RADIO PROGRAMS The Ptomaine Canary THURSDAY r. M. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, March 16, 1950 rTHIS IS HI WARKUP-WHO RUNSlTWOUUSNT TAKE! I 4 k"" I f GO TO IT, JUD THIS PROJECT COULD VfI . A SOUVENIR STANO DOWN THE VMUCH TIMEA-VSEE, Ee X NET lOJ A NICE BALE OF BROCCOLI" J.', 5 ROAD, MR.ROPER--HE WANTS ClVE FIXED IT SO HE fW. AND I CANT SEE HOW IT COyLf5-Nl4 T ME TO AUTOGRAPH PICTURES J CAN 9&N THROUGH I POSSIBLY BRIN6 HARM TO TVI TA( ll AP Newsfetturei (SYNOPSIS: BKUNIIILDE WAG NER, brilliant star of the Met, and her husband, BILL WAG NER, Invite the nation's top mys tery story writers to their home after a performance. Abo pres ent are the Met's conductor, OTTO FURST, and his former wire, LILY, Brunhllde's best friend. There Brunhllde, a devoted detective-story fan, confides to the assembled authors that she has written a mystery story. Then she shows off her pet canary, Galli-Curci, which performs a trick of depositing a slnrle bird aeed on the lips of each guest. Otto Furst, upon receiving his seed from Gall, becomes violent ly ill and leaves the room.) Chapter 4 At the conclusion of the per formance, Brunhllde returned the canary to Its edge and closed the door. lencinir it in. By now the beverage supply had become depleted .and the guests were showing signs oi wear, am a mass exodus was not wnat &run Wide had in mind. She preferred to convoy each guest separately. First to be so escorted was Mr Rex Stout, Mlu Helen Traubel. eminent writer and singer, practices what ho preaches. "Cherohes. finger prints," she advises, ''never mind "Did you notice the French poo dle?" Brunhllde asked him. He had. "Wasn't th&t a cuU necklace?" It was. "Her name Is Zlta. She belongs to a friend of oura who is away on vacation. We're taking care of her for him. He has a simply spec tacular apartment on the next floor. I want you to see it." He followed her up a flight of tairs. Brunhllde had the key ready. When she opened the door a wave of shimmering heat en gulfed them. The singer nudged Sir. Stout over the threshold. All the windows were closed, the rndia tors turned on, and several electric heaters going full blast. The tem perature was high enough to wilt a tropical cactus. Its effect upon the eminent author was instan taneous. He closed his eyes and ipiraled very slowly to the floor For a moment Brunhllde inspected me Horizontal ugure, completely Unconcerned. Then enme the detonation. Her laugh echoed and rolled around the room, the same laugh that had convulsed radio audiences from const to const. The seizure finally subsided, lenving her weak but hnn- py. Sho sighed, went out. closed the door, and returned to her own apartment. This identical performance was mounted and staged with only slight variations lor eacn ot tne novelists Ellery Queen. Agatha Christie. O Patrick. John Dickson Cnrr, all of them wound up, three deep, dead to the world. Alone at last with her husband Brunhllde stretched and relaxed. It has been a wonderful evening she said. Nothing in her mnnner