Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 30, 1953, Page 18, Image 18

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II Capita! Jmrnal, Sato, Oregon, Friday. Jin. 80, 195S
? .-
Hoase of Band Unidentified mem ben of an American
Infantry division stand before the largest command port bunk
er in Korea, It eon taint 22,000 sandbags and was two months
In-construction. Looks like occupants are safe from any
thing but a direct hit (UP Telephoto.)
Legislative Sidelights
Members of the legislature who
last week began .offering the
name of Ren. Robert Root of
Medford as a possibility for the
19SS speakership in the house
soon found that there were a
number of other members who
have served two or more sessions
' who have , friends ' suggesting
them as the next speaker of the
house. '
For instance, there is quite a
widespread boom underway for
Rep. Francis Ziegler of Benton
county. Ziegler, who came to the
' house In the 1949 session, in each
lection has showed a gain.
' Last November he had no op
position whatsoever. He has been
bard-working dependable
member of the house. This ses
sion he is vice chairman of the
house ways and means commit
tee, ,1s serving on the commerce
and utilities committee and also
en the Important rules commit
tee. Others who are being mention
ad for speaker of the 18SS ses
sion Include Russell Hudson of
The Dalles; Carl Francis of Yam
bill county; Ed Geary of Klam
ath Falls, and Dave Baum of La
The first bit of mild horse-play
in the house this session took
place the other day when the
members found a 10-pound sack
of choice Deschutes potatoes on
their desks. The spuds were de
livered with the compliments bl
the Deschutes Chamber of Com
In the past Klamath Falls po
tatoes, in 10-pound sacks nave
been given to the members of
Teater Appliance and Televi
sion Co. Invites you and your
family to attend their free
television theater every night
tU 0 PJJ. Monday through
Irlday. The theater Is located
right in the store, , ,s ,
ITS Chemeketa Phone 14111
both houses by Henry Semon and
other members of ten Klamath
Falls delegation.
Rep. B. A. (Dutch) Stover told
the house that the Deschutes po
tatoes had won first prize in the
1091 potato show in Klamath
Falls. -
Ren.' Semon arose and said
"What about last year?" (Klam
ath potatoes won first prize
then.) . .
Then Rep. Alva Goodrich of
Bend declared that 1991 was the
first time Deschutes county was
allowed to compete in the Klam
ath show. -
The discussion ended when
Rep.-' Semon wryly admitted
they beat me to the punch this
Potatoes were not the only
commodity distributed in the
bouse and senate this week. Each
member of the assembly found a
package of gladiola bulbs from
Josephine county on their desks.
Rep. Lloyd E. Haynes told the
house that the Josephine county
delegation had authorized him to
announce that extra packages of
bulbs would bo made available
providing that the Josephine
county members were treated to
a cup of coffee.
Duke Ernest August
Of Brunswick Dies
' Hannover, Germany VP) Duke
Ernst August of Brunswick, the
69-year-old father , of Queen
Frederika of Greece, died early
today at Marlenburg Castle near
His death was attributed to a
circulatory ailment
The duke was the chief of the
German state of Brunswick from
1911 until 1818.
' tit
: : o o
' 45 COW ST.
Although women In Europe
often received education equal to
that of men . In the monasteries
from the 6th to the 10th Cen
turies, such practices died out
and were not revived until the
10th Century.
Hatha la kmbr tins thu 111 ajn4ar-
ala-aa aava bm appetatad aaaaotrlx and
aiatatar of tha Batata of China U. Try.
daeaaaad, tt tha Circuit Court at tht Stata
af Oratan for afartea Court tr, attune In
Probata and that thtr ara dulr auajutad
aa men aiaaatru and aiaeutori all par
aana having alalou aaalnit tha latala af
aald dacadant ara harabv notlflad to pra-
aant tha aama, datr aarinad, aa raaolrad
b law la tba andaralfnad at m Oraton
Balldlni. Salam. Oraton, within S montha
from tha data af tha flrat publication
af thla aaUet. Data at Salam, Oraton.
and fitaa puaiianaa tnu jaw aar mi
Jaaaarr, lau.
a. w. acHHUDEa
Biacatrla and Biacutar af tha
Batata at Ohulaa al. Fry,,
Hrit pabUabod l-IHIi laat publication
oarruuf an a Williams
Ml Oroaoa BaUdlas
Salam. Ortcon
Attoraara lor Batata
Jaa M; Fab S U M n
Strike Idles
18,000 Men
Chicago tl Some 18,000
CIO United 8tel workers at the
Inland Steel Company's works
today, a company spokesman
An unidentified company offi
cial blamed the walkout over the
disciplining of three workers
who he said bad refused to work
overtime In a plant emergency.
A company official said "it was
feared production of badly need
ed steel would be Interrupted If
the ladles were not quickly re
stored to working condition."
