Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 17, 1950, Page 20, Image 20

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20 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, March 17, 1950
pn Y$h K 3
Winter Wonderland Visitors to Niagara Falls brave a cold
wind to view Prospect Point Gorge in winter dress from the
ice-crusted parapet alongside the American Falls.
Charges Defense of Bridges
Aided by U. S. Communist Party
San Francisco, March 17. (U.B Prosecutor F. Joseph Dono
hue charged Thursday in an objection-riddled final arguement
that the defense of Harry Bridges is being aided by "national
officers of the communist party."
His allegations met with a shout of protest from defense at
torney James Maclnnis who de-1
manded Judge George B. Harris
find Donohue guilty of miscon
duct. But the judge let the pro
secutor's remark stand.
Donohue also drew a strong
protest from the defense when
he posed this question to the
"Is Mr. Bridges more afraid
of the communist party than he
is of the results or effects of
your verdict?"
His remark was made as he
pointed out for the jury the fact
the defense did not cross-examine
George Wilson, Los Angeles
Ingrid Coming
Back fo Fight
Los Angeles, March 17 VP)
Ingrid Bergman is coming back
to the United States and her hus
band. Dr. Peter Lindstrom, is
preparing to meet her head on in
the fight for custody of their
12-year-old daughter Pia..
It will be the first face-to-face
showdown between the couple
since the actress went to Strom-
boli, fell in love with Roberto
Rossellini and had a child by
The actress also was faced
with the possibility of having to
battle to re-enter the country.
In Washington, Sen. Edwin C.
Johnson CD., Colo.) put a letter
in the senate record saying nei
ther Miss Bergman or Rossellini
should be permitted to enter the
United States.
Johnson, head of the senate
commerce committee, wrote to
Chairman Wayne Coy of the fed
eral communications commis
sion, urging that the actress and
her Italian director-lover be
barred from American televi
sion as "immoral characters."
Bridges is on trial on charges
that he lied at his naturaliza
tion hearing in 1945 when he
swore he was not and never had
been a communist. The case has
been on trial for mpre than
lour months and may go to the
Jury within two weeks.
"The defense has been aided
by the considerable resources of
the ILWU and by the national
officers of the communist par
ty," Donohue said.
Then he went on to quote
from a portion of the 1,500,000
word transcript questions the
defense put to Lawrence Seton
Ross, a government witness, in
which Ross was asked about his
alleged application for mem
bership in the communist party
In 1927 in New York City.
"Where did they (the de
fense) get this information?" he
asked the jury of eight men and
four women.
Maclnnis jumped to his feet
and again objected, but Dono
hue went on:
"Isn't it apparent that the
defense, with the communist
party at its elbows, is more able
to get information on former
members of the party than gov
ernment agents?"
Then Donohue attacked the
defense's oft-repeated claim that
the government witnesses
nine of whom said they once
were communists were
"friends and pals" of the prose
cution. In reality they were Bridges'
comrades in the communist par
ty," Donohue said.
He went on to explain to the
jury that it could not be estab
lished that Bridges was a mem
ber of the communist party
from testimony of persons who
were not in the party or from
persons who still are in the
party "because we know if the
latter were called, they would
testify falsely."
"Who better than John Scho
maker (an admitted ex-communist
who was a star prosecu
tion witness) would know that
Bridges is a communist?" Don
ohue asked.
Donohue was expected to fin
ish today summing up for the
prosecution. Then Maclnnis and
Hallinan take their turn and
they have asked for five full
court days to sum up for the de
fense. Donohue gets a chance at
rebuttal, then the explosive case
will go to the Jury after Harris
Census Crew
Will Practice
Seventeen leaders and office
aides will take a practice enu
meration in the Central Howell
precinct Monday as a training
ground for the census crews in
the Salem district, according to
Cornelius Batcson, supervisor.
Residents contacted will not
be called upon again when the
actual census is taken. It is ex
pected by Batcson that approxi
mately one-fourth to one-third
of the precinct would be covered
during the half day allotcd for
this purpose.
Six days of schooling were
started Thursday under the di
rection of Curtis Mumford, OSC
professor who has been loaned to
the census bureau, The instruc
tion includes the use of modern
methods including records and
film strips.