hlnted at what had taken place in the apartment above. "What a night." Bill said. "I'm tired, renllv bushed." "Nevertheless. I think you ought to walk Zlta before retiring." Acting as a valet for a French poodle is a job lew men relish. But since It was therapeutically un avoidable. Bill reached for his hnt Lace and Embroidery These dain ty embroidered flowers on gift and guest room linens are pretty but the addition of the handmade lace makes them perfectly beautiful. Pattern Envelope No. R2266 con tains crocheting Instructions. hot Iron transfer for embroidery, stitch 4 --J IV - Dl 1 I By HELEN TRAUBEL with resignation, got a leash on Zlta. and descended to the street. Like most dogs. Zlta had con siderable difficulty reaching a de cision, n was wnue ne stood pa tiently on the pavement that Bill wagner neara uie scream and in stinctively recognized its source. Back In the apartment, many floors above him, Brunhllde, about to enter the bathroom, was greeted by a sight that congealed- the blood in her veins and Impaled her to the floor, pop-eyed with fright. Mr. Otto Furst. the famous con ductor, lay crumpled on the white wes. quue unmistaKaDiy aeaa.i About that there was no doubt. t had not been an easv death and) his face was twisted like a cruller. The sight paralyzed every muscle except those which control articula tion. How many decibels went Into Brunhllde's scream no one will ever know. The mechanical Instruments that measure sound were not at the moment available. Backed by some) twenty years spent in developing her lungs, larynx, and diaphragm, and strengthened by countless Wal kurle war cries it was a most awe inspiring sound. Honest burghers as far away as Honoken awakened In I a coia sweat. Tne sudden and vi olent agitation of the seismograph at Pordham University threw two undergraduate scientists into a dither of excitement. For the first I time In operatic hlstorv. a dramatic soprano hit an F above high C, turning a coiaratura on staten Island green with envy. Telephone calls began pouring in to police neaaquaricrs. Zita stopped what she was do ing ana men suaaeniy went skld d Ing along the sidewalk as Bill piungea lor tne Building entrance, taking off like Citation breaking the barrier at Belmont. Despite his shattered nerves the elevator boy managed to get his car to the proper floor. Bill found Brunhllde at the en trance to the bathroom, her eyes rigidly fixed on the corpse, her i ace devoid of color. "My uod!" Burs voice was at hoarse whisper. "What happened?" i i aoni Know." urunniidet swallowed with considerable diffi culty. "I just found him here like tins, is ne dead?" "Of course he's dead, look at jinn. ' a Well don't hist stand there. Give him an aspirin or something." They stared at each other blank. I ly. Bill shook his head, still dazed. Hia ears were still ringing. Suddenly his spine grew rigid and his face grew stiff with shock. Brunhllde was alarmed. "What IS It. Bill?" "The others, those writer rhnrw ' His voice was curiously strained. wnere are