eOSMIS club's March dance is cal endared for next Saturday evening, March 25, at the Mayflower hall as a semi-formal party. Claude Bird's or chestra is to play for dancing. On the committee for the evening are Mr. and Mrs. Mars Slack, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rainwater, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Monson and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fisher. By Marian Lowry Fischer IG EVENT of the month for Salem i Junior Woman's club is the annual Easter Bonnet style show and ben efit bridge party on Monday evening, March 27, at the Salem Woman's club house. "The Easter Parade" is. the theme for the party. The presentation of hat styles will be at 8 o'clock, Miller's store displaying the' millinery. Models to wear the hats will be Mrs. John Graham, Mrs. Robert Klo ver, Mrs. Glenn S. Paxson, Mrs. Frank Ward, Mrs. George Schroeder, Miss Bar bara Garrett. Mrs. Leonard Kephart is to be the commentator. Following the style show, cards will be In play, including contract bridge, pin ochle and canasta, Each table is to take its own accessories. Proceeds from the benefit go to the club's playground project, the club work ing to equip various playgrounds in the city. Mrs. Raymond Randall is taking res ervations for the party. Mrs. Donald Freel is general chairman for the bene fit, and on her committee are Mrs. O. T. Mansfield, Mrs. V. E. Bean, Mrs. C. M. Collins, Mrs. Raymond Randall, Mrs. Wakefield B. Walker, Mrs. Wallace Wil son, Mrs. Thomas Bays, Mrs. John Gra ham, Mrs. Charles Knapp, Miss Lucille Satter. Honoring their daughter, Miss Shirlee Reimann, and her fiance, William H. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Reimann will entertain with a buffet supper at their home on Thursday evening. The rehearsal for the Green-Reimann wedding will be at 5 o'clock Thursday evening, the supper following. Miss Reimann and Mr. Green are to be mar ried next Friday evening, March 24, the ceremony to be solemnized in the First Baptist church at 8 o'clock. Miss Reimann arrives home this week-end from Oregon State college, and Mr. Green is to finish the term at University of Oregon the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley are among those leaving next week on trips. They will go to New York City by the northern route and will return west by ways of New Orleans and California, planning to be gone a month. The Coolcys' son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Maulding of Eu gene, will be here for the day Friday, accompanying the Cooleys to Portland for the start of their trip. The Maudings will be in Tillamook this week visiting his relatives during the spring vacation t University of Oregon. Announced for April 2 is the wedding of Miss Barbara Bolts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Botts, and Gale Pool, son of Mrs. Stella Pool. The ceremony will be at 3 p.m. that date in Calvary Baptist church, Dr. Vic tor H. Sword officiating. Mrs. R. B. Syracuse, cousin of the bride-elect, is to be matron of honor and the bridesmaids will be Mrs. Paul Wedel and Mrs. Jos eph Genta. R. B. Syracuse is to be best man, Delbcrt White and Fred Midden dorf, the ushers. The reception following is to be at the church. 7 ; ( . ;;-v':. :ffC- I ' i ' - ' . 3 ANNOUNCED LAST wrrk-rnd win Ihf engagr mcn( of Miw Jeanne Marlf Foster, above, daufhler of Colonel and Mrs. Euntne I. Kostfr of Salpm. to Clvde G. Hfrr Jr on o( Mr. and Mrs. Clyde O. Herr of WaUonvill CUf. The wwldini will b In the lat sprlnf. T PINSTERS club has arranged lt meeting for next Thursday evening, ' March 23, the change in schedule being made to enable members away at eollege to attend. The school group will be home for the spring vacation at that time. The meeting will be at the home of Mrs. James Armpriest, 1860 South High, Miss Patricia Larson and Mrs. Roy Edg erton to be co-hostesses with Mrs. Arm priest for the 8 o'clock meeting. This week-end and the first of next week will bring a large contingent of the away-to-college young folk home for the