Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 28, 1951, Page 13, Image 13

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kjalem 6 . hutches
tint Eraniiltctl Unlit Brtlhrta
Where Marlon crosses Summer. Wllmtr N.
Brown, putor. 8undjr ichool, 9:iS a.m.
t Morning worihlp hour, 10:55, sermon by
, pastor, special music by Connla Nlckey.
, Student recognition service, 1:30.
En (le wood EvangeMcat I'd! ted Brethren
North 17th and Nebraska streets. Lloyd
Ueclter. pastor. Sunday school, t:46 a m.
Morning worship hour, II, Sermon by pas
tor, "Will the New ear Be Any Different?"
"Dust or Destiny," 7:30. A Moody Institute
of Science, film produced by Irwin A.
Saint Paul'a Eplropal Church and Che
meketa Sts. Rev. Oeorge H. Swift. B D.,
rector. Uoly Communion (In the chapelt.
7:30 a m. Junior church and clutex. 9:30
a.m. Nursery school In parish house, 11
a.m. Prayer service and sermon, 11 a.m.
Institute of Re I if Ions Science Salem
1 Woman's club, 460 N. Cottage. Sunday
school, 10 a.m. Service. 11 a.m. Topic,
"Tire, Mind That Jeaus Used." Rev. Olive
First Church of Christ, Scientist Liber
ty and Chemeketa streets. Sunday school
at 11 a.m. Morning service at 11. Lesson
sermon subject: "Christian Science." Nur
sery for children under 3 during the
morning service. Evening service at I.
Christian It Missionary A 11 la nee North
. Fifth and Gaines, Paul W. Ounther, pas
tor. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. "We See
Jesuit," by the pastor, 11 a.m. Alliance
Youth Fellowship: Questions and answers
' by the pastor, 8:30 p.m. "Facing the Fu
1 ture," 7:30 p.m.
Knight Memorial Congregational Nine
teenth and Ferry streets, Louie E. White,
minister. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Lloyd
H. Arnold, supt. Morning worship, 11 a.m.
Ipr. Paul A. Davles, supt. of the Oregon
Jin conference, will preach on
Vie subject, "A Treat or a Treasure."
. Children's story, "Fooling Ood." Church
time nursery. Pilgrim Fellowship groups
for post-high, senior high, and Junior
high ages, 6:30 p.m.
First Presbyterian Chemeketa at Win
ter. Dr. Henry Marcotte, ad interim pas
tor. Church school, 9:45. J. J. Fitzslmons,
aupt. Services at 9:45 and 11 a.m. "Re
trospect and Prospeet." Sermon by Dr.
Henry Marcotte.
Flret Methodist Church and Stale Bti
Church school. 9:45 a.m. Morning worship,
11 a.m. Sermon, "Thank Ood lor Youth."
Brooks H. Moore, mlnUter,
Calvary Baptist South Liberty at Mil
lar. Omar N. Berth, pastor. Bible school,
, 9:45. Rev. Russell Raker, Jr.. guest speak
er, 11. Baptist Youth Fellowship, 6:30.
"The Land ol Beginning Again," 7:30.
Church of Jeais Christ ml Latter Day
Saints (Mormon) Fifth and Madtaon Sts.
" John E. Salisbury, bishop. Priesthood
meeting, 9 a.m. Sunday school, 10:30 a.m.
Sacrament meeting with sacred cantata to
be given by the Salem ward choir. 6:30
St. John's Lutheran Sixteenth and A
Street. H. W. Oross, pastor. Service at 9
and 11. Bible class and Sunday achool, 10.
St. Mark's Lutheran Sunday services
are conducted in St, Mark's Lutheran
church, 343 N. Church street as follows:
Sunday achool, 0:45 a.m. Oscar A. Liu
dahl, supt. Organ moments, 10:50 a.m.
played by Maurice Brennen. Divine wor
ship, 11 o'clock, sermon by the pastor.
Rev. John L. Cauble. St. Mark's choir
will be heard In the Mozart's "Oloria."
under the direction of Victor Palmason. A
nursery for small children Is maintained
by the women of the church for the con
venience of parents during the 11 a.m.
Bethel Baptist North Cottage and D
street. Rev, Rudolph Woyke. pastor. Sun
day school at 9:4& a.m. with a cordial
Invitation awaiting all. Worship aervlce
at 11 a.m., the pastor preaching on the
topic, "Check Up." Evening service at 7:30
o'clock. Sermon topic; "Cheer Up."
