d ti c) P b li c) Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, March 16, 1950 Armed Services Committee 'Secedes' from Lower House Washington, March 16 (U.R) The armed services committee, headed by a Georgia democrat, has "seceded" from the house on a question dating back to the revolutionary war: Shall the Marine band, supported and transported at the tax payers' expense, play at Concord and Lexington, Mass., on April 19, the 175th anniversary of tne shot heard round the world? Chairman Carl Vinson and his committee said no But, Vin son pointed out, the house al ready has voted yes without consulting him or the committee. The senate also gave its ap proval and President Truman let the bill become law without his signature. Vinson said his committee has laid down a firm rule against such trips because one leads to another. After the Revolution came the war between the states. If Concord is okay, why not Ma nassas and Bull Run? A republican Yankee named W. Sterling Cole, of New York, proposed the solution: The committee should ask the president to exercise his own rights, disregard the congres sional authorization, and keep the marine band at home. Vinson saia tine; he'd speak to the president about it. But there was one other mat ter, he said. The bill authorizing the Concord-Lexington trip was spon sored by a republican, Rep. Ed ith Nourse Rogers. Massachu r Rayon Satin Brassieres 2 " $1 Choice of tearose or white Sizes 32 to 38 A and B cup LADIES LADIES HEMSTITCHED ROSE HOUSE NYLON j PILLOW 1 BUSHES A DRESSES A HOSE TUBING A ti $1 i n u r. 1.19 ,S1 One lot of Popular shade, X BOXED KENTUCKY Stamped to Large selection C broken sizes J . Seconds S CHOCOLATES MINTS J . Ifze 42xf6 inches gj . Individually boxed L Values to $1.08 Sizes 8 ',4 to 10 Is X f MM 1 I Fine quality cotton J .T rul,,,b-i r&s1." ,b 39c v g Delicloui sst. theme w V 1 LADIES J LADIES CUT I j PLASTIC J . TURKISH 1 BLOUSES I RAYON i"" Y S SHOE S BATH J, I PANTIES I a?; IVcJ BAGS TOWELS 5 $i S 5 $i 5 4l,$t Blue, pink, maize, 1 BILLFOLDS ronrucTcn . " ' Cottons and rayons white 1 LKUV.nt I LU f "w m . . , m cft n.,tt, C- White or colors J I V MQ DOILIES COTTON I Regrly HSa L J ! Lge. " 20x40 . .Sizes 32 to 38 nnn -nm H , "C u.. RUG$ . Various color tnms . Reg. 49c value IwC t t ' e U"x3" size J M bmmwupmOT , 0m CIaT I - 23c 1 CST PANTIES PANTIES . t SH'TS " :,ze, I I loop twist plastic 1 lvcl Jrnr.L rn ,girR b rugs tumblers 7 r jr Fi""y b - I ' pi T ifL DC S . W LADIES g PURE SILK I LIllLtBOT S 136 North Commercial setts. It so happened that a de mocrat from the same state, Rep. John F. Kennedy, is spon soring another bill to send the band to Bunker Hill, on June 16 and 17. Unlike the Rogers bill Ken nedy's proposal was referred to the armed services committee. Vinson said that if Mr Tru man turns the committee down, and lets the band go to Concord, he will insist that the commit tee also make an exception for Kennedy. People in Massachusetts, he said, otherwise might get the er roneous impression that a re publican can do better in con gress than a democrat. Brooks Girls Busy Brooks The Chipper 4-H sewing club will meet Thursday night with the last meeting held at the home of Mrs. Oren Stur gis with the leaders, Mrs. Leo H a w 1 e y and Mrs. Kenneth Isham, assisting. Girls attend ing were Sally Tontz, Barbara Sturgis, Jerry Nolan, Maxine Fitzgerald, Margaret Vance and Nancy Morrow. HEAD SQUARES $1 35" size Floral and novelty prints Pear By-Produd Prove Successful Portland, March 16 W) Pear by-products that may keep a can nery in fuel were explained yes terday before delegates to the Northwest Canners' association convention. Experts told of laboratory and pilot plant tests for turning pear wastes into liquid sugar for syrup, methane gas for plant fuel and alcohol and livestock feed. A. M. Neubert, chemist of the federal laoratory at Pullman, Wash., said the Hood River Ap ple Growers' association already had made liquid sugar from the waste. He said the process ap pears practical for larger oper ators. Dr. William A. Pearl, director of the Washington State Insti tute of Technology, said commer cial alcohol could be made from pear wastes at about 32 cents a gallon. Exchange Club Hears Reapportionment Talk Freeman Holmer, a Willam ette university professor and sponsor of the so-called balanced plan for reapportionment of the Oregon legislature, explained various reapportionment plans for members of the Salem Ex change club Wednesday. The educator said that a strict population plan of reapportion ment would open the door to a system of representation which would be unfair to area and party lines. He said that the balanced plan would prove a strict system which could not be utilized to benefit special areas or party groups. Campus T Has Book Drive Now The campus Y of Willamette University is conducting a book drive under the sponsorship of the World Students Service Fund. The books that are collected will be distributed by the WSSF to war devastated areas to help supplement and rebuild school libraries. This will be a door to door pick-up drive on Wed nesday evening from 5 to 7. The book drive committee is headed by Al Minn with Van Ruff, Rollie Cocking, Ted Lo der, Tim Lyons and Wes Stauf fer serving on the committee. The area to be covered on Wednesday lies north of State street, west of N. Capitol, south of Fairgrounds Road and east of N. Church street. The type of books wanted in clude all but periodicals. It is estimated that 1,500,000, 000 baby chicks are hatched an nually in the United States, the majority of them in spring. THE STORES OF BETTER VALUES' Your best buy is the coftee "vt'i. always enjoy deliciously uni form Hills Bros. Coffee. It s Nerd of the world's finest coffees. "Controlled Roasting," an exclusive Hills Bros, process, roasts the blend a little at a time continuously for uniform flavor and fragrance. Vacuum-packed tor perfect freshness. " f radtmirhs Rt U.S. PR 01. Confliht IIH-Hfn am Mm ih Everywhere . . . People Are Saying . . "Everybody Likes Hills Bros. Coffee." Regular Grind TWO GRINDS: Drip and Glass-Maker Grind DENIM JEANS $1 Elastic waistband Famous Blue Bell Brand Sizes 1 to 5 it MEN'S WHITE HANKIES 12 - 1 Large 18x18 size Hemstitched border Salem, Oregon L