8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, March 17, 1950 Split-Level House for Sloping Lot f0 1 A split-level house is designed to take advantage of the uneven- ness of a sloping lot. Sections of the house are at different levels and are connected by short stairways. This example of a split-level house has been selected by American Builder magazine, 30 Church St., New York 7, N.Y., as its Flan No. 37. The magazine finds special merit in the way the various living zones are sep arated from each other. All rooms in the dwelling are Mslly accessible from the hall way. The dining room -play room and the kitchen are on the hallway level. The living room, which ex tends across the full width of the house, is a half-flight down from the hall. The bedrooms, a half-flight up from the hall, are directly above the living room. The one-story part of the house faces the street and the two story part overlooks the rear yard. Exterior sldewalls are a K-J ttH:Xl4- I brq .fr l iimiii Qbr. Jrj ir-rxr-io-yj BR. hi ivPl v-rwr dr. I ev-o-M-r I Many hazards lie In the path of a seed sown in the garden. It's life may be destroyed before its sprout emerges from the soil by drowning, when water stands too long in the spot where it was sown; or by disease, especially cold damp weather, which encourages the growth of moulds and fungi, while delay ing germination. Disinfectants are obtainable with which seeds can be treated, to protect them from disease. But one of the greatest haz ards is due to the forming of a soil crust above the seeds, which they cannot penetrate. It is a good plan to save your best loose, sandy loam to use in covering the seed. Mix with equal amounts of sand and peat moss. Then after the seed is sown, cover with this special soil, which will not form a crust and will allow both water and air to penetrate for the benefit of your seedlings. This treatment is especially important in hot weather, when most soil is liable to bake into a hard crust. Soil must be firm above the seeds, to form close contact, and combination of horizontal and vertical lines forming an attrac tive structural pattern. For added exterior appeal, a roof of softly harmonizing color is suggested. Extended roof caves shelter windows from the sun where necessary. (Detailed estimating plans and a complete home planing packet of building information an available from American Build' er, 30 Church St., New York 7, N.Y. Refer to Plan No. 37.) Warning Issued on Danger of Winter Storm Damaged Trees A warning concerning the heavy freezing of winter dam age to forests which has brought about high overhead haz ards to the woods has been issued by the Accident Preven tion Division of the State Industrial Accident Commission to all persons in the forests of Oregon. Men who work in the woods timber cruisers, road con struction crews, fallers, buckers and those who have responsibil ity for assignment of men to woods work areas, are specifi cally warned to examine every tree under which they work or pass especially in areas where there Is evidence' of damage. Limbs and tops of trees, wheth er deciduous or coniferous, were badly damaged or broken by the 1950 "silver thaw," sub-zero weather, and heavy snows. Despite all the protection that hard hats afford, the pre caution of specific observation and general awareness must be added to secure safety. A hard hat is without question the greatest protection to the woodsmen ever devised. But like other protective devices, its protection is limited. Hard hats art tested to wlthstrlid denting lip to 40 lbs. That means that a i lb. limb dropping straight for 40 feet will not dent the hat nor will It probably injure the wearer. But what will a 100 lb. limb dropping the same distance do to the wearer? That is a 4000 lb. impact a 2 ton strik ing force. Most people wish to avoid, rather than to test out such force as this. Avoidance can be assured by observation. Time Is another factor in the aerlousness of the hazardous condition. A period of years will sggravate rather than lesson the danger of "widow makers." Limbs not broken off complete ly, were shattered and still cling to live fibre. Completely detach ed limbs will ultimately fall when needles dry and make for easy sliding. Limbs still attach ed will continue to be hazards until winds, water and decay de stroy the final living fibres, and they also fall. Fallers who look their mark ed trees over thoroughly and thereby escape injury from limbs in the tree itself, must also prepare avenues of escape to other live timber areas be cause of the possibility of throwback for other trees. The heavy accumulation of broken branches under some trees will undoubtedly create fire hazard to a greater degree after the needles dry than would be expected In normal years. "The warning" say represen tatives of the commission, "is not for a single, season. It is i continuous warning, and is giv en to be remembered In the years to come as well as Imme diately. Failure to remember next year, or 10 years from date. will not prevent accident. Only continuous "safety-mindedness can stop workmen from being maimed or killed by these "wi dow makers." All field men of the Accident prevention division of the State Industrial Accident Commission have reported "more than usu al" damage. Broad leaved trees were hit worse. Second growth fir suffered on higher ground, and depending on locality either north or south, but usu ally on slopes. Reports on old growth are meager, because of the Inaccessibility of such areas. But in any area where rain fell first to penetrate, and a freeze followed to swell the moisture which had penetrated, or to weigh down the heavy needle gji "v ' " " wt -V "Vlk j EASY TO APPIY JAffaJS .sb- a THE NEW "CELLOPHANE-LIKE" FINISH FOR FLOORS WAILS - AUTOS - FUXTUX Sal tar hlnln m si m, mA t OK hm4 Ut mm Ml frf SALEM LIGHTING & APPLIANCE CO. tst N. Mr Diml l-MU growth with ice, only damage and resultant hazards can be expected. These areas will be found only by careful