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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1952)
12 Capital Journal, Salem, So I said to him, "Look, pal, you could break a few sales records yourself if you'd advertise in the Capital Journal Want Ads." 5 FOR SALE HOUSES $500 DOWN $70 per month, including interest, taxes and lire Insur ance, for this 3-year old 2-bedroom suburban home. Fire place, hardwood floors, V. blinds, unfinished upstairs, attached garage, large lot. Total price $8750. Phone S6468, or stop at 3705 Sunnyview for key. OPEN HOUSE EAST ENGLEWOOD 2:30 TO 5:00 P.M. SUNDAY, JANUARY 6 Come see this new 3-bedroom house. Just completed. Forced-air oil fur nace, fireplace, attached garaitc with overhead storage apace, inside laundry room, ntce kitchen with breakfast area, large living room, separate dining room. This house has very nice Interior arrangement and the workmanship Is exceptional. 1375 Evergreen Avenue. ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER Real Estate Insurance Mortgage Loans PHONE: 3-0217 EVENINGS: J-JW FOR SALE HOUSES $3950.00 Email hse 1 bdrm., LR, K. and bath. Large tot with trees. Near school and bus. Kelzer dist. Easy terms. C. W. REEVE, REALTOR 180 8. Commercial. Ph. 2-4590. Eve. 1-9536 a5 f-BEDROOM home 1 block from St. Vin cent's school. All electric, attached ta rage. Ph. 31917. a6 JUST COMPLETED, 3 bedroom, den. 1500 square feet. Double garage. Corner North 35th and Market. If you want a house built with special care In design and workmanship, we urge you to see this. Phone fcoRTII, 3 bedrooms, only 3 years old. Hdwd. floors. Inside utility room, living room carpeted, Insulated and weather etrlpped. Will appraise OI or FIIA. Owner sacrificing for quick sale for IB050. Call Bowes As Wood, 224 North High. Ph. 4-3353, eve. 3-0053 or 3-0432. a7 LOOK Here ts your chance to buy an IB500 home for only $7100. Needs redecorating. Large lot with walnut trees. Paved street. t bdrms., L rm., large kitchen, utility rm., att. gar. Terms. O. W. REEVES, REALTOR 180 8. Commercial. Ph. 3-4;9Q. Eve. J-953fi a5 BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL For sale by "o'wn er. Corner lot. 3 la rue bedrooms. Hard wood floors, living room, fireplace, din ing room, breakfnst room, double plumb ing, excellent heating system, full base ment, attached garage, extra lot. 2120 Center. Phone 3-9724. a5 IN SOUTH SUBURBAN HILLS. Spacious rambling 3 bedrooms and den, living room 16x33, dining room 14x20, fire place the likes of which you haven'L seen. Radiant hot water heat. Completely automatic kitchen and laundry. Heavily carpeted, sloping lawns, patio. Double arage. Selling far below present replace ment cost. $36,000. ANOTHER more modest but yet offering many features that will delight every home seeker. This one on a slightly smaller scale at 113,700 easily sells It self on first Inspection. Denton & Denton Realtors 144 Stale Street Phone 3-.1AI13 Evening call: Mr. Danietnoti, 4-1560 Mr. Voorheea, 3-4007 Mr. Denton, 3-0660 afl OPEN HOrSE SUNDAY, JANUARY 4. 1953 I TO 5 P.M. 1385 NORTH 34th IN EAST ENGLEWOOD RANCH TYPE HOME t bdrms., llv. rm., kltclirn, nook - full bath wih tub - shower - Philippine ma hogany trim and doom In llv. rm., din. rm. and reception hall - Amcrlcnn fltd., auto-oll hot water h cull tut. Exhaust fan In kitchen - nice comfortable utility room. A well built home (or gracious living. Immediate poMeaslnnl CALL J. E. LAW ORABENHOHST I1HOS. HKALTOltfl 134 South Liberty Bt. Phone 3-2471 Evenings & Sundays Call J. K. Law 3-5113. Pole Oelser 3-9l)fl8, O. V. Hume. Broker 2-530 as REAL ESTATE Here . . . IS VALUE!!! Large living room, dining room, den. plus five bedrooms, full basement, saw dust burner, lots of atoratte space. Fruit trees and garden spare. Belter than new. But by door. Price and terms to sell, at 111,000. ONE YOU CAN AFFORD!! 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors. Ven etian blinds, paved street. Bus one block 500 will handle. IDEAL FOR HANDY MAN!! small investment will put you into business. Large chicken house, brooder house, garage and 1-bedroom home. Pull price 15350. $1,000 will handle. REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 101 South Hlfh strr.t Ph. J.,301 i-UTi, j-nn CLARIFIED ADVERTISING Per Ward 4c Per Word, 8 (Intra 10c Per Word, t times Ifte Per Word, I Month Oe Ne Re fa nda Mini mam 1 Words RF.AUERH In Loral News Cel. Onl. Per Word H Minimum 10 Werdi To Place Ad Phone t-2406 Before 10 a.m.. Oregon, Saturday, Jan. 5, 1932 1 FOR SALE HOUSES FOE BALE BY OWNER 1-bedroom home tn Englewood. Living room, dinette, kitchen, bath and utility. Largs lot. garage, trees, close to sehool, bui and stores. Can be handled with 11,800 down payment for qualified buyer. Price 19,500. Call 2-6158. 