Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 12, 1953, Page 16, Image 16

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    IS Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Than., Feb. 12, 1959
I I 7t -I M .'A.
In the Alleys
Capitol Alleys
aptomotttb. luan
b A vmm knki ) . ButsT
Ml. J. nopllssor 414, M. BAinasBd at,
K. Balaoa lit, X. Bam HI. Valvar Hotaa
Cmw (1) I. ruin 111, O. Bohraraf
m. A. Boimaa 14. u Win 4M, a. ant
lock 4M.
IM BaBar M. Rlchom 4M.
StUllar 4M. t. PMUraoa 4U, I. LaunOart
m, n ur aai. rait, id
P. Otaars 344. T. BUUU4 411. M. Hi
honar Ml, o. aiUU m. P. War 479.
Craaparl Tiiu, (t W. BYUslBatar
TTJ, J. AbkT 190, 4. HaMt MT, B. Orar
iron Jr. 4IT. J. Cracrsrt 4M. SlaaSarS
1HII ww (4) L. raptacska 111. J. Ma.
m tot. B. Bankal 414, T. Ounoa 130, B-
Salasa AilMaMIt Cmuht (I) D.
DouaBtrtr 414. D. whit, las, B. Osns
41J, B. Doiubtartr 414. Mullr atnim
IUtlM 1 B. Diltoll 431. c. Dosahua
114, B. KMe Mi. B. Hot 441, C. echradar
I SkrMk Malar Omul ) A. WAlas
41, B Burton in. B ahuck Ml. B Or I.
w euj 411. o. W14HT 41. IraSar Bntiora,
, OM.aAUa (1) D. BanmlArt 417. P.
B. Strratl 4H.
taaai am. tod itrlti ft Ira
lobll. Compinr. 144 ud Mil. Hub
tod. lama D. Willi of 61 mb Auumoblla
CompAnr. X34. hub tad. atrial rat CMinn
of Balast Automobtla OonpAor, 111.
K l ChAAArn
I W Dua
Moubregs May Shatter 4
More Marks This Season
Lm Angeles UJ Washing
ton's Bautinf center, Bob Hod'
bregs, ha already (nattered two
northern divlslou basketball
The Easy Way
With trout season approaching, the above
will soon be a common scene around the
lakes and streams of Oregon. Unlike winter steelhead flh
inf, spring trout season is a liy man's sport, and, like in
- this photo of Bob Brown, Sr., trout fishermen will just lean
.- back, relax, and let the fish do the work. This photo was
snapped at Lake Leamish.
With the first Indications of blue sky and sunshine, a
certain segment of our population begins to stir restlessly In
their topcoats and winter underwear. Like the seed that lies
dormant In the grip of February cold, these folks feel vague
pulsations within themselves, a quickening of desire for the
warmth and benlflcenie of spring. They are trout fishermen.
Yes, they go along with the crowd and fish for winter steelhead
(when the weather doesn't make it Impossible), but their
thoughts and ambitions are all directed to the time when steel
head gear will be stacked in the closet, and the fly rod will reign
supreme. .
Winter steelbeading is a ragged sport It's a battle
with the elements, where the effort is great, and the rewards
- sometimes well worth the struggle. But a trout angler is
' something of a lazy man, an unhurried philosopher, and the
steelheading leaves little time for contemplation. A trout
fisherman can spend a spring day happily, even though he
may not bring a fish to creel. The joy of being In the midst
of the nature renewing Itself Is compensation enough. So,
If any of your friends have a faraway, wistful look In their
' eyes, it's not because they're neglecting their vitamin tablets
they're Just dreaming of spring and TBODT SEASON,
only a few short months ahead.
Speaking of the coming season, It's probably trite to remark
! that now is the time to check trout tackle. But it is only good
sense to get ahead of the game and have everything ready In
advance. Have we? Uh-er-gosh no, but we're going to, any
! day now.