Obstacle Seen in 1Y
Salem to Portland
Portland VP) Most Portland
residents may find It difficult to
receive television , broadcasts
from an ultra high frequency
station authorized for Salem
Thursday by the Federal Com
munications Commission.
That's the opinion of Russell
K. Olsen, chief engineer of
KPTV, Portland, also an ultra
high frequency station.
Olsen said a ridge extending
from Council Crest to Oswego In
West Portland might block out
reception. He added, though, that
west of the ridge reception
should be good.
Strawberry Festival
Dates to Be June 4-6
Lebanon Dates for Leban-
on's Strawberry Festival were
set for June 4, 6 and 6, at a
meeting of the festival'! board
of directors in the chamber of
commerce office Tuesday night
The fair, an annual event In
Lebanon since 1909, la one of
the state's oldest community
The giant shortcake, which
is served free to the public on
the second day of festivities,
will again be an attraction.
The Browning carnival of Sa
lem has been selected to pro
vide amusement for the event,
the board announced.
Portland vn Some 200 at
tending the United States Hon
Growers Association convention
here were to discuss Friday the
Important question of disposing
ox surplus nope.
Sale of such hone in the oast
has been controlled by federal
marketing agreement But the
agreement expires in July, at the
request of the growers. There
talk, though, that revival of
the agreement might be sought
A n association committee
Thursday recommended that
headquarters be moved from
San Francisco to Portland.
Farmers must realize that the
government "can't solve our
problems for us" through sub
sidy payments, Z. L. Peterson,
Oregon agriculture director, told
the growers from Oregon, wain
ington and California. ..,..
"Let's see to it that govern.
ment Is only an umpire, an In
terpreter of the rules," he said.
"Let's keep agriculture in the
hands of agricultural people."
Peterson said migrations from
farms to cities have weakened
the political voice of agriculture.
so that now a united front Is
Steve Tabacchi, general man
ager of the Salem plant of
Side's Brewing Co., told the
growers that increased . Oregon
Two Men Killed in
Crash on Highway 101
Eureka, Calif, in Two men
killed when their coupe
smashed broadside into tree
off U. 8. Highway 101. 65 miles
south of here Thursday night
California highway patrolmen
said only tentative Identification
could be made of the bodies.
One man, believed to be the
driver, carried a letter address
ed to Sonny Creasy, P, O. Box
1209, Coos Bay, Ore.
A draft card made , out to
James Madison VarnelL 19, Pine
Bluff, Ark., was found on the
other body. -
The car smashed Into the tree
on the east side of the highway,
spun around and landed some 60
feet away on the other side of
the road.
Belle Davis til, Has to
Ouit During Show
New York W9 Illness forced
actress Bette Davis to retire last
night halfway through her per
formance in the Broadway musl
tl revue. "Txc'i CGir.psr.y."
Physicians said tha actress
was suffering from bronchitis.
She was said to be resting com
fortably today, but it was not
known whether she would re
sume her role at tonight's per-formsnce.
Msy Muth, Miss Davis' "stand
In," finished last night's per
formance after it was announced
from the stage that Miss Davis
would be unable to continue.
a. . W
pumv f
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DnnksPCAM )
4 r STATI 8T.
Surplus Hops Question
At Portland Meeting
tans on beer could bring about
toe closure of the state's four
remaining breweries.
Tha. public taste trend has
been tftwardj light beers which
use fever bops, be said, adding
that tb trend is now changing.
Colleg? Scouts Visit
High Sctaol Students
RepresentsUves of many col
leges oi tne northwest were
present at a tfaeting of interest
ed seniors at Salem high school
Thursday to halp the students
decide about a college educs
tlon. No state derated schools
were represented at the meet
ing. ;. .
Oregon schools with repre
sentatives present were Cascade
College, Lewis and Clark Col
lege, Ltnfield, Marykjurit, Pa
cific, Reed, University of Port
land, and Willamette University.
There were also perstns from
several schools of nulling in
Oregon. Schools repttsented
were Emanuel hospital,' Good
Samaritan hospital, Provslenee
hospital, and Saint Vijeents
hospital. -A .
Colleges and universities vith
representatives from the ste
of Washington were College of
Puget Sound, Pacific Lutheran,
Seattle Pacific, Whitman arri
After the meeting the stu-
dents split up into groups to
talk with the representative of
the school they are interested in.
Clouds Hide Moon Eclipse
Portland, W) A cloud cover
prevented most Oregonians from
seeing Thursday's total eclipse
of the moon. An earth s shadow
entirely covered the moon for
an hour and 29 minutes, start
ing at 1:05 p.m.
Thirty thousand German
troops were utilized by the Brit
ish against America In the
Revolutionary War.
