Capital Women Edited bf MARIAN I.OWRI FISCHER 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, March 16, 1950 Service Club Events Are Reported Two of the local women s service clubs met last evening. Soroptimist club's social meet ing was at the home of Dr. Ruth Jens with Miss Lena Blum, Mrs. Henry Kayser, Mrs. Henry Mil lie and Mrs. Charles Gabriel as co-hostesses. O. E. Palmateer of the Stand ard Oil company showed pic tures of Ireland for special en . tertainment. Dr. Margaret Dow- ell and Miss Alice Pendlebury, the latter of Monmouth, were guests. Mrs. Harvard C. Moore, member of the Eugene club who moved recently to Salem, also was a guest. Mrs. H. G. Maison talked on the play "Robinson Crusoe," to be sponsored by the club here on April 7 in the high school au ditorium, proceeds from the play to go towards the club proj ect of purchasing equipment for playgrounds in cooperation with the Junior Womans club proj ect. Mrs. E. A. Guenthner was in itiated as a new member. At Altrusa Event Altrusa women's service club also met last evening, for a din ner at the Marion hotel. Mrs. Constance Weinman was guest speaker to give her talk on "Ma chines Are Simple," the talk with which she won the "oscar" at the recent Toastmistress club meeting. Miss Lindy Burkbeck and Miss Viola Swanson were guests. Announcement was made the club board is meeting next Wednesday evening at the home of Miss Etta Sutter. Boots and Spurs The western horse show of the Saddle club and Oregon Mounted Posse, will be April 15 and 16, one show Saturday afternoon, one again In the evening, and the last show Sunday afternoon. Any one belonging to a regular club is invited to enter and attend and ometime this week entry blanks will be mailed to the secre taries of all clubs in the state. The Salem Saddle club will be host Friday night to a group of riders from Toppenish and Yaki ma, Wash. The riders are quite famous for the numerous events they win in horse shows under the sponsorship oi tne xoppenisn Outlaws. Return to Salem Salem friends are welcoming Mr. and Mrs. George C. Alex ander (Helen Shepard) back to Salem to make their home. They arrived Wednesday evening. The Alexanders have been residing at Eugene after completing their work at the University of Oregon. Ha is with the Union Oil company. Mr. Alexander is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Alexander of Salem, Mrs. Alex ander the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. Shepard. Party for Bride-Elect Honoring Miss Beverly Ken ney. who is to be married on April 10 to Gerald Bull, Miss Patricia Larson and Miss Lois Mulcahy will entertain this eve ning at the home of Miss Larson for a party and shower. Guests will include: Miss Ken ncy, Mrs. Norman A. Kenney Mrs. Earl V. Bull, Mrs. W. Wal ter Larson, Mrs. Florence Mul cahy, Mrs. T. E. Bacheldcr, Mrs Troy McGowan, Mrs. L. E. Cain, Mrs. Ted Maul, Mrs. Floyd Filey, Mrs. Paul Gilmer, Mrs. Harvey Gray, Mrs. Robert Wagers,, Mrs. Norman Mann, Mrs. David Car ver, Mrs. Donald McLaughlin, Miss Roseanne Krowlh, Miss Barbara Upjohn, Miss Margaret Newton, Miss Doris Kimble, and Miss Betty Causey. Miss Kenney is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Kenney, Mr. Bull the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl V. Bull. The wed ding is to be an evening cere mony April 10 in the First Bap tist church. ; ' A & "a . r- U :", ' n "Vlr 1 Is Bride-Elect The engagement of Miss Carol Ann Cant way, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Cantway, to Richard W. LaVallcy, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. LaValley of Portland, was announced recently. No date is sot for the wedding. EXPECTED HOME Saturday from Palm Springs are Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Barclay. Mrs, Barclay and their two children have been at Palm Springs for several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Simmons. Mr. Barclay