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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1951)
12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Saturday, Nov. 24, 1951 All I said was that I was thinking bout placing a Capital Journal Want Ad to sell that cat or yours! 281 FOR SALE HOUSES 10.960 3 years old, 1 block to school. X bedroom. S times better than . many offering at this price. P.M. A. terms. 9,866 Nice sew noma In Englewood district, t bdrms., hdwd. firs., Bendix stays. Terms. $1, WO Older i-rm. modern home. Walking distance to town and state bides. Very reasonable terms. Several good lots in or out of city-limits. A. A. Larsen, Realtor 101 S. High Off. Ph., 28C29 Andy Halvorien, Ph. 37103 1080 S. 14th. " A very attractive ranch-type home on corner lot. Large llv. rm. with fire- place beautiful kitchen with large, dining area, 2 bedrooms, large den with Imitation fireplace and bullt-ln closets. Utility room. Insulated, double ga rage. This home In in fino shape, and would hold F.H.A. loan of about $9500. Streets paved on both sides, convenient to shopping, schools and bus.. Priced at 113,200, and certainly worth the price. Drive by this home at your convenience. If it appears Interesting, call for appointment for a. thorough Inspection. CLAUDE M. KILGORE REAL ESTATE BROKER & AUCTIONEER 300 S. Lancaster Ph. 2-6708 i FOR SALE HOUSES WOR HALE OR TRADE by owner New, modern 6-roow sub. home. Automatic oishwasher St Bendlx, fireplace. Phone 4-2316 after 6 p.m. a283 BY OWNER; 5-year suburban home, double plumbing; bedrooms; inree living room with dining area; kitchen; utility room, new automatic forced air oil furnace. Large lot, nice lawn and shrubs. Triced right for quick sale. 111.900. Terms to be arranged. Phone 4-3351 evenings. nzaa "BEDROOM, hrdwd. firs., fir. furnace, large utility attach., garage. Englewnnd district. 1840 Grant. 82B1 $4250 Full Price New Utile 2-bdrm. home; north. 11000 dn. 'will handle. B. IsherwoocT, Realtor 1910 Wallace Rd. - PH. 22147 a2Bl' $in,noolI.Modern 2-B.R. home. 885 N. Cnp Itol St. Full basement, large lot. Good terms, or will take cheaper place In trade. ! g,750 New modern 2-B.R.. home, south, good location. Auto, oil furnacr. Im mediate possession. $1,500 down, balance F.H.A. , $7,100 Half-acre with clean modern 3 II. R. home, north. Altachrd garage, good wrll. On paved road. $1,000 down. 13,7(10 - BUILDERS ATTENTION Unfin ished 3-fl.R. home. Pltimhlng lind wir ing roughed In. Soma fixtures. Boinn material to finish. 9H?nn Clean, modern- 2-B.R. home, un finished upstairs. Auto, nil tin fit, nltncb. garage, large lot, .N.E. (.1000 down, lial nnce $60 per mo. Call Stanley Brown or 'Wesley aregg with State Finance Co., Rltrs. 107 fi. High St. Ph. 3-4121 n2Bl ENGLEWOOD 11 1 8T It ICT 3 -bcl r in , house, $13,500. 1B35 Madison. Phone 2-1 91(1. 2fl3 By Owner We're tired of getting up at 6:30 so that husband can work in Portland, but cannot move" until we sell our really nice 2 -bedroom home. Extra room fin ished In attic, large lot fireplace. 130 West Rural.- Open 10 a.m. to p.m. a2Bl HOME FOR CHRISTMAS!! Spacious 2-bedroom fiome. 2 tire- places, daylight basement. Beautifully convenient kitchen. Sun deck, view home. F.H.A. commitment. $300 DOWN!! Close to St. Vincent school. 2 bedrooms, hardwood floors, 2 yours old, 2 blocks tn bus., Very clean and neat. Move right In. -$-)0 DOWN!! 130 per month. Lights, water, 8:xl1 lot. Priced to sell. REIMANN REAL ESTATE SOt Solid) llltlh Street I'll. 3-9203 Kvt. 2-5708 Eves. 2-87'JT FOR SALE LOTS BUY ON LOTS S.venil loL. wltti Boocl term.., on up. IB. Ishenvood, Realtor 1910 Wnllac, lid. Ph. 52147 anlSl" I CITY LOTS, 1600 each. SHOO for both or trade for car. Phone 429311. an'JtKi $10 DOWN 113 per mo. Lots with water, elec trlclty, suburban, north. Helniann llenl lors. 201 ao, High. Ph. H-S203. anJHii FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE FARM Approximately 78 acres, large modern house, food strawberry and grass ed land, mostly cleared, remainder tat pasture, timber and building areas. Creek running year round. Located on RoiedaU Road 8'4 miles from Sa lem at Route 9. Box 293. Price $28,. 000.00 for Immediate uie. Address all Inquiries to Box 351, Capital Journal, Sal em, Oregon. b:ai CLASSIFIED ADVERTIKING Far Word tf Per Word, t times , ioe Per Word, I times live Ftr Word, I month Mr No RefendV-M Inline m 10 Words READERS la Local News CoL Onlr. Per. Word ;e Minimum 10 Words To Place Ad Phone 2-2406 Before IP a.m. FOR SALE HOUSES Open -Open! DAYLIQHT BASEMENT. Fireplace In 44-ft. party roam. Roughed-ln tor extra bath and bedroom. Oil furnace, S bed rooms or 2 bedrooms and den. Fireplace, dining room and eating apace In kitchen. Wooded lot. on bui line. F.H.A. loan. Brown shake house a bloc lea cut of South Com'i on Ratcliff Dr. Phone 31184. 