Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Saturday, March 18, 1950 9 RADIO PROGRAMS SATURDAY P. M. . T rN REALLY GETTING OOO0 YOU DONT T P NO-KIT KARSOfTS STARTING HEY- IT I JIST FLEW UP TTELL YE ABOUT THAT Y rWlW- Tli. l . AT WORKING UNDER WRAPS, jFIGURE TO TO SEND ME TEAR-SOAKED ROPER BLURS FELLER' HE'S OOWN IN TH' TAVERN. II I nO CXX CI 111 A I O tl O VI 7 S RIBBER ANOTHER MONTH yHANG AROUNO NOTES ABOUT NEEDING AN J-,i STANCHN' TREAT TOR EWERBODY AN' I J. I lS X LU1114.111C VjUlliil V T UP HERE AND r CAN EAtIXmUCH LONGER ON EDITOR WHO EOTTSANC Jitjgl BRAGGIN'THAT HE'S GOT A tRON-BOUNO 7 1 J T AN ARTICHOKE WITH fTHIS YARN, DO YOU, SINCE EVERYTHING IS 6& 17 1 SIGNED CONTRACT 6MN- RtLL L2lgl . , . E BOXING GLOVES ON , STEVE? UNDER CONTROL HERE "AlXr i COMTTOLOF THE 6UPP - AP By HELEN TRAUBEL v j! r i jusr-o-Knf " these little V whoops! you have a whole hour , you know? hemuhava Jg HuBoy-GURoys'y peoplearesoJ irs after for lunch -and srtiu. J KSf pine espionage, XjS t - FASOMATIMS! J ONE) THE VOU COME BACK LATE! " ' , SYSTEM ! y " ' " ' ' thii '" ojs6N mmii r ons y eh? why, rvE N Wf Z. kmJCj H EV X " -.Cf RZnil J f CHATTERBOXES (SET MEN Y BB-BUT WHO 1,1 V WHO LISTENED INTENTLY- SEEN HIM AROUNO- 1 Kf WHY THAT'S--I-..I Ml I t, X VuV I f K I KILLED! IT 13 BAD TO 1 WAS THERE TO V I L 00 NOT MOVE TILL WHY'S HE SHEAKIN' I W 1 SAW A MAN WLLEO-J, I I L, 'JLM.JZZ2L -Jstj P I SPEAK CARELESSLY IN 1 HEAR? ONLY TH' II I RETURN- l TOWARD OUR T Mfim!IZrrK?Sfftfm 1 H ""Hi 7 ..I ramiic olocf-s- 1 usual CROWD- EN SlC Vk-wiTH A gun.' mUrUtXin 1 J But it wasn't A I'JT V ' S J rain I lWJef- avJ MIrWl I liTWW'.fl kT ilrii V rVft BBSSM U Tea with Traubel. "This is a relaxing hour in which I run through types of weapons by which murder may be accom plished," admits this noted writer. "I like lots of bodies in my plots." "SYNOPSIS: If you haven't read the five previous installments, you shouldn't start here and get a flavorless shortcut climax. There fore, we wont tell. Go and see if you can get some back copies from a neighbor and read the whole thing yourself. Roughly, it involves a prima donna who reads detective stories, a pet can ary who does a trick with seeds, a raft of detective story writers, an orchestra conductor who is dead and a red-headed police lieutenant) , Chapter 6 Quentln looked at Brunhilde. "that true, Mme. Wagner?" Brunhilde was not happy. She was. she knew, in a very delicate spot. The thing was getting out of hand. There was no telling where it might end. She exhumed a frail smile and decided to explain this segment of the mystery. "Yes," she said. "I accompanied them to the door. But not to the elevator. I took them upstairs to an empty apartment." "What?" They were all gaping at her. She nodded morosely. "They're up there now, all of them. Un conscious." "Unconscious?" "Yes.