18 Capital Journal, Salem, CI.ASSIHiD ADVIBIISlNOl Per Unl ,15c Per Lint S time per line a tlmej Pel uu I month Outside o( Salem 150 per line per Uln iocs time mm 80e ft Lines imp 11-20 No Refund KEAl)Klts--lf Lor-ai New Col Only: 10c per line To Place an Ad Phone Z-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES VERY NEAT 500. J bedroom. Nice lawn s hrub. Hear bus At store. Fireplace. Hdwd. Ilr. C. W. Reeve Realtor lea 6. Commercial PS. Eve. 3-3M or -H. fey OWNLR: bdrms. on 1 floor. Young town kitchen. DR. large llelng rm., nice ilrcElace. bath, utility, hardwood llnor attached Harare. IrQlt clojel. Contract J,, been let lor hard .url.ced .treet Just north ol sunnyvlew Ave. JUS Jel den St; , . mi Tha, Lit, DR. kitchen nook, Hi bath fireplace, auto, oil lurnace. SMS Maple Ave. Phonej.3020. 6! iJ'SoTTv. SALEM. 2 bdrm. home 3 yrs. old. ' ,1700 "down. Balance . Call owner 25282 alter 5 p.m. 806 SmUCED'YitOM $8300 to $5800. Must sell , cres. Modern house. East. Ph. J0HPT. klS.MO New 2 bedroom home, nice living rm. D.nlng rm. Kitchen. B nook, hwd Iloor thruout. Oil lurnace. Lge. lot. ..r,VXLi,.. older type 8-room house near State office Bldi. Fireplace, bsmi. Suiting lor apartment. Good term. V. Omer Huff, Realty 181 Chemekel. Ph. 2S0D1 or 26M2 Near Ball Park s h.. modem. Oood lot. Paved treet. 23150. Term. B. Isherwood, Realtor Rt. 1, Box 24J 1 BDRM with att dbl garage. xl liv. All over carpet, oil plu electric heal. Circulator "PMU"' "TV ance ol built-in. Ideal H A "" J4 ml E ol Swelle Sch. Ph. 3-1203. B1 BEAlITiFUI. 8 rm houae on Vi A. lnlde unfinished. This ha torn, low line with picture window. Dining rm. nook At tt garage. HI grade workmanhlp 4: ..H.I. 1300. Ph. 3-1030. 07 ,. ik. t jsa then 1 yr. old. Oil heat,' maple' Iloor. tt gar. Ontln UP. Small aownpaymgiiv.r ioinOO ATTRACTIVE I BR home located on B. High street. Hal fireplace. lull baaement. sawdust heat, lrage. ftl.500. down handle. Hum State Finance Co., R'ltors 183 S. High. Phone 3-4121. afti- BY OWNKR 2 A. Teouee partly finished and furnished with elect, range, refrig erator, steel caninet aina, "' v ; waler heater, oil heat and other furnl ! ture, Also chicken house 2 yrs. old. Cash . price 3.no0, or terms cat. b arranged. North ol Snlcm 1 ml., W of Grand Is land Junction store. Immediate posses ion. Rt. 1, Dayton, Ore. ENGLEWOOD On of the most spacious home In this dlsctrlct. 3 bdrms.. living room, din ing room carpeted, most convenient kitchen, large breakfast room, bath tub & shower, all on one floor; full base ment, oil heat, fireplace, att. garage, ir you are particular about your home make an appointment to thie on. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 150 H. High St. Ph. 2-4120. '' 3 BDRM. $6500 S bdrm. home are scarce at thia price. Living room, dining room, kitchen, utility room, bath it 1 bdrm on first floor. 3 bttrma. up. Extra large corner lot. Pine garden apace. Lou 01 J,,r"M- Paved street, a blocks to bus. A real bur Walter Muserave K'ltors 1311 Ed Be water Ph. 3-5109. a67 $7900 Between Orant school Hollywood. 1 bedroom older home In fine condition. OH furnace, new roof, new wall paper. Reasonable terms. CALL D. U BIBHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 350 N. High & Ph. 3-4139. a64 McKillop Real Estate REALTORS Bargain In 3-bdrm. home on lot 1575. Near school, bus at door. 11300 down will handle. Full price iiva&o. Suburban homo on belter than Vx A. 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath & utility. All lloors harri v.Miiin hllnria. wired for range. electric, water heater. Priced to sell at $8250. Near high school, S-bedroom home with full baaement. Plastered Interior ft hardwood floors, nice yard and gar age. It won't last lorn for $51.00. For sal or trade for Salem property. nBih hum itbnut 3 years old. 4-bed- rooms, modern and located In desirable neighborhood. Has lake frontage Includ ing boat cock, me a.u.auu. Come In or phone Daytime 3-8630. Evenings 3-8406 - 3-551 McKillop Real Estate 40.1 Center at nigh, Salem, Oregon RANCH STYLE T.nvulv n hnmn nil on 1 floor, hdwd. firs, thruout, nice fireplace, unusual amount of bullt-ins In kitchen, dole, arntce, larga lot, ast. Price 1&500. Call Mr. By r kit. Modern 3 BR home, Hollywood dist. Nice .St clean Inside, ImmediaU pos session. tUOO down. Ell DYRKfT ft CO. 8fi7 N HUli Ph. 3-3101. a' LEAVING TOWN T.nt-co llvlne rm.. fireplace. Dining rm 3 bdrms. Modern kitchen. Bath. Attach ed garage. Kadlant heat. Klngwood Heights. View lot, 63x194. Buy like rrnt. Ph. 2-H573. a65; N:W!.Y DKCUKATED 3-bdrm. home. Plre Plocc, electric heat. Ven. blinds, patio. Insulated b weather stripped. Attach ed garage, large lot. Near proposed Catholic school. M per month pay mei.ti. 930 N. 38tru a65' J HDKM. IIOMK. 3 rma. with shower up fc A rms. with bath down. Full base ment, with furnace. 