A f ... . r.,-.r.N.3- -- Capital Women Edlte4 fcj HAKIAN LOWRY FI8CBXJI C Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Monday, January 12, 1958 : Miss Tiger, Mr. Davis Are Wed Miss Lore Lee Tiger, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. DeWltt Tiger of Stayton, wai wed to Daryl Davis , eon of Mr. and Mrs. Mel' fcern Davii, Saturday evening at o'clock at the Fint Baptist church, with Dr. Lloyd Ander on ofiiclatlng. Basket! of Calla lilies and spring flowers were on either aide of the altar and two white candelabrum flanked the main altar. The pews were marked with, white satin ribbons. Miss Lorraine Saul wai the organist and Zldon Caley sang. The brunette bride wore f own of Ivory satin. The dress was made with a tight-fitting bodice, long sleeves with self- covered buttons; the rounded neckline was of net and lace, and the skirt was slightly flared with five rows of lace on it. The short veil was of net and lace, and was fastened by a half- crown to the head with seed pearls. The bride's only orna ment was a strand of pearls, and her bouauet was a large white orchid with clusters of baby or chids woven with bouvardia. The bride also carried a small white Bible. Preceding the bride to the altar as the maid of honor, was her sister, Miss Wanda Tiger of Stayton, and two bridesmaids. , Miss Clara Doyo and Miss Roi ella Reimer. The maid of honor ' wore nile green and the brides- maids dresses were in blush pink. The style of the dresses - was identical. They were of sat- ' in with net oversfclrts, a row of i rosettes banding the necklines ' and were worn with bolero Jack- i ett. Shattered carnations were 1 used for headdresses and the I bouquets were of pink and white roses. . 1 Candlellghteri were Bobby ; McGiU of Jefferson and George i Tiger of Stayton. Ringbearers were Susan Tiger and Larry Mc . . Gill. Flower girls were Carol ; Ann McGill and Judy Dawson of , Jefferson. The junior girl at - tendanta' dresses were replicas of the bridesmaids' frocks and were nile green and pink. . Best man was Delbert Davis, ' brother of the bridegroom, and . ushers were Roger Giles and ' Oliver Allen, fraternity broth . era, and Laurence Scheeler, Jr. '" Mrs. Tiger wore a navy blue crepe dinner dress for her daughter's wedding. Her accei V series were white, and her eor ) sage was of pink rosebuds. Mrs. , Melbern Davis, mother of the ; bridegroom, wore a gown of ) golden brown crepe with a long ' apricot-colored sash and Insets : of lace at the neckline. Her ao - eessorles were brown and apri ', eot and her corsage was of Tal isman roses, following the wedding, the reception was In the fireplace room, xne bride's table was cov- i ered with a white satin cloth and flanking the cake were pink and white bells. Cutting the bride's eake waa Mrs. Wallace ' Dawson of Jefferson, an aunt, , and assisting waa Mrs. Lee Coleman. Presiding at the cof- tee urn was Mrs. Hugh McCain, aunt of the bridegroom, and : pouring punch was Miss Bernice Struckmeier. Assisting in serv ing were Misses Louise DeShon, Joyce Saul, Darlene Ingdahl, LaVerne Gammon and Marvel , Lee Coleman. Carol Tiger passed the dream cake; Sandra Dawson ; passed the guest book. When the eouple left on their ; noneymocn for Vancouver, B. C, the bride was wearing a heather - colored dressmaker suit and a small black velvet hat, with accessories in black, and she wore a white orchid : corsage. After their honeymoon, 1 they will return to Salem for a ! short time, and on February 8 the bridegroom will leave for . San Antone.Texas. where he will take officers training in the air ; force. Mrs. Davis will Join him i at a later date. ; The bride received her school lng in Jefferson and for the past .' year has been employed here as a private secretary. The brlde ,' groom is a graduate of Salem high school and in December received his degree from the i University of Oregon. He is ' member of Acacia fraternity. : LEAVING on Thursdsy for Miami. Florida, Is Mrs. C. D. ; Smith. She is stopping in Chi . oago en route to visit a daughter. Birthday Event Stewart Pagenstecher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Pagen