uieyr ' "Thev went home. Whv?" His fingers gripped her shoulders. Don't vou see? It was that hfrri- seed. He came in here right after ne swanowea it. l Brunhllde blanched. Her flno cjuicnea iramicany at nis sleeve. un, no, Bin. it it couldn't be . . ." I hone not." he muttprfiri fer vently, thinking of newspaper head lines: WHOLESALE SLAUGHTER BY METROPOLITAN OPERA STAR Brunhllde grasped the back of a chnir for support, steadied her iips Between ner teeth, and wailed, "What are we golne to do?" "We haven't anv choice. We havp I w can tne ponce." (This Is a fine kettle of -fish, and highly Auspicious. Brunhllde has been acting pretty strangely and she sure disliked Otto. Now Otto's dead. Will Hrunhilde be sus pected? Don't fail to find out what happened, tn tomorrow's in stallment of this unusual, soul- searching story of suspense by a lany wno really knows how to sing very well.) (To Be Continued) Infants Baptised At Trinity Lutheran Silvcrton Rev. Joseph A. Luthro officiated during the Trinity Lutheran morning wor ship hour Sunday In the rites of Holy Bnptism for two babies. Carole Andrea Davis, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Da vis, with the parents and Mr and Mrs. Gene Smith, sponsors; and James Everett Knllis, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. A. Kallis sponsors, the parents and Myrtle Svnrvari and Delbert Svarvan During the fellowship dinner hour at Trinity Lutheran churcn following the fellowship dinner hour, program numbers featur ed included vocal selections by Mrs. Ted Landscm and Max Holland, Mrs. Hal Moe, piano accompanist for both, an elec tric guitar number by Charles Cliristcnson and an instructive talk concerning Alaskan condi tions by Rev. Joseph A. Luthro pastor of the congregation. R 2266 Illustrations; material requirements and finishing directions. To obtain this pattern, send 20c In COINS, giving pattern number. your name, address and zone nunv ber to Pesny Roberts. Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission Street, San Fran Cisco S, Calif, WHERE IS THAT ) SHE S GETTING SO ASSENT- ll ( ABSENT-MINDEDNESS ) I I I WON'T . V SECRETARY MINDED, SHE PROBABLY U IS ONE TH1N&- jvflr, I U TOLERATE ! J O 8 V- .mmmWmJl If I'M A SUCKER FOR poor W when ANN BOOUCMT .s H HELLO, OflN-l m,OflN-lgf HI, BOYB-OH, TZ3 M PtOPLE-ftUWS ncGER THERE'S JJ HIM HOMeERftH- Bsl iiLJ'CT. R & UIHOT-S NEW BflNO W VEAH-ftUT rH AUWWS ROOM FOR ONE MORE- E OH -HELLO- jf K.t!i . ILOOK.&TANISLOUSC.' Kvou -C so. what us rr m r ILAT'S GO.'.r- vou, gorgeous rTlNrroomT3olREr'l ! A BIG NO-GOOD, HE IS rRvABXrCHA) WAITINS FOR ?) Ld U U I MORRIS.':'--VOU SPASHULTV IS f WEIu-LIKED FOR BITING OFF. iMr, -m rAKP frdm ALinmrk i x4 weade mun f l 1 Iummima arPLficc-so ACIMH - fo MEM.iOV VrviCAIF'l , I KIT A COMIC BOOK.':'-! MOT NOT H. OF THE MOST i S CS tf I ftREAKT-MASKED MONSTEB.? J -AS FO MI. I'LL CO WHAT A ' I GONNA STAND FOR THAT.')GONNA.,r HOBRISLE JWlkN.U'Vg 1 -YOU ARE FINE AT SNAPPING -i I ALWIAVS DO-I'LL TXAR I 1 l- '--. j- 7y lT 1 '--- j r, , Nl ' ' - 1 ii - - - w i r - -n i i lai muae luithhult W.mmXmmi flt V'SkW vV!