Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, March 17, 1950 7 igurinq on M rnizing or Building o Hew H ode nraer Practical Design Keeps Home Cost Low -a-.a,.. ,...,. . ,.. i,. -t-.t.,... 1 Every home gardner should know how to start seeds in a seed box, which ilorists call a "flat," and move the plants when large enough to their des tined place in the garden. In some sections whole gar dens are made of such plants, usually purchased. But your own plants can be grown easily at far less expense, once a few simple methods are learned. There are both advantages and disadvantages in starting seeds this way. It takes longer to grow either vegetables or flowers, be cause of the set-back which is caused by transplanting. But when the seed box can be start ed weeks before seeds could be sown outdoors, an earlier har- Snug-looking and low, this house was carefully designed to permit economical construction without neglecting any of the re quirements for comfortable, en joyable living. The dwelling has been selected by American Builder magazine, 30 Church St., New York 7, N. Y., as its Plan No. 36. American Builder says that Walter T. Anicka, the architect, has adopted practical design, sound planning and simple fram ing as architectural principles and thus 'comes up with a house that can be reproduced in per manent materials at an absolute minimum cost." The large, divided front win dow is a feature of Plan No. 36. With the adjoining plywood pan els, a striking central motif is created. Even more interest can be added by the use of dark, contrasting colors near the en trance way. Contrasting materials also are used on the gable ends and the garage door. For the roof, the architect suggests shingles of a color which will harmonize pleasingly with other exterior First Floor Pun n "is: 1 mmm & 1 jjjjj l' I M'-o'xir-r I db I bp... 4f LL I r tV a f K. I h. 4 Mm ajLs D.N. . BR. k5r p. . tr-nr-r , hues of the house and with the colors of neighboring dwellings, the dwelling has three bed rooms, each of ample size. The dining alcove is an extension of the living room, in the modern informal manner. The kitchen is situated for convenience to the dining alcove. (Detailed estimating plans and a complete home planning packet of building information are av ailable from American Builder, 30 Church St., New York 7, N. Y. Refer to Plan No. 86.) Win Fame for Your Salad By Growing These Greens Save and Have Fun by Growing Your Own Plants LEAF LETTUCE CO LTUa BROAD LEAVED CURLY LEAVED OR ROMAINE. ENDIVE. ENDIVE CHERVIL CHIVES CORNSALW CURLED I I GARDEN CftESS. Give Each Seed in the Outdoor Seed Box Room to Mature Home gardeners have a won derful opportunity to enjoy tasteful, tempting salads all sum mer long. The fact that green, leafy foods stand at the top of the list which nutrtionists say you should eat daily, may be ignored, if you feel that way about nutritionists. Healthful they may be, but alads also stand high with gour mets. Many a popular restau rant gained its reputation by specializing in a fine tossed salad with well-mixed dressing. This is a man's dish, and much more suitable than cooking, as a spe ciality. The dressing is important, but this discussion is about the green leaves which you can grow all summer long, and pick fresh just long enough before the salad is eaten, for the leaves to be wash ed, dried and chilled. Lettuce starts the list, and not the tight, white, head lettuce of commerce. Any salad chef will tell you that it is tasteless, and "does not take the dressing well." What he prefers, if he can get it, is cos lettuce, also called romaine, which catalogues list in several varieties. Loose ' heading varieties are also excellent, with Bibb or lime stone lettuce possibly a favorite. You can grow this in the early spring, and fall, but it goes to seed in hot weather. Leaf lettuce is also excellent in salads, and can be grown for a much longer period than the heading types. Use leaf lettuce as soon as leaves are two inches across, but be sure to thin out plants, so that they will mature. Endive comes in two types, broad and curly leaved. Both have a distinctive flavor. They stand both hot weather and frost. A late sowing should always be made to mature in the fall, when frost improves the flavor. Corn salad has a fresh and spicy flavor which makes it a welcome ingredient of the bowl salad, and is grown easily in spring and fall. Curled garden cress thrives with ordinary gar den culture and imparts a pun gent flavor to the bowl salad. Watercress is highly prized and easily grown where there is a good supply of fresh water to keep it constantly moist. Chervil is an aromatic plant somewhat resembling parsley but superior in flavor; and can be used both in the bowl salad and as a garnishment for meat. Like parsley, the seed is slow to germinate. Sow it with a few radish seeds to mark the row. Chives is a most useful salad vegetable. It is a cousin of the onion of which the leaves are used. They have a delicate onion flavor, just enough to season the salad. Chives gdow from seed easily, and a plant lives many years, it Bears an attractive lavender flower and is often used as a border along the garden path. At least two sowines should always be made of these leaf vegetables, one in the spring and one in midsummer for the fall crop; and as many as four sow ings may be made with ennrf results. New Terminal For Bus Line Albany Soon to rise on the site of the old John Foshay resi dence at Fourth avenue and Ly on street is the new Pacific Greyhound bus terminal build ing, to be erected by O C. Kar stens. who purchased the prop erty two years ago from Mrs. Lee Roberts. The new one-story structure will be of concrete block con struction on a concrete slab 8114 feet long and 20 feet, 4 inches wide, accommodating an 11 by 16 foot barber shop. 18 by 20 foot restaurant and a 20 by 35 foot waiting room, the whole fronted by an 82 by 32 foot bus