'Int Church of the Na-iarene Thlr-tf-Kth
and Center. Eugene Stowe, pastor.
Sunday school. 9:45 a.m. "Christmas In
Fc'relgn Lands." Morning service, 10:60
a.m. Sermon subject, "It's Inventory
Time." Youth hour, 6:30 p.m. Evening
service, 7:30 p.m. Sermon subject "The
Great Separation."
First Baptist Marlon and Liberty. Dr.
Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Rev. Thornton
Jansma, associate pastor. Sunday school,
9:45 a.m. with classes for all ages. Morn
ing worship, 11 o'clock. "Great Miracles
of 1961," Pastor Anderson. Youth meetings,
6:15 p.m. Evening gospel service, 7:30 p.m.
"Study In Dispensations."
Four Corners Baptist State and Elm
streets. Rev. Victor L. Loucks, pastor,
Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. with classes for
all ages. Morning worship, 11 o'clock, pas
tor speaking. Young Peoples League, 6:30
p.m. Evening gospel service, 7:30 p.m.
Salem Heights Baptist Liberty and
Madrona. Elmer Hlebert, pastor. Sunday
school, 10 a.m. with classes for all ages.
. Morning worship, 11 o'clock, pastor speak
ing. Evening gospel service, 1:45 p.m.
Reorganised Choreh of Jesua Christ of
Latter Day Saints Seventeenth and Che
meketa streets, George W. Speed, pastor.
Church school, 9:45. Worship service, 11.
William C. Swain, speaker. Evening wor
ship, 8. Illustrated lecture, Gordon Luff
man of Woodbum.
Klngwood Bible 1125 Elm street. Rev,
'"' Alex G. Sauerweln. pastor, Sunday school.
6:46 a.m. with classes for all ages. Teacher
b training class taught by pastor. Morning
t worship service, 10:45 a.m. Message by
pastor: "Let Us Run Our Race." Youth
meetings for all ages, 6:45 p.m. Evening
service, 7:45 a.m. "Expositions of the
Book oi tne Revelation," cnepiers -7.
First 460 N. Cottage (Sa
lem Woman's club house). Services at 7:30.
Mr, J. Beardsley, speaker.
Mill City Churches
T'rst Preabyterlan Dr. D. J. Ferguson
milMster. Sunday school, 10 a.m. Miss Alice
Smith, supt. Morning church services, 11
; o'clock. Sermon, "Ring Out the Old." YP,
Saturday night, 7-0.
i First Christian Rev. Hugh Jul), pastor,
J Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Mrs. Carl Chance,
sunt. Morning church services. 11 o'clock.
CE, 1:30 p.m. Evening worship, o'clock.
St. Catherine Cathalle Father Fran
1 Bhubert, pastor. Sunday morning mass,
t o'clock. Confessions heard before mass.
K Fret Methodist Rev. C. O. Tremain,
if pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 ajn. a. E,
Davidson, supt. Morning church services,
f 11 o'clock. Evening worship, 7:30 o'clock,
Community Rev. Wayne, pas
tor. Sunday school. 10 a.m. Ralph Jones,
upt. Morning church services, 11 o'clock.
Evangelistic services, a p.m. rrayer meet
lngs, Tuesday, 1:30 p.m.
Assembly of Ood Rev. W. D. Turnbull,
castor. Sunday school, 10 a.m. Morning
worship, 11 o'clock. YP, 6:30 p.m. Evening
services, 7:30 p.m.
Christian Sclenet Every Sunday. 11
a.m. Fourth Wednesday, I p.m. 3rd and
Juniper streets.
Brown to Serve
As Chairman
Calvin Brown will "serve as
over-all chairman of the New
Year's Eve "Watchnight" serv
ice at the First Baptist church
- on Monday night. The service
will begin at 9:00 p.m. and con
There will be periods of fellow
elude at the midnight hour
hip, social activity, refresh
ments, meditation and prayer.
Special plans have been made
for various age groups to accom
modate both the youth and the
Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.
Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that
Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high
things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in
your own conceits.
Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest
in the sight of all men. (St. Paul to the Romans, 12: 14-17)
Calvary Baptist
New Year's Eve
"The outstanding service of the
year" is the pastor's description
of th'e New Year's Eve service at
the Calvary Baptist church. The
program to which all are cor
dially invited will begin on Mon
day evening at 9. The first hour
will feature congregational sing
ing, special instrumental and vo
cal numbers, with a number of
baptisms taking place at this
time. Following this the Maran
tha class of the Sunday school
will provide refreshments for the
fellowship hour. Color pictures
depicting some of the highlights
of the year will be shown.