Another picnic trial sponsored by the Willamette Valley
c Betrlever club Is coming up this Sunday at Camp Adair. Be
' on hand at nine in the morning, If you want to get in on
! the fun. There will be an added feature of Interest to dog
i owners; instructions on training and handling retrievers, for
i Steelheading prospects look brighter than in a long while,
! as this is being written. Streams are clearing ai.d falling, and
there are lots of fish. The lucky lads who can get away in mid
lm (I) W. Clint Sr. Ml, D. PoullB
m. . uiuuAr M4. B. rtad u. b Hri
w,u 111. lurakAllA I Coram 1 J.
on OM, B. Otitis til. B. Bar 4M, O
(.'Aim? 10. 1 STitCAArd OU.
IfArloa Mauri (I) C. tVhroadar 111,
14. ftommer 101. W. OArdnor Ail. C. Ooda
1 nuo MT, ft. Thorn pion l. oaad'a Martat
T HI K LOfan 3. a. KlUmlllar 4M.
Prrlaan UT. B WuaaIIa IM. J Mobar HI.
raaaaa Troa ftarrlaa (II T. Bros
dab 111. L. Ofluad 117. T. PrudtDU 171,
B VAldai IM. L. Andaraon Ml. Batlrk
Oroaara (1) J, ofedt 117, B. Parlar AM.
T. O Annas Ml, 1. Do Bow 464, w. Wail
TkrKtwAr Claaaara 4 II. MeTsr
lAnd IM. I. Beliar OM, 1. Oln.r 111. T.
BKtar 44. P. Btaiu HI. Nartkvaal Paol-
M. Miari IZJ. m. KXAII 417, J
Mndar 4M. B. Malar 414. O. Olodt 411.
Marias Baiol Aad Cao Part III T
Vlttono 4M. w. Jackson 171, 1. I rem on.
rl. Paa MO, B. SIrAW Ml. WalaM Cllr
ri III R. PTIA AAT. K Aihn tf AAA
D. HAllttt IM. 1. Andarann MA. J. tin..
onUt IM.
Blah tAAM Ama MAMhAll'A A Cnmar
1M1. Hltb MABA Mrlaa Brannan Traa
samea, iioi. HUh lnd. limi clarasoa
uonanua or Marios Motor . via lnd.
aarlaa Larrr Oalusd ol BrasDAll Traa
sarrioa, mi.
Duck Pins
coMiwreeiAi uaoiti
PortlAsd Band Blabflald (l B. Wo.
ttlro Ml. D. Jouarl Ma. R. Johnws 170.
r. uuair X7a, art m. Mick, ftn Bnaa
w m. naina snj. H. nunui aaa t
Olio 441, B Darai Alt, T. Wood 4M.
Blaa Laba Packera (II J. wnnr aaa
S. VanSlrko 409, A. Tblaaaan 111. P. pit.
ia .... u. wansar ,fl. bmm II)
n. iok an. u. ennn abt. ai. satbMi ru
C. Nalnaat Ml. O. Ralndolt 117.
Brlekaos'a MArkot 111 K. u.Hm, aai
Bra 141, u. Storr Mt, A. Rlchardaon 161.
I Rolla 103. Caaeada MaatA (II J. Oar.
nar 314, o. Oarer ill, R. Noflilniar IM,
L. Walinrr III, M. Walanor 401,
BaaabrAarh Parnaao l) j Moorman
111. R. Oratnwood 971 J nnlm. a,7
H SttTtSA 1. H. Poatar 111. WaaAralta'i
as Shan (II J. Hall 111. V. York 170
O. Raltur IM. II. Oraaslor IM. W. Prank
Hllh iOASl aarlaa and nina uiir.
SUs Stop. Mil and 7M. Hub tad. aarlM
And oaisa Wanio PTAnk, Woodrollo'a,
4M And IM.-
University Alleys
STATB norms LEAniis mn t
a Aadlla (11 Corrlias 441, PIbH.
ar ITS, DamaiAa 431, Johanaen 179, Gould
aoa. raraairy rraaaallea (I) Walkar
101. Phlppa 111. Broaram 491, Berara All.
PAlrrlaw (I) Oannos 110, Luka IM,
KlATobs 370, Rluarbuah 164, Balms 411.