- ........ mAa.- '- ' I. ilTV- n en H K 11 ruiUAT'Q TUAT Vnil'OF Yn-'a i a iti nonuir: n 1 VF"U l; I UP lHlMK Tucoc it- Y , , a ,rt3uf iW ........O sl ,, I PUTTING ON VOUR UAlpnROVAFPl tmii a it mutt; I UP UIAQA rl IPP pno I ni T .. . T HoJji'&ZjTV 1 ,NUENT IN LESS THAN BALDNESS IF IT UAIP HAIRi THOSE I REST OF j S V SKaTr rAL e rcvv-- syUMl air ?a .1 i icipn RrTOB i ff-llll I I T WBWWIB.A FWWl&S AHy. HMMUMIftai - ( FUPfWHy,NO.I T5X UlVPWuenai J NO. COMB TO THINli 7 r-r HP3fiS r MEAT E SATE LIKE HE Up, .-YtgMjSrr ttmu . .A VOU SOWS CHOW-- S.. M ll t l USUALLY DOES! I M yjZ""JL 1 l fifWM kl I 11. i "-" T Ml T ' ing- T II) ffi? ' tKISSJfl WltWq0 WHt B SUPPLV CC(TQ DO A LITTLE At v i-.A . I 17 ' ' VUU--UH--DON'T THINK lUNPERSTANDPtRfEatV. J 1 PEG6YPfeEFERRDHA5HITAN I I 1 MA.VBEITlL8tAGO0DTHING.--IN A 1 lTSnjNNy,DOMDU,BeKK?.nljIMMy!...,NaDNTAliy,S AIL-TIME PEAK.BABV!. ANDA LUbU TRIAL FOR06TAJNING MONEY 8V FRAUD, FOR PEGGY TO INSIST THAT WE WHATSTHElATE5T0U0TATI0nl CERTAIN DIE-HARD BACHELOR I g A HU6BANOCOUL0rTT BE FORCLDTO J M MEET OUTSIDE HER HOME ?y-( ON YOUR STOCK? . 15 P0I5ED FORTHE BIGFtUNGEl J MA TESTIFY AGAINST HI WIFE.! ' u I 'XlJliVAl Jl A 3--- 3 I i i I J, (fTT ' I il KGW KOIN KEX KSLM K0C0 630 KBO fOCBS U ABO W MBC MM Kc -u. . a. n. r.Btar. Ilin OrMB Bsra.t Strilihl Arrow Swtnt Tin. 5: N. Ult U ihiw nre.n H.rn.l '"r.l.hl Arrow Swlot Tim. .f tZ.. V... Arnnlron. B-B.r-B B.nch Bin. 8:25 IZ r.2r?0. SSS lock Arm.l,.r,. B-B.r-B Bh Bind .1 D .5,i' z rni ......m Edw C. Hill Heoler Oondlt llfhi- ! P.rr7 C.. rh. rl.rho.H Com.l.r. Dross To. Dj. Mm Bond 2:?S r.rr? Corns Tta. Pl.rhouM Coonltrrn Jo"'' Jl TlmM M'tlo. Jukpol j:!.0,.'i..l HoUrwood SPOtlll. - "y'Vif.",' ',M 4:4! Droinol Thoolor T.l.nt Trareler Sport. PS, Low.U Thorn.. n..t..r Boor Cljdo B..1I, Tro.J UN 5 ?5 World Now. look Smith. Am.l.or floor Clrdo Bj.llr Irook 14H l li 4ldrlok Varalli Mr. Koo Am.t.or Boor Sport, lor All track 1IW ! 3! "i'lli I'ZW, Mr K.. B. M.-lt.m.r, Sport, lor All Track HW 4 ntk.r Know. F.B.L Blondlo Gleo Hirdr Trick KM s:?5r.tbM Kw. r.B.I. Blondlo Fulton Lowl. TrockHM Dollr'o Baolah H.nnlb.l Cobk ot Block Now. Doffr'i Clot IS H.nnlb.l Cobb Bor Block foHoni ,.' ' sam Boroo I Slar Final Blchl'ld B.p'tr I Lore MTitcrr Nlibl Sons !S:?5 Mori. Downw o. m World lntorm...o Moloal Now. Nlihl Sons 2.-I5 tpl.. P.O. lnl slrllo Conc.rl Boor Now. Hu. 0 loo Want lOiSs 'rcb.ilrn Qrcbc.tra Conc.rl Boor Musis M.slo Ion IWS ".w. rreamrr Band Coneorl Boor "" Joolnrno 1 :VV W. Minora Trcosorr Band Concert Boor Co. to Mu.lo Noetomo It :j Was Mouora Oriaa Moil. Memo. Mldnlto Mc od. Nootorao 1 1 W Momum Orion Memos Mldnlto Mclod. Noctntno niriiirJini OH Silsnl xtra nonr Blm on '"'m on FM Me.. BOW lOO.S. S-H p.m.. KOIN 101.1. FRIDAY 6 A. M. fi-00 llodso Fodso Newl Farm News INsws Summarr C-li 'neat. News KOIN Kloek Keep Smlllnt Timekeeper i:'of.r TliV KOIN Kloek KeepSmllln. M.r.hTlmo KOCO Kl 6:45 Farm Tim. KOIN Kloek Keep Smlllni Kowo OCO Kloek Twwi F.rlv Bird KOIN Kloek Wa.hb'ro New Hemlniwar Tea Bitter 7n Sew. Ma"- Brkl.l. KOCO Kloek 4:inKne.i. News Bob H.ien Rlioand Sblne News '! ? " Fred Beck Zck. Manners Top Trades KOCO Kloek gMHI Sddlo Albert Consumer News Breakfast Clob Barf. Counter Kjni's Crusad. !l5 Tddio Albert News Breaklasl lllus FamllF Altar Kln.'o Crosad. S :-tn a,k Berek Grand Slara Breakfast Club Bible Institute Western Melod. 