r f - '.7 X7 V f Temporary Haven Child actress Lora Lee Michel beams . contentedly as she finds a temporary haven with Rev. Ellord Sundstrom after running away from her foster parents in Hollywood. The 9-year-old blonde film player said she ran away from her foster mother, who is accused of starving her to keep her small enough for roles, because "I was hungry all the time." (Acme Telephoto) Radio Industry Gets Warning Norman, Okla., March 16 VP) The radio industry has been warned it faces federal restric tions unless a curb is placed on radio horror programs and the "poor taste in jokes of its come dians." Wayne Coy, chairman of the federal communications commis sion, told the closing session of the annual Oklahoma University Radio conference yesterday that unless radio does a "house clean ing by Itself, restrictions will re mit." He added: Clearly there must be a day of reckoning. The commission rightly is prohibited from cen sorship. On the other hand it is required to see that stations op erate in the public interest. "Poor taste is not in the pub lic interest." Coy described some jokes heard over radio as a "return to livery stable humor " The commission chairman also explained that federal "freezing" of licenses for new television stations was ordered to await developments of color TV sets and leave room for new color stations. He reported that the TV field has been widened greatly by the use of ultra high frequency channels. He cited Oklahoma as an example, saying the number of stations possible would be ex panded from ten to 65. WoodburnWill Attend Comedy Woodburn "Meet Arizona' Is the title of a two-act musical comedy which will be presented by the students of Woodburn high school in the school audi torium Friday evening under the direction of Mrs. Alice Rose Jones, music supervisor of( the Woodburn public schools. The musical comedy was writ ten by George Murray Brown and Charles Wakefield Cadman and is being produced by spe cial arrangement with C. C. Birchard Co., publishers, of Bos ton, Mass. The cast includes "Rnnle" a romantic cowboy. Jack Wells: "Marcla" a Mexican servant, Betty Stinett: "Cappy" a corral boss with a bit heart, Reynold tiencs tad; "Aunt Lavlna" a Vermont Amazon, Frances Mills: ,-Bertle' a dude. Kenneth Schubert; "Jack Gulby" dude ranch man alter, Irvln Bond; "Larry Benson" adopt ed son or Col, Blair, Gene Wells: "Emily' dudlne, Doris Waymire; "Antonta" Mex ican servant, Paul Edwards; "Carolota" a Mexican, Dorothy Klenskl; "Let tie Blair," the colonel's niece, Louise Bu chanan; "Tom Wilder." a young law yer, and "Arizona Tom," fictional x-2-aun sheriff, both by Arthur Nelson; "To- nlta Sunrise" an Indian girl, Katnerine Miller. Chorus members are Darlene Ostrom. Laura Lewis. Alice Basllen, Beverly An derson, Dorothy Miller, Marilyn Hagen, Bonnie Cochran, Prise ill a Asper, Richard Chit wood, John Paul Rivenes, Robert Bau- mnn, Sam Andresen, uene paquin, Glenn Kraemer. Merle Schultz, Arnold Evens Victor Dryden, San VanArsdale, Dan Sonacker, Earl Ahrens and Dwalne Da vis. The Spanish dancer will be Doris Plllsbury. Assisting Mrs. Jones will be Beverly Slaney in charge of stage work; Miss Jane Pear mine lances; Doris Pillsbury, pro grams; LeRoy DeJardin and Vic tor Dryden, stage hands. Miss Dormalee Bunn Is Given Farewell Brooks A farewell party and handkerchief shower for Miss Dormalee Bunn was given by friends and relatives gathered at the home of Miss Evelyn Austin and Miss Dormalee Bunn to honor her with a surprise show er. Miss Bunn is leaving Brooks to enter the evangelistic field wth Miss Evelyn Molander. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jensen Donald and Clarence, Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon, Miss Stella Jordan, Ed die Anderson, Mrs. H. Davis and daughter June, Mrs. Harry Brown, Kathie, Viola and Del bert, Maxine, Katnerine and Dennis Fitzgerald, Buel Hadley, Ailene Hanner, Erma Sanford, Mrs. Harold Fite and April John Cavanaugh, Joy Ann Ly ons, Mrs. Sally O'Neil, Mrs. B W. Bunn, Michael Callahan, Fat, Sandra and Roxy Overholser, Mrs. Frank Tischler, Mrs. Al- freda Martin. Miss Hanner and Miss Sanford assisted Miss Austin in serving refreshments. St. Mary's Court Plans Card Party Woodburn St. Mary's Court No. 593, Women's Catholic Or der of Foresters, held its regu lar monthly meeting in St. Luke's hall with Mrs. John Kinns presiding. Plans were made to hold a canasta party in April, shortly after Easter. Donations of food were brought by the members for a needy family. Following the business meet ing "500 was in play with prizes for high score going to Miss Irene Eder and Mrs. Kilian Smith and a special prize to Mrs. Steve Bauman. Refresh ments were served by the hos tess committee, Mrs. George Becker, Mrs. J. R. Gamroth, Mrs. John Kinns and Mrs. R. Gottsacker. The committee for the March meeting will be Mrs. Charles Johnston, chairman; Mrs. Kilian Smith, Mrs. Joe McCormick and Mrs. Ray Andrews. Independence Following a no-host dinner at the Day's cafe, the members of the Kill Kare Bridge club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rob bie, all members being present. High scores for the evening were won by Mrs. Robbie and Grover Mattison. 