SaertUrr of Stato No. S (1) OIU 411.
McQuaas IM, Prasko 171, Ptasio Ml.
Blailar 4M.
Slalo PaUoo (I) Morrill 4M, Woomi
4M. AKord Ml. Rant Ml, Ruackor 410.
""' MBwnau 111 Brown til,
VanPelt 421. ZlUawlta lid aoa
WMIla 504.
ValarAsa AffAlra (I) Morlaka AST.
naaa aai, uaArannroom
week should have fish for the freezer but what the week-endTBoaka t. siato tai casus. ii jobs-'
will bring is a gamble. Barring heavy rains, it Just COULD be
terrific. ,
Nothing too noteworthy has occurred recenlty on the
legislative battleground. Last Friday's hearing on the Pelton
Dam brought a big crowd, but added little to the facta and
! prejudices already la circulation. However, in the not too
j distant future, several Issues dealing with fish and game will
i bit the limelight, and should make interesting food for
thought. We'll give you first hand, blow by blow accounts
! In this column. .
Church Ivtm hBfca4httlli Clua A Fim EUB n. Klmwood Blblt, IfBltrenr
vs. IdWllt McLhodlat, Uaanimltt va. Chtmiwft: Clua B Crumtwa N.v4 tb. Court
AtrMt ChrUtl.n, flrat Btptttl tb. Kntftit JaVmorttl. rtrit ConttrntttonsU . Oht-
niiwi Ruir; ciu c nutrtn . nm Mtuiotiui, De.I School va. Pint Chrii
ttut. Calrarr BftptUt , Botltwood BUB.
, Vttf haiktibaili WtUamttt 4 Wbltmtui, WtkUniton at OflO, Otmoq at WK,
. oci t. on.
Btih Mh4el baiktbllt Ralem at Bprlricfltld. Caaeada at Otntral: v.i.
, lay 1acua Estacada at Wootfbunt, Bilvarton at Molaila, BaiKly at Daiiaa, canby
at Mt. Ant el; Marlon Count B leacua Df School at Chftnawa. Mill CHt at
I Oataa, Otrv.ta at St. Paul, Jtfftrion at Sublimity; Caprtol Itatu Salem Academy
. Biarion. oMcrtMi awmrt rniLomi.n; Tawima itacua Nortn Mat ion at Amity
; TanUUU M Sheridan, Bnkn tX Wlllamlaa, Shtnrood at Dayton.
s CWlin htMkataaJli WUlaaMtta t Whitman, wuhtnaton at OSC, Oraton at WSD
t ocs t on
. Rich mIvhI WskMballt Btvcrvd Raart at Central.
Chart-h latin helioHkall: Claat B Pnlglit Memorial tb. St. Paul' KHaropal,
, VWt VHfn voi-HHPa wm, wwair m, vish v nm BwVpiltl i, nm MeUiodlat.
Blrk ilk ! kaalrMkaai Saarad Baarl at at. ptabcu.
Corractfd tor Taft
(Oaaipllad kr V. B. Coaat A Gaadatto
Sorrar Partlaad. Oro.i
Rifb waiors aw watora
Tltso Baiabl
, PrbniAf r
. 11
M il I B. l.t
11:14 a . II
11:17 a m. 7 7
11 so a m. II
13:11 P.m. 71
I M a m. II
1 11 am. 71
1 oi a.m.
108 p.m. I I
1:41 am. 71
Tlma Halaht
4 34 a.m. I I
I I B. -14
1 11 a.m. II
III p.m. -0
4 IS I I. 14
7 01 i a. 4.1
V ii a.m. I I
:M p.m. -.t
i ll A.m. I I
I 14 p.m. 41
I 07 am. II
I 04 p.m.
1:30 a.m.