- Come, I'll show you." It was a bewildered and appre hensive safari that trooped after her. Bill was holding tightly onto her arm. When her fingers fum bled with the key, he took it and opened the door. The sight of the authors, spread out on the Persian rug, peacefully snoring, left them slack-jawed with astonishment. "The heat did it," Brunhilde ex plained. "The heat and a drug I soaked the birdseed in. But it was not cyanide and I didn't kill Otto Purst." As she spoke she seemed withdrawn and thoughful. Bill was Incredulous. "But why, darling, why did you do it?" "That's what I want to know," snapped Lieutenant Quentin. "What in sanity's name was your motive?" Brunhilde did not answer him. The word "motive" struck a chord, and it kept clacking through her mind like a square wheel on a hump-backed railroad track; mo tive, motive, motive. So great was her preoccupation that she failed to hear Quentin's barked order to get the heat turned off and the windows open. The blast of cool air found her impervious. Motive. There was the crux. Who had a motive for killing Otto Furst? The gears in her brain slow ly meshed. Ideas from the number less mystery stories she had read, long burled in her subconscious, came seething to the surface. There were various motives, she remem bered, for murder love, jealously, fear, gain that was it, the greatest ol tnese was tne jast. Who stood -to gain by Otto's death? Something nudged her memory. Excitement quickened her blood. Suddenly she had it. She knew. It came to her in a flash of logic Slowly her eyes went around the room and she lifted a finger and pointed it. "You!" she breathed. "You killed otto!" The silence was oppressive. All eyes centered on uiy rurst. Lily laughed snortly, off-key, "That's not verv funnv. darling." "It's not meant to be. You killed him. You know you did. It has to be you. You were serving the drinks and it was you who gave Otto a cyaniae mgnDaii. Lilv. drawing herself up straight, looked at the Lieutenant. "She's crazy. Absolutely unhinged. She must be. Look what she did to those authors. Why would I kill Otto? All I wanted from nim was a a vorce and he gave it to me." "He gave you a settlement, too.' Brunhilde said. enough, was it?" "How would killing him get her any more?" Quentin demanded. "After all, they were divorced." "Oh no. not quite. If you re member, the case was held last week and she got her decree only yesterday. But it was an inter locutory decree. It takes ninety days to become final, so officially she was still his wife. I remember the law. As Otto's wife she stands to Inherit a lot of money. I guess you didn't know about that old woman In White Plains who left him a fortune several days ago. It happened alter she started her di vorce suit. Poor Lilv. she lust couldn't stand losing so much money." Lily Furst stood cold and pale. her nostrils wide. Her voice went ud a full octave, shrill with de nial. "Nonsense. Sheer, utter nonsense." "Is it?" Brunhilde said. "You killed him with cyanide. You thought this would be a perfect chance to get rid of him, with so many others around." And then she applied the coup de grace. "I oec tney una some oi tne poison left when they search your apartment." It hit home. The