381 FULL PK1CE on this 2-bedroora home 1j 14500. Call 2-0190. 3150 CooK street, ajflo- BUSINESS In another town. Owner anx ious to ell his 2 bedroom Home in ooum Salem. 13x18 living room with fireplace. Kitchen with nook. Bath. Full basement with extra bedroom. Forced air oil heat. Nice yard. Garage. About halfway be tween Leslie & McKlnley schools. Bus j block. $10,000. E. J. ZWABCHKA, REAL ESTATE, phone 3-4035, 1745 Grant street. 281 FOR SALE HOUSES A. TS, Beckett, Ph. 24501 FOR SALE FARMS IVAN B. SUTTON, Eltr lly City Hall, Jefferson, Oregon Phone Jefferson 2.13 51 ACRES 13 A. of Ladlno clover, about 4 A. of stubterranean clover, rest booo farm land. All level, can bo Irrigated, Irrigation equipment goes. Full line of farm equipment Including 3-unlt Surge milking inaciiine. mlic. oilier toois, bedroom modern house. Very good grade- A setup. 24-lb. basic with 20 head. Mtlk cows and chickens. Everything goes but prrMMBl belongings. 135,000 full price. See me for terms. b282' Very Good Farm North 50 acres, spacious 3-B.R. home, fplaue., buwiit. Lots of fruit & nut trees. 15 A. alfalfa, .new irrigation system, stream. J 3 1,500, terms. B. Isherwood, Realtor IBtfl Wallace Rr. - Ph. 22147 b2B1 REAL ESTATE Lookee- Lookee .-.POSSIBLE $100 DN. buys nice and cleiin 3-room cottage in the Hollywood Dial. POSSIBLE $150 DN. buys 4 -room livable unfinished house and 1 lot. Price J2D50. SCENIC VIEW HOME MAKE YOUR OFFER. Nice home with 2 bdrms, full bath, living room with French doors ' leading out onto large French porch with nice View. Basement with utility, work shop and extra large bdrm.. making a 3rd. ASKING PRICE $6500 AND EXCELLENT TERMS. $500 DOWN BUYS A NEW 2-ndrm. home with living rm., built room without plumbing tlx tures, garage, chicken hse., fenced yard. trice vsiav. $750 DOWN NEARLY NEW 2-bdrm. homo with full batii, eating space In kitchen, ga rne, own water system. lAjcaiea Larson Ave. Price $4250. $000 DOWN RUYH 2-bdrm. home with LR, DR. kitchen wired for range, electric water heater, itri'iutu'e, lutwd. firs., ullllt porch with trnvs, garane. Lot 60x150. Oil stove goes In deal. Immediate pos- MUCK $5500. Located In ON THE ABOVE. SEE OSCAR SKUEH8TKOM. EVE. PH. 25219 or Mrs. Wells, Eve. PI). 23738 TRADE FOR GROCERY STOKE. Will accept liinne or Miuill farm. THIS IS AN EXCEL LENT (IHOCKltY SETUP. MAKE BUR' YOU INVESTIGATE THIS. $1000 DOWN ROLLER RINK TO TRADE1 FOR FARM IN EASTERN OREGON, OR SELL OUTRIGHT. GOOD INVESTMENT FOR LNVKSTOR WHO WANTS THE MONEY AND NOT Til! WORK. TOTAL PRICE $4750 NEW USTINO of LnncaMer. Ncnl as n phi. 1 acre with assortment oi iruit trees ,v berries. Oodles of water. i-iKirm. .modern home, luiwd. His. lnrtr utility, wired for range. ONLY 51000 DOWN MAKES YOU THE OWN- Mt. LARGE (IS RIGHT) LARGE LIVING ROOM a rrF.nnot'Mfl ' UTILITY ROOM " GARAGE LOT WITH TREES on pitved street, near lllglihuid, St. Vliv cent's Hlghlnnd scliools. SMAIX I'UiC'K, smiao. tllG VALUE. TERMS, WELL BUILT N. 4th St. home with 2 bdrms., auto, heat ,l..H.. nice trrhided vnrd EXCELLENT TERMS OR WILL TRADE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. PRICE StMOU. ON THE ABOVE. SEE MRS. ALTA WELLS, EVE. PH. 3.1738 FARMS &: ACREAGE 5(1850 FULL PRICE ACRES IN ALU 2-bdrm. modern lumii . barn, hen hse., lots of fruit, cow 40 chickens, electric stove and some I arm tools. GOOD TERMS. 10 ACRES $1500 DN 2-bdrm. home, new plumbing fixtures, bam, lieu hse., garage. All this for l.'DUO. 40 ACRES (NEAR OATESl W A. In cult., bal. pai iure. Almost new bldgs. 2-bdrni. model HUSTIO LOG CABIN 1IOMK with fll Place. Chtcken hse 36X138 ft. Bnrn. Var. lety fruit tor own use. CONSIDER HOUSE IN TOWN T 17500 IN TRADE Oil WILL SELL FOR 19500. TERMS. Serrrar small acreage with linm 15000 and up. Bell or trade on larger acreages not too far out. LET US KNOW YOUR NEEDS. WE CAN HELP YOU. ON THE ABOVE. SEE T. T. ANDERSON FOR A FARM EVE. PH. 42714 COLBATH LAND CO, REALTORS IMS CFNTTR BT. DIAt, J45SJ EVE. rilONKS 3!73. J51H ,r 43711 C3831 Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATt Nelsons' RIVER BOTTOM LAND 30 acres, unlmprored except for mi- Chin shed. Close In, southwest. $5500. ON DETROIT ROAD 38 ac nearly all cultivated. 4 -bdrm. modern home with fireplace, Ige. barn and chicken house, good well, one-third of the crop. $9500. Value will Increase rapidly when dam Is completed. NELSON & NELSON MULTIPLE-LISTINO REALTORS Pn. 2-3669 cm 702 N. High St. KINGWOOD HEIGHTS JUST LISTED, Jars 2-BR horns with din. rm patio and attached garage, so ft, frontage. Fine view. Owner moving to farm, will take leu than fiO.OOO. ENGLEWOOD SPACIOUS 3-BR ranch home. Full din ing rtn breakfast nook and attached a rage. Fenced yard and immediate pos session. Price 112,500. Owner will con sider trade on small home. CALL. BON CLEAR Y Walter Musgrave Realtors 1211 Edge water. Ph. 3-5100. Eve. 39939 C281' MR. FIXIT Here's sour chance to get a low-priced home with only $250 down. Immediate ocssesBlon. Needs work on It. but the total price Is only 12500, and $35 per month. No catch, $1000dn.,4B.Rj Tnstde city. Corner lot. Paved st. both sides. Garage. 