The last hour will include a
brief retrospect given by the
pastor, Omar N. Barth, and will
be followed by the holy com
munion, and a final candlelight
testimony and consecration ser
vice. Rev. Russell Raker, Jr., ex
ecutive secretary of the Oregon
Baptist convention will be guest
speaker during the Sunday
morning worship service. This
will be followed by a baptismal
Nazarenes Join
For Watch Party
Members of the Church of the
Nazarene from Salem, Keizer
and Stayton will join in a union
New Year's Eve Watch Night
Service at First Church Monday
evening from 9 p.m. until mid
A varied program will be pre
sented throughout the evening
beginning with a musical pro
gram from 9, until 10 o'clock. A
social hour with light refresh
merits will occupy the adults
from 10 to 10:45 p.m. During
this time the youth of the church
es will enjoy a recreation hour
directed by Rev. J. L. VanArsdel
of the Keizer church. Bible study
will be given from 11 to 11:30
p.m. and the closing half hour
will be devoted to a Holy com
munion service with Rev. J. E
Burkett of the Stayton church in
Stewardship Film
At St. Mark Church
A new stewardship film, "All
That I Have," will be shown to
the congregation and friends of
St. Mark's Lutheran church Sun
day evening at 7 o'clock. The
film portrays the story of a med
ical doctor whose relatives want
him committed to an institution
because he suddenly begins to
give away large portions of his
Most of the action takes place
in the court room. The entire
procedure brings out a graphic
lesson in Christian stewardship.
The film was produced by the
Lutheran church and is a full
length feature. The public is in
vited to come and enjoy this
"film night" at St. Mark s.
Dust or Destiny
Film to Be Shown
The beautifully colored film
entitled "Dust or Destiny" will
be shown at the Sunday evening
service of the Englewood Evan
gelical United Brethren church.
This 48-minute moving picture
was produced by Irwin A. Moon
at the Moody Institute of Sci
ence. The film portrays the mar
velous mechanisms of the hu
man eye, ear, and heart. Also,
among various other marvelous
characteristics among birds and
animals, the film follows the un
erring flight of homing pigeons
and explains how bats can fly by
Dallas Churches
Assembly r Ood Alfred R. Brown, pas
tor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning
worsmp 11. unrui AmoassBaors 7
Evangelistic service a o'clock.
Alliance . E. McOarvey, minister.
Bible school 0:45 a.m. Morning worship
11. Topic: "Retrospect. Evening service
i;ju p.m.
Apostolic Faith Lowell C. Montgomery,
pastor, eunaay scnooi 8:30 a.m. Morn
ing worship 11. Evening service 7:50 p.m.
Christian Selenee Sunday school 9:45
a.m. service 11 o'clock.
Cbarch of Christ J. F. Brents, min
uter. Bible class 10 a.m. Sermon
o clock. Communion 11:45. Evening serv
ice 9 p.m.
Church of God Henry Iggan. pastor.
Sunday school DM8 a.m. Morning wor
ship 11, Young people's meeting 6:45 p.m.
Evangelistic service 7:45.
Evangelical Mennonlte Brethren A. P.
Toews, pastor. Chapel service 9:15 a.m.
Sunday school 9:45. Morning worship 11
ocsock. subject: "Yesterday." Watch
Night service Monday at 8 p.m.
Evangelical United Brethren R. William
Elmer, minister. Bible school 9:45 a.m.
Morning worship 11 o'clock. Youth fel
lowship hour 7 p.m. Special candlelight
service 7:45. Watch Night service Dec.
31 at 8 p.m.
Foursquare Gospel William E. Cross.
pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning
worship 11 o'clock. Crusaders service 6:45
p.m. Evangelistic service 7:40.
First Christian Orvllle F. Mirk, nnstor
Bible school 9:45. Morning worfhln II.
Subject: "You And" 1852." Christian En
deavor 6:46 p.m. Evening worship 7:45.
First Baptist E. J. Schroeder. nulnr
Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning wor
ship 11. Training union 6:30 p.m. Watch
Night service Dec. 31.
First Presbyterian Earl W. Benbow.
minister. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morn
ing worship 11 o'clock. Text: "Choose Y
This Day Whom Ye Will Serve."
First Methodist Fremont Paul, ninlnr.
Church school 9:46 a.m. Morning serv-
icc 11 o CIOCK.
