Or .18 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, March 17, 1950 CLASSIFIED iDVMTlilNOl Pft Una Pet Line lma Per Line 6 time -o Pel Line I month -M Outside of Salem 15a W Una pet day Uln. loet I llmaa mtn. we timet mln 11.20 No Reluoda READERS In Lwal Newa OoA Onlrl lOe per lino To Place an Ad Phone S-I406 FOR SALE HOUSES 4 BR, LR, DR. kitchen A " 'Jf. Ilreplace, iu. oti - Ave. Phono 3-6020. iaM. W. SALEM. 2 bdrm. homo 3.7". old 11700 down. Balanea Call owner 25282 liter 6 p.m. Seduced fSSm a3oo to soo. t aerea. Modern houat. aat. PB. 207; i BDRM with att dbl lir.il. ltr Au over carpet. oU plua leetrlc heat. Circulator Ilraplaoa. auper aound c. of bulll-lna. Ideal M 4 ml E of 6wele 6ch. Ph. 1-1201. a1 alEAUTIFUL I rm houae on A. IMlde irnfinlabed. Thla haa lon, low llnea with picture windowa. Dlnlnf nr., nooa & . aaraae. HI arado workmanihlp jfc - material,, 13800. Ph. 3-1030. i BDRM HSE. Usa than 1 Tr. old. Oil beat, mapl. floora. aUiar.nr.Ilr. to. Bmall down garment. Ph. 21701, .67 ' 3 BDRM. $6500 I bdrm. homea are aeirce t IhU price. Llvlna room, dining room, kitchen, utility room, bath it 1 bdrm on llrat floor. 3 bdrma. up. Bitri leree corner lot. Fine aarden apace. LoU of hruM. Paved atreet, 2 blocka to bua. A real bur. Walter Musgrave R'ltors ' 1211 Edaewater Ph. 3-81W. 187' " RANCH OTTUS . . Tin t,nnla all on 1 flOOT. hdwd. 7?,. thruout. nice Ilreplace, unuaual ... w..ut.ir in kitchen, dble laVaae, tarn lot, Eaal. Price W600. Call Mr. Brrklt. PR home. Hollrwood dlat. Nice Si clean Inalda, ImmedllU poa- aeaalon. 11300 down. ED BYRKTT av OO. 167 N Hlah Ph. 3-3101- ' " LEAVING TOWN ..... i. ninlnc rm liarRO living rm., if-"" -7 . . . u 3 bdrma. Modern kitchen. Btnv, i -a ,. r ii 1 ant Hriihti. View lot, easiu. Buy uk rent. Ph. 3-4571. 66' jifEWLY DECORATED 3-bdna. home. Flri- place, cctno nea. vcn. ""V' ,,:""tr' r . .4h.P airlnned. Attach ed nerage. larie lot. New proposed Catholic school. 153 per mown pjr .nl. 03(1 N. 38th. 85 BDRM. HOME. 3 rm. with shower up it t nu. with bath down. Full base ment. with furnace, i clwri walnut treea, shrubbery, on Highland Gordon, rn. a-ua. nw -w- MODERN t BD. BM. home. Oil heat, tiled kitchen, plenty bulll-lna. Inlaid llnole- um. V oiinoa ......... --- Laundry traya, 43 aal. elec. water healer. s??i' : ir-'a'S," pV.,?;: cei. - 8j BUT MY amall equity In i nice 3-bdrm. aub. lue. Ina. Ilrepl., Van. bldi, plaa tered. lie. lot, ear., eloae to bua, atore i d achool. 380J Jun. Ave. rn. I BDRM. furnlahed or unfurntahed house. By owner. Torma. 1280 N. 17th St. a88 S800 DOWN a -J tnatalra. tifW. hdwd. flra., lrg! lot, North, lmmed. pen. IIMO run price. m 3 BEDROOMS Ll. Jtm, Din. Rm., Kit., brkfat. nook, Ilreplace. ill one fir., full ban, lurn heat, beautiful lot. walking dial, town, 18800 Full Price. Termi. PH. DAY OB EVK. 3-7081 M. 0. Humphreys Real Estate e5 BY OWNER: 3 BR homo, ?'' O"'1' near achoola, LR, Ilreplace, DR. kltch- ...ii m f.nRMi In back yard. J Vn'Jaj" ' ' o R FAMILY needa I bedroomj. all on room wlt'h olothoi drylnf area-off kitchen. Fenced yard, treea, Pta, Mi bl!:. to bua. Redecorated and apotleea. Move rlaht In. WU1 trade lor property of !i value and ceah dlft.-l860. Terrna. 1... . m nil Vim BOn rn. any. i-wmn BY OWNER: 3 bdrm plaatered home. At Hit h. nih. Price haa been reduced Irom I0SOO to 30000. ;1 i DEDROOH HOME, 10 Tear, old, modern nlea rard and ahruna. Will alao aell fur Suhe" EnSewood dUtrlot. 110,0.0. Call Mr. Ruber,. Edw. A. Dyck, Realtor 331 B. com'I Bt. Tel. S-MI1. 3rre. - 1BD" I BDRM. rn. old. attached er.. uto. H.W. neater, iirepiac.. .u. ,.....-, .... urn., floored atllc. Alao chicken , hae., lot 0100. 033 Edlni Lam. Ph. ,J,Jj tm BALE or ront: 2 bdrm. hae. to Chrli tlan eouple. Ph. 33303. I RM. HOUSr. I DR. baaement, aawduat Jurnace, 13B0 N. 5th 81. Can be aeen Tue A Wed., Mitch 31 ea 33 enlr. PJ. NEAR ST. VINCENT Larae well located let. built room bunialow. Automatlo heat, racellent condition Inalde and out. aarai. ind ood alae lot. Trloe 10800. CaU Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtor ' 1211 Edaewater P- 3'?0 Xve. 30938. 10 $10,500 - Northeast 1 BR, 10 Tear old home, oil heat, Prd 0t. Eicellent location. $13,750 - South $ BR or 2 BR St drn, oil piped heat, beautiful la view window, 2 ear ga. Thla 1 a new home and all on one floor. Near Catholic Sch. 5500 Font BR older type home, rrnl buy for aomeone that la handy at doing noma remodeling decorating. Ph. 38080 28753. Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 43S N. HiSh 8t. E-e. Ph. 27789, 35413, 26704. That Little Acreage m acre with 30 Tarlellej of fruit, tile I bedroom home with unfinished ttle. Small barn and chicken house located northeut. Bi)50. Mo. 101 $500 DOWN I bedroom home that could be wed a -bodroom. Hardwood Iloora. auto ell heat. Attached garage, Finood In back yard. Immediate prtwesalon. No, 214 SURPRISE!! T i will ba pleaaantly aurprtaed to thU uniquely dealtnod and decor ated 2-bedroom home with fireplace, hardwood Iloora. Nice patio. Wonderful location north t a t. No. 267 Reimann for Real Estate Ml South Hlnh St. Ph. I-M03 Xv. tt Sun. 4-2874 3-117 - 1-461R aflS' BEST BUYS lutiiffwam imfinLihed attic, automatic feat, hardwood floora. fireplace. We Deed an oiler on thu one. S bedroom, hardwood floora. Sxtra well built. JLioeaua in roncwowi new MhooU. North 18360. t bedrooma on 1 floor. Oood tit. It'i 3 year old. Priet 600. Kxtra nice 5 bedrooma on llrat floor, one In baaement, 2 fireplace!, party room In baaement. Drift by 15 So. Cottage and call tti. Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS lea Cmirt fit. 1-1707 tv. Ph. 1-4771 or 1-1711. To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES LOVERS' NEST Near Highland achool St bua. 3 BR 'ho une 4 yrs. old. Ask (or Nan Greer with Allen C. Jones Realtor 391 N. High. Ph. 1-5838. Eve. 3-8295. S5 MASTER CRAFTSMAN built thla home near Lealle achool; 3 bdrma., llvlnf rm. wlth fireplace, kitchen, dlnlnr room haa built In buffet, fun Baaement wim apace for recreation, nice aaraae. Owner haa priced thla rliht at (10,000. can five bent nf (emu. A FRIENDLY LI'TLE HOME FOR SER ENE LIVINO. 1 nice Dearooma. a mile view from the llvlna room, well planned kitchen with plrntr ol built Ina it dlnlna apace. Accessible bv paved xoada. Price onlv 17800. poaalble P.H.A. V. OMER HUFF Ml Chemeketa. Ph. J-5W1 or 2-6942 81 $3350 FURNISHED Cute amall 3 bdrm. home. Wewlr dec orated it clean. Englewood Beauty Hew 3 bdrm. Will take in lot up to 12500. P.H.A. com. Price 110,150. McKinley, 3-Bdrm. View home. Unusually attractive. Don't mt thU If It quality you want. 112,500. $350 Down 3 bdrm. home, hardwood tloor. Krl L. E. Klumpp, Realtors Suburban Home A Ice new 3 bdrm. home, hal 1m. LR. with Ilreplace. DR. kit. wltr, tiled bath. Hdwd. flra.. full baaement. double iar laie. The price la rlaht at 312,600. $7000 - Ah aet new 3 bdrm. heme, baj lte LR with Ilreplace, dlnlnf rm., kit. Ar bath, aaraae, on lee. lot, aeveral bearlnf wil nut treea. $2750 1 email houae on A. 1 rent lor MB per mo. G. A. Vicary Mabel Needham REALTORS 111 mate St. Ph. 3;0201. Kye. 3-0431; LOVELY NEW t.bp 9 bdrm. home. Hardwood Iloora, utility, attached garage. Larae lot. Price 18400. General Real Estate 365 Center St. Ph. 3-1389. No. Summer St. hiwri. walklntT dUt. 2 BR. LR. DR, nook ii kit. Hdwd. flra., fireplace, full baJirment, leraiie. Priced to ell. $13,150. General Real Estate 3S8 Center Bt. Ph. 2-3289. 85' West Salem Very nice corner location, lame 3 BR, T.n tir kit.. iiLilliv. new Bendlx. hdwd. flra.. fireplace, garage. A bargain at ttuoo. General Real Estate 355 Center St. Ph. 2-3388. I Near Highland School Modern 2 bdrm. home. Pull baaement, oil heat, fireplace, double garatte, Full price 98250. Conalder em oiler home In trade. Joe Noonchester REAL ESTATE SOflfi Pieman t View Dr, Ph. day, eve. 20103 aoD' Home & Business Site 18,000 Modern 3 bdrm. older home on back ot lot In No. 3 bualneaa none at 845 Kerney 8t. Juat 100 ft. etut of S. Com mercial, can von vent, Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 900 S, Commercial Phono J-JIH0. Eve. 3-3200. !' New Ranch Style Thla new attractive ranch style home In elty, corner lot, picture winaowa, jiera wood Iloora, fireplace, patio, 2 bdrma.. ISU30, IMDU down. UBil wimfl nut. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor SdO S. Commercial Pbnne 3-SR49. Eve. 2-3R77. aflfl' FOR SALE LOTS LOTS ha jfovn. tlK ner mo. with water, elec. near achool b bua. BIWerton highway. Ph. General Real Estate 255 Center rnnNKR LOT North 33rd ft Ellla. 102 70. 81350. PH. 2BB31. "orr LOT PANORAMA Tlew oerlooklng 8a. lem tt auburbi. Beiect rei. ain. mpr wood Dr. Ph. 3.1887. ofl' inTs'irnR KAl.F Rmith. cltj water. Pnvi munt. Ph. 2-3388. l"1 FOR SALE FARMS 12 ACRES!! on Lancaster Drive. HUH, well-drained 1 d In filbert treea. No. 800 20 ACRES!! 8 acrea atrawberrliv. Taapberrlea, eane bcrrlea. 2 aprinaa. Larae barn, 3-bed-room home. All equipment and aome atock tora. miles from downtown. 14 000 down. W1U trade for house In town. M- 3-A Reimann for Real Estate 1 South HlBh St. Ph. 3-0303 50 ACRES. ml. out on Rood highway North. Near store b arhool. Atlractire house St vard. Plenty shade St fruit trees, fio.ooo. Terms, i-n. 200 Acre Sheep Ranch $7000 Oood pasture, several springs, all fenced and cross fenced, beautirul view building site, only 15 minutes Irom Hfattfn lovn Hflk'Ill. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor PRO 8. Commercial Phona 23849 Eve. 25260 b66- OOOD LANIt MODERN HUX1S. 60 rich rolling acres, nose to iown. , pasture, yr. aprlnus. 7 A cane berries. nt., f niit land la newly cleared. Dlitgi. lncl. lovely 3 DK Home with flre m.r auto. heat. hdwd. floors. 3 car Karaite, pltry. hse. St barn. A most at tractive flare with BUPEKB view, 111(1 V ARM SMALL PRICE. 86 A. untie rolling yallev aoll, wen ler.ceo. yr. wai ter. 6 milea from town. Diversified rnnm innluHa fnarue oasture. oat A vetch, fruit St berries. .ge. moderniied older homt A- barn bldga. You'll havp to see this to appreciate, uniy io,ww. Larsen Home & Loan Co. FTrhmlve Llsllnes Personal Service 164 8. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-6i89 Kva 3-W9 NEAR WOODBURN til AOO 23 arrea Wilttmette soil. acres Reaverdam. small creek, two spriufts. modern 3 bedroom home. Call Mr. Frederlckson. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor Phone 3384, Eve 2MB. FOR SALE ACREAGE Acreage 1 n. . . mnaA S RR home. .10 fOOd barn elilc'k home. IamM orchard. lull price HMO. N.. G. A. Vicary Mabel Needham REALTORS lit Slate Bt. Ph. 3-9301. Ivea. J-Mll n bc-oe' . ...nu frT. .miUi. food lfw. Wal. nut,. Illb.ru and prunea. 13,000 with terma. Very food property. Edw. A. Dyck, Realtor 111 H. Ooml. 8t. Tel. 3-9211. ve. J-M bbS5 FOR SALE HOUSES KEIZER DISTRICT . . 185002 bedrm modern etrle. 2 yra old. Llvlna, Dlnlnr rm. Kitchen, Bath, Utility rm. hdwd Iloora. Lot 63x130. (2500 dn. NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL 16750- 3 bedrma, Llv, Din. Kitchen. Bath, Otlllty Porch. Larre aeraie. Fireplace. Houae la In rood condition. Let ua ahow rou a wonderful buy. SOUTH SALEM 18500 l'v yra old. 3 bedrm. modern atyle. Llv. Din rm. Kitchen, Bath, attached aarace. Lot 60x156. palls. Nice yard. Bendlx aoek with aale. F.H.A. FA1RMOUNT HILL 116 000 New beautiful 3 bedrm modern atyle home. Larae llvlna and dlnlnf rm'. kitchen with nook. bath, fireplace, full baaement with fireplace, rouah plumblna, auto oil furnace, corner lot. 2-car aaraae. A wonderful built and arranged home. Call for an appointment. 37163 Andy Halvorscn 191 S. HIGH A. A. Larsen Realtor CHARMING 1 year old 3 bedrm home; fireplace; overhead heating ytem; hardwood floor; Urge garage. Lot 80x120. Outlde city limits Cloae to bua. Prlc I9S00.OO. WEST SALEM 1 bedroom home; larre living and dining room combination. Oaraie. Oood lawn and ahrubs. Price 1 52 50 .00. ON MILL CREEK Cloaa In 2 houaea. One with 10 roomi; one, 7 rooms. Each haa baaement. Oil hot water heat. Fireplaces. 2-car garage. Large lot. Price lor both, 127. S0O. Denton & Denton, Realtors 344 State Street , Ph. 2-3663 Xvenlnea eall: Mr. Voorheea, 2-400T or Mr. Denton, 3-0800 REAL ESTATE HOME WITH INCOME 627 N. Winter St. Mod. 1 BR home, hwd firs, fireplace, cement bmt, auto lit, 2 apt rentals In batnt. On the back of same lot a mod 2 BR home, cement bfimt, auto hi. 123,1.00. Shown by app't only. KlKzlns. MANBRIN GARDENS This extra fine home 1 for aomeone who only wants the beat. Located on Rivercrest & Manbrln Dr. Extra lue lot. Please do not disturb owners, but phone fcr app't. (25,000. K 1KB ins. BURT PICHA, 37B N. High St. Eve. 3-5360 FOR SALE ACREAGE A. AND 3-rm. house. Small barn, new well year old. Filberts, walnuts, apples, atrawberries. boyacn. and rasp. Chicken houae. 3ft miles S.E. town. Price -5fl0. Box 430, Capital Journal bbfifl TfTRES. 3 bdrm. home. Pn. 2fllfi0. bl65 REAL ESTATE WE HAVE several buyers waiting for 8n- lem homes in me t'u io .u,n class. Must be wortn the money. List youra with us. DeWITT LAND Co. 212 N. High. Ph. 3-4016. f6ti' TODAY'S BEST BUYS $78. For lease restaurant enulpped to go 13500, Service station, 2 pumps. Located on one of the busiest sts, in Salem. $3500. Apprnx. Va acre with bid. 2SX77. Two floors St stage. Terms. 4000. Yr. round atream. 11 acres. 2 BR houae. Paved road. $4500. Furnished 3 BR older type home. North. 15000. Modern 5 rm. plnsterrd house 2Mi yra. old. Will exchange for 3 to 6 Bit older home close In. ifono t.h. DR comb., kit., nook, 2 BR, bamt.. auto oil furnace. Fireplace, hdwd. floors, V blinds, nice yard with fr-nit. Ar nnljiliiit flrenlacc Bus ,-i block. North. Will exchange for acreage to $0000. Allen C. Jones, Realtor 331 N. High St. Ph. 3-5B38 day or nl $6750 8 Aerei bean or garden ground. New house, Irrigation well, tprhut, garaRe, hop. Will take car in trade. $7850 37 Acres. Btrawberrlea, raspberries, boy aenberrles, modern housp, barn, chick, house. It Is lime to start working this place ao don't delay. A crop In 3 months. $8950 10 Arres, new house, unsurpassed view of entire valley Sc. mountains Bmall ren tal house also. Derp well. Fruit, nuts. This la a real buy. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 260 N. High BU Phone 3-412B c7 "Small Down Payments Idftftft NEW MOD. SUI1. NORTH. 148.10 MOD. ft HMS IA. I.UI . $6300 A. MOD. HSE. 16 MI. OUT. $1750 Down fMtfWV NEW MOD. R RMS. NORTH. SN500 LOVELY NEW 6 HMh. LO. LOT. Only $3800 at Dallas $2300 Down RMS. St BATH. HDWD PLRS. NICE BUII.TINS. (HOS8I1.II.ITY OP 2 EXTRA UDKMS.l WIRED FOR HO NEW ELEC. H.W. HEATER. LQ. LOT. RENTS FOR 860. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 8. Liberty Ph. 371 1 j Salem c65 BEAUTIFUL 2 BR. 2 years old, full basement. LOVE 1.Y, bath with shower and built-in dress ing table, lame i.h, ub, rorrpinre, moh drrrul kitchen, built-iiw galore. Hdwd. tloora thruout, automatic air cond. oil furnace plperf. Attnclied sarane. lot 60 ISO. This is truly a worth while clusc in home. See Mr. Wallur. SEE THIS Lovely S BR home on N. 25th at. Ie liv ing room St flrcnlace. 