significance struck Lily all at once, and the blood fell out of her lace, turn ing her deathlv white. Her knees trembled and she swayed backward. Bill Wagner caught her before she spilled to the floor. on, let ner down," urunmiac said. The air in the room, cooling rapid ly, brought life back to the authors. There was a laint muttering and stirring. Lieutenant Sam Quentin em braced them with a wide gesture. Okay." he said. That covers the murder. But how about tnese oirasv Explain this clambake." Brunhilde, twisting her fingers with embarrassment, looked sheep ishly at the floor. "Go ahead," Bill urged her gently. "We'll try to understand." She took a. deep breath and piungea. you rememoer mat mys tery I wrote: murder at the Met? Well. I wrote one before that I couldn't sell "The Post Mortem of Mortimer Post." It meant so much to me to have a story published and I was afraid to take a chance with this new one. So I thought, well,, if I kept all the best authors drugged, lor a time, there would De a . terrible shortage, and then the publishers would have to buy my story. "My God!" muttered Bill. The Lieutenant put his head be tween his fingers and squeezed. "Women!" he groaned from his abdomen, is n tnat explained ev erv thing. Suddenly Brunhilde brightened. "I don't care." she said. "What happened tonight will make a won derful plot. I'm going to write it ana they won't have any cnoice, they'll just have to print it." THE END Oil Station Opens With Many Visitors Gates The grand opening of the Union Oil station attract ed a large crowd. George Meilke will operate the station. Each woman in attendance was pre sented with a gardenia, the chil dren all received a toy bank and candy. Each guest was served coffee and doughnuts by Mrs. George Meilke, assisted by Mrs. Mert Cox. Raymond Ad ams of Mehama has been engag ed to assist Meilke in the station. ROOM AND BOARD Bv Gene Ahern TU&kJlC TTt AAADVfCl Dt I? "MORTON THE MCUSE," I MADE ftO THIS WEfcK. H-AYINO I'D LIKE TO REPAY "MORTON' WITH A MOUSE DELI&HT, SO I'M GOING TO BUY HIM A HALF-POUND Of FANCY b . ROQUEFORT , .( CHEfcSfc JOVE.'- Y KNOW WHAT I DID ON "MORTON'S TIPS ? TOOK MYSELF OUT OF SEVERAL EMBARRASSING OLD DEBTS I OWED MY DENTIST, TAILOR AND SOME FRIENUS, BY GIVING THEM "MORTON S' TIPS TO BET ON HAW, I'M ALL SQUARE NOW 1 I I n Si,j, orv iceIDT 1 V ipi Willi 5:00 5:15 S :30 5:45 :00 t:15 6:30 6:45 1:00 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 8:30 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45, 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:001 KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KOCO 620 NBC 970 CBS 1190 ABC 1390 MBC H90 Kc. Bindi of Lind Make War Gurst Star True or Filio Cr Shannon " Rands of Land Make War Special Event True or False Cj Shannon jBanda of Land Danker Ahead Navy Hour Organ Reveries Political Pulaa Klmer Peterson N'rwa Navy Hour Christ. Science 1-Squart Coip Dixieland Jan Huest Slam Scout lnr Stan A A F Candlelltht A Dixieland Jass Memo, In Music Home edition A A F Stiver