spring vacations at the state college and university. Oregon State college students expect ed home include: Miss Merle Rhoten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Rhoten; Miss Marianne Bonesteele, daughter of the Wallace Bonesteeles; Miss Shirlee Newbry, daughter of the Earl T. Newbrys; Miss Joanne Blaxall, daughter of the F. C. Blaxalls; Miss Nancy Snyder, daughter of the Walter Snyders; Bill Paulson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson; Leon Gordon, son of the Wayne Gordons; Ralph Lisle, son ot Mrs. Zeda Lisle; Misses Lois and Mar ilyn Burris, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Burris; Miss Nancy Buren, daugh ter of Dr. and Mrs. Wolcott E. Buren; Miss Barbara Zumwalt, daughter of the Chester Zumwalts. Miss Beverly Hofstetter, daughter of Hans Hofstetter Miss Shirley Weber, daughter of the Clarence Webers; Bill Rock, son of the F. C. Rocks; Miss Jean Pickens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ches ter Pickens; Miss Joanne Hendrie and Dick Hendrie, daughter and son of the D A. Hendries; Miss Janet Miller, daugh ter of the Carl R. Millers; Miss Verlaine Walker, daughter of the Robert Walkers; Bill Paxson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn S. Paxson; Ray R. Crittenden, son of the Ray Crittendons; Bill Winkleblack, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Winkleblack; Miss Peggy Burroughs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Julian Burroughs. Miss Lorraine Welling, daughter of the E. O. Wellings; Miss Jahala Keys, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keys; Miss Patricia Ullman, daughter of the A. E. Ullmans. Miss Suzanne Barnes, daughter of Mrs. Chester A. Downs, also will be home from Oregon State and will have as her guest, Miss Jean McDonald, stu dent from Canada at the college. Miss Marilyn Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Hill, and Miss Janet Lindlcy, daughter of Mrs. J. C. Lindley, will be away during the spring vacation at the college, both being with the Or chesis dance group which is to go on tour. The group will give an exhibition at Annie Wright seminary at Tacoma and will go on to Victoria and Vancou ver. B.C. Miss Hill recently was in stalled as president of the campus Pan hellenic organization. Coming from Eugene From University of Oregon will come Miss.es Jane and Ann Carson, daughters of the John H. Carsons; Miss Charlotte Alxandcr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Alexander; Miss Suzanne Hug gins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Huggins; Misses Barbara and Gloria McClintock, daughters of Mrs. Edna Olson; Miss Barbara Sundet, daughter of the J. T. Sundets; Miss Josephine Caughell, daughter of the John R. Caug hells; Miss Irene McLeod, daughter of Mrs. L. C. McLeod; Kay Huntington and Miss Crystal Huntington, son and daugh ter of the Hollis W. Huntingtons; Miss JoAnne Fitzmaurice, daughter of the Robert M. Fitzmauriccs; Miss Marjorie Bockc, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bccke; Miss Betty Joe Brannon, daugh ter of Mrs. Nell V. Brannon; Miss Katie Siegmund, daughter of Floyd Siegmund; Miss Jeanne Hoffman, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. George S. Hoffman. Miss Frances Baum, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Baum; Evan Boise, son of the Breyman Boises; Miss Roberta Tussing, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Au brey Tussing; Steven Benson, son of the L. V. Bensons; Beldon Owens,, son of Mr. and Mrs.B. E. Owens. George Swift, who is doing graduate work at the uni versity, will be home to visit his parents, the Rev. and Mrs. George H. Swift. Miss Alice Louise Ohling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling, will re turn Wednesday from University of Ore gon to be- here for the vacation. Her sister, Miss Sara Ohling, will be home the following Sunday for the vacation from University of Washington. Mrs. Donald Fred is to entertain for her bridge club on Wednesday evening. ti' f" A- t - y 7 1 1- f Miss Vandeneynde