went south two weeks ago to drive his family home. Most renowned of this group Is Dottie Thomas, who is recog nized as world champion ladies stake bender a very popular event in Washington shows wherein the rider has to ride his horse at a fast clip winding through numerous stakes. The regular fun night event will start early at 7:30 p.m., and will be over at 8:30 p.m. Then the arena will be cleared and a pro gram of matched events will take place. This affair is open to the public at no charge at the horse stadium at the State Fair grounds. Some of the events will in clude a bareback relay race be tween the Topenish Outlaws and a team of men from the Salem Saddle club. A team stake bend lng contest of four to a team with teams entered from the Toppenish Outlaws, the Salem Saddle club men, Salem Saddle club girls and a team from the Jefferson Saddle club. There will be a matched calf roping contest between Alex Camirllle of Salem and Cal Courtright of Yakima, each rider roping two calves. Probably of most interest will be an exhibi tion of cow cutting by four local horses that have been in train ing for this fast coming popular event for the past few months. Horses exhibiting will be ridden by Wayne Edwards of Sweet Home; Van Wieder of Salem; Steve Stephenson of Lebanon; Thomas Allen and Grant Farris of Salem. A special feature will be a matched stake bending race be tween the girl champion of Yaki ma and Ray Garlick of Jeffer son. Garlick will have the length of the arena start and as he has won many events of this type the champion girl will have to real ly hurry to catch up with him. The Yakima group of seven riders will remain over the week-end and will be house guests of the Tom Aliens. They will participate in the cow cut ting and calf roping Saturday and Sunday and return home Sunday night. A party will be given them Saturday night by members of the Salem Saddle club and their wives. The fun night and following show will be put on by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen, assisted by Ralph Stangeby, Bus Young- quist and Jack Llndcman, with various other members assist ing with details. Ray Adams of Independence will bring in a couple of bucking horses that will be ridden by lo cal cowboys for added thrills, and a fast moving evening of interesting events is expected. Last Friday's fun night was a complete success for both the sponsors nnd the members who rode in the various events. Un fortunately Tony Minden was confined nt home with a cold but Bert Karr and his wife with the assistance of the members of the cowboy band from Jordan Valley gave both the riders and spectators a grand time. Monday night, the monthly meeting of the Saddle club was held with president Al Inglis pre siding. The following applica tions were voted in as members Sharon Bates, Christine Slop- cr, Jury Wolf, Peggy Richl and Steven Taylor of Dayton. An invitation was received from the St, Paul Rodeo association for the club to participate in a trail ride on Juno 4. The Dayton Sad dle club also sent an invitation to their dance on March 25 at Bellvicw hall, west of Dayton. This coming Sunday another meeting of the Oregon Rodeo Out-of-Town Guests Out-of-town guests at the weekly at home afternoon of Mrs. Douglas McKay on Tues day included a group from Port land, Mrs. Arthur R. Nelson, Miss Margaret Scott, Mrs. Irv ing Alien, Mrs. fiaroia xniescn and Mrs. J. H. Lynch. WOMEN'S AUXILIARY of St. Paul's Episcopal church is to meet Friday at 1:30 p.m. in the church rectory. Mrs. William Van Meter is to be the speaker, to talk on "The Church's Work at Home." Tea will be served. SALEM FRIENDS will be in terested to learn that Miss Patsy Flora is recuperating from sur gery at Salem General hospital. She is a student at Oregon State college. III)i:i,IS club of the First Baptist church is to meet on Thursday in the church at 2 