0 blocks to school. Bus front door. Owner very anxious to sell. Payments only $50 per mo. inc. Interest. Just think, the total price Is only loiOQ. Better hurryl SOUTH VILLAGE Almost new 3-bedroom home, all on one floor. Forced-air oil furnace. Tile bath. Attached garage. l',a blocks to bus. 1260 sq. ft. floor space. Ownei leaving. F.H.A. terms. Total price only $14,200. Just listed this one. $450 DOWN to G.T.'s brand new 2-bcdroom homes. In new district. Attached garage. Paved street. City water and sewer. Total price $7150. Also 3-bedroom homes In same district.- t500 down with a total price or only tazao. CALL FOR DAN 1SAAK, EVE. PH. 43533 SUPER DUPLEX Really nice. One unit with 1 bedroom unit has 2 bedrooms. Separate utility room In basement. All rooms large. Each apartment faces separate street. Double ached garage. Nice lawn. One you'll proud to own. 1 6000 down: total price $17,500. 20-UNIT APT. Very close In. Walking distance down town and Very low over head. Furnished. The taxes are only $4 10. Annual Income $5820. Terms ar ranged. The price lias been reduced to $35,000. BUSINESS BUILDING 33 x 70. almost new. Very good tenant, Select corner. 40x125 lot In excellent location. This In a very good Income properly for (22,000. CALL FOR MR. ANDEHSON, EVE. PHONE TURNER 8X, COLLECT, OR 33558. FARMERS, DON'T LOOK FARTHER Rl acres on the river. 22 acres bottom land. 34 acres under Irrigation. B-room modern home. 40x40 bnrn, 30x30 Implement building, chicken, hog house, corn crib, 2 shpl.s, PnrchnKe price includes approximately $10,000 farm machinery, vhich consists of: Oliver r-nMor 2-bottom plow, double disc, spring tooth, harrow, land roller, cul tivator, weed spraver. corn Planter. drill, grain, buzz saw, combine, truck, land float, complete Irrigation system. chickens, 3 sows, 4 head cattle. Newberg, uneiians and Willamette soli. The price has been drastically reduced to $39,000. Owner will accept nice home In or near Salem as part payment. 6 ACRES 3 -bedroom home. Owner has left statt. 1 Very anxious to sell. Chicken house, garage, hog house, pAved highway, well, Willamette soil. Liberal terms; total price tfl6j0. CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS', EVE. PH. 34735 Free Parking for Customers MORTGAGE LOANS Al Isaak & Co., Realtors OIIICi Phonp,: 4-3311 or 3-7820 Ive. 4-3S33 or Turner 8X collect, or 33SS8 3035 PORTLAND RD.. CS83 WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE. If your property Is for sale, rent or rxcnangp, ilh it wim us. we nave all kind of rash buvers. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS l.-3 S. High St. ca HAVE CASH buyers for acreages and farms near Salem. See T. T. Anderson with Colbath Land Co., Realtors. 1663 Center. Phone 2-4552. ca LISTINGS WANTED Have buyers for lower-priced homes. Relmann Real Estate, 201 South High airrri. rn. iJ-wauj. CA2811 HAVE CASH ntiYERS and others with $1000 down or more. If you are In the marxet to sen or trade, contact COLBATH LAND CO. HKALTOH8 1R83 Center - Ph. 24552 ca WtXTEii TO in TV, In Salem or nearbv wn, Teed. seed, and fertilizer bus iness, or business handling one or two oi inese products as the main commod ity. nos349 Capitol Journal. co281 h A III-, ill nerd of good houses to sell In or near Snlem. If you wish to list your prnpprty ror sale, see (VRAUENHOHST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Llbertv ph. 2-3471. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RELIABLE COI'l'LE will care for furn. nome or small apt. building during win ter months. Ph. 3-;.19fi. cd38l WO PER MONTH Income from 2 houses on .41X1(50 lot In growtnK buslnuM arm Close In .near school A; bus. Call 3-4035. E. J. Zwaschka, Real Estate, 1743 Grant Cd281 OPPORTUNITY THIS AREA National company has immediate ooen tng for ambitious man to manage local business: can be handled in spare hours at start If desired: honesty and depend- uiuiy imponani. uut iinaneiai sistance enables expansion. Applicant musi nave $i.7so cash (which Is se- cured, good references and car. This opening will pay you exceptionally high weekly Income Immediately and D'TlC.l" Increase as business expands. Prefer applicant g5plring earnings from $6,000 to $10,000 yearly. No hUh pressure mn wanted as no selling required. If you uatu me necessary cum to cualtir, write giving personal information, how to contact for Interview. District Rup- iviur, f. v. uox em, rortiana. Ore cd282 MAJOR OIL CO. service- station for lease. ror flfiati. can t(mh mrter 7 p.m. cri284 FURNITUREJOR SALE rl'RNlTI'RE and appliances, all kinds, at aursciive prices, niiri rurniturg- store, I97i Fairgrounds Rd. d386' DROP HEAD sewing machine. 