9350 ImmedlBtt possession on thti S bdrm. new home. All on 1 fir., hdwd. firs., att. car., oil fur., extra line lot. Ownera la offer ing very reasonable terms on this prop. C. W. REEVE REALTOR 980 8. Commercial. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 1-9538 SAVE NOWt Purnlshed (unfurnished) 2 bedroom, convenient arrangement. ISO Illinois. ml' BY OWNER 1 jr. old, 2 bedrooms, att. garage, assume O.I. loan. Carlhaven Addition. Phone 4-4138. a5 BEAUTIFUL, LARGE, 2 bedroom house. PI altered, double garage. East front. Every thins here you need. Over 3,000 square feet. Located 1435 North 26th. Owner and builder. efi FOR SALE HOUSES REAL ESTATE mm A SLEEPER 3-bedroom home Inside city. All rooms on one floor. Part basement. Sawdust furnace. Paved street. 4', a blocks to school. Lawn and Bhrubs. 'ina totaj price is only 16950.00. Terms. UNIQUE AND COZY Only Vh years old. Tn the best of condition. Insulated and weatherstrlp ped. P.H.A. terms. Wall-to-wall carpets. 3 blocks to school. Lots of bullt-lns. Total price only $9250.00. QUALITY HOME! In East Englewood. Brand new, 3 bedrooms on one floor. Forced-air oil heat. Fireplace. Insulated. Tile bath. Immediate possession. $9800.00 F.H.A. loan available. Total price $13,000.00. See this before you buy. 13 BUILDING LOTS Unimproved. Water available. Near school and bus service. This Is a deal for a builder. The total price of all of them is only 16500,00. EMERGENCY SALE To close- estate. 3-bedroom home In Englewood district. Fireplace, basement, garage, paved street. Several fruit and walnut trees. Older type which has been redecorated. New roor. noora re sanded. A bargain price of $7000. Terms available. CALL FOR LLOYD KEENE, EVE. PHONE 26076, OR DAN ISAAK, EVE. PHONE 43533. TAVERN SACRIFICE This Is a bargain. Several acres of land. Cafe with beer license. Nice living quar ters. All equipment In the best of con dition. Room to build nice motor court In arov with river frontage. This prop erly has many possibilities. Sacrifice price of $17,700.00. Some terms. THIS IS NICE and In a good location. One apartment has 3 brdrooin.1, the other has one. Pri vate bathrooms. Separate utility room In basement. Double garage. Nice lawn. This is one of the best duplexes. $6000 down with a total price of $17,500. GROCERY with living quarters. This Is not lust another neighbor hood itore. This Is a good money-maker. Very clean stock, Building plus owner's living quarters goes for only 18750. Will exchange for home of equal value, BUSINESS RENTAL In the best of condition. Completely remodeled. Leased for 10 years with tax rnlso clause In lease for JflO per month. Liberal terms. Total price (10.000. CAM, FOR Mlt, ANDERSON, EVE. PHONE TURNER 8X COLLECT. 81 Acres on the Abiqua river. 65 acres under cultivation. New berg, Chehalts and Willamette soil. One of the producing farms In the val ley. Suitable tor peppermint. 8-room home. 40x40 barn. Implement shed. Chicken house, Hog house. Corn crib. Pri'.ient owner hns cannery contract for swret corn. Owner will sell form for $38,000,00 or all equipment plus farm for $36,000.00. A good portion of this Place Is under irrigation. HOP FARM In the heart of Central Howell district, 5-rooni home. Farm shop. 3-car garage. 3 wpIIs. 17 acres In hops. Total 30 acres. Willamette soli. Price $16,300. 1 ACRE close tn northeast. Good 3-bedroom home OHrage. 6 blocks to school. Chicken home. Term arranged. Total price MORTGAGE LOANS Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 PORTLAND ROAD Office Phones: 43311 or 37830 Eve.: 43 J J J. 36076. 