1 . a It e t r ti i a b 1 t! c a h f II V a 1 4 f yi II d 4 il a m CI m c a A L 1 t Edited b? MARIAN JO Capital Joilrnal, Salem, New Chapter In OES to Be Instituted The third chapter in Salem in the Order of Eastern Star is to be instituted here at ceremonies announced for March 26 at 2 p.m. in the local Masonic tern pie. The new chapter Is to be known as Trinity chapter, U. D 1 The other chapters here are Chadwick and Salem chapters. i Here to conduct the institu tion ceremonies will be Mrs. I Edna K' J'. of St. Helens, wor thy grand matron, and Leslie I Bass of Portland, worthy grand j patron. ' Officers of the new chapter I are Mrs. D. M. Eby, worthy ma- tron; Stanley Brown, worthy pa 1 tron; Mrs. J. E. VanWyngarden, associate matron; Wilfred Wil son, associate patron; Mrs. R. C. Genre, secretary; Mrs. Har ' ry H. Charlton, treasurer; Mrs. ' Carl G. Anthony, conductress; 1 Mrs. R. T. Grettic, associate con ductress; Mrs. E. W. Shaw, chap- 1 lain; Mrs. Wilfred Wilson, mar t shal; Mrs. Stanley Brown, or ganist; Mrs. Lawrence Andersen, Ada; Mrs. J. B. Avison, Ruth; Mrs. Kenneth J. Smith, Esther; Mrs. R. L. Forester, Martha; Mrs. Ferd Zeeb, Electa; Mrs. Charles L. Unruh, warder; J. B. Avison, sentinel. - , The new chapter Is to meet the first and third Fridays in the West Salem City hall. - HOSTS on Friday evening to their dinner club will be Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley. Mrs. U. Scott Page and Mrs. William McGilchrist, Jr. are to be addi tional guests. Cooking Lenten Scallops for Two Quick (By the AuoclKlfxl Presa) Its easy to shop for and to lrenare fish for two during (Lent, and so even if this is your first or second year of house keeping you can plan well these pxi weens. Broiled scallops are simple to I;ook and delicious. Follow the nenu that has become so popu ar in New York seafood restau rants in the past few years and vith the scallops serve huge aked potatoes criss-crossed and lessed with generous wads of fcutter. And perk sprigs of pars Bey atop the potatoes. I was in- erested to notice recently that me seafood restaurant had not inly salt and pepper on the table out a shaker of paprika and one jf celery salt as well. Both Ihese spices add savour to fish !nd the potatoes. Hot crusty oils arc perfect with this meal nd if you feel ambitious run ip a lemon chiffon pie for des ert. Here's how to fix the scallops: Scallops for Two Arrange one-half pound bav callops in two well-buttcred icallop shells. (If large sea icallops are used cut each one nto smaller pieces.) Squeeze he Juice of half a lemon over he scallops, sprinkle with salt nd freshly-ground pepper, and ot with butter. Place in the rolling compartment about 2 Inches from the flame and broil is to 8 minutes. Do not over cook. Scallops can be broiled i in the broiling nan if se.nl Inn tohells are not available. Serve! (with lemon wedges, cucumber filiccs, and tarter sauce if de-j Note: Frozen scallops arc( pivallable for those who cannot buy fresh scallops. And now a! vew England firm is canning eeailoDs in No. 1 flat inH Nn , Jl tails as well as in seven-ounce I cans. ' Just in time to give the new (Housekeeper help with cooking Jin general is a revised edition; I.OWRI FISCHER Oregon, Friday, March 17, 1950 Daughters of Governors Exchange Greetings Birthday greetings were ex tended in a call by a governor's daughter upon a former gov ernor's daughter, Wednesday, March 15. Miss Arine Whiteaker, Eu gene, daughter of Oregon's first governor as a state, the late Gov. John Whiteaker, observed her birthday Wednesday. That afternoon, Mrs. Lester D. Green (Marylou McKay), daughter of Governor Douglas McKay, who lives in Eugene, called to extend greetings of the day to Miss Whiteaker and to present her with a nosegay. Governor McKay telephoned greetings to Miss Whiteaker and was told he was the first gover nor she had talked to since the late Governor Charles H. Martin was in the office. Miss Whiteaker always has made her home in Eugene amT still keeps up a keen interest in all that goes on in the commun ity in spite of advanced age and failing health. One of the early graduates of the University of Oregon, she appeared at the alumni luncheon last June to ex tend greetings. MYSTICAL ROSE group of Junior Catholic Daughters con ducted its eighth meeting at Shirley Sommers' house. The