Dennis Day (ioldhcnrs Mod. Romance Hawaii Calls News Dennis Par (iolriberts Mod. Romance Hftwall CalU Ass'bly of QoJ Judj 'Canova Sine It Arain Hollyw'd Byline Mn Feathera Time Wai Judy Canova Sin It Acaln Hollyw'd Byline Mr. Featbera Playhouse Grand 01' Opry Slnt It Arain Chandu Matlo West Coast Strike Bani Grand 01' Opry Sine It Again Cbandu Magio Ramblers Sports Truth or V. Monroe Lone Ranger Chrt Mulkey Proudly Hall Consequences V. Monroe l.nne Itancer Chel Mulkey Proudly Hall Hollywood star Gene Autry This Our Town Meet the Pres Midcourl Hollywood glar Gene Autry As We See It Meet the Press Tournament Hit Parade Ganj;buters Rayburn, Finch News Tournament Hit Parade Gangbusters Rayburn, Finch PD Edwards Finals Ufe of Rllry Art Godfrey Rayburn, Finch Buddy Marine Tournament Utt of Biley Art Godfrey Rayburn, Finch Orchestra Finals Sam Hayes '.-Star Final News " MonlcaTwhalen TournamTnt Morton Downty Organ Intermexio Benny Strong; Sews Orchestra Capitol Dance Hand Benny Strong; Dancing Party Orchestra Cloakroom Dance Band Benny Strong; Dancing Party News Treasury Band Let's Dance Open House Dancinr Party ax Musenm Treasury Band Let's Dance Open House Dancing Party "ax Mai mm Organ Melodies Let's Dance Open House Dancing; Party wax Musenm Organ Melodies Let's Uanco Open House Dancing; Party Sign Off fcHrnt JXtra nonr Sign Off Sign Off ' , DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 KOAC slnrd" M. (1:00, Chll- i Inar; 7:00, Light Opera aren s ineaieri o:in. un nB I News and Weather; 0:C Sign Off. TonJghtt S:45, Dance Paradti FM Meg., KGW 100.3, 8-10 p.m., KOIN 101.1, 6 a.m., 12 p.m., KEX V2.Z, 8 to p.m. SUNDAY Hodce Pot'g News Farm Time Farm Tlme Early Bird Old Songs News am Hayes Eddie Albert Irddie Albert lack Brrrh iace Riders second Cup Second Cup Homo I owners INews Marriage for 3 . Cavallero Brad Reynolds Geo. Murphy AH COT S GOT 'ANKUKS1 L SMART Jk TWO fifCS TOGETHER MORE PURTY - N EXT NAME E-IN t3 L. A IM U, L ANOTHER M AARDVArtK.' AT pfJyBavjBassjBVIBVBVIJJJJI on TH IJST-iS- &ASIL BLUG ? THASS WHAR ff , ' V W-..a?aawL STONE "AT TH BRITONS NEVER "ft 1 PlTCHERry REWARD FOP. GORGEOUS I W JT I SHALL BE SLAVES" CHOPHOUSE. wFfttsVy ySMSS L - f- HIM- SPLIT PDURJMORRISrJI I -WHY-THASS BLUG STONE O' f r-v y -' V t( f WAYS, THAT'S Srt I I SCOTLAND VAUD.-AH KNOWS Ui C5g&f WHAR, T'FWD HHff f I I " WOPE SO I I LETS LOOK UP LAWYER FINCH. HE ) H flGGEtt WE'LL f WE'LL KEEP OUft 1 KNOWS EVERYBODY 'N' EVERYTHING rt - rS'POSE TW'SNAKEv ""RECKON 80v (FIND SOME CLUESUMOUTHS SHUT AND MAYBE HE C'N HELP VJ, C THET SWOT PORE MACKA WE'RE UP AGAlNsA V IN T0WN.W0PPY?OUR EARS OPEN SOME. IT'S WORTH A p- A IS IN TH' GANG TWET'S J JA KILLERS AUW rrrr-w ? S V- JJSSK5,6 P BEEN RAIDIr5?7 jL RIGHTy FxVi C s W T0WHA? A S GR0WN 51NCE 1 M VYJO WANT VLLISSEN.UTTLEBaOl VOO GOTTA KNOW "N-ssf LOOK! SOPPDSE VOU WERE ejjjf 7:15 R X REMEMBER. VOU HVB THIS MUST BE THE HAY, ) M . Vims f THERE! THAT COES fTJ THE J 1:30 ., TEX, THE NEW STABLE HAND TO BE IN COUITT TOMCWBOIV LLYiVWAT A ROETYVy iS& BUXK AND TACKLE IS ALL fsJ Jj45 " TOU3 WE ABOUT A WHITE 006 1 AND NX. QUU36 MAY WANT 'j w OLD BRID6E! IMQA READY TO PULL THE BRItJtSE JW3 , 2:00 S BEINS FOUND OVER AT OWL. I TO TAtJ TO VOU LATER JTl---Xr3OTlS.'l J . SUPPORT OUT AH ! THERE'S FT!p 1: - BLUFF, IS IT OIAY FOR ME TOO$ JsaK-x-ffl MMSfeTA'Wf'l' al THEWPNOWJ Z0lWt ' 2l45 I A im I ItENER-THEY ARE H Xy&. WE'RE (?