118. Break- last table and two chairs, 14. JO. Excel lent Simmons twtn beds with extra spring mattress 135 complete. 3-693. dasi1 fait LINOLEUM rugs. 14.91, Bart Fur REAL ESTATE MURPHY SKEW SELL- Introducing for the first time, Murphy & Kent's sensational new system of REAL ESTATE BLUE BOOK CERTIFIED VALUE HOMES. Blue Book Homes are never overpriced. No hidden expenses, no extra loan charges. See positive proof of certified sales price, appraised valuation and listing price. No maybes, no guess work. Many Blue Book Homes brand new and ready for Immediate oeoipaucy. Some under construction you can get In advance. Other beautiful, nearly new Blue Book Houses ready for quick occupancy. All financing arrangements made in advance, under the new government regulations. VLlt our office to see the Interesting display. If you would like to get YOUR home listed under the REAL ESTATE BLUE BOOK SYSTEM, call Murphy & Kent and we will gladly come to your horn for a consultation, at no cost to you. EXAMPLES BLUE BOOK HOME NO. 1. Get this one wholesale! A truly stunning home on a shady lane. All new houses here. Its beautiful Interior decoration will thrill you. You must see It; we can't describe It. And what a Blue Book Bargain. F.H.A. ap praised valuation $11,300. Selling exactly at the same price. We have the proof. BLUE BOOK HOME NO. 2. Just completed and ready for Immediate occupancy. Mod ern ranch type, S-bdrrA. home, beautifully finished, lower in price than you would ever expect. And located on a wonderful street of fine homes In a district very close to downtown Salem. See this you must. BLUE BOOK HOMK NO. 3. When you see much room so many expensive features you will find it hard to believe the Certified Value price Is only $8,500. Remember, Blue Book Homes are sold on the lowest possible terms. You're Set You're Safe You're Sure With A MURPHY & KENT, Realtors REAL ESTATE BLUE BOOK HOME 456 N. Church Eves. Mr. Parsons, 3-1508; Mr. Grabenhorst Specials THE BEAUTY OF THE MOUNTAINS from your own living rm. windows Is entranctnely yours in June- or Jan- uary from this fine home. Besides the view, you'll like the 3 bdrms. on one fir., the excellent room arrangement; you can go to any room In the house without passing through another. A brkf. nook that catches the morning sun, a full basmt. with fireplace and dble. garage. Located In Salem's finest residential district and priced at only S2 1.500. FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT TO BETTER LIVINO . i CALL PETE C-EI3ER SOMETHING DIFFERENT This 3 -bdrm. home has a personality all its own. Llv. rm. with fireplace, dinette, kitchen, all hdwd. firs. OH floor furnace, attached garage. Well landscaped. You should see this one. CALL J. E. LAW OWNER LEAVING CITY Candalarla beauty! 2 bdrms., beautiful mahogany-trimmed den with fire place. Lge. llv. rm.-dtn. rm. combination with fireplace, kitchen Ac nook, auto, dishwasher, disposal. Inside utility. Dble. garage. Beautifully land scaped. Entire back, yard cyclone-fenced. Trees, patio. Excellent terms on this new home. CALL CHET FERRIS GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 22471 Evenings Ac Sundays call Chet Ferris 3-9724 J. E. Law 3-5113 Petr Geiser 3-9968 . Ohmart tS?Calaba Realtors Lee Ohmart OWNER-WILL TRADE , this neat 1-bedroom suburban home on wonderful lot with variety of fruit and nut trees, on bus line, close to store. $4500. WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? JUST ONE LEFT AT THIS PRICE Nearly new 2-bedroom home, fireplace, separate dining room, excellent heat system, grand location in Eiialewood, Here's good value at 110,500. Ask for Pat. LAST OF THE MONTH SALE This home has more to offer for $13,000. Large living room and dining room, 2 nice bedrooms, full basement with oil heat, att. garage, extra nice lot and location. En ale wood district. Call Muddy for more information, BERRY AND TRUCK FARM 13 A. nil irrigated. 