secretary, Beverly Dcggeller read the attendence of the girls at Holy Hours and Cherub chapel. Shirley Sommers and Beverly Deggeller are to take charge of the food sale at Broadway Ap pliance company Saturday, March 18, between 10 and 11 o'clock. The' next meeting will be March 27 and Mrs. Shepherd's house. Meals for Two and easy Lenten dish of the JUST FOR TWO COOK BOOK, by Lily Haxworth Wal lace (Barrows. New York. $2.50). Mrs. Wallace has in cluded lots of cookery informa tion along with her recipes, and there's a chapter on marketing tips and one on measurements and methods. The recipes in clude all the main categories, from breads to salads, and for the most part their yield for two is a reasonable one: not too small to be impractical, but not so large (hat it will take you and your husband forever to eat up the dish. It's too bad that more specific pan sizes aren't given with the cake and bread recipes, but since home makers tend to use the pans they have on hand anyway maybe this won't throw von! ACCORDION SPECIALS! NEW 48 BASS HOHNER Was 195.00 Now 80 BASS HOHNER Was 225.00 Now 80 BASS HOHNIllt One Shift Was 275.00 Now Ill BASS LA TOSCA 2 Shift Special at 120 BASS LA TOSCA 2 Shifts Special at 120 BASS BABY GRAND LA TOSCA 2 Shifts 120 BASS LA TOSCA any child of 6 can play thl nrrordion. Snerial at Used Accordions CONVENIENT TERMS WILLS MUSIC STORE 432 - -) 111 Leave for Japan Mrs. Rollin Graber and daughter, Gloria, left this week for Japan to join Major Graber, .who is stationed with the air force there. They have been in Salem since October, visiting Major Graber's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Graber, and with Mrs. Graber's sister, Mrs. Joseph Johnston. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) Miss Kells Wed in East Mr. and Mrs. Claude A. Kells announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mary Elizabeth Lucrezia Kells, to Dr. Edoardo Vergara-Caffarelll di Craco of New York City and Milan, Italy, on March 4 at St. Lucy's church in New York. The double ring ceremony was ' performed by Rev. Dante Del Florentino. The bride wore an ivory col ored dress of French brocaded satin with a lilac motif. Her headdress was of white velvet leaves and lilac blossoms and she carried a bouquet of the same flowers. Mrs. Guiesppe de Luca of New York City was her matron of honor. Mrs. Vergara-Caffarelli is a graduate of Willamette univer sity and received her master's degree from University of Wash ington. She is a mezzo-soprano concert artist and has studied voice in New York with Paul Althouse, famed Metropolitan tenor. The couple met in New York five years ago after a per formance of Pergolcsi's opera: "II Geloso Schernilo," at Col umbia University in which the bride starred. Dr. Edoardo Vergara-Caffar elli is a member of an old Ital ian family which came from Vcrgara, in Spain, and settled in Naples in 1381, where it ob tained the dukedom of Craco. Dr. Vergara-Caffarelll received his degree In political science at the University of Pavia and came to the United States under the auspices of the Carnegie endow ment. Since 1942 he has been connected with the "Voice of America" broadcasts to Europe He is now music crictic for the department of slate shortwave programs to Italy. He has studied composition with Vittirio Gian mm, American composer ana professor at Julliard school in New York. During the war Dr Vergara-Caffarelli belonged to the group of Free Italians head ed by Count Carlo Sforza, now foreign minister of Italy. After their wedding trip the couple will reside in New York, SILVERTON Mrs. W. F. Krenz, county president, is an nouncing the Marion county Fe deration of Women's Clubs meeting to be at Silevtron Fri day, April 28. Plans for place of meeting and entertainment are being ar ranged by Mrs. P. A. Loar, pre sident of the Silverton club, and Mrs. Keenz. WORLD FAMOUS HOHNER and LA TOSCA 150.00 175.00 185.00 275.00 295.00 275.00 250.00 from $100.00 State Initiation Set Thirteen freshmen women will be initiated into Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman women's honor ary for those making a grade average of 3.5 or better their first term, on Sunday afternoon. A banquet will be held in the evening to honor the new mem bers. Dean Regina Ewalt and Miss Marion Morange are ad visers for