4 04 p.m.
4 OS a m
1 11 p.m.
Ill am.
I 44 p.m.
I 41 a m.
I 17 p.m.
I St a m.
I SI p m.
I ll a m.
lo 13 am.
I 04 am.
11:11 pm.
II a m.
II II pm.
I 01 p.m.
10 04 a.m.
1:41 p.m.
11:11 IB
It M p.m.
13 M p m.
11:11 am.
I ll pm.
11 44 am.
144 pm.
I 03 a.m.
3:43 pm.
Ill a.m.
4:33 pm.
4:13 a m.
I 13 p m.
Oregon Team
Leaves for
Date With WSC
Suxene. Ore. tfl The Ore
gon basketball team was sched
uled to leave here Thursday for
Pullman and the Important
week-end Northern Division bas
ketball series with Washington
State College.
The Ducks, in second place in
the standings after last week's
play, hope to widen their lead
over Idaho in the Friday-Saturday
games with the last-place
The team planned to spend
Thursday night in Spokane and
travel to Pullman Friday.
scoring records and is likely to
crack four more la the six games
still to be played, sUUitics from
the Pacific Coast Conference
commissioner's office showed to
Houbregs 28-point perform
ance last Saturday against Wash
ington State boosted his total for
the first 10 games to 278 points,
breaking the old season record
of 265 set in 1948 by Jack
Nichols of Washington. His field
goal total, at the same time, soar
ed to 103, topping the old mark
of 98 set by Vince Hanson, Wash
ington State, in 1948.
The giant center also leads
the division In field goal
marksmanship, sinking 55.4
per cent, rebounds, 114. Bis
teammate Charlie Koon is tops
from the free throw line with
a perfect mark on 18 attempts.
Grouped far behind Houbregs'
27.6 points a game in the scor
ing column are Hartly Kruger,
Idaho, 17.8 points, and Chet Noe,
Oregon, 17.4.
The Huskies lead the divi
sion as a team in all depart
ments with Jf.l per cent en
field goals; 72.8 per cent on
free throws; 74.1 points a
gun while holding their op
ponents to an average 58.1
points a game.
Oregon broke the division's
game record of 88 points Satur
day when it piled up 89 points.
Chicago Finally
Wins After 45
Straight Lasses
Chisago (?) After 45
straight defeats, and aearly
threo years, the University of
Chleaga basketball team fin
ally has tasted victory again.
The harassed Maroooa rose
a, Wednesday night to defeat
the Navy pier branch of the
University of niiaols, 65-52, at
the Marooa fieldhoiue.
Tbs Chlcageaas, sue mem.
bers of the Big 18 eonfereaee,
last woa a basketball victory
Feb. 25, 1856, aver Co College.
fights Last Wight
(By Th AaWcUtKl lreaa,
Clti6c Kid QTllavn. iu HaTanav
Mppad Chnck Daver, lit, Detroit, ia,
Por world' welMrweteht HUa.
Buy ena of tfca itemi at Hie regular price and you
jet another item of equal value for 3c.
os Ml, Crouch 417, Robk 411. Wlkh 403,
MAhAflar 117.
a La I rrtstara (1)' Duo CAB 411. afnl-
sar 447. atoBa 171. Bubr 434. Wallar IM,
saaratarr ar stato na. t lai miuar au,
Oarralt 471, FaUraoo 411, Blosalr 414,
aehultao 053.
HlABwar casatraattas 111 ABdoraos
411. Wood 417. Mollmas 447. Wolfo 4M.
TAOdr 431. rortatrr Oflloa 1 Ldd
H Assam ab 441, wiaaanOABtor Mm,
AAaaroda 4M. atAcor 410.
Hlab teAm Aarlaa asd t ama Votarani
AlfAlra, 1134 And 9M. HUh lnd. Ainu sod
I ama cataronttroom. an ass aoa.
