Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 23, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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Capital Women
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, January 23, 1953
A formal candlelight Initia
tion took place at the Salem unit,
American Legion auxiliary
meeting last evening at the Sa
lem Woman's club. New mem
ber are Mrs. George Glantz.
Mn. Edmund Bauer, Mrs. Fred
Selleri, Mri. Charles West and
Mrs. Charles Bower. Mrs. Bert
Walker was the installing officer
and others participating in the
ceremony were Mrs. Harlan
Judd, Mrs. Joe DeFllippi. Mrs.
Harold Streeter, Mrs. Carroll
Robinson, Mrs. Ted Ullako and
Mrs. Jack Simkins.
During the business meeting,
Mrs. Elwood Thompson reported
that 120 members are in the unit,
and Mrs.. Edwin Maerz, civilian
defense chairman, announced
home nursing class to be given
by the Red Cross beginning Ier-
ruary 18. Several members will
attend. A contribution was given
to the Crusade for Freedom.
A benefit card party will take
place on February 0 at the
Woman's club and on February
10, Salem post and unit will give
a Valentine dance at Izaac Wal
ton hall. w
The three American Legion
units in Salem will be hosts to
the national president at a ban
quet on March 21. Mrs. Theodore
Ullakko is general chairman of
the event for Salem unit
Mrs. Wilbur Lytle will be
hostess to the sewing group on
Monday at her home, 912 Mc
Gilchrist, beginning at 10 a.m
Executive board meeting will
be on February S at the home of
Mrs. Clarence Cox, 1878 Chllds.
At the close of the evening,
the auxiliary celebrated its 8th
birthday anniversary. Mrs. Har
old Streeter and Mrs. Jack Sim-
kins poured while Mrs. Jerome
Hansen served the birthday
cake to members and guests from
Salem post, American Legion.
Junior CD A Team
At Mt, Angel Meets
Mt. Angel Junior Catholic
Daughters of , America degree
team member met at the home
of Mrs. James Alderson, counse
lor, Monday evening, to plan for
the initiation of new members
In February, during National
Junior CDA week. This will
be the first Initiation of new
members since the local court
was organized more than a year
1 The four junior troops held
their January meetings recently.
Joann Wellman was hostess to
members . of Troop Margaret
Mary Alacoque, with the next
meeting to be held at the home
f Joann Stupfel.
Troop St. Marie Gorettl met
at the home of Maxine Mucken,
with the next meeting scheduled
at the home of Patricia Sehmitx.
Betty Fronk was hostess to
members of Troop Little Flower,
and the next meeting wilt be at
the home of Kathleen Stolle
Troop Star of Sea held lis meet
ing at the home of Maxine Geek
and Catherine Ilg will be hostess
to the troop at her home on Feb
ruary 6
Grand Officer
At Lodge Event
An event of Wednesday eve
ning was the official visit of
Mrs. Albert Grinde of Silverton,
grand chief, to Centralia temple
of the Pythian Sisters. Nearly
100 people were present for the
no-host dinner and meeting with
delegations from Silverton, Al
bany, Corvallis, Dallas, Oregon
City, Independence and Salem
attending. .
Centralia temple presented
Mrs.. Grinde with a gift and
flowers were given to the grand
officers and most excellent
chiefs from the visiting cities.
Special guests were Mrs. A
R. Brown, grand guard; Mrs. T.
A. McMinn of Corvallis, district
deputy grand chief; Mrs. Hubert
Thompson of Oregon, past grand
chief; Mrs. Earl Burk, past grand
protector; Don Judson, grand
vice chancellor and Oval C.
Harris, past grand prelate of
Refreshments were served fol
lowing the meeting.
Rites Recently
In a setting of pink snapdra
gons and chrysanthemums. Miss
Martha Jane Johnson was wed
to Charles James Regner at a
ceremony In St. Vincent de
Paul's church on Saturday, Janu-
ary 17. The bride is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Merle John
son of urbana, O., and the
bridegroom is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Regner of
Phillips, Wis.
The Rev. Lowell P. Blackburn
officiated at the service. -
The bride wore a gown of
white nylon net and satin and
her fingertip veil was held in
place by a crown of orange blos
soms. She earned a white
Bible topped with a white or
chid from which fell streamers
of ribbon and stephanotls.
Mrs. Richard Holoubek was
matron of honor. She wore a
win colored changeable taffeta
frock, ballerina length, with a
black lace stole. Her bouquet
wasj of garnet roses and silver
fans. Bridesmaid was Mrs.
Bernard Helf who wore a royal
blue taffeta dress and carried
garnet roses with silver accents.
Misses Claudette and Regina
Holoubek, nieces of the bride
groom, were flower girls and
they wore pale pink dresses of
nylon net and carried baskets of
violets and pink baby roses.
Richard Holoubek, brother-
in-law of the bridegroom, was
best man and ushers were Ber
nard Helt, Harold Carbaugh
and Dale McEwan.
Following the ceremony, the
couple greeted their guests at a
reception at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Holoubek.
