I i 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, March 17, 1950 canning a uoraen or Landscaping Project? i- - i t i - f jto& "" Western influence distinguish es this all masonry house with low roof lines and a combination carport porch. A utility room adjacent to the side door ac comodates laundry and heating equipment. This is Plan B-5004 by Alwin Cassens, Jr., architect, 116-55 Queens Blvd., Forest Hills, N. Y. It covers an area of 1,202 square feet including porch and the house has a content of 14,330 cubic feet with no base ment. A built-in vanity converts the bathroom vestibule Into a powder room. The driveway doubles as a walk and a wide overhang shelters front door. All-Purpose Open-Top Pressure Sprayer A Gallon Capacity " Extra-handy Crasj-Country sprayer for insecticides, 2-4-D spray, whitewash or water base points. Galvan ized steel tonic has open top for easy filling, thorough cleaning. With carrying strap, 24-in. hose, 2-ft. brass extension, misty spray nozzle. Lightweight. See itl i Flower Seed Packets Over 100 Populor Vorielies 18 Packets for. . 98c Y1.M ImiutiM, lr.hMMm. blooms. MigkMt quality Mi, ch.micallr IrHt. d to rMiit dliMM. Start gord.n now. Azalea Food Abo Cornelias, thododowlrons Pounds 43C fkioiuffle bbfld of fertrrii.r tpodoty Plenty Free Parking Shop 'til 9 P.M. Friday Pay Checks Gladly Cashed Sttf2tytfZa jwatOAQedf n pea M&up 4aa" JJfJ Phone 39191' J DINETTE KITCHEnI J w7 lnrr,DMH "1 ffl 17.8x7.2 r9:6x8-4 LI il lO.fiwIO.A I 19.mv19.A ffj n PLAN 6-S004 Seed Packets Thrifty Cross-Country Quality 16 Packets for. . 98c Your choice of vegetable or flower seeds at this price. Produce bumper traps of vegetables, big flowers. Enamel Clay Pot 19c ,59c 6ee how well plants do in these self-watering drlpless clay pots. 6 slses, 3 to 7 Inches. H V I , One Pint Atomizer Croji Country For Long Wear Seors Low Price. ,, 49c Sturdy hot cttppod tin-plated afcmlzvr with patented typhoa tvbe for timet free gordena. 1-pJrtt capacity. Rugged Sprayer Pest-Free Gardens and Homes Reg. 1.69 ,1.39 Costs You Only Now I Thli ruggad 3-r. eonflnuow proy ndi a tteady pefl.frallng ipray with minimum pumping. S.. It nowl Prize Dahlia Bulbs lovely Bold and Delicate Colors Grow 6 to 8-ft.. of 3 89c Hug. round full-p.lall.it bloom add a long r.m.mbrd latl daih of lum m.r to your gard.n. Plant yovn todayl Liquid Plant Food BoJoTKedFc oSpdsOow Qt. Size 69c Hob h anYooOT for tnh Mtof, lapid caftan forM Weather Damage to Fruit Surveyed Throughout State Tree fruits and berries throughout the state received damage from the low temperatures of January and early February in varying degrees, says a bulletin on agricultural economics of the US department of agriculture. Cherry trees suffered some cause of Ice, with the greatest reported in The Dalles district where "bud kill" proved ser ious to bings and black repub licans with annes not extensively damaged. Damage to peaches in western Oregon differs by localities with little doubt that there has been bud kill but conditions are worse in the Milton-Freewater and The Dalles area of eastern Oregon with apricots affected about the same. The kill on western Oregon prune trees is not regarded too seriously with limb breakage from ice extensive in some areas. Italians appeared to have suffer ed more than early varieties. Walnuts and filberts have also been damaged but the extent not yet known. Canefruit growers report it too early to satisfactorily appraise the extent of winter damage with losses oi iruit bearing canes ranging from "little apparent! damage ' to as high as 70 per cent, depending on protective snow cover, whether or not canes Handy Sprayer Cross Country for Long Wear For Only.... 98c It's mode to laitl Easy pumping. Con stant prtmura l-qt. i prayer for gar dent, houte. or barn. Bvy It al Searil Pressure Sprayer Funnel Top for Easy Fillina Cross Country. .. 