p. m. THE MEETING for the gar den study group of the Ameri can Association of University Women planned for this evening has been cancelled. association will again be held at the fair grounds. Andy Ogle is president, Eddie Pyeatt, vice president, Jane Paine, secretary and treasurer. Visitors to the club this week included Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cobb of Bcaverton. They own one of the finest Palominos in the state and are quite active in all shows. To Entertain Among those entertaining this week are Mr. and Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling, who will be hosts to their dinner and bridge club on Friday evening. Additional guests will include Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Benson, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. McCormick and Mr. and Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr. Hostesses today for an in formal luncheon were Mrs. Wil liam McGilchrist, Jr. and Mrs. F. B. Langdon, entertaining at the home of the former to honor Mrs. Floyd W. Shep ard, who is leaving with Mr. Shepard on Monday for a trip to New York, then Miami, Florida and Havana. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Barr are to entertain Saturday evening at a dinner, the first in a series of parties planned by the hosts. Bridge will follow the dinner. Guests will include Dr. and Mrs. Burton A. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Phillips, S.., Dr. and Mrs. G.- C. Bellinger, Mrs. Prince W. Byrd, Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Baum, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley. DAYTON Mrs. Sadie Ed wards, Mrs. Theodora Williams, Mrs. Emmett Filer, Mrs. Pat ricia Shawver, Mrs. Mildred Al len and Mrs. Earle Coburn were among those of the presidents and secretaries who were en tertainqd by the officers and board members of the County Federation of Women's clubs Monday afternoon at the Dun dee club rooms. ... BETHEL No. 43, Job's Daugh ters, is meeting Saturday after noon for its business session at 1:30 o'clock in the Masonic temple. ... MRS. AVIS PERRINE left Auxiliary Entertained United Commercial Travelers auxiliary met Wednesday after noon at the home of Mrs. Floyd Colburn. The group talked over plans for the rummage sale on March 30. Attending the meeting were Mrs. Ray Jackman, Mrs. P Hicks, Mrs. S. A. Randle, Mrs Ray Strong, Mrs. George Brown Mrs. George Riach, Mrs. William McGill, Mrs. R. F. Lockard, Mrs. Sterling McAlpine, Mrs. Cedric T. Reaney, Mrs. H. R. Robmson Mrs. Earl Groh, Mrs. Wayne Domes, Mrs. Robert Putman, Mrs. L. A. Pepper, Mrs. Colburn Next meeting is to be at the home of Mrs. R. F. Lockard 2045 Maple street, April 14. . Kappa Delta Alumnae Meet Kappa Delta alumnae were guests of Mrs. Norman Edwards for a meeting Wednesday eve ning. The group discussed the program of the City Panhellenic organization. The club voted to change its meeting date to the second Wednesday evening of the month. Attending the meeting were Mrs. Harris Lietz, Mrs. William Ashby, Mrs. J. A. Carlon, Mrs, Floyd Colburn, Mrs. H. B. Col lins, Mrs. William Skewis, Mrs L. F. Sheridan, Miss Gertrudi Koke and Mrs. Edwards. ... HERE FOR the week-end from Corvallis will be Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rinearson, Jr. and little son, Peter, to visit at the home of Mrs. Rinearson's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar I. Paul son. They will go on then to Oregon City to visit Mr. Rinear son's parents, the Leonard Rin earsons, Sr. ... Federation Event At Dundee Monday Amity Officers and the board of the Yamhill county Federation of Women's clubs were hostesses for the annual tea honoring the presidents and secretaries of the various clubs of the county, at the Woman's club house, Dundee, Monday af ternoon. Mrs. L. R. Alderman and Mrs A. W. Newby-j president and vice president, received the guests, Mrs. Alderman