Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 17, 1950, Page 11, Image 11

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Plans for
Food Booth
Plans for their food booth to
be maintained at trie annual dog
show of the Salem Lions club,
April 1 and 2, were discussed by
members of the Lions auxiliary
when they met last evening at
the home of Mrs. Walter Dry.
Mrs. Denver Youi g is general
chairman for the booth and on
the committee are Mrs. Wayne
Doughton, auxiliary president
Mrs. John Ramage, Mrs. Rollin
Lewis, Mrs. Robert Davidson,
Mrs. Monroe Cheek, Mrs. Evert
Glvens, Mrs. L. J. Stewart, Mrs.
Lawrence Moore. Among other
items, members are supplying
even dozen homemade apple
pies for the booth.
Officers Entertained
Several state auxiliary officers
were guests at the meeting, in
cluding Mrs. H. Ruben Kuratli,
president; Mrs. Earle Bowman,
secretary, and Mrs. Russel Ide,
treasurer, all of Hillsboro; and
Mrs. A, J. Crose of Salem, who
is second vice president of the
state organization. Other guests
at the meeting were Mrs. Glenn
Hoar, Mrs. Everett Wilcox and
Mrs. Paul Ronniger.
For the program, the Debon-
aires of Leslie junior high school
Misses Sidney Kromer, Carol
Lee and Laurel Herr sang, ac
companied by Mrs. Victor Palm
ason. The April meeting of the aux
iliary will be at the home of Mrs.
Arthur Erickson.
SALEM WRITERS' club held
its March meeting with Prof,
and Mrs. Morton Peck as hosts
in their Court street home. The
president, Mrs. Flora Enders,
presided. Original work in
prose and poetry were given by
Miss Renska Swart, Mrs." Flora
Enders, Mrs. Jessie Singleton,
Mrs. E. M. White, Perry Reigle-
man and Mrs. Edith Covey.
Others present were Mrs.
Blanche Jones and Mr. and Mrs.
N. F, Anderson,
Dessert Ideas
Raspberry Charlotte
1 package raspberry gelatin
1 Vi cups hot water
Vt teaspoon salt
cup red raspberry jam
Vt cup cream, whipped
Dissolve gelatin in hot water.
Add salt. Chill until slightly
thickened. Place in bowl of
cracked ice or ice water and
whip with rotary egg beater un
til fluffy and thick like whipped
cream. Fold in jam and cream.
Turn into mold. Chill until firm.
Unmold. Makes 6 to 8 servings
Banana Peach Mold
1 package orange gelatin
1V4 cups hot water
cup peach syrup .
Vi cup canned sliced peaches
1 or 2 bananas, sliced
Dissolve gelatin in hot water.
Add peach syrup. Chill until
slightly thickened. Then fold in
fruit and turn into molds. Chill
until firm. Unmold. Garnish
with sliced bananas and mint
leaves if desired. Makes 4 or 5
Apricot Upside-Down Cake
1 Vi cups sifted cake flour
1 Yf teaspoons double-acting
baking powder ,
Yt teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons butter or other
',i cup granulated sugar
1 egg, unbeaten
Vi cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
4 tablespoons butter
'' cup brown sugar, firmly
12 cooked apricots
Sift flour once, measure, add
baking powder, salt, and sugar
and sift together three times.
Cream butter, add dry ingre
dients, egg, milk and vanilla
Stir until all flour is dampened
Then beat vigorously, 1 minute
Melt 4 tablespoons butter in 8
inch iron skillet, or in cake pan
8x8x2 inches. Add brown su
gar. Stir until thoroughly mix
ed. On this arrange apricots,
cut-side up. Pour-batter over
Bake in moderate oven (350 de
grees F.) for 30 minutes, or un-
t." done. Loosen cake from sides
and bottom of pan with spatula
Serve upside-down on dish with
apricots on top. 1
A combination sewing and
home laundry room off the kit
chen may be a housewife's dream
come true. Often it is not prac
tical tij have the laundry in the
kitchen. A washer, dryer and
ironer in separate space, togeth
er with a small sink, cabinet
space and equipment for mend
ing and repairing clothing is
ideal for saving steps and labor.