6.98 AII-purpoa sprayer for Iniecttetdet, fungicide), etc. Handles V2 gallons. Smooth pumping. Adjustable nozzle. Handy Wheelbarrow Ideal For Home Garden Use 3'2 Cubic Foot 15.95 Mod. for a llf.Nm.l Wllfi strong itoal fram. and handl.1. Larg. .ml.pn.v motlc Hr. rail, moothwj Mtl.t banding. Deluxe GardenCart Extra Strong, Heavy-duty Typ. Holds 3 Cu. Ft 8.50 Rugged steel eonstrvcttonl Rust-retiitont green fMth. Eoiy-roiling wheels. Hoorny bin, oaey to wepty. Ivy yoen todayl damage from limb breakage be were trained onto wires last fall and the type of fruit. Canes of red and black rasp berries extending above protec tive snow cover were generally frozen but growers expect some recovery of bearing area. Great est loss of bearing canes was by the trailing varieties, black, lo gan, boysen and youngberries. A few of these were trained onto wires last fall and are consid ered a complete loss. The shank of many of the canes not trained looped above protective cover and it is held doubtful if the bearing portion of these canes will live to bear fruit. Little serious damage is re ported for apples and pears Logging Operations Resuming April 1 Dallas Logging operations of Pope and Talbot, west of Dallas. are expected to resume about April 3. Authorization was giv en this week to a rigging crew to go into the woods to check lines and prepare equipment which has been idle since early Decem ber. Start of operations will mean that over 100 men will be back to work after the winter layoff. Rigging crew is being rounded up by Bill Bess, business agent for the CIO. Charles Greenwood is local superintendent for the company. Lumber Still have a few jitney loads of 2x4 to 2x8 framing lum ber. Some priced at $15.00 per thousand, but you will have to hurry. This lum ber must be seen to be ap preciated. Come in and let's talk over your building needs. You might be sur prised what we can do for you in spite of rising costs. Huddleston Retail Yard At Evans and B. P. & S. Mills Route Z Silverton, Ore. 1 Mile West of Silverton PABCO VALUE SUPREME: Outside White Paint PABCO SPECIALS: WALL PAINT UNDERCOAT Don't forget The value of the ENTIRE PAINTING JOB lies in the way it's carried outl Here's a list of important supplies and tools to assure the finest complete PABCO PAINT job: MIXING OILS THINNERS PUTTY LADDERS PAILS Make certain that your next paint job has DOUBLE VALUE . . . the value of extra good PABCO PAINT, and the value of extra good supplies and tools. BEFORE YOU PAINT UP . . . WHY NOT LOOK UP THAT CONVENIENT LOCATION. Put a Bloom in Your Garden By CYNTHIA LOWRY AP Newifeaturet Writer It's all very well to be de voted, to certain flowers. It's another thing to overdo en thusiasm. A garden is only as pretty as its blooms and the gardener's job is to make a wise selection to spread the bloom ing from early spring to beyond frost. Chrysanthemums are a joy to behold when they finally bloom. But the gardener who planted only chrysanthemums would have a dull garden indeed for most of the spring and sum mer months. The same is true of the garden containing only tulips, or any other specialty. The important thing is to plan for succession of bloom, arranging plantings so there are always a number of dif ferent flowers showing their colorful faces. This is done by starting with the early spring bulbs and carrying through with the brilliant flowers and bright berries which survive the chilly nights. ... Talking about succession is a lot easier than doing something about it, for the gardener has a number of things on his mind when plotting a new garden. He must think of colors, heights of plants, likes and dislikes of types of soil, and required sunshine. And there's always the ques tion of combining annuals and perennials in the garden. One completes the cycle of life from seed to seed in a few months and blooms later in the season. The latter remains quietly situated, blooming and resting year after year. Ignoring other considerations in this article, we'll pick a num ber of popular and easily grown plants to provide season-long color for the average garden. The list of possible annuals is seemingly endless. ... I've arbitrarily