Grace Mennonlte Sunday school 9:45
a.m. Morning worship 11 and observance
of the Lord's Supper, Rev. J. M. Frana
spcaaer. Evening service 7:30 p.m.
Seventh Day Ad ventlst Ronald J. Km.
icy. ow., pastor. BBDDBin scnooi 9:30 a.m.
Morning worship 11 o'clock.
St. Phlllln'a Catholic Pal her .inhn
BanyaK, puior. Mass 8:15 a.m. second
no jounn aunaays; 10:15 a.m. first,
third and fifth Sundays.
St. Thomas Episcopal Rv. Herb Har-
enoy, vicar, cnurch school 11 a.m. Morn
ing prayer also at 11. Subject: "Let's
Begin Again.' Holy Communion at 11
a.m., Tuesday, Jan. 1.
Trinity Lutheran John Prnnn nBrn-
Sunday school 10 a.m. Divine iervw n
a.m. Special service Jan. 1 at 11 o'clock.
Free Melbodlst Rbzella DoubIm. na.tnr
Sunday school 10 a.m. Preaching serv-
ices ll o clock.
Community Churches
Htckreall Sunday School J. N. Thlen-
sen, superintendent. Classes at 9:30 a.m
Antloch Community SttndaV School
Arthur Classen, superintendent. Classes
at 10:30 a.m.
Union MUtlnnarv RantUt (Hutu. w a
Heard, pasior. Bundav ichool in am
Sermon 11 o'clock.
tela Rev. Pent, nastor. Sunday irhool
9:46 a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock.
Salt Creek Baptist Emanuel Wolff -
tor. Sunday school 9:43 a.m. Morning
worship 11. Evening gospel service 7:30
p.m. Watch Night service Dee. 31, 9 to
13 p.m.
Amity Churches
Baatlat Rlchirt! E. lc. Interim sailor.
Sunday ichool. 8:45 a.m. Morning wor
ship, 11 a.m. Erenlng aervlce, S p.m.
Cbareh f Chriat Robert Powell, paator.
Bible jehool. 10 a.m. Morning worahlp.
11 a.m. Young peonle'a meeting, 6:30 p.m.
Evening aervlce, 7:30 p.m.
Methedlal C. R. Davenport, mlnlater.
ounaav aenool, 10 a.m. Morning worahlp.
11 a.m. Youth Fellowahlp, 7:30 p.m.
Oat Grave Chapel C. R. Davenport,
miniater. Morning wonnip, B:4a a.m. 8un.
day achool, 10:45 a.m.
Aaaembly i Ge4 Prank K. Mapea. Daa.
tor. Sunday achool, t:45 a.m. Morning
woranip. u a.m. Evening aervlce, 7:30 p.m
Walnut Meats
Highest Cash Prices on Delivery
460 North Front, St., Salem Tel. 3763S
Latter Day Saints Mermen Nathan
Harris, branch president. Sunday school
10. Sacrament meeting 7. evr nan.
Christian Science Sunday school
Servlce 11.
Methodist. Mercian and Melalla J. S.
Kendall, pastor. Churrh school and ser
mon forenoon at Marquam, afternoon at
Churrh of God W. C. Ket). minister.
Sunos y school 10. Divine service 11. Bar
mon by pastor. YP 6:30. Evening serv
ice g.
La tier Reign Dale Young, pastor. KP
hall. Sunday school 10. Worship 11. Ser
mon by pastor. Youth meeting 1. Eve
ning serrlce 0.
Christian and Mlsaleaarf Alllane Oor-
don T. Bratvold, minister. Sunday school
10. worship hour 11. pastor speaking.
Alliance youth fellowship, senior and Jun
ior 0:45. Evening service 1:45.
Trinity Lutheran Joseph A. Luthro, pas
r. Sunday school and Bible classes 10.
Divine worship, fellowship dinner 11.
Luther league 7:30 p.m.
Calvary Lutheran Arvld L. Hokonion,
pastor. Sunday school, Bib Is daises 10.
Divine worship 11. Luther league at Sa
lem 7:45, Central church.
MethodistDouglas Mtrrell. pastor. Sun
day school 9:45. Divine worship 11, Bishop
Gerald Kennedy, spesker. Youth fellow
ship 7:30.
First Christian Arthur Charles Bates,
minister. Bible school 0:45. Communion
and sermon 11. Junior and senler CE 5:40
and 0:30. Evening service 1:30.
