Damage in January Will Be Talked About The control of pests in the garden, especially as related to roses, will be the subject for discussion Thursday night at the meeting of the 'Salem Rose society. Robert Brady will preside at the meeting which will be held at 8 o'clock in the Salem YMCA. A review of damage done by the cold weather of last January will be given by several mem bers of the organization. Sug gestions on pruning will also be made. Dayle Burris is in charge of the program and Mrs. A. L. Lindbeck is in charge of re freshments. Legion at Woodburn Has Holiday Dance Woodburn A St. Patrick's Day dance, sponsored by the Am- Capital JournalSalem, Ore., Thursday, March 16, 195011 members and guests, will be held at the American Legion Hall on the highway at Woodburn Fri day. Waltpr Millnr ic froneral ing will be open from 9 P. M. to 2 A. M. Dancing will be from 10 P. M. to 1 A. M. with music by Guy Albin and his "Top Hat ters" of Salem. Refreshments will be served. erican Legion post No. 46 for chairman. A special fioor show Legion club members, associate! has been arranged and the build DISCOVER ; ce, hr hU affi.iotion with IGA. buying power, efficient and tow cost operation Ske! the difference. Visit your ne.ghbor hood IGAitore and see for yourself. mW(W0tttwamN- Working on a Railroad Albert F. Clow, retired chief of rail freight rate section of ICC Bureau of Traffic, works on his model of an English "Flying Scot" in Washington. But he has been acting as technical adviser on motion pictures of the sea, especially those with a piratical twist. There's more than one way to skin a cat and more than one way to get at buried treasure. He didn't say how much he thought was buried in Hollywood. Buried Treasure? There's Plenty of It if You Can Find It By ARTHUR EDSON Washington, March 16 VP) Buried treasure bv the millions is waiting for the taking, but anyone who eoes huntinff nirate Bold is a chump. . That's the buried bullion news today, and it comes from Lt. Comdr. K. D. Iain Murray. He's formerly of the British merchant marine, and he says he s been checking up on pirate lore ever I since he first read "Treasure Island." Murray told a news confer' ence that it's true pirate gold is there by the bushels for those lucky enough to find it. On the island of Trinidad in the South Atlantic, for instance, he's pretty sure some $30,000,- 000 is stacked away. And he's pretty sure, too, that plenty is buried on Cocos island, off Cen tral America. Furthermore, he says records are fairly complete of ships that have gone down stuffed to the deck with treasure. But this stuff is almost im possible to find. If It's in water, it now is far below the ocean's bot tom. If it's on land, the very ter rain may have changed so much that even the maps if they (till exist no longer are any good. Murray thinks pirating was a pretty good business, back in its day. There have been pirates almost from the time of the first ship. And pirates still exist off the China coast. The oldtime pirate had a strict code, according to Mur ray, and life wasn't all yo ho ho and a bottle of rum. One bluenosed, Anthony Comstocked pirate, a Capt. Ro berts, allowed no wine, women or assorted wickedness. And if another ship were captured, Capt. Roberts turned loose all who could give any one of the ten commandments. Murray points out one draw back to modern treasure hunt ing: There have been no major developments in the science since the invention of the diving bell and the diving suit. Of modern inventions, he thinks only the mine detector has any possibilities. Still, the commander seems to be doing all right. True, on his rambling, he has managed to pick up only a few pieces of pirate gold. Prisoner Gives Hot Tip; Then Escapes Eaton, O., March 16 m John Emerson Ballinger, 32, of Mia misburg, a prisoner, gave Pre ble county officials a "hot tip" yesterday that there was going to be a break' at the county jail. Then he proceeded to es cape while officials were in vestigating his "information." Ballinger was scheduled to leave for the Ohio penitentiary today to start serving a sentence for issuing fraudulent checks. Yesterday he finished his job on a work detail and told Depu ty Sherriff C. D. Neanover of the supposed escape plot. He even