Mrs. Lillian Krieger cut the
cake and Mrs. Kenneth V. Ball
weber poured.
Mrs. Regner attended schools
In Urbana, O., and Mr. Regner
graduated from schools in Phil
lips, Wis. The couple is at home
in Salem at 1245 Liberty,
(C -0rJli s-. tJj
H f v "iSy p v
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A i
A portion of leftover flavored
gelatin, cut into tiny cubes,
makes a bright garnish for sliced
bananas, sliced oranges or van
111a pudding.
Town and
Gown Tea
A large group attended the
tea given by Town and Gown
club Thursday afternoon to
honor wives of legislators. The
event was at Lausanne hall.
In the line were Mrs. Robert
D. Gregg, president of the club;
Mrs. Eugene Marsh, wife of the
senate president; Mrs. Rudie Wil
helm, Jr., wife of the speaker
of the house; Mrs. George Hock
Ing, vice president of the club.
Mrs. A. W. Loucks, wife of Sa
lem's mayor, introduced to the
A spring theme featured the
tea table. The cloth was a green
satin one and the centerpiece
was all in yellow. Including aca
cla, daffodils and carnations. Yel
low tapers stood at either side
of the arrangement.
Pouring were Mrs. Earl T.
Newbry, wife of the secretary
of state; Mrs. Sigfrid B. Unan
der, wife of the state treasurer;
Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, wife of
the governor; and Mrs. G. Her
bert Smith, wife of Willamette
university president.
-. mere , mm w ji. frmP&tWtthir w; :v fv -
Birthday Event
Mt. Angel On the occasion
of her 84th birthday anniver
sary, Mrs. Allda Willig was com
plimented at a party Saturday
afternoon at the country home
of her son and daughter-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. George Willig,
with whom she makes her home.
Those present included the
honor guest, Mrs. Willig, Mrs.
Dorothy Mohring and her sis
ter Mrs. Mary Buntz of Pemper-
bille, Ohio, Mrs. Ben Fisher,
Mrs. August Kurz, Mrs. Amelia
Falk, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Willig,
the hosts Mr. and Mrs. George
Willig, and two great grand
children of Mrs. Alida Willig,
Carol Ann and Nancy Hank.
During the evening, Fred
Willig of Eugene came to visit
with his mother.
Anniversary ivent
Celebrating their golden wed
ding anniversary on Sunday,
January 25, will be Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Bartruff. There will be an
open house for their friends be-1
tween the hours of 2 and 5
o'clock at their home, 6110
Quinaby Road.
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Seeley (Dolores Gosso)
were house guests during the
week at the home of Mrs. See
ley's parents, the Roy Gossos.
The Seeleys reside at Monitor.
Today's Menu
At Governors' Reception Pictured, at the reception tor
governors given, in the Hotel Sutler In Washington, D. C.
last Sunday are these Oregonians, standing in front of the
state seal. Left to right: Vic MacKenzie; William L. Phillips,
Sr., of Salem, Mrs. Phillips; Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, wife of
Oregon's governor; Oscar Kittredge and Mrs. Klttredge,'
Klamath Falls; Mrs. MacKenzie and Governor Patterson.
This event opened inauguration festivities In the national
capital and was attended by more than 8000 guests. (M. E.
Warren photograph)
Miss Hunter,
Mr. Walker.
Are Wed ,
Announcement : is made by
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hunter of
Calgary, Canada,' of the mar
riage of their daughter. Miss
Eileen Hunter, to Gordon P.
Walker, son of State- Senator
Dean H. Walker of Independ
ence. 1
, The wedding was a simple
service on Wednesday, January
21, only members of the imme
diate families attending.
The couple temporarily are at
home in Salem. .
was hostess to the American War
Mothers on Tuesday when the
group watched inaugural pro
ceedings on television. Mrs. Ma
bel Lockwood told about ' the
National War Mothers birthday
party to be sometime in Febru
ary. Mrs. Howard Hunsaker, Mrs.
Martin Viesko and Mrs. Charles
Cook served refreshments to the
group. They will meet again on
Tuesday, February 3, at the
American Legion club , at 2
o'clock. . '
Winners Listed
Winners are being announced
for the March of Dimes benefit
card parties which the Junior
Woman' club sponsored in
homes over the city last eve
ning. Mrs. Calvin Kent took
honors at bridge while Mrs. Gust
Edgren and Mrs. Earl Lbewen
were winner at canasta. Win
ning at pinochle was Mrs. Vir
gil ficheuti. Pillow eases and
sheets were presented to the
Proves Big
"It was a thrilling experience,"
comments Mrs. Paul L. Patter
son, wife of Oregon's governor,
in telling of their trip to Wash
ington, D. C, to take In the in
auguration. There were many Interesting
events to take in in the short
time the Pattersons were in the
national capital, but there are
a few highlights standing out in
the memory of the trip, Mrs.
Patterson says.
For one, Mrs. Patterson says
it was a big moment when the
Pattersons' car stopped briefly
in front of the reviewing stand
during the parade and received
the big smile from President
Elsenhower. '
During the time the parade
was being formed, many Oregon
people in the capital were around
and about taking pictures of the
governor's car.