-) e.l r NOW, THE FIRST THINS ).. n W&JUVsf IXE8?SC01S,AN1D REAULV GOINejrfTfflj LN SENOINS -SMOKE r- j. BMW A OFnQ9'li--,-J AKt IHfclK TO LEARN , LVGfgJ SIUWLB la LU I 2-CP-X 0 11 SltxAI &WM&ES?Vf 1 SCOUT SOAAETHINS.' ) 3-1?, OP SMOKE r-CS) J I HAVE BEEN IN A JQ5T WERE A I NOW- -GETTING BACK YOU DON'T HAVE TO M Rin. .RFfnCF i-A -THAT yOUONCE KI551DA HOSPITAL TODAY, JIMMY? (LLER IrTEAD OF A TO MATTER OF MORE IM AWmOARLINGlM V0UD0--I- WANT 60YON A HIGH6CH00L HAY- j VOTING 50MEOHE-- CUSTOMER Kfifii?. P0RTANCE!- -I HAVEA fiTL -SjSS nJviL'-'- U M rr THATAllicARE' QUESTION--AND5INCE 5 3&?5bM MWWM. fMfm 7) t ?;00 Kadio Pulpit (C'lmrch of Air Band Box ;15 Radio Pulpit Church ot Air Band Box 7:30 Family Time Church of Air Band Box Mutual Muste 7:45 Family Time Church of Air Band Box Mutual Music 8:Hfl J. Doe's .M isir Newsmakers Revival Hour 1st Baptist Ch. River Boys 8:15 Morn. Serenade H. K. Smith Revival Hour 1st Baptist Cb. News 8:30 Churrh In Your Salt Lake Revival Hour Voice Prophecy FeU'shtp Vole 1:45 Home Tabernacle Revive I Hour Voice Prophecy Frllo'sblp Voice 9:00 N'ew More ot Life Southcrnairea Ra. Bible Class Bible Prog rain 9:15 Garden Talk More or Life Southrrnaires Ra. Bible Class Lutheran 9:30 Eternal Lichl Guest Stars Mrssaee of Lutheran Hour Ave Maria Rr. 9:45 L'temal Light News lsrael Lutheran Hour Ave Maria Hr. 10:00 Glenn Shelley. People's News News Ch'rcb In W:ieL 10:15 Organist Platform Romance Songs Organ Loft 10:30 Chicago Round Invitation to Nal'1 Vespers News Sacred Heart 10:45 Table learning; Nat'l Vespers Voice of Strings Wayne King 11:00 NBC Theater You Are There Foreign Report One Great II r. First Baptist"" 11:15 NBC Theater You Are There Frank Ernest One Great Hr. First Baptist 11:30 NBC Theater Gallery Gossip Piano World In Christ First Baptist 11:45 NBC Theater News Playhouse Canaries First Baptist 12:00 One Man's NV Phllharm. """ ot Faith xeWs Serenade for"- 12:15 Family NV Phllharm. "" of Faith Guest Mar Strings 12:30 Qui Kids NY Phllharm. Opera Album juvenile Jury Headline Newt 12:45 Qulx Kids ...liarm. OPfra Album luvenlle Jury United Nation! 1:00 Mr. Flx-lt NY Phllharm. Week's World Hopalong Church ProgT" 1:15 News M' Phllharm. Week's World Cassidy Church Prog. 1:30 With Advent. Festival Voice of Proph. Martin Kane Muslo for 1:45 HighAdvenL News Voice of Proph. Martin Kane Daydreaming; 2:00 Dick Powell LP Records Mr. President The Shadow Music for 2:15 Dick Powell LP Records Mr. President The Shadow Daydreaming 2:30 H'vest of Stnrs Galen Drake Greatest jitory True Detective Band Showcase 2j45 H'vest of Stars Jack Sterling Greatest Uorr True Detective Band Showcase 3:00 The Hardy Favorite Lutheran Hour John