Wed Today At Simple Service in Eugene Miss Patricia Vandeneynde, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gene, Vanden eynde, was married this afternoon to Ted E. Reed of Salem, son of Mrs. W. F. Reed of Eugene and the late Mr. Reed, the simple service being solemnized at 3 o'clock at the residence of the bride groom's brother and sistcr-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reed, at Eugene. Only members of the families and a few close friends of the couple were pres e'it for the wedding. The bride wore a smart navy blue dressmaker suit and corsage of purple orchids. For traveling she donned a mvy straw cloche hat with trim of spring flowers and with the costume wore navy accessories and white gloves. Airs. Ro 'ney Vandeneynde of Port land was tl ? attendant frr her sis'rr-in-law. She wore a gray dressmaker suit with navy blue "accessories and cor sage of pink roses and violets. Richard Reed was best man for his brother. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Van deneynde wore a pink suit with black accessories and a corsage of white orchids. An informal reception followed the ceremony. Mrs. Wayne P. Loder of Salem poured, and Miss Margaret Wag ner of Salem cut the cake. Assisting in serving were Mrs. Robert Nccdham and Mrs. John Steclhammcr, sister of the bride, both of Salem. The couple went south on their wed ding trip, planning to stop at San Fran cisco, Carmel, Palm Springs and Tucson, returning through Las Vegas and Reno. . They will be at home at 1297 South High street, Salem, after April 1. Expected to arrive in Salem next Sat urday for a week's visit is Richard Page, son of Judge and Mrs. E. M. Page. He is in the graduate school of Stanford and the spring vacation comes the last week in March. An event for tomorrow afternoon will be the open house for which Delta Gamma sorority at Willamette univer sity is entertaining at the chapter house between 3 and 6 o'clock. ; 38 i ryfn I JZL "f? i ,3 U -' r-J The annual membership campaign of the Salem General hospital auxiliary sjon will be under way. The co-chairmen and workers for the event are meet ing with the general chairman, Mrs. E. M. Page, next Wednesday, to line up lists of workers for the drive. The co-chairmen are Mrs. Allan Carson, Mrs. Harry N. Crain and Mrs. Linn C. Smith. The meeting will be at 3 p.m. Wednes day. Guests at the home of Governor and Mrs. Douglas McKay from Wednesday on through the week-end will be their Fjn-in-liw and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Lester D. Green (Marylou McKay) of Eugene. : Mrs. Win: tanlcy Jenks left Friday for Spokane to join Mr. Jcnks. They will visit in Washington, returning next week. Miss Susan M. Faherty, who is leaving Salem the first of the month to make her home in Tucson, Arizona, is being hon ored at a number of informal affairs pre ceding her departure. Miss Faherty, who h is been manager of the Marion county chapter of the American Red Cross for the past four years, is to become assist ant administrator for the southern Ari z .na blood program of the Red Cross at Tucson. Next Tuesday evening, members of Miss Faherty's bridge club are entertain ing at dinner and cards honoring her. The dinner will be at Chuck's Steak House, the group going to the home of Mrs. E. A. Guenthnor for the evening. In the group are Miss Faherty, Mrs. Guenthner, Mrs. J. H. Meusey. Miss Lor raine Mousey, Mrs. A. L. Elvin, Mrs. Mary Frances Yates, Mrs. Kate Smith and Mrs. Margaret Brown. On Thursday, Mrs. Fred S. Anunsen will entertain at luncheon for Rod Cross fellow workers honoring Miss Faherty. This week-end Miss Faherty is guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McLcllan at the beach. Last Saturday evening, Mrs. Thelma Walter and Mrs. Robert M. Fischer, Jr., entertained at a dinner and handkerchief shower for Miss Faherty at the home of the latter, guests including a group of Red Cross workers with Miss Faherty. '- - u. -1! i ; i ' ' - . t if ."7:;-,' I -.A''-r l' -A'-U- ATE for her wedding is being told by Miss Lucille