called the meet ing to order, introduced the leaders of two clubs, Lafayette Woman's Civic club, and the Countryside Club of Amity, which are not federated clubs Mrs. Anna Bills is president and Mrs. Mabel Layman secre tary of the Lafayette club. Mrs, Clarence Hawley and Mrs Glenn Dent were the officers from the Countryside club. Mrs Paine of Dundee presented program of music and readings, Mrs. Robert Brown, Sheridan Mrs. James L. Payne, Amity Mrs. Orway and Mrs. Howard Paine, Dundee, participating Mrs. John Haynes presented a novel game for getting ac quainted. The tea table was at tractive with a damask cloth, and a centerpiece of spring bios soms. Mrs. F. H. Holli'ster of McMinnville and Mrs. Parks of Dundee poured. ... HOSTS to their dinner club on Saturday evening will be Mr. and Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson. Thursday for Eugene to spend a! SO F AST.PU R E ..D E PE N D A B LE iew aays witn ner son ana daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin. Start the New Year with a New Look! 3.50 FROM All work guaranteed and supervised by competent instructors. Oregon School of Beauty Culture For Your Appointment PHONE 3-6800 230 NORTH LIBERTY (Next Door to Lean's) WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS" shoes with that S20 00 look A Jt J II grand illnsion In gloaming ralfskin Here is that expensive look at a reasonable pricel A baby doll pump with graceful curved lines, slim high heel . . . outlined in marquise cut-outs. Yours in high-polished calfskin. We can fit you sizes 3 to 101 exclusive at America s largest shoe fashion retailers 170 N. LIBERTY PENNEY'S 53rd FRIDAY FEATOKES SHOP AT PENNEY'S FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SAVE YOURSELF PLENTY! NOW: WOMEN'S COTTON HOUSE DRESSES ZIPPER FRONTS, BUTTON FRONTS, COMFORT ABLE GAY, COLORFUL SPRING PRINTS STYLISH SPECIAL PURCHASE GROUP! 12 TO 44 PENNEY'S DOWNSTAIRS STORE 1.66 NOW: WOMEN'S CHENILLE ROBES . . SAVE! SOFT, THICKLYTUFTED CHENILLE WONDERFULLY WASHABLE.. 1 2-20 IN BIG SELECTION OF NEW SHADES PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR NOW: Men's All-Wool Gabardine Topcoats GRAY AND TAN SHADES SIZES 35 TO 42 SMALL, MED., LARGE POPULAR BOXY STYLE CRAVENETTED FOR BEST WATER REPELLENCY PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR $27 NOW: GAYMORE NYLONS . . HURRY! IN MOST WANTED SPRING SHADES SHEER, SLEEK 45 GAUGE, 30 DENIER "GAYMODE", FAMOUS NAME IN NYLON PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR 79 Pair NOW: MEN'S RAYON GABARDINE SHIRTS SPORT SHIRTS IN THE CASUAL STYLE CALIFORNIA COLLAR WITH CONCEALED BUTTON SMALL, MED., LARGE SIZES. MANY SHADES PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR 2.98 NOW: 3-PIECE EASTER ENSEMBLES WOMEN: DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! FULLY LINED RAYON SHEEN GABARDINE SUIT AND MATCHING SHORT COAT. PASTELS. 10-18 PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 24. 75 NOW: RAYON PRINT YARDAGE . . . SAVE! WONDERFUL, WASHABLE, NEW PRINTS COME IN AND OOK OVER PENNEY'S YARDAGE DELIGHTFUL COLORS, PATTERNS . . . 36" WIDE GOODS PENNEY'S MEZZANINE 2 - $1 NOW: WOMEN'S ALL-WOOL SWEATERS HERE'S A BARGAIN! ALL-WOOL, SHORT-SLEEVED SLIP-OVERS ALL SIZES AND A BIG VARIETY OF SHADES PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 1.77 NOW: INFANT'S WHITE DRESSES CLEVERLY STYLED . . . BECOMING AND COM FORTABLE SOFT COTTON BATISTE . . . EASY-TO-WEAR INFANT'S SIZES. BUT HURRY! PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 59c NOW: CLOSE-OUT! BABY BUGGIES LEATHERETTE COVERED, COLLAPSIBLE SOME GREATLY REDUCED! SAVE! 3, 4, 5 BOW HOODS, VISORS, DRAFT FLAPS PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR $ 1015 NOW: MEN'S NOVELTY WOOL SLACKS ALSO: ASSORTED BLENDED GABARDINES SOME DRASTICALLY REDUCED MEN'S SIZES. SEE THESE! PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR 6.90 .Add 20 for Mail Orders.