Portland Party Fetes Miss Pearson Miss Patricia Pearson, Aug ust bride-elect of Gerald Mor gan of Portland, is to be honor ed at a miscellaneous shower and party for which three of her Alpha Chi Omega sorority sis ters will be hostesses on Thurs day evening In Portland. Hostesses will be Mrs. Nor man Carey of Albany, Miss Mar ilyn Hammer and Miss Nancy Hopkins, both of Portland, the party to be at the home of Miss Hopkins. About 30 will attend the gathering. Miss Pearson will be accom panied by her mother, Mrs. Har lan B. Pearson, and Miss Pat ricia Powell. Surprise Dinner Given Roberts A surprise was planned for the 45th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Forester Sunday, when some of their children and fam ilies arranged a dinner party for them. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brenneman and three children, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Heacock and two ions, all of Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. R. Main and son of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Martin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Juarez and daughter, and i Ford Forester. SILVERTON Mrs. M. H. Thorson, Seattle, sister of Mrs. Alt, O. Nelson, left for her home Monday following a two-weeks stay at the home of Judge and Mrs, Nelson, having accompa nied them home from an ocean trip to Alaska. The Nelsons were house guests of another sister of Mrs. Nel son , at Seattle, Mrs. Valbort Brown. Tuna Dishes Popular Ones For Parties or Home Menus Are you planning a party? Perhaps a luncheon or a dinner? Then take a tip from smart hos tesses and make your entree a dish that's as festive to look at as it's easy to make. It can look as though you had spent hours in the kitchen preparing the meal, when you serve one of these tuna specialties. Yet they . are so easy that it's practically Impossible to make a mistake. You'll like Norwegian Tuna Pudding, and it will have your guests asking for the recipe. Serve It with a big green garden salad, tiny buttered new pota toes, and a fresh strawberry sundae, for a wonderful com i bination. 5 Another pretty luncheon dish which looks more complicated than it is Is Tuna Stuffed Pep pers. They're nearly a meal in themselves, so you can relax on the other courses. Crisp French rolls are good here, and a fresh fruit salad will take the place of your salad course and your dessert. Another effective dish on the buffet table is Tuna Noodle ring. Of course you can vary it a doz en different ways, but we think you will like the delightfully mild flavor of tne recipe given here. Of course when the mercury oars, a salad Is the best answer to the party problem. A delicious molded tuna salad Is the perfect answer, because it has warm weather taste appeal, as well as being really satisfying, due to its urotein content The recipe given here is easy to make. Unmold It on crisp lettuce leaves, ana serve with hot buttered rolls ana per haps a pasrty dessert. TUNA NORWEGIAN PUDDING S l-o. cans Tan H eup cdM whlppini rtt,m dwcet r i our) U taaannnn a1t Dub of pepper, Worcutenhlr uct j teupoon lemon juim 1 teupoon onion, trateS 4 eci white Ortnd tuna and tir in the cream, wit, fnnr. lemon lulea. Worceaterahtra uuce and onion. Fold Id hi whiter, stiffly a beaten and divide among 8 custard or tteibal molds. Place molds In a pan of hot water and bake them in a moderate oven (350 F.) for 25 minute, or until titer re firm and brown on top. Serve with trench fried potatoes and vreen salad, ervea . TTTKA STUFFED F1FFULS 3 T-ob. can Tuna 4 If. reen peppers 5 sups diced cooked potatoes, rice or For a children's party serve manhmallowi coated with cho colate. To make them, melt two squares of chocolate over sim mering water; remove from the heat and stir in two teaspoons of butter or margarine. Dip the manhmallowi in the chocolate mixture and allow them to harden. Decorate with approprl- ate designs with tinted frosting. Opening THURSDAY Marino's Villa To serve the public with the finest of Italian din ner prepared by 'that well-known New York chef, Nick Marino. Located on the Salem-Dallas Highway, Just Before the Ti Jmnctioa. Your Host and Hostess Nick ond Vee Marino I " Wed 50 Years Providence church, founded nearly 100 years ago by the pioneer preacher, Joab Powell, was setting on July 9 for the golden wedding anniversary observance of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Powell, the former a relative of the famed circuit rider. Mr. and Mrs. Powell are native Oregonians and were married at Lacomb, July 8, 1900, but now make their home in Independence, There are 12 children in their family and all are living. Bride-Elect Honored Gervais Miss Luzerne Hanes was honored with a miscellan eous bridal shower Friday eve ning at the Gervais Presbyterian church parlors with Mrs. Donald Hood, Mrs. Jacob Cutsforth