Hoffert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoffert, her marriage to James P. Moisan, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Moisan, to take place Sat urday morning, April 15. The ceremony will be solemnized at 9:30 o'clock in the St. Vincent de Paul Catholic church, the Rev. George L. O'Keefe officiating. Mrs. Mclvin J. Pillette is to be matron of honor for her sister and the brides maids will be Mrs. Peter Hoffert, Jr., aid Mrs. George McKay, the latter of Eurbank, Calif., and a former Salem resident. Young Miss Dianne Lappin is to be flower girl for her aunt. Richard Welch is to be best man and ushering "ill be Harlan Anderson, Melvin J. Pil l"tte, Fctcr Hoffert, Jr., and Raymond Pcrrenboom. Ti e bride-to-be was honored at a shower given this past week by Miss Kuby V.';c:!erkehr, the party being at the home of Mrs. Alfred Domogalla, sister ot ti-e hot-toss. The St. Patrick's day r. otif v..-s featured and the rooms and table were decorated with pink snap dragons and daffodils. Games were played and a late lunch served. Invited to honor Miss Hoffert were Mrs. Edward Kinney, Mrs. J. F. Schnei der, Mrs. Albert Arpke, Mrs. David Por ter, Mrs. Walter Judd, Jr., Mrs. Rex Hardy, Mrs. Gordon Tomlin, Miss Paul ine Welch, Miss Doris MacArthur, Miss Cecil Knox, Miss Florence Carter, Miss Mona Skaug, Mrs. George Hester, Miss Lena Cherrington, Miss Marge Cobb, Mrs. Newell Wilder, Mrs. R. H. Rees and Mrs. Dan Archer, the latter two assisting the hostess at the party. Chapter CB of P.E.O. Sisterhood is to meet next Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Florence R. Parish. 2070 Univer sity street. Mrs. Roy DcArmond is to give a book review. Visitors here for the week-end are Brig Gen. and Mrs. H. C. Mandell of Tacoma. at one time Salem residents. They are guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Arneson. They are returning home from a trip through the mid-west, Florida and other southern states. This evening, the Arnesons and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wittner are entertaining a group in honor of the Mandells, at the Arneson home, some 20 friends being invited. (Jcatcn-Mlller Mudlo eandid-sl BIG EVENT each year at Salem high school is the Civics club carnival for which a queen Is named. The different hijth school sdlllbs each nominates a candidate for queen,, the winner being announced the night oMhe carnival. - ( Five of the candidates are pictured at left above. Reading down the steps"from top: Miss Doris Lane, Miss Leona Todd; Miss1 Beverly Folslon, Jliss Bonnie Belle Stewart, Miss Margaret Bown. Another quartet of the candidates arepic--lured in lower left picture, left to rijhti Miss Betty Cooley, Miss Gwen Fry," Miss Alice Girod and Miss Nancy Miller. AMONG sorority alumnae rtswntjr for next week will be the IflC.c gathering for Alpha Chi Onifca.. alumnae on Monday evening at the Wil lamette university chapter house of ;the. group. Mrs. Jack Stanley, Mrs. Frank1 Gucrin, Mrs. George Hanauska, ,-Mrs. Gerald M. Robison and Mrs. Wallace ' Bonesteele, Jr., are hostesses for,. the evening, the meeting to be at 8 o'clock.' Also meeting Monday evening are!the-. Kappa Kappa Gamma alumnae, atnther. home of Miss Margaret Wagner, dessert: to be served at 8 o'clock. Co-hostesses are Mrs. Robert Drager, Mrs. Lauren Gale and Mrs. Thomas E. Rilea,.Sr. ir. Meeting on Tuesday evening are Alpha" Gamma Delta alumnae at the home om Miss Shirley Hill at 8 o'clock. Therd'will -be election of officers at the business . meeting. Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of Oregon's governor, will be at home for her usual day, Tuesday afternoon, local and out-of-town friends being invited to call. ; 1 i Yi It h n ii 4 STUB (McEwan tudlo plctuwV A RECENT bride was Mrs. William Freel the former Dorothy Avres, daughlfcr Mn and lrs. G. W. Avres. .Mr. Frwte to 'h on of Mrs. Nettle Freele of SUyton. ' life-A II v. I f Iff p r il 14 1 j -1 11"; A? , . ' m V 5 Urn 1m. it - 14 'y H J: I 4 4 '.ill 4' ; 'A ' - i (Jcfiten-Miller tudio CBndidA) THIS VEAR'S carnival is slated for March 31 and a big contest is now in process to select the winner to be queen. Two girls also are named to serve as crown princesses in the court ruling over the carnival with the queen. The five candidates strolling on the walk, ' right above, are left to right: Miss Jcannctte Sullivan, Miss Marion Haering, Miss LaJune Rahtz, Miss Edna Manning and Miss Joy Curr, , Four more of the candidates in lower rjght picture, left to right, are: Miss Pebble Dc Sart, Miss JoAnne Majck, Miss Mary Camp bell, Miss Joan Marie Miller. TWO weddings of interest are on the late March calendar, and the birdes-elect this week-end are tell ing plans for their nuptials. J irrott-Lettcken Miss Marjorie Letteken, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Ernest Letteken of Dallas, and Kenneth Jarrott, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Leonard Jarrott of Redondo Beach, Calif., are to be married Thursday aft ernoon, March 30, the ceremony to take place in the Oak Grove church at 4 o'clock, the reception following to be at the Letteken residence. Candlelighters are to be Miss Audrey Bliss of Palo Alto and Miss Susan Mellor of Portland. Miss Joan Haberle of Albany is to at tend the bride and Charles Massey of Parkdale, Ore., is to be best man. Ush ering will be Lloyd Crabb of Rickreall and George Juba of Portland. Mrs. Peter M, Gunnar of Salem is to be solo ist, accompanied by Miss Martha Benard of Portland, and Mrs. Harry Dempsey of Rickreall is to play the piano. Both Miss Letteken and Mrs. Jarrott are sophomores at Willamette. She is a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority on the campus and is majoring in art. Mr. Jar rott is a major in business administra tion. Olson-Wilson Ceremony The wedding of Miss Lenore Wilson and Howard Olson is planned for the evening of Friday, March 31, the cere n.ony to be solemnized at 8 o'clock in the First Congregational church with -Dr. Seth R. Huntington officiating. For the wedding music, Gordon Pratt i.-. to sing and Jean Hobson Rich will play the organ. Lighting the tapers will be Miss Barbara Lee Miller of Burns and Miss Mary Morgan of Reedsport. Miss Betty Jean Wilson is to be maid of honor for her sister and the brides maids will be Miss Joyce Reeves of Sa lem, Miss Maxine Risseewu of Willa n.ina and Miss Myrtle Wilson of Myrtle Point, a cousin of the bride-elect. Robert O'Dell of Camas is to be best man and ushering will be Henry Wilson of Coos Bay, brother of the bride-elect; Charles Cloudy of Ketchikan, Alaska, Charles Bowe of Parkdale, Robert Mc Mullan of Taft and Eldred Hutchinson ol Camas, all Willamette university friends of the couple. The -reception following is to be at the Chi Omega sorority house at Willam ette university. Miss Wilson is the daughter of Mrs. Crystal Wilson of Salem and is a major in business administration at Willam ette university. Mr. Olson also is a major in business administration on the campus. " -The home of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Repine, 1495 N. 16th street, was the scene of a reception when friends gathered Tuesday evening in honor of their 40th wedding anniversary. The evening was spent in playing games and listening to records. Those present were, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Repine, Mi . and Mrs. Edmund Lippert Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Oren Ryles, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Nystrum, Mr and Mrs. Frank Groat, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Desart, Mrs. Fanny Cunningham, Miss Jane Weinburg, Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis Chitwood. 3. ii' 'T ' JJ ' J I 'i' . ", , i V -- i It ; ' t. i l " .m., il i -V ." i I . 