."One of the most democratic
scenes I recall was after the
ball. Everybody seemed to want
a snack. It was quite a sight to
see the crowds at a hamburger
place all in their formal
Cherry City
SSI Chemeketa
kM 2-6762
literate i
clothes, whit ties, etc., eating
hamburgers, chill certainly a
typical American scene," Mrs.
Patterson said.
Mrs. Patterson reports Secre
tary of the Interior and Mrs.
Douglas McKay like their apart
ment very much. It looks out on
some trees, a fact th McKays
appreciate, too.
Mrs. McKay gave a tea for
Mrs. Patterson on Monday after
noon, inviting a small group of
Oregon folk back for the in
auguration. .
ELECTION of officers took
place at the Young Matrons club
meeting on Wednesday evening
at Mayflower hall. Serving this
year will be Mrs. Delmar Ale
shire, president; Mrs. Robert
Price, vice-president; Mrs. Ro
bert W. Sandstrom, secretary;
Mrs. John M. Meier, treasurer.
VISITORS here from Santa
Rosa are Mrs. H. C. Stanley and
son, Larry Dee, visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M.
Safer Cough Relief
Whu new drugs or old fail to help
your cough or chest cold don't deity.
Creomultioa contains only safe, help
ful, proven ingredients and no nar
cotics to disturb nature's process. K
toes into the bronchial system to aid
nature sooth and beal raw, tender,
inflamed bronchial membranes. Guar
anteed to pleaae or your druggist re
funds money. Creomubion has stood
in test of many millions of users.
t , i ' " 'ti
I" . lC3 : ,- '
i. . I '-''' ' " ... -
Stmiiii I iniiirf '.it -4Lbhk
Married Recently Mr. and Mrs. Vernon A. Thompson
(Frances Loiselle) were married January 3. The bride is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Loiselle of Othello,
Wash. Mr. Thompson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Thompson of Jefferson. -
p sum
Ved ia December Mr. na Mrs. M. u Halbetsen (Marl
King) were married in mid-December. Th bride is the
daughter of Mr. Eugen Savaga and Mr. Halbersen la th
on of Mr. Lena Halbersen. (Jesten-MllUr studio picture.)
wamaaaraa - - ' r- u
llMiimsl Jj
fee Beys and Girt aSr
20 tfceaJ N i tabker th t iUiIim -
Acklin's Junior Bootery
134 W. Hlah SenoTOf He, tldt-
Tomato Juire
Heef Stew
Lettuce Wedges
Pumpkin Pie
Wholewheat Crackers
Cornmeal Parsley Dumplings
Thousand Island Dressing
Cornmeal Parsley Dumplings
Ingredients: 1 cup sifted flour,
1 cup enriched cornmeal, 8 tea
spoons baking powder, W tea
spoon salt, 1 tablespoon minced
parsley. tablesoonns shnrten-
Unv a; u
..p., - -a iMy limit, i ria
Method: Sift together flour,
cornmesl, baking powder and
ilt Mix in parsley. Cut In
i shortening until mixture looks
like coarse crumbs. Mix In milk
and egg lightly. Drop dumplings
from a tablespoon onto pieces
of meat In boiling beef stew.
Cover tightly and cook for 12
to IS minutes without lifting
cover. Serv at once. Make t
large dumplings.
31 Tuba
- No Strips, No Converters
Then Get the Best of the Best
11 A.M. to
IK:'. i,:-f
Paul T. Walls & Co.
120 N. Liberty
hen. 4-474J
Prices Effective January 23, 24 and 25
NESTLE'S MORSELS ';...;.......i,i19e'
Pram 12-ot. con 43 C
Roth's 1 2-oi. can 43 C
Spam 12-os. can 39 C
Gardansid . . .
Dannison't . ...
Rtd Hill
For Biscuits. .
.40-os. pkg.
.40-os. pkg.
...No. 2 can 235 C
....No. 303 can lQc
.14-01. bottl.
, .14-oi. bottl.
229 c
MIRACLE WHIP Salad Dressing Quart 49c
DUCHESS Salad Dressing Quart 49c
Whit King Giant 49 c
White Magic Giant 39 e
illtbury 25-lb. tack $ 1 .89
Kitchan Craft 25-lb. tack $1 .89
' Kitchan Craft 10-lb. tack 79 c
Gold Mdol 10 Ibt. 89 c
Kitchan Craft S lb. 49 c
Nucoa ...Lb. 27e
Sunnybank Lb. 27c
Dalawood Lb. 239$
Clorex , Vi-gallon 27 C
Whit Magic Vi-gallon 25e
PINEAPPLE Aols, crushed No. 3t3 can 19c
Calirose, Freestone No. t H can 249c
Arisona Marsh Seedless.
Whole Drawn
l ib. roll.
2120 Pairgraundt Rd.
24S Court St.
126S Cnter St.
93S S. Cammarcial St.