the group. The initiates include: Misses Harriett Aller, Shirley Clifford, Dolores Detlofsen, Joyce Edgell, Shirley Griffin, Gloria McClel lan, Nancy Marks, Joanne Moo re. Marv Ellen Phillips, Brhee Sherman, Suzanne Shipley, Tan eko Tsubaki, and Edith Wheeler. Engagement Told Announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs. M. Rittenhouse of the engagement of their daughter, Miss Cleo Rittenhouse, to William D. Schultz, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Schultz of Salem. The wedding is planned for May 18. St. Patrick's Party Woodburn A St. Patrick's day party was given Wednesday evening by the Woodburn Junior Woman's club with Mrs. Charles Johnston, Mrs. Wilson Beckford and Mrs. Philip Branson as host esses. Mrs. Clarence Enos re ceived a special prize and prizes in games were awarded to Mrs. Pat Johnston, Mrs. Leo Miller, Mrs. Joe Sowa, Mrs. Walter Scarborough, Jr., Mrs. Lois Gavi ola, Mrs. Clarence Enos, Mrs. Harold Schiel, Mrs. Tom Engle, Jr., Mrs. Wayne Byers, Mrs. Glen Schwenke and Mrs. E. A. Buch anan. Refreshments appropriate to St. Patrick's Day were served by the hostesses. The regular business meeting will be held April 5 and com mittees will be named for the an nual spring dance to be held in April. Plans will also be dis cussed for the annual mother- daughter banquet which will be an event of April 19. HIS and HERS , A well-planned home should reflect the tastes and personali ties of both the masculine and feminine members of the house hold. This is especially true in bedrooms. When we stop and consider that we spend one-third fo our lives in our bedrooms cer tainly our own personal prefer ences should hold full sway inso far as space permits. The sketch above reveals a plan for a couple of rugged indi vidualists who share the same room, HE likes a trimly tailored room with he-man furnishings. SUE prefers frill and froth fit for a fairy princess. A draw-back drapery made of HER pastel - flowered chintz backed by HIS deep-toned crash, forms a partition which divides one room into two. The four poster bed with frothy canopy, the organdy ruffled curtains and Given Party Miss Maycelle Turner, who is to be wed on April 1 to Russell Sahli, was honored at a party and shower for which Miss Nor ma Wenger and Miss Phyllis Lehman were hostesses this week. Feting Miss Turner were Mrs. G. T. Turner, Mrs. Lloyd Lans ing, Mrs. Fred Sahli, Mrs. Dar win Coombs, Mrs. A. W. Sahli, Mrs. Marion Schindler, Mrs. Les ter Dudley, Mrs. Charles Wen ger, Mrs. Wilbert Wenger, Mrs. Walter Hinderliter, Mrs. John Hinderliter, Mrs. Alvin Hansen, Mrs. Jessie Sanders, Mrs. Royce Linhart, Mrs. Melvin Goertzen, Miss Wanda Kennedy, Miss Lu i ille Olson, -Miss Vera Heiser man, and the two hostesses. Junior Guild's Meeting Reported Junior guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church met Tuesday afternoon at the parish house, a no-host luncheon preceding the meeting. Mrs. Donald Young was guest speaker to discuss the possi bilities of a council of repre sentatives from all the church guilds to serve as the coordin ating group in sponsoring the annual church bazaar. The Rev. George H. Swift, rector of the church, also spoke to the group, and Miss Elizabeth Porter re ported on the thankoffering boxes. The members worked on plans for the rummage sale being con ducted this Friday and Satur day with Mrs. Custer E. Ross and Mrs. H. H. Henry in charge. A birthday cake was pre sented Miss Jean Quickenden. Guests at the meeting included Miss Marjorie Harris, Mrs. Wayne Weeks, Mrs. J. F. Causey, Mrs. Gerald Fisher, Mrs. Clark McCall. Birthday Event The country home of the How ard E. Hicks family in the Halls Ferry district was the scene of a surprise birthday party given by Mrs. Hicks in honor of her husband last Saturday night. During the evening cards and games were played after which gifts were presented to the hon oree and a lunch was served by ine nostess. Guests were Maxine and Bob Byers, Irma 'and George Day, Charles and Georgia Domagolla, Verda and Scott Graham, Ruth and Don Hardy, Lucile and Har old Hill, Angela and Bob Schni der, Imogene and Don Stiffler, Ruthanne and Dick Whitely, Rosemary Henningsgard and Ted Hobby, Anabelle Kropn and John Day, Vicki Bowen Lynn and Phil Day, James White and the honor guest and the hostess. Prizes were