0 , Criss-Cross Chocolate Cake JUST 3 MINUTES MIXING because Snowdrift is Emulsorized T I Only an emulsorized shortening can give you these lifter, richer, moister cakes See how easy it is to make cakes that are light, luscious, moist and rich with Snowdrift's 3-min-ute mixing method. No creaming! No separate egg-beating! You mix your whole cake in the same bowl, in 3 minutes because Snowdrift is emulsorized or thorough blending! Make Snowdrift's Criss-Cross Chocolate Cake today! You will find uses every day for Snowdrift See what flaky pies and tender biscuits It gives you. And for good-tasting, wholesome fried foods Use Snowdrift every time. CRISS-CROSS CHOCOLATE CAKE A Snowdrift Quick-mtthod Recipt In 1 large mixing bowl combine: t 3 tquart uniwUn4 checolat, cut vary fin Vi cup boiling wafer When melted and cool, add these sifted together: 1 k up sifud cok flour IVi cups tugar 14 Uatpoon salt Vi teaspoon double-action baking powder (1 teaspoon flnglc-action) k uaipoon tada Add: Vi cup Snowdrift Vi cup buttermilk Mix enough to dampen flour. Beat 2 minutes. If by hand, count beating time only. With electric mixer use "low speed"; scrape bowl often; scrape beat ers after 2 minutes. Add: 2 eggt 1 teaspoon vanilla Beat 1 minute. Turn into 2 greased 8 inch layer pans, lined with plain paper. Bake in moderate oven (350F.) about 30 minutes. Frost with CRISS-CROSS ICING: Cream 2 tbsp. Snow drift, 3 tbsp. butter. Add H Up. salt and 3 cups sifted, confectioners' sugar alter nately with 4 cup milk. Add 1 tap. vanilla. Spread on cake. Orate 1 square chocolate; sprinkle on top In rows about inch wide and 2 inches apart. (Hold ing a kitehen knife along rows helps to keep them straight.) Turn cake; make rows at right angles to give criss-cross effect. Try SNOWDRIFTlbday! run vegeuDii inonimng-mioi ny uii nesmn uu riopiv .jJJjTij, Snowdrift -7' M,X6S ouiac 3& ,r ,nd"r b,KU'U CUTSNOUICK V lor flaky paitry aVlyfyjij-y Snowdrift PRIES QUICK for digestible fried foods Mayor Lee Blasts City Attorney Portland, Ore., March 16 U.R) City Attorney Alexander G. Brown was in the doghouse to day following a public blast levelled at him by Mayor Doro thy McCullouRh Lee regarding the May 19 primary election. Mayor Lee charged that Brown violated city council instructions when he advised the auditor's office to consider the May 19 primary as a "special election." As a result of Brown's move. the auditor gave instructions to Youthful Helpers Two refugee sisters, Eva, 5, and Alena, 3, who recently fled with their parents from a communist country, appear at Archbishop John J. Mitty's office in San Francisco to help him appeal for contributions to the United States Catholic Bishops' fund. Eva and Alena were brought here under the program financed by the Bishops' fund, for which Archbishop Mitty is trying to raise $200,000. The na tional goal is $5,000,000 to help displaced European persons. (Acme Telephoto) FOR Insured Savings SEE First Ilri Federal Savings Current Dividend 2'2 1st Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n. 142 South Liberty Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, March 16, 1950 place fund raising proposals un der the title of "special muni cipal election." However, Brown said the city council designated May 19 as the time for a special election as far as it related to city measures. The experts say it is possible for a hen to lay two eggs in the same day, although she general ly lays only one. torn where I sit ... Joe Marsh Handy and Easy Are Both Wrong Handy Peterson and Easy Rob erts got in quite an argument th other day over at Fred's Garage talking about the best spot to fish up at Green Lake. "Opposite the old sawmill is the best spot," says Handy. But Easy "pooh-pooh's" him. "I've seen the biggest fish caught off Cedar Point," says Easy. "I've been catching them there for years." Then Fred goes into his office and brings out the biggest mounted rainbow trout you ever saw. "Bet that was caught at the sawmill," comments Handy. "Cedar Point," says Easy. "Well," says Fred, "you're both wrong. I caught this baby right out in the middle!" From where I sit, there are al ways two (or more) sides to every story. Let's live and let live in the true American tradition of tolera tion. Your opinion la worth a lot, but so is the other fellow's whether it's on politics, the best fishing spots, or whether he likes a temperate glsss of beer and yon like buttermilk. Copyright, 19S0, United States Brewers Foundation Itl SALEM IT'S BERGS' FOR QUALITY POODS 100 fan wirt - LIBBY'S V j& M. SWEET A m u.tfT" .jr Viir i mm - SS&SsZ&Z. PEAS fe&-53l s Yellow SiX fSV Oft PineaPPle Z i 9tJ 15c U U Kitchen LUX FLAKES 25c Large Size LIFEBOUY Regular Size 2, 15c DIAL TOILET SOAP Bar 25C RINSO Large 25 C Giant 53c LUX TOILET SOAP Size 2 for 15C LUX TOILET SOAP 2 for 21c Bath Size SWAN Regular Size 2 'or 15c SWAN LARGE SIZE 2 25c CLOROX 1 QUART 17c SPRY 3 -b. 69c BUY NOW AND SAVE! "CROWN" Queen FLOUR lbs. 45c GRAHAM FLOUR 10 .b, 89c B 27c CAMPBELLS TOMATO SOUP 3 Cans 29c VI1EATIES 2,; CRISPY 2 for Cheerios 2? On. oat owwX tzr Lot 29C SIOUX BEE HONEY Pure Clover Honey i b 27c 2 Pound Jar 49c CROWN CAKE FLOUR 2V2 lbs. 33c DON'T FORGET THE GREAT NALLEY'S SALE NOW IN PROGRESS VALUES SUCH AS THESE: TANG SALAD DRESSING One 29c Pint PICKLES TREASURE 25c SALEM'S COMPLETE FOOD CENTER 1