stecher, observed his seventh birthday with a party Saturday afternoon, The anniversary is to day. Honoring Stewart were Kay Sherman, Harter de Weese, Allan Hadley, Bobby Schmidt, Jimmy Ward, Jackie Ritchie, Tnra Brigha-i of Toledo, Buddy Jensen of Albany, and Pamela Pagenstecher, sister of the honor guest.. . . Booth-Shandy Rites Recently at Church At a recent ceremony in the First Baptist church, Miss Irene Shandy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shandy of McMinnville, was wed to Kenneth Lyle Booth, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Booth. The Rev. William P. Bray of ficiated at the double ring serv ice on December IB. Mrs. William Bray sang pre ceding the ceremony. Holly and candles decorated the chancel. Mr. Shandy gave his daughter in marriage. Her dress was of whit nylon over white taffeta with a waltz length skirt' Her fingertip veil was secured with lilies of the valley and she car ried a white Bible topped with orchids. Matron of honor was Mrs, John Thorsen of Salem. Her dress was of aqua net over taf feta and her flowers were pink roses. Mist Betty Booth, sister of the bridegroom, was brides maid and her gown Ms of pink net over taffeta. She carried a nosegay of blue tinted roses. Charles Neuman, cousin of the bridegroom, was best man and Fred Shandy, brother of the bride was usher. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Shandy chose a navy blue afternoon dress and wore white carnations. Mrs. Booth, mother of the bridegroom, wore an aqua dress with a corsage of white carnations. The couple greeted their guests at a reception in the social hall of the church. Mrs. A. C. Gas- ner of Clatskanie cut the cake, and Mrs. Robert Newsmann of Amity poured. The bride's grandmother, Mrs. Waller Ar ledge of Willamina, served the punch. Miss Lorraine Gottschalk of Salem received the gifts and Miss Delia Willis of Salem passed the guest book, Mr. and Mrs. Willis are in 1 "! '. it- I SMwHa ft n"iim d Some Notations . . . By M. L.F. A welcome back to the legis-home in the capital . . . Among Is Bride-elect The engage ment of Miss Colleen Lazenby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David C. Laxenby, to Cannon Harris Jones was announced recently, a spring wedding being planned. Installation On Thursday Installation of officers for the Salem chapter of American Gold Star Mothers will be Thurs day evening at o'clock in the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. Mrs. Elizabeth Gimpl of Eu gene department president, will officiate at the installation. Salem Woman's Club Following the business meet ing of the Salem Woman's club on Friday afternoon, Mrs. How ard N. Hunsaker read an article national defense and Mrs. Abner K. Kline asked for aid at the Red Cros sheadquarters. Mrs. George Rossman intro duced the speaker, Mrs. Charles A. S prague. Mrs. S Prague gave an entertaining account of her experiences in New York while her husband was alternate dele gate to the United Nations. Musical numbers were pre sented by Miss Barbara Young and her accompanist. Miss Ev elyn Plog, Willamette university students. Mrs. Luke M. Johnston was chairman of the tea committee, Amaranth Event Members of Hanna Rosa court. Order of Amaranth, will meet at 8 o'clock on Saturday for a so cial evening, "cheerio pals" will be revealed and dancing and cards will follow. Chairmen of the event are Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Aston. A SON, who has been named David Michael, was born Sun day, January 11, in Houston, Texas, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kenagy. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Ken- Bloxle, Miss., where the bride- agy of Salem and Mrs. Charles groom is stationed I Owen of Houston. Dcvaro Coughs 5 From Common Colds : That HANG ON ' Creomuhloa relieves promptly became I h foes into the bronchial system to i help loosen and expel gem laden phlegm and awl Harare to aootne ana heal raw, lender, inflamed bronchial I membranes. Guaranteed to pleaae roe . or money refunded. Creomuliton has stood tin test of mil lion of were. CREOMUCSION fa tors and the first big social gathering in conjunction with opening of the legislature, Mon day, was the party given at the Senator hotel Sunday evening in the Capitol room ... Ob serving the 23th anniversary of Representative W. W. Chad wick of Marion county, owner of the Senator, in the hotel bu siness, hosts for the party were Mr. Chadwick, his son-in-law and daughter, Leonard Rowan, manager of the hotel, and Mrs. Rowan; and Mrs. Robert Moni smlth, assistant manager of the hotel . . . The affair followed the caucus for the house of rep resentatives Sunday evening and it was given for the legis lators, members of the press and of the "third house" Among special guests attending were Governor rani L. Patter son, Secretary of State Earl T. Newhry, Walter Pearson, form er state treasurer; John Steel hammer, former representative and ex-speaker of the house . . . Among feminine guests. Repre sentative Maurine Neuberger of Portland with her - husband. Senator Richard Neuberger; and Mrs. Dorothy Wallace . . . Mrs. Neuberger and Mrs. Wal lace are the only women mem bers of the legislature this ses sion . . . Also among the guests, Mae Barton of Coos Bay, who is to do a series of free lance articles ' on the legislature for the Coos Bay Times ... There will be a sizeable group of Oregonians among the thousands taking in the in auguration for President Dwight D. Eisenhower on Janu ary 20 in the national capital. . . . Among those leaving this week to be on hand for the inauguration, are Governor and Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr. of Salem and Miss Alene Phillips, the latter moving to .Washing ton to take up her duties as personal secretary to former Governor Douglas McKay, who is to be the new secretary of the interior . . . The McKays left last week for their new A DAUGHTER, who has been named Diana, was born January 1 to Mr. and Mrs. William M. Smith of Salem at Emanuel hos pital in Portland. She is the second daughter, the older daughter being Louise. Grand parents are-Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Smith of Salem and Mrs. F. A. Magruder of Baltimore, Mary land. HILL ANTHONY Hill Billies will meet for square dancing on Tuesday evening with a practice session beginning at 8 o'clock at Roberts Grange hall. O0 155 N. Liberty Phone 3-3191 SALE ENDS SATURDAY 72x99" LONGWEAR Mutlin Sheets with 132 threods per sq. in. Sale priced, 1.72 81x99" LONGWEAR Muslin Sheeti. 132 threads per square Inch. Price cut to 1.(9 81x108" LONGWEAR Mutlin Sheeti. 132 threads per tq. In. Price cut to 1.99 42x36" LONGWEAR Muslin Pillow Cas es. 132 threads per tq. In. Reduced to 4Jc QUILTED MATTRESS PADS, twin air. Bleached cover and filler. Reg. 2.98, 2.67 Mattress Pad, full tire, Reg. 3.98, 3.37 42x36" Better Muslin Cases on talc 48 Cannon Twin Fitted Sheets reg. 2.49 2.34 Double Fitted Sheets, reg. 2.69, 2.S4 Good Iron Pad-Cover Set, reg. 1.95, 1.50 Better Iron Pad-Cover Set, reg. 2.39, 1.74 5 wool double blanket, reg. 5.98, 3.(1 Treosure Chest Sheets, 72x108, now 2.27 Treasure Chest Sheets, 81x108, now 2.49 Pepperell Sheets, 81x99, reg. 2.49, 2.24 Calloway Towels, speciol purchase, 1.19 Calloway Hand Towels, reg. 98c 49c , Calloway Wosh Cloth, were 33c, 29e FRINGED BEDSPREAD, lowest price ever. Solid-color wide cotton chenille. 3.97 PIPPERELL BLEND BLANKETS. 25 wool, 75 rayon, 72x84, reg. 7.98, 4.97- SHEET BLANKETS, 70x95". Select Am trieon cotton. Cr'm white, reg. 2.29, 1.97 BATH TOWELS, Cannon's Hioleoh, usual 98c quality. 24x46 In. On talc ot 78c FACE TOWELS. Match Hioleoh towels. 16x26-ln. size. White Sol priced at 44c WASH CLOTHS. Match Hioleoh towels. 12xl2-in. sir. Whit Sal priced ot 22 Special-Plaid Terry Both Towels, now 39c Cannon Bath Towels 22x44". Special 58c Cannon Face Towels 15x26". Special 32c Cannon Wash Cloths 1 2x1 2" Special 1 5c Dish Cloths, reg. 6 for 59c, now 4 for 49e Kitchen Towels, reg. 3 for $1. 