3 cherry A walnut trtv.t, shrubbery, on Highland ave. A. H. Clordon. Ph. 3-0924 after p.niaes SonFRr t BDritMrhome. Oirheat, tiled klKhrn, plenty buiu-ins, imam nnoie um. v blinds At draws, utility rm Laundry trnys, 42 gal. eleo. water heater. .Double garane. Lots or pianis w enruos, Excel, location. 1554 N. 4th. Ph. 30711 afiS COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS $750 DOWN VERY CLKAN yr old 1 bdrm home. Lot 00x300. Oarage. VERY ATTRAC TIVE. Price $5ftoo. Eve. Ph. 3J1. INCOME PROPERTY JUST OFF CENTER ST. CLOSE IN. Prico IB500. WILL TRADE FOR SMALL 11 OM IN CITY. EVe. In. COLBATH LAND CO. . EED3 LISTINGS. WE HAVE MANY BUYERS FOR THE FOLLOWING: HOME ON LOW DOWN PAYMT. CASH BUYERf. FOR FARMS. TIMBER. BU81 NKSS OPPORTUNITIES. SUBURBAN PKOI'EHTY. AI.SO MANY PEOPLE WHO WISH TO MAKE TRADES. COME t OR CALL. 1MIXYWOOD OFFICE PH. 30811 CENTER ST. OFFICE PH. 34.V.1 (FOR BEST RESULTS BE SUHK YOU USE MULTIPLE LIST1NO) 104 fci;Y MY small equity In a nice 2-bdrm. sub. hie. Ins. firepl Ven. bldi., plas tered, Ige. lot. gar., close to bus, store t :d school, jeoa june Ave. rn. a-w a6B BI'Ri. furnlxhrd or unfurnished houie Br owntr. Terms. 1260 H. 11th St, act Ore., Thursday, March 16, 1950 FOR SALE HOUSES 3 BEDROOMS On ona floor. Lire dining rm. Hdwd fin. Pull burnt. New oil furnace. 3 ctr iirui. Hollywood district. Price 110.650. SUBURBAN Dandy home north. Nearly new. 3 bdrms, LR, DR, utility rm, hdwd fir, ftreplart, attached garage. Attractive buy at $8500. $400 DOWN Bun small 3 rm home, Kelzer district. Price 13250. 1 ACRE On McCain Ave. north. Small modern 3 bdrm horn. Dbli urate, chick hat. t "00 Oood terms. 16 ACRES Willamette silt. North. Small modern 3 bdrm home. Lge poultry hse. Price IB500. HOLLYWOOD OFFICE COLBATH LAND CO. 228ft Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-0812 Near Leslie Jr. High J7S0O Neat 2 bed rm home only 3 blocks iron, a en oo i, nas nice living rm wit) urepiace & hardwood lloors, 1445 Good house to remodel, has )lv Ins r. . dining rm, kitchen, 1 bed rm, mm 17 tv nam, imcntfl garage, rou couia easily maxe another bed rm. f8. -Extra clean 3 bed rm older home on South High St. Large Iv rm, dining rm. am, tmcuen at noog, run Basement, sawdust furnnce, large garden soot. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor boo B. commercial Ph. 23843 Evt. 3.S260 eM' $800 DOWN 3 bdrm., unfin. upstairs, new, hdwd. firs., Irg. lot. North, Immed. poss. 47900 3 BEDROOMS Llv. Rm., Din. Rm.. Kit., brkfst. nook, fireplace, all one fir., full bane., furn heat, beautiful lot, walking dlst. town, 18500 Full Price. Terms. PH. DAY OR EVE. 2-7866 M. 0. Humphreys Real Estate BY OWNER: 3 BR home, South Church, near schools, LR. fireplace, DR, kitch en, ut 11. room, fenced In back yard. Ph. 26453. 6I $350 DOWN 3 bdrm. home. Hardwood floors. In city. Paved streets. Bal. 166 a mo. $450 DOWN 668 a mo. 3 bdrm. Corner. Furn. If de sired. $1000 DOWN WO a mo., very clone tn ? bdrm. home. $1250 DOWN $65 a mo. 3 bdrm. Lovtiy home. $2000 DOWN Nice 3 bdrm. home, corner. North. L. E. Klumpp, Realtors 480 N. Church Ph. 37642 Eve. 30136 a64 FOR YOU One of today's best buys! Cute and eor.y home with 1 BR. (could be twol, L.R., DR., modern kitchen, full bath, utlt. room, att. garage. Home Is plas tered, and In a very good residential district In town. Price only $4450. PYLE, Ev. Ph. 3-8651. COLBATH LAND CO. HOLLYWOOD OFFICE 3306 Fairground ltd. - Ph. 3-0613. a64 Suburban East Lge. 3 BR home, basement, sawdust heat, lge. capacity chicken hse. About 4 A excel, soli. Take Salem home In trade. Price 116.000. Joe Noonchester REAL ESTATE Ph. day or eve. 2-0103. 3B65 Pleasant View a6i YO B FAMILY needs 3 bedrooms, all on one iioor, je n. iiv. room with fireplace, dl .. room, kitchen, bath, large utility room with clothes drying area off jciicnen. rencea yard, trees, paving, ft blk. to bus. Redecorated and spotless. Movt right In. Will trade for property of less value and cash dlff. 16950. Terms. Ph. days 2-4791. Eve. 2-3738. a65 BY OWNER: 3 bdrm plastered home. At 1165 N. 17th. Price has been reduced from 16500 to 15950. aB7 I BDRM. hie. Easy to handlef'New Sub. $6950. Small Dn. F1IRNISIIKI) 1 bdrm. 13350 raih. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 173 s. Liberty Ph. 37.13 Salem a64 4 Bedroom Home Large spacious rooms, fireplace, full hsmt, chard, j acres excel, xou. family will accept smaller home trade. H. E. Corey, Real Estate 1365 N. Broadway Phone 2-0562. Day orjive. 3-3816. a64 llKBROOM IIOME. "id yarsold7 modern nice yard and shrubs, will also sell fur nished. Kn Hie wood district, $10,950. Call Mr. Ruberg. Edw. A. Dyck, Realtor 338 N. Com ! St. Tel. 3-5311. Xvt. 3-6686 65' z bdrm. 9 vri. old. attached gar., auto. m.w. neater, urepiace. Ven. blinds, fir. i urn., ii norm nine Also chicken Use. lot 80x160. 633 Edlna Lane. Ph. 32392. a69' FOR RA1.K or rent: 2 bdrm. hie. to Chrli lian couple. Ph. 32363. a66' SUBURBAN $7950 Nearly ned 1 rm home, hwd floors. plnMered. Inside utility with shower, larga closet space. Call Mr Hill. Geo A. Walters, Realtor 980 S. Commercial Ph. 33649 Eve, 33877 a64 FOR SALE LOTS CORNER LOT North 23rd A Ellis. 