1 pJi Ik. Town and Gown Club Tea Thursday March program and tea for the Town and Gown club will be next Thursday afternoon, March 23, at 2 o'clock in the Carrier room of the first Methodist church. Dr. Robert D. Gregg, dean of the col lege of liberal arts at Willamette uni versity, is to be the speaker on the topic: "The United States and Russia." Jose phine Albert Spaulding is to sing, accom panied by Mrs. A. A. Schramm. Mrs. Melvin H. Geist is tea chairman and on the committee with her for the afternoon are Mrs. A. A. Schramm, Mrs. Charles S. McElhinny, Mrs. Donald Campbell, Mrs. Daniel H. Schulze, Mrs. Ralph Purvine, Mrs. Silas Gaiser, Mrs. Donald Madison, Mrs. M. M. Magee, Mrs. Frank P. Marshall, Mrs. Ben Maxwell, Mrs C. A. McCargar, Mrs. T. M. Med ford, Mrs. E. Burr Miller, Mrs. W; I. Needham, Miss Edna Mingus, Mrs. Brooks Moore, Mrs. Gus Moore, Mrs. Claude H. Murphy, Mrs. Frank Myers, Mrs John Neef, Mrs. C. L. Newman, Mrs. E. A. Nelson, Mrs. Cass Nichols, Mrs. Clarence Noble, Mrs. U. S. Page, Mrs. M. C. Palmer, Mrs. E. M. Peterson, Miss Dorothy Pearce, Dr. Helen Pcarce, Mrs Christian Peterson, Mrs. Rex Put nam, Mrs. P. D. Quisenbcrry, Mrs. E. Rand, Mrs. Charles A. Ratcliff, . Mrs. Seward P. Reese, Mrs. Lloyd T. Riches, Mrs. Manley Robison, Mrs. C. H. Robert son, Mrs. Arthur A. Rogers, Mrs. F. L. Rose. All members and friends interested in Willamette university are invited. For the regular program of the Ore gon society of the Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution over KOAC, Monday, at 2 p.m., "Astoria a Century Ago," will be the topic of the paper prepared by Mrs". Charles Franklin Nichols, radio chairman for Mt. Hood chapter, Port land. Regular meeting for Chadwick chap ter, Order of Eastern Star, is to beTues day evening in the Masonic temple. Auxiliary to the 369th engineers and 409th quartermaster corps is to meet Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock. f Scheduled for next Wednesday eve ning is the dinner and program for Uni versity of Oregon alumni of the Salem vicinity, the dinner to be at 6:30 o'clock in the Marion hotel. The coaching staff will be here from Eugene as special guests, including Jim Aiken, head football coach; John A. Warren, basketball coach; Bill Bower man, track coach; Don Kirsch, baseball coach; and Leo Harris, director of ath letics. The program will feature the athletic p-ogram at Oregon and motion pictures on football games will be shown. The dinner and program are open to all alumni, men and women, as well as par ents of university students and friends of the school. The cost per person just covers the meal, no extra charge being made, states Reynolds Allen, Marion ccunty alumni representative. James Walton is general chairman for the meeting. The board of Women of Rotary Is to meet Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Clay Cochran. The First Presbyterian Women's as sociation is to meet Wednesday at the church. The board session will be at 11 a.m., the luncheon at 12 o'clock. The business meeting is arranged for 1 p.m. with the program following. Mrs. Ho bart Jackson "is to sing a group on the piogram and there will be other features. Invitation is extended especially to West minster guild members to attend. Travel group of the American Asso ciation of University Women announces' its next meeting for Tuesday, March 28, in the Carrier room of the First Meth odist church at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Woodcock of Corvallis will show colored motion pictures taken on their five-month tour of Europe. The mem bers of the international relations and the recent graduate groups of the AAUW are to be guests for the program. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Schiess will enter tain for their club next Saturday eve ning, the group to meet for a no-host dinner and bridge. The semi-moflthly party for the So journers club will be next Thursday aft ernoon in the Salem Woman's club house, salad luncheon to be at 1 o'clock with cards following. Mrs. Elmer J. Church is chairman for the afternoon and on her committee are Mrs. William H. Foster, Mrs. Milan Bas inger, Mrs. Earlc Dclnncy. Mrs. Theo dore Linn, Mrs. Walter J. Toy and Mrs. Sid Rising. a Mrs. Arthur It aim is to be hostess to her bridge club for luncheon and cards on Tuesday. a . The luncheon club of the Catholic Daughters of America is