2 full led bilrma. dn, 1 up, ftnLslied knotty pine, dm Ins rm. St wonderful kitchen with break fast space, hdwd firs., nice bath, air conditioned oil furnace, att. gar., In aide utility, gd. term. Full price 112, BOO. For appointment see Mr. Uahl. APT. & HOME Close In 1103 per mo. plus owner nice a room apt. Apia, now rented to lone time tenants. Elec. heat, full husement with laundry facilities. Etnre. churche A achoola close. Bua b the dtor. Pric ed lor quick sale. See Mr. Wsllar. PRICED RIGHT Thla dandy amall home, 2 bedrooms. LR A dining room comb. Nice kitchen with plenty butlt-liu. Electric water heating and wired for ranee. Full price 16500. Very good term. See Mr. Wallar. Englewood on Madison Lovely home haa LR. DR, kit.. 2 BR down. 1IW floors, fireplace. French doors t hatT and nice back yard, aaraae also full basement with fireplace. t'P naxii-i rAmuletrd for 2 more Hit. In; ateri Se weather stripped. Auto piped ras furnace, see Mr. nam. ENGLEWOOD 4 BK home, full basement. 2 c.ra old, will trade for nice 2 BR home, flee Mr Da hi. CHEAP BUY S BR and large kitchen. Modern. IJ20-0 full price, see Mr. wani. MODERN I BR on one floor. LR, DR. lovely kit chen, lot of closet spBce. double gar ait, 19500. Call Ed Ilyrklt. North Hollywood Dist. unburn i rr home. hdwd. fin. through out, fireplace, oil furnace, utility, aar aae auacn.., tiwu ' W II Ed Ryrkit & Co.. R'ltors pnonea a-aioi. a-i.i.vi. i-.'-", 1-rUflj. JS7 M. UKh St. IFOR SALE HOUSES 1 Tom Roberts Jr. OFFICE 28629 22010 I REAL ESTATE YOUR CHOICE $10,700 34 A, 9 ml NW, mostly Amity soil, good barn, 4 BR mod home with view, chick houae, 4 cowi, cat tractor St all equip goea. Crawford. 48 ACRES Moatly Willamette aoll, 10 A. fine wal nuts, ft A cherries, new barn, old 8 rm mod. house, Bmllk cowa, 2 calvea, all mach. goes at 110,700. 13V Ml. No. on pavement. Crawford. REALTORS or 3-7451 Office 3-3049 REAL ESTATE Now Is the Hour to Of) SUBURBAN Garden, flowers, fresh air ana exercise, new 2 onrm., possioie 3rd. Fireplace, hardwood floors, 2 blKS. to bus. lM ml. to Hnyesvllle school. Ap prox. Vi A Appraised at, and for salt at j a. noo. Terms, . BFRKOOM Larue living and dining moms, urand kitchen and nooK. rou ble aarngc, shop, chicken house. Near new school, 1A. Will trade for city property, (ft.000. Terms. The Home Beautiful 2 fireplaces, most unusual and spacious. Automatic appliances. 2 or 3 bedrooms, surer kitchen. H' A. Terms and possible trnde. Farm With 2 Homes 84' A Farm 2 homea (let the rental lay off the mortunge). Spring fed crrek, pasture, 1BA orchard, 8 A ready for strnwbcrrles, good chicken houses, bnrn, fencing. .Nice large plastered hse. with bnsemcnt and ftirni.ee. Trade lor city home or terms. 118,000. SALEM'S REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 4fl Court St. Ph. 2-4781, 3-3738 or 3-6S25 CB5 WE NEED ItstinRs hadly to offer our cus tomers on the following: City houses, au hurhan homes and acreage, timber InnitR, farms, business building!, and Investment properties. Call and let us srrve you. DeWITT LAND OO. 212 N. Hlnh. Phone 34016. Ct56 CHOICE R A. almost corners achool prop erty. Pertect for subdivision, uewrrr LAND CO. Phone 3-4016. 212 N. High. c66' Quiet Country Living a A. almoRt new home, e-ell, plenty wa ter, family orchard St oerrlea, paved rd. See this one for 9&00. Acre with modern home built In 10.1(1. Willam ette soil, deep well, 3 chicken hounes, paved highway. We believe thla la a bar gain for Jfi2?-0, 10 A. Mission Bottom Chehalis loll, family orchard and nuts. 2flx.i0 out. hlng., chicken house, double RftrBRe. very productive farm. A buy lor H2.00D, 50 Acres Very good home ft outbldgv, bottom land, iu a. wainuia, year ronna atreim, miles from amall town. Chehalis soil Thin farm has had excellent care. Total price only $12,700. Owner may consider eaiem nome as part pavraent. Office phones 3-7A30. 2-4!i08 Eve. phonea 3-4T1B. 3-36S8 Beat This If You Can 3 bdrm. home tn Englewood district, large aining rm.. a nrepiaces. oatns, love )y apt. tn basement, nice vard St shrubs, large fish pond in back vard. very close to action,, just llsleet mit one, 113.600 ritA terms avaiiauie. Unique and Choice View very nent and attractive home on King- wood ItetRhta only 2 vrs. old. 75x175 lot, forced air oil furnace. Insulated ft wea ther-stripped. F.H.A. loan available. To tal price J13.500. It's No Joke BR home for only S&500, only 4 yrs. old. this tMi't the best becaui-e there are a few things to be done n the way of re pairs, out it has a large "ving and din tint rm., very unique breakfast nook and lots or bullt-lns In the kitchen, Insu lated, elec. heat. yen. olinds. 56x110 lot An a matter of fact, we don't know where you will buy a 4 )crm. home and net as much for your money $1000 down win nnnnie. Office phones 3-7A20 2-459B Eve. phones 2-7474 or 3-3558 Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 303- Portland Rd Sullivan Realty Co, North East 2 bedroom home completely redecorated ahrt outside newly painted. Nice lot and garden. 17300. Just Reduced Nwi redecorated, well arranged. S BR home with full basement, 150 ft. hiway front on BBS So, nu ojuu. now nu 15700. $1900 Down t RR hnmr In Klnawood Hellhtfl. plas tered, all elec., att. garage, fenced back yard, run price souu. Ready to Wear In a very good location. Price Incltidi stock and future. S year It we wit option. SS500. Stock Ranch IOC acres. 