102 X 70, $1350. Ph. 39921. ( aa66' Co T P AN OR AM A view i.verlookfng-bT-lem V suburbs. Select res. dlst. King wood Dr. Ph. 33667. aa69 OVKRS1ZE view lot fronting 160 ft. Salem Heights Ave. $895. Phone 3-7634. aa64 LOTS FOR SALE: South, city water, pare ment. Ph. 2-2266. a a 67 SSI ALL LOT: Fine location Wast Salem. Near bus & school & park. $550 cash. Ph. 3-8474. aa64 TO FUTURE home owner: If you are looking lor most beautiful view site for home on west side contact owner, Ph. 3019S aa6l FOR SALE FARMS 20 ACRES SOUTH Clnae In. Spring water. Fair bldgs. Good terms. Will take car or truck as part. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 S. Commercial Ph. 3-4690 Eve. 3-1088. b64' '0 AI RES. S ml. out on good highway North. Near store ft school. Attractive houie ft yard. Plenty ahade b fruit trees. $10,000. Termi. Ph. 31430. b66' BY OWNER S T3 A. all In cult. Large rm. house. Canh price $.',500. North of Salem 1 ml . W. of Grand Island Juct. store. Immediate ponenlon. Rt 1, Day ton. Ore. b64 it ACRES with 31 acre beans. 38 A. In cul tivation, 4 BR home, barn, etc. Price 113.500 Inctudrs Irrigation irstem, trac tors, truck, tools, etc. All ready to go. Terms. Call D. V. Hume State Finance Co., R'ltors 133 8. High. Phone 3-4131. b64 30 ACRES SOUTH Fair bides. Some berries A pasture, bal. cultivated land. The crops are nearly all In St plenty of equipment to operate. This 1 a good buy (or 16850. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 S. Commercial Ph. 3-4590 Eve. 3-9536 or 3-3088. b64 & A. AND 3-rm. house. Small barn, new well year old. Filberts, walnuts, applrs. strawberries, boy en. and rasp. Chicken hnui' 3 miles 8 E. town. Price $4500 Boi 36, Capital Journal. k-bl FOR SALE HOUSES KEIZER I8S0O 3 bedrm modern style, 3 yrs Utility rm, hdwd floors. Lot 03x130. NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL IS750 3 bedrms. Fireplace. House : ,iv. Din, Kitchen. In good condition, SOUTH 18800 l1? rrs old. 2 brdrtn, modern style. Llv, Din rm. Kitchen, Bath, attached garage. Lot 80x156, patio. Nice yard. Bendlx goea with sale. P.H.A. FAIRMOUNT HILL 118.000 New beautiful 3 bedrm modern style home. Large living and dining rm.. kitchen with nook. bath, fireplace, full bssement with flreplare. rough plumbing, auto oil furnace, corner lot. 2-car garage. A wonderlul built and arranged home. Call for an appointment. 37163 Andy Halvorsen 191 S. HIGH A. A. Larsen Realtor FOR SALE ACREAGE 5 ACRES. 3 bdrm. home. Pn. 28180 bb65' 5 ACRE TRACTS, south, good view. Wal nuts, filberts and prunes. 12,000 with tfrirui. Very aood Dronerty. Edw. A. Dyck, Realtor 646 ACHES 3 bdrm. home, 3 barm, large mach. shed, 80 acres under cult. All fenced. Appro, million ft. timber. Owner will consider trade for home In or near Sa lem or Silverton. Price 124,000. C. W. Reeve Realtor 943 S. Commercial. Ph. 3-4590 Eve. 2-4112 or 3-9536. bb64' REAL ESTATE WE NEED listings badly to ofrer our cus tomers on the following: City houses, su burban homes and acreage, timber lands, farms, business buildings, and Investment properties. Call and let us serve you. DeWITT LAND CO. 212 N. High. Phone 34016. c66 200 Acre Sheep Ranch 37,000 Good pasture, several springs, all fenced and cross fenced, beautiful view building site, only 15 minutes from down town Salem. 960 S. Commercial Geo A. Walters, Realtor Ph. 23849 Eve. 35260 CHOICE S A. almost corners school prop erty. Perfect for subdivision. DeWITT LAriD CO. Phone 3-4016. 212 N. High. $1000 DOWN 6 RM. HOME close In with rental. Price 16350. WILL TRADE FOR SMALLER HOME CLOSE TO BUS. Eve. Ph. 28476. $1000 DOWN MODERN 2 bdrm Home with hdwd firs, fireplace. Price 16000. Eve. Eve. Ph. 2B476. ENGLEWOOD GEM PRICE REDUCED FROM J15000 to $13,500. THEREFORE MAKING THIS A VERY OUTSTANDING BUY. LARGE ft ROOMY. 2 Bdrm Home with LR, DR. nook, hdwd firs, 2 fireplaces, full basm corner lot. Air condition oil furnace piped to all rooms. Shown by appt only Sr.. Ph. 26933. ZONE NO. 2 3 Lota 50x107 each In zone 3. PRICE ONLY $1300 for the two. Eve. Ph. 26923. Grocery & Rent Cabins Vt acre with Orocery store, filling sta tion. 3 furnished rent cabins. ALL GOES, LOCK. STOCK, and BARREL. PRICE $4500. THIS IS NO MISPRINT A REAL BUY ON TODAY'S MARKET. TERMS $1500 DN ft $30 MO. Best Acreage Buys 20 ACRES In Frultlnnd Dlst. Price 113.500. IF YOU THINK THE PRICE TOO HIGH. MAKE US AN OFFER. (OWNER LEAVING STATE! . Eve. Ph. 28476. 27' ACRES WILLAMETTE SILT. CLOV ER CROP IN. LIVABLE 4 rm. House. Located 1 miles out. Yr. creek throuch property. Price 19500 or pojulbla trade for city home. Eve. Ph. 26923. 1 acre SUBURBAN. Modern home with full basmt. Good location. Price $8000. TERMS TO SUIT. Evr. Ph. 28476. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN WANTED COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS 1683 Oenter St. Ph. 34553 FOUR ACRES, S miles out near pave., has phone ft elec. Your own terms In reason. DeWITT LAND CO. 312 N. High. Ph. 3-4016. c66 Quiet Country Living Vt A. almoit new home, well, plenty wa ter, family orchard ft Berries, paved rd. See this one for $1)500. Acre with modern home built In 1938. Willam ette soli, deep well. 2 en Irk en houses, paved highway. We believe this Is a bar gain for $6350. 10 A. Mission Bottom Chehalls soli, family orcnard and nuts, 38x30 out. bldg.. rhlrken house, double garage, very productive farm. A buy for $12,000. 50 Acres Very good home ft outblrtgi.. bottom land, 10 A. walnuts, year rond Mrram, I la mites from small town. Chehalls soil. This farm hai had excellent care. Total price only $12,700. Owner may consider Balem home as part pavment. Office phonei 3-7833 2-4506 Eve. phones 3-4735. 3-3558 Beat This If You Can 3 bdrm, home In Englewood district, large dining rm., 3 fireplaces, 1'4 baths, love ly apt, In basement, nice vard ft shrubs, large fish pond In bark vard. very close to school, Just listed '.nil one, $13,500. FHA terms available. Unique and Choice View very neat and attractive home on Klng- wooa Heigtus only 2 yrs. old. 75x175 lot, forced air oil furnace, Intulnted At weather-stripped. F.H.A. loan available. To tal price 113.500. It's No Joke 4 BR home for only $6500, only 4 yrs. old, this Isn't the best beraiie there are a few things to be done n tl.e way, of re pairs, but It has a large "vtng and din ing rm., very unique breakfast nook and lots of bullt-lns tn the kitchen. Insu lated, elec. heat, ven. ollmls, 56x110 lot. As a matter of fart, we don't know where you will buy a 4 Vrm. home and get as much for your money $1000 down will handle. Office phones 3-7630 3'4.-96 Eve. phones 3-7874 or 3-3568 Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 303' Portland Rd. Sullivan Realty Co. North East i bedroom home completely redecorated and ouuide newly painted. Nice lot and garden. 17300. Just Reduced Newly redecorated, well an anted. 3 BR home with full basement. 150 ft. hi way front on DOE So. Was 16300. Now only $5700. $1900 Down 3 BR home In Klngwood Heights, plas tered, all rlec, ait. aarage, fenced back yard. Full price $7300. Ready to Wear In a very good location. Price Includes stock and fixtures, 3 year lease with option. 18500. Stock Ranch loo acres, 11 ml lea o( Salem, has 100 acres eclsr 50 planted to alt a Fescue balance culover land with quite a lot of small timber. Three large sheep ehen. mall cabin, three year around spring and elec to all buildings. Ranch fenced and cross fenced. Price has lust been reduced from 138.500 to 133,000 and ome terms. Eve. Ph. 1-4479. Sullivan Realty Co. 35 Portland Road Phone 3-333S 336S Portland Road Th. 3-3J33 Zvt. Ph. 3-1013 3-15S1 - 1-1TTS CIS- IFOR SALE HOUSES DISTRICT old. Living, Dining rm, Kitchen, Bath, - 12500 dn. Bath, Utility Porch. Large garage. Let us show you a wonderful buy. SALEM Tom Roberts Jr. OFFICE 28629 22010 REAL ESTATE Bill's Special I think this neat 2 bedroom home, pla.stercd thruout, with dining room, a nice large kitchen with nook, attached lane garage. This home has over boo sq. ft. and set on a lot 15x220, priced low ai I Hi oo. Eve. Ptl. 34937. Lee's Special This large home Is neat A clean and In good location, close In north. Fire place, and 5 bedrooms plus room over aouoie gara-e. separate entrance to up stairs irom outside, could De used foi Income property. Only 110,500. Owner wm taxe small nome in on trade. Eve. Ph. 38342. Joe's Special Three bedroom plastered home, located n.e,. nrepiace, aining room. Kitchen with nook, full basement. Has full bath, 1 bedroom down two bedrooms up. Good location with fenced In back yard, easy walking distance to Enele wood grade school, Jr. high and high scnooi. rne price is only ib.ooo. Terms. Eve. Ph. 37217. Ben's Special Why look any more If you want a 3 oearoom nome. an modern, on 99 E. acres of Willamette soli, all kinds of family fruit, some large fir trees. Will take a nouse in trade. 18500. See Mr. Bennett. Suburban Acreage Want to build a home on Garden Rd.? we nave 5 acres of good soil, a natural for a subdivision. Only $5500. Call ttrown. eve. 34937. Bus. Bldg. for Rent For rent or lease, concrete bids. Large aoor opens on auey. Liocatea close to Commercial St. south. Approx. 2800 sq. ft. floor space. Suitable for shop or small mfg. plant or warehouse storage. Call Lee. Eve. Ph. 38343. Lot SPECIAL $50 down, city lot 50x135. City sewer and water. Price $600. See Mr. Bourne Eve. Ph. 37217. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 38216 C64 FINE, NEARLY new, apartment house Vh diocks rrom scnooi grounds and near inauniriai area, oood Income rate. DeWITT LAND CO. Phone 3-4016. 212 N, High. cue Silverton Opportunities 4 big rooms and bath, on East Hill, ce- mcni foundation, new bullt-lns In kitch en, wired for range, etc., double gar age, good sized lot. $4,500. 