Steele San. Serenade- 3:15 Family Husband Lutheran Hour John Sttfile Sun. Serenade 3:30 Henry Morgan Boston lllackle Muslo with Nick Carter Music 3:45 Henry Morgan Huston Blacklc the Girls Nick Carter Music 4:00 Glenn Ford Jock Benny Research Falcon Donald Stewart 4:15 t'lmn Ford Jack Benny Here's to Vetl Falcon Donald Stewart 4:30 Harrls-Faye Amos V Andy Robert Shaw News Concert 4j45 Harrls-Faye Amos 'n' Andy Chorale Congress Rep't Concert 5:0.0 Sam Spado Itcrg.-M'C'rthy Stop the Music Alexander Dallas Minister 5;15 Sam Spade Berg.-M'C'rthy stop the Music Alexander For the Llrlng 5:30 Theatre Guild Rocky Jordan Stop the Musk Lynn Mirray Suppertim 5j45 Theatre Guild Rocky Jordan Stop the Music Lynn Murray Serenade 6:00 Theatre Guild Corliss Archer IV'lter Winched Reviewing Speaker of Wlu 6:15 Theatre Guild. Corliss Archer Louella Parsons Stand Speaker of Wk. 6:30 Album Familiar Horace neldt Chance of a Family Theatre News 6:45 Muslo Horace Heldt Lifetime Family Theatre St. Francis 7:00 Tak" " Contented nr. Jlmmie Fldler Medical HUIles Sunday ,ai0B 7:15 "ve It Conlcntrd Hr. Chapel Song or Times Sunday Salon 7:30 Bob Crosby The Whisller Amazing Roy Rogers Nazarene Ch. 7:45 Bop Crosby The Whistler Malone Roy Rogers Nazarene Ch. 8:00 Science Editor Miss Brooks Drew Pearson Twenty Q'stlons Nazarene Ch. " 8;5Pescha Kagan .diss Brooks Headlines Twentv Q'stlons .Nazarene Ch. 8:30 Symphony Hour Herg.-M'C'rthy W'trr Wlnchcll Can Vou Frank de Vol 8:45 Symphony Hour Berg.-M'C'rthy Louella Parsons Top This? Frank de Vol 9:00 Symphony Hour Red Skelton Think Fast Nrws Sunday Reverie' 9:15 Symphony Hour Red Skelton Think Fast Fdltnria. Sunday Rever 9:30 Rest Seller Jack Benny llannfhal Colili Cunnlnrham Dallas Church 9j45 Dance Orch. Jark Benny Hannibal Colib NW News Dallas Church 10:00 News Five Star Final Itlclif'ltl Hcp'tr SlgtPoff Mnnn I) roams-' 10:15 Mary A. Mercer Night Editor Intcrmczco Moon Dreams j 10:30 Catholic Hour St. Francis Hr. Orchestra Mnnn Dreams 10 :45 Catholic Hour Orchestra Orchestra .Munn Dreams 1 11:00 News Treasury nand Drew Pearson sign Off - 11:15 Wnx Museum Trensury Band Nncturne 11 :30 Wax Museum Or run Muslo Nocturne 11:45 Wax Museum Organ Music Nocturne 12:00 Off sign Off Xtra Hour ' MONDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. News KOIN Klork KOIN Klock KOIN Klock onsumer News Dave Valle Grand Slam Rosemary Wendy Wnrren (Aunt Jenny llrlen Trent Gal Sunday g Slslrr a Perkins '. Milonu Hiding I.khl Double or Nnlhliir Children Today Light of World News Road or Life V'g's Family iltlght to HappL Backstage Wife Stella Dallas Lorenzo Jones Wldder Brown Girl" Marries Por. Faces Life Just Plain nil! Fr. Pge. Farrell IvVele. Travelers' Wrlc. Traveler Aunt Mary Love A Learn Worn. Secret Life Beautiful Dr Paul 'Paula Stone Farm News Krrp Smiling Keep Smillnr Jack Norman Nrws Bob Garrrd IIb Hazen .eke Manners (i rs. I'urton Perry Mason Noruh Drake Brighter Day Brcakfa! Club akfast .'luti Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Mildred Brdili' Stars of