34735, Turner IX collect, or 33658 c?' HUDKINS BUY-LINES CUTE HOME Located in W. Salem, thin 1-B.R. home Is cltwe to bus and school. LR., D R. and kit. Path and utility. Patio and garage on lee. lot with fenced rear yd. Priced inn i; $6,950. WALK TO WORK Parody home, walk to town, and scnoon. i,ge. llv. -din. rm., 3 bdrms. down. Unfinished upstairs, insulated. Pull baamt. with new oil furnace, elec. wtr. htr. The asking price Is $13,000.. CH AS. HUDKINS & SON Realtors mo n. Huh at Ph. i-tin Ph. n.: i-iiM .1 REAL ESTATE Colbath LAND BARGAINS HOLLYWOOD $5950 AN EXCELLENT RENTAL or nice placa to live. 2-bdrm. home, plastered, white shake, full Insulated, fenced yard, family fruit, 63x125 lot, good oil clrc. gas rannge and all floor coverings stay. TERMS. OWNER WOULD TRADE FOR 3-BDRM. HOME. GLENWOOD DR. 2-bdrm. STUCCO HOME, paved street, good well, fenced lot with variety of fruit & berries. Also chicken nse. WELL WORTH THE PRICE OP 37930. 3-BDRM FAMILY HOME, located 104 E. Wilson. $6400. Lane L R., D R., double garage, 70x70 lot. Trees, fence. (EXTRA LOT AVAIL ABLE. TERMS.) $1000 DOWN (OR LE8S to right party. ',4 acre on 99E. 4 -room house and large double garage. Well, a good rabbit setup. Price $5950. $40 per month. ON THE ABOVE SEE MRS ALTA WELLS. EVE. PH. 33738 OSCAR 8EDERSTROM, EVE. PH. 35219 FARMS & ACREAGES POSSIBLE $2000 DN." This fine 2-bdrm. modern home, fi years old, lots of bullt-lns, 3-car ga rage, nice enough to live In; plus 4 acres good land. 3 miles out on Salem-Dallas highway. All tor $8950. 15 ACRES No bldgs. but does have barn tz some timber, fruit ic spring. $2650 CASH. 20 ACRES $6400 Older type 3-bdrm. modern home, barn, sheep-tight. Oood terms. ON THE ABOVE SEE T, T. ANDERSON FOR A FARM EVE. PH. 42714 COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS 1681 CENTER ST. DIAL 24552 EVE. PHS.: 23738. 35219 or 42714 c7 SACRIFICE Out of town owner desires an offer on late built 3-bdrm. home. Just like new. Corner lot across from a park, close to bus, stores and school. TO SETTLE ESTATE Clean 3-rm. house and good sized lot for a garden. Located In Independence. $400 down. Price only $1300. Call Bon Clcary WALTER MUSORAVE, REALTORS 1211 Edge water - Ph. 3-5109 - Eve. 3-9839 c6' WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE: If your property is for sale, rent or exchange, list It with up. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St. ca IIAVE CASH BUYERS and others with $1000 down or more. If you are In the market to sell or trade, contact COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS 1683 Center - Ph. 24552 ca WE ARE In need of good houses to sell In or near Salem. If you wish to list your property for sale, see ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Ph. 2-2471 ca ONE-BEDROOM home, small down pay ment, pnone saiw oetween ' ana v evenings. ca5 HAVE CASH buyers for acreages and farms near Salem. See T. T. Anderson with Colbath Land Co., Realtors. 1683 Center. Phone 2-4552. ca BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOME AND INCOME, 0 unit apartment completely furnished, close to state bldgs. Would accept small home us down pay ment or good contract allowing very good return on the Investment. Call Powcs & Wood, 324 North High. Ph. 4-3353, eve. 3 -80 S3 or 2-0422. cd6 MAJOR OIL COMPANY station for lease. For details, call 26045 after 6 p.m. cd6 6 Unit Apt. $200 MONTHLY INCOME Here's a wonderful opportunity that Is waiting for you right now. See this sur prising 6-unlt apt. house with minimum steady potential Income of $200 a month. Tenants pay heat and electricity. Owner furnishes hot water only. Nicely fur nished, 4 garages, close-In downtown lo cation. An amazing buy for only $4,500 down and payments of just $65 a month. Neat and clean, recently redecorated. This property Is In excellent condition. Total price $12,600. Shown only by ap pointment. Call and ask to see It. Murphy & Kent, Realtors 456 N. Church Phone 4-2393 Eves.: Mr. Brown, 3-6440 FURNITURE FOR SALE 9x1? LI NO LEI' M rugs, $4.95. nlture Co., 355 N. High. FURNITURE and appliances, all kinds, at attractive prices. Hall's Furniture Store, 1979 Fairgrounds Rd, Ph. 4-34S1 d5 WANTED FURNITURE BEST PRICES paid for used furniture, ap pliances and miscellaneous. Hall's Fur niture Store, 1979 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 43481, da5 PREMIUM PRICES Courteous Appraisal Trader Louie, Ph. 38558 da OUR LOW OVERHEAD and rapid turnover enauies us to pay you more for. your furniture. Appliance, miscellaneous Glenn Woodry. Phone 35110 today. 1605 North Summer. da AUCTIONS BUDTEIJj'S FURNITURE AND LIVESTOCK AUCTION EVERY THURSDAY PHONE 3-6098 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK REAUTIFl'L YOU NO hunter mare for sale. Oentlc for lady. Phone 36919 after 9 p.m. PAIR OF MATCHED buckskin saddle horsei. Wonderful combination for man A woman Ph. 44215. PETS SINGER CANARIES for ChrtstmaJ Phone 3-4383. 