Seventh Day Adventlit H. J. Johnson,
elder. Song service 9:10 Sabbath (Satur
day). Sabbath school 9:30. Worship 11,
Immanuel Lutheran Arnold W. Nelson,
pastor. Sunday school 10, Worship hour
u. Lutner league 7.
St. Paul's Catholic Father John J.
Walsh, pastor. Masses 8 and 10 a.m.
Sunday. Weekdays 8:30 excepting Satur
day at 1:30 a.m.
Pilgrim Holiness Omar Blddtlngmeler,
pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Divine
worship 11. Adult and junior PYPB 6:45
p.m. evening evangelistic 7:45.
First Baptist Oeorge E, Morton, pas
tor. Second at Park Sts. Sunday school
10 a.m. Morning worship 11. Evening
service t.sq.
Silverton Rills Baptist mission meets at
silver crest school. Morning worship and
sermon b:6 a.m., Rev. oeorge E. Hor
ton speaking. Sunday ichool 11 a.m.
Falls City
Method I n t James H. Rover, pastor.
Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning worship
11. xoung peoples service t, p.m.
Free Methodist Flora S. Mills, pastor.
Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning aervlce
11 o'clock. Young people's meeting 7:30
p.m. tvangeiLsiic service g p.m.
Seventh Day Ad vent 1st Ronald J. Keg
Ify. Jr., pastor. Sabbath school 9:30 a.m.
Preaching service 11 a.m.
Christian Kenneth D. Hooten, minis
r. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morn In e wor
ship 11 o'clock. Evening worship 1:30 p.m.
Bethel Baptist
Year End Service -
Services wilt be held at the
Bethel Baptist church. North
Cottage and D streets, December
31, from 9:00 p.m. until mid
night. The choir will render a
musical program from 9:00 to
10:00 o'clock. There will be an
hour of fellowship and refresh
merits from 10:00 to 11:00 o
clock. Each family is asked to
bring sandwiches and cookies
coffee will be furnished. The
year will be brought to a close
with a service in the closing
The public is cordially invited
to atend these services and oth
ers that are conducted by this
Alliance Church
Midnight Service
The Christian & Missionary
Alliance church, North Fifth and
Gaines, will hold a Watchnight
service on New Year's Eve from
10:30 to midnight. The pastor,
Rev. Paul W. Gunther, will bring
the message which will be fol
lowed by a Communion service.
Ten members of the Webfoot
Social club attended the annual
ali-day Christmas party held
Saturday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Johnson.
Sam Jackson, in the navy and
stationed at San Diego, who was
on a two-day leave to visit his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John John
son, reported back to duty early
Christmas day. He has been in
training eight months.
Miss Eileen Lehman, attend
ng Oregon State college, re
turned to the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Leh
man, Monday for the holiday
Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Stock-
hoff and son Eugene, of Wheat
land district, were Christmas din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Stockhoff in Dayton Prairie dis
trict. Ma'ons Flan Services
Woodbum Woodbum Lodge
No. 106. A. F. & A. M., will hold
a St. ohn's Day service Sun,
day, December 30, at 11 a.m. at
St. Mary's Episcopal church with
a sermon by the vicar, Rev. T. M.
Baxter. All Masons are invited to
attend and special invitations
have been extended to Donald
lodge No. 166 of Donald and, Fi
delity lodge No. 54 of Gervais.
Albany's Oldest Married
Couple Fete 73rd Year
Albany Mr. and Mrs. t. B.
Weaver, both 94 years old and
Albany's oldest and longest
married couple quietly cele
brated Christmas and also mark
ed the start of their 73rd year
of married life.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Weaver
are looking forward to cele
brating their diamond wedding
anniversary in two years.
When asked for the secret of
their longevity, Mrs. Weaver
answers for both of them by
stating "We eat right."
The Weavers have made their
home in Albany since 1910, and
Albany Awaits
City Manager
Albany Albany will have
a city manager if the man fav
ored by the special council city
manager committee is willing to
accept appointment to the local
position. Albany has been with
out a city manager since the first
of 1951 when J. D. Baughman,
who had served under the city
manager form of government re.
The plan became assured Wed
nesday when the city council
passed without a dissenting vote
a motion offered by Councilman
Frank Dooley instructing the
committee to re-interview the
prospective candidate last inter
viewed here.
The council has boosted the
pay from $7200 to $8000 a year,
it was announqed.