observation. The assumption that damage did not occur is, therefore, a dangerous assumption. A serious woods accident, in which a taller working without a hard hat had suffered a com pound skull fracture from a winter broken limb, has just been reported to the State In dustrial Accident commission. It strengthens this warning by proving tne dangers. Sprouts Need Help In Fighting Way to Sun p7 f'r p In Heavy Soil, Cover Seeds with a Special Porous Mixture Which Will Not Crust prevent air spaces from separat ing the soil and seed. This Is especially Important with beet and Swiss chard seeds, and others of large and irregular HARD WORK HELPS! New Products Aid Lawns, Ease Problems and Labor How often do you pass through a neighborhood of fine homes and notice how one stands out above all the others around it because it is set off by a well-groomed, beautiful green lawn? And if you've never grown a lawn, you wonder how all the other home owners can be so lax or so disinterested in taking care of their lawn. But, if you've ever taken care of a lawn, you know that the owner of that nice lawn has gone to a lot of time and pains in giving it the proper health care a lawn must have. In addition to watering, the three most important health care jobs a lawn grower is con cerned with are feeding it the proper fertilizer; killing lawn weakening unsightly weeds; and controlling lawn- damaging pests. Stayton The state Soil Con servation service will hold a hearing Tuesday, March 21, at 8 p.m. at the Mehama Woman's clubhouse. All property owners east of Stayton within the pro posed annexation district are in vited to attend this important meeting. Fertilizing is necessary to prevent starvation the usual cause of lawn failures. Without proper food, a lawn becomes "anemic" in appearance and less resistant to weeds, pests and mistreatment; the weak delicate grasses die out. A balanced diet of nutrients in the form of ni trogen, phosphate and potash stimulates and rejuvenates es tablished lawns and provides a long lasting, steady food supply. If weeds are not killed off, they not only give a lawn an unattractive, unkept appearance but more serious they com- FOR COMPLETE LINES Fireplace Materials Fresh Plaster and Lath Beautiful, Durable Steel and Aluminum Windows , (Alio available with woodcaiings to fit frame panels.) THINK OF PUMILITE BLOCK & SUPPLY CO. West Salem on Dallas Highway 52 38 70 CALL US TODAY A NEW CRANE TOILET Ii your present toilet noisy? Cracked r Slow draining? A hazard to the health and comfort of your family? Then now's a good time to re place it with a Crant Ntuday. Made of glistening, easy-to-deaa vitreous china. Attractive! Efficient! Quiet! Inexpensive! This It only one of the Hot of new Crane plumbing fixture! now available. Let us help you elect your new bathroom fixtures now. yjajfctX 179 N. COMMERCIAL ST. m f -sivct" t yw i pete for soil moisture, nutrients and sunlight with the grasses and eventually crowd them out, Such weeds as dandelion, plan tain, chickweed and many other broad-leaved lawn weeds can be killed within a few days to 2 or 3 weeks by "2,4-D", which does not harm the lawn grasses. Lawn insect pests can raise havoc with a lawn. If allowed to go uncontrolled, they can cause ugly spottiness or actual lawn failure. So, to give your lawn that well-groomed, healthy appear ance, these three jobs, are re quired. And to save you time and labor in doing them, there's a new lawn groom product available. Its a combination fertilizer-weed killer-insecticide that enables you to do all three jobs in one application. shape. But firming does not mean pounding. Press down with the hoe blade, or use the side of a rake; and afterwards draw the rake lightly over the row to break up the crust and prevent baking. A heavy rain falling soon after seed is sown may pack the soil too hard, especially if it is fol lowed by sunshine. Until the seed has sprouted the soil sur face over it should be moist and loose. When the ground dries out ex cessively In the spring it will pay to sprinkle the rows in which seeds have been sown to prevent them lying dormant for lack of moisture. This is the only time when the garden should be sprinkled, rather than soaked. ATTENTION LOGGERS! Top Prices Paid for Your Logs at BURKLAND Lumber Co. Turner, Oregon Phone 1125 ANNOUNCING The opening of a new real estate, insurance and . mortgage loan service to the people of Salem. Competent, ethical attention will be given to your property needs. MURPHY & KENT Claude H. Murphy Dial 4-2293 Calvin V. Kent 456 N. Church in the Greyhound Depot Building No. 2 Oregon Grown PRIZE BRAND ROSE BUSHES Only 59' Each From the Store of 'Thrifty Buyers" 3 for 1.59 6 for 2.98 Reds, Whites, Pinks, Yellows Climbers, Florabundas and Bi-Colors Over 50 varieties and colors from which to choose new rose bushes for your garden. Each bush is guaranteed to bloom true to color and variety this year. Plant ear ly and have beautiful roses all season long. Fred Meyer 148 N. LIBERTY attfgEjasiisiL JcipMtM iTX We Proudly Announce WILLAMETTE FEED & SUPPLY As a New Dealer For TRIANGLE POULTRY and DAIRY FEEDS Triangle's famous line of feeds, formerly handled by the Oregon Farmer's Union, will now be available through the Willamette Feed & Supply. This new company with a plant, located at 450 North Front Street, will be man aged by MR. WILFRED WILSON. Mr. Wilson is familiar to the farmers of this locality, having sold Triangle Feeds In Salem for many years. He Invites his many friends to inspect this new plant and discuss your feeding problems. t We Will Carry the Complete Triangle Line of Feed Triangle feeds have won an enviable record among local poultry and livestock raisers. They include scientifically mixed formulas for every feeding purpose. TRIANGLE POULTRY FEEDS TRIANGLE DAIRY FEEDS TRIANGLE TURKEY FEEDS TRIANGLE RABBIT FEEDS TRIANGLE CALF FEEDS TRIANGLE HOG RATION OTHER SPECIALIZED FEEDS WILLAMETTE FEED & SUPPLY 450 North Front Street SALEM, OREGON V n i. Hi i Nsaaaaatr