Lebanon Police
In Busy Role
Lebanon City police cars
were radioed Into the southeast
section of Lebanon Wednesday
night on complaint of Archie
Bahrke. 1110 William street who
reported a car had hit his parked
auto and left without stopping.
Officers arrested Lorris Phelps
of Lebanon, leas than 10 min
utes later and charged him with
hit and run, and for being drunk
on a public street Police said
glass from the Bahrke car tail
light was found on the Phelps'
machine, and the latter car also
had considerable paint on it
scraped from the car it had
struck. - .
The little used citizen's arrest
was invoked early Thursday
morning by Orville Forister, re
cently named Lebanon's Junior
citizen of 1952, who arrested his
wife, Dorothy Dean Forister, on
a charge bf "disturbing the
peace." Mrs. Forister was Jailed.
Later, Forister withdrew his
complaint and Mrs. Forister was
The arrest was made at the
Forister residence, 120 Jennings
Ct. City police were called to
the home shortly after 3 a jn. and
the arrest was made about two
hours later.
Officers also arrested Eugene
M. Quick 'for being too quick.
They charged him with driving
40 mph in 25-mile zone. In
municipal court, Quick was
quick to aac xor time to ootain
legal counsel, and Judge Ruby
Moore, Just as quick, gave him
tnui 10 a.m., Saturday. Quick
lilted his address as Rt 1, Leb-
W .
Stile gasoline taxes In the
unite! States range from S to 7
cents gallon.
fHONE 2-7431
Prompt Home Delivery
. 394 Norti Church ,
Phone 9600
Bare Bear Bones Cause
Confusion, Consternation
Chicago () - Mrs. Magda
lene Sterling has learned that
one can't get rid of eld bear
bones by Just tossing them into
the trash can.
Long after she had put the
remains of a bear haunch into
her refuse container and out of
mind, she had to explain to the
police, the coroner, newspaper
men and the neighbors what
they were. , N
Her daughter,, Mrs. Sophia
Chvosta, 42, was' summoned to
the Cook county morgue to iden
tify the bones and reclaim her
mother's garbage can which had
been removed from its West
Side alley site. -'.
Three neighbor youngsters
spotted -the skinned and de
nailed left hind leg of a bear in
the can while playing. The leg
looked human. They told an
older boy and he called the po
Within minutes, police squads,
county officials, news photog
raphers and reporters arrived,
and a neighborhood crowd col
lected around the trash can. '
The can was trundled, with its
contents undisturbed, to the
morgue. There chief pathologist
Dr. Jerry Kearns, quickly de
termined that the remains were
not human. .
Canada Sending Fleet
To Coronation Review
Ottawa (V-Canada,wiU vend
three big warships and three
smaller ones to sail in the giant
coronation naval review at Spit
head, England, June IS.
The Navy also announced to
day that two of its four squad
rons of aircraft will take part
In the brilliant ceremony before
Queen Elizabeth II and her sail
or husband off England's south
coast IS days after the corona
tion ceremony.
t-bedroom home. Bos by
door, oiled street close to
Lincoln school and shop
ping district On half acre.
WaU-to-wail rag. Lota cf
bnUt-lna. $7859. See be
fore 5 p.m. 49M State St
Open Daily 8 A.M. fo 11 PaM.
Duty Pharmacist on (all V
11 P.N. to 8 IN.
Just Phono 3-9123 or 4-2248
Prttcrlprleit Store, 130 South liberty
11 ii
- I li 1
-rr liUFJ ill Hill taV 7 Him
w -ar .r-m ni iiu tfat aiiif an i u f i aa i t s
fMMalVlaaWa ; f flj
1 ...
; yr ji a
i i
T obtain complete enoyment and econ
omies from a food freezer, allow at least
A oi. ft. of freezer per member of the family.
(6 cu. ft. for farm families.) There's an
Amana Upright to fit the requirements af
. every family ... and due to Us wonderful
pace-aaving deiign, you can place the
Amana Upright m the location tnafs meet
convenient for your dally wsstfal
"$ E E L E V E L"
All package! In tight and
within easy reach. No need
to bend, search er lift
enuring much farter freezing and completely
safe storage because all pock age are either
en er directly below a f reeling surface,
n : 5
am w 411
Amana UrniBHT B
aa t laMrarM DrtTVOO
conclwivtly that rh Amano
Upright frwtxaH larfH V""
etrvef freexer. Hrttd
a the tamt H", OMum
. LM rarttrldly.
e ThtArrrarvaUprightntalntdiU
,.ro femperorure ittor.
rwmleolly on tht ovtW
a other f rMw
vS4 4-C Vv '
i4 i
i . f-
S i ' - r
"If aav"-"'i-'..-!
modii it uriiiNt root mini
3 '
fO9wla 1aaWa0j li B tRaMlw)t WaWwl SlaRsSf fw)C (
TiMfflANi Gilbert
260 No. Liberty
Ask About Our v
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