5 rm house, lights and water, good sized a, about 1 mile out, $1,100.00. Furnished 5 rm Ar bath. Just outside city. Piasierea, urepiace, wired lor range e' 13,700. r.n tie bath, cement foundation, shake exterior, good root, nice location, paved st reel, a rent beater, 1900 down, 10 years on balance 15,900. 3 Acre, 3 bedrm mod home In A-l con dition, full basement, furnace, plaster ed, fireplace, lots of fruit and flowers. 3 garnces, beautiful location, a good value for $7,350. About 3'i acres, 6 rm it bath, basement. iiiiiiucc, une spring waier, small cnicken house, etc, close to school and store, a real buy for $4,500. 72 acres valley land close to Silverton, about 43 cultivated, about $100 per acre, see us Tor further information. This Is an unusual opportunity. 35 acres, nearly all cultivated, good valley soli, good 5 rm home, full base ment, furnace plastered, etc. good barn and large chicken house, other build ings, good sleed stream on one line, a dandy 115,000. A group of six furnished auto court cab Ins in Silverton. Gai ranges. Individual bath rooms, garages, etc. Rent for about JJ00 per month, hurry on this. Sacrl- nee price id.aoo, WE HAVE OTHER FINE BUYS. COME AND LOOK OVER WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER BEFORE YOU BUY VE HAVE SEVERAL FINE CREEK LOCATIONS. Homeseekers Agency SILVERTON, OREGON C64' NELSON NEWS NEAR ST. VINCENT SCHOOL Ideal family 3 bdrm. home, 13x30 llv. rm. ft din. comb., full bsmt. with eco nomical s&wdua; rur., good fenced back yard for children or pets, walking dist ance to schools & business district. Oood value. 110,000. NEW EIGHT UNIT COURT Spacious, comfortable rentals, brand nrw, long life construction, low main tenance, Among beat In Salem. First clnss tenants. Self operating. Gross In-co- o 15760 per year. Priced $52,000. DOWNTOWN BARGAIN Owner needs larger quarters and will mII Commercial St. lot and bids. 22'ix 50- with parking space and additional i jux.tu 1 oing. can oe adapted to variety of use. Call Mr. Schmidt tor full In formation on this downtown business location. Can be purchased for $12,000 on contract with only 13000 dawn. SUBURBAN FOR FARM 3 Ac. Middle Grove dlst. Ten year old 4 bdrm. home, w. elec. range, hdwd. firs., b.smt., barn, chicken lis?., gar., ' ac. Alrawb. Price 110,000. Trade for 10 A or more. 20 ACRES, VERY OOOD BLDGS 6i ml. NE of Salem. All cult. WiU. soil, good well, water to barn and rue., 6 rm. plnst. h.e.. bsmt.. fur., barn. Could be 13 .stanch. 14x38 poultry hse., hog hse., mnch. shed. Price 119.500. FREE REAL ESTATE CATALOG l.jmrs. Farms, Acreages, Business and Income Properties. 135 Pictures and prices of sold homes. Call at our of fice or send postcard for free copy. NELSON & NELSON MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS 702 N. HJah. Ph.3-4622. c64 Now Js the Hour to CO 81'RVR BAN Garden, flowers, fresh air and exercise. NEW 3 bdrm., possible 3rd. Fireplace, hardwood floors, 3 blks. to bus. ml. to Hayesville school. Ap prox. 'i A Appraised at, and for salte at 9.000. Terms. 3 flKDBOOM Large living and dining rooms, grand kitchen and nook, dou ble garage, shop, chicken house. Near new school. 1A. Will trade for city property. 18.000. Terms. The Home Beautiful 3 fireplaces, most unusual end spacious. Automatic appliances. 3 or 3 bedrooms, super kitchen. 1W A. Terms and possible trade. Farm With 2 Homes 84'g A Farm 3 homes (let the rental tax off the mortgage.. Spring (ed creek, pasture, ISA orchard, 8 A ready for strawberries, good chicken houses, barn, fencing. Nice large plastered hse. with basement and furnace. Trade for ctty home or terms. 11 $.000. SALEM'S '. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE lit Court St. P. 3-till, 1-3733 or 3-ssn rSS To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS FAIRGROUNDS ROAD - 100 FT. FRONTAGE Best ol location, ndjoin Pike' Drive-In on North. 2 house that can be moved. CALL COBURN L. GRABENHORST. f SMALL ACREAGE TRACTS 1 to 21 acre tracts located 4 miles out. Near school. Paved road, all In filberts, prices $1,350 and up. TERMS. CALL O. H. GRABENHORST JR. ONE OF SALEM'S FINEST All brick home, hdwd firs Uiruout. Ice llv rm it din rm, brkft nook, den St music rm. 4 bdrms, 2 complete baths, full bamt, dble garage, beautiful grounds. Priced below replacement cast. CALL ROY FERRIS. CLOSE TO CATHOLIC SCHOOL Well-built 10 yr old home, 3 bdrms. Just redecorated, beautiful condition thruout. liv rm with fireplace, din rm, sewing rm, full basmi, fenced back yard, furnace. CALL PETER GEISER GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-2471 Evenings and Sundays call Roy Ferris 2-8010, Peter Gelaer 3-9968 c6' WEST SIDE 2 BR. LR. DR, nice kit, hwd fir, bsmt. around lioo sq ft. 3 yr old. Owner needs a larger home. 18950. Kigglns. 