1340 Chemeketa. ec' A. K. C. Registered Cocker Spaniel pup pies. Phone 3-4302. ec5 MOORE'S TROPICAL F1SII. equipment and supplies. 3 mile from Lancaster Macleay road. Phone 2-7321. Closed on Wednesdays only. ec!3 FUEL PLANES TRIMMING! for cook stove and heater. Very nice for kindling. $8.00 per cord. Phone 3-7721 or 3-6024. Capital Lmbr. & Fuel Co. WALNUT HIHLUI Vr lood lor fu,l, 15 ion, oo ck, to ton. Morru Klorftln Picking Co.. teo N. rront. Hiway Fuel Co. SAWDUST Clean, fresh cut, screened, prompt delivery. iuoe service or pu.n on. Dry or green 18-tn wood. OREGON FUEL CO. REAL ESTATE Ohmart & Calaba Realtors m ECONOMY HOME 3 bedrooms, separate dining room., part basement, auto, oil heat, dble. arage, close In north. Out of town owner will sell for $6800. good terms. IP YOU'RE LOOKING FOR THE UNUSUAL let us show you this charming home on the creek, spacious living room and dining room. 1 bedroom down, 2 up with sewing room, hardwood floors, auto, heat, close-in location. $11,000. Ask for Pat. NOTICE How can you beat this for value????? Large living room and dining room, extra large bedrooms, fireplace, lull basement with fireplace, extra bed room. Call Maddy. FARM SPECIALS 32 acres, 6 miles east on pavement, some Irrigation rights. 20 acres with buildings, $15,000. See L. Lorenz. Ohmart & Calaba, Real Estate & Insurance 477 Court St. Eve.: L. Lorens 35590 Henry Torvend 33632 Ralph Maddy 23488 START THE NEW YEAR IN A NEW HOME NO. 1 Cute, compact, economical home1. 3 bdrms., living rm., kitchen with nook and bath. Attractive lawn and shrubbery. Northeast on nice street. Full price $4,750, good terms. NO. 2 Located east on Center St., this 2-bdrm. home has an exceptionally large lot with all the features you want In a semi-suburban property, Living rm. and dining rmn. combined, 2 good-sized bdrms., tub bath, utility room, garage. Only 1 yr. old and selling below FHA appraisal at only $7,500. The terms will surprise you. NO. 3 Here Is a roomy 2-bdrm. home, decorated to suit the fastidious and arranged for comfortable living. Beautiful hdwd. floors, oil heat, lrg. kitchen, plenty of closet and storage space. Sparkling new and waiting to be lived In. $8,500, best FHA terms, NO. 4 On Breyman Ave., close to schools, bus and shopping center. 3 full sized bdrms., comfortable living rm. with fireplace, sep. dining rm., hdwd. floors thruout, auto, forced-air furnace. A new home you will be proud to own, reasonably priced at 112,900, FHA ready to go. NO. 5 Candalarla 3-bdrm. Extra lrg. living room with fireplace, kitchen big enough for your family, auto, forced-air oil furnace, lrg. utility, attrac tive ranch style architecture. Selling below FHA appraisal at $13,000. Best of terms. Murphy & Kent, Realtors 456 N. Church Eves.: Brown 3-6440 Grabenhorst Specials LOTS 50 x 120 No. 2 Zone $ 800.00 50 x 120 McKinley School S 850.00 68x 108 Salem Heights S 875.00 100 x 200 Salem Heights S1350.00 50 x 200 Fairmount $1580.00 77 x 137 Candalaria View S1850.00 68 x 124 Englewood $2000.00 75 x 150 Fairmount $3750.00 CALL PETE CE1SER NO. 3 ZONE 11000 down Verr good older 1-story home. 3 bdnn.. llreplace. full basmt. with new auto, oil furnace. Read; to move Into. Total price $6750. CALL O. V. HUME, BROKER WAREHOUSE & OFFICE SPACE Ideal contractor's location and facilities alr-condltloned office space, drive-ln warehouse Apace tor loaded trucks and storage; can be leased 1150.00 per mo. CALL C. L. GRABENHORST GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty St. Ph. 2-2471 Evenings Si Sundays call J. E. Law 3-5113 Pete Oelser 3-9968 O. V. Hume, Broker, 3-5206 c5' OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, JANUARY 6TH 1 TO 5 P.M. 1750 CLAXTER ROAD Drive out Portland Road 1 410 miles from underpass, turn left to 17S0 Claxter Road. Nearly 2 acres of gardener's paradise with good substantial modern home, fireplace, basement, oil furnace, etc., priced at 311,000 excellent terms. CRAWFORD 2-3390. BURT PICHA, Inc. 379 N. High St. FUEL DRY AND GREEN 16-ln. slab wood. Phone 3-7721 or 3-6024. Capital Lmbr. & Fuel Co. West Salem Fuel Co. Dry planer ends, dry slab wood, block wood, screened sawdust tube service. Diesel & stove oil. Pick up wood at 1535 Edge water. Phone Salem 2-4031 West Salem ee ASK FOR S. &.H. GREEN