selected a double handful of both which will bloom around the early spring to late fall segment. All are easy to grow and not fussy. If you are starting from scratch on perennials, a good jumping off place would be with peony, iris, coral-bell, phlox, daylily, columbine, bleeding heart, oriental poppies, platycodon and chrysanthe mums. Don t forget the bulbs, either: crocus, tuilp, grape hya cinth and gladiolus. Many of them have long, long periods of bloom. Most bloom well for years and need little or no at- From l.iO'Vp" 1.12 "Vp"'1 ENAMEL 1.36 VARNISH 1.42 PATCHING PLASTERS GLUE BRUSHES DROP-CLOTHS STEEL BRUSHES LUM BEb Tulips call for other flowers that will boom later tention beyond occasional feed ine and cultivating. With a sensible beginning of these perennials, the gardener can go ahead experimenting with his taste and interests, add ing lupine, foxglove, hollyhocks. roses and everything else that interests him. ... The field is even broader where annuals are concerned, except that the blooming time is slightly more limited. But assuming that the gardener is growing annuals for the first time, here's a practical begin ning: June and early July flower ing: Phlox drummoni, petunia, scabiosa, alyssum, California poppy, larkspur, marigold, nasturtium, gaillardia. Mid-July to frost: Calen dula, cosmos, portulaca, zin nia, stock, centaurea, sun flower. August or September to frost: Aster, snapdragon, nico tiana, morning glory and moon flower, saliglossis, ver bena. . . - The double selection most assuredly would provide a hand some show from early to late. Assuming the selection were made, the next problem and just as important will be ex actly where to place them in the garden to assure them being seen, and to have the colors set mass From KEITH BROWN 3.17,o 533 per gallon qt. and up qt. and up ,w?f Q JtARfi- off to greatest advantage. Ev ery beginning gardener not to mention absent-minded vet erans has had the upsetting ex perience of seeing what was put in as a low edging plant grow tall enough to obscure the plants behind it. New Gates Dwellings Under Construction Gates Several new dwellings are in the process of construc tion or completed here The home owned by P. E. Lee who is connected with the Vancou ver Plywood Co. is completed and the family took possession several weeks ago. This place is just east of Gates on the high way and is a modern attractive home. Harry A. Robinson of Salem has almost completed a two bed room house located below the bank of the river. There is an excellent view of the river from the large studio window In the living room. This place Is mod ern and uniquely finished. Mr. and Mrs. George Meilke, formerly of Stayton have just started construction of a new home on two lots recently pur chased from Paul Davis, which are just east of the Oak Motel. This will be a modern two bed room house with a flat roof. With the location and style of archi tecture the place will be out standing. School Budget Calls Perry dale The Perrydale school meeting was well attend ed by those from this community. Among those attending were Geroge Beyerle, Allyn Philips, Mr. and Mrs Milton Barth. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Hardin Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Boeder, Mr. and Mrs. John Friesen, Mrs. James Copp, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Ediger, Mrs. Lydia Brown and Harold, Pete Reimer, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hiebenthal and Mr .and Mrs. H. W. Wall. The meeting was called for voting on the budget but a live ly discussion by the voters on several pertinant questions was indulged in during the course of the evening. Qutdim Center in the Price Held 1 Trroe-trted Jacobean 2ycle Engine Fully Enclosed Chain Drive Dual Clutch Manual or Automatic Extra-Heavy Air Cushion Tires All-Steel Construction Look at These Low Prices! 18" $106.75 20" $116.75 Immediate Delivery! Come in and get yourt now. MOORE'S Bicycle & Sport Shop 237 N. High St Ph. 3-3844 ! i