1740 S. 13TH ST. 2 BR home, hwd fir. oil fir furn. FHA lo..n payable at 144 per mo. Price I69A0 with down payra't of 1950, or will con alder less. Kin gins. SUBURBAN 10 A In nuts, nice 2 rm home, garage, chlx house, about 1 ml from Roscdale school. The price Is S3500. Will sell on small dn paym't. Johnson. BURT PICHA, 379 N. High St. Eve. REAL ESTATE WE HAVE several buyers waiting for Sa lem homes In the $3000 to 110,000 class. Must be wortn Um money. List yours With us. DeWITT LAND Co. N. High. Ph. 3-4016. i 10 Acres Walnuts 18950 Small modern 2 bed rm home, fireplace, family orchard, nice view. Terms 11500 down, 150 per mo. Call Mr, Frederick son. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 060 S. Commercial Ph. 23849 Eve. 25260 C64' WANTED REAL ESTATE WI ARF in need of goon bouses to sell In or near Salem If you with to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTOR 134 Liberty Ph 2-2471. ca 10 TO 40 ACRES cultivated. Wanted by private party tor casn. .viust nnve good modern house, 3 to 4 bdrms. Salem school bus and mall. Full particulars in first letter. Box 432, capital journal ca64' NOTICE If your property is for sale, rent or exchange, list It with ua. Wi have nil kinds of cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High St ca BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 116,300 FURNISHED apt. house close in North. Has gross Income of 1300 per month. Basement oil heat, large lot. Will take property up to $10,000 in trade. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 13 S. High. Phone 3-4121. cd64 INCOME PROPERTY Located north close In. 4 units apart ment house. Central heating plant, nil units furnished. Income 1160 per month. Asking price 18500. No. 3 Zone. Good business location. Call Mr. Ruberg. Edw. A. Dyck, Realtor DUPLEX 2 apts for small expenditure could 3 apts. Located at 567 Summer St. next to lot purchased by State. Just newly redecorated. This valuable property only lie.oou C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 8. Commercial Ph. 3-4590 Eve 2-4312 or 3-9536. cd64' Highway Barbecue Opening Owner of new tnnvlng business with good equip, in good bldg. will sell half Interest for 12500. Excellent chance to get Into a profitable working partner ship set-up. NELSON & NELSON HOME &. INCOME $7950. 3 bdrms. near Salem Heights school. Lot, 75x330. Also 2 small hsps. bringing In 150 per mo. This properly will pny for Itself In rentals. C. W. Reeve Realtor 145 8. Commercial. Ph. 3-4590 Eve. 3-3536 or 2-4312. cd64' FURNITURE FOR SALE DINING TABLE and 6 chairs, bed, mat tress and spring, dresser and night stand. Ph. 3-3637 for appointment. dfl4 DAVE NO A- CHAIR, davrnport. 2 odd chairs, upright piano. Will sell reason able. 1596 N. 4th after 6 p.m. d66 DAVENPORT and chair $40. 2325 Maple Ave. or Phone 2-68R0, d65 WANTED FURNITURE All Cash Trader Louie Pays HIGHEST PRICES Households, goods, furniture, brle-a-brac, nopllnnces, rugs, silverware, dishes QUICK SERVICE - Ph. 38558 da I Want You! to phone me at once It you have any household effects to .ell. I want all kinds of furntti4re. appliances, nws, sewing machines, sporting goods, trail ers, pianos, antiques, lamps, anything of value. Ph. 3-5110 or come to Glenn Woodry Furniture Market, 1605 N. Summer. da6fl (II I NN WOODRY Ph 35110 da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED A LICENSED livestock buyer E C McCandllsh. 1137 S. 35 tf Ph. 38147 ea7b LICENSED LIVESTOCK Buyer, H E. Sne then 1350 Lancaster Dr Ph 2-1345 e78 RABBITS WING'S BABBITRY needs rabbits. Top prlcei. .1985 State. Ph. ? 1489. eb85 PETS tn. BLOND MALE Cocker Spaniel 115 ft reg. male Toy Manchester 125. Both 4 years old. 340 W. Browning Ph. 2-2373 ec64 WANTED Male alley cat, newly weaned. Phone 2-4011. ec64 SELLING OUT canaries. ?h. 3jP39. ec86 C ttOIC Ecinary birds. 360 N. 18th . ec83' CHOICE CANARY, male and female Ph 34385. ecG7 FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. DRi PLANER ENDS DRY BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST DIESEL A STOVE OtX Ph Salem 3-4031 PICA Bp wood at 1533 Edgiwaur Wee i e&iea i I REAL ESTATE CLAXTER ROAD Roomy 4 BR home, lge LR ft DR, fire, place, bsmt. auto oil ht. double garage patio, outdoor fireplace, chlx house, lovely setting among lots of fruit, flowers ft shrubs on 1 .87 acre. Just $12.000. Additional acreage available. Crawford. .SO. 12TH ST. 65' frontage, with 16x46 concrete bus. bldg, 16x34' shop, S rm home In good condition It's a good Investment at $11,500. Crawford. REALTORS 2-5390 or 3-7451 Office 2-3649 FUEL Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 3-7721 or 3-H024 BONE DRY 2ND GROWTH FIR , etv CALL HIOHWAY FUEL FOR, Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Planer Ends it Block Wood Ph. S-6444 ee" PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir, oak. ash it maple 4' fir. 16' slab and edgings. Ph 3-1458 ee TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 3-7443 16" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK POR S&H GREEN STAMPS ee' Capital Lumber-Fuel Co, Phone 3-7721 or 3-6024 , OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD FOR FURNACE St HEATER Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Green Edging 15.50 load Double $10.00 Also IB" GrMD Slab or 4' Phone 36533 EE' FOR SALE POULTRY N. H. RED FRYERS. Pan teady, wrapped in cenopnane. en, g-uuio. no. sat. calls NEW UAMPSHIRE 'Parmcnter now avail able every Tues Fox Hatchery. 