10 Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Thursday, March 16, 1950i JELLO Gelatin Dessert All Flavon 4 Pk9. 25c SPECIAL PRICES EFFECTIVE FRI. - SAT.'- SUNDAY - MONDAY Wins Roosevelt Smile Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt took time out from a speaking tour at Cleveland, O., to greet the three-day-old daughter of former Mayris Chaney, who in private life is Mrs. Hershey Martin of Los Angeles. Mrs. Roosevelt is the godmother of the Martin's other daughter, Anna Elea nor, 4. Mrs. Martin came to Cleveland to have her baby de livered by an old friend, Dr. Anne Mastee. (AP Wirephoto) Hollywood Hits Back at Charge Movies 'Depraving U. S. Morals Hollywood, March 16 U. Movie bigwigs lashed back today at a senator's charges that Hollywood is "depraving" American morals. The Motion Picture Association of America denounced demands by Sen. Edwin C. Johnson, D., Colo., for licensing controls on the industry as "a police state bill." . And the motion picture Indus try council called Johnsons at- i tack "unreasonable." i "In the past, unfortunately, I there have been congressmen and aenators who have brought dis credit and shame to the highest body of the government in the world," an MPIC statement said, "but it would be reckless to at tack the congress for the actions of a few." Johnson, chairman of the senate Interstate commerce 'Regulate Carousing Senators' Is Answer Hollywood. March 16 w.ra A motion picture industry leader If came up with a counter proposal that the industry be subject to federal licensing. "I want someone to introduce a bill to regulate carousing U.S. enators." said Harry Brandt, j president of the Independent Theater uwners oi America. Sen. Edwin Johnson (D., Colo.). Introduced legislation j calling for the licensing of actors, actresses, motion picture makers and the films themselves. 'Spoon and Batter' Is New 4-H Club Members of the 4-H cooking club at Highland school met re- 'eently in the home of their lead- , Mrs. John Norby. The club I elected officers and chose the name "Spoon and Batter" club, i Toast and cereal were break fast foods demonstrated by ' members. The eight members present are learning to prepare ! foods in nine different break fast food groups. Each member 'is to prepare at home two dif ferent recipes in each food group 'at least twice. At each meeting a different food will be demon strated. I The club plans to meet weekly "on Friday after school at the 'leader's home. The next meeting is to be Marcli 17. '. Due to the interest of more iris than one leader can handle, another leader is needed to form a second cooking club. Any '.mothers interested are urged to get in touch with Mrs. Norby or 'attend the meeting Friday aft ernoon at 3:45 o'clock. Pie Social Staged :As Program Feature North Spring Valley The f: Community club met with good -attendance for a program and f.pie social with Mrs. Eddy Kolln W"nd Mrs. R. V. Carlson as pro frfigram committee and Roy Carr 'auctioning pics, from which the -Jfjum of $27.49 was derived and "fi'will be used to purchase folding .CJimrs iur uie acuuuiiiousc i The program consisted of a group of vocal selections by S Stephen Reed and Boby Wright f Hopewell accompanied on guitars; accordion numbers by fhad Stephens of Oak Grove; lumorous readings by Mrs. Fi ner Terrlll, Zcna; group of vo ;al duets by Mrs. W. M. Reed ind Mrs, Eddy Kolln. Lunch was served following ; he program by the committee, I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carr and Mr. j ind Mrs. George Hammond. committee, Tuesday in a sen ate speech denounced the re cent romances of movie stars Ingred Bergman and Rita Hay worth, calling the two, "Holly wood's apostles of depreda tion. He said his committee would begin hearings about April 15 on the serious moral questions raised by movieland's lurid headlines. The senator said Eric Johnston, "czar" of the motion picture would be invited to testify. Hollywood does not need a i certificate of character from any- uuc, sam ine MfAA. Holly wood, like every other commun ity, has its share but no more than its share of people who violate the moral code." MPIC chairman Roy Brewer and public relations committee chairman Dore Senary said any licensing of motion pictures "would be a violation of deep and well-rooted American prin ciples and would be the first step toward totalitarianism." Johnson accused RKO pic tures and Roberto Rossellini of setting "an all-time low in shameless exploitation" of Miss Bergman's latest film, "Strom boll." He called the Italian film director "vile and un apeakable" and called Miss Bergman a "common mis tress." "Even in this modern aire of surprises, it is upsetting to have our most popular but pregnant movie queen her condition the result of an illicit affair play the part of a cheap chisel ing female to add spice to a sillv story that lacks appeal of its own, Johnson said in referring to the Bergman picture. RKO studio here quicklv an swered