While the "sample" is being
taken in the Central Howell
community the two Salem lead
ers will cover a small area along
North Winter and North Summer
Musical Programs
Scheduled at Scio
Scio The Powelhurst Bible
college chorus of Portland will
present a musical program on
the evening of April 2 at the
Baptist church here. The local
church choir will present their
Easter cantata "From Cross to
Crown" on Easier Sunday night,
April 9. Next Sunday evening
a male quartet from Dallas will
present a musical program here.
Mount Etna In Sicily is 10,741
feet high.
When other fitl. tut out Chine n
mdi. Amtilni iuccau for 6000 year
In China. No nutlet with what ail
ment you arc afflicted, 4Uordert
intuitu, heart, Juma. Uvei kldnera,
rheum a turn, call and bladder fever.
iu, constipation, ulcers, dlabeta,
akin, female complaint.
Phone tlMO
Ml N. Commercial
chin est tlFRn CO.
Tata, ana Sal. onlr
Offlea Unra to i.
Ingrid' s Husband Charges
She's Unfit to Have Their Child
Hollwood, March 17. (U.R) Attorney for Ingrid Bergman's
husband charged today that the movie star is "unfit" to take
custody of their 12-year-old daughter Pia.
"Miss Bergman has apparently abandoned the child," the at
torney said. "We will assert that she is not a fit and proper per
son to have Custody."
Isaac Pacht, a former super
ior court judge, made the state
ment after a one hour and 15
minute conference with Dr. Pe
ter Lindstrom in which he said
they prepared a "detailed state
ment of the facts" of his trans
Atlantic marital battle with the
star, who now plans to marry
Italian director Roberto Rossellini.
New Cattle
Disease Appears
Veterinary authorities today
warned cattle owners to be on
the lookout for leptospirosis, a
dangerous cattle disease which
first appeared in this county six
years ago and appears to be
'Symptoms of the disease
vary so widely that cows may be
stricken without the owner's
knowing it," an American Foun
dation for Animal Health bul
letin reports, but sudden illness,
loss of appetite, fever, depression
and thick milk are all suspicious
'Owners may think some light
cases are only indigestion, par
ticularly since the cow may re
cover without serious illness. In
other cases, however, the disease
strikes hard, killing many ani
mals, v
'Recovered animals may act
disease carriers for a con
siderable length of time, so even
light' cases may be dangerous.
"The only sure way of de
termining if leptospirosis is pres
ent is through blood tests and is
olation of the disease-causing or
ganism. If cattle owners sus
pect an outbreak of the disease,
they should obtain a veterinary
diagnosis immediately, since 'the
sooner blood transfusions and
medical treatment are started,
the better the chance of saving
the affected animals and pre
venting the disease from spread
Unionvale A serenade was
held at their home compliment
ing Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Har
ness, recently marrien. mere
were 25 relatives and friends at
tending. The customary treats
were served.
Safeway Stores Win Writ in
Salem Area MilkControversy
Safeway Stores, Inc., today had a writ of review of recent pro
ceedings that resulted in the firm being denied an application
to sell Portland-processed milk in its Salem store.
Circuit Judge James W. Crawford granted the writ in Port
land after the firm filed a petition aimed against a ruling by
Thomas L. Ohlscn, milk market "
ing administrator. The writ
means thnt the court will re
view records of Ohlsen's proceedings.
Safeway asked for permission
last November to sell milk and
cream processed and paper
packaged in its Lucerne plant
licre for sales in Snlein stores.
The milk and cream would be
purchased from producers al
ready holding a Salem market
Ohlsen ordered a hearing on
the request because he consider
ed it to be an attempt by Safe
way to get an extension of the
firm's processor-distributor li
cense to cover the Salem sales
Safeway contended that it was
not trying to extend its license
but actually would be processing
Salem-bound milk in its Port
land plant.
Safeway's application was de
nied by Ohlsen January 18 be
cause he said the proposal would
create additional and increased
handling costs. This would "not
be in the best interest of a stabil
ized market nor in the public
interest," he said, and the grant
ing of such a license would tend
toward monopolization and could
force other distributors out of
Safeway takes issue with a
mimber of Ohlsen's reasons, say
ing the administrator wrongful
ly attempted to determine what
economic policies the state would
adopt. Safeway is asking the
court to reverse Ohlsen's ruling.
Lindstrom, smiling shyly,
posed for photographers for the
first time after the conference.
He put his arm around one pho
tographer and playfully teased
a reporter by crossing out notes
she was taking on his appear
ance. But he refused to have
any comment on his plans for
a divorce suit or on his wife's
romance with Rossellini.