3 for 88c Percale, 180 thrcad,81xl08,reg 3.29 2.99 Cotton Plaid Blankets, Reg. 1.89, 1.67 Postel Sheet Blonket, reg. 2.98, now 2.67 others around the state to be back for the inauguration and the inaugural balls will be the following who are well known in the state capital Mn. Mar shall E. Cornett of Klamath Falls, republican national com mitteewoman; Mrs. Roy T. Bishop of Portland, president ot the Oregon Federation ot Re publican Women; Mrs, Lesley Miller of Gearbart, who was vice chairman for the state or ganization of Citizens for Eisen hower during the fall cam paign; Alton F. Baker, owner and publisher of the Eugene Register-Guard, and Mrs. Ba ker .. . Greeting many friends in Salem while here for the legis lature is Mrs. Kenneth Goodall of Portland . . . She is to serve as secretary for her husband, Representative Kenneth Good- all from the sixth district. Clackamas and Multnomah counties . . . The Goodalls are at the Marion . . .' Among va ried civic and community in terests, Mrs. Goodall has been an active member of ,the Port land alumnae chapter of Theta Sigma Phi, national journalism honorary ... v From Portland comes notice of the "Art Muse am Ball," first dance to be given in the Fort land Art museum, the evening event to be February 13 be tween 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. . . . The ball is a benefit from which the committee hopes to secure a goodly sum for the museum's work . . . Mrs. Robert B. Wilson is general chairman. . . Announced for April 23-25 is the annual state conference for the American Association of University Women, the event to be In Klamath Falls . . . Alio announced are dates for the 17th national convention of the AAUW, in Minneapolis, June 22-25; and the triennial meeting of the International Federation of University Women in Lon don, England, August 5-14 . . . -'-ft '' Recent Newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wismer were married in December at Knight Memorial Congregational church. The bride Is the former Janet Lee Bover, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Boyer of Salem. Mr. Wismer is the son of Mrs. Elizabeth Wismer of Tillamook. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) ".. - Star Event On Saturday Salem chapter, Order ot East- . ern Star, met ai uie Masonic temple Saturday night Special guest, Mrs. w. u. Mc- Kinley, associate grand matron, conducted a school of instruc tion for officers and members. , Other guests present were, Mrs. Harry Charlton and Harry Mil ler, worthy matron and worthy patron of Trinity chapter. Refreshments committee in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Martin ' Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. George Mart us, Mrs. Sherman Burris, Mrs. Clyde Gilbert and Mrs. Jeff Harrelson. Decorations for the evening were arranged by Mrs. Kenneth Dodge and Mrs. Joe Brooks. m w m To Visit Here A visitor expected on Wednes day Is Dr. H. H. Brooks, presi dent of Coe college, Cedar Rap ids, Iowa. He will visit his' mother, Mrs. H. H. Brooks and his brother-in-law and sister. Dr. and Mrs. G. Herbert Smith of Willamette university. Dr, Brooks has been 'attending the meetings for the American Asso ciation of Universities and Col-' leges in Los Angeles, a meeting . also attended by Dr. Smith. The visitor will be here two days. Party for Birthday Sharon Brown, oaugnter or Mr. and Mrs. Neil Brown, was honored at a party on Saturday afternoon, the affair being a de-1 layed birthday event. Sharon was nine years old in mid-De-cember. Games were played and refreshments served. Sharon's guests were Mellnda Duniway, Linda Senter, Diane Meola, Polly Bailey, Barbara Ora, Beverly Gannon, Randy Beck, Christine Cannon, Barbara Sloan, Maria McVay, Sharon Elbert, Phyllis Shelton, Mary Ellen Prlne. EXECUTIVE BOARD mem bers of the American Legion auxiliary, Capital unit No. , will meet Monday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. An son Ingels on Wallace road. ROOF REPAIRING WILLAMETTE VALLEY ROOF COMPANY Ph. 39694 ruise cottons give you twice the wearing time! ' Legion, L'AIGLON , . . turns a warm and lovely night on th way you'll look for a southern cruis ora next-summer holiday. Herar ' fashions with two locales, two lives . . . beguilingly styled, smilingly priced. Many other styles to choos from. Sizes, regular, half sizes 38-42 $17.95 135 N. Liberty V