Johnson's broadside with a terse statsment: "There is plenty of censorship in the United Stales today and even the most severe censors have approved 'Stromboli.' They have seen fit to judge it on (its) contents, not on the private lives of the artists associated with it. "RKO hopes the country's lawmakers will be fair enough not to permit the injection of outside prejudicial considera tions into their review of the matter.'" The MPIC did not refer to either "Stromboli" orMiss Bere- man by name in Its statement. Johnson charged that RKO and director Rossellini "deliber ately exhibited the moral turpi tude of the leading lady to pack their theaters, how can thev con tend that since the weak, point less and ugly film itself was not definitely immoral, no question of morality was involved?" He had this to sav about Rita Hayworth, the current Princess Aly Khan: Rita Hayworth. who got her self involved In a triangle and ended up with a new baby and the title of princess, is being courted now by American pro ducers who want to make the most of her spectacular experience." ATTENTION LOGGERS! Top Prices Poid for Your Log i at Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Ph. 1125 Kippered Snacks 9 95c G-N iVt oz. can cans Kippered Herring 1Q Large 8 oz. can Minced Clams 0?r Royal Chef No. !4 can AsJl Fish Balls 91- Pacific Pearl Large 15 oz. (flat) can . . . W lit Sardines 01 Norwegian Brisling Three Crown can . , A I V Oysters 3k Spar Buoy Large 10 oz. can Crab Meat C7r Halferty No. !i can l Tuna 17p Sea Bird No. Vt can V Spaghetti Dinner 9C Chef Bogardee with Mush'm lg. pkg. ... LIPTON'S VEGETABLE M A Noodle Soup opkgs.OlC Macaroni or Spaghetti 99 Best BetLarge Zli lb. cello. V9 Egg Noodles 10 Rig Value 12 oz. pkg GIANT RIPE OLIVES Roea Bella 6 oz. can MARASCHINO CHERRIES Good-day IV oz. Jar GUM DROP CANDIES Soclete Jumbo 1 lb. cello Chocolate Cordial Cherries Chase's Fine Candies 1 lb. box DILL PICKLES Libby's Rosedale Quart Jar GOLD MEDAL Hard Wheat Family 19c 19c 19c 49c 27c FLOUR 25 lb. bag... 1 0 lb. bag . . . 1.89 87c LENTEN SPECIALS WHITE STAR TUNA . Grated No. Vt can . . 29c Solid Pack No. Vi can . . 35c Franco-American Spaghetti 2! 25c ' lAN'U'iTJ-PnS Chinaroni Chinese Noodles 14-oz. pkg, . . . . 18c FREE 3 oz. Bottle Januwine Say Sauce 29c value for 18c JAN-U-WINE ORIENTAL DINNER 1 No. Z can Chow Mein Noodles. 1 No. Z can Meatless Chop Suey or Chow Mein. Dual Package -43C f PEANUT BUTTER Planters 1 lb. Jar . 33c SWEET PICKLES Whole Libby Happyvale 21 oz. jar 35c CHEESE Mellowest American Cheddar lb. 43c SWIFT'S BONELESS HAM By the piece ft . " ovc SLAB BACON Sugar cured, light weight, lean a good buy lb. . . COLORED FRYERS Buy 2 or 3, a money saver a real treat, each CORNED BEEF Sugar cured. Boneless corn fed steer Brisket, lb.' CUBE STEWING BEEF Boneless lb BOILING BEEF Only the leaner short ribs lb PURE LARD 33c 98c 49c 53c 45c 4 ... 49c WEINERS & FRANKS The old fashioned kind )A tender and juicy, lb 0 C ARMOUR'S, CRESCENT, HORMEL'S VALUE, MORRELL'S YORKSHIRE, VALLEY VAL PAK SLICED BACON LB. 39c ALL SWEET MARGARINE 1 lb. pkg. 27c 2 lb. pkg. 53c SWANCO MARGARINE Finest Quality 2 lbs. 45c SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING 3 cam 69c Pint Bot. WESSON OIL 29c ... 53c BISQUICK Instant Biscuit Flour LGE. PKG. 39c CLOROX Bleach V: 2 gal. jug. 23c SOIL-OFF Quart bottle 48; IVORY SOAP Medium Size 4 bar, CANNED MILK Armours ton can .... 10c Pet - Carnation Nestles tone. 11c WHITE KING Granulated Soap Lge. Pkg. 25c Giant Pkg. 53c FRISKIES Dog Food J lb. Pkg. 63c m til iiii t r Frozen Peas 12 oz. pkg. Strawberries 12 oz. pkg. Lemonade Frozen can 25c 37c 25c Orange Juice . 07; Res:, can A , BREAKFAST SUGGESTIONS WHEATIES, reg.; KIX, 7 oz.; CHEERIOATS, 7 oz. GOLD MEDAL 27c KELLOGG'S PEP, 8 oz.; RICE KRISPIES, 5V4 oz.; CORN SOYA, 8 oz. 2 Pkg.. 27c HIGHLAND Large SYRUP 24 oz- OH 'Vermont Jar M2oz. Bottle 25c 49c RATH UCK HAWK JKKAKFAST fcAUSAiliS RATHS HAM BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 8 oz. can 33c Canned Foods 10c SWEET PEAS Cottage No. 303 can CORN Cottage Cream Style No. 103 can CORN Whole Kernel Hunti fancy 10 oz. can Solid Pack TOMATOES Hunt Fancy 2 Ys can Green Stringleaz BE NS Hunts Fancy No. 2 can .... Fancy SPINACH Hunts 2 'I can LIMA BEANS f Seaside No. 2's acm TOMATO SOUP Rancho O 10 oz Del Monte APRICOTS whole unpeeled in syrup 2Hs ORANGES Sunkist. Extra large 126 size doz. ...... 49c POTATOES Washington Netted PA lb. 1 ff Gems No. 2's ?Ubag I.U7 19c ONIONS Yellow, medium size 10 lb. mesh bag ONIONS Green or RADISHES Q 1 A Garden fresh .' bun. IUC NEW POTATOES Florida M C reds l lbs. JLDC SPINACH . Clean washed, ready to use "I f reg. cello bag IOC CELERY HEARTS 19c Tender green stalks cello wrapped, bun. . These Grocery Specials Also Available at Paramount Market SALEM'S QUALITY SERVICE STORE Plus 2 Upchorge for Delivery on these Specials Only 260 North Liberty Phone 2-2461 5T. 3060 PORTLAND RD. 2 BIG STORES 3720 E. STATE i