3 A. raspberries, 3'i A. In carrots. This produced about 140 tons carrots, modern 3 -bed room home with full basement and oil furnace. A NICE HOME WITH A GOOD INCOME, FOR $17,500. - Ohmart & Calaba, Real 477 Court St. Eve. Pat Kemper, 25297; Ralph Henry WANTED FURNITURE BEST PRICES paid for used furniture, ap pliances and miscellaneous, nans fur niture Store, 1979 Fairgrounds Rd. da28B Premium Pi'ices Paid for good used furniture and miscel laneous. It pays to deal with Trader Louie Ph. 38558 da OUR LOW OVERHEAD and rapid turnover enables us to pay you more cash for your furniture, appliances, misceuaneous- Olenn Woodry, Phone 35110 today, 1605 North Summer. da AUCTIONS FURNITURE AUCTION Tuesday, Nov. 27 at 7 p.m. Selling complete furniture oi the 8a I em Nursing Home located at 3595 D street with no reserve. Preview of fur nlture Sunday afternoon from 3 p.m. to & P in. Beds - coll spring - mattress - small and large chest - hospital beds - chairs rockers - oesit - stands - oo westing- house refrigerator - 1950 Frtzldaire el ectric mime - 19.1O Benlix dryer - May tag mangle - Maytag washer - Speed Queen washer - many mine, articles. ANE SUDTELL Jk CLAUDE KILGORE Auctioneers For Information call 3-6098 or 3-5706 dd.'Sl SUDTELL'S FURNITURE AND LIVESTOCK AUCTION EVERY THURSDAY PHONE 3-6098 FORSALE LIVESTOC K POLLED HEREFORD DISPERSION SALE December 1, 1951 Range Bulla Herd Bulls Heifers Bred Cows Cowi with Calves at i-lde A real chance to buy the best In breeding stock. At the Ranch - 21 Miles East of Med ford. Ralph L. Cook. 120 Stark Street, Medford. Oregon e281 SADDLE HORSE 5 years old. sorrel with cream mane and tall. Gentle. 39090 ev enings and Saturday. e383 CUSTOM KILLING, cutting, curing. Free deep freete service. Your beef hauled free, trailer loaned.' Top prices paid for live stock. Salem Meat Co., 1325 South 25th. Phone 3-48. eJ83 PETS FOR SALE Purebred collie pupa, nlcelv marked, reasonable. Inquire at Brush College store. Albert J. Williams. Route 8, Box 570. ec383 4 SLEEK BLACK kittens with amber eyes, nan Siamese, singing in personality and appearance. No Sunday call. 1535 Trade.O lover. 283' MOORE'S TROPICAL FISH, equipment and supplies, i mnes irora Lancaster Macleay road. Phone 2-7321. ec397 CANARIES Sinters. Phone 27754. ec286 FUEL WALNUT Sliri.LS-Very good for fuel. 13 a ton. 60 sacks to a ton. Morrla Klorfeln Packing Co., 460 N. Front. 9nd GROWTH riR, maple and slab wood. Ph. 42941 or 38445. e301 PLANER TRIMMINGS for cook stove and healer. Very nlre tor kindling. $8 00 per cord. Phone 3-7731 or 3-6024. Capital Lmbr. & Fuel Co. REAL ESTATE 456 NO.CHURCtt Pkuna . 42293 this dramatic and lovely home with so Ph. 4-2293 Kent, 3-7475 Brown, 2-6440; Mr. Rudy Calaba Estate . & Insurance Phone 24115 - 24116 Maddy. 23488; Torvend. Louis Lorenz, 35590; FUEL DRY AND GREEN 16-in. slab wood. PI 3-7721 or S-6r. - Capital Lmbr. & Fuel Co. GREEN ASU FIREWOOD, $18 cord. Ph 21380. ee286' West Salem Fuel Co. Dry planer ends, dry slab wood, block wood, screened sawdust tube service. Diesel A: stove oil. Pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater, Phone Salem 2-4031 West Salem SAWDUST Clean, fresh cut, screened, prompt delivery, tube service or push oil. Dry or green 16-in. wood. OREGON FUEL CO. 3087 Broadway - Ph. 35533 ee304' ANDERSON'S HAND-PICKED 16" Slab wood. 2-cord load only $12. Ph. 27751. ee292' Hiway Fuel Co. Sawdust tube service, all kinds of wood. Phone 3-6444. FOR SALE POULTRY HATCHES of Golden Brood and New Hampshire chicks every Tuesday. specialize in broiler chicks. Fox's Hatch ery. 3B30 state St.. phone 3-4968. r NICHOLS BABY, cockerels, Nov. 23-29. Oehrlng Hatchery, Silverton, Ore. 1289 BIG COLORED FRYERS, also day-old and starter chicks. Valley Fnrm Store, PRODUCE LARGE southern Oregon Valley Farm Store. CAULIFLO' ER. $1 per crate. Phillips Bros., Rt. 6. Box 118. Phone 43081. Four miles east out State street. fi HELP WANTED SALESMAN WANTED Age 25 to 30, to represent large cigarette manufacturer In Salem area. Some traveling, car fur nished. Applicant must furnish good reference. Give name, address and phone number. Write Box 350, Capital Journal. 2B1 HELP WANTED MALE FOR LEASE: Major company service sta tion in the city of Salem. Good possibil ities fo ran experienced man. No good will to buy, only pay for Inventory, P, box 605. JOE PALOOKA rjjf&&r;r:" h-wothinoA its this H I ITS badlv Tl..l STuv.B1.6P COMins JJK' I I t...but whe n he 1nt wn J-"" . tci 1 J ANKLE I SKOI.L6N... U? THE ST6PS...THAT SSL ROUGH-HOUSED ME 60 OUT... CO WE POOP 4( ITS WHAT IS IT, JOEY... J Vy yai J ( THOT SO . A WHEW ; 1 STARTED IT...BUT I J-vlf, AMJ...ANO WE FELL- , WTITtE; T SO HMf TOO WHYDlDYACAGy -ASVrtH WHVD.BVf n LOOKS J THCT IT WOUtON-T TC I TWlSTEO ITAeAlN..JAS;ae BAD tYERlEflT V"-y - r SABrA- BETOOaAD.,.r-VCki t..l CAM HARDLY ? fCT rWL-SS, &.v jy- CsT HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Exp. beautician. Steady em ployment. Loveall-Millera Beauty Salon, 2nd floor Miller's. gb2Sl d HOUR WEEK offlca work. Must be sharp on telephone with good voice, fealsry plus. Writ Capital Journal box 9i2. gb283' WOMAN TO COME to home, care for child h day weekly. Ph. 2-8328 after 6:00 P.m. gb282 TYPIST with dictaphone experience, 60 w.p.m. required, insurance experience desirable but will train right person. 