STAMPS SAWDUST - DUMPED OR CONVEYED. DRY OR GREEN SLAB OR MILLENDS. PHONE 37442 ee 2nd GROWTH FIR, maple, prune, and slab wood. Ph. 42041 or 3844,1 eeis FOR SALE POULTRY HENS A FRYERS wanted. Heavy or light, top prices, Lee's Hatchery, phone 32861. HATCHES of a olden Broad and New Hampshire chicks every Tuesday. We specialize in broiler chicks. Fox's Hatch ery, 3830 State St., phone 3-4969. f For March Delivery Order your baby chicks now from Sears' Farm Dept. basement Sears, Rosebuck and Co. 5M N Capitol fll' PARMENTKR cockerels. New Hampshire chicks, weekly, day old, or started. Ph. 33861. Lee's Hatchery. f RIG COLORED FRYERS, also day-Old and starter chick-. Valle Farm 3tore. I PRODUCE APPLES Best buys In town. See display ad on page 3. iiv IDAHO ALFALFA Market price. 13-ton truck load lot, call 3031 or im stiver ton, ff 16 LARGE eouthern Oregon daU prunes. Valley Farm Store. ff HELP WANTED WANTED Combination carpet A lino leum mechanic. H. U Stiff Furniture. f7 HELP WANTED MALE A LUNG established mid western lite in surance company Is expanding operations In the northwest. An attractive financ ing plan for an experienced field man for general agency opening in this city, Exclusive territory. In replying, live com plete past history. All replies strictly com dentlal. Write Box 379. capital Jour nal. ia7 HELP WANTED MALE: Experienced bar tender tMlxologist. References required. Send perional dearrlptlon. Answer P. O REAL ESTATE lll.PM Phone 34115 - 34116 Pat F-emper 25297 Ph. 4-3393 Anderson 2-1744 Parsons 2-1508 Office: 2-4047 HELP WANTED MALE SERVICE MANAGER Must be capable of repairlns household appliances and able to run a service dept. Apply in person. Ask for Mr. Hanbom. MONTGOMERY WARD 155 N. Liberty Ph. 33191 hT ASSISTANT NEEDED to help Fuller brush dealer. Start at 187.50 each week. Phone 2-3757. 2-2370 or 3-8357. caS HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRL OR WOMAN Care of 3 children, 6 days week, board, room & 870 per month. Phone 2851 SUverton. gbj HELP WANTED FEMALE: Experienced Mixed Drink Waitress. References re quired. Send personal description. An swer f. o. box 15D, saiem, Oregon, sot HOME PLANNING center director. Must have some decorating experience and be able to sketch furnlshlnrs. Full time, ex cellent salary. State qualifications in first letter. Write Box 381, Capital Journal. gblo1 FOUNTAIN AND RETAIL clerk, exper ienced .Apply In person. Wiles Drug Store. gb5 DICTAPHONE OPERATOR 3ft to 40, for electric typewriter. Should have 60 words per minute speed. No shorthand. Insur ance experience desirable but will train person otherwise qualified. Apply Oregon eiaie fcmpioymeni oemce, no rerry St., Salem. (No fee charged.) gbo MAISONETTE HOME SHOPPING Service will hire 6 socially active, Willamette valley area, married women, full or part time, write r. o. box 292, saiem, Ore gon. gb5 GIRL WANTED for housework and child care. Live In. Good wages. Private room. References. Phone 39440. gb5' WALNUT 8 HELLERS wanted. Morris Klor- feln Packing Co.. 460 N. Front Bt. gb WANTED SALESMAN APPLIANCE SALESMAN We need am bltlous young men to work as salesmen In our appliance dept. Apply in person. Ask for Mr. Haaborn. MONTGOMERY WARD 155 N. Liberty - Ph. 33191 gg7' WANTED POSITIONS CAROL AN DAT NURSERY school. Profes slonal guidance In comtructlra play. New, cheerful environment Hot balanced lunches, Mission. h7' JOE PALOOKA Sp jp AUCTIONS Land Auction SUNDAY, JANUARY 13-3:00 P.M. 99E FRONTAGE 99E FRONTAGE Property contains 595 ft. of frontage on 99E lust North of the Drive-In theatre. The 095 ft. Is In two parcel. One Just North of the Glen wood Ballroom containing 185 ft. of frontage with a depth of 300 ft. The other parcel lies just South of the Olenwood Ballroom and contains 409 ft. frontage with ft depth of the South side of 266 ft. and on the North of 300 ft. The property will be otfered In two separate parcels, or tn one parcel. Sale to be held on the above land at the time and date advertised. Terms of sale: 10 of bid deposit required of successful bidder at conclusion of bidding. Cash or 401 required upon delivery of title and deed. Balance payable in i equal annual payments plug Interest at br,r, given In form of a note secured by mortgage. Allowance for a small home trade-In will be considered, and an allowance given In bidding If notified la ample time so that Inspection can