Capital Journal. Salem, Ore.. Thursday, MarcTi 16, 19809 A V L 1 For a f I 1 ?.u' 12-Q- Ga" J It's an important part of Safeway's service to bringyou nationally advertlcf and locally-popular brands at money-saving prices. Our big March value event features these brands this week-extra good buys on the foods you know and depend upon I Check the bargains listed below. Then hurry to Safeway and SAYEI AH Safeway stores in Salem are open Friday evenings until 8 P.M. Safeway stores in Hollywood and 1420 State St., open every week-day evening until 8 P.M. ' Shop leisurely in the evenings avoid the rush of daytime crowds. LIBBY Sunnybank Margarine' n- J White or DtCaQ Mrs. Wright .wheet IK 25' l'a-lb. iQC loaf 17 SAVE ON THESE FRESHER COFFEES Nob Hill Coffee 7V ')" Airway ib., 67 Edwar IW 11" Libby's Tomato Juice " IT Del Monte Corn w 225p """""'IJJJJJJjnjJB.JjejJ.Jje White Star Tuna o. .cArf29c Armour's Pure Lard 49 Kraft Dinners .W 2 27' cr JF Uai..' mum rc CHEs '"OllTl No. L - .IOO 21' 1 yslce cans $f.00 llb.e.a t Ji'.b:25' fc.65' Best Foods Mayonnaise 69' fSpry Shortening Krispy Crackers .Tillamook Cheese Wesson Salad Oil (taker ReHed Oats Heinz Tomato Ketchup 25c Sugar Belie Peas No. 301 15 Pillsbury: Mix V 2,k,.-...31 Puart JJC ms. pV9. 35e Be sure fo visit our 70c fabte for values like these! PEACHES Tasty Ripe Yellow Cling, No. 1 can. FRUIT MIX, All-ln-One, No. 1 can CREAM CORN, Gardenside, No. 2 can..'. PEAS, Gardenside, No. 303 can - PORK & BEANS, Dennlson. No. 1 can PEA SOUP MIX, Betty Crocker, 4-oi. pkg.. VEGETABLE NOODLE SOUP MIX, 2V4-0S.. CHERUB MILK Tall can DENNISON'S PEA SOUP, No. 1 can.... EACH PEANUT BUTTER 35' VEL POWDER 15. pi.,. 25c IVORY SNOW Mvn 25c OXYDOL SOAP sr.nui.f.d Vkf 25c CAMAY SOAP V.f 323c ttB OUTSTANDING VALUES IN OUR MEAT SECTION Armour's Star or Swift's Premium HAMS Morrell's Pride or Den Monte . I 49c per lb. 14 or whole SEA FOODS FOR LENTEN MEALS SALMON lb. 65c I Rock Cod lb. 35c SOLE, Fillet lb. 43c Fresh Oysters pi" 65o FRESH SMELT lb. 19c MORE GUARANTEED MEAT VALUES BEEF SHORT RIBS . ! ! . LB. 25c PURE PORK SAUSAGE lb. 49c FRESH GROUND BEEF, LB. 45c BEEF RIB STEAKS LB. 79c BEEF RIB ROASTS.!. . LB. 79c Many wondtHil tprtntilm roref now arriving! PRODUCE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY TOMATOES 14 OL TUBE. 19c POTATOES 10 43 t N. S. No. 1 lake Articokes, lb. 23' Spinach, 10 oz. 21 Lettuce, lb 14 Cbbaggr., lb. 9 Radishes, 2 bu. 15 Yams 2 lbs. 29 Extra Fancy and Fancy Red Delicious Apples 11c Extra FaAcy Winesap Apples 3 i9 35 e Grapefruit w 5 ; 53e Navel Oranges b. 11 Potatoes n.T. 50.JJk$l49 Florida Bliss Triumphs New Potatoes ... 4. 29e Onions! Onions I Onions I Green 2 bunches Boiler siie 5-lb. bag Dry Yellow Mediums. . . lb. 15c 23c 4c Armour Star Sliced Bacon, 1-Ib. 53' Swift Prem. Sliced Bacon. Vz-lb. 29c Hormel Cooked Hams, 6-lb. '6.49 REPy-TO-COOK POULTRY Fryers Turkeys Fancy Hens Fowl For stewing Prices in this ad st are effective thru Monday, March 20, Salem, Silver- ton, Dallas Safeway Stores