meeting Mon day noon at the Golden Pheasant. y TV f '"i i'vWiiifT'"''' ' I 4f5 EVERAL Salem women will be in S. Portland Wednesday for the open ing event of the Oregon Women's Golf association at the Portland Country club. Those from here planning to play in the tournament include Mrs. Ivan Mar ble, Mrs. Manley Robison, Mrs. Marc Scale, Mrs. R. I. MacLaughlin, Mrs. Fred Bernardi and Mrs. Howard Wicklund. The women's golf rally is to be Tues day evening at the Portland Country club, Mrs. Glenn Stevens and Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Jr., to be among those from here attending. The local women golfers start their new season on March 29. Salem Zonta club's business meeting will be next Thursday evening, at the home of Mrs. Robert L. Elfslrom, dessert to be served at 7:30 o'clock. Miss Mary Larson, chairman; Mrs. E. E. Woollen, Miss Bucna Stewart and Mrs. Frank J. Burke arc the hostesses for the evening. Preceding Ihc club meeting, board members will gather at the Senator hotel for dinner at 6 o'clock. St. Anne's guild of St, Paul's Episco pal church is to be entertained at the home of Mrs. W. H. Burghardt, 860 Union, Monday, dessert t be served at 1:30 o'clock. Mrs. Arthur Knox, Mrs. William Dolph, Mrs. Vernon Perry, Mrs. Carl Porter, Mrs. S. D. Wiles and Mrs. Rob ert Drager are the committee for the afternoon. WOMAN'S CLUB TO MEET Salem Woman's club regular meeting is scheduled for next Friday afternoon a 2 o'clock at the club house. Board members will assemble there at 1 o'clock for their meeting preceding the general club session. Dr. Robert D. Gregg, dean of the col lege of liberal arts at Willamette univer sity, is to be the guest speaker. Mrs. Frank A. Hrubetz is to be soloist and Mrs. Raymond Barker the accompanist. Mrs. J. N. Chambers and Mrs. Clifton Mudd are the tea chairmen. Mrs. George W. Ailing, club president, announces there will be no program event on Tuesday afternoon. Legion Auxiliary's Show and Dessert First major presentation of the season of spring fashions, the benefit dessert bridge and style show planned by mem bers of Capital Unit No. 9, American Le gian auxiliary, next Monday, March 20, . tre arousing considerable interest. The dessert will be served at 1:30 p.m. at the American Legion club, followed by "the style show between 2:30 and 3:30 o'clock. Proceeds from the benefit go to the unit's funds to help rehabilitation and child welfare programs. The newest in spring suits, coats, street and dinner dresses, hats and accessories will be presented by The Vogue for the style show, the shoes and bags to be dis played by Raemar, the shoe styles to include everything from wedgies to the highest heel in style. The hair styles will be done by Larson beauty salon. Carl Ritche of KOCO is to be the com mentator. Models for the fashions will be Mrs. Ralph Majeski, Miss Anna Mac Webb, Miss Margaret Magee, Mrs. Scphus Starr and Miss Quinthia Komp. For the special program, Mrs. Glen Humiston is to present a group of songs, accompanied by Jean Hobson Rich; and Mrs Richard Bell is to play for the r-oclels-. Reservations have been handled by Mrs. Donald Madison and Mrs. John E. Wood. Anong those making reservations to date are Mrs. Clifton Mudd. Mrs-. Willhm Nelson, Mrs. Earl T. Newbry. Mrs. Glen Humiston, Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, Mrs. .David H. Cameron, Mrs. Robert Van Orsdal. Mrs. Richard Denton, Mrs. Wil liam Beck, Mrs. Al Sauer, Mrs. Howard R Pickett, Mrs-. James A. Garson, Mrs. Ben Wittner, Mrs. Neil Selandcr, Mrs. B E. Owens, Mrs. A. F, Sevcrins, Mrs. Wade Ellis, Mrs. A. L. Brewster, Mrs. Theodore Ullakko, Mrs. Howard Hun SHker, Mrs. Alice Vogt, Mrs. Richard Springer, Mrs. Lena Hildebrandt, Mrs. C W. Parker, Mrs. S. Wengren, Mrs. Glen Woodry, Mrs. Curtis Cross, Mrs. F W. Pickhard. Mrs. Robert Hamilton, Mrs. James Clinton, Mrs. James Welch, Mrs. Walter Wood, Mrs. L. H. Blaisdell. Mrs. Archie Fahlgrcn, of Wcstport, who has been spending the week with her sister, Mrs. C. K. Logan, was joined by her son, Billie Fahlgren, student at