F. J. Ryder of Tolovana park
was a house guest of his daughter
and husband, Mr. and Mrs. W. E
Grabenhorst, for a few days re
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sitton have
sold their 40-acre ranch at Red
mond to Georg Morison of Sa
lem. Sunday dinner guests of Mr,
and Mrs. Ed Winger were Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Armstrong, Mr.
and Mrs. Leon Armstrong and
children, Margaret, Harold and
Stanley, and Mrs. Archie Connor
and children, Marlene, Billy,
Donnie and Arthur, all of Au
rora. Callers at the same home
later in the day were Mr. and
Mrs. Gene Hertel, Stevie and
Karen of Salem, and Mrs. Fred
Withee, Sr., and her daughter,
Lydia, of Unionvale.
Mrs. Fred Relchstein arrived
home Saturday from Carlton
where she had been with her sis
ter-in-law, Mrs, Louese Hanville,
for sevral months. She remained
until after Christmas. Mrs. Han
ville was with her son and wife,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, in McMinn-
Michael Gross of the naval base
at Coronado, Calif., spent a week
here at the home of his wife's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Winger,
after which his wife and baby
daughter, Oriane, returned with
him to live with relatives at San
Bernardino. Mrs. Gross and Ori
ane have been here with her par
ents since Mr. Gross re-entered
the navy.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gross
and Oriane visited his sisters,
Miss Betty Ann Gross and Mr.
and Mrs. Don Underwood in
Portland during his leave.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Schutz
and children visited friends, Mr,
and Mrs. Richard Bruce in Port
land Sunday.
At many Pleasantdale homes
relatives and friends gathered to
observe the Christmas holiday.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry the guests were Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. McKeo, Amity; Mrs.
Anna Balsley, Alhambra, Calif.;
Mrs. Bessie Wilson, Hemet, Cal.;
Mr. and Mrs. Vern McKeen and
baby, Eugene; Mr. and Mrs.
Marion Duval, Newberg; and
Mrs. Martha Bowes and son, Jo
seph, Gates.
Christmas night dinner guests
at the Ed Aebischer home were
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilder, Ro
ger, Todd and Mary Ann of Mll
waukie; Mrs. Dorothy Sears and
Don Campbell of Portland; at the
Ed Grabenhorst home on Christ
mas eve were his daughters and
their families, Mr. and Mrs. Al
Gould and children, Dayton;
Mrs. Louise Parker and sons,
Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Con
way, Washougal, Wash., and Mr.
and Mrs. Gene Lewis and chil
dren, Albany.
On Christmas day Mr, and Mrs.
Grabenhorst attended a family
dinner in Portland at the home
of her sister, Mrs. H. N. Butler.
Guests at the Milo Morris home
Christmas night were Mr. and
Mrs. Weldon Swan and Bonnie
and Mrs. Rose Dickerson of Day
ton; Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Hadley
of McMinnville were guests of
before Mr. Weaver's retirement
he worked in a hardware store
here and at a lumber yard. He
quit the lumberyard in 1919.
Both were born in the mid
west three years before the
start oi the Civil War, he on
January 28, 1857 in Winne-
bega, Wis., and she August 29,
the same year in Durand, 111.
They came to Albany from
Tragedy struck the couple
when three young daughters,
their only children died within
three weeks of diphtheria. Mrs.
Weaver was stricken with the
disease at the same time but
pulled through. She wryly re
marks, "I guess I'm tough."
Mrs. Weaver does all her own
housework, and displays a pan
try full of fruits, jellies and
am she "puts up" every sum
mer. She also has time to play
an organ given her at the age
of 15. Both Mr. and Mrs,
Weaver have a host of friends
and someone is always popping
in and out of the house.
Despite the fact that Mrs.
Weaver does her own house
work she draws the line at
doing the laundry. "I don't do
my own washing, but why
should I? I'm 94 and they have
good laundries. Why should I
break my back?"
The Youth fellowship of the
Unionvale Evangelical United
Brethren church is sponsoring
an all-day skiing party to be held
on the Santiam pass Monday,
Dec. 31, Friends of the group
are cordially Invited to attend
Mrs, Charles Clow and son
Arthur, were hosts for a family
Christmas dinner at their home,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clow and
two sons of Waldport visited her
brother and sister-in-law, Mr,
and Mrs. Clair Morrison, at Leb
anon enroute. There were 25
members 'of the family present.
Mrs. C. J. Countlss and grand
son, Donald Brown, were Christ
mas vacation guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Arno Brown at Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Nlelson
entertained, a family group for
Christmas dinner at their home,
with eight members present.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan L. Crawley
of Broadmead, Mr. and Mrs.
Larry Slemp of McMinnville
were Christmas dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S. Craw
ley in the Unionvale district.