40 hr. wk. Apply State Employment Service. 710 Ferry St., Salem. (No fee charged). b2Sl" WOMAN to care for 3 children. Board. room s $70 per month. 2 days per week off. Phone 2851 Silverton before 8 p.m. 2991 after 6 p.m. ab282 EXPERIENCED bar maid. 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. Neat At attractive. Apply In person after 6 p.m. George' Cafe, Silverton, Ore. gb'J82 WANTED: Experienced operator to take over following at Addy's Beauty Salon. Operator leaving town. Call 2-7031. gb282 WALNUT SHELLERS wanted. Morris Klor- feln Packing Co., 460 N Front St. gb' WANTED SALESMAN YOUNG MAN, 18 to 35, for retail photo equipment selling. Experience preferred. ANDY FOSTER'S CAMERA, 174 N. Com'l. gg283 WANTED POSITIONS WANTED Small carpenter Jobs, work, reasonable. Phone 41424. Good h2Sl' YARD WORK wanted. 11.25 per hour. H. Kuhn. Phone 4-2285. h281 DO YOU NEED an outside salesman? If your proposition Is right I am your man Call Martin, 3-6351 evenings. h282 EXPERIENCED BABY SITTING, evenings and week-ends. Phone 38119. h2l PRIVATE SEWING Si alterations. 3-5588. 1360 N. Liberty, Apt. 6. h283 DAY WORK &l child care. Experienced. 20502. h283 -YEAR-OLD BOY desires winter em ployment of any kind, preferably where ne can live wun employer. wnie air Reeves, Rt. 1, Box 37, Woodburn, Ore. h286' CHILD CARE in my home. 2290 Hazel. Mimeographing - Typing Mrs. POC, 665 N. 16th SC. Fll, 3-3643. h285' RELIABLE BABY SITTER, day or night. Phone 2-7675. h303' GENERAL HOME repair, carpentry, ma sonry, painting, landscaping, etc. Com petent, experienced workmen. Service Center, 610 Edgewater. Phone 4-3573. h283 BABY SITTING, evenings, have own trans portation. .60 hour. Mrs. Rogers, Ph 41700. h281 PAINTING Ph. 26191 for free estimate. h284 WANTED Part time bookkeeping. Have down town office, also do Income tax returns and collection. Phone 24542. H2B4 RELIABLE ADULT baby sitter. Phone 21945. h281' PAINTING, reasonable estimate. 3-7552. RELIABLE PAINTERS and paperhangers, expert workmanship guaranteed at re duced fall rates. PHONE 2-192S J. Hudson H. Deglow h283 the hour. experienced, h281 FOR RENT ROOMS CLEAN, WARM, light housekeeping room. lady preferred. 735 N. Church. Jkaai1 WARM, CLOSE IN sleeping rooms. 605 Union at Church. Jk3BS HOUSEKEEPING room furnished. Heat, hot and cold water. 255 Center. Jk281 HEATED sleeping for man across from state omce ouuaing. ma court, j-uih. Jk281' SEPARATE SLEEPING room. H. Stilt Furniture Co. Phone 3-9183. FOR RENT APARTMENTS NICE ROOMS furnished, close-in, pri vate bath, 2-4686. 496 North 13th. Jp2fi2 court APARTMENT, furnished. Just nice ly decorated. Close-in, Phone 2-0714. 282 PRIVATE 3-room court apartmen, fur nished, clean, $30 a month. 3580 Fort land road. Jp REAL NICE 3 room apartment plus bath. Almost new, choice location, electric range and refrigerator, laundry facili ties, parking area for car. Rent $65 per month. Call Al Isaak and Co., Realtor, 4-3311, 3035 Portland Road. Jp SEVERAL furnished apartments, good lo cation. Inquire H, L. Stiff Furniture. Phone 39185. Jp" CAPITAL PLAZA Ultra modern court apartment. 1 bed room. Just reduced to $73.50 and 183.50. Spacious rooms. Ample closet space. Well furnished for nominal additional cost to responsible party. Open for Inspec tion. 1165 Chemeketa. 3-8630. Jp282' 3-ROOM FURNISHED apartment. Electric stove and refrigerator. Phone 4-3434. JP2821 -ROOM apartment. clo.e In, adults. Phone 2-0502. 760 Norm cnurcn. jpaea- NICELY furnished apartments. Ambassador apartment. dsO North summer. jp-sud- FURNISHED apartment. $25 end $36 month. Ground floor, private entrance, 1968 N. Comm'l. Jp282 NICE APARTMENT, email child accepted. 399 Mission. Jp282 'Z FURNISHED apartments, close to state- house. Colbath Land Co., 24552; evening, phone Seders trom 2a2l9. jpj 3-ROOM furnished, automatic heat, re frigeratlon. Private bath. 698 North High street. UNFURNISHED 3-RM. APT., ground fir. Friv. bath and entrance, i-'urn. aPt. avail able soon. Close in. 310 Bellevue St, JP281 CLEAN, WARM small apt. pref. 645 Ferry, close In. Lady Jp2J2 Adults. 1855 3-RM. Fl'RN. APT., $50. N. Capjitol. Ph. 28778. ATTRACTIVE, heated bedroom. Private entrance apartment. 1411 Court. Jp281 FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent. 1177 Court street. jp28l CLOSE-IN 2-room, private bath. 633 Ferry, jpao- FURNISHED 3-room apartment $40. Close i. 1075 North Capitol, Phone 3-870Q. JP268 FURNISHED DUPLEX. 