11 miles ot ftaletn. has 100 acres eclar 50 planted to alta Faacue balance culover land with quite a lot nt amall timber. Three large sheep sheds. small cabin, three year around aprina and elec to all buildings. Haneh fenced and cross fenced. Price has lust been reduced from 138.500 to 133,000 and soma terns. K e. pn. Sullivan Realty Co. 31(15 Portland Road Phone 3-3355 33H5 Portland Road Eve, Ph. 2-8012 - Ph. 3-3355 3-7581 - 3-111 cflS FINE. NEARLY new, apartment house m blocks from achool grounds and neai (nrttitiriai area. Good income rate DeWITT LAND CO. Phont J-4016. 112 N High, REAL ESTATE I WANT COUNTRY LIVING IN TOWN? SPACIOUS 3 BR HOME. LOE LR WITH FIREPLACE AND 3 PICTURE WINDOWS ALSO PICTURE WINDOW IN WASTER BEDROOM. LOVELY KITCHEN WITH PLENTY or BUILT-INS AND BREAKFAST NOOK. LOE HEATED UTILITY ROOM. LOE ATT OARAOE WITH ADDED ROOM FOR WOOD OR WHAT HAVE YOU. LOVELY PATIO. PLENTY OP SHADE AND GARDEN OF ALL KINDS ON FULL ACRE. BUS BY DOOR AND CLOSE TO STORES SCHOOL AND CHURCH. OWNER MOVINO TO PORTLAND REA50N FOR SELLING. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. IF YOU WANT SUBURBAN LET US SHOW YOU THIS J BR HOME WITH FIREPLACE, HDWD FLOORS. MODERN KITCHEN WITH PLENTY OF BUILT-INS. BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED, CAMIL LAS IN BLOOM. FENCED BACK YARD WITH FIREPLACE, BUS AT DOOR. PRCE 10500. DRIVE BY SOU N. 1JTII THEN CALL US TO LOT. PLENTY Or nwu xuw. huml j,rw ink-uwc. i uuw w TERMS. - 30 N. 4TH. 3 BR, LR WITH FIREPLACE. DR, FULL BASEMENT, DBLE OARAGE. PLENTY OF SHADE. HERE IS ONE YOU FOR men J BR HOME. LGE LR tt DR WITH WALL TO WALL ' CARPETING KITCHEN WITH PLENTY OF BUILT LOT. ABOUT 3 YEARS OLD. PRICE 11500. J150 DOWN. Smith Real Estate (C. D. Smith, Broker) 475 Center St. . Ph. 37007. Eves. 28266 Oh Yes, Come In For That Cup of Coffee, Anytime REAL ESTATE CLOSE IN SUB. almost iw all elec, 2 BR home, comp. iunniieu. ' cheap about this except price, every thing goes. $8480. ! OWNKIl 11KING lianslerred oners inii BR home In West baiem, .arse """ room, fireplace, nice kit., lge. lot, will Hive irood terms. SfiOOO. THIS IS BEALLV A GOOD HOME. 6 roome, oil floor lurnace, Insulated, weatherstrlppod, hdwd. firs., lge. lot with nice lawn, has G.I. loan. Kin Tnr.il TiHre SKfiOO. COM l'LKTELY FURNISHED 2 BR home. well located East, litt, un, .... .". 8ee thla today. Only 16000. I.ATE BUILT AU, ELEC. 1 BR home, LR. DR. Very attractive kit., att. Rarage, lge. lot, fenced back yard. $9500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 8. Com'l St. Ph. 3-6180 Eve. 3-0D89 c6T FOUR ACRES, 5 miles out near pave., haa phone Si eler. Your own terms In reason. DeWITT LAND CO. 212 N. High. Ph. 3-4016. WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE tn need of aood houses to aell In or near Salem. If rou with to llat your property for le ee- O BABE Nil OUST BROS., REALTORS 134 Liberty Ph. 2-2471, ca- NOTICE If your property ia for aale. rent or exchange. Hat it with ua. We have nil kinds ot cwh buyera. STATS FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. Hint. St - ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE MY WINTERl.Er HOME in Nesttowln, one block from Dei.cn. oix ruouw, cludex two extra rentals and garane. Sell for caJth or trade for hou.ie or In come property in aaicm. iw. w. wrecu, Tel-1663, Box 60, Neskowin, Oreaon. cbfl6 RESORT PROPERTIES Beautiful La Jolla It'a hard to understand why anyone would want to leave auch a beautiful place, but the owner want to come to Oregon to hunt and fish, haa very at tractive court irrnt by the Mo.) on thJ hoinhLi overlooking the beach. The absolute NET income exceeds J12.000 yearly. For more Info, come In and a.J Ed. Ph. 26680 - 28152. Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 433 N. HlBh St, Eve. Ph. 28703, 3S413, 27769. e67 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR RALE: Beauty Salon. Must Mil. J600 down. Call 3-9DB3, aaiem. c"OJ Duplex Capital business district, nice large 5 rm., baaement, new oil furnace, income M0 per mo. Priced to sell at $14,500. General Real Estate 255 Center Ph 33280 cd65 SERVICE STATION lor .ease. Hubbard, Ore. LivtnK quarters, smaii inveniory io buy. Pli. Huuoara itis. "iNTfOME"TROPERTY Tirntod north close In 4 units apart ment house. Central heating plant, all units furnished. Income $160 per month. Ask Ina nrice $8500. No. 3 Zone. Good business location. Call Mr. Ruberg. Edw. A. Dyck, Realtor GUOCERY STORE, gas. ft cabins. Rt. 7 hn US. Ph. 2-4.19. cnoo FURNITURE FOR SALE Oall WOOL Ill!G ano walfle pad. $25. WOODRY S FUHNITUKK M.inivfii 1605 h. Summer dfl5' MAPLE bedrm. set. 1 wainut twin bed set. 1 Hotpoint electric range. Ph. 34562. DAVENO A cn.AIR. davenport. 2 odd chairs. Uprlglit piano, wii sen reason able. 1596 N. 4th afterj p. d66 WAI.Nl'T finished ltnre-no!e desk. $16. WOODRY S FUHNI TUKK MMUir.i 1605 N. Summer d65 DAVENPORT and chnlr 40. 