driveway, opening at the inter section and extending eastward, with its exit on East Fourth ave nue. Extending along the north side of the building will be an 8 foot marquee hanging over the driveway. Estimated cost of the building is $12,000. Karstens will retain ownership under 10-year lease to the Pacific Greyhound com pany. Start of construction work is scheduled for April 1. Con struction will be done by Oliver Fritch. The building has been designed by L. D. Stokes, who will also supervise construction. The new terminal will also serve the Pacific Trailways Albany-Bend bus line. Improve Amity Streets Amity The city streets have received some improvement this week. A county grader was used to level the streets and in some cases a new coat of gravel was used. Besides a neater appear ance the streets are more com fortable to drive over. vest is possible, even though growth takes longer. Some plants are difficult to transplant, all the vegetable root crops, for example; and many flowers such as poppies, and salpiRlossis. But skilled op erators can transplant almost any subject . An advantage of the seed box method is that seeds go farther, since all can be grown to plants, if desired; and the plants are placed in the garden in the ex act position where they are to mature, and require no thinning. It is easier to grow very small seeds and difficult subjects in a box; and when the weather is too wet, or dry, too hot or cold, the box can be moved about and sheltered from damage. While professionals usually sow seed in one box, rather thickly, then transplant the seed lings when very small to pots, or another .flat where they are widely spaced, the amateur can save time and make his plants grow faster by sowing the seed thinly in the first place and thinning out excess seedlings to give ample room for the others to mature, without being dis turbed. Precautions against disease should always be taken. This is easily done by using soil sub stitutes rather than soil. Sphag num moss and vermiculite are substitutes widely used and easi- Green Leaves Rich In Vitamins Easily Grown at Home ly obtained. Both are sterile and sphagnum moss actually destroys fungi. v A thin layer of sphagnum moss, passed through a sieve, and spread over the soil in a flat, can be used to sow the seed in; covering lightly with similar moss. This will prevent "damp ing off," and similar diseases, which sometimes destroy seeds as they are sprouting, or soon after. The entire box may be filled with sphagnum moss, or ver miculite, and the seedling 'plants grown in these substances up to transplanting size. But in that case some fertilizer must be used when the plants have reached a sufficient size to need it. This will be about when they have made their second pair of leaves, called the "true leaves." Stir a level teaspoon of bal anced chemical plant food into a quart of water and use this to water the plants. One applica tion weekly should be sufficient. I FRUIT TREES with TWO, THREE and FOUR Varieties on the Same Tree DWARF FRUIT TREES EACH, PEAR, APRICOT, CHERRY PRUNE AND PLUM DWARF FLOWERING TREES PLUM AND CRAB A General Line of Shrubs, Dwarf Plants and Shade Trees OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY VISITORS WELCOME rERRILL'S NURSERY Vi Mile East of Keizer Ph. 21307 Some 20,000 pioneers pushed through Cumberland Gap in one season shortly after it was opened. Nothing Down - Pay Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shades Wa alio wih, ratap., p.i ,4 re-ilt roar old Venetian bllnda. ELMER Tha RliI LA Call anytime for Free Estimates Phone S-7328 '453 Rure ML w m.i. We Hv S H Green Stamps AUTOMATIC For Your Wife kmm aa a mqtUt PATT0N - MINT0 PLUMBING & HEATING 1122 S. 12th Ph. 26450 Use Organic Fertilizer The Right Way to Rebuild Soil Free of Weed Seeds Odorless 6 Eacks $5.00 Bulk $10.00 it en 2 tons ... FREE Delivery Anywhere in Salem area Phone 3-8127 1 ton with smwe Here's floor varnish that goes on easy dries fatt- wears long gives you a gleaming finish much asier lo cleanl SPEEDITE VARNISH 7w sort MtenTino m GUP p-fULied . co in S. Liberty OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS! Our beautiful PINE or CEDAR PANELING offers on excellent chance for you to really enhance the charm and personality of your recreation rooms. Easy to work with, conservatively priced, they're perfect for dens, playrooms, studies . . . and many other areas. Come in select your requirements from our fine stocks today! State St., Four Corners Dial 3-8515 AT Bow Head RAKE 14 curved teeth made of heavy steel, with selected 5 ft. wood handles. Reg. 1.65 35 Spec. 1 CABLE X ELECTRIC WIRE 14x2 3c ft. When taken in 250 ft. carton lots. Eagle Brand Bdkelite Single Polo Duplex Toggle Receptacles Switch SPEC. 19c 12c PEAT MOSS Is the best mulching agent you can get for your lawn or garden. It keeps the soil from pack ing. GET YOURS NOW. 10 lb. bag . 100 lb. bag 95c 3,95 BUCKEYE LAWN MOWER With 19-inch wheels Rubber Tires 5 cutting blades 16" wide. Adjustable for height of cut. Ball-bearing action. NOW 19.95 d3 BALANCED GRASS When you feed lawns Vigoro you nourish the grass plantu for beautiful, thick, sturdy growth. The kind that can take hard play, yet needs only an average amount of mowing. We have Vigoro and all garden supplies. I COMPLETE PLANT FOOD COMPLETE PLANT FOOD A PRODUCT OP SWIFT 100 lb. bag 5.00 50 lb. bag 3.00 25 lb. bag 1.75 10 lb. bag 90e 5 lb. bag 50 1 lb. bag 15c WE LOAN SPREADER FREE with your purchase of VIGORO. GARDEN HOE With 7 inch ',1 . tough steel ,1 Blade U 4 ft. Hard I ,"; V wood -' ' handles. " I' ' ' 1.25 1 W Miller Falls CARPENTER'S PLANE 9 in. x 23b" corrugated bottom. Reg. $6.65. 4.98 Resilient Mount Double shaft. 1725 R.P.M. Reg. 11193 13.25 W Westinghouse MU I UK a PRODUCE HATCHET 3.98 NOW 2.49 RURAL MAIL BOX Approved Type 1 89 No. 1 I Six floor . -. nndt ' L )T pollthers. ana . buffers. 136 N. COMMERCIAL ST. SALEM. ORtOOff