Today en as I' lash Quick as Flash Be Seated He Seated .My I rue Story My True Story News le A Get II House t'arty House Parly From Nowhere .Lick Il-1 Show Music I'leaie Kirkham News Klrkham Newi Garry Moore Garry Moore mtrfull Yf Art Klrkham rlhiir tioiiii Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey rth-Ji Codfrry Arthur Godfrey furl Mise R. Murrow News Timekeeper .March Time News News I Breakfast Gang Music Top Trades i Bargain Cnuntr Family Alter Bible Institute Bible Institute N W News Garden Guide :'astor's Call Vnllz Dine j Brlty Crocker : Victor Llmllahrl N'wcslerncrs N'weslerners Talk Baukliage News Meet Menjoua Art J!aker Welcome to Holhwood Kay West Kay Writ Slrw irl Jay Stewart Hannibal Cobb mlbal Cobb Bride Se Groom Wall. Klrrnan Barney Keep Barney Kcrp Rhvthm-a-liks Snulrrel Cage Squirrel ('age Firefighters KOCO Klock KOCO Klock Tex Kilter KOCO Klock cws KOCO Klock saders Crusaders Western Melnd fTeinple Echoes Melody Tim Melody Tim Stars Sing Jnhn C. Thorn. iNews I pel Rmger Concert Mln. Kuss Morgan Ladles Fair Ladles Fair (lueen for Day Queen for Day Top Trades News ' DO's my Wakely Bob Mitchell I (oh Mitchell lell Neighbor Bfng Sings Bob Poole Bob Poole Ladles First Ladies First arm-Home oik a Time News rallan liar. NW. News Memory Mmlt Tune Tim m Keys Muslo Mart 'Music Mart Kililie LcMar iVocal Variety Fulton Lewis k. Hem way Behind Story News IH'wood Musis H'wood Musi News Dave Dennis Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies (Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Movie Tim hilosopher liven Can Be Beautlfsl ACROSS Wfnt away In ahle Kor leur that Dnclnro Native inrtnl M. Arrow pilsun 16. Science and art of government 17. On the ocean 18. Vender 19. Food fi;.h 21. Musical not 22. City In Texas 25. Hard-hearted 58. Metric land measure 29. Before: prefli 30. Measurement for the iK'lirlii of lioi srs SI. G(irlilcs of the harvest 32 Hntrnity 3:i. Hf lp 31. Saluiiitlon 35. Litre 3fi. Itootv 3X. I'vuw'in 'J Slialii sin arean 40. CiiModian 41. nt-foct 4. Kstranno 48. lioarof th surf A rnir-r Sn. 4.1rd asteroid 61. Mimic HlE'Rt-BLjOgRAFT A i H j E N $S E R N 1 II Jl A sIuIpIeirIa a umda n t MAN AiT E N; siel AiT C:A H O YBSWiOIOHgNIEIR L E.T u pCJo e TjAlBro!RtET0f EIBjSHRlAITU THIAjgLjE"U HiRj I IslTl I IA'nB RIOlT ej? MIAMI DIE S T S(tJs N A'liC T A C jot R RIO T Solution of Yesterday's Puzzl 62. Orean of vision 63. Mark of ft blow DOWN 1. Itiiipk'S against u p?5 pSJ is iir i 10- 1 i38 mm. 48 PI55 Si ' S2 'W'',fi ' ' '- ' ! ''" . 1 2. Bacchanalian cry 8. Cut down 4. Warbled 5. Fiber from coconut huskl S. S eg m rut of a curve 7. coun selors S. Any clirtln( woody perennial 9. Model for imitation! archaic 10, OiulcrsLand 11. Hftvcrawo 16. Kind of duck 1:0. Rubber tre 112. Antic IM. Heeion 21. Orderly 25. Fclloiv 2tJ. Kind of bird 27. Wave 31. Gluttonlzed 32. Prinked 34. Mountain tn Alaska 35. East Indian boiled butter 1 37. Mnr lately ' mad 10. Cattle 11. Peel 12. Short Jaokt 43. Remainder 44. Brothpr 4.!. Proofing 47. Ballad A? Ntwii'solvr