Compltt stock,
port i, occotior
TAL 3-4311
375 ChemekeU
Play at Highland School First graders recently staged a
Cochran as a robin; Marjorie Gookin and Sandra Stewart as
parents and school patrons attended the performance. Cos
tumes and stage settings were particularly effective. One of
the groups in the play is pictured here, left to right: Suzanne
Cochran as a robin; Marjorie Cookin and Sandra Stewart as
the rabbits; Rodney Johnson as a deer; Roger Zumwalt in the
roll of a beaver; Patrick Loy as Hiawatha; Kenneth Story,
a squirrel; Lynn Dorman, a firefly; Ivan Phillips portraying
a woodpecker;' Christiannie Patton, a rabbit; Elaine Standish
as Nokomis; Nancy Van Houten as a .bluebird.
Campus Clippings
With Freshman Glee, Willamette's renowned songfest, only a
week away, practice sessions are being increased by every class,
including the seniors, who have"swum" the milllstream twice
out of three tries. The freshmen formally challenged the other
classes this week, and immediately class spirit reached a new
high. According , to current talk
on campus, each class is certain
to win depending, of course,
on to whom one is talking.
Added to the week's busy
schedule were the tryouts last
night for the May Weekend play,
which will be announced at a
later date. Willamette students
also pooled their efforts in aiding
the Red Cross Bloodmobile on
Willamette Day," when 83 pints
of blood to be used in the Salem
area were donated by students.
Six dances and party affairs
have been scheduled for the
week end, and because of the
holiday, shamrocks and their
counterparts apparently will
dominate the decoration schemes,
"Shamrock Record Shopi' is the
theme for the Sigma Alpha Ep-
silon pledge dance this evening
to which all members were for
mally invited via telephone calls
at 3 a. m
The Independent organization
on campus has planned a semi'
formal dance for this evening
also, and the main center of at
traction promises to be the uni
que wishing well which will
serve as a punch container. Bax
ter Lounge will abound in an ar
ray of shamrocks and the pro
grams, with the couples' names
written in silver will be pres
ented to all who enter into the
spirit of the party by wearing a
"bit o the green."
"Shamrock Inn," alias the
Lausanne hall dining room, is the
setting for the annual Beta Alpha
Gamma-Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
sophomore service honoraries,
and alums will dine at tables de
corated with green place mats,
and candles, and a smorgasbord
is the promised bill-of-iare. Wil
lamette's popular Irish tenor,
Larry O'Dell, will occupy a pro
minent place in the evening's entertainment.
Saturday evening the Delta
Gammas and Chi Omegas will
entertain. The DG "Shamrock
Shananigans" will be a sports
affair and the pledge class has
concocted entertainment for the
evening. Shamrocks bearing
couples names and a tree with
St. Patrick's Day favors for all
guests will carry out the holiday
The Chi O annual, formal
"White Carnation Ball" in honor
of the graduating seniors will
carry out a white and green color
scheme, with trellises, ivy and an
Our enlarged Duplicator De
partment offers the complete
Heyer line of duplicating ma
chines, as well as every sup
ply need for any make or
model duplicator.
Whether you use stencil, gel
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have supplies for all ma
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Shop personally or phone for
quick delivery. If it's a Heyer
product, you can depend on
the quality. If it's service you
can depend on
Book Store
archway decorating the dance
floor. Silhouettes of the four
seniors, who with their dates will
be feted at a dinner party before
the ball, .will grace the band
stand, and the souvenier pro
grams will be green with a white
carnation on the cover.