3 large rooms. Pri vate bath. $50. Adults. Phone 4-2560. Jp283 PARTLY FURNISHED 4 rooms and bath. All utilities paid. Electric range, refrig erator, furnace heat. No drinkers $55. Ph. 2-3386 days. 3-6269 after 6 p.m. Jp286 4 ROOMS and bath, furnished or untar nished, middle ige couple, 603 south Summer. Jp286- BASEMENT apartment, fireplace, oil heat, utilities furnished. Working adults. i, 3-5682 after 5. Jp283 NICE CLEAN front apartment. Private bath, steam heat, utilities furnished. $55. Across from new Safeway. Phone 3-0463. JP281" AUCTIONS PUBLIC AUCTION HOMES To Clear Righi-of-Way for Salem By-Pass RESIDENCE NO. 3640 SUNNYVIEW AVENUE - NO. 17339 Two bedrooms, large living room, bath, kitchen with dining area, oak floors throughout, plastered Interior, wired for range, electric water heater. Insulated, attached garage, with utility and fruit rooms, cedar hake exterior, composition roof, about two years old. With this horn may be purchased Tract No. I for $600.00. RESIDENOE NO. 3660 SUNNYVIEW AVENUE - NO. 17239 Two bedrooms, large living room, bath, kitchen with dining area, oak floors throughout, plastered Interior, wired for ranee, electrlo water heater, oil floor furnace. Insulated, attached garage, with utility and fruit rooms, cedar shake exterior, composition roof, about two years old. With this home may be purchased Tract No. 2 for $600.00. RESIDENCE NO. 3650 SUNNYVIEW AVENUE - NO. 17239 Two bedrooms, large living room with guest closet, bath, hallway, nice dining room, kitchen, wired for range, fruit room, plastered, oak floors throughout. Insulated, sawdust furnace In basement, white elding exterior, composition roof, double detached garage, about two years old. With this home may be purchased Tract No, 1 for 1600.00. RESIDENCE OR NURSING HOME - NO. 3595 "D" STREET - NO. 17248 Downstairs consists of porch on two sides cased in glass, large entrance or reception room, living room with fireplace, large dining room, hallway, 2 bedrooms, 3 toilet rooms, 2 baths, kitchen wired for range and modern ized. Upstairs consists of six bedrooms, exceptionally wide hallway; bath room, fire escape, home Is plastered throughout. Basement has auto matic oil furnace converted from wood; two electric water heaters. This home has been used as a nursing home until acquired by the Highway Dept. Has shingle roof, white siding exterior, double size garage, electrlo water system .This is a large home but It can be moved. ANY 3FNANCING NECESSARY MUST BE ARRANGED PRIOR TO THE SALE DATE WITH THE FINANCING COMPANY OF YOUR CHOICE. The above described homes to be sold to the highest bidder at public auc tion for cash, but subject to the approval of the Orefon State Highway Commission and with the right reserved to reject any and all bids. An in itial deposit of 60 of high bid will be required at the conclusion of bids. Home must be removed from present location within 30 days of acceptance of offer. HOMES WILL BE OPEN FOR INSPECTION, NOVEMBER 35TH, 1951, S TO 6 P. M. Full Information regarding estimated cost of moving, concrete foundation, h septic tanks, and new well and other inspection of the properties may be I had by calling C. W. Parker, State Highway Department, Salem, Phone I 42171, Ext. 717. SALE DATE DECEMBER 1, 1951. AT 3640 SUNNYVIEW AVENUE. AT 1:00 P.M. AND THEREAFTER AT 3650 SUNNYVIEW AVENUE, 3660 SUN NYVIEW AVENUE AND 3595 'D" STREET. TERMS OF SALE ARE: 60 deposit at time or receiving bid and remainder of bid price to be paid within ten days of notice of acceptance of bid by Highway Commission. Auctioneer: Claude M. Kilgore Oregon State Highway Commission Phone 25706 State Highway Building 390 South Lancaster Drive - Salem Salem Nov. 24, 30. 1951 dd28t FOR RENT APARTMENTS DUPLEX 3 rms. & bath, garage, utility, unfurn. Ph. 244B0. JP286 newly decorated, LARGE well-furnished first floor 3-room apartment, 472 North Liberty, evenings. Jp281 LEE APTS. UNION AT WINTER "Salem's Finest Address" YOUR CHOICE Of BEAUTIFUL BACH HLOH APARTMENTS AT REDUCED RATES. ALSO ONE-BEDROOM UNITS. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OR CALL 4-1641. Mr. Hammer Res, Mgr. FOR RENT HOUSES ALMOST NEW 2-bedroom house. Automatic heat, electric range, narawooa noors, in sulated. 2230 Maple avenue. jm2fft 3-BEDROOM furnished home on State street. $70 month. 2-ne.droom tumisn ed home. Hollywood district, $60. 3-3101. Jm282 3-BEDROOM unfurnished. 223ft State. Ph. 2-1082. jmiiBi DEC. 1, 1-bedroom house, partly furnished. Phone 3-6541. Jmaaz- FOR RENT: Suburban house, oil heat, double garage, l or 2 cnimren accepted. 2750 South 12th. Jm281 CLEAN, MODERN 2-bedroom house. Auto. hot water, reasonaoje rem, tiia euver ton Rd. Jm281 MODERN 2-bedroom unfurnished suburb an house, hardwood floors, lirepiace, new. $70. Phone 2-4220. Jm2ai BEDROOM unfurnished house. 