3830 state sc. pn PRODUCl EASTERN ALFALFA HAT Ph. I-1J.5 HELP WANTED i POSITIONS available for those qualify ing. Interviews 11 to 2, Waich 16 and 17, at State Employment olllce, or write pox yn, uapuai journal. g64 MAN AVD WIFE with hotel experience maid work and maintenance, part time cieriting. no drinxers. Box 434. Can in, Journal. b6J IF YOU LIKE to draw, sketch or paint see Talen. Test ad in Instruction uoiumn. i HELP WANTED FEMALE NT. AT ATTRACTIVE girls over 18 for full time usherette. Apply In person, Grand uieater. gbG6 HOUSEKEEPER! modern country home Write Box 431, Capital Journal. gb64 WANTED SALESMAN Salesmen Wanted No investment required Car necessary. THE ELECTROLUX CORPORATION. 1079 Broadway. gg65 M A N W A NT ED for Rawlelgh iiiftSS . Sell to 1500 families. Write today. Raw lelgh's, Dept. ORE-155-SA, Oakland, Calif. ggC4 REAL ESTATE Salesman Wanted: Good deal for rtcht parly. L. E. KLUMPP REALTOR 480 N. Church. Ph. 2-7642. Eve. 2-0126 8664' WANTED: Real estate salesman, on 60; bfuLs. Contact Smith Real Estate, 175 Center St. Office Ph. 37007. eve. 28266 gB4 WANTED JPOSITIONS IF YOU LIKE to draw, sketch or paint, write for Talent Test 'no feei. Give age and occupation. Box 428, Capital Journal. noo' HANDY MARRIED MAN, Will do any kind of work. James E. Beauchamp, box 35. Ph. 2-144, Oervals, Ore. h64 OUNG MAN, 27, wants work of tthV kind. 15 h washer, housecleanlng, any thing. Ph. i-0909. h85 Mimeographing-Typing Poe's 685 North 16th Phone 3-3643 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Insured operator. -Win Payne, 893 Bcllevue. Ph. 26014. h83' PLOWING, discing and bulldozing. Ph 3-5655 after 6:30 p.m. M E. Amort. h87 ANY KIND of housework or child care. . 75c hr. Ph. 3-8519. h64 ROTO-TILLING M- H. Brown. Ph. 2-7500 REMODELING ft alteration Ph 3-9694 PAINTING St decorating. Ph. 3-9694. TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice Former phone opr Ph. 3-5072. h79 M. E," ROTARY tilling. E. N. De Hut. Ev7 ph. 3-8333, day ph. 3-6081. h85 CUSTOM PLOWING, discing. leveling Call E. Springer. 31131. h86- PRACTICAL NURSE available. Livein. Will leave city. Box 435 Capital Journal. 1)65 FANCY'S NURSF RT SCHOOL, 6 DA YsT AGES 3 TO 9. HR. 1:30 TO 6 PH. 24940 ft82 BABY SITTING. Phone 20380. h90 remodeling special b71 AUTO REP. all cars $135 flat. Work guaranteed. Ph. 4-2533 after 5:30. 067 EXPERIENCED brush painter. Inside or out. Free estimate. Rets Ph. 3-9733 mi CHILD CARE 183 S. 18th. Ph. 2-6876. h87' GARDEN PLOWED by Roto-tiller Reus 1. 2-3709 alio" LADY wants miscellaneous work. P. 34767 34767. h89 EXPFR1ENCED woman wants ironing. Ph 3969 1. H64 VARHl MAN 33 yrs old would like a steady Job bookkeeping or payroll elk. Please Ph. 36089. h6.i YARD WORK, new lawns. 2.1943. h88 CHILD CARE, mj home, Ph, 3361 L b.68 AUTOMOBILES A-l CAR VALUES A-l VERY FEW ARE FINER THAN A FORD 49'E)R! ALL PRICED TO SELL 1949 FORD CUSTOM CONV. 11,000 MILES. RADIO, HEATER, UNDERCOAT. VERY CLEAN. LOW PRESSURE TIRES. OZIUM TREATED $1795 1949 FORD CUSTOM FORDOR SEDAN. RADIO, HEAT ER, OVERDRIVE. A REAL SAVING. HAS MANY MORE ACCESSORIES $1765 1949 FORD TUDOR CUSTOM. ONLY 8,000 MILES. RADIO, 8-TUBE, OVERDRIVE, HEATER. THIS IS A DANDY, LIKE NEW $1745 1949 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR. A REAL NICE CAR. HTR. $1495 1949 FORD CUSTOM FORDOR. RADIO, HEATER, UN DERCOAT. WS WASHER, SEAT COVERS. Bargain $1495 1949 FORD CUSTOM FORDOR. RADIO, HEATER, SEAT COVERS, BACK-UP LIGHTS. A SNAPPY CAR .. .$1605 10 FREE LUBRICATIONS WITH ALL ABOVE CARS MORE TO CHOOSE FROM A-l USED CARS ARE GUARANTEED A-l Valley Motor Mart "USED CARS WITH A PERSONALITY" Phone 3-3147 Center at High Salem Blue Chip Buys at Valley Motor Co. Economy Lot 1937 Buick 2 Dr $125 1937 Ford Tudor $75 1936 Chev. Tudor $65 1935 Ply. Coupe $65 1939 Plymouth Sdn $225 MORE LOW PRICED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM 3600 Silverton Road Monroe Cheek - Joe Burke's Corner - Phone 26931 Qfl5 12 Mo. Written Guarantee We Put It In Writing - Come and See 1950 FORD CUSTOM (11 Miles) 1848 BUICK SEDAN (A Fine Car) 1948 CHEV. AERO SEDAN .(O.D. and Extras) Come In and See for Yourself Teague Motor Co. 352 N. Commercial WANTED POSITIONS WILL CARE for 3 or 4 v old child In my home daytime Mon. thru Fri. in A., suburban, new home, off the high way. 3130 N. River Road. h70 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing, ins. op Work guar, w H. mcaiiis ixr. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496 bBV CEMENT WORK wanted Ph. 2-4850. h' FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING room. Kitchen prlv. Near state bldgs. Ph. 26412. jk66' AUTO HEAT. sep. ent.. bath. $20. Clean new house. Near oen. hos., on dub line. Ph. 23936. JK66- Bt'SINESS DIST. Nice St warm front sleep ing room with hot tt cold water In room. For gentleman. 