Sunday the Delta Gammas will
hold "open house" for all stu
dents, faculty, alumni, and
friends, who will be given the
opportunity of viewing the re
cently enlarged and redecorated
chapter house. Miss Lorena Jack
Mrs. Grace Marquam, house
mother, Mrs. Robert Gregg, and
president Joan Klindworth will
stand in the receiving line.
Sunday evening a formal ban
quet, honoring the new initiates
of Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi
Eta Sigma, freshman scholastic
honoraries, will be held at Lau
sanne hall.
Roubal, president, is announc
ing the postponement of the Ap
ril meeting of the Business and
Professional Women's club in
deference to the Oregon Educa
tional association meeting Ap
ril 3-4, which many members
of the club who are teachers,
will attend.
For a children's party dessert
fold quartered marshmallows
and small peanut brittle pieces
into whipped cream and layer
in between vanilla wafers. Ar
range in attractive containers
and garnish with cherries.
Miss McAfee Is
Speaker for Club
Silverton Miss Lucy ' Mc
Afee, executive director of San-
tiam area of Girl Scouts, spoke
to the members of the Silver
ton Woman's club Monday af
ternoon at the meeting at the
First Christian church social
rooms. Her topic was instructive
on "Duties of a Sponsoring
G r o u p," with supplemental
showing of films taken at Smith
Creek camp near Silverton park
Mrs. Larry Ernst, district Girl
Scout chairman, was in charge
of troop 30, sponsored by the
Silverton Woman's club, and di
rected them'in songs and enter
tainment for the program. The
girls were tea guests of the
club when hostesses were Mrs.
Ethel Brown, Mrs. Lowell
Brown, Mrs. S. A. Gay, Mrs.
Charles Hoyt and Mrs. V. E.
Mrs. P. A. Loar, president, an
nounced the club will serve
during the five-day visit of the
mobile X-ray chest unit to Sil
verton, beginning work April
10. A speaker from Salem will
talk to the helpers the after
noon of March 23.
On April 1 a rummage sale is
planned to be directed by the
club with Mrs. Chester Berger
son as chairman. The Legion
hall will be secured for the sale
if possible.
Guest night Is to be observed
at the dinner at Immanuel Lu
theran church Monday, April .10
when Art Kirkham of radio
fame will be the speaker on the
subject: "Twenty - seven Years
Behind the Mike."
The president, Mrs. P. A. Loar
named as her garden tea com
mittee the affair to be jointly
at the gardens of the Earl J.
Adams and Lowell Browns
kitchen chairman, Mrs. E. A.
F 1 n 1 a y; refreshments, Mrs.
Glenn Briedwell; serving, Mrs.
Errol Ross; decoration, Mrs.
Ethel Brown; publications, Mrs.
F. Glenn McDonald.
In frying chicken many cooks
have excellent results when they
keep the skillet fat very hot
when the chicken is dropped in,
then cover the pan and lower
the heat to steam. The cover
may be removed for the last
five or- 10 minutes of cooking
and the chicken recrisped.
Pianist Due
As Soloist
Salem concert-goers will hear
one of the Pacific Northwest's
foremost young pianists when 22-year-old
Grace Harrington per
forms the Edvard Grieg con
certo with the Portland Sym
phony orchestra at the local
senior high school auditorium
next Tuesday night The pro
gram's overture is scheduled for
Miss Harrington is one of the
two 1950 winners in the third
annual Portland Symphony so
ciety's young artists auditions
and will present the Grieg con
certo with the orchestra in Port
land the evening before her Sa
lem appearance. James Sample,
conductor of the 75-member en
semble, reportedly expressed
himself as "tremendously pleas
ed" with the selection of Miss
Harrington and the other con
test finalist, Irene Horvath, 20-
year-old Corvallis soprano
The woman pianist in private
life is Mrs. Calvin Heusser wife
of an Oregon State student who
is seeking his Ph. D in botany
at the Corvallis institution The
Heussers make their home at
Adair Village where Mrs Heus
ser enjoys such duties as cook
ing, washing, knitting and cro
She still finds a great deal of
time to spend at her grand piano
and to teach at the. Portland
School of Music. Grace once
boomed as a child prodigy was
introduced to the keyboard at
the age of 4. She hated the pros
pect so much that she kicked
and screamed. But, only five
years later, she made her New
At Style Show
Several members of the Sa
lem Jaycee-Ettes were in Port
land Wednesday to attend the
dessert party and style show
sponsored by the Portland Jaycee-Ettes
at the Cosmopolitan
club. Proceeds from the show
go to the benefit of the Port
land Symphony orchestra fund.