1520 Park avenue. Phone 2-3486. Jm2B3 CUTE 2-BHDROOM, carpeting, electric heat, attached garage, utilities, waier and Sanitary Service furnished, $55. Phone 2-1329. . jm38fl EXCELLENT LOCATION between High and Church on Leslie, 2-bedroom, auto matic heat, fireplace, basement and gar age, $70. Phone 3-4916. Jm383 mew modern unfurnished 1-bedroom house. Walking distance. Inquire 590 South Liberty. Im282 i-BEDROOM cottage with electric stove, re frigerator. Bendix. Available uec. 2 Phone 2-2707. Jm282' UNFURNISHED 3-RM. House Garage. $40. Adults. No pets. Ph. 2-0797. jm'-iBi SMALL FURNISHED new house. Adults. Close to bus. Phone 2-a277. jrrriHa' CHEAP. VERY NICE small one -bedroom home. Furntsnea except reirigeraior ano. daveno. Adults only, aai jreyman. jm282' l-BLDROOM house, partially furnished. 14 mile from Liberty on Skyline Rd. Rt. 9, Box 716. 22616 Sat. or sun. Jmaoi -BEDROOM home, unfurnished, 99E. 2nd house from Fabry Rd. South jm281 CABINS Nice, quiet, clean, spacious yard. Week or month. Reasonably priced. 4475 Portland Rd. Hayesvme. ixams 3 BEDROOM house dose In. Unfurnished H. L. Stiff Furniture co. pnone a-ai5 jm' ROOM & BOARD BOARD AND ROOM for elderly man. Phone 3-8706. JJ2861 WANTED TO RENT WE NEED RENTALS. Call Joe L. Bourne, Realtor. 1140 N. Capitol, phone 3-8216. Ja' OFFICE FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS Apply Tlnkham Gilbert, phone 20312. JO- LOST & FOUND LOST Red female chow "Koho" In the Roberts dlst. If seen, phona 310B3. Re ward. k283 LOST Tan and white St. Bernard dog. Reward. Phone 36930. k281 BUILDING MATERIAL FIREPLACE MATERIALS Cement, bricks, heat forms. PUMIUTE BLOCK & SUPPLY CO. West Salem ma381a AUCTIONS BUILDING MATERIAL PLASTER PATCHING MATERIALS Ac cept no substitute for plaster in remodel and patch work. PUMIUTE BLOCK ge SUPPLY CO. West Salem ma281 FROM PRIVATE party, good Duncan Phyfe dining set, floor lamps, rugs, bed room sets. Call 4-3593. na283" PLYWOOD Standard' sizes, V' - flc: S" - ll'.i W - 15c: S" - ITac: V - 20'ic. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front and Court Ph. 3-9111. xn SALE! Grade A one-panel doors, ....$7.95. Painted cedar shakes $11 sq. Glass doors .... $11.00 Waterproof wallboard, 4x8 $2.20 New plasterboard, 4x8 ; $1.85 Insulation board ..$1.76 Used windows, complete $7.50 No. 1 cedar shingles $10 st. No. 2 cedar shingles $7 sq. 215 lbs. com p. roofing V..J.,,. .$7.00 stj. Roll roofing, per roll . .; $3.4.1 Overhead garage door hardware ..$18.50 Used bath tubs ..$25.00 C. G. LONG, Phone 2-5821 or 4-3139 One Mile North of Keller. m233' SHINGLES - SHAKES Beat grade No. 1, $10 a No. 3, $7: No. 3, $5: No. a $3; per sq. yd., any amt. deliv ered. 100 sq. No. 1, 18-ln., carton packefd, painted shakes and undercourse, $n.iD sq. AH grades common lumber. Oak and pecan flooring. Ted Muller, Ph. Salem 2-1196. ma OAK FLOORING, fine selection. 8" lap siding $70.50, also "V" rustic. Knotty pine panel and shelving. Flooring low as $59.50. Plywood, good assortment, any size. "A" grade -doors from $8.95. Wall-, board 4x8 $1.76, also sir 'rock and rock lath. Lumber, all grac, s at attractive prices. 36 months to pay If desired. North city limits on 99. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD. 4-4433. ma' MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bldg., State it Commercial Sts. SALEM Ph. 3-3311 m SALEM SAND A GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer is Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the foot., Phone Days 3-9408 i Eves. 2-4417 or 3-7412 Salem, Oregon ra BEE-HIVE TRUCKS V DRIVE MOVE YOURSELF . SAVE 'i , PICKUPS '- STAKES VANS PAOE STEVENSON and AL MEFFORD TEXACO STATION 919 COURT ST. PHONE 21931 , m FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SINGER ELECTRIC sewing machine, $55. Two new 6:00x16 tires, $25. Phone 2-0905... 1287 3rd. n282 NEW AND USED sewing machines. YEA- TER APPIANCE CO., 373 Chemeketa. ' DEEPFREEZE home freezers. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO.. 375 Chemeketa. n PLASTI-KOTE requires no waxing. For' your floors or linoleum, yeater AP PLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. McCULLOCn CHAIN SAWS, 608 Edgewater, west Salem. Salem Logging Supply. Ph. 4-1541, WASHING MACHINES, new and used. YEATER APPLIANCE CO.. 375 Chemek eta. GLENN WOODRY Furniture Market, 1605 North Summer want, COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD FUR NISHINGS. We do pay more SPOT CASH!! Phone 3-5110 Today - No Delay - The Woodry Way n VACUUM Elect rolux, like new. 35674. n283" 8 -PIECE dining room set In good condition, a real Bargain, must sell, call week days to 6:30 p.m., except Sun. 1118 3rd St. n?81 USED SPINETS, studio uprights ft grands, bought it sold. Tallman's, 395 S. 12th. B292" MONITOR ELECTRIC ranee .good work- ing condition. Phone 21003. n263 9 -FT. REFRIGERATOR, phone 3-8735. n283 By Ham Fisher amnra ve, , tuts.