2325 Maple Ave. or Phone 2-6S80. oua- COMH1NATION Monarch wt.od ft electric range. Small and tn pertect conn. o. WOODRY'S FURNITURE MARKET 1605 N. Summer d65 WANTED FURNITURE All Cash Trader Louie Pays HIGHEST PRICES Hoiiaeholria. aooda. furniture, brle-a-hrar. appllancM. ruaa. ailverware. dlahea QUICK SERVICE - Ph. 385S8 da I Want You! tn nhnne m at once if jou have any household effects to sell. I want all kinds of furniture, appliances, rugs. sflwlnr machines, sporting goods, trail ers. Pianos, antiques, lamps, anything of value. Ph. 3-5110 or come to Qlenn woodrr Furniture marxer, ioua n Summer. !La68' tn i:nn woohrt. Ph siuio da AUCTIONS AT SCOTTY'S AUCTION HOUSE SAT.. MARCH 18 Another bis sale. New furniture, beds. springs Si mattresses. Large assortment of cook ware, oil cook stove, trash burn er, electric cookerett. 'efalf., new chrome chain At misc. new tools. 1 nice dinette table. Apples, potatoes, on ions, chickens, rabbits, nay. straw Come St spend the day. A clean retau rant A the best of food. ' miles east out Center St. of Salem. Ph. 26374. ddSS FOR SALE POULTRY S. H. RED IRYERh. Pan ready, wrapped In cellophane. Ph. 2-0910. No. Sat, calls. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Parmenter now avail able every Tues Fox Hatch erf, 1530 suu at, Ph. J-ififlfl. I REAL ESTATE TAKE YOO THROUGH. LGE CORNER FRUIT AND NUTS. FULL PRICE 10360. HAVE BEEN LOOKING - INS. INSIDE UTLITY ROOM. CORNER AUCTIONS BIG PUBLIC AUCTION SALE Salem Agriculture Housing, Inc. TO SELL GOVERNMENT OUrit-iu MERCHANDISE AT PUBLIC AUCTION THIS AUCTION TO BE HELD AT THE 6ALLM FARM LABOR CAMP. SOUTH EAST END OF SALEM AIRPORT, TURNER ROAD. ON MON., MARCH 20 1:00 P.M. SHARP 70 tt H. N. 1 coal heatera: I larae coal ranges; 3 lame range vents; 05 folding ateel cots: 60 folding chair.-;. 35 mesa hall tables: 60 screen doora: 200 pieces hea vy restaurant dishes; 36 kindergarten nursery chaira: 12 porcelain wash bas ins with fauceU and flttipgs; 6 urinals and linings; i largo anivamacu ium. with drain ho unlit on each side: One 400- xal. hot water tank, insulated; 100 ft. ;-in. rope; counters; 2 sections shelving; 3 meat blocks; 3 oak meat cutting tables, with racks; 3 oak meat cutting tables, without racks; 2 large brd. racks; 1 dish rack; 1 showcase: t,n till, coffee maker: 2 large fry grid' dies; 3 No. 2 wash tubs; 9 Insulated Ice box coolers; 12 lire extinguisners uoao i hi-nvv duty bench vise; 1 disinfec tant sprayer; 6 fire hose nozzles; 8 hand f i funs; 3 work tables; 2 cartons pa per towels; 4 Ironing ooaras; l axe; i square; 1 monkey wrench: 1 tool box; 2 clay picks; 3 rakes; i gruo noe; lge. Scoop shovels ; 1 coal ahovel ; ltr mnrw: 4 coal Dfllls: 1 sack lime! w p a. toilet: 2 metal ahowera and fit' tings; 1 small cle chest; 2 kitchen sinks, with faucets anil caDineis; i scyinei writing desks; 2 Business counters; x pair crutches; 1 filing cabinet; 1 wood medicine cabinet: 1 metal medicine cab inet; I work table; 1 heater, hot water tank and colls; 2 magazine racks; 1 pa per towel rack: l paper puncn; a qisn racks: 3 lge. bread pans; 12 enameled wash pans; 2 lge. cooking kettles'. S amall granite kettles; 1 food grinder: 2 dish pans; 6 lids; 12 spoons; 1 meat board; 1 bread box; 2 tin dish racks; 1 set silverware; 1 sugar can; 1 ay hip pitcher; 2 cupboards; two 30-gal. hot water tanks; 2 rolling pin; 1 potato masher; many small misc. Items; 1 rubber tire wheelbarrow. TERMS CASH Salem Agriculture Housing, Inc. Owners JOHN CHAPPELL, Camp Manager COL. ERNEST E. SCOTT, Auctioneer NINA M. SCOTT, Clerk ddSS FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 2 Tojgenbnrr milk goats. 190 Fisher Rd. LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED A LICENSED livestock Duyer. E. O. MCOanoiisn, iidi a. mui ru. m , ea76B LICENSED LIVXBTOCK Buyer. H- E. Sne- then. 1650 Lancaster ur tn. a-iao. RABBITS WING'S BABBITRY needs rabbits. Top prices. 3885 Btate. rn. 3-jay- pw PETS SELLING OUT eaparlea. Ph. aa028. ec86' CHOICE canary birds. 280 N. 18th. ecB3 CHOICE CANARY, malt and female Ph. 34385. S,M t ji-tvfeefee"" FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. DRif PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL St STOVE OIL Ph Salem 2-4031 Pick up wood at 1535 EdgewMtf Weil Salem Capital Lumber-Fuel Co, rnone o-1 ti or BONE DRY 2ND GROWTH FIR CLL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Dlese) and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST nr. Hlab Wood Dry Planer Ends Block Wood Ph S-6444 PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir. oak. ash St maplt. 9 Mr. 16" slab and edgings. Ph 3-1458 TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 2-7443 18" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR 8U GREEN STAMP Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. pnone a-Tiai or -nu OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD FOR FURNACE St HEATER Oregon Fuel Co.. Dry Slab or Dry Edslng Fresh Clean Sawdust Orteo Edging 15.60 load Double 110.00 Also II" Creep Slab or 4' Phone MS" PRODUCE EASTERN ALFALFA HAY Ffc. -1W(r, HELP WANTED MAN AVD WIFE with hotel xperlncf maid work and maintenance, pirt tlmg clerking. No drinkers. B01 434. Capital Journal. IF YOU LIKE to draw, sketch or paint see Talen; Tut ad In Instruction HELP WANTED MALE MAN WANTED exp. In poultry dressing. Steady employment. Box 437 Capital JournaL K8' nnrtTnr.u 4PHrK'R helners wanttd. Oood pay. Chance for advancement. Inquire Mr. Armstrong at Senator Hotil be tween 9 and 5 Saturday. Is EXP. SHOE SALESMAN wanted, APPT tt , th tho Jto. JiT State 6k REAL ESTATE 4 Mr borne with dbl. a.r. and lull baaement. Priced at I1I,00. Located S. 1 bdr dn, 1 up. full baaement, aawduat lurnaee, lenced In back Jtard. Priced at 110,500. 