Going to the event' from Sa
lem were Mrs. Don Judson, Mrs.
Melvin Bedsaul, Mrs. Lawrence
Moore, Mrs. G. I. Patterson
Mrs. C. A. Schaefer, Mrs. Mau
rice Cohn, Mrs. Milan Boniface
Mrs. Tom Pomeroy, all mem
bers of the local group, and
Mrs. F. C. French, a guest. In
Portland they joined Mrs.
Schaefer's sister, Mrs. Harry
LYONS Due to other activ
ities the Woman's club will hold
its meeting Thursday afternoon,
March 30, instead of March 23,
as planned. Mrs. Nina Westen
house of Scio will be the speak
er of the afternoon, and will
tell the ways and means of or
ganizing a garden club. Every
one is invited to attend.
York debut and was tendered a
Curtis scholarship by Joseph
Hoffman. At the age of 11, she
entered the Juilliard School of
Music, and from then on hon
ors, awards, scholarships and
prizes literally flowed into her
She won both of Juilliard's
highest awards in 1948 when she
worked as a post graduate stu
dent. Her honors include a third
place prize in the Rachmaninoff
Fund finals at Carnegie hall.
First to put its cool, virile fragrances in
gleaming gold containersKings Men
now introduces another innovation in
men's toiletries 'Toiletries in Crystal."
In these superbly fashioned, lustrous
crystal containers, brilliantly set off in a
variety of rich color tones, are
toiletries that bear the char
acter and tradition of the
finest British imports Truly
for the man who com
mtndi life's 6nesr!
Packaged in thest
glowing colors:
tWOROStllt BtUfl
Ai Itlfi Im
1621, -j N. Commercial
You walking up
over paint store
Hello friends. thU U Yee flint
talkinr to you In thU writing. I am
telling you about my ayatem for
taking out Chinese food for eating
In your own place of living. Do
not mate me a mistake, I am liking
to have you here at my place on
North Commercial street but may
be you havlni private party at
home with one person or lota of
persona and you like Chinese food
to make party more better. Al
right you call me up on telephone
and telling mt how many peo
ples and what you are desiring to
eat, what kind Chinese dish you
like, then you hang receiver on
hook and come down my place,
when you get here you are finding
your food all ready for you to talct
home. This service not costing any
more, I am liking to Io it for
you, very much; you see when
you come I will be smiling very
much, oh yes very very happy to
do this for you. You tell lots of
your friends too X do for them like
X do for you. It I make dish to
take out tor lots and lots people j
make a llttlt American money too,
this make me smile more and more.
' (that's my name, sure)
Capifal Journal. Salem, Oregon, Friday, March 17, 1950 11
Legion Post
Meets Friday
The Friday evening meeting
lor Pioneer post No 149 Amer
ican Legion, the all-woman post,
will be the last one lor Miss
Susan M. Faherty to preside as
commander. Miss Faherty is re
signing the ofice preparatory to
leaving for Tucson Arizona,
where she is to be assistant ad
ministrator for the southern
Arizona blood center ol the
American Red Cross
Succeeding Miss Faherty in
ihe office of commander will be
Mrs. Sylvia Kraps.
The meeting is to be at 8
o'clock in the Salem Woman's
club house. ;
Celery salt may be used in
many dishes soups, salad dress
ings, stuffing, egg dishes. To
make this flavoring celery seed
is ground very fine
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