen m pubUeir opened 4vna rea eicja. On or ftbout February 11, lWl. dr lnu and ipeelfcaUoo will be evalleble tor UitrIba.ioii to prospetlTt bldderi by James U Pame. Archltct, 193 Bmitx Church atrtet, Salem, Orecon. Thl project ontUU euestlallr or the otmelraetlon of m three-itory and bat ment hoepltal building, boiler house, and lie work. EuUdime, In general will be reinforced concrete. t All claitliicauons wm d cover ea unaer Oeneral Contract Propoial. Bkidara ahall note that a base bkL al ternate prtcea, etc are required. JUrpueauone ior eirawinca arm apece flcatlone from contractors interested In bidding on this work should be filed promptly with the Architect, and the bidding material will be forwarded, ship ping charge collect, as soon aa avanaoie. A deposit of 50.00 per tet will be re quired. Any bidder upon returning such sets promptly will be refunded his pay ment, and anr non-bidder upon return ing SUCH seta wiu oe reiunaea tn.w per set. Prospective Didders shall not tnat an proposals ahall be accompanied by cer tified or bank checks, or bid bonds In such pereentagea as specified In the Oen eral Coed' tlons. Salem Memorial Hospital reserve the right to waive any Informality In, or to reject any or all bids. If restrictions of any Government Au thority prohibits the purchase or use of certain Items that are required by the drawing and specifications, substitutions for such Items will be determined by the Architect and Owner after the award of thj contract. The bidder shall base his bid on furnishing all Items exactly as shown tnd specified. The Contractor Is not authorised to make any substitutions on hi own Initiative, but tn every In stance muM obtain a properl authorised chant order before Installing any work Tarylng from contract requirement. BALEXt MEMORIAL HOSPITAL By Irwin F. Wedel, Administrator. Feb. 12. 1953 155 N. Liberty Phone 3-3191 See It Demonstrated All Day Friday A factory demonstrator If ot Wards now. Come, see him demonstrate why Sunbeam's Automotic Mix master makes cooking, baking so fast and easy . . . Why cakes, frostings and potatoes turn out much higher, better, lighter and creamier. Whether you plan to buy or not, you'll enjoy this fascinating demonstration. Come morning or afternoon Fri day ond bring your friends. HOUSEWARES DEPT. In Our BASEMENT Trad, ond High CyPV7?t CM homs-jin New for 1953 - More Sizes - More Uses With Reverse Gear for Easier Handling and Less Work VA-2 HP H0E-TRAC 182.50 (A) 5-speed drive for speed when you want it, power when you need it. Clinton 4-cycle engine develops 2-HP at 3600 RPM. Simple, foolproof clutch. Convenient control levers, adjustable height handles. Easy-on hitch. Tires included. NEW 1H-2-HP T0WN-TRAC 109.50 Here's a full-powered garden tractor priced low for small home owners ond even formers. Briggs & Stratton engine. 2-speed drive. Easy to operate easy to store. Five power-driven attachments available at low cost. ONLY fl 09 DOWN On Terms Whether you're a city lot owner or a large acreage farmer. Wards hai the tractor that best fits your needs. Quality built throughout for years of top performance and trouble free service. These labor-saving tractors will give you more time to enjoy leisure hour and save the expense of hired help. Wards complete line of low-cost attachments make these tractors one of the most versatile pieces of farm equipment ever designed. Through these attachments, your tractor be comes the source of power for all types of Jobs around the home and farm from plowing and cultivating to sawing logs and cutting grass. Check Wards Monthly Time Pay ment Plan now. NEWS-HP POWER TRAC 342.50 (B) New reverse drive mokes Power-Troc eosy to ma neuver. Rugged strength and heavy eonsturctlon for long life. Powerful 6-HP Wisconsin engine makes tough ob easy. Efficient 5-speed drive. Foolproof V-belt drive. Tires included. NEW 2J4-3-HP CH0R-TRAC 262.50 Wards new 2V4-3-HP Chor-Troc with new reverse drive is easy to operate. Quick-change 5-speed drive. Clinton 4-cycle engine. Sturdy steel frame, enclosed gears. Simple, foolproof clutch. Ground-gripping tires lrcludd. Outstanding Values From Wards Complete Garden Department WARDS STANDARD GRASS SEED Gives you a fast-growing low-cost all-season Crt town. Sprouts in 5 to 7 doys. 1 -pound box. . . JUC SUPREME QUALITY LAWN SEED Hardy, deep-rooted survives winter cold, re- . f r sists summer drouaht. Gives lastirva beautv. . IcVe? 10-LB. BAG VIG0R0 All-purpose plant food. Makes sturdy plants, gc. beautiful flowers, lawns, tasty vegetables. ... CONTINUOUS HAND SPRAYER tosy pumping I -quart size produces unbroken 1 Z.O WARDS FINE PEAT MOSS Mulch ond tap dressing. Extra-fine texture, t OC Absorbs, retains moisture. Non-acid. V bale. ? PACKET GARDEN SEED Choose from a wide variety of flower and vege- n ex toble seeds. Tested for purity, germination ... I WC lb. mist spray. Handles all liquid sprays COMPRESSED AIR SPRAYER 3Vi-gal. capacity. Funnel top for easy filling, qp no woste. Galv. tank. 2-ft. extension ) WEED0NE WEED KILLER Controls dandelions, plantain, poison Ivy, over 90 other weeds. Won't harm grass. 8-oz 1.00 WEED0NE CRAB GRASS KILLER Non-poisonous kills crabgrass, won't harm f( other grasses. Spray or sprinkle. 6Vi ox....