Oapt. af Atrlealtara 1 lfooro 314
etrabbabo 419. OaUAfbar 49t, Luta 400,
OrllflthA 400. Basaa 1) Bell 174, Younn
SIS, KlrbT IM, OOBld Ml, BUlorlch 477.
A. A. 47. Ill AABD9 444, IjAnKtrOO
Prasia 473. aaraxa 471, Ouatafaos
labwap AoaaaatlsA (1) Tarlor
331. KaubAm 494, ToAiar 991, crana 479,
llalton 017.
r. D. C. (01 RlBIlAOd 441. atraw 111.
Hollla 411, Znilmh 430, Matlart 431. DlrU
alas af Aadlta (4) oorruaa 117, baaa
at, HABnemAs 411, Jaffarm 44. strtck-
11s 411.
Olllea Eaflaaafa 14) Ilattaoo 447,
Poaaa 494, Sacra 440. Boott 111, TotlBI
417, Chaplar M (0) Lammoa 171. Ouarni
007, Bcnallar lie, HtBrr 400. uiuil 431.
roraatrr (1) Ladd 491. Broaan 417.
Wood 404, Aaaarada 401. Barara 411.
Stato Tax Casus. (I) Hartlar 411.
Crouch 401, Jobaasn 439, oastlald 0M,
seari aai.
Brlaaa BoHaaara (0 wr-drlcbloo IM.
Rotolo, 171, llusaon IM, MarehaM III.
Roaka 401. tTsaawlarBMsl (41 Putmas
Baiter 907. SalUburr 111. SctUamlor
003, staear 111.
Bios team aerial drlaloa of Audita.
1141. HUb team a am, s. X, A. C 991.
Hllh lsd. Aorlao CorrliAB, 117. Blih
inc. BAma Btraw. loo.
oUrojw Celars IraVaa Slsei
t395 or 2 forSS
Kay Woolen Mill Store
260 S. 12th
"Tbt Street the Trains Run On"
JhW out
Bed k lial.iaft.
InBladam. p
aJaia.TBTJJ5aABaaBS4Ai -sr -i
Vadl ii IV I 1.4 t. ia- 1
Sale of HOMART Kitchen Sinks
ftjri ' I j j ONLY
Now You Save 15.00!
Reg. 164.95 66-in.
I.OU Down, 7.0 Month on Bean
Easy Payment Plan
(Usual carrylnf charge)
txtro large Homqrt cabinet sink has mora thon 22 eu. ft.
storage space! All-steel cabinet Is coated inside and out with
baked enomel. Steel sink has acid-resisting Titanium finish,
chrome-plated brass mixing faucet, aerator, and convenient
plastic rinser. Adds beauty to your kitchen.
Reg. 112.50
Save 12 55
- A 47 J AW
JJ 1
5.l Down, $.00 Month on Sears Easy Payment Plan
Sink is covered with ocid resisting porcelain enamel. Chrome
plated mixing faucet and sink strainer. Baked white enamel
finished cabinet has roomy compartments and drawers. Sea
it! Buy now and save ot Sears!
Homart Jet Pumps
Ref. 139.85 .. 129.95
It. e.wn, 16.S0 month
t h p. motor with 30-ss.l. Unk
Homart convertible shallow well
type I 5onverts to deep well
Dump af water level lalli below
48-in. Dishwasher
With Antomatle Re-rycllnt
Now only. . . . 299.95
1 down, 13.M month
Kenmore automatic dishwash
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Re-cycllntr permits addition ot
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Homart Aerator
Vitalises Ordinary Tap Water!
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Prevents splashing by mixing
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suds from less soap! Fits most
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Chrome-plated brass Homart
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Flanges are adjustable to fit
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Far any room in your home . . . avert basement! Make your awn "toiloreo" Color go clear threuah . . . can't wear aff!
Other Colors Available 8c and 10c
Plenty Free Parking
Monday and Friday t:J0 ajn. to 1:00 pjn.
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Phone 3-9191
'SzOfccGMpaMa flflftS 550 h. Capitol, Salem