told the officer where the plotters had hidden their escape materials. Neanover went to investigate, leaving Ballinger with Deputy Jee Lee. Ballinger then asked to talk with Prosecutor Julian E. Clark and was given permission. He talked with Clark for a few minutes, eased out a door and disappeared. Everyone Knows Only Caterized Oil Leaves M0 CARBON! SOOT! DIAL 35622 or 35606 Salem'a Eioliatvt Caterlied Oil Dejtltr Howard J. Smalley Oil Co. 1405 Broadway mm gum SI '""" Hi am 010 l PROOF rill 9 nJJQ EE V u Testes Creel! lUeewl wtritkif 90 preof. T1m ttrtifht whiskies ie this prod uct ere 4 years er re eld. HA straight whiskey. VM Mtral spirits distMltd fraai graii. S straight whis hay 4 years eM. 15 straight whiskey S years eld. IraigM whiskey e years eld. 3 II '. Ell S iiMi! I ! I wHPIli W &MZ i hoir i DISCOVER ot M ABB SELtv,. RPE Ha l J DISCOVER the big variety of canned foods at IGA. Niblets Mexicorn 19c Vacuum Packed 12 oz. can DISCOVER foods mP nisco verTisi iT 1 mm,r x H ... r ,ow pr,ees u r- . i WTfJCV. a. .vt m v x vou mnneu -v r: l i ii h St- DISCOVER fl M 7 R wt pH discover V-;:;::r pne the many ready-to-serve carried by IGA Stores. BEN GEE CHOW MEIN DINNER 49c DISCOVER the everyday low price on OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY SAUCE At IGA . No. 300 Stores A cans 33c our wide selection ot wonderful, low ed meets assure complete satisfaction. SOFTASILK Cake Flour 44-01. pkg. IGA ENRICHED Flour 10lb. sack PARD Dog Food 2 No. 1 cans ARMOURS STAR Dried Beef 2'i-oi. glass DISCOVER the big variety of Armours Star Canned Meats at IGA. Chili Con Carne ." 31c HotTomales io.30zcan 23c Lunch Tongue oz.c,n 31c Liver Spreads., i. can 14c IGA PADDLE JAR Mustard 8-oi. Jar. LAKE SHORE Honey 1 lb. Jar , DISCOVER the beauty of your floors when you use SIMONIZ SELF POLISHING WAX At all IGA Stores Pts. 59c ot.. 98c CAPITOL Bartlett Pears No. 2Vi can 39c 85c 25c 35c 13c 30c 25c How easy it is to save on canned fish at IGA. WHITE STAR TUNA Grated No. Vi can . . WHITE STAR TUNA Solid Pack No. Vi can 29c 35c 4 DISCOVER your favorite brands at IGA CLOROX Disinfects, deodorizes, removes stains. Vl Gal. Jug 25c DISCOVER The IGA Store in your neighbor hood and save. TASTY PAK CATSUP i.zf Cr Bottle CAPITOL Sweet Peas 2 No. 303 can WHOLE KERNEL Elsne Corn 2 No. 303 cans ,25c 29c DISCOVER the friendly atmosphere in all IGA Stores, children enjoy friendly treatment KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES y. -oz. Pkg. 18c Oxydol 25 c Rich, safe, speedy suds rely on Oxydol. Tide S!T 69c New wash day wonder more people use Tide. SpicVSpaiTp 25c A marvelous cleanser It should be in your home. Camay 2 S 21c Enjoy a luxurious Camay bath. Ivory Soap .onal 5c Ivory soap floats It's pure it's one of the most popular beauty soaps. HIGHLAND d SyrUp 12-or.Jug LlZ Pure cane and maple from Old Ver mont. SUNSHINE Hydrox pk9. . L3Z Sunshine's most popular cookie. CRACKER B" Jack 6 LjZ A prize in each package children love Cracker Jack. NESTLES ft HC- Morsels Pkgs. eV Make Toll House cookies. HALEY CHICKEN BROTH 15Va oz. can . . 19c HALEY VEGETABLE STEW -WITH BEEF No. 2'iean 39t HALEY SPAGHETTI AND MEAT BALLS 16 oz. can . . 39c SAVE AT THESE IGA STORES EVERY DAY QUALITY FOOD MKT. MODEL FOOD MARKET lh and Center - , 27s North High st CIB.R,F CENTRAL CASH MARKET Monmouth, Oregon SfATEARKEI RONNERS GROCERY SCIO FOOD MARKET LEMMON'J MARKET EQUALl'S GROCERY to. ki r. . . . Woodburn, Oregon 598 North Commercial St. KEN GOLUET ' INDEPENDENCE PHrVF'nnnMKT F00D MARKET rtMKjyri J lUUL nM. Independence, Oregon 294 No. Commercial -AnwAY GFRY HIGHLAND MARKET Broadway & Market Open Sunday 800 Highland Ave. DISCOVER Many values at their best such as Cheerios 2 S 29c The Breakfast of Champions Wheaties 2 29c 7 the thrill foods. DISCOVER of serving IGA fine IGA Jell-It 6 pkgs. 25 c Buy these brands at IGA. DISCOVER- for yourself how Ireih and attractive the fruit and veqefable department! are kept in IGA stores. SUNKIST ORANGES 200 size for slicing IC" or juice. Dozen 4JC CALAVOS Dress up those fresh fruit salads 4 for 25c FRESH TOMATOES Solid ripe Blue- F Bird brand . tubes )C POTATOES 25 b0g 89c iU. S. Dr.ichiites Netted Gems for qual ity. Priced at it saving:, too. RADISHES Green Onions favorite spring 14c bunches