be made before date of sale. Property will be sold subject to the approval of the owner. Auctioneer' note: I am very careful In listing properties for public auction. The possibilities of a rest bargain must be present or X will not attempt to sell them. Any Inspection of the property offered In this sale may be had by phoning me for an appointment. Real Estate Auctioneer Owners Claude M. Kilgore Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Parton 390 S. Lancaster Dr. Ph. 3-9820 Ph. 2-5706 "77 Successful Real Estate Auctions In the Past 36 Months" Jan. B. 13 4j5 WANTED POSITIONS EXPERIENCED baby sitter, day or night. Phone 3-biis. h5 MIDDLE-AGED MAN wants any ordinary work, dishwashing preferred. Elgle Bow der, 1475 N. 24th. Phone 26786. h6 CARPENTER WORK. New construction or remodeling. Built-in cabinets. No Job too small. Phone 2-4962. hlO Mimeographing - Typing Mrs. roe, 065 N. loth si. rn. a-zvn h26 3 ROOMS, bath, electric water heater, wired for range. 130. 2530 North 4th. Jm7 EXPERIENCED baby sitter day or night. Dial 3-7U30. J17- YOUNG FAMILY MAN with good business background desires move to Salem, Neat, sober, aggressive. Prefer claims adjust ment or management training. Can Jus tify substantial earnings. Box 377, Cap Ital Journal. h5 BABY SITTING, evenings, have own trans portation. 50o hour. Mrs. Rogers Ph. 4-1700. h5 CHILD CARE In home. 1180 Shipping pnone 3-982. ns PAINTING, papering. Free estimates. Don Lucero. Ph. 3o523. h9 Elderly care. Monmth 383. RELIABLE BABY SITTER, day or night. Phone 2-9964. h22 TREE WORK: Topping, trimming, remov ing, insured operator. John Payne. Phone 3-6638. h24 FOR RENT STORE BUILDING for rent. Highway 09. Molalla junction. Phone Black 3102. Woodburn. J10 FOR RENT ROOMS WARM SLEEPING ROOM, close In. 740 Chemeiceta. Ph. 41712. JKU CLEAN, WARM, light housekeeping room. 735 N. Church. FOR RENT: Large room, 475 Ferry street, suitable for office or store State Fin ance Co.. Tel. 3-4121. Jk' ROOM Hot and cold water, refrigerator and cooking. Phone 28530. Jk8 HEATED SLEEPING rooms. 3rd floor. 461 North High. JklO SEPARATE SLEEPING room. H. L. Stiff furniture uo, t-none a-uiea. ik- FOR RENT APARTMENTS LARGE S-ROOM furnished apartment. Ph. 35278. IPS' 8-ROOM furnished apartment, I bedroom, private Datn, Jos. diock io tseiu s. 348 N. 12th. Inquire Apt. 5. Jp6 REDECORATED 2-room ground floor apartment. Warm, close tn. Lady pre ferred. 645 Ferry. Jp6 BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED apartment, Liv ing room with fireplace, large Bed room with double and single beds. Din ing room, large kitchen and bath, garage Included. 380 .Phone 43463. Jp9 LOVELY FURNISHED apartment, walking distance to town. Fireplace. Tile bath, 165 month. 1346 Saginaw. Jp9 NEW, COMFORTABLE brick court, partly furnished. 390 S. 17th. )P9 S-ROOM apartment, partially furnished. 2-room apartment, iurnisnea. Mioaie- aged lady or couple preferred. Ph. 333p8. JP6' CAPITAL PLAZA Ultra modern court apartment, 1 bed' room. Rents reduced to (73.50 and 183.50. Spacious rooms. Ample closet space. Well iurnisnea ior nominal aaoitionai cosi to responsible party. Open lor inspec tion. 1165 Chemeketa. 3-8630. jp26 REDECORATED, furnished 3 -room apart ment, some utilities paid. Hot water, re frigerator. 129 month. Adults. Ph. 35681. 634 N. Capitol. Jp6' 2 FURNISHED apartments, close to state- house, Colbath Land Co., 24532; evenings, phone Sederstrom 25219. Jp ALMOST NEW, very modern apartment. waiKlnf distance irom Houywoon Parrlsh and Grant schools. Partially furnished. S63 month. Al Isaak St Co. Realtors, 3039 Portland Rd. Ph. 43311. JP' STEAM HEATED, modern, front apart ment with Bendix wasner. electric dryer. Two blocks to Shopping Center, state buildings and 3 to city. For one or two. 468 North Winter. jp6 CLEAN LARGE furnished apartment, util ities furnished, reasonable. Child care days. 365 South 16th. jp7 FURNISHED suburban N. E. Upstairs, Roomy, uesiraoie. oarage, laundry. 2-3188. JP7' SEVERAL furnished apartments, good lo cation, inquire H. L. Stiff Furniture. Phone 39185. Jp' NICELY FURNISHED apartments. Ambass ador Apartment. 550 N Summer. Jp9' 2 -ROOM FURNISHED apartment, utilities, close in. single. Phone 2-6094. jpa NICE 2-ROOM apartment. 575 Marlon. JpB UPSTAIRS FURNISHED 4-room duplex, )43 month. Close In. Two-room apartment, garage, available. Ph. 27600. JpS CLOSE IN, all furnished. Completely mod ern. 2-room apartment. 