11,000 dn. Located north. , bdr home. dn. 1 up, oil turn., lov.'r ..need In y.rd, lota ol tree. ad ahruba. nice location, priced at 110.000. Located north. Nice 1 bdr home onlr 1 7r old, located .outh. priced at 11900. 1 acre place located In the eltr Umlta north. Pull baaement. amall barn. food aoll. Priced at S12,M)0. bdr home with dble ,ara, lara. lot 110.3H0. Located aonth. Priced at 10300. s stcs.&.'tSc.or'.uh' r.jr'ss consider 3 bdrm home In town. Priced at 112,500. Call us jor mure formation. GEO. W. HUBBS CO. J. ZEEB, MGR. KM M. Capitol Ivenlni Phone JWM - GKABENHORST SPECIALS INCOME PROPERTY T.r. clean roomln, houae with Income of 1138 per mo. plua mertere for owner. Price 13,SO0. CALL PETER OEISER. FINE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT dble aaraae. CALL EARL WEST. SUBURBAN SPECIALS Beautiful I bdrm home on 4 acre, llv rm with fireplace, lae din rm. la utllltr, areenhouae. North River Road. Cite bdrm home et on 1 acr. of round. beamed eelllnc In lit rm, ' fireplace, eaat. Wallace Road-3 yra old. J bdrma. carpeted wall-to-wall In llv rm. l,a lot. Price ,9.800. CALL PETER OE1SER. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 .South Liberty Phona 2-2471 Erenlnia and Sundays call Roy Ferris 2-6010, Peter Oelser 2-PP66 fl HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED: STENOGRAPHER. Apply In peraon. 3055 sllverton Rd. Sat. mornlnr. March 18. M? EXPERIENCED TYPIST. Steady Position. oh a.niai. ear. ,j. POSITION OPEN FOB bookkeeper with typlna eaperlence, aeneral office Iln inclal reporta. Ph. -. Mr.. W.r.tleln NEAT ATTRACTIVE alrla over 18 for full time uaherette. Apply In peraon. Orand theater. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY o?K A.N.?..?LEBSL. PS.10. WANTED SALESMAN I Need an Assistant tj learn our branch operation and .ilea work completely; with large na tional manufacturer. Otlicea In princi pal cltlea. Will conalder Inexperienced man who Is willing worker. Accepted Applicant will train directly manager. Dignified work, not canv.s alna Earning around 75 weekly. Comm. Plua expense bonua "nement. Car necessary. Married man preferred. Sf.45 of .... APPly Marion hotel sat. between 0 to Ask for Jerry DevlUlor. EXPERIENCED APPLIANCE aalesmnn to aell nationally aaveriusvu , , ! Pllance. on salary andj nomm sslon basla. Apply Roberta Bros. Dept. store, in M; irrr;..., auuicqiamr loml territory, WVVV . fnmllv tiorougn iraimnH. m""v'tM""i"' ...u- I. Ilnanrlr. V rHDOnfllDle, EX- nPi.n desirous but not absolutely necessary. Call atate mgr., Mr. Orange. 2-4668 eve. "iU Salesmen Wanted romitred Car necessary. THE ELECTROLUX CORPORATION. 1079 Broadway. Bfl5 WANTED POSITIONS BABY 8ITTINO, experienced, dependable girl. Pn. 3imu. roan ".". CHILD CAllE. My home. bnsa. aOe hr. Mrs. Clara Lelhalna, 10 BeachAve.J67 ir YOU I.IKE to draw, sketch or paint. r.r.nT oc sssutr bo, .r c.p,..i Journal. lOUVQ MAN, 27. wants work: oi any kind. Disnwasner, nouocc.Ba.u., thing. Ph. 3-BHOB. Mimeographing-Typing Poe's 665 North 16th - Phone J-3043 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, "mov ing. Insured operaior. Bellevue. rn. noun. zriiJTi ii rTf iTrTrl huiid ozl n g. Ph alter o ju D.m. wi. -" ROTO-TILLING R. Brown. Ph. 2-7501V h84 INTERIOR PAINTING. REMODELING At alteration. Ph PAINTING St decorating. Ph. 3-694. h' TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 2 hr. aerr- Ice. former pnone opr m. a-om. M. E. ROTARY tilling. E. N. De Hut. Eve ph. 3-8333. oay pn. j-oub. - custom PLOWING, discing, lerennf Call E. springer, aim. HS6 PRACTICAL NURSE available. Live In. Will . lit r-onltil .imirnfkl. flHa leave cii-y. nu " f - - - NANCY'S NURSERY SCHOOL. DAYS AOES 9 TO 8. HR. 1:30 TO 6 PH. 24940 Ranv SITTING. Phone 20380. h90 TARPENTER. new remodeling PJ; 17 Ph 3-778. AUTO REP. all cars 81.35 flat. Work Buaranteeo. rn. -.uj EXPERIENCED brush painter. JnsWe or out. free esiimaie. iw. r. - - Decorating. Reaa. Don. Lucerno. Ph. S-"2 CHILD CARE 183 S. 18th. Ph. 2-6876. h87 GARDENS PLOWED by Roto-tllltr Res LADY wants miscellaneous work. P. 34767 34767. 1-iddi Mtv is Tr old would like a steady Job booKKeeping or piiw ci. Please Ph. 3B0BB. " yard WORK, new lawns. 23943. h88 CHILD CARE, my home. Ph 33611 htW WILL CARE for 3 or 4 tr old child In my home daytime Mon. nru rn. a a ....rhon n-w hnitif. off the high way. 3130 N. River Road. h70 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op Work guar. W H. McAllis ter 840 Trade. Ph. 3-1496. bBS FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRACTIVE room. Private home. Gen tleman. 985 N. Summer. Ph 36368. jk67' SLEEPING room. Kitchen prlv. Near state bid 11. Ph. 26412. JM AUTO HEAT, ep. nt., bath, 820. Clean new house. Near Gen. Bos., on but line. Ph. 23036. JM SLEEPING KM. Double St single Ph. 34335 HOLLYWOOD. 