Mr. and Mrs. George Strawn
and family were Christmas din
ner guests of their brother and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Strawn
and family at Hubbard. The
men are brothers and the women
are sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Deyoe
were Christmas dinner guests of
their son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jones, near
Amity, where 12 members of
the family gathered.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wilder and
grandson and Donna Edwards,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilder were
Christmas dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Leston Wright in Port
their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs,
Bus Hadley. Present for a buffet
dinner at the Clair Reichsteln
home were Mr. and Mrs. E. S
Dixon and family, Monmouth;
Mr. ad Mrs. Jack Darby and fam
ily, Dallas; Mrs. Anna Teague,
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Hopkins and family were her
sister and husband, Mr and Mrs,
William Lawson and children
also of Pleasantdale.
Guests over the holiday at the
W. J. Jones home were his moth
er and her husband, Mr. and Mrs.
George Gossard of Dallas.
Relatives present at the J. A,
McFarlane home on Christmas
day were Mr. and Mrs. Glen
McFarlane and Mr. and Mrs,
Floyd McFarlane and family of
Pleasantdale; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
McFarlane and family of Salem
Mr. and Mrs. Bert McFarlane and
Jim Redmond and Mr. and Mrs
Jack Mabry and Mr. and Mrs.
Don Carlson of McMinnville.
Guests at a Christmas morning
breakfast at the Don Gubser
home were Mr, and Mrs. Ersel
Gubser and Nonle, Unionvale
and Mrs. Alice Bell and sons, Ted
and Don of Webfoot. Later in the
day, Mr. and Mrs. Don Gubser
attended a family gathering at
the home of her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Williamson, at
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Kau for Christmas dinner were
her brother-in-law, Emil Shafer,
and daughter, Aloha, of Salem.
Glen Creighton, who owned
the farm now occupied by Mr.
and Mrs. Kau, recently married,
and he and his wife are living in
feweieru .
Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon,
A k Ml ft I
Saturday night, Dec. 29, Mill
City Odd Fellows and families
and Santiam Rebekah lodge
members and families will hold
the annual New Years turkey
dinner and party. In charge of
the dinner this year is Crissie
Henderson. The Odd Fellows
furnish the turkeys.
At the regular Rebekah lodge
meeting Wednesday night there
was a Christmas party and gift
exchange following the business
session. Allura Chance was in
charge of t h e Christmas pro
gram. No-host refreshments
concluded the evening.
Mill City property changing
hands last week was the Frercs
Building Supply, being purchas
ed by Russel and Carl Kelly,
owners and operators of the
Kelly Processing plant in Mill
City. All retail business of the
Kelly plant will be done at the
new supply center which is lo
cated on highway 222 next to
the Richfield service station.
Kellys are planning a grand
opening some time in January.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grimes
spent the Christmas holidays in
Scio at the home of their daugh
ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ro
bert Sommer. Mr. and Mrs.
Grimes are grandparents of a
son born to Mr. and Mrs. Som
mer, last week.
Guests Christmas eve at the
Clayton Baltimore home for
dinner were Mrs. Baltimore's
sister and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Runkle and son, David,
of Portland and her mother and
uncle, Mrs. Cora Calavan, of
Scio and Otto Alexander of
Among students home for the
holidays from the colleges were
Eugene and Lawrence Thornley
of University of Oregon with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mel
vin Case; Bill Howe from Ore
gon State with his parents, the
Morris Howes; Bill and Sue
Mikkelson from University of
Oregon with their parents, the
O. M. Mikkelsons; Leo Poole
Oregon School of Education
with his parents, the James
Pooles; Ramon Peterson of Ore
gon State college is with his
parents, the Walt Petersons.
Mrs. Edith Mason was expect
ing her daughter and family
rrom bilverton, Mr. and Mrs,
Delos Hoeye, teachers in the
Silverton schools.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sorenson
and son, Daryl Farman, spent
the holidays in Cottage Grove
with relatives.
Max Kelly of the U.S. marines
is in Mill City with his family,
Mrs. Kelly and three children
and other relatives on a two
weeks leave. Kelly has been
stationed at Camp Pendleton
where he returns next week
Lawrence Poole, son of the
James Pooles arrived in Mill
City last week-end on furlough
irom camp Roberts in Califor
nia. Lawrence Poole is a Mill
City high school graduate and
attended the high school Christ
mas formal Saturday night. Pfc.
Mark Higley, of the U.S. Air
Force, stationed In Las Vegas,
Nev., spent the past two weeks
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Paul Higley.