won by Ruth Hardy, Charles Domagolla and John Day. HONORING their daughter, Beth, on the occasion of her eighth birthday, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Needham are to enter tain at a dinner this evening. Movies will follow the dinner. Places will be marked for: Beth Needham, Shannon Dyer, Conie Collins, Penney Powell, Caroline Smith, Leslie Clayton, Gail Shuford, Kay Minty, Janice Albada. Ann Lenhart, Barbara Roth, Cathy Campbell, Cheryl Porter, Allaine Currier, Susan Fisher, Neva Heldman, Sharon Golden, Molly Allen, Wally Reed, and Tommy Needham. Ad ditional guests will be Beth's godparents, Miss Esther Baird, Mrs Carl G. Collins and Dr Winfield Needham. satin slipper chair identify one section as definitely HERS. The low modern bed in HIS section has crash cover which matches curtain and partition drape. The well-appointed flat top desk, the king size leather chair and hassock, the modern hanging shelf above the bed give it a thoroughgoing masculine flavor. Walls and floorcovering are the same throughout giving a pleasant appearance of deco rative unity. Come in and discuss your per sonal preferences in furnishings with us . . . let us help you make satisfactory personalized selec tions. rim 54j Ikinj riMl War Mothers Plan Honors for 90-Year Old Members Salem chapte, American War Mothers, will honor two of its members who are 90 years old at the social meeting planned for next Tuesday, March 21, at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. A. A. Lee. 1515 State street, Mrs. W. T. McDerby and Mrs. Caroline Hixson are to be hon ored especially and all other members whose birthdays are in January and February will be given recognition. At the meeting, Mrs. Caroline Hixson will relate some early history of Salem. Mrs. Glenn W. Prather is to lead singing of old songs. Assisting Mrs. Lee at the meet ing will be Mrs. Gena C. Benson, Mrs. Dave Cogswell, Mrs. Bar bara Crane and Mrs. Byron B. Herrick. New Officers in YWSaloreClub A no-host dinner featured this week's meeting of the Salore club, young business and pro fessional women's group of the YWCA, Monday evening at the YWCA residence. Election of officers was the important business of the meet ing and the following were chosen to preside for the com ing year: Miss Helen Tibbets, president; Miss Louisa Kelly, Kelly, vice president; Miss Phy llis Sieber, recording secretary and treasurer; Miss Nola Mc Duffee, corresponding secretary. It was announced that plans are already being made for the annual spring banquet which this year will be given during Nat ional YWCA week. The date for the dinner has been set as April 26. Installation of new officers will be at the next regular meet ing, March 27. All young busi ness, professional and industrial women who are interested are invited to attend. EXPECTED here from Corval lis this week-end are Mr and Mrs. Budd Coons, who will be here during the spring vacation at Oregon State college. They will visit Mr. Coons' mother, Mrs. Ivy Coons, and Mrs Coons' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn S. Paxson. Sea Food Dish Deviled Sea Food 2 tablespoons butter or margar ine 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt 'i teaspoon paprika 2 cups top milk 2 eggs 1 'A tablespoons lemcn juice 1 teaspoon grated onion lA teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1 teaspoon prepared mustard 2 cups flaked, cooked sea food 1 h cups, finely crushed shredd ed wheat crumbs. Melt butter, add flour, salt, and paprika. Stir to a smooth paste. Add milk gradually; cook over low heat stirring constant ly until thickened. Remove from heat and add slightly beaten eggs, lemon juice, onion Wor cestershire sauce, mustard, and sea food. Add three-fourths of the crumbs to the first mixture. Pour into shells or individual casseroles. Sprinkle remaining crumbs over top and bake in moderate oven (350 375 F.) about 20 minutes. Yield: 6 servings. Here are your new white ''saddles!" '.For that "spring feeling" clear down to your toes! Beautifully made 'white buck saddle shoes with a coral rubber tennis sole ... or in white elk with a white rubber sole. Of course we can fit you . . . sizes 3 to 10, AAA through G. love those -Mail Orders, Add 20( Benefit Is Successful More than 250 attended the benefit luncheon, children's style show and