8l4S Saio Blders Rosemarj Breakfast Hot Bible Institute Temple tchoeo "oOn Second Cop Wendr Warren Mildred Bedell N W Newe Time for Mel'dr Second Cop Aunl Jenny Store of Todar Garden Guide Time for Mel'dr 9-30 3 Suno Belen Trent Art Llnblelter Pastor's CaU Stare Slnt 1 8145 Kneass New. Oor Gal Sunday Art LlnkHlnr Walls Time 1. Chas Tkoma. llwin Marrlaie for Bli Sister Saio Riders Glen Bardr NW News " lfl-15 Car. Cavalloro Ma Perklna Galen Drake r.nspel Slnaer Musle in-SO Hostess Bouse Dr. Malone Mr True Storr EdHe noward Tuna Tims 10:45 Party Onldlni Lliht Mr True bloti Morion'. Music S Kara l .Afi Double. Nothlni 2nd Mrs. Bnrt'n Betty Crocker Ladles Fair Muslo Mart t -IS Oeabla. Notblns Ferry Mason Victor Llndlakr Udleo Fair Muilo Marl 1 -on rod'ys Children Norab Drake N'rlhwesterners Qoeeo for Day Eddlo LeMor t ;45 l.llhl of World Brlihtor Day N'wcllerners Queen for Day Vocal Varieties 12 (10 Kneass News Nsw. Raukbaio Talk Top Trade. H'llywood Mlsto 12-15 Road of Life Come Gel It News N W News H'Uywood Muslo 12 '30 P. Y'ns'i Fam. House Party Jack Norman Oay 90's New. 12:45 Rllbl to Hap. House Party Meet Menjous Bob Eberly Dave Dennis MVO Baekstaia Wife From Nowhere Brkf. In Holly. nb Mitchell Mao'o Melodloo 15 SteUa Dalla. Jock Holt Brkf. In Uollr. Bob Mltebell Mao'o Melodies 1-.10 torenso Joneo Stere Allen Kay West Tell Nelihbor Mae'a Melodleo :45 Y'ni Wid. Br'n Klrkham News Kay Weal Blm Sims Mae'a Malodleo 2;00 Wh. G. Marries Klrkbam Newe Jay Stewart Bob Poole Mao'o Melodies" 2:15 Par. Foee. Llle Garry Moore Jay Stewart Bob Poole Mae's Melodlol 2:30 lust Plain Bill Garry Moore Bride A Groom Ladles First Mac's Melodies 2:45 Front Pi. Far'll Tunefully Yours Bride di Groom Ladles First Mao'o Melodloo 5:00 Welo. Trarelere Arl Klrkham Quick as Flash Mus. for Frl. Mao'o Melodies" 3:15 Wele. TroTolore Arthur Godfrey Quick as Flash Mus. for FrL Mao'a Mslodlss 3:30 Aunt Mary trthur Godfrey Be Seated News Mae'a Melodies 3:45 Wo Loea. Learn Arthur Godfrey Ted Malone Ray Nineties Mae'a Melodlol 4:00 Worn. Soerel Arthur Godfrey Western Brand Fulton l-ewl. Movie Time ' 4:15 Life Beautiful ' Arthur Godfrey Squirrel Case llemlniway Philosopher 4:30 Dr Paul Curt Massey Squirrel ?aio ftehlnd Story Dyers Con Bi 4:45 Ponla Stone lEdw. Murrow Flrefllhtera News Beautiful DIAL LISTING. KOAC 550 lOAr THridy P.M. - 5:00. Chll r UnL aren't Theater, 5:15, On th Dpbeatl 8:M. 500 Spertt Clabi . Niwit 9:15, Dlnmr Melftdlti; fltSO, 'Hound Cnap- (lrt ItOO, Hd1tnu In Ohtmlitrn 1:15, ETtntnc rara Hu; Urine Tlmei 8:15, OSO Library: 8:30, Tl Ncwif Ntwii and Wtatb 9-M, Mailt That Endarcti 9:45, ETuln Mtdlialtonti 10:00, Sln Oft. Bridge Club Guest Independence Mrs. Elmer Addison entertained the mem bers of the Wednesday Bridge club in her home, as they met there for a 7 o'clock supper. Mrs. Gordon Hadley was a guest of the club. Mrs. Melford Nelson and Mrs. Erma Cooper won the high scores for the evening of bridge. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ivy Thomas. ACROSt 1. Remain lnactlY I. Wire roeaiur 8. Dry IS. Pale brown 1ft. Boom In & harem 14, Brave man 15. Bends 17. Dlemounted IS. Number of manual digits 19. Waistcoats iU Author of "Fables In Slang"' II. MaaculTne nickname 23. Deed 25. Lawful 28. Impute 22. Article S3. Literary bits 8. State IS. Forebears 17. Animal raised for beef 88. Kind of liquor 19. Mottled ap pearance la mahogany 40. Was victorious 42. Compound ether 45. Pronoun 48. Lamb's pen name 50. Minister 52. Lino of type In one piece 58. Assist 54. Hawaiian bird 66. Domesticated EC. Dally 57. Becomes DOWN 1. Cried 2. 160 square rods of land 2 3 4 l TWA f 75 "-if it m& 'A Z W gs " I m. 4 41 WZSc j SI fA- mLL L. 1. 1. i UtVtfA, , I -.J V.'.'A I I I AP NtwiftBfvrei ROOM AND BOARD rUEE000 IZW "MORTONS 'CHOICE TOO.Y WAS N T'aa locmrrrnv f NUMBER. IO IN THE 8 RACE ? rnZ Akckrrl AT NANHOLT PARK, AND UNCLS SIpPt WH AMAZEMENT IV BErt WENT CVER. AND BET V I OVER. THE MYSTIC 1 30 FDR M& THE HORSE, ) . POWER. OF MORTON ( ( DIVER'S BOOTS T VMDN BY A NfcOC THE MOUSE 'r J I AND PAID ME f 93 S na 77 I ESAD ,F TWIS IS ALU 1 lAo' V A DREAAA, I HOPE r7( . it , S 0 V IT'S JUST MY FIRST UiJiM I S If p.m.. KEX M.S. I M I w.a :45 P. M. LrVAr Friday A.M. 10:00, Ntwi bb4 N-JML Weather; 10:15, EtMelallr for Womrni 11:00, School of Alrt 11:15, Con cert 12:00, Newii 13:15, Noon Pamt Uourt 1:00, Rldo 'en'Cowbori 1:15, Bebaol of Alri 1:80, Pabllo Bsalthi 1:45, Holodp Linct t. Clubwomen'! Half Bean S:M, Memorr Book of Maslei t:45. DNKSOOl 8:00, Newti S:lfi, Mntlo of tho Maitcra) 4:00. .Orecon .Reporter! .4:16. .raforita Hrmns. Canadians Are Feted Silverton Mrs. Harry Ra gon entertained at afternoon tea for her house guests from Canada at her Broadway home with Mrs. Isaac Olson, Mrs. John Magee, Mrs. E. Jekkels, Mrs. Sherman Davis, Mrs. Har ry C. Schmidt and Mrs. Ed Hol den invited to meet Mrs. R. M. Bacon and Mrs. Mureol Dever em visltinr here from Fnrt Sas katchewan. C R am 1 tNC I fT 7 U A P OlT IhMuH I AiR I AQA P OPelf NIT T g PQA V E NpillRlt A i a He v g n i NoklTm cla1i? o fcWTjite Solution of Yesterday's Putil I. Metal 4. Wine cask 6. Auto stopping place 5. Roman date 7. Endure I. Sunken fenc 9. Comparative 10. Any plant of the Iris family 11. Love to excess 16, Pertaining to grandparent 30. American Indian 32. Ruminant animal 24. Shipping cas 25. Edge 26. Greek letter 27. Flowering 28. Belgian commune 29. Continent: abbr. SO. Neighborly working gathering 81, Make a mistake S3. Near 36. Born 37. Rail bird 39. Thin and vibrant 40. Toward the setting sun 41. Wide-mouthed jar 48. Gaiter 44. Setofthre 45. Article of apparel 48. Warm 47. Periods 49. Season for us 61. Gear tooth Bv Gent Ahem o.m.. TO 4