535 North Win ter. Jp5' NICE 8-ROOM downstairs apartment, prl vate bath, refrigerator, 2-4745. 388 North Church. JplO Ft'RNlsnED, private bath, walking dis tance. 399 Mission. JP1Q YOU'LL LIKE THIS ONE. Modem fur nished apartment, ground floor. Private entrance. 7.8 south 13th. jpT ROOM FURNISHED apartment, private bath, refrigerator, utilities. Phone 2-9875 420 South 20th. JP7 CLEAN S-ROOM furnished apartment, close tn. very reasonable. 180 Dlvlilon. corner Front and Division. JpS ATTRACTIVE 3-ROOM. refrigerator, range garage, over McMlllon't confection ery. Phone 38670. Jp7 S-ROOM FURNISHED, private bath, laun dry facilities, lots of storage room, on bus line. Phone 37796. Jps f'Vl'J: ' .WrVV7M. I I II,, I r WW HAVE IO 6ET 60IM& 1 illfjj TRANSLATION . I AUCTIONS PUBLIC AUCTION HOMES TO CLEAR RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR SALEM BY-PASS 3650 CENTER STREET - Salem - File No. 17653, Residence - small house about 4 years old, cedar shake exterior, shingle roof, 1 bedroom, bath, living room and kitchen, fir floors, eave trough and down spouts, cottage type. With this home will be sold Lot 13, Block 2 Rehb's Addition, Marlon County, Ore- W gon. Lot and home to be Included In your bid. -. 3660 TRUMAN AVENUE - Salem - File No. 17678, Residence - cedar shake exter ior, composition roof, eave troughs and down spouts, 2 bedrooms, bath with shower stall, living room, kitchen and dinette, wired for range, electric water heater, fir floors, oil floor furnace, laundry trays, plastered interior, attached garage, about 4 years old. With this home will be sold all that por tion of Lot 21, Block 2 Rehb's Addition, Marlon County, Oregon, lying outside of the Highway right of way. Lot and home to be Included In your bid. 3755 MONROE AVENUE - Salem - File No. 18109, Residence Asbestos shake ex terior, shingle roof, 2 bedrooms, bath, living room and dining room com bined, fir floors, electric heat, wired for electric range, electric water heater, Plastered Interior, insulated and weather stripped, laundry trays, water pump system, attached garage. About 5 years old. With this home will be sold Lot 17, Block 2 Rehb's Addition, Marlon County, Oregon. Lot and home to be included in your bid. :585 GARDEN ROAD - Salem - File No. 17240, Residence - ranch type, unusual TV attractive white siding exterior, composition roof, eave troughs and down spouts, 2 bedrooms, VM baths, separate utility room .spacious living room with fireplace, dining room, hall and living room has carpet matting, large kitchen with dining area, electric radiant heat In ceiling, electric water heater, wlrM for range, electric pump system, pump house 21'xl5 double attached garage with built-in closets. This home has basement and rooms are partitioned. Homes must be removed from present location within 30 days of accep tance of offer. Full Information regarding estimated cost of moving, concrete foundation, septic tanks, and new well and other inspections of the properties may be had by calling C. W. Parker, State Highway Department, Salem, Phone 4-2171 Ext. 717. TERMS OF SALE ARE: The above described buildings to be sold to the highest bidder, but subject to the approval of the Highway Commission and with the right reserved to reject any and all bids. 80 of bid price Is to be paid by successfull bidder at conclusion of bids and balance to be paid within ten days of notice of acceptance of bid by the Oregon State Highway Commission. OPEN FOR INSPECTION DATE: Sunday, January 6. 1952, from 3 to 5 P.M. SALE DATE: Saturday, January 12, 1952, at 1:00 P.M. at 3650 Center Street and thereafter at 3660 Truman Avenue, 3755 Monroe Avenue and 3585 Oar den Road. ANY FINANCINO NECESSARY MUST EE ARRANGED BY YOU WITH THE FINANCING COMPANY OF YOUR CHOICE PRIOR TO SALE DATE. Auctioneer: Oregon State Highway Commission Claude M. Kilgore State Highway Building Phone 25706 Salem, Oregon , 390 South Lancaster Drive, Salem, Oregon ' Jan. 5, 11 FOR RENT APARTMENTS UNFURN. DUPLEX, 3 rms. fc bath. Ga rage, utility rm., clean. Ph. 34480. ips $17 MONTH, 4-room furnished apartment. 2252 Simpson at ora Between miu ana Lee streets. 2-room $10. On bus. jp5 UNFURNISHED, one large bedroom, elec tric heat, 345. Phone 3-3694. 1p9 3 ROOMS and private bath, unfurnished except range. J30 per month. Phone 2-4342. JP6 UPSTAIRS 3 room furnished apartment. 