and Miss Viola Bierly entertaining for 40. Miss Hanes has chosen August 6 as the date of her marriage to Glenn Trussell, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Trussell of Gervais, at a 2:30 p.m. ceremony at the Gervais Presbyterian church. macaroni 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon flour Vi teaspoon salt V teaspoon pepper Va teaspoon celery seed 1 cup evaporated milk cup bread (soft crumbs) 46 cup grated processed cheese Prepare peppers, cut off tops and re move seeds. Cook in' boiling water 5 min utes. Drain. Combine potatoes or rice or macaroni and tuna broken Into chunks. Melt butter, add flour, salt, pepper, and celery seeds. Stir until smooth. Add milk gradually, while stirring and cook until thickened. Add to potat and tuna mix ture and blend. Fill pepper with mix ture and top with bread crumbs com bined with cheese. Bake In a moderate oven (350 F.t tor 10 minutes. Serves . TUNA NOODLE KINO 1 7-01. can tuna 2 cups well-seasoned medium thick cream sauce 8 oz, noodles 3 es&s, beaten . ..' 1 cup cold milk 3 tablespoons catsup 1 cup grated cheese 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Salt, pepper to taste Cook noodles In rapidly boiling water till tender; drain well. Combine milk with beaten eggs, cheese, catsup: salt and pep per to taste, then stir In noodles. Pour into generously greased ring mold; bake In pan of water In moderate oven (950 P.). Unmold and fill with creamed tuna. Serves 4 to 8. TUNA MOLDED SALAD t 7-oc. can tuna 1 tablespoon unflarored gelatin K cup cold water 1 cup chopped celery cup mayonnaise V teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon lemon juice V teaspoon paprika Soak gelatin In cnlrf wati ilnnlu over nm waicr. vooi m room temperature. Fold In tuna, celery and mayonnaise, salt. lemon juice and paprika Place in wet jama mom or moias and chill until firm. Unmold on shredded lettuce,, garnish with siii-Bu winnwta. nerves g m EE NYLONS, BATH TOWELS, SHEETS, PILLOW CASES BIG CHICKEN DINNER, LARGE PYREX CASSEROLE Nothing to buy to be eligible, winners need not be pres ent for the drawing. Simply register at one or as many "DINNER-KWICKS" as you prefer. Adults only. ALL THIS WEEK Daily At 10:30 12:00 2:00 4:00 Abo m Monday ond Friday at 7:00 8:00 P. M. See Harry in Hit Fa mem "DINNER-KWICKS" Complete Dinners In 5 Minutes Plenty Free Parking Mr., Mrs. Powell Married SO Years Lebanon At historic Provi dence church near Sclo, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Powell of Indepen- denc celebrated their 50th wed ding anniversary on Sunday. July 9. Mr. Powell is a member of the clan which originally settled In the Providence com munity and founded the church in the early 1850's. More than 100 friends came from nearby communities of Le banon, Lacomb, Scio, Crabtree, Aumsville and Independence, and from more distant points, in cluding Vancouver and Port An geles, Wash., Salem, Springfield, Klamath Falls and Portland. A program was arranged by one of the daughters of the couple, Mrs. Frank Chladek, Jr., of Lebanon. The Powells have 12 children, most of whom were present for the golden wed ding reception. Pouring and serving at a table spread with heirloom lace were Mrs. Ora Patchen, Miss Doris Bartlett, Mrs. Everett Powell Mrs. Wallace Powell, Mrs. El mer Richards, Mrs. Ross Kep peninger, Mrs. Everett Butler and Mrs. Chelsia Johnson. In charge of the gift table were Mrs. John Powell, Mrs. El- don Powell and Miss Betty Powell. Mrs. Dora Ann Johnson passed the gift book. Mr. and Mrs. Powell were married in Lacomb, July 8, 1900 They settled on a homestead in that section where they lived lor 25 years. Later they lived In various communities in the Wil lamette valley, finally retiring to a home in Independence. Mr. Powell was born May 28, 1870 near Crabtree, and Mrs Powell was born in Clackamas and reared in Idaho. Lava from Mauna Loa stopped just a half mile from the city of Hilo, Hawaii, in 1881. Harry Devirt of the National Cooking School Phone 3-9191 550 N. Capitol Miss Pollock Is Honored Miss Betty Leonard was host ess at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Roy V. Leonard at Milwaukle, Tuesday night, for a miscellaneous shower for Miss Polly Pollock of Portland. Miss Pollock will wed Alfred Fedje of Salem on August 6. Assisting with serving refresh ments were Mrs. Donald E. Barckley of Salem and Miss Margaret Atwood of Corvallis. Attending from Salem were Mrs. Don Hunsaker, Mrs. Harry Mason, Mrs. William Barber, Mrs. Ray Fedje, Mrs. Roy Fedje, mother of the brldegroom-to-be, and Miss Ellen Montague. Port land guests were, Miss Dorothy Taylor, Miss Patty Jo Hammond, Miss Shirley Ambler, Miss Inie Lou Wilhelm, Miss Marjorie Cooper, Miss Dorothy Deal, Miss Faye Ludlow, Miss Pat Stanton, Miss Nancy Marks, Miss Sue Shipley, Miss Colleen Whiteman, Mrs. Rex Edmundson, Mrs. Dean