Oregon State college, Friday afternoon, and returned home. McKinlev School Mnlhero Huh is meeting on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock hi ine scnooi. Mark Hatfield of the political science department of Willamette university is to be guest speaker. Invitation is extended to all mothers and patrons of the school at attend the meeting and program. Job's Daughters, bethel No. 35, will entertain as guests the members of Ains worlh lodge, A.F. and A.M., at their meeting Monday evening in Beaver hall at 7:30 o'clock. The bethel will confer the majority degree on four members. LEAGUE TEA WEDNESDAY The League of Women Voters has planned an informal tea for Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Neil Brown, 1636 Mission street, between 2 and 4 o'clock. A special invitation is extended to newcomers in the city and to all wo men interested in the program of the league. , -Jv . " , ' ,.r- 1 V, P r1' Vf' . J' 'i ' (" y r''jb'd 0 (JMten-Miller studio picture) MRS. TED E. Reed (Patricia Vandeneynde) was a bride this afternoon at a ceremony In Eugene. The couple will be at home In Salem. Mrs. Reed is the elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde of Salem; Mr. Reed the son of Mrs. W. F. Reed of Eugene. Style on Monday On Tuesday morning at 7 o'clock the Salem Credit Women's Breakfast club members will honor their "bosses" with a breakfast at Nohlgren's. Mrs. Frances Welsh, chairman, is in charge of the program and table ar rangements. James Kuhn of the state tax commis sion will be guest speaker, and the Rev. Dudley Strain will give the invocation. Mrs. Clifford Schmidt will play piano numbers during the breakfast, and a trio, Miss Dolores Friesen, Miss Shirley Bosell and Mrs. Clifford Schmidt, will sing several numbers. Mrs. Robert Jones will give the wel come and Russell Bonesteele the re sponse. Jaycec-Etlcs arc meeting Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Melvin Bedsaul. P.E.O. council announces its regular luncheon meeting for Monday at 1 p.m. in the Golden Pheasant. All P.E.O. members, especially unaffiliated mem bers, are invited. Sorontimist club's regular luncheon meeting will be Wednesday noon at the Golden Pheasant. Theatre Arts group is meeting Tuesday for dessert luncheon at 1 p.m. in the YWCA. The program will feature mis cellaneous discussion on plays. Elotka club is to be entertained at the 1 ome of Mrs. Stuart Johnson, 1110 North Winter, dessert to be at 1:15 o'clock. Special music is arranged for the pro gram. Mrs. E. A. Boyle, Mrs. Ray Pem bcrton and Mrs. W. J. Entress are co hostesses. Symphony Event The Portland Symphony orchestra will close its Salem season at the senior high school auditorium Tuesday night with a piogram marked by the appearance of a talented young pianist and the first local performance of a Shostakovich symphony. The soloist for the program, set to start at 8:15, will be 22-year-old Grace Harrington, an outstanding graduate of the Juilliard School of Music, and the Shostakovich number will be the Rus sian composer's First symphony. One of his earliest works, it rates as about the most tuneful of his major products, combining interesting rhythm with a novel use of instruments. Miss Harrington will offer the Grieg Concerto in A Minor for piano and or chestra, one of the most popular of all piano concerti. A winner of the Port land Symphony society's 1950 award for young artists, she will play the number villi the orchestra in Portland the previ ous evening. Tuesday's program will open with the overture from Wagner's "The Flying Dutchman" a striking portrayal which conveys to the audience a tone image of a vastly rolling sea. The concert will close with waltzes from Richard Strauss' "Der Rosenkavalier." This group of lilting, beautiful numbers is a favorite of concert-goers everywhere. Tickets for the second and final Sa lem appearance of the season for the 75-piece Portland ensemble, conducted by James Sample, are on sale at a booth in the lobby of the Ladd and Bush branch of the United States National bank.