355 Center t. jk64 HOLLYWOOD. 2035 McCoy Ph. 3-6093. JK61 140 N. I4TH. Single or double. 3S670. Jk68 SLEEPING BMS. 195 N. W inter Ph 35339. jk73 DOUBLE or single rms. Close in. Hot and cold water. Ph. 3-6317. Jk65j SLP RM, lady. Prlv home. Ph 36557. Jk83 RMS 195 S. Cottage Ph 2-7817. Jk72' FOR RENT APARTMENTS 1-BDRM. APT. West side. Ph.2-1421:ip64l 1 BDBM unfurn apt. Hot water heat. oarage. Ph. 21565 between 9:30 a.m. to S:30p.m. Jp65 WANTED 1 or 2 working girls to share 2 bd rm cottage. All utilities furn. 1539 State back of lot. Ph. 21073 after 6 P.m. JPfl6 ONE OF Salem's finest 1 bdrm. apt. Ph. 35355 eves. Jp68' COZ" FURN. 2 rm. apt. with bath and prl. entrance. Refrigerator. For 2 emp. girls, almost downtown. 569 N. Liberty or ph, 3-5539 eves. )p64 CLEAN QUIET warm 1 rm apt. Middle aged lady pref. 645 Ferry St. JP64 COURT APT. 3 rm. ft ba'h, range ft re- frlR. Clean. 1348 S. 13th. Jr FURN. COTTAGE. Lights, water & heat furn, Reas. rates. 3155 tortlana Rd. JP66' 3 RM. Apt. ptly. furn. Elec rge., oil heat. n. saiem. inq. its uregon mag. jpoe- 3 ROOM furnished apartmnt. Adults. 570 union. Jl 1 OR " GIRLS to share furnished apart- mei t. Ph. 3-4815. JP66" ROOM furn apt. Adults. Ph. 25373. 1935 Center. jp64 NICELY FURN apt. Pricste bath. Close tn. By April 1st. Ph. 36965. jp64 NEW S RMS. it prlv. bath. Reas. Partly furn. 1065 Madison. JP64' 3 RM. FURN. APT. Prlv. bath. Frig. 538 N. Church St. Jp64 LOVELY 3-rm. apt. tn cou't. Ref rig- range ts auto, laundry. 907 S. 13th. Jp6t FURN. I A g RM. apts. Ph, 2-7288. Jp78 NICE LARGE furn. apt. 1 3-room ft 1 4- room. utilities rum. joa s lein. jpsu' J RM. furn. apt. $27. Ph. ?8424. Jp64 CLEAN LARGE 3 rm. ap Prlv bath. Refrlg. ft electric range. Heat, light it water furn. See eve. 100 N. Winter. Ph. 3J905. Jp66- I'NFURN. 3 room court ip With electric stove & oatn. iae- s. ivn. pn. mwo. JP66 APTS Completely furn. Close in. In quire H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Ph I91S5. Jp IAUTOMOBILES 1936 Chev. Tudor $65 1937 Chev. Tudor $165 1939 Ford Fordor $350 1940 Ford Tudor $365 1937 Ford Sedan $65 1949 KAISER SPECIAL (6000 Mi., New Car Warranty) 1948 CHEV. FLEETLINE (A Sharp Car) 1947 CHEV. TUDOR (You Can't Beat It) Salem, Oregon Phone 2-4173 B.6.M FOR RENT HOUSES B-ROOM HOUSE $65. Ph. 3-5523. Jm6" 3 ROOM ptly. furn. S. Sali-m Heights. Inq. 325 Oregon Bldg. Jm66' CLOSN7w7lTac7Rd. Partly furn. house, $59. Inquire 630 Union St,, Salem, Ore. Ja64 i RM. house. Elec. range, oil heat, ptly. furn. N. Salem. luq 335 Oregon Bldg. Jm66" NEW S bedroom home on large tract of land. Large living 'oom, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, large floored attic, attached garage, near store and bus. S minutes to Capitol. 3716 June Avenue. Sunny view Ave. tc Fishier road. One block: North. jHtfS WANTED: COUPLE ea elderly "lad?, tt) share 2 bdrm. home. For Informatics Ph. 20869 or 970 Hold. jm6l FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS SINGES ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates. Free pick up St delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com l. Ph 3-3512. J RENT USED CAB tot, 1695 N. Com'l J77 USED REFRIGERATOR. Al Lgue Rtf. Co., 2350 State. Ph. 3-5443. J65 BUalNESS KM tor rent H L Stiff U DRIVE Trucks Rojlnsop (Shell Service. Centei at Cottage Ph 3V103 f GOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. FLOOR SANDERS for rent. Ward. OWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646. 1' SPACE FOR RENT. Just the spot for a small business. Reasonable. 3025 Port-t land road. J64 PIANOS. INVESTIGATE wi deferred ren tal plan. Tallman Piano Store. 305 S. 12th St. j68 TRAILERS $2 00 per day. Howser Bros. 1410 8 12th, West Salem. ) TO DO a good Job rent a good floor send er. We seL' everything to complete the Job HOWSER BROS . Ph 3-3646 ! ROOM' & BOARD II - ROOM and board a non-drinking man or two that will room together in nice country home. Write Rt. 1, Box 5B6, we. ,,65 11 ". NURSING service. Elderly people, convalescents, special diets. Close in, 5 blocks south of State street. A Home Away From Home. Phone 2-3792. JJ6S ALEM Nursing Home 3593 "D" St Am bulatory or bed patients Met. or wom Trained nursM. 24.hr service JJ73" WANTED TO RENT ROOM unfurn. house, bust be good. Ph. 2-8116. j.ea .... uui.11. House or court apt.. unfurnished except stove and ref. North Employed lady. Not more than $50. Box 4JJ Capital Journal. laG5 WANTED TO RENT: 3 bdrm. house with uy.wu to uuj. box capital journal. jaoi- WANTED to rent, 3-bdrm. hse. Ph. 2-7583'. Ja64 CO PLE WITH 2 children desire 2 bd rm house. Reasonable rent. Ph. 25719. iafifi COUPLE DEVires 3 bedim un'tTn R'0X1 LOST & FOUND LOST: BLACK & white female Enelljh Setter. 5 mo. old. Left side of he.df black, right ear blaek. bUelt saddle qg) back. Regard. Ph. 2813s 01 J03i. k6s Continued on Page 19; i