345. 945 Union. Phone 3-7341. Jp9 CLEAN, 2 ROOMS, kitchenette, furnished. Adults. 350 union. Phone 3-8449.. jps 1 FURNISHED, 3 rooms; I lower 4 room duplex, unfurnished except range ana refrigerator. Each with private entrance and bath. 785 North Capitol. Phone 3-8231. Jp5' LEE APTS. Salems' Most Distinguished Address. Beautiful bachelor apartments with Pullman kitchens, at reduced rates. 1 bedroom apts. from 872.50. We invite your inspection, or call 4-1641. Winter at Union St. jp NICELY FURNISHED apartment. Close In, state offices. Reasonable. Phone 3-1744. Jp8 2-ROOM FURNISHED apartment 840. Pri vate Oath and entrance. 735 south 13th. 1P5 FURNISHED apartment. Steam heat and utilities. Capitol Shopping dlst. 2-0463. JP5 3-ROOM FURNISHED court apartment. Close tn. Oarage. Phone 2-0346. Jpo 2-ROOM FURNISHED apartment, private bath, refrigerator, utilities paid. S37.S0. Call 3-4084. jp5 3-ROOM furnished cottage, garage, util ities paid. SaO month. Phone 2-0688. JpB FURNISHED COURT apartment, 4 blocks from state house. Phone a-oin. ipy FURNISHED 1 -bedroom court apartment, 3-bedroom unfurnished court apartment with stove and refrigerator. 923 S. 13 Ph. 27079. Jp7' UPSTAIRS apartment for lady. Phone 3-66B0. JPS' FOR RENT HOUSES BEDROOM, modern, stove, refrigerator, garage, excellent view. Ideal for family with l cnua. sex. jmtt' 2-BEDROOM home, water heater, wired for range, close in. Ph. 26139. Jm5' S ROOM cottage, electric hot water, garden space. Phone a-ioaz. jma FOR RENT New 2-bedroom house In Carlhaven District. Attached garage, inside utility room, oil furnace. 160 per month. ABRAMS. BOURLAND fc SKINNER Real Estate Insurance Mortgage Loans pnone: 39217 evenings: a-709 Jm6 3-ROOM HOUSE No smokers or drinkers. References. 3635 Garden Rd. Jm6 2-BFOROOM unfurnished bouse, very close to, $30 month. Ph. 38953 or 33849. Jm6 3-BEDROOM house. St. Vincent and High land district. Phone 3-3322. JmV NICELY FURNISHED modern 3 rooms. No pets, 3843 Portland road. Jros' AUCTIONS i dd.1 FOR RENT HOUSES SMALL 2-BEDROOM unfurnished With range, 1538 Bonn le way. ph. 24538 after noon. jm9 FOR RENT Nice clean 2-bedroom house with oil furnace, 55 per month. ABRAMS, BOURLAND Se SKINNER Real Estate Insurance Mortgage Loans Phone: 3-9217 Evenings: 2-4709 Jm6 NEW 2-BEDROOM unfurnished house. At tached garage, hardwood floors, V. blinds, auto, heat, garden space. 4-Oor-ners dlst. 370. Phone 3-9634. Jm" UPPER DUPLEX, unfurnished. Spacious rooms, basement, garage, automatic heat. Private entrance. 1284 Court. Phone 3-7124. Jm8 ALL NEWLY -PAINTED 2-bedroom cabin. electric neitea garage. 145 montn; also trailer space, 110 month. 1740 Oxford. Ph. 28885. Jm5 LOVELY 2-bedroom home. Fireplace. $75 per montn. i;aii ttawuns Keaity, a-466 or 4-1761. im" SMALL HOUSE, furnished, close to bus. maa 3tq street, west saiem. pnone 2-8566. jm7 2-ROOM COTTAGE, oil heat & electric range, adults only. 3a month. AH util ities paid. 3910 N. River Rd. Fire rest Trailer Court. Jm7 FURNISHED, Spacious, attractive 4-room duplex, Hollywood district. Bus, gar age laundry facilities. $45. 3-8306. Jm7" MODERN a-ROOM house, electric range. electric heat, $37, V mile out on Salem Dallas highway. Box 2165 Dallas Road. NICELY FURNISHED 3 rooms, suitable for couple. 1230 Hoffman Rd., off Swegle Rd. m5 2-BDRM. HOME for rent In Chemawa dist., $55 per month. 4-bedroom home on Mission street, $55 per month. SEE OSCAR SEDERSTROM, EVE. PH. 25219. COLDBATH LAND CO., Realtors, 24532. JmT 1 BDRM. furn. all-electric house, garage. auitaoie ior couple. No pets. 1 bdrm. unfurn. house, garage, suitable jKor couple. No pets. Close to store &c Wm. Reasonable. 1915 Highway Ave. jm -BEDROOM house, $45 month. Call Raw 11ns Realty. 2-4664 or 4-1761, jm UNFURNISHED 2-bedroom home. $60 month. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors, 3035 Portland Rd. Phone 43311. Jm ROOM & BOARD NICE FRONT ROOM. Private entrance. viose in. Board n desired. Phone 2-8715. WANTED TO RENT UNFURNISHED 2 -bedroom house, by middle-aged couple. Ph. 28710. Ja5 HAVE YOU a nice 2-bedroom house you can rent us. Wife,, small son and I need a Place by Feb. 1. Phone 2-5968. Ja5' WE NEED RENTALS. Call Joe L. Bourne, Realtor, 1140 N. Capitol, phone 3-8316. is OFFICE FOR RENT OFFICE BOOMS Apply Tlnkham Ollbcrt. Phooe 3032. Jo" Journal Want Ads Pay By Ham Fisher KIT Biwdwu Ph. mil Mil Box 1M, Salem. O rag on," tvJ'