card party sponsored by the auxiliary to the Marion-Polk County Medical society, Thursday afternoon at the American Legion club. Proceeds from the benefit go to a fund to purchase and main tain two complete library carts, one for each of the two local hospitals. It was an occasion for the young fry to strut their stuff in fashions, the style show fea turing new fashions for children between 2 and 12 years of age. The clothing was displayed from Margwen's shop. Miss Margaret Allen was commentator. Taking part in the style show were children of auxiliary mem bers, Nina and Caroline Cro thers, twins; Madelle Poole, Becky Purvine, Bruce Gilbert, Susan Fisher, Susan McGee, Barbara Mills, John Callicrate, Karen Thompson, Julie Shifter, Duncan Clark, Lynnie Lou Hammerstad, Janet Brewer, Jayanne Harvey, Nancy Miller, Don Trelstad, Margaret Lance field, Rickie Pomeroy, Jean Ha worth, Linda Ramage, Sally Jo seph, Jean Lidbeck, Laura Smith, Raymond Barton. First of the style shows of the season, the affair also was es pecially interesting because it featured the children and was an occasion inspiring many to express hope it would be re pealed next year. To Address Club Dallas Dr. J. H. Stewart, Polk county health officer will speak at a dinner meeting of the Business and Professional Wo men's clubs at the Chamber of Commerce rooms, Monday eve ning, with Mrs. Almos LeFors program chairman A no-host dinner will be served at 6:30 o'clock with Mrs. J C. Neil in charge and Mrs. D E. Rhodes in charge of a musical program including selections by the high school saxophone quartet The monthly board meeting will be held Friday night at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. P. R. Calkins, 1017 Hayter street. MRS. W. J. PECK left Friday on the Shasta Daylight for San Francisco to visit her sister, Mrs. Edith Peck, and her niece, Mrs. Byron Clayton and family. J Your Dress v Your Suit Your Coat or blaster ... Charge Today 3 Months to Pay! savings at DISTINCTIVE AffAHtl FPU WOK. America's largest shoe fashion relatler 170 N.Liberty . . .phone orders call 29250 J New Officers For Alumnae Delta Gamma alumnae have announced new officers for their group. They include Miss Lor ena Jack as president; Mrs. Rob ert D. Gregg, vice president; Mrs. A. Freeman Holmer, re cording secretary; Mrs. John W. Stortz, treasurer; Mrs. Lloyd Hammel, corresponding secre tary. The group met last epening at the chapter house. Mrs. Mae Worden of Missoula, Mont., prov ince secretary, was a guest and talked over plans for the na tional Delta Gamma convention at Banff in late June. Following the meeting the girls of the active chapter join ed the alumnae for the late sup per. Mrs. Eugene Booth, Mrs. Clayton Foreman and Mrs. Leon Perry were hostesses. Benefit Party Lincoln The Lincoln Com munity Center association is sponsoring a benefit card party this coming Saturday evening March 18, at the Lincoln school house, starting at 8 o'clock. Canasta, 500 and pinochle will be played. Mrs. R. J Meissner, Mrs. J. P. Smart, Mrs Eva Pur vine, and Mrs. Robert F Yungen are the chairmen for arrange ments for the party Proceeds go to the fund being raised to secure a clubhouse. ARRIVING this week-end from Corvallis to spend the spring vacation from Oregon State college In Salem will be Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Faught, Jr. (Leta Jean' Evans) who will be guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Evans, and of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Faught, Sr. AMONG those entertaining after the Beta Sigma Phi dance this evening are Mr and Mrs. Robert Corey, their guests to in clude Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bed saul, Mr. and Mrs. David Ersk ine, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Croghan, and Captain and Mrs. Richard Reynolds. Hear the hits on COLUMBIA 7-Inch M'crogroove RECORDS POP HITS "Quicksilver" Doris Day "Envy" Buddy Clark "Johnson's Rag" Jimmy Dorsey "Dear Hearts and Gentle People" Dinah Shore SHORT CLASSICS "O Sole Mio" Richard Tucker "Some Enchanted Evening" Ezio Pinza "The Lord's Prayer" Nelson Eddy "Sabre Dance" Oscar Levant These Are Just a Few Many More Available Listen to CBS-KOIN Every Sunday at 2 P.M. for the LP Music Parade ' - Downstairs, Oregon Eldg. STATE & HIGH Phone 38632 Harold It Doren Shoirrrn