Pollock, mother of the bride-to- be, Irene Leonard, Mrs. Roy V. Leonard and the guest of honor. Miss Genevieve Chisholm, of Fort Worth, Texas, who is visit ing in Salem with her aunt, Miss Olive M. Dahl, also attended the shower. Engagement Told Gervais Mr. and Mrs. Fred Manning are announcing the en gagement of their daughter, Miss Clara Manning to James Bosch ler of Mt. Angel. No date has been set for the wedding. Miss Manning is a graduate of the Gervais union high school and is employed at the state un employment compensation of fice in Salem. SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. John Towle of Welch street have as their house guests for a week Mrs. Alberta Wittig and Mrs. B. B. Wright who are on a trip from their home in Hut chinson, Kansas, through the northwestern states. THURSDAY feieeted ?ct nn , C7 - with metal Open Fridays to 9 p. m. Rose Society Event - Salem Rose society has ar ranged its July meeting as a no-host supper gathering for Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Brady, Half Pint Farm, 3755 Garden Road. Each attending is to take food and table service, the committee to furnish the dessert, coffee and cream. The affair is arranged for 6:30 o'clock. Surprise Visit, Picnic Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Hans L. Almlle of Bricelyn, Minn., ar rived Saturday by plane for a brief surprise visit at the home of Mr. Almlie's brother, the Rev. S. L. Almlie, pastor of the Im manuel Lutheran church. While in Silverton, they at tended the Sunday outdoor serv ices of the Immanuel church at Kosters' grove on Butte creek. Monday they visited Silver Creek Falls state park. The guests left from the Portland airport Tuesday morning, to re turn home. At a surprise picnic recently, the S. L. Almlies were given a camera and money as the Rev. Almlie has accepted a pastorate in the mid-west and plans to leave Silverton soon. SILVERTON Harley DePeel of the local police force, and his family are visiting in Idaho at the home of Mr. DePeel's par ents and with other relatives. Miss Bette DePeel will return to Silverton as guest of the lo cal Lions club to represent that group in the Stayton Bean Festi val amateur evening contest. Misa DePeel is a singer and dance imitator. FIDELIS CLASS of the First Baptist church will meet at the church Thursday at 2 p. m. SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Don Burch and son, Johnnie, are vacationing at Paulina lake on a fishing jaunt. fe'i&jj fl3i a& ONLY! From 9:30 EXQIISITE VASE LAMP AW S2A0E Decorated American china base with color ful match ing Bhde. i3'j"Higli 20 Inch BECORATEI MIRROR 47V quality, botVd btMkod mm Flower Show Dated August 12 Silverton At the week's meeting of the Jay-C-Ettes the date for the third annual flower show to be sponsored by the younger group of civic minded women was decided on for Sat urday afternoon and evening, August 12. The center theme, new this year, will feature "An Old Fash ioned Garden" arrangement to be on a table not to exceed a specified limitation in measure ment. Judges for the show are to be Wanda Edland of Woodburn, Mrs. Ward Inglis of Stayton, and George W. Ailing of Salem, all prominent in phases of flower production and show ar rangements. Divisions, sub-div- TONIGHT IS FRIED CHICKEN NIGHT PLUS All You Can Eat For at NOHLGREN'S ANNIVERSARY BUFFET DINNER BRING THE WHOLE FAMIY TO OUR AIR-CONDITIONED RESTAURANT (Little Ones Under 10, Just 44 Cents!) 5 to 8:30, Tonight Oto cffi oftan A.M. Until Stock Is 14 Pc. REFRIGERATOR SET 18 Pc. GLASSWARE SET S3 Delightful Spring Time o Tea Glasses. Limit 2 to a Customer Capltal Journal, Salem, Ore., isions, classifications and rules governing the show will be an nounced later. Plan Social Mt. Angel The Catholic Daughters of America will en tertain their members at a soc ial, Monday evening, July 24, iin the St. Mary's school meet ing room. Mrs. R. O. Appleby is in charge of the social and assist ing are Mrs. James Anderson, Mrs. C. J. Ebner, Mrs. Math Beyer, Mrs. Robert Fronk, Miss Anne Erwert, Mrs. Monica Gaffke, Mrs. Gene Hoffer, Mrs. Al Lulay and Mrs. R. J. Welton. The members will receive Holy Communion Sunday morn ing, July 23, at 8 o'clock in St. Mary's church. 440 State Street 0 Exhausted j Crystal Clear Unite. 7 Complete Nested Jars and Oewers. Pattern " Wednesday, July 19, 1950 7 155 N.Liberty Phone 3-3191 New For Fall Outstanding in Every Way Women's PURE WORSTED COATS '11 29.98 -V4 1 I I , 1 . 1 U 1 t w f.' '..: Hard-to-fit? No more problems for larger size women whm they choose specially styled; tailored-to-fit coats at Wards. Thei. worsted gaburdin.s and sharkskins and all-woo1 broad cloths mean Important quality; new sma rtness yours at a bud-got-prkel 38-44, 18'i-24'j; Sheen covert 1 9.9S Other coat 24.7S 19.98 1 DOWN Holds Coat on Layaway, Balance In Weekly or Monthly Payments! ft