Mrs. Anna Mae Nelson Mc-
Clintock is beginning work at
Muir's bakery and fountain
starting this week.
Beginning the first of the
year Albert Toman, Jr., is tak
ing over the managership of the
grocery department of Hilltop
general store. Albert Toman
Sr., still retains proprietorship
of the hardware and appliance
Mill City 3-Links club held a
no-host luncheon and Christmas
party in the lodge dining rooms
at noon Wednesday. Rachel
Olmstead was in charge of ar
rangements and decorations.
There was a gift exchange
among members and secret pals.
Mr. and Mrs. Que Haines of
Portland spent Christmas eve
and day in Mill City with her
parents, the W. B. Shueys.
Shueys plan to spend the New
Years holiday with the Haines
in Portland where all will at
tend the ice follies.
About 20 high school stu
dents went caroling Sunday
night ending up at the high
school recreation rooms for re
freshments. The senior class
furnished the sandwiches and
hot chocolate and Mrs. Alanzo
Daly and Mrs. Clayton Balti
more, two senior mothers, pre
Friday, Dec. 28, 195113
pared and served the food. Mrs.
Edith Mason and Miss Freda
Thayer, high school teachers,
Mill City schools closed Fri
day afternoon after classes for
the holidays and will not con
vene again until Wednesday
morning, Jan. 2.
Presbyterian church Sunday
school young people were given
a bag of candy and nuts from
the Sunday school following the
regular classes Sunday morn
ing. The collection taken dur
ing Sunday school went to the
Bethel missions. The interme
diate class and Mrs. Clayton
Baltimore, class teacher, visit
ed Shereen Muir at her home
Sunday morning, the latter part
of the class period. Shereen
has been confined to her bed for
a month or more with rheuma
tic fever.
Mr. and Mrs, Frederic Hugh
of Salem, were in Mill City Sat
urday night to attend the high
school Christmas formal. Rughs
formerly taught in the local
Christmas guests at the M. G.
Rambo home were her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Champ from
Mr. and Mrs. John Muir and
family planned to spend Christ
mas day in Salem with rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree and
three children left Christmas
day for California to visit his
relatives. The Crees attended
a family reunion in Salem Sun
day before making the trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell King left
Friday for a weeks trip to San
Francisco to visit his mother
and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cline left
last week-end for California to
spend the holidays with their
daughter and family. Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Hanlcy.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mienert
and three sons were in Port
land Sunday to spend the day
with his father who is ill.
Mrs. Addie Taylor, 84,
Dies After Sickness
Albany Only five weeks fol
lowing the death of her husband,
Mrs. Addie Taylor, 84, widow of
Frank Taylor, Albany printing
establishment proprietor, died at
Lebanon Monday after an ex
tended illness. Mr. Taylor had
been a resident of Albany since
1921. The funeral was held at
1 p.m. Thursday at the Fisher
Funeral home, with burial in the
Masonic cemetery.
Born at Chesaning, Mich., Mrs.
Taylor lived in Michigan until
1885 when on November 22, at
Owosso, Mich., she was married
to Frank Taylor. They also
lived in Minnesota before com
ing to Oregon in 1007, locating
at Portland and later living at
Cloverdale and Newburg before
coming here. She is survived by
two children, Mrs. Emma Hab-
erie and Glenn S. Taylor, and
three grandchildren.
Ball st on
The 80th birthday of Mrs.
Lizzie Bissel will be celebrated
at the home of her son and
daughetr-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Bissel, Dec. 30, with an
"at home" from 2 to 5 p.m.
Ora Rebekah lodge elected
the following officers at their,
regular meeting for the coming
year: noble grand, Marjorie
Johnson; vice-grand, Anna Hin
nemcn; secretary, Lucille Focht,
and treasurer, Delia Edson.
Following the business meet
ing a Christmas party was held
for the Rebekahs and Odd Fel
lows and their families.
Lucille Focht and Maud Sy
ron were in charge of the pro
gram which was followed by
the exchange of gifts and re
freshments. Christian & Missionary
Alliance Church
North Fifth and Gaines
Paul W. Gunther, Pastor
9:45 A.M. Sunday School
11:00 A.M.
6:30 P.M. A. Y. Fellowship
7:30 P.M.
Mon., 10:30 P. M.
Watchnight Service:
on All . . . Shoes . . .
Stockings . . . Sportswear . . .
Dresses . . . Lingerie . . . Bags
their own radar.