2035 McCoy Ph. 3-6093 Jk81 140 N. 14TH. Single or double. 39670. )k68' SLEEPING RMS. 795 N. Wtnter. Ph 35539. JaWJ- DOI'BLE or single rms. Close in. Hot and cold water, rn. j-ojm. JDS SLF RM. lady. Prlv home. Ph 36557. Ik83 RMS 195 S Cottage Ph 3-7817. Jk73 ssse .e FOR RENT APARTMENTS FVRN. APT. 840. Ground floor. Prlv. bath 1968 N. Com'l. JP ONE 1-rm. St one 3-rm. apt. Furn. Second floor. Ph. 3-1520 JPO'" ONEOPalem i "finest 1 bdrm. apt Ph , 35355 avis. iPu IREAL ESTATE J0630 - J05M - JSl FOR RENT APARTMENTS BDRM unfurn apt. Hot water heat. Garage. Ph. 21565 between 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 1P65 WANTED 1 or 2 working girls to share 2 bd rm cottage. All utilities (urn. isaa State back of lot. Ph. 21073 after P.m. COl'KT APT. 3 rm. dE bath, ranse de re- frlg. Clean. 1348 S. 12th. JpBO- FURN. COTTAGE. Lights, water dc heat furn. fleas, rates. Jl&b r'ortiana kg. 1P66' 2 RM. Apt. ptly. furn. Elec. rge., oil heat. N. Balem. Jnq. 35 Oregon uiag. jpun- ROOM furnished apartment. Adults. 570 Union. jptift" IOR v GlRI.S to ahare furnished apart mer.t. Ph. 3-4815. . Jp68 ,1 BETTER at the Ambassador apts. 150 to 375. 550 N. Summer. Jp89 Fl'BN. 1 A 2 RM. apts. Ph. 2-7288. Jp78 NICE LARGE furn. apt. 1 3-room Se 1 4-Jp69- room, utilities furn. 365 e it.th. CLEAN LARGE 2 rm. ap PrlV bath. Refrlg, ft electric range. Heat, utrnt ft water furn. See eve. 1090 N. Winter. Ph. 35005. Jp66 UNFURN. 3 room court ip With electric, tove ft bath. 1264 S. loth. Ph. 38430. Jp6' APTS. Completely furn. Close la. In quire H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Ph. 30185. Jp FOR RENT HOUSES KM. partly furn. house. In rear. Call 461 N. HiKh. Jm67 3 ROOM HOME, compl red ec grated, aar aae, elec, range. Oil heat. Close to stats house and memorial hosp. 2 adults only. Write R. P. Budsow, 1G3 S.W. 3rd St., Newport, Ore. Jm86 ff-ROOM HOUSE 165. Ph. 3-5522. Jm66 ROOM ptly, furn, S. Salnm Heights. Inq. 325 Oregon Bldg. Jm66 RM. house. Elec. range, oil heat, ptly. furn. N, Salem. Iuq 325 Oregon Bldg. JmfilS NEW 2 bedroom home on large tract of land. Large living room, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, large floored attic, attached garage, near store and bus. 5 minutes to Capitol. 3715 June Avenue. Sunnyview Ave. tr fisnnr roan. One black North. Jm66 WANTED: COUPLE or elderly lady, to ahare 2 bdrm. home. For Information Ph. 20869 or 970 Hold. JmBS FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS SINGES ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates free pick up St delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-3512. J RENT USED CAR lot. 1605 M. Com'l. J 77 Ref. J65 BUSINESS RM. lor rent. H. U Stiff. 1 U DRIVE Trucks. Rojlnson Shell Barries. Center at Cottage Ph 20103 t GOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. Montgomery J POWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646. 1" SPACE FOR BENT. Just the spot for S small business. Reasonable. 3035 Fort land road. J64 PIANOS. INVESTIGATE out deferred ren tal plan. Tollman Piano Store, 385 S. 12th St. JOB- TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Howser Bros. 1410 S. 12th, west Balem. J" TO DO a good Job rent a good floor Sand er, we sei: everything to complete the job HOWSER BROS . Ph 3-3646 ( ROOM & BOARD WI ROOM and board a non-drinking man or two that will room together in nice country home. Write Rt, 1, Box 586, m. Ore. JJ65 24 NURSING service. Elderly people, convalescents, special diets. Close In, 5 blocks south of State street. A Home Away From Home. Phone 2-3792. JJ66 SALEM Nursing Home. 3585 "D" Bt- Am bulatory or bed patients. Met. or wom en Trained nurses. 24-hr. service JJ73 WANTED TO RENT ROOM unfurn. house. lWust be good. Ph, .i-B.io. jaos WANTED: 1 bdrm. house or court apt., unfurnished except stove and ref. North. Emplored lady. Not more than 50. Box 433 Capital Journal. Ja65 CO ,PLE WITH 2 children desire 2 bd rm house. Reasonable rent. Ph. 25719. Ja66" COUPLE DESIRES 2 bedrm. unfurn. house by March 26. Phone 2-4698. Ja66 LOST & FOUND LOST: BLACK & white female English Setter. 5 mo. old. Left side of head black, right ear black, black saddle on back. Reward. Ph. 20836 01 20638. k66a LOST! FEMALE COLLIE PUP, 5 mo. Old. If found Ph. 2-9828. Reward. k67 FOUND! Boy's sweater at tennis court Sunday. Ph. 3-7972. k66- LOST brown corday purse Mar, 13. Please notify Pat Miuer. pn. aers. seio, uregon. kfi7 MISCELLANEOUS HEAR CHET MITLKEY'S Haunted Mill Dance Band, station kbim a to :ju every Sat. nite. m66 r.PENCER COBSETIERE Cat. 3-5072. m73a LES SPRINGER, men's hatter, 464 Court. We elose Saturdays 12:30. maa- DENTAL PLATE REPAIR l-HH. SERVICE IN MOS1 CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolp:. Bldg. State St CommarclaJ Sts. SALEM Phone 2-3311 m BUILDING MATERIAL FRONT DOORS New raised panel Colonial doors. 3 ft. wide. I1 In. thick. Only 6P.50. C. O. LONG Ph. 35821 1 mile North ot K.e.rer ma70" WRECKING HOUSE 475 N. High. Would like 2 men to work for material. Some kitchen built-Ins. See Chris. m a 66 KOR FERMA-STOXE. Ph. 3-0605 ma7 ADDITIONAL CLASSWeD ON PAGE 17 f