Pacht said he will start the
long court battle "in the next
few days" by filing a cross-complaint
demanding a divorce for
the doctor, custody of Pia and
an "equitable division" of the
family's fortune.
"He will ask the court form
ally to award him custody of
their minor child. He has taken
care of her for a long period.
"Miss Bergman apparently
abandoned the child. What has
happened in her life since then
is a matter of public knowl
edge." Whether "what has happened"
would be mentioned in the suit
Pacht couldn't say. Miss Berg
man left Hollywood a year ago
to romance on the isle of Strom
boli with Italian movie director
Roberto Rossellini, who claims
he is the father of her son born
Feb. 2. A week later she got a
Mexican divorce and they plan
to be married.
Miss Bergman's statements
about the Mexican divorce in
her suit are an "impertinent af
front" to California courts,
Pacht said. And he said a feder
al court decision only Wednes
day holding Mexican divorces
invalid would certainly be part
of the case.
Rossman Urges
Uniform Laws
An article on 'Uniformity of
Law written by Supreme Court
Justice George Rossman is given
lead position in the March issue
of the American Bar association!
The article deals with the rea
son for diversity of laws in the
various states and recommends
adoption of the proposed uni
form commercial code by the
legislature when it is submitted.
Only through adoption of such
a code, Justice Rossman says,
can uniformity in laws through
out the nation be achieved.
Potato Stocks on
March 1 Record High
Washington, March 17 (U.R)
Potato stocks from the 1949 crop
in the hands of growers and
dealers on March 1 totaled 87,
690,000 bushels, a record high
for that date.
Agriculture department offi
cials predicted the government
may have to take about one-third
of the total off the market under
its price support program. As of
March 1, the government had
purchased only 30,000,000 bush
els of surplus potatoes.
About 1,300,000,000 pounds
of butter are produced in the
United States annually.
Are You Looking for a Job?
Prepare yourself now. Become
an expert typist with this new
system of touch typing. We
will rent you a typewriter and
furnish you without charge
this special system of touch
typewriting for only $3.50 per
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Learn in your own home.
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Kay Typewriter Co.
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Bottleneck If you're a puz-'
zle expert, here's a bottleneck
for you. The story that came
with this picture from Syd-'
ney, Australia, was this: the
mouse squeezed himself
through the neck of the bottle,
then began to eat the bird
seed in it. The more he ate,
the lower down into the bot
tle he went and the bigger
he became. He spent a whole
day in the bottle, the story
goes, until someone found him
and set him loose. How?
That's the bottleneck. Nobody
explained that. (AP Wire-photo)
No Admirals
In the Marines
Washington, March 17 (U.R)
Secretary of Defense Louis John
son sometimes gets his generals
and admirals mixed up. When
they're marines, anyhow.
Members of a house appropria
tions subcommittee informed
Gen. C. B. Gates, marine corps
commandant, that his boss called
him "Admiral Gates" twice at a
previous hearing.
'I thanked him for the compli
ment," said Gates.
Tall Politician
Under Arrest
Santa Fe, N. M., March 17
(U.R) Ingram B. Pickett, seven-
foot tall political rebel who is
running for governor of New
Mexico, was arrested Thursday
on a warrant charging him with
mis-use of state property after
he used an official automobile to
attend his own wedding.
. An agent for the district at
torney served Pickett with the
arrest warrant in his office at
member of the state corporation
the state capitol where he is a
commissioner. Pickett said he
would report to the district at
torney at 1:30 p.m.
The arrest does not interrupt
Pickett's n!ght-and day vigil out
side the door of the statehouse
which began March 7. His son,
Ingram Pickett, Jr., is holding
the spot to guarantee that Pick
ett is first in line for filing
as a candidate in the democratic
Pickett admitted freely earli
er today that he drove an offi
cial state car from Santa Fe to
Albuquerque last Saturday for
his wedding. And he said he had
hoped that the "big shots and
king-makers" in the state ad
ministration would try to take
the car away from him.
"If they refuse to let me use
a car for personal business," he
declared, "then I can insist that
no state gas be used by state of
ficials and employees for politi
cal work against me during the
Pickett said he would make
his arrest a "test case" to de
termine the strength of the law
which forbids use of state-owned
cars, for personal business.
Sohn in Hospital
sin r.arv Sohn was taken to
T.ohannn recently and had an aD-
pendectomy. He returned to his
home this weeK. uary is in ine
third grade.
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